The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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The Oar of .. .. .
California Powdered.
' Gill Hi!
. a iLrniK trees .. ..
h now hero, und will bo sold at Cur PricoH,
At Brewery Office.-
Luyt ThiiiRclny evening it Joint in
stallation (i( ollli'.cra wu had by Wood
men ol tho World Ih1h and Uliryanntho
m u in Clrolo, Tliu hull wua vory beaull
fully decorated und a good crowd of
members ol oach of those ordor and
lliolr litmlllua was In aUoiidauou. The
first ordor ot buslueaa waa tho Inslulla
tion ol offloora to tho Woodmen lougo.
Frank W. Wall bolng luatulllog ofloer,
lio waa made ex-oftlolo muster ol core
monlna, and In that capacity tie in
atallod tho following onioera: J U
Wllleke, C Ci l'orry Blowurt, advUnr;
W U Moekor, olork; U L Gllkcy,
hanker; J Krodonburg, escort; H CJ
Hodgea, aenlry. When till purl ol
the program hiul boon completed tho
imt guardian ol tho circle, Mrs. Humiio
Wubli, announced thut tho olrulu offl
oura would bo tnatallod und lu.lrucu-d
tho guurda to ropalr to tho antorooin
and prcparo lor tho ouromonlua. Tho
guards, consisting ol Miss Ktta Mcdya
aki, oaptuln; Mrs. Porry Blowarl, Mra.
J. II. Whllroan and Mra. J A. l'orry,
retired and wlmn tliolr roboa bud boon
donned thoy re-entered, and after
marching several tlinoa around tho
hall, during whloh time they gslhorod
with thorn tho offlcer cleat, all, at a
given algual from tbo oaptaln'a whiallo,
circled around tho camp Dro, In tbo
oentor ol tho room, whoro tho oath ol
offloawaa lakon and tho admonition
delivered by raat Guardian Webb.
Thla bolng dono the march around tho
hall waa roaumod and In tliolr unwind
Inn the Inatnllod oflluors dropped Irom
Una and took tholrdxaiKnatvd poallloni
In tho lodijo room aa thoso point woro
roaehod tn tho march. Tho oalcor In
stalled woro: Iluulo Wubb, put gourd
Ian! Ada Mllla. guardian; Mra. Klwood,
adlor; Kato Wall, olork; Clara
Mookor, banker; Nolllo Hilton, mugl
clan, Mra. Modyn.kl, nttondnnl; Frank
Walt, aontlnuli Etta Modyoakl, cnptain
ol guarda. Whon thla work waa through
with an Intermission wan dcolared
n,l rlirht horo allowed an hour of good
ttmo, during which tbo Rood ludioa of
the olrolo aorvrd hot ooliee, canes,
imiidln and nuta. Both thoao lodges
art en Tory prosperous footings, and
tho aootablllty among tho membore la
tho keyooto ol their auoooaa. Wo muat
not forget to montlon tho Boor work ol
tho ladlea ol tho olrolo. It waa very
nralt and Yorv nlooly nroaentod, ahow-
lng- plainly tho palnatukiuir pruotloo ol
the eothualaatlo Indies ol mo guara,
with Mlaa Ktta Medynkl aa oaptuln.
Mra. C. E. Ooblo, tuaohor ol piano
and orgau, wishes to state to tho public
that hor prlooa aro lor hour lessons,
Ml cenla; lor hr.ll hour lessons, 25 oeat.
Al roaldonoc ol Dr. Goblo, Modford.
A burglary waa committed In Mod
lord on Wodnoaday night ol laat wook,
and tho plnoo burgturlxod waa Q. L,
Hobormorhorn'a aocond bund aloro, on
tho West Sldo. An entrunoo waa of
lectod by prying open tho oulalde door
at tbo roar and thon two doors loading
Irom tho back rooma to tho salesroom
woro forolbly oponod. Tho thief Bought
tbo ahowoaae noar the front of thoatoro
and Irom it took a number ol pocket
knlvoa, lour rovolvere, a piccolo, hunt
ing knllo, pair ol tmlr clippers, two
watohoa and a low othor email artloloa,
amounting In all to about WO In value.
Mr. Bohermorhorn did notdlsoovor hla
loaa until Thuraday afternoon, but Im
mediately thereafter bo telegraphed to
olBcera In towna both north and. eolith
as well a doaorlptlon ol the follow ho
suapootod ol committing tho tholt.
