.CARPETS. ':';:;:r" CUT TO ORDER A full line of Velvets, Axmin stert Tapestry, all-wool two-ply, Standard, Cotton Chain and Ve netian samples to select from at 33 l-3c to 51.10 Per Yard. ; Are you contemplating a pur chase? If you are, we can save you money. J. G. VAN Medford, I CITY HAPPENINGS. With tho removal ol the depot from the oontor of Seventh itreat comet tbo newt of tho possible and Tory probable notion of at loMt throo or four brick block, oo Went Seventh street, Mcr obant 0. H. Mlllor own. a ooiiple of lota oo tho northeast corner of the block in which l situated tho Presby terian Church, and upon thu.e It I. ro- Sortad he will build two-.lorjr brlok look. The corner lota opposite him, In tho block oast, are own ed by I. W. Thomas, and tho mo rumor iayi .hp, too, will build a brick blbok. T. H. Mooro, who own. tho hotel oornor, In tend, building, aa wan stated laat week. On the opposite side of tho street Dr. Q. B. Colo owns a lot and bo I. cutting Into a notion of building, a. U also Tailor J. E. Bodfto, who own a lot on that lido of tho strocU Understand, Tub Mail Is not giving this Item out aa positively an assured faot, but thnt all those buildings are contemplated was told us this woek. Tlrao and monoy snvud by taking the Northorn Pacific to all points past. Tickets sold from Medford samo as Portland. Do not forgot that a North era Paollla ear passes through Med ford Wednesday evening each week for tho accommodation of passengers who wish a sluoper from Modford to St. Pant without chango. W, T. York, Cent, Medford, Oregon. W. L. Halloy, Goo. Grltzlo and S. W. 8eaa returned Tuesday from a little hunting expedition on tho hand of Klk oroek. While out for their hunt they had with them that celebrated deer trailer, Ham Geary, and ouo day while tho dogs wero hunting for deor trails they came onto tho trail of a mountain lion which was trocd nml a shot from Barn's always accurate and sure aim rlflo brought down tho largest lion that gentleman declared he bad yor soon. It measured just au oven elevon feel from tip of none to tip of tail, . Tho animal wns skinned and tho pelt was brought to Modford aa a trophy by Mr. Dalloy, who will havo it pre pared by Mr. Anderton, thn glove, makor, for a floor mat. Mr. Geary was unfortunate, tho samo day the lion wns killed, In accldontly killing ono of his best deor dogs. Oroatost and most beautiful white light at minimum cost. Ono Standard lamp will light a room 20 foot square brilliantly; b urns 14 hours for loss than six cents, and gives 100-oandle power. J. W. Hiokol, