Qnly a Few -"Pays Hefore Thunksgiving, and it doesn't pay to put off buying until the lattt moment. Our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's fflandherehlefs Is the moBt extensive we have ever shown. La dies' Irish Linon, Hand-Embroidered, Hem stitched and Initial 25 Cents. Same, Narrow Hemstitched and Embroidered 15 Cents, Those are the genuine Irish handwork and come same as they left the embroiders' hand, unlaundried. J. G. VAN DYKE Med ford, Oregon & CO. Will lt'l'll1llvi9. i-t. I. fc.tr. Ctau, L." Dallev, of Balom, It in Medford tbli week buying prunoi. Tbe gontloman wa formerly a inumber of the slate board of horticulture. He It dow an extennvo grower ol fruit In tbe Wlllamotte valloy, having upward Dl JOU acres of land planted to orobardi, and also doe a wholesale Jobbing bust mm In Salum. Most ol tbe dried fruit f that looallty pastes through hli handt and, notwithstanding tbe foot that tbli wu an "off year" lor fruit In the Willamette, bo baa thlppod 800,000 mounds of prune. ThU li bit Aral business trip luto Southern Oregon. He li well pleated wltb our valley and, whllo tolling u that we aro a little thy M oomparod with hi country In pro ducing prunoi, ho I gonerou onougb to admit that we hold over the Willam ette valley in producing peart and applet. lioro wo grow bettor fruit In thoto varlotlct boouuie ol the fact that Our climate It belter adapted, our fruit koopt hotter and we do not bavo tbe applo tonic to contend with at thoy do round Salem. Our prunoi, however, aro muob tmallor than theln and of ourno grade lower. He baa bought about 200,000 puundi o( prunui In ibis Tlolnlty and la paying (our oonti per pound for 40-S0i, but aa our fruit all Srado undor this of oourao no pro uoor It rooelvlng four ouula. From Clint Stewart ho bought 70,000 rounds, from J. MoPhorton 05,000 pouudi, from C. A. Beavor 00,000, and from unaller rrowon onougb to make tbe 200,000 rounds, or aovuo carloads. The prunoi, e aaya, aro nloo and plump but they do not bnve tlio alio. Tun MAIL la glad to know tbnt the gentlomnn baa eon our fruit and we will bo willing to let him off on tho nnsuro ho glvos our ? runes and fool guileful for tho nloo hlnga ho la uiylng for our poors and apples. I will dlatrlbuto (rco of oharge to ichool children, a huudaomo drawing book, and will award a Aral and second Srlio for tho two beat and oomploto rawing books filled out and returned to mo on January 1, 1000. First prize, 2 pounds of Cbaao it Sanborn's colToo; tcoond prize, 1 pound of Cbnae & Bun born'a coffco. G. L. Davia. Last Sunday wo turkey shipping day from Mcdford. Kxpross Agont Fauoett bllludout 10,000 poundi all for Thanksgiving dinnor In Sun Franolaoo. O. L. Dovls shipped 9000 pounds of theao and J. A. Porry 1000 pounds. Mr. Bon gart, living over on tho odgo of tho desert, brought over 278 turkeya whloh he told to Mr. Davis, and Joo Hannah drove In 100 from hit ranoli up nour Beagle, a dlatnnoo of twenty -ono mllos, making tho trip In lost than two dnya. Tho prioo paid by Mr. Davis was ten eonts per pound. In two days' tlmo Mr. Dayi paid out ovor 11000 lor turkoyi. The poultry business could be mado de cidedly profitable In tho Roguo river valley If It waa not for the seemingly Tory unreasonable oxpross rate, Tho rata from hero to San Franolaoo la $2.40 per hundred, whllo from Oakland, 140 mlloi further north, tho rate to San rranoiico la ai.oo per Hundred. Fine Kcaldonce For Solo located on corner O and Ninth alroeti, Mod ford, Oregon. Nino rooms, good barn, wood ihedand woll. Thla la a bargain for tomooiio. See me or write to me at Aahland. Jack Morrli. Poatmaator Davit wat In from Aa bettot Tuesday. He tells that D. P. Orenlnger and a orew of men are doing tome splendid pros poet work on coal mine In bit vicinity. Thoy are putting a pump In now and a fow woeka later