The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Katie 1'olut Kairlul.
Mr. Aud MrH. A. liutz wuro tlic
giiOHlu of Mr. i nd Mm. It, 0, Drown
onO night luHt woolc.
0. McOuo lust ono of lila flno
work horaoH lust wook, whloh works
a groat hardship on him.
Mr. and Mm, R. a. Brown and
children woru tlio guont of your
correHpondont aud family luut Bun
day. Minn DohhIu Drown wont to Con
trul Point last wook to Bpond a fow
days with hor hIhU r, Mm. Win.
Ooorgo Huokalhorn took tho stago
fur Central I'oint taut I'ridiiy. Ho
oxpootod to go to Modford and con
sult a physician, as ho Ih in vory
poor health.
Mr. and Mm. Win. Orogory, ao
coinpanlod by Miss Show Murob,
Bpont a day and a night Inst wook
with the lattor't grandniothor, Mm.
A. M. Thomas.
Mr. Bradney, rooontly from Klam
ath County, who In a cripple and a
veteran nf tho Civil war, has boon
trying to got to Modford to pnHB his
final examination bofuro tho ox
nmlnlng board, but his houlth la so
poor that he was not able to ataud
tho ride last wook. Ho is still con
flnod to his room.
Bovoral pooplo In thia locality
have lost somo of thoir blooded
cowl lately. No leas than four of
them having died. Each of thorn
died almost immediately after hav
ing given birth to a calf, and in
every caB the symptoms wore the
same. The last one to dio was a
fine Jersey, owned by R. 0. Brown.
Will some of your farmer readers
toll us what's wrong?
Floy Florey, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Floroy, came
near being drowned one day last
week. ' She, with two or throe othor
girls, was playing on the bank of
the creek and by some moans sne
full over the bank, a distance of
eoveral feet, Into the water which
was running very rapidly. She
washod down quito a distance and
lodged on a rook that projected from
llm bank and was rescuod by her
Last Friday night two young
men, apparently lull of whiskey,
passod through our town and on
their way stopped and pulled tho
piokots off of Moadamos Thomas
and Sinclair's fences, toro down
their mall boxes, toro the piokeU
off of J. J. Fryer's fonoo, throwing
them out in the stroot, then knocked
the boards off of Mm. Griffith's
fence and mado good their escape.
What one wants to destroy the
nronertv of throe old widow ladies
fnr a hard to understand, but if
thoy are tvor found out tho law will
bo enforcod.
There baB boon consldorablo
atoaling In this neighborhood, as
aovoral persons complain of losing
canned anddriod fruit, olothing.eto.
A. McNeil left his homo, on aooount
of poor health, to live with one of
his daughter's, and left his boos in
the yard. Ono day last week while
D. P. Mathews was looking after
his stock, he found whero a beohive
had boon brokon open and the
honey taken out, and upon further
examination found that another ono
had boon carried off. The thlof was
traoked for quito a distance up tho
creek, but finally the tracks wore
lout Hist of. It Is protty won Known
who the guilty parties are and a
close watoh la boing kept on thorn,
and the first thing thoy know your
Eaglo Point correspondent will have
the names of the oulprlts in The
Mitr no Inmates of UlO Hotol do
Ormo. ' 1
: '' l'hoonlx Itomi.
BY X. Y.
Mrs. Badger, of Talent, is spond-
in a fow days in Phcenix.
Mrs. John Coleman is making
somo marked improvements on hor
house. ' "" '
Mrs. 0. Stoadman and son, Doug
las, made Medford a business visit
Monday. ".' ' " , ,
Mrs. A. Miller, of Portland, Is
vlBltlng hor brother-in-law, George
Millar, and family. Mrs. Miller is
looking for a permanent location hi
this part of Oregon,
Mrs. II, II. Calhoun roturnod
from Ashland last Saturday, whore
she had boon veiling friends,
D. C. Hurrln, grand inoHtor of the
A. 0, U. W., Ih in Phoonlx aud will
organize a lodge next Saturday
MIbh JoshIo Hobo, of Ashland,
who hus boon louohlnic school near
Woodvilloi spent a fow days visit
ing Phoenix friends and the public
BrowiiBboro Items.
nr itKHKOOA.
