OUR COUNTY . . . Correspondents iAb4iiii abrfaaWssWvasW Kaifle I'olnt Kagluts, , UY A. 0. IIUWLKTT. 1 am aorry to stale thai Donnle MoOee, tho oldest ion of Olivtir MoQoo, U quite low with typhoid Cover, A, J, Florey, one of our loading business won, Imd tho misfortune to love a very vuluuble cow liut wflek, ,rl ,, . ... A daughter of Mrs. Taylor, who II vei In tlx) Kmery bouso, aoooiu nanled by her two ohlldroii, arrived " Inst week frm California on a visit. Dr. KlroP 'siiur came In from Klamath wantv laat week with a email buuoh of oattle and a pack horte, stopping In Eagle I'olnt for a short time, to rest. , Mr. Braduoy, rooontly from K lain nth County, has moved Into the Mike Korman projiorty, owned by J; J. I'ryor, until lie can look around for a jioriimiieiit location. Mrs. It. L. Friend gavo a rag tnoklug party laet Thursday night. The weather was ao Inolement that only a few attended,' but those who did atteud bad a royal good time. Rev. J. 1'. Moomaw gavo one of lila Interesting talk to the children laat Sunday. He had a good at tendance a wojl an good attention, lie will pr8aoh. next Huuday at the usual hour. '. Mm. A. M. Thoma has been making some noticeable changes on her place, rearranging her poultry yard and gottlng, tilings in shape to go into the poultry business on a largor so ale. 1 ' y , Rer. J. P. Moomaw and sons are b'111 making substantial improve merits on their plaoe, They have recently added a large shed to their barn, so s to bolter; protoot their stock and wagons. ; Mrs. Otis Murpbyi recently from Klondike, came home with Mrs. Howlett last Saturday to spend a week or mora, with ua. lier ao counU of her travels In that far off land of the midnight -sun are truly interesting.. . i . ( James ' Matnev, one of the ' old pioneers of . Jackson ! County, and for many years a resident, of ihla neighborhood, was a pleasant caller on your Eagle Potut correspondent one night laat week. ! He is shaping his business to go toi Washington to visit his children a numlor of whom are living In that state. Mr. Matney says that he Qaa tried east ern Oregon and Washington, as well as the Willamette valley, but has found no place that will com pare with Jackson County. Hois talking of purchasing property in Medford and sottllng down for the rest of hit life. ; , ' ! 1 ' Their liuslut'HK Itomiilng. Probably no one thing bu unused auoh a general revival of trudo ulC'lina. Hlrii(('i drug store as his giving away to hl many customers of to mimy true Ulal bottles of Dr. King' Now Ola oovory for Consumption. 1 1 la trade is simply oiiormous in IIiIh very vahiabli remedy, from the faot that it always cures and novor disappoints. Coughs, oolds, aathtna, bronoliitie, oroup, and all throat and lung dlseaaua are quickly cured. ' Vou oaa tost it Jietoro buying by gotting a trial hottlo free; largo alxo Wo and l.OO. Kvery bottle war ranted, j i , , Griffin Creek Gatherings. C ' i.V 1IY. I'KUNKa.V "... l ' A. Andrews made a trip to Ash land Sunday, combining business with pleasure. ' - "' ' - Our sohool is progressing nicely under the able managomontpf Prof. P. W. Talcott. A Miss Lulu MoPhorson w' o is at tending school in Medford, spent last bunday at home. The father and brothor )of 0. Hover arrived Inst 8unday( from Kansas, to Visit a wbilo hero. ) ' Little Floyd Land has boon, sick for flnvoral woeks, but is improving under tho oare of Dr, Mushott. Mrs. P. True, who has boon visiting frlonds in Wisconsin the past month, returned - homo Mon' day. j N. 11. Spencer