if. .. BTATE OIT 011E00N, I ' , County ol J uuk iidii, ( " f I, A. B. Hilton, publisher of the '' MuuroiiD Mail, horehy certify, unilur oitlh, that tho olruulntlon , of tbo Mail Ik t'M) pnpiira ituoli week. A. U. ULITON. Moilfonl, Oi',, Duu. 20, 1HUU. Bubsorlbcd iind sworn to boforo mi) this "iiih iitiy of lVocmuiir, 1WMI. 0, T. IjAWTON, Notury I'ubllo. J BBALi FBOFEUBIONAL CARDS. Qt T. J0.NK8, COUNTY KUItVKVOH, An fr all lituri. nt Hurvnvlnir OrOIUDllV done, leel work. raa uouniy surveyor cuu give ruu ,io Medford, OniiuD )R. a. U. COLIi, fllTHICIAN AND HUMQIION, OIAm star Wolfra Howard'. Orooety mors Mitulurd, Uri'tuii, -O i (J, W. STEPHENSON, PHYSICIAN A SI) HUHOItON, Ornw over lbs new tledford Hank. Medfurd, Or-on. C.V. SNELL, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. net Jaokeon County Abstract aod Coll.. as Co. ' " mmdIId nulldlDK, Modlord Oronoa. M. U PAWWSOAH At'y at La" I. 0. HAHIISUAII Nolitr I'ubllo JJARREGAN & NARRKOAN, ' AfTORMBYH, AHHTRAOTHltB AND CONVJiYANUIeU. .- uoeeasors to . H, Whitman. Correct abstracts Of overy piece of land lo Jackson County, east si Medford nank. Hodfurd, Orcion JJAMMOND A SEARLE, ATTORN KYH AT LAW Omt In Stewart Dlk. Medford, Or. J, KIRCHGKSSNER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Central Point, Oregon. Ucatord ofnoe-Llndley llulldlnr, Wodnesday u4 Hamrday, K:M lo M a. as., oa and alter 10, W, W. 8. JONES, rnVStOIAN AND 8UR0KON. Modtord, Oregon. CxKttns Of rs Block. J 8. HOWARD, ' trpRVBYOR AND CIVIL BNOINKKK. U. ft. IHpatj Mineral tturvayor lor Iho Slate Oregon. PosieOloe addroaai ' " Medford. Oregon. J. B. WAIT, . rllYBlClAN AND HDHOMON, nine, in Llndler Bleck Medford, Or PHYSICIAN AND S1I1K.KOM, OftVe nour-10 lo Ma. m. ud ! lo 4 p. m. Hundaya-12(ol Medford, Or OBce: Haakln block W. I. VAwmn. Pres. n. F. AnKins, VPras II L. OILKBY, Oaanlor. Jackson County Bank ' ...CAPITAL, o.oo.... MSDFOItD, - OREGON Loan moaey on approved eoourlly, reoeivo da poalu aubleot to onook and ireimaot a xenon tanking business. Your buslnoiw aoltoltod.... Cpo5dent:-Ladd """h.,"""'. Oalllernla Bank, 8an Prano ko. Ladd Tlllon, Portland, Corbln Hanking Co., N. Y. J, H. Btiwaiw. H. K. AHjif nr. . ' Prel(lenl. Vlco rrenleni. J. B. Enyaut, Canblor.- The Hedford Bank Mtoroao, oatooN , Capital, $so,ooo.o) A General Balkhig Business Transacted 1 U. Htownrl, ll! KKvLK; 'L "otoertB W. B. Crowoll, H. H. Wl tlwaa i t i W. F.Towne, lloraoo rollon BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE h Trade Marks nrniANB ..uninut An. Atirmioanndlng aketeli and .JCW-r"!!!! ' tont frou, tlWoiit naonof for pruiteiit. Patenta Inkon iTirouiili M"1"1.?.00' MIT W'M nolle, wltbout oliowo, In tbo Scientific American. r W aTnlataT1 m, m. Notice to Woodciioppers: Wo doKlro to cull your Orona-cut Bitwi, wliloh BLACK JACK, KEEN KUTTER and SIMMONS SAWS. A We Can Furnlah Any ol the Above Saw from g i-a to 7 Peet In Length. ,"EQUOIA" 2 "CLINTON" DOUBLE-JUTTED Axes. Single-billed Axes In groat variety. Also Wedgee, SlodgeB and Handles. ; ' 1 ' MEDFORD, ORE. sBSa riput.pla Piirs Past nnrcRS wiuoa itew " " inn , , , nan ' De KOBOAAI A OKSEK, Cor, Seventh anf B Stn. Special Attention to Commercial Hen rrMVi'T That Have the largoat oarpoU, wall fPr and em Oregon .... Escape Your Attention If you are a proapoctlvo tho hisvat In erado and in conneotlon . .. aWHHHTHMKKeeMIMKmHUKWmHrHH s Colder Weather.. 5 Will oon be here, and then you will need 5 Robes and Blankets I e m m To keep youreoll m ...... .. Erorythlng now and up-to-date in , up-to-date In the narnoaa llni Now winter horse goods c J. G. TAYLOR, Now winter MEDFORD W. L. ORH, Mill Foreman. KD. ROBERTS, Builder MEDFORD PLANING MILLS.. .. ITU ROBERTS & ORR, Proprietors BUILDERS and MILL MEN. . Plans and Specifications Estimates given on all kinds of Moohanical and Mill work Carry a ROUGH anfl oomplete line - - Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Frame making and Inside Finish a Specialty. Plaoe of business, J. E. Olson's old Btnntlgflfot- OfegOll Presoriritions Main Strtyst; . FRANK W. WAIT ... STONE YARD Gonorul contracting In all lines of stone works Cemetery Work g-tl a Specialty f$$Vr All t-lJ I -...UIa ainHlin vnnn. iMnltta KIIIUU Ul uini uiu tiiu tjinuibu mtmiiiuciiio ilWtiH' Yarrt on Cl rUroct Cmnmortolnl Hotol Illoatc JHCKSOHVILLE MULE WORKS J. C. WHIPP, Propr. Does General Contracting in all GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS, Jacksonville. MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. 