' CITY HAPPENINGS. J k li,t-,tr Am A, Hohool Superintendent 0. A. Grog 017, of J nu k mm County, wiui 0110 of the prltiotpul entertainers at tbu Statu ToBohura' Aaaoolutlon whlob mat at Huluin luat wook. Mr. Gregory road u niMMir bufurn tlio aBHoolutlmi un "Huliool Llbrarles-How to (Jot; Hovr to Uno." Tho putwr km woll ruuoivnd and who oompllniiintvd upon very Illicitly by tho heal uduiiuUiru In tho aluUi. Ho appro priate nnd pleasing was lliii pupor vli nt liubllatium of oiliioiillonul pupor re uuuatod tho iirllolo lor publication In tholr Jul nit. Through lliu efforts of Mr, Gregory, nluoo liu lnut lionn super liiUindout ol our county auhoiila, twmity llhrnrlua huvu lit'uu put In In its ninny ilifTurout mihoiil districts In lint county. Till) Oiegniiliin nuiiltm Mr. i i-ojiury u bliylliK Unit tin "OiiiixIiIkiiiiI tho mm mo of study of p'li'iiitioiinl I in im litticu to tho toxt-bciiil;. ( !t outing tlio power to reason wull wan biitlur limn commuting to tnuiuory tho fuola uontnlnml In text bookH, mill to this ond tho touulxir should ho atnuig enough to do liioco orul work." rim Nimhvlllo Student will glvo you a "tnatu of tho old Union" in tliulr tintertiilnmuut nt tho niiurn lioimo on January Uth. Thuv will toll you about "Nonbr Old Ark," "Camp Muotlng In the Promised Laud:" all about "Trou- blo In Do Lund, and will million that "rotor, do Ring Thoin IlolU," Out vour tloUnti early und be on hand, Ad ulation 26, M and 5U tenia. F. M. Hlowarl recently iold hli olalm to additional government homo toad. Mr. Ktuwart lllod a homuiload right on uliihty aero of government laud In Mlaaourl In 1HMI, but unilnr an nut of conuri'M all aolillora of tho Union army who filed upon a leaser amount of litiid than WO iioroa prior to Juno 'i'l, h74, aro oulltlod to anil tholr rlKht to thla leaser ainouiit, and It la till right whlob Mr. HUiwart haa illsHisod of. Thla lUun may bo of Internal lo othur aoldlora who aro alluaUid almllarly to Mr. Ktowurt. If thoro aro any auoh tboy ahoulil aui) to It that thotr claims aro established. Hhould tlmy prnlor to lo catA uiion thla additional land thorn aolvni tboy can do ao, and mnko proof upon same without tho uaually required roaldonco. Tlmo and nioimy aavad by taking the Northern I'nolllu to all iiofnU ouev. Tickets sold from Mod lord anrao aa Portland. Do not forgot that a North nrn I'uulUo our nuaace through Mod- ford Wudnoadnv evening oaoh wookfor tho aoconnnodntlon of imasimgors who Uriah a alnnnnr from Modford to St, Paul without chnngo. W. T. York, agont, Medford, Oregon. Tho following la dipped from tho ' Yaqulnii liny Nowa: "Itov. Oharloa Hnoth. of Grunts t'aaa. who haa boun visiting hla old homo aud frlonda about Yaoultiu Hay for a low unya, looa in thla nliv. Tolodo. Inst Biitiirday. rocolv Inn a hourly woluomo ut nil hand. Ho kliullv matin tho 'l'oat' a cull which waa groally approolntod. Monday'a train carrlod htm to hla present homo In Urania I'aaa, aooompanlnd by tho boat wlalioa of the communltloa whoro ho labored ao long and fnllhfully." Ilonr tho funny man of tho Nash vlllo Student Company alng "Mlaa Virglnoy," and hoar tho boniitltulnnw negro lullaby, "Just a Llltio Nigger." Opera houao, January Uth. There waa a happy lltllo ovonl up at Oakvlllc, Wash., on December 24th, In which two forinor Medlord ooplo woro tho prlnolpnla, tho aamo Doing tho marriage) of Robert L. Boavor to Vina Mnuil Klhart. Tho coromony took plaoe at tho roaldonro of tho brhlu'a paronta, Mr. and Mra. L. Klhart, niid waa performed by Itov. Naylor. Hie many frlonda of tlio happy couplo aro extending congrnlulntlona ami nono tho lenal of theao ib Tub Maii Tho Aahlnnd Iron Works have addod to tliulr plant a bollur making branch. If yon noed any repairs In thla lino thev can aavo you tlmo and money. Write thorn at