has been Irusticft' ling in the Applegato oountry for several . weeks past, hunting and prospecting, v ; i Frank Truo has tho True farm nearly all in, having run three teams part of the limo. 1 We have had a fine fall for farming, . D. B. Hollas drovo a flno lot of large, fat hogs to Jacksonville last Monday. They woro sold to Orth Bros,, of that plaoo. - Henry Griffin Is busily engaged in seeding the: iBerry '. farm, which ho has rented., ; He intends putting in tho greater portion' in oom next spring, : ' ,' The llitlo ' daughter" of Marion Hartley, who has boon quite siok with typhoid fever, is now very muoh improved. 'Dr. "Stopbonuoii is the attending physlolitn. Little Roy Spenuor out hie kneo severely last Friday while ohopplng with an ax. Dr. Walt was sura, moiled and driiHHiirl tlm anin.l he Is reported to be getting along iiuoit. i ,.Mr; PmM 1,(1 naJ tnro h"oop killed last Slttlinluv tnnrnlnir l.u prowling dogs. Ho has appointed himself a shot gun brigade and threatens to make It wurm rV.r ,! dogs caught prowling around on his inrui in 1110 miure. Mr, and Mrs, Omuzealo were very pleasant oallura hl tlm U ntiiit it Mr and Mrs, 1). 11, HoIIhh last Munday. They have hut recently returned from a visit to Crescent City and Other points, and tironnunao thn Rogue river vullev fruii. Imttr than any they had seen while away. Miss Jessie Spencer, who loft hore Moildav. Nov. Uth. fur Huntit Pnnln. Calif., was -married tho following Wednesday to a vouna man of that plaoe. Wo, in aoinmon with her many friends, wish tho young lady and the husband aha him ohOHun. all happiness and prosperity in Uielr married life. Uaud by ItrltlHh Holdlura In Africa. Cntit. C. O. Dunnlton U well known all ovor Afrleu na ooinmnndur of tho foroua that capturad tho fiiinoua rebol (ialiahe. Under date of Nov. 'I, 18U7, iioiii vrynurK, lluenuttiiuland, no wrlUsa: "lleforo alnrtlnir on tho laat eampulvn 1 Itouvbtuquuntlty of Cham- h..pli.f ..'u f,.llrt rM.nl.... .....I I l Heiuedy, whleh I uaud myaelf whon troubled with liowel coiuplulnt, and had jrlvuu to my men, nnd In every cuho It proved moat bonelleiul." Kor aulo by Strung, tho druKlflat, Forest Creek News. iiyoikua. '. A. W. Rturgis is making a new ditch, to facilitate the work at his mine. Plenty of refreshing showers over here and fine prospects for fall sown grain. . Prod Arroprlest has hauled over 150 oords of wood to Jacksonville during the past summer, and haa some to haul yet. E. P. Vickroy will operate the hydraulio mine on the upper creek this winter; Wji. Boetwick will assist him with the work. , j That part of the new oounty road below - A. W, Slurgia' ditch is in a bad condition,, being almost im passable with, a loaded wagon, rfj ,W. A. Kiiapp, of San Franolsoo, la expected daily at the Knapp t Dugan mine, on Forest oreek. They will-probably make a big. run1 this winter if there is plenty, of water. , ' James Davis, of the right fork, is preparing for a good run. with his hydraulio mine. This mine has paid well at former times and with plenty of water will do it again. J. D. Pea roe and sons are pre paring for a big run this winter. They are clearing off new ground preparatory to moving the county road, so they oan work the old roadbed. . . . .. Rev. Hoxie, of Williams, Jose phine County, and Rev. Eby, of Jacksonville, bom uunlcaru preacn ora, ' are holding protraoted meet ings on Forest oreek. Servioes at the school houso every night this weok. - ; - , , Bod Hot From tho Gun ... Waa ths ball that hltO. B. 8teadman, of Nowark, Mloh., In tho Oivll war. It eauaed horriblo uloera that no treat ment holood for 20 roars. . Toon Buok- Ion's Arnloa Snlvo oured him. Ourea outs, brulaos, burns, bolle, folona, conn skin oruntlona. Boat pllo oure. on onrth. 