Coo. Brown and J. A. DIbIi mado
a flying trip to Kuglo Point Sunday.
Job. lUndloB, of South Butte,
Ih Bu(Terln from a severe attaok of
J. A. Millor, who has wlntord
his oattlo on Pool hill bs fur thia
winter, intends bringing thorn down
this wook.
Chas. Hays, late of Iowa, but now
on Big Butte, made a trip out Mon
day for part ot his freight which
was in arroars.
Tho young people mude a sur
prise call upon tho family of J. K.
Boll a fow ovonings sinco. Tboy
passod tho timo vory pleasantly in
guinea and Hongs.
Dr. R. I,. Purkor, of Big Butto,
mudo his first trip our Friday. Tho
dootor has juat fnirly recovorod
from an injury recoivod last full
from a homo falling with him.
Heagie Items.
Wood chopping is tho principal
pastiino between showors.
Wo aro sorry to say that B. F,
Wade, who has been quite ill, is
not improving.
Many have formed new resolu
tions. Keep them and be happy
for 1000, at least.
All grain looks quito promising
and the tiller of the soli feels some
what encouraged.
Roy. J. F. Wallaoe, of Ashland,
preached at Antioch eohool house,
Sunday, Jan. 1 1th.
W. Vincent and family, of Cen
tral I'oint, were in attendance at
the funeral of tbeir little grandson,
Honry W. Cleveland.
If wo can't have a railroad to tap
the northern section of the county,
glvo us at least one good winter
road that would enable us to reaoh
the valley towns.
Not a pound of hay has Hon. J.
W. Morritt fed to bis 1600 head of
fino sheon, now tannins on hlH
newly purchased farm on Rogue
river, and thoir good condition is
Died Jan. 16, at the farm home
of Hon. J. W. Morritt, on upper
Kogue nver, the youngest son of Mr,
and Mm. R. R. Cleveland, of pneu
monia fever. These good people
have the kind sympathy of all In
their sad bereavemont.
Real Estate Transfers.
J RCoopcr to Mlaa I Itlo Tharo. lota 1
nnu , uik i, it it uuumon 10 Aauiana.s m
t- uunn 10 Kvannu isiva .Minor, lotm aud
a, u.n ., n n ui.u.v.ui, MJ nnutnnti 1-W
o ana u naruaugti to n imipa, lift aorct
J V Uodirora to II E Itodgers. AT-J seres.
noo i,.ltpvi,rjw ,
Win Ulrica to D W Htoptaonton. lot! 1 and
4 m itouKora to nowara a Kotlgera. in
noroa, tp 85, r 2 w looo
u n urowaon to j u uoiton, o acres, soc
m, ip .-, r i c 2,
a Aitora to win iinvenor, lota 2&. i and
lfunaaker addition to Anhlanil
v. a r.naHon to unman it tamer, lot a,
Prachl'a addition to Aahlnnd SIO
uiara it i.yncn ana tiarry o i.ynon, to tlio
uireotora oi ncnooi aiawoi no 00, prop,
ortv In aeo 2. tn .11. r 1 w
John H Lacy to Donna Qraffla, lot a, bile
m, -ncmuru ,
Bonj llaymond aid P U Ulnlaov tn Oold
II 111 lodgo No 120, loot', Klver lot,
No 8, boo IS, tp .Kl a, r S w
Mabel and Ere oat Carter to T w and
Harith C Urlttaan, property In aces 9and
ltl.ti3.rl o
Carter Land Co to Sarab K Houston, loll
oi huu in, it u lianor nuumon to Aan-
land ttw
jaa juouonam to w r counts. M.25 acrea.
ip.m. raw 2000
Ltucinua uDtiiam to ain-io ana ira uutl
bam In trust for Adllla, Lawla and .
Mlnnlo Ilurrlaa, lot 1, btk 21, Cbltwood
tract, Aahland ,,
It A Proudfoot to W I Vanter, 440 acraa,
boo M, tp S2, and aoo , tp .13, r a o ......
