THE VORD HAIL Published Kw? Friday Moraine A. S. 8UT0N. MAN WA BORN TO HUSTLE. Be I of tew dajsi but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION 91.50 PER YEAR. Balered in the Posto&ee it Medfore, Orofoo u Beoond-Clus Msil Matter. Mkdpord, Friday, March 8, THIS PAPER Sreai1! Ahha etl and AA Uorotmnli Kv. ak..M Csn Eriirilirin CM I rum 1 si VhflM MM, no power in the world. In view of the vast volume of business whioh the ohanged condition of affairs will bring about betwoen the Eastern and Western hemisDheres.the Paoiflo ooeau will be whitened by the sails of every nation; the black smoke of a rion and varied commerce will roll across its seas, and it will be the grandest, greatest commeroial body of water on earth. Who savs surrender the Philippines? tnwU (or advertising eta be made for it. Our Clubbing List. Thb Hail and Weekly S. F. Call 12 00 11 " Examiner 8 35 " " " Chroniole 2 26 " ' " Oregonlan 2 00 " " Cosmopolitan .... 2 00 " " Sunday Bulletin.. 2 00 " " N. Y. Tribune.... 1 65 " ' Weekly Cinoln- oatl Enquirer, 1 75 Four Amerioan steamers de signed for the Pacific trade are each to be 710 feet long, with a capacity of 22,000 tons. Some of the builders say the transpacific liners of the future will be 1,000 feet long. Aouinaldo, the patriotic George Washington of the Philippines, is reported to have fled to Japan to get out of range of Uncle Ham a ad vancing "imperialism." This wily gentleman Beems to think a little judicious quarantining just now may save him the questionable no toriety of a "high" position later. It is all right for a party to fling ' its banner to the breeze and get in to the field early, on the prinoiple that it is the early bird that catches the worm, but it is feared tbe pro hibition party has banked so heavy on this presumption that on the day of election few voters will re . member such a tioket was nomin- ted. The greatest judge that the world baa ever known is the American citizen standing in an election booth ready to mark hia ballot' On the justice of his decision hangs the destiny of the greatest nation on which the sun ever shone. If every voter understood his awful responsi- , bility, our institutions would last into the centuries. But alas! the sacredness of the ballot box is thoughtlessly violated by too many voters. Thb Oregon red apple and its side partner, the Bartlett pear, are preparing to again open business at tbe old stand. Their stook of goods are arriving daily and by next har vest time they will be prepared to offer rich bargains in luscious fruits in great quantities. Headquarters for the Paciflo coast have been established in the great Rogue river valley. A local populist exchange, in reviewing tbe condition of parties in Jackson-County, haa this to say in regard to the republican party: 'The republican organization ig compact, and in this county, so far aa can be ascertained, is not divided on the new issues. Their main di visions will be over the nominations for congressman for this distrint. district attorney and the county of ficers. They haye the prestige of being in tbe saddle with a disorean ized enemy in the field and on the theory of 'nothing succeeds like success,' tbe nominations will nat urally be sought for with vigor and energy, as the prizes are very valuable." Four Years Ago aid Now. ! Democratic Chairman Jones is connected with one of the greatest trusts in the country the round bale cotton trust, and haa been a stockholder and director in the American Cotton Company for years. Had Mr. Bryan forgotten that Senator Jones company was incorporated in Jersey City when an passing through New Jersey re ceutly, he spoke of that state as "robber's roost"? Eugene Daily Register. A. W. Hertzka. a Christian Scienoe healer, of Portland, was fined $100 by Justice Sohuebel, of Oregon City, February 23d, for practicing medicine without a li cense, id violation of tbe statute. Mr. Hertzka treated Mrs. Quint for B right's