The Way to have A QEM CMA IS TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY Make them Happy with Suitable CJifts. But Where to find the gifts- . Our Stock answers the question, answers fully, perfectly. COME AND SEE: Novelties without limit. Such an array of DAZZLING, DESIRABLE PRESENTS Something for Every Age, something for Every Taste. THIS WAY TO A MERRY CHRISTMAS! GIFTS THAT mil Fill your requirements Without EMPTYING YOUR PURSE. To look through our Bplondid assortment is a paBtimej to price those goods is a ploasure, and to possess them is a privilege ' TOYS, BOOKS and NOVELTIES, FANCY QOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. THE 1DF0RD UAH Pobluuwd Krtrr Friday Morales. A. S. BUTON. aN WA1 MMN TO HUSTLS. Be la of lew days: bat quite plesly. MJBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR. SB lend In the Poe lotto at Medtord, Oregon H 8eeoad-01aas Mall Muter. and avenues of independent industry unlimited. The message aa a whole is an able, discreet and conservative state paper, and will be legarded as a reflex of a wise, patriotic and safe executive. Mzdpo&d, Friday, Deo, IS, 1899. on Ale at Dake'e Ad THIS PAPER if. o!pD wtlalAC Agenoy, M and as Merchants gx- aaanxe, ?taa rTanoisco, tiaaioraia, wnere coa nsu lor dvertielas oaa be aude for Ik - Oar ClattMg Uat. M AH. and Weekly 8. F. Call 12 00 " " Examiner 2 SS " " ' Chronlole 2 25 ' j - ti Oregonian 2 00 " u Cosmopolitan ... 2 00 " " Sunday Bulletin.. 2 00 " " N. Y. Tribune.... 1 65 " " Weekly Cincin nati Enquirer, - 1 "5 Only eeventeeu days more before January 1st and still there are several of our subscribers who have not renewed their subscriptions. It coats no more to pay before that late than afterwards. The British losses in South Africa reported to date are: Killed, 566; wounded, 2027; captured and miss h, 1977; total, 4570. This is two thirds of the total British loss M Waterloo. The election certificate of W. S. Taylor, governor elect of Kentucky, was signed by the election commis sioners last Saturday. This puts an end to the dramatic posing of Mr. Gaebel. Majorities, in a free country, are not to be bluffed or in validated by bluster. Taylor will be inaugurated governor and there will be no blood shed either. From the trend of the investiga tion of the committee into the Rob erts case, there is a probability that the committee, or a part of it, will go to Utah. It seems that the in' vestigation will take a wider range, and be thorough and complete. It appears that much stress will be laid upon the fact that Mr. Roberts ia a confessed violator of tne law passed by oongress making polyg amy a felony. Representatives seem to be of the op'nion that to admit a man to the privileges of the house as a law maker who has no respect for law, and whose con' duct is an offense to the spirit of the age, would be contrary to pub' lie policy and a compromise of the dignity and self-respect of the house. THE RACKET Showered with Unci. Obego.n's senators are yet in the Jarfc as to what places will be given them on committees. McBride is anxious to get on the finance com mittee, and would not object to be ing on that of naval affairs. Simon ia using his best efforts to get on the proposed new committee of insular matters. This committee is specially important to the Pacific coast, and Mr. Simon would be an active and influential member in behalf of the interests of the coast. Mr. Simon and Mr. McBride will no doubt have positions on more than one committee, The president's message is a voluminous document, and while it does not betray that force and vigor and positive directness on son matters which would have pleased and gratified the radical element, it snows what is better, a broad, con' eervative, masterly and statesman like grasp of every material interest of the country. The momentous questions growing out of the- war have been handled with that cool, deliberate and admirable judgment which must charaoterize the presl oent as one of the leading states men of the age. It is not presuma ble that the message would please everybody. Convictions too often vary to suit personal and sectional ends. It is vain to hope to satisfy -the diverse and conflicting interests Jtnd opinions which must necessarily exist in a free democratic common wealth where education in universal The Oregon experimental station weather bulletin says of Oregon weather for November: "Number days clear, 1; number days fair, 4; number days cloudy, 25 ; rain every day except 1st, 5th and 22d." The bulletin is published at the agri cultural college at Corvallis and is supposed to