Cnlllo Wllllnma to 0 B Drosaor, 1W aoroa,
Hoa2n. tnllA. r2w
Carl Pbolpa to A Cowlnp; and W J Town-
nviiu, uur. v.Huin uuuinn, vvarua creeK -dlatrlot
... 100
It hna boon domonatrutod ropontodly
In ovory Btato In tho union and In many
foreign ootintrioa that Ohamberlaln's
Cough Romody Ib a cortuln provontlvo
nnd ouro for oroup. It haa booomo tho
univoram remony lor that dlaoase. M
V. Flahor, of Liberty, W. Va only ro-
pontB wlmt has boon said around tho
Rlobowhen ho wrltos: "1 havo used
Chnmborlaln's Couch Romody In mv
fnmlly for sovoral yours and ulwuyn
with porfoot BUC0068 We bollovo that
It is not only the boBt ooiijrh romedv,
but that It 1b a sure cure for oroup. : It
lilts suvod tlio lives of our children
numbor of times." This romcdy Is for
sine oj uniui. oiran, nrufrfriet.
A. Slovor. tho dravrcan. trot him
to do your hauling. Household Roods
ana nonvy nriiuioB ouroiuuy anu saiely
nnnuion. roams always nana ana
teamaters courteous.
Utlug ui O'er Trnt Tula ot ikm art
lino llvtmvoa tho YhU Vv
liimbU ana Slmmroak,
Ven ih liiid iiiumhI alneu Hie eoniiiieuce-
mi'iit of t ho k i en I yuclil nicn. Inili-til,
tliitio wi'iu fow IllllOllg tint l-OI)ll! Will)
oiilil iTiiii-inber Hit- licgliinlM(f. rrom
the Kliore uiun n i-lru r ilu.v Hie Hvu buuta
oiilil be Bii'ii lyliiK inolliiiilitaa n few
i-iiRiha frmii ciieli ullit-r.
HIiiimIIiik In Hie prow of llm Hliliin-
roi'li Hir 'I'Ikiiiiu lookt-il out ovi-r t lit-Hi-it.
Tlio nulla liml Iiiiik alni-e uriiinblt-il
itwiiy, the ron-N were iluat, ilu had
(rrl.leil linlr, ilei-p furrow of Morrow
llneil IiIh fiu't-, bin Himre, iiitiMiimtKil
form told of I lie uwful prlviitlon which
In- hud iindiiral for yeiirn. The hiiowi
of lint winter bud JiiHt ilopiirted, Dully
tint altliMii-r of tho Columbia ahouted
ncrOKH Ibii bnyi
"Hlr TIioiiiiih!
The hoiirHc, thin voice Hounded
KlnniKi! Iliroilgli tlio uii.-fiipboiiH,
y "llree. fri'nhnlii)r, Hlr J Iioiiiiih!
Hut ii f I it the fifth yi-ur the Irinhmnn
nut no lu-iirt li-ft toiintvi-r.
A aort of Kiipeiatitloii bud iiriM-n.
Oilier criift li 1 be hi-i-ii hi-iiiIiIIiik be-
foru the wind; tlni anil hi-ii Hpniy It-npt
ovi-r thoir bulwark; lull t In. Iirt-rxe
m-vi-r rvnchi-d the aiiilii of tho fnti-d
I'liroi- liidU!" Whining lime; the
i-nnii'liitril mon atood ii. Kir Thomiia
Kiivt: tin- Rlgniil; the lli of tin- t-n-w
mot they Klrnlni'd every nerve, but
no hoiiiiiI cinannteil.
The mate atepped out.
"II Ih no ((noil,-- u. null) . aulkily ; "a go
of itruif."
Have Home tea, Haiti the owner,
"Never! Hlioiiteil the men, In unlHon.
".Iiiin?" nii(;(,'i'Hti.-d the owner.
With innrlliiHpIke, malnbrnee und
loaded jlblmoniH they ndvaneed upon
bim. They vlimbcd over the hntcli-
wiiyn. Already the foremont mnn was
ruiiidly Hi'iilliiL' the Hpinniiker, but Hir
ThoniuH never llinelied. Kollln up one
of the wrapper which be nlwnya cur
ried with bim, ho threw it at the ua
HiiHHin. The m-ven-poiind weight raiigbt
the wretvlied mnn full in tin- forchrnd.