Aahland, Ore. F. E. Payno, who purchased tho Goooh ranch, aouthoaat of Modford, was out lam wook making an inspection of the oountry nnd general aurroundlnga of Jomiphlnc Couaty. Ho la couvlnood that Jackaon County la THK apot of Southern Oregon for all purpoaoa. Mr. Payno woa formerly an extensive fruit grower in northern Waahlngton aad la familiar with all branohoaof farming. Frank Bollinger la proparod to do liver wood 1 1 email quantities from his yard In Modford. Prompt delivery and Sood, honest moasuromont. Hard wood ollvored at 12 por tier. E. W. Cnrdor wrltosfrom Dawson, under dato of Novombor 27th, saying that bo had a good winter's lob, work ing In tho shaft uf a big mlno. Bald tho wonthor waa mild In fact It was warm had not boon below zero, and tho day ho wroto tho temperature waa not at tho froozlng point. Hood's Popsln Celery Blttors, a pure vogctablo tonio, euro for loss of nppetlto, woak atomaoh, norvouBnoBB, fever, ague and gonoral doolltty. l por bottlo at Distillery offloo. Thn .rantmnn flnnntv Water Com- MivKnrd. has fl od artloios 01 (nnflrnnrntlnn with tho secretary of state. Tho incorporators aro V. E. Birgo, Austin 8. Hammand, H. L. Ollkey, W. 8. Jonos and Avery T. Bearle; capital a took, $100,000. ut, in im aomethlng that Is really and truly a beauty In eewlng maohlnos, Juat call at Bodgo's tailoring fcliop ana nave a iook b m drawer mahogany Singer. -Goo. Wlgg. M. D., makes ohronlo dlsoases a spoolalty. Have you a dis ou ni tho ahnva nature? If so, either call at his offloe, Bnrkhard building, or write him. Uox ssouo, ouwion a., rw land, Oregon. m Til t. n mmttlwStA 111 hfAll' . u, x. riurwi, wu " . ford a couple or throe months ago from Beattle, and who has beon at work ereotlng a fine resldonco for Mrs. Phll port, on tho Orohard Home trnot, has oomploted Bis ooniraon ana u his family into town. .Tnnhnn Pattorson was In lant wook with thlrtv-two as H no fat hogs as wore nvnp ran in niiiihiiurii vi"K" woro sold to J. w. Witoy, who amppuu thorn to Ban Frnnclsoo. PoBltlvoly ouros rheumnllsm and iTiim-iilcrlaanifnlnlinHnB thO blOOd. "Hot- anlcal" prion 60 oents and 2.IS0. Ad' dross, box 07, Mcdford, Orogon. Tho Prosliytorlan Oh 11 rob Bocloty, of Modford, haa purohaaod tbu Mrs. Finney rosldiiiioo nroorty for a munse (or tholr psaUir, llov. Adolph llnlwrly, uud that gonllenian haa tnkon up hla roaldonco thoreln. A deal for tho pur chase of this property has boun pond ing for several wooka but not until una wook was tho bargain olosud. Tho property Is at tho roar of tho ohuroh, fiutlnu ICIuhth and II strvota. and la very doalrabla eapooially buouuao of Its prox imity to the ohurun. xno nouao 1a lurgo, won 011111 anu Buuvuniuiinijr -hilii lii Llio vard thoro la an abundnnuu of ahadu and fruit trona. nud aulluhlo and woll kept out bulldlnga. Thu prloo puld wua flbOO and it waa a bargain at mono iigurus, Do nut full to hoar tho shouting tiinor of thuNiiahvlllvHtudunta loll vou bow "Joahua Koiiyht the lliittlo of Jur- loo. Opera Iioiiko, January IHb. W. II. Hohurta haa lut tho cuntruut fur tho ooiiBtruotlon of hla now real- iluucv In ICuat Modford to Oonlruolor Ud. ltoborU. The buiUlliig la ui no a oiio-atory cottiigu, 211x24 fuel In al.o, and In archllootunil doalgn It Is modern throughout, while In workmanahlp, na woll ua material, tlio MpRullloatlona call foradrat-oluaaartlclo. Charlie I'holator has the contract to put In tho founda tion, which la to bo of slono and thrtto feet high. Mr. Hoborta' ooiitrnot oalla for tho roaldonon eomplotu, Including painting, also tlio building 01 a 10x21 loot barn and shoda. We are nrooarod to furnlah Mod ford and vlolnltv with oandlea and nuts of all kinds at priooe mat can't oe cent. The Hlalto Ball & Iaaaca. One day Inst wook Dra. Jones It, Bhearer removed a piece of brick, aa largo aa