Friday ho rooolvod word from tho mar
shal at Roaoburg stilting tlmton Thura
day throe revolvers hail boon sold to a
spoond band doalor In thut olty by a
man answering the description but he
had left town. Tbo follow whom Mr.
Sohermerhorn suepoots was in his store
Wodnosday afternoon lor qulto a whllo
and was very niuoh IntoroBted tn look
ing nt and pricing the goods which woro
stolon. A MAIL reporter mot him, or
a person supposed to bo tho thiol, on
Wodnosday und was told that his muno
wasW. E. Kinnoy, thut ho wub Irom
Grunts Pass and wub looking lor a place
to open a grooory store und Junk shop.
To J. A. Lyon ho stntod hla immo wub
Kyle. Ho Is described us bolng about
flvo loot, ton inohoB high, wolgliB about
105 poundB, thirty-eight or torty yours
old, sundy mustnoho, wore durk colored
coat und vobI with brown punta. Clothes
woro quito ahabby und Ills gonorul up
ponrunoo wub not thut of a grocor but
ho would puss us a junlc doivlor nlmost
any whoro. He Ib thought to have com
mitted tho theft soon after midnight
and to have thkon tho northbound pB
ongor train at 3 o'olook.
With tho now fnoultles that B. N.
Butler put In IiIb Bhop, ho turns nut as
good work in repairing wntohos und
jowolry ns any ono In Soutlir-rn Orogon.
, 'T"-"T"lT,yT'-T-'T-'T",rl T-"""
I)r, Adklna la to bo ooininimdod for
bolng first In opening the BoiiHon'M build
ing with uu extension ol his brink block.
Thuro la room lor other work In this
line In various purta of tho oily, much
ol which has been coiitomplulud. It.
II. Hulloy la roully nhoud ol Mr. Ad
klna, aa ho commenced exouvatlng (or
tho foundation for Tiik Maii.'h now
homo aovoral weoka ugo. Thoro la a
splendid opportunity lor Messrs. Vaw
tor It Howard to put up a building on
the corner ol Seventh and North C
alreots, whore there now elands several
small temporary structures. Then
thoro la the Turf Exohango saloon prop
erty which O. K. Noubor and Tom Ken
iioy have been tulklng of building a
brick upon slnoe last summer. An op
portunity la thoro presented to Invest a
fuw thousand ilollurs thnt would Insure
good returna on the investment. The
grounda whoro once stood tho Western
hotel la vncanl und it ought not to bo.
Mr. Mourn, the quite rooont purchaser
ol the properly, is figuring on putting
up u lino two or three atory atruoluro,
and he will probably oomincuco thla
work juat aa soon as spring gels around
thla way. Thoro are aovoral other pro
apoctlvo structures on that side of tbo
track. Tbe replacing ol the wooden
buildings on South G atroet, opposite
the posloMloo, with a brick atruoluro,
is not lalkod ol any more, but J. R.
Wilson, Just south ol Tub Mail office,
on the same street, will undoubtedly
put up a 26x50 foot brlok building this
spring. Hla property la between Tub
Mail office that la to be and hla black
amlth ahop.
Now la whon you road a groat deal.
Only two outol ten ehould road with
out glasses. Got your eyes lit tod al
Klwood's, tho opllclsu.
Tub Mail regrets being called
UKin thla week to chronicle tho death
of little Culhcrino, tho fnur-yeur-old
duughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Stevens, ol this oily, which occurred
Saturday morning last, ol brnuuhlul
pneumonia. Tho little ono wus nick
only a couple ol duys In fact, only tho
provlous duy she waa playing about Ibe
bouso, bolng afllioted only as thought
with a severo void and was being
treated for that with home remedies.
Friday evoolng a physician was called
and later In tho night two physicians
wore In attendance, but neither could
savu tho littlo llfo, and about soven
o'olo-k Saturday morning lis soul
passed to the other shore, and In tho
home where only a few days bofore
thoro wus Joy and child's merry prattle,
there was death and sorrow such sor
row as only paronls caii fuol. Funeral
services wore held at the family rosl
donoo Sunday nfternonn, Rev. Crundall
officiating olorgyman. Interment was
mndo in Odd Follows cemetery. The
funeral was very largely attended by
sympathizing friends and the little
oaskot was oovored deep with choico
do worn. Sympathy is gtvon these be
reaved parents from every home In
Modlord and everything posslblo was
dono to losseo Inelr burden of grief.