disease, whereas the doctors allege she had organic disease of of tbe heart and might have been cured with proper treatment. She died under Hertzka's treatment and hence the prosecution. Two or three months ago a like' case came up in Portland, and strange to say, me judgment of tbe court was from a religious standpoint, and to the effect that Christian Science waB a form of religious conviotion. and under the laws of the land citizens were allowed the privilege of exer cising and enjoying their religiouB convictions in their own way and that each person had the right to select bis own physician. The pa tient in this oase also died. The court discharged the accused. The Oregon City case reverses .the Port land decision, and an appeal to the circuit court will be taken. . The legal opinion of the district attorney ot Multnomah County given to the county clerk in regard to tbe registration of naturalized citizens who are unable to produce their papers, seems to be grounded in practical justice and common sense. in that it assumes it is not the pur pose of the law to disfranchise legal voters. His holding is, that if a naturalized citizen's papers are lost proof that he has been naturalized and is entitled to vote will fulfill the just and reasonable require ments of the law. The burden of the decision is that if the clerk satisfied from tbe reasons and proofs oflered that the applicant is en titled to -vote, though he is unable to produce his papers, the clerk Should register him. The opening up of the ports of tbe great Chinese Empire through the influence of the acquisition of tbe t hilippines, will quadruple the commerce of the Pacific coast to the Orient inside of four years. It has been said by distinguished per sons that there are five iundred million people within 2500 miles of Manila. It will therefore be seen that the United States has a com mercial base of operations in tbe ownership of the islands second to The charge against the countv court of gerrymandering the pre cincts is the merest fustian and bombast, and as absurd as it is groundless. There could be but one motive on the part of the countv court for such a violation of official faith, and that would be to farther tbe ends of partisans of some par ticular party to enable tbem to con trol county conventions and make nominations. It is not possible that there could be any other motive than this, because the act com plained of will not admit of any other. But this motive is out of the question with the present court. which is composed of one Republi can, one Democrat and one Popu list, it is worse tban nonesense to suppose s court sq composed would countenance a proposition to further the ends of any party or set of parti sans. The fact is, the board was obliged to comply with the law and make tbe road and voting districts correspond. It was a big job, and one to which each member of the court gave long and painstaking at tention in tbe interum before the board met and took final action on the new boundaries. The Mail be lieves the court did the very best it could with the time at its disposal If experience shall dictate ohanges for the accommodation of voters atid supervisors, tbey will do doubt ' be made. Wanted to Trade. ThrpA ArtlAQ nf land In JfnHlnttA fn. n team of good, heavy, young horses, Wallace Woods. The old reUWe-The Weekly Ore soman. The following brief address was delivered before the Motif ord repub lican club at a recent meeting by Attorney Carl Narrogan, The Mail considers it worthy of perusal by all party people and its Bubjoct matter is groundwork for many convincing republican arguments: "In speaking on the political is sues 01 me mtv it mnv nn wn tn recall to your minds the condition of the country four years ago, at the bemnninu of tlm nrnsiil.miinl election year. As you well know. we were ill 111 lime um or 11 dmim- oratio administration, and 11 flairs were being run in the usual old democratic way. Industries of