The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, December 29, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Jacksonville Hews.
Jan. K. Pulton nml Llndsoy
more, of Huiiih Valley, woro
during tlio wook on business,
Herbert Ilaniia arrived frum Sun
I'ranoisoo lunt Bitturduy evening to
spoiid the holidays with relatives.
Quito a orowd of young people
from here attended the foot-bull
game at Central Point ou Christ
ilia day.
Prof. N. L. Narrogan and Attor
ney 0. P. Bui 11, of Mod ford, wuro
hure Tuesday, oopylag from the
county rooorus.
Attorney B. D. Heck man, of Port
land, and win. Johnson, of the statu
university, are upending tho boll
days In Jacksonville.
Mrs. iHahollu A I Urn and llttlu
iaugnior uuhhio ion lor ineir nome
in Hoattlo last Sunday uvouing aftur
u two inonthB1 stay lu Juoksonvillo.
Frank Kunls, tho capitnllBt, who
hae been spending IiIh timo at Cal
ico oreok and Jacksonville since
Hi)j)Umbor, luft for Han Francisco
a few days bIiico, to remain boiiio
Those who lolnod Itarr's excur
sion to Ban Francisco from Jack
sonville woro T. J. Komioy, (Jims.
Prim, A. N. Hollas, Kd. Holms, Mrs.
(iuii, U. Nuuber and daughter and
The "Cheerful Liar" Comedy Co.
nlaycd two nights in JuokHonville
laHt week, and were greeted with
a largo house tho first evening; but
hh the same play was- repealed, the
audience was not so largo the boo
on d night.
Banner Lodge No. .23, A. O. U.
W., ou last Friday evening waa the
scene of a very outhUBlaalio meet
iug. Ou that oooauiou twenty-oight
oandidntoa wore rcoelved into that
noble o der, neatly all of whom are
voung men and all doBirablo mom'
bera. A nice lunoh oloeed the fes
tivitiee of the evening.
Marriage liconsoa have been is
eued by County Clerk Newbury as
followB : Deo. 20, to Ueorge rem
moar and Lulu Bolle Roberta; to
Claude Ingbram and Mary A. Do
sler: to John C. St. John and Ella
Slover; Deo. 21, to Clarcnoe L.
Roamed and Clara Colvlg; to Wal
. tor B. Krooland and Jeanotlo Rocs-
or: Doc. 22, to A. B. Olgax and
Bertha Mae Bailoy.
Mr. Caruthorc proprietor of the
Bom Candy Kitchen, has one of
the moot altraotlve show windows
in the town. In ene window is a
dwollins house erected from diffor
ent makes of candy, tho roof being
of peanut taffy, the littlo front
yard is onoloHed by a neat fence
made of taffy resembling bright
hued r boons. Mr. Caruthnra I
cortainly a genius in his trade, nud
he hai more rarlotiei of sweeU on
oxhlbltlon than Is carried by any
othor confectioner in the county
and all uiuuo In his kitchen.
A large crowd attended the
ChriBtimiH true entertainment at the
Presbyterian church Huturday eve
ning. The programme wub one of
Interest and most satisfactorily ren
dered, much to the credit of thoHU
who hud the training ol ho many
children. Hon. Win, M. Colvlg
Impersonated Bantu Clous, and pre
sented every child and the teachers
of the Bubhath school with candies,
oranges and nuts at the oloso of the
Tho wedding of Clurunce L.
RoamoB and Miss Clura Colvlg look
plaoe at noon ou Thursday last,
at the home of tho bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. M. Col
vlg, ou Oregon street, and was a
vory charming affair. Bu few per
sona were present, and they were
either members of tho families of
tho contracting parties or very in
timate friends. Mr. Huanies is tho
luulor member of the firm of
Iteumes ISros., of Gold Hill, and
vury popular with his follow men.
Tho bride is u highly cultured and
very ro lined young lady. Kov. t.
II. Jones performed the ceremony,
and Zola White and Master Vance
Colvig acted as bridesmaid and
best man. Mr. and Mrs. Iteames
luft immediately for Gold Hill,
whore a oozy home had been fitted
up for the happy couple.