Do not humor yourself that your
littlo oough will paas on; what if It
stays? Than uso that eight-yoar rye
or bourbon for $2.26 and 12.60. Ryo,
13 to W. Tbe puro, straight goods at
the Distillery offioe.
J. W. Curry, who, on January-lst,
took a position as traveling salosman
for Schilling's Best tea, coffee and
spioe oompany, ol San Frunolsco,
started out on hla first trip lust Satur
day. HIb territory will be all ol south
ern Texas. He waa glvon hla ohoioe
botwoon North and South Dakota and
Texas and vory wisely took tho warmer
olimato ol Texas, still aa between the
greusers ol Texas and the blizzards ol
the Dakotas thore Is littlo ohoioe ex
cept that tho blizzard la a pretty good
tollow when weighed tn tho balance
Mr. Curry writes that tn hie sohool
days he had good reasons to believe
that oompulsory attention to text books
was very rigidly onforcod, but this was
only a midsummer dream ol Idlonoaa
oomparod with the Bohooling ho was
oompollod to tako holore going on the
rond. Ho wus Boboolod for about four
weeks in ull tho properties which go to
mnko up the gooda he 1b handling and
thon he wus given a thorough training
in the methods of anlo. His salary
commonoos with $109 por month and
oxponsoB und promised Increase as
snloa ntlvanco. Johnny will make a
oupitul salesman, In our opinion, and
unlosB we overestimate hlsoapaolty ho
will earn every dollar of his (Hilary,
Frank Bolllngor Ib prepared to do
liver wood t small quantities from his
yard In Modford. Prompt dollvory and
good, honoHt measurement. Hard wood
dollvorod at $2 por tlor,
MoBBra. Palm, Whltmnn tc Palm
put more mon nt work this week manu
facturing tholr patent flour bins nnd
sifters and oako boxes.' Thore aro throe
mon now ul work and It Is expootod
two more will be added to the loree
vory soon. 0. W. Palm state that 260
shoots ol tin are dally being madu Into
these artloloa ( household necessity.
Orders have already boon placed lor
either bins or boxos hy many merchants
ol the valley and the business promises
to bo a vory flattering success. Tbo
articles are sold to merchants und In
most ousea tho merchant make tbelr
customers a present ol one or both ol
tbom when a apeolflod amount ol trad
ing hus benn dmin at their stores. Tbo
articles aro aoluul kitchen necessities
and thore la no apparent Kood reason
why they should not be good sellers.
Inuamuch aa.merohunts bundling tbom
make their ousUimors presents there la
no question but that they will find a
qulok market. It the merchants tun
be uiadu to see the mailer In the light
ol prollt to them, thla now manufactur
ing industry In Med ford will provo ol
great valuu to our town and tbo pro
moters ol tho enterprise The parties
Interested aro 0. W. Palm, J. A. Whit
man und G. F. Palm.
Time and moony euvud by taking
the Northern Pacific to all polnte cost.
Ticket sold Irom Modlord same as
Portlaod. Do not (orgot that a North
ern Pacific car posies through Mod
ford Wedot-sduy evening each week lor
tho accommodation ol pusngnra who
wlab a sleoper from Modford to St.
Paul without change. W. T. York,
agent, Medford, Oregon.
Charlie Dlcklton mot with suoh
phenomlnul success with his small ap
ple orchard laat full that bo fools war
ranted in planting more of his land to
trees, and bo now has moo at work
setting out trees on a thirty-five acre
tract, Joining his old orchard. Tble
land is In Table Itock precinct, and Is
on pumice soil, which is light and vory
mellow, and la proving itself to bo the
very bost fruit land In tho valloy lor
successful growth of fruit trees. Mr.
Dlcklaon will put out 2000 trees, and ol
theso 1000 will be ol tbo Yellow New
town variety, 1000 Bpitzenbargs, 300
Ben Davis and 200 Wlnosap. This
will give him forty-five acres of orobard
and aa It la all on pumice land there is
little doubt ol hla making a .'ortune
Irom it. From the old orchard ol ten
acrea he gathered 2000 boxes of very
choico apploa last fall. Other farmers
In that locality who own pumice land
bad bolter follow Mr. Dlcklson's exam
plo, and by so doing lay fortune's oor
nor stone.
A carload of sulphur for spraying
trees has boon ordered und will bo here
tho lirst of next week. All parties
wishing to buy some at bottom prices,
can gol the same irom .Mcuioru dis
tilling Co.
