The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 09, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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I -- -a a--- t ....1. .A.,J...
Mia I.Hiini liuiinutt guvu u party
for a number of hor young frlundH I nut
Friday vvutilng. TI117 mut nt llio llup
Hal Cliuroli ut 7 o'clock, whoro lliuru
wore foiirconvnyiuiouii wiiltlnif (or tliorn
uuJ thoy arrived at Miss linn unit's
homo in the suburba of Meilford about
H o'clock. A very pleasant uvuiilng was
punt In kmiius, mtialo und aoolal chat
and luncliuon o( cuke und ouflee wan
served. About hull past twclvo tlio
young people departed lor tholr re
snootlvq homes, having hud a most do
llghtlul tlmo. Those present were
Misses Lulu Mcl'humon, Maud Mo
Koever, Ella-Hoover, Uortha Davis,
Ivu Olion, Nina, Olle and Maysio
ICamo, Jessie Mitoauluy, Edna and Bor
nloo IToose, Kin urn Cry, llurllut Waldmi.
(Omnia Waldcn, Nclllo Leslie, I'ourl
Ucokolt, Laura, Arlla nnil Hollo Hon
nott, Messrs, Itohvrt und Ciuy Lnwloti,
Jtny and Prod McKlnney, Claud Hoover,
Jamo (Inmlltou, Harry Merrlumn, IC1
mor Hooae, Omor Wuldon, Leon (low
nrd, Thorn Moounluy, Churllu Houa
turn and I-oul (iennott.
For Hale tlouao and two liirfio lots
In East Modford; Iota on tlio beat o(
Boar orock mill; no Incumbrance! on
property; all taxu pnld. Terms, one
third down, balance on tlmo lit 8 pur
oont Interest. Kor particular call at
thin olfloo or upon It, Oox.
Tuoaday allornnon found the nine
members ol tho "Kettle-drum Klub"
with Lillian Hblnebiirt, In hor cony
rooim at D. II. Miller' ruiildonoo. A
number brought tlielr work, which, in
the order ol things, proves highly profit
able whllo ono mombor la reading
kooplng tho handa tut well an tlio mind
husv. It I thought by omo that tho
girls should flvo ' homo" before
spring and exhibit tholr fanoy work,
which would mako a bravo showing,
and aururlao many of tholr (rlonda. A
dcllolous luncheon ol salmi, banana
iream cako and ooffoo was sorted. The
girl nlwayt havo a Jolly tlmo with
'Queen Ml." TMi la now throe moot
lng with bor, tho founder of tho club,
and starts tho third round anion? tho
. i. uin. rv. rini
njemuSri, WIIU ni U nnnwa w, wtv,
Wormin, (Ilbbard, Skeel, Knlnehart
and Barooburg and Mrs. Ee Ooro.
Ladles, I havo removed my milli
nery Irora next door to the Bakery to
newer and moro com mod loin quarter
tiaok ol the now bank, where I will be
pleased to welcome you. Miss U. A.
The now man from Nebraska who
publishes the Klamath Foils Itepubll
can ii throwing bouquet at himself be
cause of tho fact that he has escaped
the bllzr.arda and frosta of the bloak
middle wostern states, butoynlcally ad
mit that wo DO have mud horo. Why,
bless your doar ploturo, of course we
have mud. Wo bavo rain, goodly
sprinkling ol it, and rain when proolpl
tatod upon mother oarth naturally
.mako mud. No rain, no mud, no mud,
oo moisture (or ornpa, no crops, no stall
fed Nebraska editor. There aro a great
many people who can aoo a glimmer of
"sunshine through a very donso cloud
and thelr'a would bo a happy llfo If the
same eyes did not aoo a postllenco of
some sort Intermingled with that samo
God bleated aunahino.
All kinds o( laces, cmhroldorlo,
bolU, collarettes, nock wear, braids,
binding, whlto goods, trimmings, pom
padour and stdo combs received this
week at Whlto, Harbaugh St Co.'s storo,
Med ford.