A wise coon THI&-
Acts gently on mi
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
acANSts the System
mat cough
Hangs on
You have used all
sorts of cough reme
dies but it does not
yield; it is too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is more liable to
produce la grippe,
pneumonia or a seri
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body.
will do this when everything
else fails. There is no doubt
about It. It nourishes,
strengthens, builds up and
makes the body strong and
healthy, not only to throw
off this hard cough, but to
fortify the system against
further attacks. If you are
run down or emaciated you
should certainly take this
nourishing food medicine.
ce. and, nil drnrrlut'. l
SCOTT & IIOWNK, Clwml.U, N.w York.
lllsmarck'B Iron Nerve
Was tlio result of his splendid bualth.
Indomitable will and troniondous
energy aro not found wliuro stomaoh,
liver, kidneys and bowels aro out ot
order. II you want those qualities and
he tuccese they bring, use Dr. King
New Life Pills. Thoy develop every
power ot brala and body. Only 26 oenla
at dim. Htraug'a drug store.
Central Foiui Items.
Dr. Hinkle made a business trip
to Jacksonville on Wednesday.
Joseph Boswell has opened ton-
sorlal parlors In the Hotel Ruth.
Mr. Stookara and family, of Tolo,
were trading hore last .Saturday.
Watches and jewelry at cost at
Dr. lilnkle's until January win.
There was a large trade done
here last week by all our merchants.
Dr. Braden, of Gold Hill, spent
Tuesday in our oily with mends
Little Ethel Patriok, who has
been very ill, is considerable better.
Alpha Frlol, who 1b attending the
Ashland normal, spent Christmas
at home.
Ivan Magruder, of Gold Hill,
snout Christmas with friends of
this city.
Mrs. K. Ross and Bon, Thomas,
made Jacksonville a business trip
last Friday.
Harlie Kodgora will leave this
week for Stockton, to attend the
business college.
Miss Norah Svdow. who Is teaoh-
ins in Independence distriot, is
spending tho holidays at home.
G. N- Hoselgrave and family and
Mrs. Mary Cornish visited Warren
Mee and family, of Applogate, last
Eagle Point boys played foot ball
with our boys on Christmas and
won both gamoB; both 'juniors and
Mrs. Anna Doan, a well known
and respected pioneer lady of this
preoinot who has beon very ill, is
W. H. Harrison PoBt, No. 67, is
having tho G. A. R. hall painted
this week and making several other
Thore was a large orowd here,
both at the masquerade ball and
Christmas tree, and a general good
time was enjoyed by all.
Rus9 Moore, who drives one of
Holmes teams from the Eagle Point
Hour mill to line plaoe, had tho mis
fortune to dislocate one of his
shoulders last week, but is doing
nicoly at this writing.'
Wm. Hoaglnnd, of Klamath
County, and Mrs. F. D. Baer were
married last 1 nursaay and win
leave for their home, at Bonanza,
in a short lime. Their many friends
hore wiBh them a happy weddod
At the regular Deoember meet
ing of W. H. Harrison PoBt, No. 67,
G. A: H., the following olllcers were
oleoted for tho ensuing year: Uom
mander, o M JNoalon; 8 v v, u II
Perkins; J V 'J, John Wrignt; u D,
Booth Loo; Q M, John Gibson; C.
William Sydow; 8, James Fish
0 G, J D Pankey.
sr ,nrinnkM'
IT5 fit .,rFXT5.
TMt tHWim-MH'f O b
rot wu ri tii mot m ruirmi.
fhoeiilx Items.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but akin oruptions rob lite
of joy. Buoklen's Arnloa Salvo ouros
them; also old running and fevor sores,
ulcors, bolls, folons, oorns, warts, outs,
bruises, bums, scalds, ohappod hands,
ohllblnlns, Boat pilo ouro on earth.
Drlvos out pains and aolieB. Only 25
ooiUh n box. Ouro guaranteed, Sold
by Chns. Strang, druggist.
Tub Mait, will
cards for 26 couts.
print 50 oalllng
HY X. Y.
Frank Parker is home on a visit.
Miss Bertha Rose is spending the
holidays at home.
Fred Weeks made a business trip
to Ashland Saturday.
D. O'Toole'a brother, from Cali
fornia, is paying him a visit.
Miss Jessie Matbes, of Ashland,
is spending a few days visiting
friends here.