Tbos. Harlan, formerly publisher
and founder of The Mail, was in Med
lord this week doing missionary work
for bis paper, the Register-Democrat,
published at Portland, and also en
deavoring to re-organize tbe democratic
party in Southern Orogou. It was on
December 14, 1888, that Mr. Harlan,
together with bis son, Newell, put the
first "typos" in lino for The Mail and
presented It to tbe public as a ropubll
can newspaper. Since leaving here In
'02 Mr. Harlan has been engnged in
farming In a small way noar Mosler,
Oregon, until a few months ugo when
he established his democratic paper In
Portland. Nowll Harlnn la now at
Solma, Calif., where ho Is operating a
largo Job printing establishment and
making money. His eight-year-old
daughter, Llbbio, who was born in Med'
ford, died last December. Milton Har
lan Is associated with his father In tho
newspaper business. i
Goo. Wigg, M. D., mukes chronic
diseases a specially. Have you a dis
ease OI me houvu uttburur XI DU, VlbllOl
call at his office, Burkhard building, or
write him. Box ZUtm, station A, Port
land, Oregon.
' Eugene State Journal: "The lol-
lowing Is taken from the Medford
Mail, a newsy and successful Jackson
County paper, whose publishor. A. S
Hilton, used to be manager ol the
Florenoo West. Mr. Bllton Is making
a suoooss ol hia paper as his Bubscrlp
tion and advertising columns plainly
show. K. K. Kubli, ol the firm ol
Kubli Bros, montlonod In tho article, 1
wotl known In Eugene having gradu
ated Irom the State University in the
olass ol '02." Following the above was
a mining item In which we spoke ol
Kubli Bros. Gold Standard Mine on
Foots oreek. Our good Iriend Klneald,
ol the Journal, is a veteran Oregon
Newspaper man and, like other good
friends ol Thr Mail and Its publisher,
he Ib watching lor opportunities to say
kind words words which- cannot fall
to push a follow on to still greater
Tho Ashland Iron Works have
added to tholr plant a boiler making
branoli. If you need any repairs In
this line they onn save you lime and
money. Wrllo them at Ashland, Ore.
We notloo by the Roaoburg Review
that Mr. O. W. Sherman, tho genial
gonoral agent ot tho Ponn Life Insur
ance Company, located at Portland, has
gono east and will mako a foreign tour.
Mrs. Sherman accompanies h Ira. Tho
gontlomnn has u 20 year endowment
polloy in tho company ho represents,
which matures on January 27th, and
tho proooeds ol tho polloy will bo ox-
pnudod in loreign travel. On Fobrunry
IbI they aall Irom Boston for a oruUe
on the Mediterranean, vUitlng all the
principal points anil making inland ex
ourslons through Egypt, Turkey and
the Holy Land. Thoy will also Bpoml
tamo time In Rome and Italy, and later
on visit tbe Pari Exposition, Miss
Floy Willis, of Portland, accompanies
thoin on tbe trip, Mr. and Mra. Sher
man are well known In Medford.
Whv 1 it o mnnv euffer Ith b'-od-
ucho whon glasses will relieve it hy
having your eyes prop'jriy nitou oy r,i
wood. A telegram was received last Sat
urday from Lo Angeles, Oullf., an
nn.iiu.Iiii Lli, fcrirhiiitf Milieus of Mrs. A.
J. Stewart, and on Tuesday morning j
another one wua received announcing
her death. Her too, F. K. Deuel, loll
Monday lor Los Angeles but did not
reach tbut place before her death.
Mrs. Stewart hud boon 111 lor some
time in Texas and bad arrived in Los
Angeles only a few days prior to her
death. Doceusod hud a great many
friends and relatives in Medford, where
for tho past few years bIio bad spent
much of hor time, and news of her sud
den demise waa a severe abook to them,
all ot whom bold her In tho blgheat
esteem. It la quite probable that the
remains will be taken east tot Inter
ment, and will be accompanied by her
husband and bor son, Mr. Dene),
-"La Ilolita." a nentleman'j cigar,
a fine amoke from beginning to end.
10 cent straight. Pnre Havana. At
the Distillery omoe.
-Dr. B. F. Adklns has decided to ex
tend hi brick block, corner of Seventh
and C streets, back to the alley, a dis
tance ol lorty leet. Tbe new part will
be 25x40 feet and when completed will
give to Messrs, J. Bek A Co., bard
ware dealers, a sales and Block room
23x140 feet In size. Spencer Chllders
Is now at work clearing away the old
wooden sheds and digging trenches pre
paratory to tho commencement of brick
work. Thle will give Beek & Co. the
room which thoy have long needed, and
as John Norm says: "I'll tell you,
Bliton. we have needed it a long time
and we'll be able to mure than fill the
extra room with bar Iron, plumbers'
goods and other articles of that nature."