26 ota. a box. Cure guaranteed Sold by Chaa. Strang, druggist. Talent Rews Items. -! J. S. Burnett is reported quite ill." " " - E. P. Hughes is shipping a oar load of wheat this week. A. D. Helms 'Was-down from Ashland on Monday of this week. Miss Mabel Chapman, of Ander son creek, is stopping with M. L Pollett and family, in Talent. B. L. Buoy, who oame from the Willamette valley last summer for his health, is quite ill at present with pulmonary trouble. Miss Stella M. Hargrave, who went to Southern Cillfornin a oouulo of months ago for her health, roturnod last week. The climate did not agree with her. Mrs, Br at field, of San Jooe, Calif., and her daughter, Mrs. J. Utterray of Grand View house, arrived in Talont one day last week and, are the guens of VV. W. tistes. There were two families by the name of Lamt, from Iowa; who ar rived in Talent one' day last weok, They are old neighbors of D. H, Hansoom, our . blacksmith, and soom to be well pleased with the country and think they will make this their future, home. One family has rented A, L. Helms' house and the othor has moved Into, S. ' Sher man's hall for "the present. cfitR-i i t . ' Kr-i-i -.-rnw 7 ' , ', .Many a Loyor; ; ' ., Has turned with disgust from an 'other wlno lovable 'girl , with: aa offensive breath. Karl's Olovor Hoot Toa purl (Ion tho broath by Its action on the bowels, fete,; us'u6lh1ngrolso will, Sold for you on ubeoiuto guanuitoo. Prloe 2R ots.. SO ots. Sold by Chaa. Strang, dniggiat. ; ' ' KUaaath Couaty lUasa, Vrom Ibe Klamath ralla Jtipraiw, ' Ohas. Hargadlne waa In town Monday from Langell Valley and left Tuesday for Ashland to join bis family. While here ho re-leased his oattle and horses to Henry Duncan. . , , - Thos. Dixon, tho prosperous Tule lake rancher, was in town over Sat urday. He has just finished dig ging' nearly 70 tons of potatoes from 20 acres, which will bring blm about $2000 , .,.u. T. A, Lane, who formerly resided here, arrived last Saturday from Cape Nome, Alaska. He went to Alaska in 1894 and has been at all the mining towns on the Yukon sinoe, noar several of which be now has mineral claims. ' Sheriff Kershnor went to Pine Flat Monday ' to arrest Henry Sohoner and Henry Meier upon warrants charging them with lar ceny of lumber at the Pine Flat mill yard. He returned with Sohoner but was unable to And Meier. The , prisoner maintains that he is guilty of no crime. J. MoDormott, the cattle buyer from Butchtown, San Francisco, ar rived Monday from Fort Klamath, where lie bought about 4UU bead ot oattle from Pelton Bros. The oattle passed through this section yester day to bo driven to Montague for San Francisco shipment. Tho cattle were bought by I'eluin Uros. on the Deschutes, Klamath marsh and in the Wood river valley. Mrs. Estelia Hemenway died at Klamath Agency, Oregon, Saturday morning, Nov. 11, 1899, at half past four o'clock, from an accidental overdose of chloral hydrate, aged 34 years, 10 months and d ulays. The deceased, who was addicted to the use of opiates, without the knowledge of any of her family took a dose of chloral hydrate Friday evening, a drug she was not used to, in an excessive amount, one regained consciousness Saturday morning and arose for a snort time, but shortly' after returning to her bed