one's finger nail, from one of the noalrlla of Goo. Webbor'a lltllo throo-tnar-old irlrl. The lilooo of brick had beon In the noatril ainoc early luat fall. It having boon lodgud thoro ut a tlmn whon workmen worn putting In a ohlinnoy for Mr. Wobber, tinilornouth which the little one waa playing. The nloou waa a allvor which How from onn of tho brick and lodgod In tho noalrll. Binoo I la removal the child is gottlng along alright. School books, tablet, penolia, lunch baakuta. and evorvthlng oiao the chll drnn nood for school uao, at tho book atore, next door to poatofllce. Judae James Btowart has sold his aloek of books, alallonorr and aohool aunnlloa to Orln Whitman. This ia tho Modford book atoro, and It will bo con duutud by Mr. Whitman at tho aamo nluoo. Mr. Btowart will soouro oftloo room for his Justlco of tho peace bual noaa and whero bo can read law, pro paratory to admlaaion to tho Oregon for next aprlttg. Mr. Whitman la aon of tho lato J. H. Whitman. UUI- U rUUUlfUlliUll WIllVll OU will lan Farmors, we want your produco piirlicularly your chlokuns. turkeys, eggs nnd butter. II. II. Uownrd & Co. Mlaa IViirl Murlln, of Trail, aoverul wooka ago broke the radius ol tho loft forearm. Kuvnr aot in ami lnl Thura day the arm wua In auuh bud aluipo aa to necaiUilo Inuring in (our plueoa. O. J. Knrlow, who hnu boun staying with the Martin (utiiilv. la alao III with ty phoid fever. Dr. Shearer ia attending buth cases. Dr. Goblo, the optlciun, will bo at his roaldonco In Modford on Saturday of cauh week. Kyes tealed froe of charge. Phillips, a San Francisco mining mnn, is thought to linvo 'won loat in tho mountain range botweon Sllvor and Urigga orcuka. In Joaophino coiiniy. Ho haa not boun sunn since Chriatmna day, when he aturtudon horrebaok from Bllvcr oreek to Urigga oreok. Snow la said to bo four foot deep In tho litoun- lulna. W. E. Phlpps, the atttirney, doea convoyanclng and all kinds of patter work. Notary Publio In omoo. J. W. Borriam, suiiorlntondunt of tho govoinmont hutchory, on Klk oreok, was In Modford Wednesday. This halohory waa established aa an ex periment and It bus provon a great suoooas, It having turned out more oggs by over a million than ull tho other halohertoB In tho state. Tho "Girl from Paris" 6-cont olgar up-to-date and gaining all the time. f or ante at uiaimory omoo, Frank Bollinger bus boon investing in more Modford real ostato, ho having purebnaed lot No. 1, In block 80, from tho railroad company, paying therofor IH. Thla lot Is located just north from Geo. Doltriolt's plaoo, and was pur chased aa a apooulatlon and Frank Is looking for oilier oargatns 01 una na ture. You know whon you have good ooftoo ovorythlng la pleasant at homo. You got It at G. L. Davis'. J. J. Martin, tho erstwhllo Applo gato mining man, now at Yroka, waa in Modford Inst wook. Mr. Martin Is one of tho olovereat little gontlomen in this whole oountry and no person is moro heartily greotod by his very nu merous frlonda than he is. Romembor that Spider Log tea that G. L. Davis has is the best In town. Try U. Railroad carpenters arrived la Modford Tuesday morning and on Wodnosday morning preliminary work on tho new dopot was oommonoed. The building will bo 27x109 feet in size and Is to be eomplotod by the flrstof March. If you want to make a fruit cake you oan get the proper staff at G. L. Davis'. Tho annual business meeting of the Baptist Ohuroh will bo hold next Satur day afternoon at 2:80 o'olook, and the annual roll oall will bo held next Wednesday evening. Half ground slock salt at 60 oents por hundrod at White, Harbaugh & Co. 