F. V. Modynskl and family moved
Into Ray Toft'a now residence last
" week. Mr. Modynskl la loud in his
. . . I I.l - 1 1 .n
praiso oi una now rusiuunuu uuu m .
fuse In his oomplimonta for tho young
man who built it. It might bo said
right horo tbul too much praise cannot
bo given any young man who will work
a assiduously as has Mr. Toft slnco
coming to Medford. Ho oamo here a
few years ago without a dollar In money;
hla stock and trado comprising good
health and lot of ambition and a a
result o.' dllluont uso of tho lattor ho
ha to hla orodlt ono of the finest real
donees In tho city all carnod with his
own handa. It is needless to aay that
ho la tho exception rnthor than tho
, rule among tho young mon of our town
Mrs. 0. E. Goblo, toaohor of piano
and organ, to stuto to tho punilo
that hor prices aro for hour lessons,
00 cents: tor nail nour lonsons, ai uunra,
At residence of Dr. Qoble, Modford.
Jaa. Hansen shlppod sixty boxes of
apples to Portlnnd this week, receiving
1 per box hero.
Almost all of our townspeople will
remumber 0. II. Wllloiighby, the
school furniture agent who oainpod In
thosu parts several months prior to
Junuiiry lHt, und who did business with .
muny of tho nearby school districts.
He la now shown not to bavo been
strictly aquuro In tils business Irnusau-
lions, It Is given out that he sold to a
couple of our citizens u number of
forgud school orders, tho uiuouiit of
which wo uru unable to learn. Mr.
Wllloughby led a champagne lllo when
hero, when, It reports be true, he
hould havo contented himself with
mult extract or hydrunt water. How-
ever, tho authorities aro following up
hla trail and may be able to locate him.
Hhorlff Ormo has offered a reward of
126 for hla arrest.
ft- n..UI.. tl.A n.,tl..l. will ha at
hla residence In Medford on Huturday of
ouuh week. Eyes tested Ireo of oharge.
Uornor fourth and D street.
Tho stuto hoard of horticulture
proposes making It warm (or all or-
uhardlsts who do not properly bare (or
tholr orchards. They ulsotcll nursery-
mon Unit the quarantine law passed by
the lust legislature will ho strictly en
forced . All orohards Infested with
posts must bo cleaned or entirely de
stroyed, "Wo cull special attention of
grower and shippers to section 6,"
snys tho (oorotary, "and notice Is here
by given that diseased, scabby, wormy
or scaly fruit will not bo allowed to bo
sold In any of tho murkots of this stuto
hereafter, While the board hopes that
It will not bo necessary to use hnrsh
measures, It must bo fully understood
that In tho caao of noncompliance tho
law will bo strictly enforced."
Win- ala Half Interest In Brood
paying business in Medford. Capital
necessary, about 11800. Apply to W.
T. York, Modford.
Tho brlok work on Dr. Adkins' ex
tension Is being pushed with all possible
speed. Eight or ton men aro at work
and tbo brick walla are climbing higher
and higher with almost marvelous
strides. Thoro are but (ew plaoea
whore brlok blooka oan bo built in Fob
ruary, but there Is no seeming hinder-
anoo horo. When this building la oonv
pletod it will be one ol the finest (true
tures In tbo city, and its size, 25x140,
will give Messrs. J. Ileek A Co. all tho
room they will noed. A side entranco
Is being put In In tho new part, also a
couple of large windows. There will
ho put in a pair of aide stairs for the
accommodation of tbo second story
Young man, beforo you go to sea
your girl, get a oox oi uno canny iruiu
"Th Hfiaa i sndv fiiiaiifln." jock: son
As a result of an election hold in
Ashland last Monday, (or the special
purpose of determining whether tho
poople wanted saloons or no saloon",
license will bo isauod and "rod llckor"
will flow as freely a beforo, tho aaloon
element having woo the contest by a
majority vote of nine. There were 61 1
votes polled, of which UflO were for li
cense and 2.11 against license. Under
the conditions ol tho vote tho lioonso is
placed at $400 per year. "
Call at Whlto, Harbaugh Ic Co.'
store, Medford, and buy nuw sewing
machines nnd save ngonta commissions.
Tho "Cheerlul Liar" comedy whloh
presented its farce in Modford a few
weeks ago, Is said to have "stranded"
at The Uallos and tho manugor eloped
with the "leading lady." Tholr show
bills wcro the most choorful liar of the
wholo measley outfit nnd little would
any one caro if tho dovll eloped with
tho whole outfit.
G. L. Duvls has now on sale the
lamest stock of garden soods ever
brought to Southern Oregon.