she breathed her last, the ac tion of the drug having directly affected the heart. ' ' ' , Chamberlain's Fain Balm Cures Oth- era; Why dot Yorif My wife haa been ualng Chamber lain a Palo Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has oalned her oonttnually for nine years. We have tried all klnda of medlolnea and doctors without receiving- any benefit from any of thorn. - Ono day we saw ao advertisement- of - tliia medicine and thought of trying It, which wj did with tho beat of. aatiafaollon. She has uaed only one bottlo and her ahouldor is alinoat woll. Adolpb L. UilleU. Man- choater, N. H. For aalo by Straug, the druggist. Phoenix School Report. Report of the prinoipal of the Phoenix public school for the month ending Nov. 17, 1899: No. of days taught, 20; days at tended, 1420, days absent, boys, 54): girls, 30) ; total, 85. Cases of tardiness, boyB, 11; girls, 12; total, 23. No. enrolled on register, boys, 40; girls 38; total 84. New pupils, boys, 4; girls, 6; total, 10. Aver age daily attendance, 71. No. of visitors, 11. Cases of corporal pun ishment, 1. . ' A. J. Hanby, Prinoipal. ; What is SbiiotiT ' . ' A grand old remedy for coughs, colds and consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured in numerable cases of tnoipient consump tion and relieved many In advanoud stages. If you are not satisfied with tho results we will refund your money. Prloo 25 ots., SO ots. and tl.OO. Sold by Ohas. Strang, druggist. ' The inheritance tax' which the Federal government will get on the estate of the late Cornelius Vander built iB likely to be over $2,000,000. Chauncey Dopew will have to give up $20,000 of his $200,000 legaoy to the tax collector. ' Besides the Federal tax the state of New York will get about $500,000; Youutr Mothers. . 1 Croup Is the terror of thousands of young mothors buoauso Its outbreak Is so agonizing and froquontly fatal. Sliiloti's Cough and Consumption Cure aots like wag to In oases of oroup. It has never boon known to fall. The worst oases relieved Immediately Prloe tf ots. 60 ots., and $1.00. sold by Obas. Strang, druggist. The cavalry has been doing some good wotk in the Philippine, cam paign, and needs to do so to pay for itself, since every horse sent to the islands oosts the government from $700 to $800 by the time it is land ed at Manila. But still, if the horses enable. Otis to do in a month what otherwise would require sev eral months, the oavalry will have been a good investment. ; i Working Night and. Day, ' The busiest and 1 mightiest little thing that ovor was made la Dr. King's mow l.ne fins. i-Jvory pin is a sugar ooatod globule of healthy that changes woaknose Into strength, lisllessness Into onorgy, Drain-tag into montai power. They'ro wonderful la building up the nonitn. uniy ma nor dox, Chas. Strang, druggist. Sold by WAft IN THK TRANiVAlL, aaa SMtaaa Kufsfaa' la Daa4l Conaini.. A cable dated London, November IT, aaya : The lung ii'enee raapentiiig opera tions In Natal has been broken la a manner wholly unwelcome to the Brit ish, whoa, growing bopefnllncM, baaed nu the arrival of re-enforo4-menta on the coast, Iiiim received a sharp aetbauk through the news of a diaaater to an armorec train near Uhieruley. The Boera had prepared a olavar lltte trap and the Britiah train aaema to hava been ran with gulleleaa Innooenca. , V; ,, To people here it looks as if the troopa who arc operating In Natal are tmbuad with tiia same ooutempt for their olavar anamy that characterisee the muaio hall patriots at