1900. munition lo tlio followInK brand of lira Kum.y Ouaiiantk-ku: J. BEEK & GO. HarRfnl Tlrlrfirs on J 71 fi 1 . . p nn'J .r,,..,,,r, i'.-k K A V?-i Props. riedford, Ore. r.a , mi on ; " an. 1, urj nn.j -,-a --V-araV LET THE FACT and boat wjlectod stock of furniture, ( window ahkdea to be found in South ' V purohaavi you will find my good r Iho lowoat In price. Undertaking L. price. Undertaking I. -A.. WEBB and lioree warm. tne narnoaa line. horse gooaa ol evory aoncripiion. OREOON. DRESSED LUMBER THE WIORTAR DROG STORE, ' 6. H.HASKINS, Prop'r. M ADtTMi.a m THI UNI or Pure Diugi, Patent Medicines, Booka, Btatlonery, PAINTS ano OILS, Tobaceoea, Olram, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and Everything that la carried In a Srat olMaUKOO STORK . Oarefullv ! Compounded. - . Medford Oregon. 'MEDFORD, OREGON Lines. CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY - " - Oregon. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Sarah Zeitliu, tbo 10-year-old daughter of Lewis Zeitlin, of Balti-, more, is suffering from a rare mal' ady. They call It "child crowing," Three weeks ago the girl was knooked down by car. She ap pprently escaped unhurt and the accident had been almost forgotten by her parents until a few days ago, when the child began to titter queer sounds from the throat, A physi cian was oalled, but despite his ef forts to relieve her the sounds be came continuous. Other physicians were consulted, but could give no relief. The sounds resemble a faint cry and are distressing to the ear. Only two or three such cases are known to physicians. The malady is nearly always superinduced by flight. Mary Welsh, aged 60, of Phila delphia, has a curious mania. She says she can sleep comfortably no where but in a graveyard or on the steps of a ohurch. An officer found her asleep on the steps of the church of Nativity on a recent night. , The policeman woke her up because she wsb thinly clad and he feared she would freeze to death. The woman upbraided him for disturbing her and told him she preferred to Bleep on the church steps rather than in the downiest bed. Venezuela has ordered 20.000 Mauser rifles and 2,000,000 car tridges in this country, the pre sumption being that she is prepar ing for war with Colombia. The latter country purchased 2400 rifles and 12,000,000 cartridges in New York recently. The two republics in a short time will be armed to the teeth, and unless the good pflicers or the the strong arm of this government interfere there will be bloodshed. The British consul at Washing ton is authority for the statement that New Orleans has been one of the chief porta used by the Boer agents for securing supplies for use in the Transvaal, and that British ships have been used largely in their shipment. Corn it seems, has been one of the principal staples bought for the pmrpose, and was shipped away from that port with out cnusing the least comment or suspicion.' The ' value of the nut orop of Southern Califrrnia for this year is $50,000, comprising 450 cars. In Southern California there' are- aTt present 62,114 bearing almond trees and 60;il9 non-bearing. ' 'Of wal nuts 'here'. are '321,228 earipg trees' and' ,3,273 non-bearing trees. The poo-bearing trees are in young orohafdB. i .' ' -' '' ' " : The largest ice plant ever built in the United States went to Ma nila on a government transport last week. It will daily produce 50 tons of ice and 6000 gallons of. dis tilled water, besides refrigerating a room designed to hold 5000 beeves, 7500 sheep and 100 tons each of