'a. Mra. S. W. Speas' health Is very much improved, we ara glad to note. Tho lady has been HI since the doath of her mother, several months ago. W. E. Phlpps, tho attorney, will oolloot your olalms and give you the money. Thoro waa a raloo of one oont per bushol in tho price of wheat In the Liv erpool, Now York, Ohloago and San Franolsoo markots this wook. Farmorsl Wo want your hon eggs hlghoBt ntarkot prloo. W. H. Mookor &Uo. Elootrlo lights havo been plnood In tho Baptist Ohuroh. Thoro are now two ouurohon lighted by oleotriolly this one nnd tho Presbyterian. Mvore. tho lewolor. will aavo you money, tieouro his prions before buy ing. W. H. Meeker Ac Co. havo moved tholr stock of drv goodu. olotblng and genu' furnlahlnga to tholr new store room, In the J. U. Btowart block. The room ia 2AxH0 foot In she ami Is bv sev eral notclius tbu boat sules room In tho city. Tho aliolvlug and oounlurs are Wonli 9 iiroa.' neat unori 111 inai 11 no. Thuv are llulabud In natural wood- augur plno, und this In hard oil. Tho carving and nrohlteotural designing are oxqulalto. The aliolvlug la twunty- l tree liionoa uoop, giving amino uopm for any lino of goods which la doalrod to put on thorn, The front of tho store laauppllud wim an aounuuiico 01 ngni which alilnoa through lurgo plate gluas. A skylight alTotda light ubout iniilwuyoi uiu room, wuiio mo ruur ia lighted by windows in Unit section. Thu entrance to tlio store is luld In onumoled inoaalcs of vory prutty put- lorn. Tho uiilruncu, or root as, Is un uauully doop, ulfordlng uinplu room fur aplondid show window dlupluye. Aa 11 wholo tlio atoro la a beauty throughout and la a credit to its owner und thu mouhuiiio'a bunds who designed und executed It. Muaara. Meeker & Co, buvo reason to uongrutuluto llioiuaelvea In having souurud such pleuaanl and convenient quartern. Thusu people have boun In bualnuaa In Modford nourly alx years und by honest, aquuro douling, und by currying 11 good lino of goods, huve built up a apiunuiu trauo, wnion tliero Is good reason to presume will bo luurvuaod now that tboy are In moro aultuulo quarters and bavo greater op portunities lor aiapiuving iiieir gooua, While the pruaonl locution ia muoh lurger than tho old place tholr immense alouk of goods fills thu new atoro to Its full capacity, Don't forget about those elogant dishes we are giving away. Kvery nurohaaurgulaacoupon. W. u, Meeker It Co. L. .1. Hauohott, government horse buyer, accompanied oy H. K. Button and J. Percy Wells, of Aahland, waa In the olty Wednesday buying horses for use of the LI lilted Blutos army in tho Philippine Inlands. Headquarters were ualubllahud ut the Nash 11 vory stables and 24 head of horses were bought. Tho price paid was from 125 to $36 per head. The horses were not an extra ordinarily good lot In fact they were considered by local horsemen to be bo low tho average grade of "good" horses. Tho animals were taken to Ashland Wodnosday and from there will go to Ban Franolsoo, thence to Manila. You haven't smoked tho best nickel cigar In town if you never tried a Billy Dugan aold only by Motince & Karnea. Mlaa Maud Btlmson, the sixteen year-old daughter of Krod Stimaon, liv ing oust and north of Medford, has beon troubled for tho past six weeks with a swelling of one of her knee joints. The parenU thought the swulliug was from a rhoumallo source and so trcntcd it, but Dr. Picket, who waa called, haa dlognosod tho eaao to he tubercular dla cimo of tho joint and ia now trailing 11. It ia possible an operation will become necossiiry. The young lady and her mother aro atopplng in Medford with tho lumlly of Jas. Jones. For Sale Two good milch cows, team, harness and new 3 Inch wagon. Inquire of F. A. Nulk, South D street. A meeting of the Choral Union Is called for Monday night. It la intended to give a concert about the '.Dth of this month In which tho chorus will be as sisted by Mra. R. O. Brooks, of Eugene, who sung so pleasantly for us lust year. Oibor soloist will usaial also and wo In tend giving tho people of Modford a fl rat elaaa p.