every kind wero paralyzed; bank anil mercantile failurea iluilv mul thousands of men wore tramping acrosB t he country from the At la n tic to the Pucillo. licu'crino- for wnrlr nn.l something to satisfy tho inner man. "This, then, was the condition of the country at the time whim tlm republican convention mot in St. Louis and nominated William Mc Kinley for president, and nlmlinnJ the republican nartv imrrvllv for sound money. A few weeks later the democratic convention met in Chicaro and William J. Bryan for president and pledging the democratic nnrtv f.r free silver. And on this issue of free silver versus the gold standard was the political battle of 18116 fought and won for honest money iiiu rouiioncan nartv t utu im nu into power received for its heritage irom its democratic predecessors the country in a condition of destitu tion. But the prosperity which the Aniint .i 1 vwu,ij won Buiuo vnjuyuu ih evi dence enoucrh tn rnnvinnA nnvmm tlinf tllA finnn.n'nl vtni;A.. t I. "'""'tiui tuitujr ut lite ru- publican party is all right and that it was not the gold cure that was ueeaea. "From th imauinnafit nmna1a W'VHlO made to tlm iwmln in 1 0 K,. 4l, VVjv ... u'J wj blitz uemocratio speakers and news papers we might have supposed mat, no greater evu tban the gold standard ever was or could be de vised bv man for thn nnnminn nt ii. . .. 1 1 mo iciiuw man ana me ruination of the country. Yet this same gold standard must now take a hm-lr seat and give place to the new tenors of imperialism and the trusts. cut tnere is no doubt that the Chi cago platform and 16 to 1 will be the vital and pertinent issue before the country in the coming election. Everything else that the democratic leaders may say to the contrary is purely mythical and is simply the ruse of wilv nnlitieinna tn mc n and detract attention from the vital point at issue, with which they know it is impossible for them to win. All the hue and cry about imperialism and the trusts is purely iiuuuouB. as tne people of this country control thnir don't think there are many who have any grave fears of loss of lib erty DV a monster Htnnrlmtr arm.. AS tO the trilRtH f.Kev ara yet there is some good in- them as weii us mucn evil, iimi it 1 r.-,.i, ably be necessary for Mr ttrvnn and his party to tell ub how to manage them; but pure jawbone aione. witnout anv Hiiwifin nr nr - - j I .v - l"V tical remedy, will not be a tempt ing unit ior me voters, cut all business interests anil niihKn anA private audit must again be sub ject to a terrible strain under the renewed mention nf i.ho pv.;nnnn pmuoruj, us oase money and sys tern of scaling down debts. "As a result of the war with Spain the United States has Wnma nn of the leading world powers, and the people of this country are now Called nnon tn nnrrininoto in movements of the world and in the wurn 01 lis civilization and en lightenment in a vastly larger scale than ever before. And in thin larger sphere of influence which we have now entered upon the United States will always Rt.fl.nrl aa it today for all that is best in the world. Yet we are not perfect in Our ideals nr nrnptipn and if , l . . UUi larger intercourse with the world is ngnuy directed wo can gam much from the world and give much in return. "And just as this country of ours stands for all that's best in the WOrld. iuHt SO tines tlm rnnllVilinan party stana today as it always has. for all that is best in the United States; for liberty j human progress, honest money, the preservation of the honor of the nation and tho re-1 tention of tlin Phili nnino Tola twin 'won with American blood and pur chased with American treasure.' "Now, gentlemen, as members of the republican Dartv let un n.11 umrir together to win another famous vic tory in tho coming election, for the grandest party that ever existed." You Try it. Ties Fruit Industry, This li the time of vunr when oi uhunl lets, who deal re s good, luerohaiitablo quality ol fruit, should carefully