"Shorty" Weaver and John Kin
ney wore lieforo Recorder I-awton last
Thursday ohargod with disorderly oon
duot. They woro fined 110 each.
Weaver paid hla fine but Kinney was
committed to jail, but afterwards floe
was romltted, conditioned that ho leave
Half ground Block salt at 60 cents
per hundred at White, Hurbaugh &
H. H. Howard It. Co., the grocors,
are tolling in their ad of their new
oash system of giving premiums. It's
a good sohemo and don't ooat their
ouBtomort anything to tuko a chance
Hoyden Si NloholBon have the aame
proposition to offer purchasers of hard
Don't forget about those elegant
dishes wo are (riving away. Every
purchaser gets u coupon. W. H. Meeker
& Co.
Sorao ol the young follow waxed a
little funny last Monday evening and
whllo their funny notion was at lta
hulght thoy assembled at Mra. Hub
hard's residence, on North 0 street,
and proceeded to glvn Lex Hubburd a
little churlvarl Blinking up, Humor
was current during Monday that Lex
had been uinrriod tho previous day, but
llio oharlvarlors hud forgotten to got
positive Information us to the truthful
ness of tho rumor und Instead of giving
a serenade to Lex, tho benedict, they
gave It to Lex, tho bachelor but they
bad a very pleasant time, notwithstand
ing tho foot that oigars were not forth
coming. Tho Indignation of the neigh
bors was expressed In a varied assort
ment of languages their quiet repose
having been somewhat jarred upon by
tho rattling of tin pan and the blow
ing of horns.
For sale Six acre of land In Med
ford. good box house, outbuildings,
partly In orchard, partly In vineyard,
inquire o J. L, Dummor, Medford, Or.
The limber land fellows, who were
over to Lakovlow from Modford a
couplo ol month ago, and who each
filed a timber claim, started out Wednes
day morning for the above named
place, where thoy will now make final
proof on thoir olulms. Tho land in
question is situated In the Jenny creek
country and Is said to be very valuable.
Those who went over were A. M.
Woodford, Nate Dates, Gharllo Kamsey,
A. T. Drlsko, Porry Htewart, Wm.
Forsyth, D. It. Andrus, Dolph Naylor,
Ned Orsor, S. It. Reeves, Dr. G. U.
Cole. T. W. Uockett. G. L. Soherraer-
born and Grant Shell.
Barred Plymouth Rook eggs for
ate 60 cents for setting of 16. Will
deliver at Davis' grocery store, Modford,
each week. J. W. Smith.
J. R. Wilson is tearing down part
of his old wooden buildings nt the rear
of his brlok blacksmith shop, prepara
tory to extending his shop bask about
forty feet. This extension will be put
on aomctimo during tho summer and
will glvo Dim a shop 26x75 feet In size.
His new store building will also be
built soventy-fivo feet in depth and
both tbe shop and it will be two stories
high. The second story will probably
bo used for hall purposes.
You haven't smoked tbe best nickel
cigar in town it you never tried a Billy
Dugau sold ouly by Karnes 4c Rltter.
Assessor J. C. Pendloton received
a tolcgram Saturday nlgbt, conveying
to him tho sad nowa of the serious ni
nes of hla brother, Theodora, who I
at Wardner, Idaho. A second telegram
came Monday stating that Theodore
was very sick and asking J. C. to come
at once. This last one was in reply to
a message of Inquiry sent by J. 0. on
Sunday. Mr. Pendleton ltd for Ward'
nor Monday evening.
Butter, eggs and chickens we
want all you can bring us; cash
trado. H. U. Howard It Co
Mr. W. P. Dodge entertained
dozen or fifteen of bor lady (rlenda at
her fine new home In Southwest Med
ford on Thursday of last week. Carpet
sowing and a geueral good time was
tho program. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge
havo but recently moved Into their now
home of which they are justly proud,
and which is yery nicely situated and
the groundwork for a splendid home
If vou want a eood cup of oolTee,
try our fresh roasted Mocha and Java.
H. U. tlowara at jo.
H. 0. Emery, of Ashland, Is the
now day clerk at Hotel Nash, and D.
Color is doing service as night clerk.