Walter Stanoliff took Wednesday i vrZA"ZmJ,
... - ,.LI.J - 1 '
morning s train lor Asuiaoa hi at
tend the Choral Union.
Mrs. Weeks, who has been visit-
ins her daughter, Mrs. McUowan,
of Medford, has returned borne.
K. MacTavlsh, an employe of the
Southern Pacific railroad, is spend
ing the holidays with his family.
Miss Belle MaoTavlsh and Miss
Jossie Blackwood have gone te Ash
land to attend the Choral Union
0. P. Parker is making some
marked improvements on his prop
erty in the southeastern part of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone, of Ash
land, spent Satuiday and Sunday
visiting their daughter, Mrs. A. J.
The special song service held in
the Presbyterian Church last Sun
day was welt attended both morn
ing and evening.
Wo are pleased to say that
Walter Stanoliff's health is so much
mproved that he intends entering
school after holidays
Elmer Carter, who has been work
ing for the 8. P. R. R. in Sisson,
Calif., has returned home and in
tends entering school.
Miss Grace Black, of Grants Pass,
who has boen attending the Ash
land normal, spout a few days visit
ing friends in Phoenix.
Miss Nellie Towne, who is attend
ing the normal at Ashland, is spend
ing the holidays at home, blie is
very much pleased with the sohool,
and speak 8 in the highest terms of
tbe work tbat is being done
thia year.
The Christmas entertainment
given by the public sohool and Sun
dav sohool on Friday evening, Deo
22d, was a deoided success. There
were at least Aw people present,
filling the hall to its utmost oapao
ity, and all present seemed to enjoy
theiUBolves. After a very interest
ing program by the pupils of the
public school, Mr. and Airs, oania
ClauB made their appearanoe and
presented each child present with a
basket of candy and an oran ge.
G. L. dpb returned to Phoenix
on Sunday for a short visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Epps
George has been absent from the
valley for nearly two years and
during that time he has been in the
employ of the Booth, Kelly Lumber
Company, at Saginaw, near Ju
gene. At the present time he is
obief eleotrioian for the oompany
and ia doing well. Sinoe leaving
here he tins married and on his trip
he is aooompanied by his wife, who
is a oharmlng lady. On Sunday
many of the friends of Mr, Epps
oalled at the residence of me par
ents, in Phoenix, to pay their re
speota to the reoently married couple
and to woloome George to his home
again. He leaveB within a week to
resume his plaoe in the employ of
the company for which he is working.
Ulr Two ) br Jamla Vmr
tt m rM a Voom itad Com
la Oat a Mabblt.
For many yean Manuel Martin lius
been champion uoon hunter or I lie I've
Dee ooautry, Beoree ot wily rlug-tail.
have fallen victim lu hi cuiiuing, and
torlcs of 111. explult have been aprirud
lor anil wide by ixirtnmeii vtho uevuiu
pmilvd hiin ou hi. hunts. Ducker. from
Uio north and we.t regard a uoou huul
with Martin a oue of the fcaturi-i of
their outlug. lie guarded corn pntchea
and hen roo.t. nKulu.t midnight depre
dation., and farmers are (llntremed now
that he ha for.worn coon hunting.
A few nights ego he took aeveral deep
nulls at a di.peimary bottle and etrau-
dled a sack of coffee in Ben Edge's
grocery to give hit reason, for swear
ing off, as something dne the commun
"It happened thle way," he began.
"The fellows a. I took hunting told
coon .lorle. in newspapers and sent me
the paper, all Ink marked. I came al
moat to believe their varus and thought
I wu nmnrtcr than any coon tbat ever
shucked an ear of corn, lo ketch coon
you got to remember they are wise
ii nd you are a fool; cl.c you can't start
low down to ifet around their tnca
TreeliiK, abuklufr down und a light will
do for he coona. He cooiia ia different.
Beside, their strength and endurance,
every one has hi. owu way to dodge
"Not long ago Jim uicaaon aeni me
word that a be coon waa eating all bin
corn down in a bottom next the awamp.
lie knew It wan he coon 'cause he
couldn't ketch him. 1 took General
mill Hliinewull Jnck.'.n over to help
Jim out. General Lee ia a cur with a
little hound and a little p'iuter in nim,
and Stoni wall la a half hound
nud a half bull. They've got aharp
noses, pluck, endurance, atrengtb and
character euough not to run rabbila,
foxe. or possums under no carcum
stancea. Heat of all, they don't get
jealous like real officers in the ruilln
tary. "Me and the doga ran that coon
through water, boga, rattan, grape
vinea, bramble, canebrake and
cypress knee, and would 've run bim
through the Atlantic ocean it it had
been in the awamp inatead of .omewhere
el.e. Every time General Lee and
Stonewall Jack ion trailed out to high
land and lost the scent at a rail fence.
