pitttrs Jin Javii. STATE Off OUEUON,).,' County ol Jaokaou, ) I, A. 8. nilton, publlshoi' of the Mkui'ohd Mail, lioroby certify, under oath, tti at the olroulntiori or the MAIL, la 2200 papers each wook. A. H. HIJToN. Medford, Or., Duo, 20, 1HWI. Kubaorthtul und sworn to lieforo me tola Kith day ul Dniii'mhor, iww. I). T. LAWTON. : -- , Nutut'y Public lJ PROFESSIONAL OAHDB, Q T. JON KM. . COUNTY MJHVKYOIt, An or oil Iliad ol Hurveyln promptly donii. Thu County mirreyoroau mvo you ma ouiy li-liai work. ' Modloid, Oreiion J)R. 0. B. COLIJ, niTBlUlAJ! ADU nUHl lHin, Office uTr Wo I r ft liimnrd'ii Orocuiy Utoro, Qt W. STEPHENSON, PHYSICIAN AND MUKOKON, nroot over lut new Mcillord Uank. ' MMllord, Oregon. QtV, as El A., ATTOKNBY AT LAW, v. of Jaekeoa Oounly Ab.traol ana Colleo MaO. Hamlin Dulldlni, Mod ton) OroKon. N. 1, HAHKIHI U 0. HAHIIMAH Notary I'uklla AM y el Law JfARREGAN & NARRRGAN, AfTOKNKYB, AlWTKACTKlU AND CONVEY A NOHKH, , BucoeasorstoJ. II, Whitman. orroct abstracts ol ovory piece of land In Jackson County, , OBt.et Meatora Uank, Moilfora, Oregon JJAMMOND A SKARLE, ATTORNKYH AT LAW t le tUcwurl Blk. Modlord, Or. , KIRCHGKSSNER, PHYSICIAN AN'V 8UROKON, ('antral Point, Oregon. MMUord effloe-Llnaiey. Uulldinf, Weaneailay aa Hatunlay, 0:19 toil . a., Aerll M, 'W. j on una euer V W. 8. JONES, FHYB1UIAN AND BUROKON. Modtord, Oregon. tVMfec Opera Block. J, 6. HOWARD, BURVKYOR AND CIVIL KNGINKKK 0. . Depaly Mineral Burveyor for Ihe BUM ' Hertford, Oregon. J.B. WAIT, rHYMCIAN AND SCHOBOW, Dan In UnMej look ' ' Medford, Or V B. PICKEL, PHYBICIAN (AND BUBO HON, omoe houra-10 10 13 a. m. kud J to 4 p. m. Bundey-Wtol. Medford. Or Ofnce: Uiwkln Block.' w. I. VAWTkit. free, n. r. Adkins. VPrea II 14, yiHiuivr. ...CAPITAL, so,ooo.. MBDFORD, OREGON Loan mono? on Approved soourlly, reeotva de elte eubioot to ohcok and Irananot lienor .bin fciitlnnii.. Your biMlnnaa eolloltod.,M porrMpondenWt-Lkdd A Uuh. Halem. Anito , Oalltornla Bank, Bun Frauolico. Lead A Tllton, Portland, uorDin nanmn no.,. i. ' J. H. Bttiwaiit. H. B. ANKHrir, J,M . I'roHdent. Vice PrenUenti J. B. Khtaht, Caihler, The fledford Bank MinrokB, oniaoN -. : , Capital, $50,000.00 , , i A General Banking Business transacted .i nrrnrnTnnB! j H. 8tert, H. K. Ankeny, . B. Boborte W. O. uroweil. K. n. nuiw'i. , W.F.Towiie. Horaoa 1'olton BO VIARr EXPERIENCE Tradk Mark rtvaiAMe PnB.BinuTi An. Anvnne iinndlna a Bkotoh and description mn? ' mlekiy nanoruiln our opinion free wnnnior nn Mv!lntl(inlpriinnblypitloijUilj!o. Commimlov iviiMiia tnkon through Miinn.A Co. neeln nllnolf, rrliliout olmrjo, inmo t, Scientific Httiericam A linndaomelMllnitVMod weekly. I',"tlS!,i; 1 MUNfra Co.36,Broni,w'' New York " Jraneli OlTlc "5 IT BU, Wnehluuton, U.C, Jackson County Bank W VOL, III, . MEDFORD, JACKSON CODMTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1900, HO. 1- rotice to Yoodchoppers; Wo iloklro to cull your Orowi-otit 8w, which BLACK JACK, KEEN KUTTER and SIMMONS SAWS. We Can Furnlah Any ol the Above "SEQUOIA" i"d "CLINTON" DOUBliE-BITTED Axon.' Bingle-blHed Axob in great variety. Also Weuges, biPUga anu nonaioB. MEDFORD, ORE- " Pinet nlaee Dirrv Fast Horses B UNION LIVERY litu De KOBOAM A ORSEK, Prop. Cor. Seventh and B Sti. nedlord, Ore. ffl Special Attention to Commercial Hen --1- t-.. lit- a -t DON'T mL.I T t.... IV.A lBMaal ' omrptiU, wall paper und orn Oregon .... Escape Your Attention... ( U you arc a prospective the hlKukt In griulu and in connuction Colder Weather.. 1 t t s I Will oon rx- here, and then you will nocd Robes and Blankets To keep youraell and homo warm. Everything now and up-to-daws In the harnoaii lino. .... ' Now winter horae goode of evory description. J. G. TAYLOR, ' MEDFORD OREOON. W. L. ORR, Mill Foreman. MEDFORD PLANING MILLS ITU ROBERTS & ORR, Proprietors BUILDERS and MILL MEN. Estimates given on all kinds Carry a complete ' line of .. .. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Frame making and Inside Finish a Specialty. Place of buginesH, J. E. OlHon'a old I BtandMedfOrdi OfegOII Prescriptions Oarefullv : Compounded. ' ' Main Btroot, Medford Oregon. FRANKWk WAIT ...STONE YARD Gonoral contraotlns; In all llnei ot stone work a Cemetery Work a Specialty All kindB ot marble and granite monumepts -ordered dtrcot from the qua rry ... Ynrd on O atroov OommorlolM Hotol DlocU JHBKSOjlVILLE PHBLE WORKS J. O. WIIIPI. Prour. , does General Contracting in all lines. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. rTaoksonville. utUiHtlon to the (ollowlnu brands 0 f uro FULLY OUAKANTKKDI A Saw from i-i to 7 Peet In Length. J. BEEK & CO. Careful Drirers STABIJ5S ' rtii - t - - f - ' - - ' - " 1 VJ ua 1 nn j on J Da.'J DO ? nn j ,-,&-a--Amaaf' LET THE FACT anil KrtU Ai)lnntAii BtyUU ftf fllPnltUrfii if window shade u bo found In South T purchuevi yu will tlnd my gooon p the lowuat In price. Undertaking k. .1. A.. WEBB .a ED. ROBERTS, Builder Plans and Specifications of Meohanical and Mill work THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, G. H.HA8KIK8, Prop'r. H. ri IB tut PureDiugi, Patent Medlcluea.'Booka, BUMooery, PAINTS AN" OIUlS, Tobaceoea.Olgara, Perfumery, Toilet Article, and Everything that la carried In a Arat olaaa DRUO BTORR 'MEDFQRD, OREGON 1 1 aJjawOEjgkiiLLj CEMETERY WORK A SP.ftcrALTY Oregon. SOME MINES IP .MM MM ' 1 The Oawson City papers report the discovery of a fabulously rich quartz lodge on the Yukon river, seven miles from Dawson. The rook is free milling and ' the ledge is said to be a mile wide and a thousand feet deep. Tbe Oregonian's Annual, issued on January 1st, prints a number of excellent pictures of mineB In oper ation in Southern Oregon, the illus trations being accompanied by state mentu relative to tbe richness of the mines of this and adjoining counties. : Isaac Morris picked up a $126 nugget, last week, while oroeeing Powell's ereek, on his claim. The chunk of gold had caught in the rocks, and tbe clear water over it was quite deep, but Mr. Morris finally deoided to go in after tbe yel- low lump. Qrants Pass Observer. Tbe quartz taken from the ledge discovered some time siuce by Malcolm Johnson, on Jackson oreek, i aseayihg over (20 to the ton. Mr. Johnson now has a tunnel in twenty-five feet, and finds the indications of a rich and extensive body of ore inoreasing. At the Sturges mine a greatly in creased area of ground has been washed off recently, which Mr Sturges recently slated, was the richest part of the mine, and the present indications are that this season's clean-up will be the most satisfactory one yet made. A large force of miners was re cently put to work on the Reames & Dugan ledge, on Jackson creek, recently purchased by Messrs. H. L. McWilliams nd P. S. Casey, and a considerable . quantitv of quartz hits already been taken out' .A mill will soon be added to the property, sufficiently large to care for the present output. The preliminary estimate of the production of gold and silver tn the United Slates during tbe calendar year 1899, made by Mr. Roberts, the director of the mint, shows a total gold production of $70,694,170, an increase over the production of last year of 6,23,o70. The pro duction of silver -luring the year is estimated at $74,424,696, an in crease during the year of $4,040,2 li. Jesse Huggins has discovered, or rather rediscovered, a section of the old channel on the divide between Forest and Jackson creeks, which promises to yield fine gold in a manner befitting its fame of forty years ago. . Although his present facilities for Working the prospects are Inadequate, Mr. Huggins is now getting out of it , it ore than what would be considered fair wages for the labor involved, and the amount taken out as a result of the. ground sluicing is inoreased by the frequent finding of nuggets of varying valup. It is believed that the mine will prove . a regular bonanza to Mr. Huggins if he is able to secure the water necessary to work it properly. Mrs. Wm. Heeley, of Jackson ville, on Friday last rooeived a letter from her husband, who is now at Eagle City, Alaska, about 100 miles from Dawson, Mr. Heeley