will have an engine on tbe ground with wbleh to pump water from tho mine and haul tbo coal cart. Mr. Groniugur tlarted work a fow weeks ago on a vein of coal four Inohoa In width on the aur face and now, thirty feot In, tho vein shows flve feot of coal. Thla mlno la about two mllea from tho Andrus-Ovlalt mine and la aupponed to be tbo aamo vein. Mr. Davit wna given to under stand that tho mino had either been sold to or contracted for by the South ern t'aolllo Itallroad Company. Tlmo and money eaved by taking the Northern Pacific to all noinU cast. Ticket told from Medford aamo aa Portland. Do not forget that a North ern Paolflo car passet through Mcd ford Wednesday ovoniug each woekfor the accommodation of patsongors who wish a tloopor from Modford to St. Paul without ohango. W. T. York, agent, Mcdford, Oregon. Juok Morrlt wat down from Ash land thla week upon buslnesa. Since telling out his second hand buslnesa In Ashland ho hoa decided to go book to hit old homo in Kaniaa. It la truly a peculiar notion that a follow would got Into hla hood which would tako him from Houtborn Oregon to Kansas, but Juok la peculiar from tho ground up and hla notion now la that bo can make big dollura In tbo east whloh la not tmprobablo bo having uoqulred the knowlodgo nooPBsary for acquiring wealth In Oregon. However, Jack and bia family will bo welcomed book to Jaokaon County whon thoy shall have oliasod tho phantom dollars of Kansas' bleak plains to their full satisfaction. The lata ralnt havo tettlod all malaria germa for this season, but in their pluco you will tako sovoro cold, and possibly dovalop pneumonia. Pure grain whiskey In tlmo will save a ilok ned. Grain wliiikoy at (.25, 12.60 to S4 por gallon. Cull at Distillery Office. Tbo coming oongrost will oonalder a bill for tho reulosalliontlon of tho rail way mall olerka, tho present classifica tion having boon entirely outgrown by the enormous lnoroaao In that branch of tho aervlco In tho paat thirty years. The propoaed moasuro will equallzo, In some dogroo, the Inequalities In pay at present oxltting, and will lnoroaao tbe fiay of olerka on Important and boavy Inoa. Postal clorkt uro the hardest worked and pooroBt paid of any govern ment employas, and there can toaroely bo any objootlon to giving thorn tho re muneration that tbe oxcellonce of tbelr work doBorvet. Why suitor with aohea and pains, whan In nine oases out of ton Liquid Electrloity will rollovo you tbo first ap- DO. H. HHoward & Co.! (SuocoBBors to Woltors & Howard) 3fi .. .. Are still at the front with a fine line of .. .. Crockery and ... Glassware flST" Especially, suitable for E HOLIDAY PRESENTS..! Call early and select them. . jt avjvA-a'jasa'aati-aatyty'itystal plication, If applied according to dlreo- uonsr ooia uy u. u. iianini, urug glat, Medford, Ore., and J, U. Downing agent, ventral rolnt. Tlio following letter from Bunta Itoau, Oallf., written by Mra, J. A Anderson, und dated November 28th, will be sail nuwt for theso people's many irlunu hereabout. "I aru sorry to aay to our old frlondt In Oregon that uiy nuabanu wat taken III wltn Honor rhago of tho luugt and tbero It little nopj lor bit recovery. This it a very ad day for me. We have a good phyif olan and I atlll havo hopes. You will bear from me again." Mr. Anderson formerly lived out In Kden precinct and hud but recently purchased a home near Bantu ttoaa. Tbo Aibland Iron Worki have added to their plant a boiler making uranun. ir you neea any repair in tbli lino they can save you time and money. Write them at Aibland, Ore The Grant Post Mining Journal says: -uoia mil waa given a aurpri and ienaalioo on Tuovday night, No vember 21, by tbe finding of a three montht bid baby in a basket at tbe doontop of Nort Eddlngt, the old-tlmo itaae driver. In the basket wa alto olotblng for tbe baby and a bottle