Dr. Goblo, tbe optloian, will So at
his residence in Medford on Saturday ol
each wook. Eyes tested free of charge.
Court Hall was up from Gold Hill
this week. He la engaged in the sa
loon business at that place. While it
la true that the business he follows is
not an exulted one it ie Just aa true thut
Mr. Hull raises the business above its
common level, which feat Is accom
plished by bis strict compliance witb
not alone tbe laws of tbe land, but as
well wtlh the prescribed edicts of a
bettor class ol society. No ribaldry is
allowed In hia place ol business, but
Instead everything Is kept 1 nn orderly
mannor and the people of Gold Hill, if
they must have a saloon, are to be con
grutulaied In having Mr. Hull as its
Whv so sad, bo lifeless and color
less? Brace uu and use Hood s Pepsin
Celery Bitters. Sold by the Distilling
Co. at tl per quart.
The Medford McKlnley club met
lost Friday evening at the town hall.
W. T. York was elected secretary in
place of W. H. Gore, who has joined
tho elub in Jacksonville, in which pro
duct be is a voter. Ten delegate
were eleoted to tbe State Republican
League which meets In Portland on
Fobrunry 6th. The delegates ohosen
were D. T. Lawten, delegate at large;
C. W. Wolters, W. T. York, F. M.
Stewart, A. M. Woodford, W. I. Vuwter,
H. G. Nicholson, Adolph Haberly, I.
A. Webb, G. A. Gregory. Tbe next
meeting of the club will be held one
week from tonight.
Notice ia hereby given forbidding
all persons from trespassing upon tne
lands ol W. R. Jones, in Jackson County,
The law passed at the last session
ol tbo Oregon legislature providing for
the registration of voter went into ef
fect on January 1, 1000. By this law it
becomes the duty of every elector in
Oregon between the first Monday in
January, 1900, and 6 o'clock p. m. of
the 15th day of May, 1900, and between
the Bame dates and hours blennally
thereafter, to register with some no
tary publlo or justice of the peaoe, or
with the county clerk ol the county in
which tho eleotor resides, in accord
ance with tbe act.
Don't torget about those elegant
dishes we are giving away. Every
Surchaeergetsaooupon. W.H.Meeker
; Co.
It is hardly expected that roses are
going to bloom all winter, even in the
mild climate of Southern Oregon, but
Mrs. E. J. Cole, living on West Sixth
Btreet, has a rose bush whloh has broken
a reoord, there having been blooms on
it all winter. Mrs. G. H. Haskins also
has a bush from which was taken arose
last Sunday. Now you eastern skeptics
don't think for a moment that these
buaheB are house plants. They are not,
but instead are growing in outside rose
gardens. .
For sale Half Interest in good,
paying business in Medford. Capital
f r. .1 SlQlW Annlu tn W
iiuuunsmjr, nwu. viuvv. .. .
T. York, Medford.
An exchange tells that "smooth
talkors aro at work In some Eastern
Orogon counties, selling ranges and
household articles to fnmlllos at 'low
prloes,' whloh turn out to be higher
than those asked by regular dealers."
It's thnt way everywhere. The film
flnmors of olrcus proportions oan sell
nn Inferior artlole at an advanced price
where tbe honest home merohant has
troublo in unloading honest goods
which are backed by his guarantee.
$ 1900.
We are now in our NEW I'LACE of business, tfi
having removed to the Stewart block. We
wish to thank our customers for their liberal w
patronage in the past, and kindly, invite your W
further indulgence. You will find us betterW
equipped to meet your demands than ever be- wV
fore, with the VERY BEST GOODS at theUf
. . tV
ji A Pointer about
9 W.
"Shorty" Hamilton Is almost al-
ways of a generons turn. He is bo dog-
blasted kind hearted and the fact is be
coming so widely known tbat stranger
are Imposing upon him. He ha been
in tbe habit, for several years, during
hia time as landlord at the Nash, of ac
commodating his guest by Indorsing
draft and check for them, and not
until last week did he lose a penny by
so doing, but now be is shy just $25 by
his over Indulgence In kind-heartedness.