home. It, waa.kaowa that the enemy held the eounty througk which the train had baaa moving back ward and forward for days, bat appar ently, immunity from attaok strength ened the BriMak overooolldeuoe, , Aiter they had fallen, Into, the trap, the par aonal bravery of the party on the train waa nseloaa in the faoo of the exoollent fire of the Boera. who. are now able to end to Pretoria auothsr batch of prisoners variously, eathnaUdijt from 60 to 100. There la little doubt that Winston Ohurohill la among the prlaoh era, and aa he acted oonplcnouiy in the fight la rallying the Britiah It is not likely that be will obtain bis liberty oo the ground of being a non-combatant. . r . u Utalnaal Wlalaa OfcambtU. r$j!'Hfi ' '1 ' The lallaat aon of the tat Lord Baa dolpb ChurehlU Is war earroapoadeB for a Mow York paper.1 He won dis tinction la tho Sudan campaign nador Lord Kitchener.;;-; . : , .',;; . Churchill la at preaeot a priaonar be ing captured laat week In the diameter to the armored train. He la at Pretoria. He wa4woanded in the hand during the rengageinent,' through whion be anowoa remarkable eoorae. , Iohdok, November 90. Thia morn- tng'a newa gives little that altera the complexion of the altnatlou. Sinoe the fight of November B mattera, ao far aa la known, liave been fairly quiet at Ladyamith. It is not unlikely that the Boera may be hesitating regarding the next movement. The aituahou In Na. tal la Tery ooinplioated, more eapeotally if the ro porta be trno that the great Tngela bridge haa been destroyed. . The anooeaa of the next movement on either aide will depend more on atrategy than on auperinr nninbora. Tho Boera have threo llnee of aotiou open. They oan hold tho railway with the force they have at Enneradale, falling allghtly back before the Britiah advanoe aud threaten ing It from Weeuen; or, in the aeoond place, they pan advanoe from Weenen and try to oarer Eatoonrt: or, la. the third plaoe, they oan advanoe doe south from Weenon to Waa ton, oat toe rail way and blow up the bridge over Mooi river. If It be true that there are 10, 000 Boers under Joubart and General Botha marching south to meet the Britiah relief force heavy fighting la in store. . ' ONE OF OUR HEROES km laetaaea ot the Splaadld Couraata - XoraKr ol t'nale Saim'S SoKlara. The brightest page in the history of any war is", perhapa, that wbleh records the thouifhtfulneas of the offlcera and the faith fulness of their men--qual- ilius which, when conjoined, make a roiriinunt nil hlinoat Irresistible force. In "The Story of the Kough llidera," Rdwarrt Mnrshnll tells how, when Capt, McClintock was wounded, one of hia troonera cauie and lay down bealdo him. ; ; ' "You'd better get out of thia," said McClintock. "It'a too hot." "Don't. worrj captain," the man re plied.. "I'm between you and tho flr- liiff line." ' llcCMntock,toucheda8 he vraa by this exhibition of the man's devotion, still wanted him to get away. ! .He urged him to leave. The man refused. Finally McClintock aaid:.. "I'm your captain, and I order you to go. ; Yon are doing no gooa to nnj. ono but me. , This ie no place ror well man, . I .order you.!. .... . ; i Tlien the man had to tell. "I ain't no well man,", ho slowly ad mitted. "I'm ahot." "Where?" asked JIcCHntook. ; i "Oh. it'a only a acratohl" . They lay there In silence for a long time. The firing began to come from the left, f The aoldler worked hia pain ful way around until he was again be tween MoCHntook and the line of fire. McClintock waa too weak from Iosb of