salt meats, butter, eggs, etc Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Park Ridge, N, J., has Bent out oards announc ing that he is ready to give prompt attention to weddings, funerals, christ' nings and other business in cidental to his calling. Mr. Cooper states that he gets no pay for preach ing and irjuat niiiko a living some how. Now York City has 206 veterans of tho Mexican war, seven of the In dian wars and 15,000 of tho civil war ou ttie pension rolls. Mice are reported by the North Yamhill Reoord to be destroying growing wheat in its neighborhood NO. 3. to an alarming extent. Farmers assert that while doing their fall plowing the number of. mice Jhcy would plow up in one (Jay would sometimes reuch the thousands. Two men arrived in Skagway, Alaska, List wprk, having come the greater pint of the way on bicycles. The ice was very smooth most of the way and they were able to ride as much as' one hundred ' miles a day. , , . , The British flag was insulted and a portrait of the queen tramped on in a saloon a'tVlctoria, B." C, re cently, and the Attorney-General is likely to have the parties arrested and punished for treason. , ' Import of tobacco from Cuba in creased 5,400,000 pounds, or- 150 per cent, during the ten months ending with October. In October alone the increase was 355,000 pounds, or 105 per cent. , The fund for the family of the brave Gen. Lawton, killed at the Philippines, has been swelled to over 170,000, and instea'd of the pro posed. $50,000, the amount so ay reach $100,000. V; During 1900 there will be three eclipses, two of the sun and one of the moon. ' On May 28th there will be a total eclipse of the sun, visible throughout North America. Paper is now being made into rope in England. It is not as strong as mauila rope, but is adapted for driving pulleys. Having a Great Run on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the PierBon drug store, informs us that he is having a great run on Chamberlaiu's Cough Itemedy. He sells tire bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stoo the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its promot action. South Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by Chas. Strang, druggist, Reformation of Waldo and Vicinity. The Waldo correspondent to the. Grants Pass Mining Journal has the following to say of the spiritual well-being of his localitv: "It man not be generally known that this once sinful spot south of Hayes Hill is being redeemed and turned over to the Lord. To the credit of Revs. Sams, Epperly and Brock be it Baid this change has been brought about. A United Brethren Church has been organ ized at this place. The Methodists at Althouse are now holding revival meetings by the j'oint efforts of Brothers Sams and Brock. They will begin at Kerby this week Fri day.. Waldo church has oyer forty members while Althouse has about thirty - Jnst think of regular prayer 'meetings at Waldo, Althouse and Kerby! Recently we have been .bringing into use some more of the alphabet. It was Satan, Sin and Saloon over here but now Christ, Christianity and Church occupy first place. Young men will be en abled to choose between the church and the saloon, books and beer, in tellect and intoxication. Verily. the Lord's flag the Bible is hoisted in thiB land to remain.'' . Convert. in Probate court. Estate of Chas Winters; Inventory and ap prnlsement;. personal property appraised at M7'2.9.V Estate of S Q Galoy ; ordor con Arming sale of real estate LEVI STRAUSS&CO SPRING BOTTOM PANTS ;i ;i 1( U , - . I'- '"Ul . -i .1. if ) iV . US ... XvStO I I AST! .ViTiiLj fciiim .lis 1 1 STATE OF OREOON, I t County ol Jnokaon, I I, A. H. Billon, publisher of the Mkih'urp Mai berooy certify, undor nuth, that the circulation of the Mail Is 2200 papers each week. A. 8. BLITON. Medford, Or., Doo. 20, 1809. . Subscribed and sworn to before me tbls ZUih day ol uoeemner, 18U9. D. T. LAWTON, j REAL, i , VULGAR EXCLUS1VEHESS. laaUitr Oordl.UtTAr. Alwatr tho Trn.ai ol Oo4 Han and women .who by contact iOC travel know the world's beat society need not b told that simplicity and gra cionsnfa are' the' Invariable character istic of 'the, highest breeding. .. 