A young man, giving hia name
as Harry O. Collins, was stopping at
the Nash last week for a few days and
as "Shorty's" thirst parlors are next
to or a part of the hotel they naturally
became acquainted. Just prior to Col
lins leave-taking for northern points
Mr. Hamilton was asked to indorse a
sight draft on Wm. Wadule, ot Rose
burg. Mr. H. demurred for a while
but being bo well acquainted with Wad
dle and knowing tbat Collins had form
erly been in bis (Waddle's) employ he
bitched bis name to a draft tbat drew
from the bank $25. The draft proved
to be a forgery and Mr. H. was out the
gold shinners. Collins is said to have
worked the same scheme o: er al Horn
brook, where F. T. Fredenburg put up
$10 on an Ashland draft, and again he
worked Lou Heberlie, of Grants Pass,
to tbe tune of $25 on a similar forgery.
Whea last heard from he was going
north. .
Tbe Boss Candy Kitchen, Jackson
ville finest and freshest home-made
candles sold in Southern Oregon.
Mrs. J. P. O'Harra, ol Tolo, who
has been seriously 111 for several weeks
past with blood poisoning, we are
pleased to state, is very much Improved
in faot Is nearly well again. The
poisoning was caused by her pricking
the end of her finger witb a needle. A
short time thereafter her hand began
swelling and later her arm and shoulder
were swollen so badly as to necessitate
lancing. It was thought at one time
that she could not possibly recover.
For a right good 10 cent cigar, try
the "Girl from Paris" 5 cent cigar at
the Distillery office.
Grants Pass Mining Journal:
"Harry Bousum, of Medford, waa at
tacked on Thursday evening between
Lister's stable and Stanard by a man
who made an attack on him with a
knife, afterwards knocking him down.
Mr. B. olaimed to have been robbed of
The American Family Scale FREE!;
Evory family wants one,
ilj from 1 oz. to 20 lbs.
JJT Pictures on Sides.
Mf ' thorn Bhnwn to you
1 1900. S
Corsets. ..
Ladies, the matter of Corset ia an
important one with you J correct form
ia pertinent, but health Is paramount.
The coraet has a great deal to do with
both. . As the Corset is, so will the
Figure be, yet Correct Form most be
secured without the sacrifice of your
Health. For these reason we nave
filaced In our Corset department a
Ineof the now famous
Easily worth tl.75, wben compared
with other Corsets, but which we
sell at only $1.00. See them.
Feet Hurt?
When they do, nine times ou.t
of ten, it' because your shoe
doesn't fit properly. They
need attention. Bring them
to me and naye them fixed. ,
On Everything tn the Line of Foot
wear at Reasonable Prices. .. . .-
With W.T. Kim
next door1 to
Darin' (rocerr
$14 and a revolver. Tbe desperado ha
not yet been captured."
Don't forget the Boss Candy Kitchen
when vou are in Jacksonville.
A. S. Rosenbaum, formerly station
agent at Gold Hill, now occupying a
like position at Wolf Creek, has been
appointed justice of the peace by tbe
county court of Josephine County. As a
magistrate, "your honor," Jlr. Rosen
baum will undoubtedly t'lspense justice
with becoming dignity and impar
tially. For tin and granite ware, china
and toys go to Uurnea's.
Messrs. Weeks & Orr are loading'
a carload of prunes this week for ship-,
ment to Toronto, Canada. This 19 a
new market for Southern Oregon Irutt
but these gentlement eel confident that
tbey will find a market equal to If not
better than any eastern city to whloh
. i . i, i . .
me iruii. uas lurmeny oeen sent.
Eat Guntber's candy and he happy
For sale at the Rialto.
A school meeting is called by Clerk
Jones of school district No. 49, to meet
at the Medford school house on Satur
day, January 20th, at 2 o'clock, p. m.
The purpose of the meeting is to vote a
tax for the payment of interest on out
standing sooooi warrant and lor gen
eral school purposes.
For fine oyster cocktails, trv Karne
& Ritter's.
Messrs. A. A. Davis & Co., the
Medford millers, have The Mail's
thank for an elegant calendar. On it
special. attention is called to their brand
of excellent flour which is labeled'
"Our Patent," the superior qualities of?
whioh many housewives are familiar.-
Farmers! We want your hen' eggs
highest market price. W. H. Meeker
& Co.
Etioh Soale guaranteed to register correotly
Tin Scood Tod. Jananned C!aa. Oi-nummitul
GIVEN FREE with Purchases. Ask to have
& CO., .--