-og rain. Wutoh these col umns for tbo program und the duui. Dlreotor. Call ut White, Harbaugh & Co. "a store, Medford, and buy new sewing machines and save agents' commissions. Under the now law It is required that afu-r January 1st tho voting pre cincts and road districU shall bo the sumo. Tho county court will arrange the road districts and olection precincts so aa lo conform to the law at tho Jnn uary term. Road supervisors are to be oleotod by tbo peoplo beginning with June next. Soo H. O. Mackoy, tbo leading photographer, for superior photos In Hamlin block. Hoyden & Nlobolaon huve added to tho convenience and at the samo time the attraotlvenoaa of their storo oftlco, by Installing a lino new National cash register of latoat doslgn, which record b the amount of the purchase, salesman's namu, date, number of sale, etc., and drops out a printed ticket with a record of those entries thoreon. All kinds of sash and doors and screen doors, at lowest mnrkot price. W. Woods. Boydon At Nicholson havo rocolved a oarload of sower plpo, pipe connec tions and vault fittings for use In mak ing commotions and in fitting up vaults on tho Medford sower linos. Sowing machines this week' from $5 up, at White's Bowing maohine store, Modford, Married In Jacksonville, on Jan uary 2, 1000, by Judge H. K. Hanna, Mr. J. Stevens and Mary F. WllllamB. Both are Jaokson County people and the bride Is a Medford lady, Fresh, seloot oysters on hand, for Bale by the oan at Mounoe & Karnes'. All members of Chrysanthemum Olrole will please meet at Woodman hall Friday evening, January 6, 1900, as thoro 1b Important business to tra'nsaot. Spring Iruoks for spring house hold oiovlug. Wells & Shearer, ' The number of tickets sold In Mod ford to tho Native Soiib ball, hold in Jacksonville, New Years night waa 115. About twonty woro sold in Aahland, Two paokngos Arhuokle's ooffoe for zo cents, at White, Harbaugh Ac uo.s. Members of Chester A. Arthur Post, O. A. R., and the Women's Relief Corps will have a joint installation of offioera on Monday evening of next week. Fresh oysters in any quantity quart oans or leBB. Hall A Isaacs. Notice is horeby given forbidding all persons from trespassing upon the lands of W. R. Jones, In Jaokson County, Orogon. Second hand stoves and farm Imple ments. U. Li, aohermerlioru. Ed. Whiteside and a son of J. A. Lvnn are onorating a steam wood saw in Modford and aro doing a pretty good business. Got Wells A Shea''or to do your moving satisfiiotlon iitwaya. For tin and grim I to wnro, china and toys go to Uurhoa's, I Tayler, the Foot Fitter, JUST AIirilVMD A Full Lino of Old Ludloa Comfort Hhoea, In J.hoo und Congress Cullers, Calf und Kid. City Council Proceeding. Tho ctly council met in rogulnr ses sion Tuesday evening, all members present. A petition for liquor license for A M. Helms was read, approved and li cense grunted. Tho sureties 00 bond ure 1. Iv. Hamilton uno u. w. num. A petition for li nior IIccdbo for I. Hamilton was read, approved und li cense granted; surotloa, O. W. Palm and B, Hoaenthal, . A petition, presented by M. S. Damon and others, asking for Iho construction of u siduwulk on west side of county road, or fjouth A street, from Ninth to Twelfth streeU, wua read and referred to atrnot committee. Ordinance No. , to usBoae property aloug lino of sower No. 2, was read and upon motion was passed. Upon motion recorder was Instructed to notify all who bad not paid assess ment on sower No. 1 to do so by Janu ary 10th or proporty would be sold to satisfy same. Upon motion recorder waa Instructed to too that a closet be put lo at the roar of lot 1, block 20. Itoport of Street Commissioner Nicholson, Treasurer Strang and Re corder Lawton were read and approved. Board moots again f-aturday night, January Olh. The following bills were allowed: a H llu.kln., bull rent IS 00 " " inorcliatidlaa 7 Wallace Woods, lumber 0 HO II liulllniciworlta.wotUOD pump house.. 