prune and Bpray their orchard, It 1 a uol able (not that more small, worlhlntB fruit Is grown on account of lauli of proper ami eullloliMit pruning thun Irom any other one ouubo. Fruit Dents aro bad of oourao, und trees unlet be pro tected miKlnet thorn to bear good fruit, but no tree oau boar lariro und llnu fruit, although It ho perfectly pro tected front puatfl, with four times as many fruit bearing branches as It ought to have. Those who are careful und palustnk Inu with their orchards nru aunstniiLlv disparaged In the nmrkota by those who are not. It Is ourtninlv tho dntv of shippers of fruit from tho county, to protect, as far us uosslhlu. tlm nlnn and worthy fruit raiser from the un cleun and cureless, by refusing to handle fruit of a small and luforlor mlulltv. The reuututlon of the eonntv. us u superior fruit growing section, cannot be uiaintaluud unluss tho ntMnilur.1 i carefully kept up, undshiumouu ulonulv guarded as to quality. It should not bo rorgotten that If Intelligently prose cuted the culture of fruit Is destined to be one of the Important Industries of the county. With proper oure a largo annum revenue may bo conttdonlly de pended upon from this souroe. Ex perience and results will soon touch those who huudlo und doul In this urn. duct that it must be carefully ninkiul and proporly packed when Intended for market. There Is much room for Im provement In the line of drying, evapo rating and tuslefullv ureuurlinr tM character ot the product for market. a I. .1 i iuucu uupenus on appeuruuuo. A case of Iruit nicely put ud and tnstllv m hlblted will sell, whon one of equal quality out loss attractive, will go bug ging ior a buyer. Ws Aw the ,.. EXCHJSIVE Agents f Garden Seeds .. f May's, Bowen's, i 5 5 I G. L. DAVIS, The Grocer. frSSSSS(.SSSU(.u(.u-tf Vawv JkV fin rt -ANU- COX'S CALIFORNIA GARDEN SEEDS. In this City for .. J & sannorn's i COFFEE. The Atkuowledf- Uestr S et tke WerlS's Pair SBM m 1 ANYTHING TVW $ MllllHIMU ivu huh n i 2 In the way of Hardware, Tools find Implo-lf nI mnnlii von rtitn fln1 nt nnr Stlnon 7f! m m raonts, yon can find at our Storo. ARE YOU QOINQ MINING? See our stock of Tools and Supplies bo-1 fore you make your purchases. We keep' everything a miner needs. i The Celebrated SIMOND8 Saws positively the best Cross-out Saw made, for sale' by us. Republican Central Committee. Thft mAtnhAPa nf V a T V.t 1 - - nw iwuuui can Oountv flnntral rnmmuAA i i i County hereby culled to meet ut .v.du..t.i.o, oaiurauy, ninroD 10, 1U00, . wHWVWIUWK u in, uusiness 01 m. lortunce. A full attendunun nf ,m. :rn IS ruquesteu. J. P. DowiE, Chairman of Committee. Among the Churches. EPISCOPAL CUUKCII. There will be divine sorvlro in st Mark's Church on Sunday next, ut 7:30 p.m. All are oordlullf Invlteil Run. day school at 10 a. m. MBTHODI8T CIIUHCI1. Prof. Van Soov. ol tho tui nm-mai will preach at tho Methodist next Sunday, mornlpg and evenlnit, at tbe usual hours. - M. E. CBUIICH, SOUTH. Quarterly conforenoo next Rt,iwia March 4tb, at 3 p. m. Proaohinv Bun'. day morning and eventntr at the usual hours for servloes. All Invited. cnmsTiAN CRORCH. Services next Sunday, both morning and evening. Tho morning snrmnn will bo a disousslon of the 'The Gospol for all Nations." Thn evenlDg subject will be, "Triumphs of the Human Will." Hours of service: 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Next Sunday will be observed hT celebrating our quarterly communion, at which time a number of now mem bers will bo oubllclv wolcnmnd Intn th fellowship of our church. There will bo a preparatory service and a snrmnn by the pastor this Friday evnnlno- ut 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is nr. gently requested for both the prepara tory and communion servloes. tn thn ovonlng the sermon will be on "Some Imperative Commands of Christ to His uiscipies." AH are wolcnmn in all these servloes. . jL Medford, Oregon. fK?Tlio H fllili, JAEfi who desire u flrst-olass smoko for a nickel alwuys ask for Kurtz's "NEW DEAL" When thoy want a llttlo bottor oltfar fop il tidiiiG ujuro iuuuuj iuvy uuj nuril l Bouquet" Smoke home made cigars and build up a home industry. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., DEALERS IN machinery . . and . . Vehicles Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from an othor- Wlsn InvAhln I1 ml. I. .. j. ... breath. Karl's Clover Hoot Tnn n.,ri. fies the breath by Its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Bold for years on ahanlnta ,na.mi(Ii. i3i,. 26 ots., 60 ots, Sold by Chas. Strang, druggist. Advertised Letter List. . .n!!!ow,?S ".J? ''!5l il' ,0Mer" romslnlngcn. oallefl for la tbe Medford postofflce on t'ob. Brown, Ed Cbrlsty, Miss M O Dean, Mrs E F Kolley, Frod Piatt Kleotrloal Co Wilton, Miss Molllc iii f . V u upon ae . ruiinin, rostmsstor. We hflVfi n. nnmnlnln lino xf n t nnA ti i li. . . , coiuteu vase uiacK JLand Plows, both in SiiKrln n, n . . v T ' ...B.u aim ?t uiKing vaanc. steel wZlJl aW8'QPbel-iSmire, Mitchell .. uun.0 w o ugie anu ijouoie warness, and in fact everytlnng ca-rned by a first-class implement house. Ifc bend for catalogue. D. T. LAWTON, Mgr. Medford Branch If Shllnh'n f!niiuh ..n,l nn..,. - V.'MdU,l,bUII Curn. whtnh Id anltl fni. ft.. a..,ll , t of 2o ots., 60 ots. and $100, do'-s not curd take tho bottle back and wo will refund your money. Sold for ovor flfty voura nn thfd 0-iiai.nntnA Ill.lnn Qt -.I- ... A 60 ots. Sold by Chaa. Strang, druggist. Young Mothers. Crnnn In th tuppn. nt .n....AnM,i nr r- - v. .iiuuDllllUH Ul young mothers because Its outbreak Is . .i"u''"g una irequently latal. Hhllnh'n rV.Hirh anil y-i . ,7. n " wuiiauuijjuiuii ill l u acts like magio in cases of oroup. It has never been known to fall. The worst eases rnllnvori mmai) .i. t-lnn - .-.wm iiumuumiDij I I IVV 25 cU. 60 ots., and $1.00. Sold by Chas. ninlng Locations. J A Derhdnhlo loontfld Fob 10, 20 aoros In PlesBBiii orook district. M K Wllkstrom loomed Fob 10, 20 aoros In same dUtrlot, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Market Keport. Thn intlnwlno k.. , i . - - - " - - Ha w . ui iwn umiu OT our merchants this woolt for farm pro duce. This list will be ohanged each week as the prices obange: Wheat , ..4...'. 471 ass. ". 60 Mill Pood OOo " " " Potatoes, x n Sg?" 12J pordoz ?-r,...., 17iperlb Bans,dry, 03 " lb J100" 09 "lb m?V 16 " lb onuuiaers 07 " lb rdV. ' 10 "lb Hogs llvo ...(Mj ii i TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 8, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. o-HI..BD BTATKB LAND OFFICE, I NotT zu",Z' 7-'""J. . with thn nrl.l;.".. .", '"V. "'.?.""!" J,,n. il'. '.,,. H .'".T. r t.mbo?..ndi In ttaHlulS of 5ffiforBlT,8r2 inn. HtVtV, '."."."ffft V""""? o' JpK- onloo his sworn stnlnmont No. 8.11, for th" oil " mn1rB0Cs,.wtol,'o!,;'t',i, ih i "ouiht "s ri.nii,.r-.:.-::.:,,"Ju.r""9.w for tef"fh!.","! t"s"'0,y"i Kiftlstor and Ho. nnmosBsWllnossos! R. fi. A Ikon, of I'roi'DOot" orilco on or boforo said Mthday of April, "'m. u. I. UIIIIIUKR, KOKlHtor. Feet HurtP When they do, nino times out of ten, It's boonuse your shoe doesn't fit properly, Ther neod attention. Bring them to me and have them fixed, .1 DO FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING.. On Everything In the Lino of Foot wear at Reasonable Prices I S. BIDED WllhW.T,Km neil door to Dls' brooerjr We Need Room! ... Our Urge Stock of New Spring Shoes is now on the way. and until If. will sell goods at MW. REDUCED PRICES .. In order to make room for the new arrivals, Inspect these Bargains, Medford Shoe Co. W. T. KAME, Prop. 11,71 .h0nl5",?Sy 8Rvod '"kloK the Northern Paoiflo to all noHitB oast, riclrots sold from Medford samo as Poi'lland. Dn nm r.. .i... S u d in mini, u norm- fnr,! w01,"0 ,nr "BM98 lhr0l,e Mod ford Wednesday evening oaoh wook for tho accommodation of passongors who wish a Blooper from Modfo?d to St. Paul wlthnnl. nl.n. ,ir m ii agont, Medford, Oregon. '