in li mourn, rne supposition is mat me Infant waa brought In on tbe evening train ana leu at Mr. Kddingi'. now. over the Kddlngs' tay tbey will take oare of the oblld for the present, at least until Investigation can be made." New tewing machines from 120 up totiuai wnito, uaroaugn a. uo.'i store Medlord. Wby send away for theae goods whon you can buy them ao obeap at noinor Tuoaday evening'! windstorm blow ovor several olootrio light pole on North O street. The pole, while they havo been sot but about four years, wore very badly rotted. George Prlddy urn mat wn lie coming into town Wednesday morning ho taw .three of them drop over and thla loveral hours alter tno wind had ceased mowing. Tbli remlodt ono of tbe ttory of the fellow who, after giving another fellow a thundering big thrashing, pulled him- telf together 13d ran "crosa lot" for borne like be bad been tent for. Wanted A good, energetio man to bundle Quaker batb cabinet in Med ford. Write Joeeoh Mow. ceneral agent, Grant Paaa, Ore. F. M. Jordan, who wa moat un fortunate a few yean ago In losing hi leg. ha been around thla week with a subscription paper soliciting funds with which to puronoio an arunciai leg. tie waa aulte tucceaaful. havlnr aeenred nearly $100. Mr. Jordan is an boneat and ambitious gentleman and if the little assistance given him by our townspeople will make the task of earn ing a livelihood for himself and family easier there will surely be no regret registered becaureol tbe donation. You haven't tmoked the beat nickel cigar in town if you never tried a Billy uugan told only Dy Mounce dt &.arnea. Wallaoo Wood a hat recently pur chased 160 acre! of wood land out on Griffin creek, from the railroad com pany, at C2.n0 per acre. Tbli particular pluco of land hue boon over looked for years by landsookera and it waa by a mere aocldent tbat Wallace loarncd of ita being on the market. It la well tlmberod better than most adjoining luna, ana 11 an even xiuou was oneroa it would atlll belong to Mr. Woods. Ho will have tho timber cut Into stove wood and hauled to Mcdford. Dr. Goblo, tbo optician, will bo at his rosidonoo In Medford on Saturday of each week. Eye tested free of oharge. Thorn was a groat exodue of Med ford people Monday morning all start ed for the tall timber. Tbe oarty con sisted of S. R. Reeves. Dr. G. B. Colo. T. J. Beokott, Dolph Naylor, Perry Stewart, A. T. Drisko, G. L. Bchormer horn, D. R. Andrua, Wm. Forsyth, A. M. Woodford, Grant Shell, Nate Hates, Tayler, ttie Foot Fitter, haa Just received eleven different style of Liidie Perfeot-Fitting Laoo and Nation Dress liootx. O. Ramsey and Nod Orsor. Their objeotivo point waa Topsy grade, in ranges seven ana oignt, to wnion piaco tboy went to locate limber claims. Peoplo wtBhlng the beat limo ever burned In tho valley should tee Menard. Andrua cc carpenter, Medlord. Tbey have recently filled tholr new atoro house with thla lime. Whon Carl Crystal pnld 1125 for the old, partly oonsumod Western hotel there wore several who predicted ho would loao considerably on the deal. but instead tbe profits are In big figures on tho crodlt tide of hit aooount. Since the struoture haa been almost entirely removed ho haa been enabled to figure up his possessions. He finds ho haa 25,000 feet of rough lumber, 6000 feetot first grado rustic. 