4 87 F A HHits, work on puusp house 2 ho Amos Nicholson, sln-cl work 80 60 " work oo aldowalR OD Robinson propsriy 8 fO W 1 vawler, aiiorncj n salary rur in?. MRliroito Maiu printing g II Murray, marshal's aalary Ml 01) 4 m 46 00 60 10A 00 Unas mraiijr, rrcsipi oouan Jackson County Hank, freight advanced 31 10 J w I.awton, rocorder'a fees S j D W Hurcbberiter, huullnsdlrt 9 w Uarl T Junes, suporlntepmng work on K A 1'rouaiooi, w if XiinmnnM. .uivn and nine far iaU... 8 &0 T W Inhnutn nlnwln. n.rll 3 60 w L, lialluv. work on duihd y " work at town woll 4 20 Three Tickets In the Field. Another ticket was filed last Friday, making three in all. The new one IB the "People's Ticket," and is given be low, together with the oinor iwo: PEOPLE'S TICKET. For Mayor: D T Lawton. For Coiincllmen : G P Llndley, R H Whitehead, N B Bradbury, J R Er- ford. For Recorder: J W Lawton. For Treasurer: Chaa Strang. For Marshal: Jonathan Tresaler. TAXl'AYEKS' TICKET. . For Mayor: J J Howaer. For Counoilmon : G T Jones, G P Llndley, K H Whitehead, J R Erford. For Recorder: W T Kame. For Treasurer: Chas Strang. For Murahal: Sura'l Murray. CITIZENS' TICKET. For Mayor: D T Lawton. For Councllmen : G T Jones, G P Llndley, G L Schormerhorn, Wm Ulrich. - For Rocorder: J W Lawton. For Treasurer: Chus Strang. For Marshal: Sam'l Murray. Election will be held next Tuesday, January Uth. Nashville Students In nedford. It is necessary to say out little re garding these celebrated ouiorcd vocal ists; they have attained an almost world wide reputation. After years of atudy these sludunUi started out to reproduce the quaint, mirthful and melodious songs of tbo negro and to show the darkey's characteristics without cari cature, but in a manner truly Instruc tive und amusing to an. ineir aucceaa has been phenomln-.il: they have enter tained people in nearly every city and town of this country und Canada, and for years the mere announcement that the Nashville Students are coming is sutlioient to cause the public to turn out, anxious to welcome these people and liaton to their mualo which waa once so common, but with the uplifting of tho colored race has so rapidly dis appeared, and the genuine reproduc tion of whioh is only given by this com pany. During the past Boason this fa mous com puny has appeared in nearly all the large lyueum courses in both east and west and they will all testify to the great merit of their performances. At the Medford opera house on Janu ary Dth. Admission 25, 35 and 50 cent?. Eat Gunther's candy and be happy For Bale at the Rial to. Aptlr Dealvnatcil. Robert HUUard, the actor, once brought a young English woman to see "El Capltan." She was much Im pressed with De Wolff Hopper and re marked: "What a charming man your Mr. Hopper 1st Tell me. Is he mar ried?" "Been married three times," was the reply. "Three times I" she repeated. "And they are all three dead?" "No," was the answer; "divorced." "Ah," she rejoined, "I seel He Is a Grass Hopper.1 Ban Francisco Argo naut Wrai Tm. Wood tar Is still made as It was In 400 B. O. A bark Is chosen and a hole dug, Into which tbe wood Is placed, covered with turf. A fire Is lighted underneath, and the tar slowly drips Into the barrelB to receive It Altralam. She George, Is thnt one of those ci gars I gave you on your birthday? He No; I'm saving those for frlonda. She You dear, self sacrificing, selfish man) Ohio State Journal. my un- Cnpld In a tlntf. "Our engagement Is off ngaln." "What's the matter now?" "I gave her n belt buckle with my photograph on It, nnd she uses It to ...... v. ,1 ..... .. 1. 