He fell; the plank of the deck were
atnlned with hi blond. The "Thing"
rolled over the aide into the water. The
whirling eddli-H raced' round it a it
aank. A Hllirbi ahock.
It lin reai-ln-d the bed of the ocean,
murmured Sir Thomna, when he re
gained IiIh balance. The rebellion
tielled. be turned IiIh attention to the
Columbia. "Ahoy, ahoy, there!" he
Hbotited, lining all the little atrenglh
which remained to him.
Dane villitin! They are ahoving
their boat."
Too true! t'nder cover of the alight
fog the crew of the Columbia had
alipped over the let-wnrd bow. Swim
mlng noiaeleaaly to the atern, they
formed into a phalanx.
Heaver' Miouted the captain. Tbeir
leg ahol out almultaueoualy.
"fine move! ahouted Sir Tbomaa;
ahe movea!" Indeed, ahchad advanced
three Inches. Hy night full four feet
hud been covered.
Winter gnve place to spring; apring
merged into ummer.
We have only three men left, anid
the first mate, crawling to the feet of
the owner.
"I will navigate the boat myself," re
plied the brave mnn, hitching hi trou
"To think that Tcannot raise the wind
with Mpton's!"
Hut wn Hint a breath of air. a ripple,
catapaw, a. swell? Fnr away in the
west the whistling of the wind enme
over the kcu. At last! At last! With
mnrvclotis activity the men sprang to
their posts, the grent Atlantic rollers
nnuroached, IrresUtible. awful in their
strength. The driving rain beat upon
the fatedi bnrks, n flnali of lightning
silhouetted their spars ngainst the wa
ter, the crash of thunder which fol
lowed shook their vitals.
'Hoist the binnacle, unfurl the bow
spanker!" lint the ancient timbers
could not bear the strnln. The great
waves washed them into sections
Slowly they settled down, One pitch
one toss, nnd all was over. "
The full, white moon, the cold, metal
lic stars, gnzed upon the sen. A black
expanse of water, n shrieking senbird
rode upon the waves.
Where the Shamrock had lain for half
century nothing wns visible but one
white wrapper, which gleamed in the
cold light. St, James Gazette.
I want to lot tho peoplo who suffer
from rhoumatisin ana solatioa know
that Chamberlain' Pain Balm rollevcd
mo attor a number of othor med'oliios
and a dootor had fulled. It Is tho best
liniment I have ever known of. J. A.
Dodtron. Aluharotta. Oa. Thousands
havo been cured of rheumatism by thle
remedy. One application relieves the
pain, cor sale oy.unas. Strang, arug-
In Probata Court
RatAta of Tobias Miller: ordar of oltatloa to
ahow why ordor of real estate should not be
Haute of Robort Weatropj ordor for sala ot
ioib o ana o, uemrai roint. ' 1 -
Tn thn mattor of tho ffuardtanahln ot the
minor hotra at Nottle M Drum; annual report
of guardian ouamtnod and approved.
Eslato of Allen 1 Shorrlll; Anal dlaoharge ot
admlnutralor. , ; -
Ratate ot J as 0 Blrnsoy! final aooount ot tx
ctitrlx tiled and a petition for llnal discharge.
-..-I Hl Cork Loaf.
A man trlod to drown himself In the
North river by Jumping off a ferryboat
Unfortunately for his purpose, he wore
a cork leg, and the log not only refused
to sink, but kept the would be suicide
so fnr out of the water that ho could
not drown,' He was very much disgust-
od, particularly when be found himself
under arrost In Jersey Olty on a charge
of disorderly conduct Bulclde Is not a
punishable offeuso In Jersey City. Had
he tried to drown himself In New fork
waters he would ntafound himself In
much worse plight as regards the law,
-W Ttork WorW,
sad Dar.
Tjondom, January a I. -The warofflos
shortly aftor nildulght posted th fol
lowing dispatoh from General Dulloi
dated Hiiearinitn's Camp, January SO,
Utinurnl Olory with a part of Oen-
oral Wiirron'a foroo haa been lit aottou
from 0 a. in. till 7 p. m. today. By s
judlolou am of bis artillery he has
fouglit his way up, onptoring ndga after
ridge for ulmut three mllo. Tho troopi
aro now blvouaoklug on the ground he
haa gained, but tho main force is still In
front of thorn.