7000 brick, thirty good door and eighteen windows. An olegant line of new glassware reoolvod this week positively the belt and ohoapost ware ever brought to Modford. H. H. Howard k Co. Swoct pea blossoms tbe very last days of November aro something of a rarity even in this perpetuated summer olimo of Southern Oregon, but aa fine a bouquet of these very beautiful flower or was ever gathered was presented to The Mail, this week by Mrs. J. F. Wblto, the samo having grown in her flower garden, in West Medford, They were in a shaded portion of the yard and the few light frosts we have had did not visit tholr looallty. From now until Christmas I will havo a difforent display eaoh week. Don't neglect to glance In when pars ing. Elwood. Tho long string of stook cars at Montague last Sunday, has disappeared, tnklng away sevoral hundred hoad of cattlo, but more oars are still wanted. The S. P. Co. is reported as having added new freight and passenger cars on Us lines to the extent of $4,000,000 this yoar, and Is constantly building and buying moro oars and onginoa to handlo tho greatly lnoreasod business. Yroka Journal. Now stook of men's, ladlos'and chil dren's shoes rocolved this week beBt goods on earth for tho raonoy, White, Hurbaugh & Co. N. 8. Bonnctt, E. Ross and Charlie l'holstor have aoolded to bunch their driod nrunos and shin them oast, Thev hnvo 34,000 pounds and as soon as they aro ready for shipment Mr. Bonnott will go oast and hunt a market. He was auito successful last voar in dis posing of nearly n oarload and he seos no good roason why ho should not moot with tho same rosults this year, A. Slovor, tho dravir.an got him to do your hauling. Household goods and hoavv arttoios carefully and sufeiv I nanaiea. roams always nana; and teamsters oourteoua. Wm. Richards expect to have hit uwmiu, on wagner crock, In operation next monuay. xne mill maeh nurv bo long to A. J. Steven and 1 situated near tlio old Abbott site, and to this Mr. Richards haa su Dolled a fortv-horaa power boiler and engine and propose w gei out aoonsiaeraoie amount 01 lum ber this winter. He bat a contract with nr. movent to out 400,000 feot. With tbe new faculties that B. N Butler put In bl ibop, he turn out good work in repairing watohe and jewelry aa aj on In Southern Oregon, That wat a right brlik tbower we naa 1 ueaaay evening Put It wa Quite tbe artiole for our miner. The farm er nave no complaint to register. They have had an excellent fall to put in tbelr crop ana 11 tuey are not now prepared for a few week of wet weather It la bo. oauae uiey nave tried to cover too much territory or bav been little dilatory iu puouiug tueir won, There la nothing more elegant tuau tue uuca; 01 giasaware wnion we received tbla week. H. H. Howard a. jo T. W. Johnson was unfortunate last Saturday in losing a One horse. He waa leading tbe animal behind a wagon when ono of it hind leg became tangled In tome barbed wiro which wa strung along the roadside and one ot tno arteries of It leg waa tevorod and too nean oauiy torn. Tbe animal bled to death before assistance could be rendered. Ladies' caDO. lacket and wrannera at lea than cost at White, Harbaugh Oo.', Medford. Two former ODerator at the S. P. depot In Albany have recently been promoted. Will Merriman, brother of Mr. C. K. Fronk, of thla city, baa been transferred aa agent from Junction City to tho more important offloe at Mo Mtonvlllo, and J. M. Iabam haa been transferred from Gervai to the larser office at Aahland. Albany Democrat. If you are ODDOsed to sraln SDlrlta for severe colds, use Laab't Bitter. Sold In bulk 1 per bottle at Dis tillery Office. The Central Point-Table Rook mall route baa been discontinued aa a separ ate route and tho mail now goes to the Table Rock office dally and is supplied from the Central Point-Eagle Point route. Tbe mail carrier, I. F. Williams, bos been instructed to add that office to bis route, the increased compensa tion to him being about t2S0 annually. Christmas goods for old and vounir at G. A. Gurnna'a, In Cbllders block. John Nysewaner. of Medford. ar rived In town Friday with a load of tombstones for Frank Wait, who has taken several orders here... . Mrs. J. E. Harvey, of Gold Hill, arrived Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. Hone land, who it ttonping In town at pres ent. Klamath Falls Express. School