has been in Alaska over two years, and this was the first letter received by the family for about six months.. He reports a serious conflict with black, leg scurvy, and although a man of over seventy years of age, he recov ered, while many younger and stronger men died of the disease. Hq has not had the hoped for good luok in mining yet, and will go to Cape Nome in the cpring, wintering in .Duwfon. ' Th (ouiUvy,,- in his opinion, is vory mr.fih overrated, and while there is some very rich property, nut one in 600 hab secured any of it. R. W. Anderson, an able em ploye of thii Applegate Gold Mining and Mill Company, was in Medford Wednesday. Mr. Anderson reports that the company has 800 feet of tunneling run and have struck sev eral ledges, varying in width flora 18 inches to three feet, and ' all these show free gold. Tbey now have men at work on a lead which slows up fine. Rock from this ledge bas been' sent to San Fran oisco to be assayed and when tbe results' are known tbe work will be pushed vigorously. The immense gold discoveries in Alaska during tbe past few years have drawn to that territory a largo "umber of people. And while it is a conceded fact that much of that vast region is bleak, mountainous and hardly susceptible of habitation, yet, tbe country at large possesses many valuable resources which will become available later, and which will add largely to the commerce of the Pacific nortbweet. 1 From tbe extent of the gold discoveries al ready reported, it may be assumed, hh in the states of California, Ore gon, Colorado, Nevada and others, that new discoveries will continue to be made for many years to come and that gold will be found in pay ing quantities over a wide area' of country. If this ehould prove to be true, as it undoubtedly will, a large industrial population will be drawn to these extended fields, new enterp.Ues will be inaugurated, capital will demand recognition, and tbe time is not distant when tbe once frigid and iubospital Alaska will be prepared to demand admission into the Union as a sov ereign state. Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind are quickly and surely eured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price i' cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Chaa. Strang, druggist. Tbe Roman Catbolio population of the United States was 6,397,330 in 1880 and 9,956,622 in 1897 an increase of 54 per cent. In the same period the growth of Protestantism was from 9,263,234 in 1880 to 16,- 032,069 in 1897 an increase of 73 per cent. : '; V You Try It. If Shlloh's Cough and Consumntlon Cure, which Is sold for the small price ot 25 cts., 50 ota. and 1100, docs not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Chaa. Strang, druggist. Steuben County, Indiana, enjoys the distinction, of being tbe only county in the state without a single saloon within her borders, the pres ent board of county commissioners refusing a reissuance of any license. Tbe county has a' population of fif teen thousand Having; a Great Run on Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Plerson drug store, informs us that ho is having a great run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that mediolne to one of any oilier kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe thore is nothing like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stoo the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and all who try it ara pleased with its prompt action. -South Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by Clms. Strang, druggist, ' LEVISTRAUSS&CO5 SPRING BOTTOM PANTS ,1 8TATB OF OREGON, ( ' County of Jackson, ( I, A. 8. Billon, publlihorof the Mkdkurd Maid, hereby certify, undiir ouih, IhHt the olroiilatlon of the MAIL, Is 2200 pupora- euoti , week. A. 8. BLITON. Medford, Or., Deo. 20, 1800, Subscribed and sworn to before -rue this 20th day of Dcnember, 1800. I. T. LAWTON, Notary 'Public i heal REMEMBERING PEOPLE. Aa Flltleln T.1U Tilik . Two Afcoot Ik. Vfal Taalti , "There Is a good deal of pure mood- shine,'' taid a New Orleans war horse now out ol harness, "in the faculty of remembering names and fnoes whloh i attributed to most successful politi cians... In nine cases out of ten tliey have -no abnormal powers of that klud, and tbeir apparent feats of memory ure very.euKlly explained." " - ' "Take, for example, the case of a po litical personage at a public reception, lie is sure to be surrounded by a group of local leaders, who know everybody in town,, Presently a valuable couatit uent approaches. 