Mr. Emery was one ol the Second Ore
gon soldier boyB who fought Filipinos,
and as a guarantee of positive assur
ance that be was where tho bullets fell
thick he carries a bullot which was
taken from his leg by tho army aur-
oil would not throw
See H. O. Maokey. tbe leading
photographer, for superior photos tn
Hamlin block.
.3! Away Cold Cash. ...... ..
kli Tlion kooi) tlio Checks which our Cash RogiBtov
i printH, and which wo give you with every CASH
S PURCHASE, largo or small. Tho ChcckB Bhow
W tho exact amount of your purchaso, and whon
W - thoy amount to $1,5, you will be ontitlod to select
W m i Al Tn rhe Value 2
$urocKery or uiassware of$
aL From our Extensive and Elegant Stock ol those Goods.
'hos. MoAndrews, Jr., was ar
rested Monday upon a charge of a-
sault and battery upon the person of
Howard Tripp. Ho was arraigned for
trial In Judge Stewart's court.' A plea
of guilty was made and a fine of $15
was Imposed in default of whioh he
was committed to jail but on Tuesday
the fino was pulu and he was liberated
All kinds of Bash and doora and
screen doors, at lowost market price,
W. Woods.
Tho scries of meetings that have
been hold at tho M. E. Church for the
post fow weeks olosed Sunday evening
with a pentocostal service. There were
nineteen udditlons to the ohuroh dur
ing the meetings.
Ladies! White. Harbaugh & Co.,
Medford, aro showing now goods this
At tho last meeting of the ministers
It was deoldcd to hold union servtoea on
Feb. 11th at tho Christian Churoh at
p. m. This meeting la to be devoted to
the Interest of students and schools gerr
Fresh Block ot garden seeds in
bulk or package, at G. L. Davis'.
J. Beek & Oo. have a new ad this
weok In whioh they are calling apodal
attention to their Satin Finish Alum
inum ranges, whloh are, as they say In
tholr ad "the handsomest rango I
over saw."
Spring trucks for spring1 house
hold moving. Wells & Shearor.
A, T. Markloy shlppod another oar
loud of prunos yesterday, the aame hav
ing boeu oonalgned to T, N , Segar.
0, 8. Wlnsor, of San Franolico, a
gmtleman who Is oonnootod with tbo
Ilumo oannery, at the mouth of Rogue
river, and W. S. Downing, ol Stone,
Ore., and government superintendent
of all tho hatcheries In Oregon, arrived
In Medford lust week and Immediately
thereafter started for tho government
butchery on Elk oroek. Thoy returned
this week and a Mail reporter learned
from them the (act that tbe, Elk creek
establishment had provon itself enllroly
satisfactory in fact, It did better work
than tho govornmontexpeoted. There
is a strong i robablllty, however, that
the plant will be moved down onto
Rogue river, near Joe Hannah's place,
where thoro Is an Ideal location. Tbe
hatchery has turned out 6,000,000
young fish this season and when it gets
to running aa tbe proposition Is mapped
out they will propogato no less than tan
or twelve million each season.
I will nay $3 por dozen for all
chickens, except old rooxtcrs, delivered
at my place of busines on or beforo
February ntn. u. u, Davis.
Uov. Jas. Thompspn, of Browns
ville, passed through Medford on
Wednesday's midnight train, bound for
Irolund to visit his mother. Mr.
Thompson has bnen given a four
mouths' leave of absence by hisoburob,
and Rev. 8. H. Jones, of Jacksonville,
has been invited to fill the pulpit in
his absence. Mr. Thompson recently
assisted in special meeting at Medford.
Choice country lard, bacon and
hams, at Whlto, Harbaugh & Co.'a
store, Medford.
Court Hall and Mr. Rlchey will
play another contest game of billiards
at the hotel saloon, in Gold Hill, an the
afternoon of February 11th. Tbe con
test will be for $75 a side. Mr. Rlcbey
was dissatisfied with the ball used at
the last contest and to make this one
entirely satisfactory to him a new set
ol ball have been ordered for this
special occasion.
Sewine machines this week from
15 up, at White's sewing machine store.
Little Angle Purdtn, the eleven'
year-old daughter of Postmaster Pur
din, while playing with other children
on Mrs. L. J. Sears' lawn last Satur
day, fell and broke both bone of bcr
right forearm, Dr. Stephenson was
oallod and reduced the fracture. It,
seemingly, does not require much of a
jolt to break a limb of tbe little ones.