'The casualties ware not hoary.
About 100 wonndod had been brought
In 6i80 p. m. The number of killed haa
not yet been ascertained."
Bpkakhak'h Oami, January St. Aft
er tu hour of continuous fighting and
torrlblo flro yesterday Oeaerals Hart
and Olery advanced 1000 yarda. The
Boors nmlntniiiod an Irregular lure dar
ing tlia night, but the British oatposti
did not reply.
Till morning at daybreak tho Boeri
opened a stiff flro. The British stood
to tho guna wlinro thoy had slept and an
ongngomimt was renewed vigorously.
The field artillury poured shrapnel into
tho enemy trenches.
A rumor tlwt Iiodysinitb bad been re
lieved eulivennd tho British, who sent
up a ringing cheer. This was taken foi
an udvuiioe. The first kopje was carried
at tho point of the bayonet, and thi
Boors retreated to the noxt kopje, whloh,
like most 'others, was itrewa with lm
nonso bowldnrs, snrmounted by mounds
ou tho summit.
Tlio British advanced steadily and th
Boors relaxed slightly. The latter did
not show suoh tenooitv as nravionalT.
The Kordnnfeldts woro fired at long in
terval und their oannon but seldom.
Apparently tho Boors were short of am
munition. All day the roar of musketry
fire con tin nod. Tho British took three
Boer positions on tho mountain and
found shelter bohiud tho bowlders.
Bpkarman'h Faiih (Natal), Januaiy
30. General Lytteltou's brigade, with
a howitzer battery, crossed the Tagebt
river at Potginter'a drift on Tuesday,
January 16. Tho Boers fired two shots
and then recalled their foroes to the
trenches, the passage being uninter
rnnted. The British adranoed ia skirm
ishing order and the small koplea on
Ih ) summits were oooupled by S;90 p.m.
Wednesday the Boer trenohes wen
vigorously shelled In front of Mount
Alice, while the British reaaiaed In
possession of the kopjes and plains.
The naval guns and the howltaer bat
tery made good practice, thoroubJa;
searching the trenohes. On the Boer
right a breach was made in a sandbag
emplacement, where it la mppoaed
Boer gnus bad been placed.
Tho cannonade was heavy and con
tinuous and the Boers were observed
leaving the trenohes In small parties.
The hill facing the British position
shelled next. General Warren has
forced a passage of the Tugela seven
miles west.
Six mllaa above Boulder creek, a man
named Maxwell was shot in the neck by
his brothor-in-law, named Thompson.
Maxwell visited Thompson's house aud
threatened to olean out the Thompson
family, after whloh ho left the house.
Thompson saw him coming toward his
house later aud shot him through the
neck with a rifle. Maxwell's ohances
for recovery are about even.
Frank Barron, fa rancher of Ingle-
wood, IjOs Angeles oounty, accidentally
shot and killed himself recently while
honting ooyotos.
William A. Wall, who suddenly left
Boramento about a year ago short In his
aooount with several secret gooieties, is
reported to be on Paget Sound. It was
supposed that he was dead. He will be
preseontod If he can be oaught.
Work has been begun on the reservoir
of the San Joaquin Blectrio company la
Orane valloy, Fresno comity. It is pro
posed to make an artificial lake a oonpls
of miles in longth and impound enough
wator to supply power during dry sum
mers. About 150 newsboys went on a strik
against tho Evening Telogram at Port
land recently beoauao the paper would
not take baok unsold papers. The boyi
tore up every paper seen on the streets
and abused boys who tried to sell them.
William-Walter Shipp, one of tha
oldest aud best-kuowa residents of
Fresno county, was straok and instant
ly killed by the south-bound 8aata Ft
train north oi the. depot in ireana.
Shipp tried to drive across the track asM
a rapidly approaching train suruok'hlm.
William 0. Campbell has been ap
pointed postmaster at Los Gatoe, Cel.
War between Japan and Russia ii
oousldored inevitable, according to well
informed travelers front the Orient. .