1 this tact could only reach th minds of that class of Mople trhp folk of "excluslve nesa," of J't o'ur-.hundrds,',,of the "vul garity of trade," of not knowing say oneoutsideof "our set," what a grateful social change would be wrought. 'That sold stare of tha would-be flsct la tout the ezpreaaion jot an vner-bred, poverty-stricken sonlj What is "ei'clusive nea?' It is that humeri 'policy which ahuta individuals off from the, .enjoy ment of their kind,..by . which society gains, since an inharmonious element is thereby removed. Bow pathetic. is the isolation of the determined aristo crat, especially in a small town where, other stirring interest lacking, bumaa relations mean so much.' Could even a Divine microscope detect thedifferenee between the. naked aools of si . banker's and a grocer's wife? Bow;, Infinitely stupid it if td draw lines In small place instead of honeatiyaa joying' ail there is to enjoy. If one has had superior ad vantages, ie ,tbr jkrigaiicm to give pleasure, to mate -aunsh joe Jn others' Uvea because of that good fortune? The time ie at hana : wker) ' intelligence will be too. widespread, progreaa. to; ,a more vigorous plane of thinking .too real to admit of men and wofmen look ing askance at one Bother 'to moke mental invoice .of social, financial ,. or other probabilities. Will it not aoon. penetrate the dulleat brain that wealth, rank or leaderahlp are powerleas. as shields against unhappiness, or as props to mental, moral or physical de ficiencies; that there is positively no honest or sensible basis for judging in' dividuals except individuality. Ella Morris Kretschmar, in Woman's Home Companion. . : .1 : SOME LITTLE-KNOWN PACTS. Which Show Bow LIKJc TVc Know oi Eah Other ud of Oar , j , Country. I i Only 18' per Cent, of all the fami' lies in America employ domestic, help, leaving 82 per cent, without even one servant. .. . -; ,' If all the dressmakers known to ex ist in America worked 24 hours' of each day to? a whole year, without stopping" for sleep or meals, they ,yould still be) able to make only one dress apiece for less than seven-eighths of 'the women: of America. 14. . . . . - ' i.j I. s Xot sis per cent q all the women in America spend a much money aa t.lft npr vpnr nn fhpir nlnfhpn ' --- Out of 12,000,000 American families the income of 4,600,080 of these fami lies is less than $400 each per year, and the incomes of nearly 80 per cent, of the entire number are less than $1,000, each per year. , : There are scores of places in this country where only one mail comes' every 14 days. 1 Ask the average person where the central point, of area is jn the ynitcd; States and he will fix it somewhere ini Illinois. Tell him it is nearer San Frafi-' Cisco and he will be Incredulous until he remembers that Alaska , is. within , the boundaries of Cncle nm. EdwareV Bok, in Ladies' Home Journal. - A I'oluf In Etiquette. ''".. ?' Aa to the form of introduction, the" ' simpler it is the better. , The double introduction has entirely gone out of fashion. Do not say: "Let me make you acquainted with," but; say, 'mere--'' ly: "Miss Brown, let me present Air. 1 : Gray to you." If two persons who aro introduced are' interested in some one- ' art or science it' is 'well tb' mention - ttliB fnnt- l.iii In m.VInn In4..l..n. : "wx.'g. W1MNUWUUUS it is inadvisable to label people. Do not introducs a woman a's "our distin guished poetess," nor a man aa "the greatest hero of our recent, political battles." ' Both statements may be irue, uuv ii 11 emonrrassing to both parties to an introduction to hear these, personal eulogiutns. Leah- Irjnhce'ibrd, in .Woman's Home Companion! A Touehlnnr Appeal. Trrunn Sav. plenae gimme de price of' n anuan. meal? I jest found a both ticket, an' ' I dassen't rak n. wo, nn n- . Istummick. N, Y. Journal. , r(i . Factory, 3an FraneltcQ, I i