Ladles look Into White. Harbaueh
JcGo.'s show cases this week. Medford.
We are requested to say that E O.
Mlllor, of Portland, field secretary ot
the Prohibition State Executive Com
mittee, is in Medford and bas called a
convention of Jackson County Prohi
bttlonista to meet in Medford city hall
oa Saturday, Feb. 10th, at 1 p. m., for
the purpose of placing a county ticket
In the field.
Best quality of roast coffee kept by
White, Harbaugh and uo., meaioro
Messrs. Woeks It Orr loaded a car
with apples Tuesday (or the Portland
market and on Wednesday tbe same
parties jointly with Capt. Voorhies
loaded another car (or the same market.
This cleans up all of these two orchard
ista '99 crop ot apples.
Fresh, select oysters on hand, (or
sale by the can at Karces & Ritter's.
Geo. Kurtz has Weeks Bros, at
work building new wall and show cases
for his cigar factory. George has built
up a splendid business in Medford and
when he gets his place fixed up as he
has it pictured he will have one of the
prettiest cigar stores in the city.
Fresh oysters in any quantity-
quart cans or less. Han Isaacs
The Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Com
pany has received a stock ol 1900 Phoe
nix and Golden Eaglo bicycles and U.
T. Lawton has them very tastily dis
played. Tbe 1900 model is a thing ot
beauty and just as serviceable as it la
Something new Fancy whist cards
and counters at Karnes Kilters.
Miss Carrie George, tho Postal
telegraph operator, has been ill with
the measles this week and unable to be
at the office. Frank Bellinger has been
To Our Friends:
jg 1900.
1 1900. S
Wo are now in our NKW PLACE of business, V
having removed to the Stewart block. Weil?
wish to thank our customers for their liberal ikf
fatronage in the past, and kindly invite their VV
urther indulgence. You will find us better iif
equipped to meet your demands than ever be-f
fore, with tho VERY BEST GOODS at the
Ladics, the matter of Corsets is an 7
important one with you : correct form W
is pertinent, out neaun is paramount.
Tho corset has a great deal to do with
both. As the Corset is, so will the
Figure be, yet Correct Form must be
secured without tbe sacritice ot your
Health. For these reasons we bare
filaced in our Corset department a
ine of the now famous
Easily worth 11.75, when compared jj
with other Coreeta, but which we
sell at only $1 .00. See them. '
A Pointer about Corsets.
rviF?Ffkrifp? a& cn:.
- a -a-Ml Wv wr9 jy.
The supreme court has reversed
Judge Hanna's decision In tho case
wherein F. V. Medynski was respondent
and B. P. Theiss and G. W. Bashford
were appellants. This oase was decided
adversely to Messrs. Tbelss and Bash
ford by Judge Haona but a reversal of
the decision by the supreme court
books them as viotors In the legal con
test. Attorney A. S. Hammond argued
this case before the supreme court last
week In the interest ot Tbeiss and
Bashford, his clients.
Ladies. I have removed my milli
nery from next door to tbe bakery to
newer and more commodious quarters
back of the new bank, where I will be
pleased to welcome you. Miss H. A.
R. H. Hailey has ordered a car
load of cement, part of which will be
used In the laying of a cement walk In
front of the postoffice and new Mail
Billiard hall re-opened by W. L.
Townsend patronage solicited and
courteous treatmen t promised . Cigars,
tobacco, nuts and candies carried in
stock. Soft drinks. Strict order main
tained. Harry Jackson, cook at Hotel Nash,
has been sick (or the past week with la
grippe with pneumonia indications.
He is some better at this time.
Ladies' guaranteed kid gloves at
the Racket.
Miss Etta Medynski has moved her
millinery store from Seventh street to
North B rooms in the Stewart block,
at the rear of the Medford bank.
Beef tea and hot chocolate at Hall
& Isaacs.
The San Francisco Call man has
been canvassing the town this week.
He has placed the agenoy for this place
with Miss Carrie George.
The Turf Exchange saloon fixtures
re being overhauled and made new
again by Weeks Bros.
WW o
Crbolineum Avcnarius,
The most efficient Wood Preenr1nr Paint,
also a Radical Retvedy ayalntt CblctcM
Lie. It application to Inside walls of
poultry bouse will permanently ezermi
nate all t,1ce. Results, bealtby chicken
plenty of excra. Write for circulars and
prices; mention tbla paper.