blood even' to apeak. Then a hoapltal man oame and lifted MoCllntook to carry him back, f , I "Take him, too," MoCHatook man aged to artloulate. .d , "No use," said the hoapltal man. "He's dead." 1 sir! RM1G W HIS After Slz Years of Inlensi ; 'h ' Sufferlni, Promptly Cured : rt6TandmauhS0 ntf e G entire oironlation is in a depraved condition. Ther ' f I . B no T Dl TJ uiwu iantly Mppinsr awav the vitality. be eliminated Irom the blood, and n harrt anv ofTuct. ; v " i There te no uncertainty about BMUe W IB U IHHiKOU U BWUUKIJ Ujr WUTluuua testimony of those who have been cured by ft Sand know of ite virtues by experience.'' '" ' ,' llr. L. Jt.CTark, of (rarigedottrthouse,Va., writes:, " For'saB years I had an obatlnaae, running nloer on my ankle, whleh at time oauaed me intonso suffsriag.-. I waa ao disabled for a long while that I was wholly tmflt for bueisMas. . One of the neat dootora treated me constantly Mt did mo no good, I then tried Tarioua blood remedies, without the least benefit. 8. B. 8. was so highly reoom iwM that I concluded to try it, and tho effect waa wondatful. It aaeroad to get right at tho seat of tho aUssiaM aod f oreo tho poison out, and 1 waa soon com pletely eurod." Swift fipeclflc O. O. O. FOR drives put 'every trace of imptirity in the blood, and in thia way: euros permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or nloer. ; II is the only . blood remedy gTiaranteed purely vegetable and ooav tains nota particle of potaen, mercury, or other mineral. 8. 8. 8. onres Oontagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh. Ectema. Bheumatism, Sores, Uloera, Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist upon S. 8. S. ; nothing can take its place. i Valuable books mailed free by 8wixt Speciflo Comjaanr, Atlas, Gtv AVarket Keport. , . , , STho following are the prices paid by our merchant this week for farm pro ouce. i nu list wui ne onangea eaoo week as the prices ebange: Wheat . ; ........AH Oats 50 Flour. 11.50 per 100 lbe Barley. r..... ........ ....... .11.10 " " H Mill Feed 90o " , " " Potatoes, 1 " " Eggs, 26 per doz is .liter,. i -,....sz per its B ans, dry,..., Bacon. ,,..',. Hams,....-...., Shoulders,....', ..03 .....09 ......16 .....07 10 ,.....4i Lard, Hogs live..... am Trilaej It, ; ' Tn ardar to' more the arc at merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the moat effective cure ror uotarrn aua hiivh, ! paw pre pared a generona trial size for 10 oanta. Unt it of your druggist or aand 10 centa to ; ' ELY BROS., C6 Warren St., N. Y. City. ! I aoffared from catarrh of the worst kind erer aince a boy, aud J never hoped for uure, but Ely' Un-ain alu aeema to do evon that. Many arqiiaiuuncea naTe naea it with excellent results. Oscar Oatrnm, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. : Ely's Cream Balm la the acknowledged cure lor caiarra ana coawai no ogauu, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO centa. ' At druggista or by mail. Euraka Haraasa Oil ta the beat preservative of Jiew laatlier and the beet renovator ol old leather. It oils, softens, black ana and protects. Uaa ., V Euroka llarnoss Oil on jonr best lutrmM, yoar okl bm iwm, nd your cuTUcetop, and they wili itot only leak btttr but wesv kinirtr. . Sold cverywbm In mm alt trine from h&lf pfnta to flTe cUoiiaV Meats by sTTaJIAB OU C. a KLV'S CREAM BAT.M laapoaltlTeenra. Applj Into the noUzila. It la qnlckly absorbed, so aeota at DmnHBts or bj mall ; enmplea 10c by mail ELY BROTUHBS, 06 Warren 8L. New York