represent the whole state, but it does not, in this matter and in other instances, as every resident of Southern Oregon knows. The. Mail insists that it is but right and in justice to that part of the state south of the Umpqua di vide for these state institutions of public information to state specific ally that their reports are baeed up on conditions in the Willamette val ley only and that the Willamette valley is not all there is of Oregon. Unless these matters are righted and this part of the state js given its proper record as regards climatic and crop conditions, our people will petition our legislature to withhold state appropriations from t iese insti tutions. What an insult it is to us people of Southern Oregon to have told publicly, by an institution pre sumed to be correct, that during tne month of November there were but three days upon which rain did not tall, and that there was but one clear day and only four fair days. Miu Poarl Webb gave a oharralng "linen shower" tea Saturday afternoon. from two till five o'clock, in houor of Mies Hattie Warner, a brlilo elect, the boeteaa and each guest oontributluir some pretty ami useful gift of llaon. The different apartments of tlio spa cious residence were tuost tastefully decorated with artistic arrungemenu of trailing vines of Eugllsh ivy, vases of chrysanthemums, bowls of roses, numerous potted plants and choice palms. The blinds were drawn and the electroliers with rose-oolored shades cast over all a rosy and becoming light, wnue uie pungent ouor oi miming, sweet Incense permeated the air. For a time the same of caroms was merrily Indulged in, followed by some very enjoyable musical selections. After delicious refreshments were served at small tables, the dainty linen gifts were truly showered upon Miss Warner, the fair recipient. Th Is oioae- ing new feature of the afternoon's round of pleasant entortalnment was discussed, and then a short time was spent with the very amusing game of "a very solemn occasion." When all at last reluotantly departed, it was itb a host of nleasunt memories of their winsome hostess and of one of the most hospitable of homes, in wbioh each member of the family is a charm ing entertainer. The guests were: Mrs. H. H. How ard, Miss Baldern, of Portland, and the Misses Warner, Gertrude Sutton, Fannie Hasklns, Myrtle Lawton, Grace Foster, Maysie Foster, Etta Hollings- wortn. Laura Cox. Lillian IMi neharL Clara Skeel, Mabel Jones, Iruia Wigle, Aiieen Webber and Jessie Worman. Klamath, Lake and eastern Oregon. Klamuth Falls is folloltutlng lUolf over the prospects of a railroad. If ro. ports are true, a corps of engineers are making a survey of tlio route from Agor to the Falls. If it Is not the pur pose of the company who sent out these engluuors to build the road, in the event a practical route it found, It Is not clear whv a nurnv ulmnM h., ......i. nDLeM .by Pr"'"' 'lio wlrth to ostnl llsh prior rights for speculative imr. poses, wbioh is not at ull probublo. The survey, Ifono it being inucle, Is no doubt lot' Ilium to. and for luirltlmui. Iiuruiinue Wh Reduction ofCounty Debt. Jacksonville, Ore., Deo. 7, 1899. The financial statement of thn clerk for the six months ending Oct. 1, loas, ua auomitiea Dy mm to tne county board, showed a reduction of thn rvmntv debt during said six months in the Bum Of S18.684.60. As Raid rnnni-t ii published by the olerk failed to show this reduction, this faot is printed for tue lniormation oi tne puDllo. Wm. S. CROWELL, TnH rrn The undersigned certify that the fore going statement is correct. Martin Perry, G. 8. Butler, ' County Commiusioners. Best Winter Route. How Is Vour Wife Has uhe lost her beautv? Tl so. con stipation, indigestion, sick headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Koot Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 26 cts. and 50 ola. Money refunded If results are sot satis factory. Sold by Chas. Strang, drug- B't- - ; u Doings ol the Circuit Court. Horace Hicks, J M Gutcbes and H 8 Evans were excused from attendance from court. Henry Aramerman vs M N and Mary Long; demurrer sustained. Geo W Donne vs Levi and Alice L Morris, confirmation of sheriff" uilo- sale confirmed. Geo P Ltndley vs Wm Stafford: same. J A Lyon vs Eda M and John Morris; same. G W Smith vs Simnnon and xtirv V. Wilson ; same. C U Spear vs Fred and Anna I. f)vr. beck; tame. Jackson Countv vs E W Wairhrfolit etal, to recover monev ; judgniont for plaintiff for U71.75. 