Oeorffe W.-Lanioreaox. olerk and re
corder of Ada' oounty, Ida., has keen
arrested on , a oharge of embeaaling
f-jOOO. The complaint was made by one
of his bondsmen. . His kail, pending
preliminary examination, Was fixed at
110,000, which ho has boon unable to
gtr. ' ;v i ''i ;-.-.'t
' Walter Bull, a pioneer ot Kern county,
was found doad In his buggy on Union
avenue at Bakersfield reoently. Death
resulted from fatty degeneration of the
heart.-ic i ' ,-i ,t (,vi " :'.:i.
A hill haa been Introduced la tho
house for the repeal of the bankraptttr
law, with Teservatton that prooeediags
now began may be olosed np. - J
Allths Great Northern railway em
ployes talk strike. ,. . ' ,,
Kelson Dolavergue, an aged express
man Of Sam Jeee, was burtttd te death
there a few days ago. - Deleverga was
1U and alone and a lamp is tctpeMd to
have exploded whloh Ht Ire te tU kesss
andeoasuaaed It.' lr' '
to Anothor
rrom on who has
'word or Mrs. Nullla
broad meaning to ovary
.'In that lor ism I
oh trouhia In lh .r
mr atomaoh, and I had to
me oonaUintlr. tbs lack
Wlip. 1 Ulllllfl f
r. mUiams
for Pale
sorted nut
I wu oftbltd to iImd. and in thsi moraine
and rsitML VLf Btomab wu trongtheDed, what I at
MDrawa ma, mr wvikd. innsAua, ana
an i oaa iotu i am now wait ana turonf
ioo nif air oi vr. wmumr note fun
Botoacrtbed and iworo to bsjfor
tbla Sd dir of Julr.
BTACY f). BEHE. Hoiary
All womankind should know and
lUt virtues of Dr. Wllllatni' I'lnkl'llU tor
. ' HolH br ail dnufaTbitai. Pmarad
IctrtntcUdr, N. Y,
. Chloaao Hoapltal mat Its Sis
Method of DlapcaslaaT
Belief in the Divine principle that the
hungry shall be fed has led the sisters
of charity in a certain Chicago hospital
to segregate one portion of their build
ing to the reception and comfort of pen
niless wanderers. While this section of
the- hospital outwardly resembles a
prison, it is comfortably furuislittl.and
those who enter its portals find hope
and encouragement to continue the bat
tle of life.
For years the sisters were annoyed by
the depredations committed upon their
premises by indigent characters. It was
this and their desire not to turn the
hungry away that induced them to pre
pare their haven for the foodless. They
summoned a carpenter and informed
him what they required. His ingenuity
solved the problem, and after a few
days' work the dining-room for the pen
niless was completed.
The entrance is at the northern end
of the basement. It is found usually by
some mysterious sign which the last
applicant has left behind. The hungry
supplicant raps at the grated door, and
is surprised to see it slide back noise
lessly, as if in response to his magic
touch. He hears a voice bid him "Come
in." Somewhat awed by his quiet re
ception, he enters the corridor, and
turns to his right. Half a dozen steps
carry him to another grated door, which
opens into a dimly lighted room. Itens
sured by the jet of light, he shtiftiVs
forward and seats himself in an easy
chair at a clean, iron-topped tnble, the
door of the room swinging to and snai
ling behind him. lie is a prisoner for
the time being, but a kindly voice of a
swect-fneed sister dispels the queer
feeling which came over him when he
observed the resemblance of his quar
ters to a prison.
A lift drop3 at the side from an tipper
floor, nnd the sister, who appears to be
ministering to his wants with mechan
ical assistance, advises him to help him
self. He inspects the dishes as he trans
fers them to the table, and finds that
he bus an excellent meal before him.
Feeling like a lord, ho sits down nnd dis
poses of the tempting food. The future
looks inore'roseote as he finishes nnd
arises to replace the empty dishes in the
lift. He lu-nrs the door open again, and
passes out, lowly muttering his thanks
in nn audible tone to his unseen bene
factor as lie returns to the sunlight.