books, tablets, pencils, lunoh baskets, and everything else tbe chil dren need for school use, at the book store, next door to postoffice. Drs. W. S. Jones and J. E. Shearer have rented office rooms In the Stewart block over tbe now store and as soon as the room Is in shape tbey will move thereto. These gentlemen are not partners but will have offices together and their new location is decidedly a pleasant ono. A fine line of ladles', misses' and children's Black Cat brand fine shoes received this week by White, Harbaugh & Co., Medford. Loren Damon has his new resi dence, on South D street, completed and has moved his family thereto. Loren is to be congratulated upon hav ing acquired so comfortable a home in so short a timo, but ho Is thrifty and energetic and deserves It. You know when you have good coffee everything Is pleasant at home. You get it at G.X. Davis'. N. B. Bradbury on Tuesday morn ing received a planer from theGorsllne mills at Glendale. Mr. B. will over haul this bit of maohlnery and put It In his mill In Medford, which will give him tbe extra facilities he bos long been in need of. The "Girl from Paris" 5-oent cigar up-to-date and gaining all the time. For sale at Distillery office. W. I. Vawter, administrator of the estate ot Charles Walker, deceased, filed his fifth report, showing the con dition of tbe eBtate. The report shows a balance on hand Nov. 4, 1890, of $8668.84. Grants Pass Mining Journal. Miss A. Naylor teaohes the KeiB ter's ladies' tailoring and dress cutting Bystem. Medford, Ore. New sidewalks are to be ten on Fretty nearly every street in the city, n many places they were greatly needed. The further fact that the walks are being put down on an estab lished grade is an item commandatlng. Farmers! We want your hen eggs htghest market price. W.H.Meeker &Oo. Mrs. J. F. Wallace, formerly of Medford, and wife of Rev. Wallace, is now down in tho Willamette valley do ing mission work in connoctlon with the ohuroh. Sho will organize ladles' departments in mission societies. See H. O. Maokey, tho loading photographer, for superior photos in Hamlin block. D. W, Ingoreoll writes from Taylor, Calif., to which place he moved with his family recently, saying that he is engaged in the saloon business and Is doing well. Says further that tho town of Taylor is having a big boom. White, Harbaugh & Co., Medford, are reoelvtng the finest line ot shoes ever brought to Southern Oregon, Boyden & Nicholson havo recently ordered a new cash reulstor. These registers oome protty high $350 but they are a big Bavtng to a house that doos as much business as does Messrs, Boyden & Nicholson. Sooond hand stoves and farm Imple ments. O. L. Sohermovhorn. Mra. Martha Jnno Rogoi'9. of Sams Vnlloy, widow of a Mexican war soldlor, has been granted a ponsion ot $8 per month, besides aooruod poiiBion the amount ot whloh we did not learn, 1 .Winter Will damn tod m If We Don't, But We .. .. Hope to Catch You Flrat Or m We want to catch vou as near naked &a noHdihln anrl ijfi dreBs you up according to our ideas of proper 'style, ktt jfi and we'll stake our reputation on . your being right S ijfi when we have finished. But perhaps you're thinking ff more about overcoats. Now stick a pin right here so Z jfi that you'll not forget it. We can sell you the : ', , ifc m m m m That you ever saw, and if you want to raise the price ifc 0fi to $10 or $12.50, why, we'll give yOu such value and jg m m m Best Overcoat for $8.s0 style aa you have never seen anywhere. Just "give us the opportunity to furnish your overcoat andt we'll save you a snug sum. . - - IW. H. MEEKER? & CO. m m T Medford 'r . Oregon My stock comprises- Real Things ?nd limitations My goods are durable; i: and will make (He'a up againat the "real . . thing-now). PRE5SEJ1NTS That will last and be appreciated. Call and make