1 tried all manner of circling and hold
ing General Lee' noae along the top
ve It up lor a oaa
job. One night I made a nigger stand
at the fence to see what the coon did
with himself. Sambo, that' hi name,
swore to gracious that a coon went
under the fence, turned around and
came out a rabbit. All the niggers got
scared. They took it Into their heads
l was chasing my grandfather's ghoat.
The thing did look kinder curious, but
I made up my mind to ketch him any
how, though Jim's corn was safe in the
crib and mine wasn't,
"I wore out both dogs, and had to fall
back on curs. Curlike, when the coon
went under the fence and the rabbit
came out, they lit off after him, yelping
like they were trailing a box car full
of coons. I went home powerful mad at
cur dogs. Next nighl I w ent again with
curs, 'cause I was lraund to keep things
lively. It took holt of me to ketch thot
oon like a leech takes holt of a rot
ten loir. And we caught him. That is.
he curs got in a fight with him under
the fence, and T busted his brnins out
with a club before he had time to lick
thera and get away.
"The thing seemed simple enmigli
after I found out, but it showed how
uch sense a he coon can have. A rab
bit had his bed under the fence, into
which the coon ran when he got tired
poking fun at me and my dogs. Nat
urally, the rabbit got out, and in doing
so brushed his rides against the mouth
if the bed. Itabbit scent among wild
animate ia like goat scent among tame
ones. It's rank. At the first sniff both
dogs were completely fooled. . After
the curs made a moonlight meal on tbe
rabbit trailing was easy. What I want
to know is how In thunder Mr. Coon
found out he was safe in a rabbit bed
and that General Lee and Stonewall
Jackson wouldn't cross a rabbit trail
I took the coon home and let General
Lee and Stonewall Jackson smell him.
They stuck their tails between their
lege and sneaked off with their bellies
close to the ground. Both are ashamed
to look anybody in the face. While I
was hunting all night and sleeping nil
dny November rains jave my corn the
sprouts. One look at the meal made my
wife so mad that I had to swear off coon
hunting to pacify her." N. V. 8un.
Artificial DarllsBt.
Tula ha succeeded In making art!
flclal daylight. In Ills laboratory he
shows numerous balls of glass of dif
ferent slaes whiob look like miniature
suns. The ball are empty: there are
no wire in them nor outaide of them.
They do not burn the fingers. The light
does not hurt the eyes as sunlight and
ordinary eleotrlo light do. A number of
leading New York and Chicago pho
tographers will have this artificial day
light supplied to their studios. Tesla
say: "The reason I have chosen to
Introduce the new daylight to the pho
tographers first is that I believe them
to be the severest critics in the mat
ter of light. If it succeeds with them a
new light will succeed vvrjrwhertv'
N. Y, World.
A MaMu TlraS Carrlaa fa Caaraa
AUlM I On ol Ik
Among the many new appliances of
up-to-dato undertakers is the caaket
i-m-riiige, upon which a burial casket
limy be moved up the aisle of a church.
The latest form of casket carriage,
upon which u patent wo Issued In the
present year, la of lattice construction,
of brass. It Is supported upon six low
rubber-tired wheels, three on a side.
Wnen not in use it can be closed up
together, occupying a smau space;
when opened for use iti of ample size
to bear a caaket, whioh ean be moved
upon It aecurely, amoothly and noise
lessly along the aisle, says the Hew
lork Sun.
It Is not expected that the caaket car
riage will take the place of bearers in
state and military and other funerals
In which bearer would naturally be
employed, but it 1 found useful in
other church funerals, and especially
in churches having narrow aisle in
which there might not be room for
bearers to walk at tbe aide of the casket.