City. visit DR. JORDAN'S orcatt MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ( I0AI MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAU AlnraTMl ADattomMl ViiMuari Us World. ... Ortatttt Attraction n Ot Clio. A Wsaakak iifliiM.flranVAnnlratk ed disoaso.MBlUTSly sarstl by ths old-nn Bptclnltitun ht PmoUU OR JORDAM-PfllVATI DISEAfU tccel uia whs ars tuffena from ths eflwta of TOUtMarhrdl-l-eratlonai or siKusnUM In UaViurair years. NeiuuBudphiitMalii7lIs ity, Iiow nahao4 In nil iUOonsliV oAUoitei iptimmrrMM, t. ri f Vr.Hnn, siss. By m senblnnUoa mi remedies, of great out-alive pswer. tke P0ssr rnnm, uonor rnwa, ifi sm so erranf aa mi tneuoes.1 jm eolr afford Immediate rtllw, bu ours. The Ooetor does snl clelf mlreolm. but Is well known ts I ours, too voetor aoes sni oiups terronn ssuws piiyirolsn end tirioiiwnreei In hliBMdaltr--IklMaMB off Mam. ITPm litn ihoroufblr srdlests4 ft Ike eratiim wlthanfc ihouMei JtsBrsari Trasses fitted b aa. Expert. BntilSMl ran tor nupiurv a. amsM friP aPllaasi. riBBMrav Dr. Jordan's eoeolat ralnl IVRRT NAM aoDlvlnfteosnni sor hoH opinion hlJrmpllfK. eewry cote v undertake . , Treatment personally or by l.ttar, . RABBI AOS. MaUiid F. (IHllAif k (or men.) OauorwrlU . i DH RDN k CO.. 1051 Martot SU, ..' f H SORE uVHi vuw " w F au mv WU .In . every case the poison mus no amount of external treatmeut i it (,!((,?,'- i- -. -M a ..it n the merit of S. S. 8. ; every cleW THE DLOOD NEff barb: J. R. Hartei, Pioi, Shop on Seventh street, opposite Union Livery Stables. : ' ,ti, SHAVING lO. HAIR CUTTING 20. Give me a trial and yon will come again., ; -.,-')., :J ...', ;.. :'' BAST AWJ) BOTJTH , ; The - Shasta - Rout SOUTHERN PACIFIC C01FAHT. f I f; BXl'RSSS TBAIMS LXAVK POKTLAtTV. , daily. .. , s.; ' Sootn Worth 1 ' 7:00 p. m Lt, Portland Ar. t:ia.aa 10:60 a.m Lt. Medford . Lt 4Sp. aa. 7:46 a.m Ar. Ban Praneiaeo Lt. SMp.iat 5:00 p. m Ar ORdan ' Ar 1:10 p. m' 6:05 p. m Ar Denver Lt 6:atp.s :M a. m Ar , Omaha . Ar 8:80 a. aa 8:15 p. m Ar ' Cnlcaco Lt 6:S0p. na 7 :00 a. m Ar Loh Angelea Ar : p. m 8:16 p. m Ar El Paso ' Ar S:B3p. aa 4:15 p. m Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 a. na. 7:65 a. m Ar - Merr Orleans Ar 8-.40p.aa Dining Cars Observation Cars Pullman first-class and tour ' is tears attached to all .. through trains. ROSKBCRQ MATL DAILY.. , Sd0a.mlLT S-jQ p. m i Ar Portland Roeebnnf Ar Lt 40 p. nt 7J0a.ae OOBVALLI8 MAIL DAILY (Exaept 8andaT- 7 XI a. m I 12:16 pi Lt Ar Portland Coi-raUla Arl Lt l.-oa p! m At Albany and Corvallla connect with trains) - ... of o. O. St E. railway. . i , ii INDEPENDENCE PALSENGER DAILY (Except Bandar.) 1 ' Atsp.m LT Portland Ar 8:15a.na 7-SOp.m Ar MoMlnnvllle Lt (tS0a.na ' 8 JO p. m Ar . .Independenoe Lt 4-fOa. oa Direct connection at Ban ' Francisco 1 witk steamship Unes for BawaU, Japsm Onlna, Tke Philippines and Australia. i iur mruuKU nuanis auu rates viu VI u ur ssv ,- areas Mr. w. v. AAippinooxt, Agent, ateoioro. . v R; KOKHLqk, . . , CH. MAttKHAM, rrt . ... ,., Muaer. . . u.r sr ct?-.;- OHTLAND , OREOON. ., TA5TELES is just as coon ran adults. WARRANTED., PRICE. Spot. i. -it .",(', -), o At atia, Iils., Nor. , la. . PAvt.M.4W,lnA On.. RI. Iinl. Mo. . v flcntlnraeiil- Wo ana) Inat year, 000 bottles of (IHOVU'3 'rASTKLKBS OUUJj TONIO awl have : honpht tutee k-roen alreaitr this year. . In all oar sa -perleee of 14' yean, tn tfto diuii btuliiea.' nave ' V ,ivcr.'uMnnallliliUiatnvoem unlvenai aaut I ivMuu aa jour Stale Xoui. truly, ( 9m& to K m mnn .av . r ssr- PTi f tt'r