your selection and we will lay it aside. - At ELWOOD'S. Presents for the Holidays V J J. C. Hall, one of the proprietors of the Rial to confectionery and cigar store in Medford, has gone Into busi ness In Gold Hill, having formed a partnership with Charley Young, and the two will run the hotel saloon. This is the business formerly owned by tar hart and which was attached a few days ago by Reames Bros, to secure a debt. Messrs. Young & Hall will be tbe style of the new firm and tbey will open up for business next week. They did not purchase any of the Earhart Btock but instead ordered a new stock throughout. Mr. Hall will be in charge ot the business but his family will re main in Medford. His interests in the Rialto in this city will be looked after by B. I. Stoner, tbe ex-sewlng machine agent, who, by-the-way, is a very Sne gentleman and a good fellow for the position. He will have oharge of the olgar store, while W. F. Isaacs will continue to dispense soft drinks and confections on the other side of the partition. New and seoona nana Singer sew ing machines, aleo sewing machine sup plies, at Singer office, in Bodge's tailor ing shop, Medford, E. P. Magoon, agent. There is no machine made that's better than tho Singer, but there are some not so good. Mis Iva Purdin received a telegram Wednesday evening from a Bohool su perintendent in Wyoming, apprising her of the fact that there was a school awaiting her at Kemmer, that state, at 846 per month, and to come at once. She will .euve today. Miss Purdin is a normal school graduate and has been very successful in her school work. She is a very fine young lady and the Wyoming school that gets her for an instructor 1b fortunate. For tin and granite ware, ohlna and toys go to Gurnea'a. Mrs. J. J. Howser received a very substantial Thanksgiv ing present yes terday, the same being a check for lfn ui fl aro Vila ammint rtt m in ni ffw.M . administrator of her father's estate in t' T. na.A .11 . 1 .. UUK.AUU. AUO G.MMJ 1.111 UU, uviUUl settled until next spring when some real estate will be sold. The check sent was Mrs. Howser's share of an ad- -vanoe payment which the administrator -had made. . . A nice line ot Christmas book at ' Gurnea'a. . . Harmon A. Fredenbnrg, son of S. A VraHonhnefr and Mica fin Unv Hooker, daughter of ' A. H. Hooker, . were married in Medford Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Uev. U. J. Uist offiolatinir. The Mail is extending its heartiest congratulations to the happy couple. They will reside in Medford. . . You can get one dozen cabinet photos of your baby for tl.60 at the Medford Gallery, opposite postofflce. H. A. Myers has had carpenters at work this week remodeling the Crater into a jewelry and crockery store,. Sidney Cole a former occupant ot tho building having closed bis chop house. ' Mr. Mvers will put In a stock of jewelry and W. H. McGowan will -move hla. stook of crockery from the West Side and occupy part of this building. Farmers will find a fresh line ol rubber boots and shoes at White, Har baugh & Co.'s store. Medford. E. F. Magoon. the Singer sewing: machine agent, has rented window space in Badge's tailoring establish ment and will have hiB offioe there. He will have several machines on exhibi tion and is inviting the people of this locality to call and see him. Will exchange lumber or red cedar ' shingles for grain. W. Woods. fa If your hands need protection ifi To preserve their complexion; ijf Or if they are cold, (f Wrinkled, or old, 'tf A covering to find rj May trouble your mind. ifi So hear this suggestion jfV And buy from the best one. r.f m V, m s w 4fH S V . ft) Every one loves A pair of warm gloves; Or perhaps 'tis a mitten As warm as a kitten. So if you lack it Just visit "The Racket," And there you will find Almost every kind. an Hi ft iit viv tt Hi a,