The removal basket is a modern
means of conveyance, used by under
takers for the removal of bodies from
hospitals or hotels or other places
where it might not be convenient or
desknble to carry a cumbersome ice
box. It is coflin-ahaped in its general
form, but with rounded outlines and
a rounded top. It has a steel frame
work, upon which the baaketwork, of
rattan, is woven. Stout wicker bandies
arc woven into the sides. In such
basket, occupying comparatively little
space and which may be conveniently
handled,- the body is removed to the
Those Who Are fond of IBs Crs Will Have lo Par Mora
(or Them This Year.
Portuaal'a hi. Parol. Maoh
Her Time and Moner to Do
ll. Oood.
We hear less about Portugal than
about Spain at any time, and of late
have heard leas than usual. The queeu
of Portugal is a sovereign deserving a
long mark for her interest in hospitals
and hygiene, and also in the welfare of
the children of poverty, says HanerV
Weekly. At Alcantara she founded, in
1393, a dispensary peculiarly for meet
Ing the demands of childish Invalids
as pleasantly situated aa possible, and
spaciously planned, combining a diet
kitchen, consultation rooms, surgical
hall and - much of the departmental
work of a hospital. Almost every day
the queen herself goes to the establish
ment and take a personal share in the
labors of the charity, now waiting in
the kitchen distributions, and again
assisting In the surgery.
Several well-known women of her
court are equally practical. The gen
eral eharge of it Is committed to a re
ligious order, a favorite of the queen s
ut the eminent Portuguese pnysician
Dr. Sylva Carvnlho, heads the staff ot
medical workers. In one year (1895)
there were given in the building 8,551)
consultations, 63,704 rations from the
diet kitchen, 33.S21 bandagings, 76,480
presciptions and 470 vaccinations. The
milk and vegetables are rurnlsnea
gratis bv the queen, and the medical
suDnlies are also defrayed by her. Fif
teen hundred babies were treated in one
twelvemonth. It is said that there is
not any royal charity of ihc hort in
Eurooe so efficiently managed, with the
additional active cooperation of the
Tnberentoala In the Qermaa Arms-,
lu an artiole in the Militar Woohen
Wochenblatt it is stated that the num
ber of cases oftubereulosis in the Ger
man army has fallen from 2.0 per
thousand In 1890-'01 to 1.8 pot thousand
In 1808-'C. This decrease is attributed
largely to Koch's dlsoovery of tho bacll
liia of tuberculosis, owing to which tho
diagnosis of tho disease is earner, anil
rocrulta suffering from It are rejected
who would otherwise have passed, tho
modioal examination.
"This yuar ncoplf who are fond of
enting lobster will liuVe to pay dearly
for the privilege or indulging their np
petllcs lu Hiii.-b sea food, for the reason -
that Ihc crustaceans are scarcer now
than ever before," snld a "Wholesale deal
er In fish In New York lb the writer s
dny or two ngo. "Live lobsters are at
present selling at 20 cent per pouim.
and as only romparativeiy smau catoa-
ea are dully reported by the fishermen
of Stonington, Block. Island, and otlier
well-known lobaterlng grounds a far"
east as Portland, Me., the Indications
are that a further advance of from five)
to ten cents a pound may soon be looked!
"Ten yenrs ago almost any quantity
of fine lobsters could bare beon pur
chased in New- York at tbe rate of five
cent a pound. The average size of live
lobater that then came to market wu
20 Inches long, not counting claws The
largest a venire now 1 not more than
half that length. There used to be
plenty of 14-pnund lobsters and I have
seen them weighing IS pounds.. , A lob
ster us large that would have to be 301
years oh! at least, ThJ shellfish grown
slowly, and nt three years old is not
much bigger than a crawfish. A lobster
under live yenrs old isn I ni ior marstv
but thousands of such youngsters have,
to pass muster on our fish stall oowa-
The present dearth of lobster In
New England waters ia largely due to
the enormous number of undersized
ones that have in the past been caught
and sold for canningpurposesin Maine.
Millions of small shellfish that should
have been allowed to. develop and breed ,
were -thin annually exterminated, and
the result has been that the supply of
eatable lobsters has dwindled from 30,
000,000 in 1889 to probably less than.
5,000,000 In 1899.
The regulation concerning the cap
ture of lobsters in New England water
are now aa stringent aa any game law.