'Colonel,' whispers one of tbe henchmen, 'here comes MrJ ' lilank. lie's an active party worker and a greut admirer of yours., lie mat you here last fall.' The personage cu tehee on promptly. 'What does Blank' do?' he whispers baek. 'lie's a produce merchant,' replies the henchman. l)y that time the valuable constituents gee in range. 'How are y', my dear Mr.' Blank!' exclaims the notable, cordially. . 'I'm delighted to see you again; and, how is the produce business comlni on?" Poor Blank-has the spasm of joy. r That the famous man should remember ; him so accurately makes him as pnhi l . as a peacock, and 20 spectators proceed to tell the story in proof of the colonel' miraculous mental gifts. ' Thus reputa- ' tipns ore mode. ; : - tl. . ". i.l:i . ''I use this illustration because such j incidents are the commonest things in the world. I have witnessed hundred of them and happen to know that (be I fame of more than one big man for. the retention of names and faces rests wholly upon little remedies of that ' charocter." j '. , :: . ; i AMIABLE BUT FATIGUED. ' The Great Ueaernl Had Been RoaaXIr , - Treated Uat He Wanted ' Pew Wink, of alee. - The Roman conqueror was home again, says the Washington Star. - He had viewed the triumphal arches and heard the plaudits of plebs and patricians. The calcium lights bed played on him for miles along the liue of inarch. The chairman- of the com mittee on arrangements approached him and said, deferentially: f -,." i' "General, have we left anything un done which might convey our apprec!-" tion of the fact that you axe tbe hero of the hour?"' "Nothing," was the answer. "Has the procession been as long as you think it ought to in passing a given point?" i "It has surpassed my expectations.", "Hare you heard all the speeches' vou want? , .-1 - . "les, thank yotr." . . . j "Have you had .all 'the. musio you care forirotn the glee clubV'' . ; "Yes. thank you." . ;.' "Have you had all the breakfasts tij dinners and shippers you want?" "Yes, thank you." "And all the fireworks?'" .. ' "Yes, thank you." -. X ' , "And all the speechesT' "Yes, thank you." , - ' .. "Xow is there anything else you would enjoy? If there is, please men tion it, for vou must remember, general, we think the world of you and there isn't anything we wouldn't do for you." "Are you sure that if I spoke candidV ly there would be no offense?" "Absolutely." "Well, to tell you the honest truth, I'd like about 20 minutes' sleep.", ' ,' It has been demonstrated repeatedly In every Btate In the union and in many foreign countries that Chamberlain's . . '! Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and oure for oroup. It has become the ' universal remedv for that disease. . M. V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Va., only re- . peats what has been said around too globe when be writes: "1 have used . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my , family for several years and always with perfect success. We believe that J ' it is not only the best oongh rotnedy, but that it Is a sure dure for croup. It has saved the. lives of our children a number of times." This remedy Is for salejby Chas. Strang,' druggist. '" Some Health Hlmta., 1 Thick blood causes colds and count less other diseases. Keep the lnngs tic 1 live by deep breathing, the; skin by s baths and friction, the kidneys by free droughts of warm water,' the bowels by correct eating and the blood will be. pure. Chicago Chronicle.. (. .. . -j i foetory, V Sax ftumluc, Cal. a....tvj-nig.