26 attornev fees and costs taxed at (6. Reames Brothers vs A Rnmfnlt inH E Earhart: judgment for DlalntifTx for 1356.72, $50 attorney fees and 114.80 costs. John W Mushett vs D W Cofer; thn motion or pialntiir to strike from do- lenaants answer overruled. State vs Menus Hamilton and Wilcox: owing to disappearance of the prose outing witness, case continued antil April term of court. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones ara lm. proved more by the pleasant Syrup of FigB. when In need of the laxative nffnnt of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children eniov It and it hsimAu than. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs. iB manufactured bv the California Via Syrup Co. only. Have Elected Officers. For sunshine, flowers and oranges take the Sunset Route via Los Angeles to all points East. Tourist excursion cars and chair cars to El Paso. Fort Worth, Kansas Citv. Chicago. Clncln. natl, Houston, New Orleans and Wash ington, D. C. For rates, guides and Infnrmat.tnn nil. dress C. H. Mabkham, G. P. A., . Portland, Or. -White. Harbaueh Co.. Medfnrd. are receiving the finest line ol shoes ever brought to Southern Oregon. All kinds of sash and doors and screen doors, at lowest marlrat ni-lna W. Woods. , ' I At the regular nlentlnn nf MwlfniVI lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F., the following uiuucro were eiecieu; a m woouiord. ri vr, n c oo.yuuD, v u; J a fcitewurt, R S; Z Maxcy, F 8; H G Nicholson ireas. Appointive officers are not named until tho night of installation. At the election of Olive Rcbekah lodge, held on Tuesday night, Decem ber 5, 1899, the following officers were elected: Miss Llll'.an Weaver, N G: Mrs Martha Weils, V G; Miss Mamie xvionoison, rt S; MIbb Myrtle Nicholson, treasurer; Z Maxcy, F S. At thn annual election nf thn ir nt r lodge, held on Monday, December 4th. me uuieera eiectea were: AugeneUrr, C C; W H McGowan, V C; Harry Jaok- son, M of A; A C Fordyce, P G: G L Schermerhorn. M W: 8 E Coin. If ,f B ana n; a u Biwooa, M V, J JS Enyart, M E; Fred Luy, I G; Wallace Woods, OG. bile this road wonM In ...... ' urw ueneut Klamath Uounty, it Is not the road In which the county la moat lumraiieu. tvnat Klamath and Lake Counties want to develop their rowiuroes ia a rouu irom Wloue muuoa to tide-water, at or near the uiuum oi iioguo river. , There is a section of oountry, extend ing from Wiunemuoua nopthmit m th. tiNut,anu irom Hlsson, California, north ;to Baker City, of something like w,uuu square miles without a railroad, exoept the line of the Southern PaclBo mm passes mrougn Uhaala, Hogun .or auu umpqua valleys. Tho re sources of this vast region are as varied Mvueyare practically without limit. Hore is found that rich and rare com blnatlon of natlvo elements that constl tutes the basis of wealth, that builds homes, founds churches, organises ot.uinB.enumuBneR IlianuiHCLorlea pulti. vatcs tho arts, encourages tho sciences, sets In motion tho varied Industrial enterprises that muke up modern so ciety, plants tho standard of a refined, obristlnn civilization, and makes tho erstwhilo barren and brambled wilder ness blossom as the rose. This great, undeveloped, virgin empire has only been touched hero and thore by tho moulding hand of olvlllmiinn Th. awakening and vital activities observ able upon ovorv hand on thn hmn.i Paoillonre here nhwnt flnm mil. and tho domestic herds roam at will on ' a thousand hills. Here are found vast areas oi productlvo soil, unsurpassed pastoral advantages, immenso belts of valuable timber, an alnunlnnL supply ror irrigating and manufactur ing purposes, and what Is particularly i .Ji "wu' " vigorous, oraolng and healthful c mate. nr cattlo, for which there is al wnvs a rnn (lv and profitable market nn ha m,i.. - oi'cuiatiy. ncre is pre-eminently the country wnere diversified farming can oe prosecuted with ovorv assurance of success. Hero, with Irrigation, for union mere la every faoillty, immenso crops of alfalfa can bo grown for the protection of stock In winter. Horo should bo produced, in unut nlmrwi,, ...... many of the raw materials of commerce, beef, mntton, wool, pork, poultry, lum- "-'"""UI"K materials, aairy and all the farm products. What this section nocds to Insure an Inflow of DODulation. ti mil. ..mi ,k. roads, build tho bridges, grade the uitiuwnys, urain tne marshes, dig the ditches, clear and cultivate tho soil. UUUIIUUJ UJIWWUa sa Our Btook of Holiday goods conuiBt of the following urticlos: Kodgors Urow'. 