Chicago Chronicle. . ?
a s a
' -CUrei'l
Thia la beyond question the hvm
in oat auccesaful Cough Medi- f.l
cine ever known to acience: a llSl
few doses invariably cure the HSI
wnMt okm nf Pntiorh. CmHn.' 11- M
and Bronchitis, while its won-:
' derful succeaa in the cure of
Conaumption is without a par- ,
allel in tnehlatory of medicine.
Since Its first discovery it has
been sold on a guarantee, a
Urt which 'no other medicine
i can stand. If you have a
Cough, we earnestly ask you
to try It. In United State and
Canada 89c., Mo. and Sl-00, and
In England Is. Sd., lis. Sd. and
4.d. ''-;
: eoic PTOwirrora
Toronto, can.
MflUlJ Vj l ,il
Ono Vomtm
suffered to all who are aafferlng. The
Cameron, of Lookoort. N.V.. oonray a
thoughtful woman. Urs.Cameron aays I
waslnadnDloreoioconaiuon. i nu
worat form. Nothlns at all would a lay on
almost atarve myaalf, Mr alii PlnM
of nonrlabnwnt saaaad ma to low naae,
I felt rfreh4
x aooa renian I
. i cannot ipaaa '
ror raw raopia."
tmlr br
C v tZr 1 Ml 17 V iTf rTA u BllTm W
iwviiiiciii v muiiw;
Has no equal in diseases of the
Kidneys aud Urinary Organs. Have
you neglected your Kidneys? HaveT
you overworked your nervous sys-f
tern and caused trouble with yourk
Kidneys and Bladder? Have you1
pains in the loins, side, back, groins, I
. I and bladder? Have you a flabby ap- (
.pearance of the face, especially1
I under the eyes? Too frequent de-, I
, sire pass urine? ; William's Kidney .
V Pills will impart new life to the dia-1 '
sr eased organs, tone up we system f
a and make a new man of you. By T
mail 50 cents per box. .
Williams Hro. Co., Props., Cleveland. O. a
For sale by G. H. Hasklns, Modford.'
Aak your
for a generous
Ely's Cream Balm
contains no cocaine,
mercury nor aay other
It ! quickly Absorbed.
Gives Kelief at once
It opens and cleanses
the Nasal Passages. -
Allan Inflammation.
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restore th
Senses of Taste and Smelt. Full fiixe 50c. ; Trfcl
Size 10c. : at Dnecists or by malL
BLYB80THEK3.M Warrta Street, New Tocfc. :
Eureka Harness Oil ! thebert
preaerratWe of new leather
and the best renovator of old
leather. It oils, softens, black
naand protect. Use
llarnoss Oil
on yoar beet harness, your eld har
ness, and yoar cerrlacetop, and they
will not only look better but wear
longer. Sold everywhere In cans alt
sixes from half pints to Ave c&Uooa.
State bj nUliW OIL CO.
BV TUB : .
The - Shasta - Route
:- or thf :-..,'-..-v
Lv. Portland Ar.
Lv. Medford - Lv
Ar. Ban Francisco Lv.
Ar ORden Ar
Ar ' Denver Lv
Ar Omaha . Ar
Ar Chicago Lv
Ar Los Angeles Ar
Ar . El Paso Ar
Ar Fort Worth Ar
Ar Mew Orleans Ar
9:16 a. ds
8:06 p. na
1:10 p. na
6:46p.m -8:60
a, m -9:30
p. ta
2:85 p. a
8:40 a. m
8:40 p. m
Dining Cars
Observation Cars
Pullman first-class and tour
ist cars attached to all ,
through trains. . . -
6-aO p. m 1 Ar.
, Roaeburg
Ar 1 4:30 p. I
Lv 1 7:30 a, i
, Portland
, Arl
1:05 p. m
At Albany and Oorvallls connect wltb train '
: of O.O. & E. railway. -j ', ..
(Eioept Sunday.)
4:80 p. m
70 p. m
8:30 p.m
Lv Portland . Ar
Ar MoMlnnvllle , Lv
Ar Independence Lv
8:60 a. m :
Dlreot connection at Ban Francisco wltk .
steamship lines for Hawaii, Japan. China. Ha
Philippines and Australia. '
For through tickets and rates call en or ai
drens Mr. w, V. Llpplnoott, Agant, MedfordTT ."'
Manager. O.F 4 i
i-v'A,: t !.;