1 .. .... n... n u SPECIALS!... Jackets rw. h. mee: & CO. $ Medford Hi Charged with Shipping Deerskins. On Monday night of thlB week Wm. Ulrich was arrested by W. G. Kropke, deputy game warden, charged with transporting deer eklna. Jury trial was bad Tuesday afternoon in Justice Stewart'e court, and after an afternoon and evening session the jury, composed of W. T. Kame, E. N. Warner, C. I. Hutchiaon, W. T. York and F. W. Wait, found a verdiot of not guilty. The evidence aa Introduced at the trial was in substance aa follows: On Saturday of last week Mr. Ulrich, who is secre tary aud manager ol tbe southern Ore gon Pork Packing Co., instructed Dray man Shearer to go to tbe packing house and get six barrels of packing house products and bring them to the South ern Pacific depot. Mr. Shearer went lo the packing bouse and found the Blx barrels and either on one of tbe barrels or near by, a ehipping bill. This it ap peared waa the custom when goods were to be shipped to fill out tbe ahlp olncr bill and leave It with the goods. Tbe shipping bill in question called for two barrels of corned beef and four bar rels of dried shin bones. These Mr. Shearer loaded onto hie dra v and deliv ered them at the depot, tbe same being billed to Uodge, bweeney uo., ban FranclBco. The treieht cleric, L,ln Purdin. received the goods but in mak ing out his waybill could find no freight classification for "dried shin bones." Agent Lippincott, udoo being asked regarding the classification, became a little suspicious and commenced an In veatigation. Upon the witness stand he testified that upon inspecting tbe contents of one of the barrels he discov ered deer skins. Mr. Maboney, night operator at the depot, and Mr. Purdin testified to having made an investiga tion of ail four or vne tjarrsta ana louna that all of them contained deer skrro. Mr, Lit pincott notified Mr. Ulrich that he could not receive the four oarreis for shipment and Mr. Shearer took tbem away. The oarreis were the Kind commonly used for holding lard and were headed up tightly at each end and weighed about Ho pounds each. A search warrant was issued Monday and a search of the packing house and ad iacent buildings waa made but the bar rels tn question were noi louno. xne evidence seemed conclusive that deer skins had been barreled, billed as dry shin bones and offered for shipment at tbe southern racitic aepot, oui me argument whieh the defense laid most stress upon was that no evidenoe had been introduced to snow tnat wm. Ulrioh Der8onallv made tbe shipment but that instead, if such shipment had been made, or attempted, it waa made by tbe Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company, by Wm. Ulrioh as their agent, and again defense dwelled long upon tbe faot that Win. Ulrich, person ally, did not transport the skins from the packing house to the depot. Of oouree theBe were only skirmishes made by tbe defense, but they served to intro duce technical law points, upon whioh points the jury undoubtedly based meir verdiot of acquittal. Tbe questions, which, in TliE MAIL'S opinion, ought to have been oonaldered, are : Did the Southern Oregon Pork Packing Com pany instruct wm. Ulrich to attempt tbe snipment oi aeer 8Kinr ana aia air. snearer transport coe aeer sains without orders from Mr. Ulrich? If the company did not so Instruot and Mr. Shearer did not transport with out orders from Mr. Ulrich, then neither tbe company nor Mr. Shearer is guilty but someone la guilty wool" The Prosecution was oonduoted by Distrlot Attorney Watson, and the de fense by Attorney Wm. M. Colylg. I want to let the people who suffer from rheumatism and solatloa know that Chamberlain' Pain Balm relieved me after a number of other med alnes and a doctor had failed. It is the best liniment I have ever known of. J. A Dodo-en. Alnharetta. Ga. Thousands have been eured of rheumatism by this remedy. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Chas. Strang, drug gist. Advertised Letter List Following Is a list of letters romalnlngun oallod for In tbe Modford postofflco on Jan. a, i ww. Moyor, Mra A A ohargo of one oont will be matte upon do. Itvnn. nt rnuth nf thn ahnvo IflttOra Porsona oalling for any of tbe above lettora will pieaee aay Aavonison.-- M. Ptmnm. Postmaster, im... t -mo nf ri tnr sale at this offioe. Piioe 26 oenta. Prices Knocked Into Smithereens on Our Ladies' Capes andit Call, and we cannot fail to jj please you, both in Price JJJ and Quality. We have some " SNAPPY VALUES t In Men'B, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. We cannot hold them, for they're bound to go. 0i it Oregon Death of Miss Hattie Slsemore. Miss Hattie Sisemore died at Pasa dena, Calif., on Thursday of last week. December ZBlri, of consumption. Tbe remains were broucrht to Jackson County Sunday evening and interment was made in tbe Sams Valley cemetery on Monday, funeral services being bold at tne family borne in tbat vicinity. Misa sisemore bad been ill lor several months and last April she left Jackson County for Tuscon, Arizona, where it was expected she would get relief, but none came and she went to California, and instead of improving her health alio grew worse until death claimed her. A few weeks before ber death her mother. Mrs. Jobn bisemore, and brother, John Pelton, and her young friend, Miss Frankie Barnes, were summoned to her bedside and remained with her while life lasted, and all accompanied her re mains to the home place in Sams Valley. Deceased waa twenty-two years of age and waa the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jobn Sisemore. She was a very fine young lady and beloved by all who knew her, and sorrow for her untimely demise has entered many homes ia Jackson County. Mining Property for Sale. . Because of poor health I have decided to sell or trade my placer mine, on Foots creek. This is a good property, but I am unable to work It properly. If I cannot sell .'or cash will trade for town property. The property wjll go cheap. Call and see me. E. J. Lamsek. Of all the alacea in this old town, None equal to tbe Rlalto oan be found, For tine candles, nuts and tropical fruits. flail & Isaac. F. M. Stewart this week traded ' hia fruit farm of eighty-nine acres, in &den precinct, to U. A. Hover for bis resident property in Medford and $210C in money. The Medford property ia in West Medford and waa formerly owned. by-A. S. Wells. Mr. Hover has com-. menced operations on the farm and is. as happy as a boy with his first pair o red top boots and well he might be he got a bargain. Mr. Stewart wilt rent his property in town. Beef tea and hot chocolate at Hall dc Isaaos. Boyden & Nicholson have a now ad this week, in whioh they are laylder heavy stress on their stock of miners' and lumbermen's tools. ' Nearly every tnerohant in the oily is taking an after-holiday invoice. Second hand stoves and farm imple ments. G..T. Sohermerhom. - - J. W. Wilev shiDoed two oarloads of hogs to San Franolsoo Monday. Something new Fancy whist cards and counters at Mounoe A Karaes. For fine oyster cocktails, try Mounce & Karnes. In matters of final proof THE MAIL will make out all papers necessary for the commencement of proof free of oharge. Chase & Sanborn's ooffee at G. L. Davis'. A. Slovor, the drayman, get him to do your hauling. Household goods and heavy artloios ourefully and safoly handled. Teams always handy and teamsters courteous. Pasturage for Stock. I have pasturage for stock, one and one-half miles east of Phoenix. Notice is hereby given that I will not become responsioiu tor injury to or lossoi stocs while in my casturos. Amelia B. Fbuns. V