1847 platod ware, pockot knivoB, rnzora and shears, cook bIovch, shot guns, oils and paints by tlio barrel or gallon wash boilorn, wjihIi tubs, whbIi boards, and bath tubs, mattocks, crowbars and grubbing hoes. All thoso are ornamen tal and very nocosBary articles for Christmas presents. ir . i t 4 4 4 Doyoen ot fiicnoison T r...lf...l r.7L-.. rw tril - II l r iuuuiuiu, vrugon. ytdfj i no iiuruwuro xucn.ak .rTrTrrTrTTrTrTKrrr.? It CHMP DPHDI C S f Dill ll't PVlwnl s.'a UTiiit1 nat t unu iiaiur tfAula f liminlif we wore iuHt coinu to fool'om by cloH.nst out tho fltock on hand, hut we havo fonlml 'om by Rotting in a large stock of ffm aUi jr viuuua auu vji vwi ivot Notice to Property Ownen. Attention of 'nrouertv nwnnra nlnntr line of Bower eouth of Seventh atrnnt U called to the provision of Ordinance No. 172, which provides that all water closets or privies on line of -mid shall be discontinued on and after the 1st day of January,. 1000, unlets con nected with sewer. J. W. Lawton, Recorder. grow fat cattle and shcop, raise One horses, build grist anil urmlftn mllla machine shops, foundries, sash and door BuvuriuB, anu generally to reclaim, de velop and utilize tho oountry and dot It "u prosperous ana happy homos, is a railroad to thn uirecv route wnero roady access ma be had to the marliAii nt ,h .i.i The completion of this lino would In a teeming population which, in time, would make this empire one of tho delightful garden spots of the Pacific The proposed Bbortllne from Agor to Klamath Falls, without eastern terminal connections, while it would be of local oiuuiuuauon to a small district, lav nil I H nnl I s- t 1 l . ' ia iS ' i leareu, mauco any con m immigrauon nor Inlluenco inirouucwon oi capital, tho two In dispensible factors in tho growth and upoullding of the country. . It is not vuo iuuuii io say tnat no other locality on the cooat offers so many unappropri ated possibilities for homo-sockors as the rich valloys and plateaus of eastern uregon. wnon the multiplied resources of this land of promise are touched and quickened by the hand of civilization, every business, trade, calliug, ocoupa- h'odiuu auu vocation win .una ready and. lucrative employment.; A SUEE CURE FOB 0R0UF. xwenty-nve Years Constant Use Without a Failure. The first indication of orotln la bnuan. nose, and in a child subject to that dis ease it may be taken as a mire sign of u approacn oi an attack. Following this hoarseness Is a nnnnllnr ,.,., cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the ohud oecomes hoarso, or ovon uftor tho oroupy opugh appears, it will prevent the attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothors. ' We have yet to learn of a slnglo InBtanoe In whioh it has not ni-nvari Air,n..i No other preparation can show such a record twenty-flvo years' oonsUnt use without a failure For sale by Strang, the druggist, . " ' ' ' t '(? r? 'rt ' t f P Going out of business? Surely we are not, so long as trade comes our way like it has been for tlio past few weeks. Come in nnd get our price on a few articles you will want to buy wben you know how cheap they are. White, Harbaugh & Co. Howard Building - - Hedford sftftftftftftii ft I Klamath County People! Hi ifV 0i 0 tv I want to quote you prices on Groceries. 4 I do not expect you to buy of mo if my prices) are not as low, or lower, than you can get else- '. where, but I want a chance to talk with you.jji. G. L. DAVIS. MEDFORD QROCER.jJJ 4 who desire a flrst-olass smoke for i always ask for Kurtz's nlokol "NEW DEAL When th'oy want a little better olgar for a little more monoy they buy Kurtz's "BouQuet" Smoke home made oigars and build up a home industry. - Market Report. Tho following aro tho prices paid by our merohants this nook for farm pro duce. This list will bo changed oaob week as tho prices change Wheat ..474 Oat CO Flour , ..ll.fiO por 100 lbs uarioy mi.iu Mill Feed OOo " " " Potatoes, $1 " " " tiggH 25 por doz B itter m per lb B-iiins,dry, 03 " lb Bucon 09 ' )b Hams .....16 " lb Shoulders 07 " lb Laru io " lb Hogs live flit " lb To Cure a Cold in One Say Take Laxative llrnmn Quinine Tnblnls. un B. drureistH refund tho money If It fills to cure. W. Grove's .It-nature Is on each box, SAO. - Superior job printing at this omue, Sewing machines for Little flonoyl I will soil now sowing machine's from faotory at following prices: Now White maohlnos. . . 85 to $ 40 New Homo machines. . . 36 " 40 Now Rovnl maohlnea 9.9. no an NowQuuon muoblnos., . 22 60 " H5 Now Climax mnohlnes, . 22 60 " 110 Now DomoBtlu maohinoB 86 " 40 Whoolor & Wilson oobI more monoy, it being tho bust sowing machine on earth. Above named prloos aro for not onsh at my offlco, Modford, Orogon. Your trado solioltud. Jno. F. Wiiitb. " kAbkafAi MAID mi a 1:-" . if M tkaaUttirW thai kJav iimniill ITOWU V.olmmt V hl fill QutoJi Mtvcrr-The VTky Ongonlan,