D. H. niLLER, -
Feet Hurt?
doing hor offlco work during her III-
Will exohance lumber or red cedar
. i , . ; tt n..j.
BQlUglCS lUr Krnlu " ' " wua.
L. T. Pieroe, contractor and builder,
has an ad in thug week's Mail. Mr
Pierce Is a flrst-clasa workman and is
invltine a share of the patronage of
our townspeople in hla line ot work.
Fino aalt at 75 cents per hundred
at White, Harbaugh St Oo.'s.
The Lakeview Examiner estimate
the wool ollp of that oounty for 1900
will be 1,279,450, and assures Its read'
ers that the prioe per pound will be not
leas than 20 cents, possibly 22.
Get Wells & Shearer to do your
moving satisfaotlon always.
I. W. Thomas Bhlpped another
carload of hay to Grants Pass this week.
These shipments from Mr. Thomas are
made with regularity equaled only by
tho oomlng oi eaoh day's sun.
Eat Gunther's candy and he happy,
For sale at tbe Kiaito.
Little Vera Webb, the seven-year
old daughter o( G. L. Webb, we are
sorrv to learn. Is quite seriously ill
with stomaoh trouble.
For fine oyster cocktails, try Karnes
St Bitter'.
Tho olty oouncil ha had vontilaton
plaoed In tht water towar.
When they do, nine times out
of ten, it'a because yonr shoe
doesn't fit properly. They
need attention. Bring them
to me and have them fixed.
On Everything in the Line of Foot
wear at Reasonable Prices
with w.T.Kim
next door to
Davis Grocery
We Need Room! ...
01 all the laces in this old town,
None oqual to the Rtalto oan be found,
For fine candles, nuts and tropical fruits.
Hall & Iaaaos.
Our Large Stock of New
Spring Shoes is now on tbe
way, and until it arrives we
will sell goods at
In order to make room for the new
arrivals. Inspect these Bargains,
Medford Shoe Co.
W. T. KAME, Prop.
Time and money saved by taking
the Northern Pacific to all oofnts east,
Tickets Bold from Medford same as
Portland. Do not forget that a North
ern Pacific car passes through Med
ford Wednesday evening eaoh week or
the accommodation of passengers who
wlan a sleeper Irom Medlord to at.
Panl without change. W. T. York,
agent, Medford, Oreion.
Legal blanks at Thk Mail offloc.
Bfillabla nertoDi of a mechanical or InTantlre cujk!
dealrtnf a trip to the Paris xpoaltion, with sv! '
alarr and ezprawa paid, should write 4
The, PATTNT BJECOKD, Baltimore, MdJ
Tber overcome WealineM. lrrefftt-
itniT ana OBiiOBioii.ntnMaOL' vigur
&nd btnlih "pini of menstrwv
tinn " That air I.tA lavm"
to fflrii at worn sxa hood, sJdiiif d
Teroptuentof ormn od Iwdjr.
known remedy for women equal
them. Cannot do harm life be- "
cornea a pleasure, VI iwr m
$12.50 SAVED!
Owing to the advanoe in the prioe of paper, the Wer
ner Company have notified me that after the 15th of
February they will withdraw following prices on the
New Werner Encyclopedia Brltannica:
The Cloth Set in Thirty Volumes for 145 $1 down and $3 per
month thereafter.
The Half-Morocco Sot in Thirty Volumes for $60 $2 down and
4 per month thereafter. .
The Full Law Sheep Sot in Thirty Voumes for $75 $3 down and
$5 per month thereafter, until paid in full.
1 Upright, Oak Book Case,
1 Guide to Systematic reading in Encyclopedia Britannica,
1 Copy Webster's Enoyclopedio Dictionary, half-Russia bind
ing, with Patent Index, greatly enlarged, thoroughly re
vised, over 2,000 engravings. Freight prepaid; all delivered
at any S. P. R. R. depot in Jackson County. Ten percent
discount on above prices for cash.
Alter Fob. IS the prioe will be advanced $4.60 on eaoh set, and the (8
Diotlonary will not be included. Call and see sample lot. Don't mis.
th.sBarg.ln. Q WEBB RACKET