No lobsters are being canned Is
Maine for the reason that the short roa
ster law has- killed the business in that
state. The canners do not find it profit
able to buy lobsters at the present high
rate,' and they cannot purchase short
ones or shellfish weighing lea than test
For the last four year energetic ef
forts have been made by the United
States fish commission to restore lob
sters to their former abundance - by
planting millions of lobster fry from
Fisher's Island sound east along the
coast as far as Maine. Meantime the
chief supply of live lobsters comes from
the British provinces. The shellfish
are shipped here in steamers especially
fitted with wells that have a capacity,
for holding from 15.000 to 20,000 live
lobsters. These steamers touch at Bos
ton nnd New York, and from these two .
cities the lobsters ore shipped by whole
sale dealers all over the United. States.
Washington Star.
How the Deplorable Habit of a Wash
ington Belle Waa Accident
ally Discovered.
it tho Bmok?
Then probably the kidneys.
If th OhtT
Then probably the lungs.
Then probably rheumatism.
No matter where it ia, nor what
kind: von need have it no longer.
It may be an hour, a day, or a
year old; it must yield to
- leuMdkUly after apply! if It vol
fl Its soothing, warming, strength-
salna1 aowar.
It quiet eoacttoa ; draw oat
It is a new plaster.
A aw eomblaatloB of new
rtmsdlM. Had after M
method. Entirely nnlik any
other nlaa tar. '
The Triumph of Uodsra IMIeal
Th Perfect Prodoot of years of
Patent Toll.
Plaoad ov.r the ehast It I a
Doww-fal aid to Avar's Cherry Poo-
tort) In the treatmsat of all throat
and lung affections.
Plaead ev.r the stomach, It itopt
nsxM.i and vomiting: over tie
bowals, it controls cramp and colls.
Flacan over the .mall of th back.
It Hmoves all congestion from th and greatly
ror bm oy an vruggieti.
J. C. AJ.r Co., Low.ll, Mass.
"While I was in Washington laat-
month," said a Chicagoan tbe other
night, "I saw something which fairly
gave me cold shivers. e were sitting
in the street car, and in the seat just be
side me sat one of the handsomest
women In all Washington, a tall, well-
developed, well-groomed ereature of
perhaps 30, with dark-rimmcd eyes aT
bronze-tinted hair. I knew her for the
widow of a man who was something or
other in the state department under
the Cleveland administration, I believe.
I know she lives in a dainty apartment
the newer part of the northwest
quarter. There was a man with her
on the car, a mere boy of a fellow, and
he gazed at her with admiring eyes.
There was a hint of chilliness in the air.
and the woman shrugged her hand
some shoulders.
'Myl' said she, 'I'm afraid I'm tak
ing cold.'
'tan t I get you sometning Deiore
we start?' asked the boy, anxiously.
Oh, no,' she answered. '1 11 just
take some quinine. I always carry it
with me a habit I learned out in In
'Klf twiV a folded nsner from her
purse and opened it. She emptied the
white powder it contained upon her
tongue. '
It s an odd way to taKe quinine.
isn't it ?' she said, with a smile.N'It's the
way they do out in Indiana. I dpn t
mind the taste nt all.'
'Then the car started, and the empty
uauer fluttered Into my lap. Just a lit
tle of the whito powder clung to It.
Quite without any purpose whatever, I
nibbed my finger ugalimt tnc paper
and touched my tongue with an in
finitesimal quantity of the powder. The
woman turned and looked nj me juBt
then, and as our eyes met she blushed.
It was an odd way, Indeed, to taKe, no
quinine, but . morphine." Chicago
Destruction ol Niagara Falls.
The announcement that a ledge of
rook, has fallen, making Niagara fall
once more a "U"-shnped cataract, mark
another step In the process which,
sooner or later; will result, it Is pre
dicted, in the total destruction of the
falls. The terriflo force of the water,
falling over a precipice 150 feet high,
gradually wear away the soft lime
stone underlying the harder strata over
which Mt runs, so that year by year
the top of the falls recede. In the
llast ISO years some parts of the fall a
have receded 190 feet. In 1650 the
famous Table Bock, which had been
la feature of the failB for years, waa
obliterated. At the present rate ot
progress it will be hundreds of years
before the great falls will be degraded
I to the level of an ordinary riffle. Chi
cago Tribune,.
H" Ml"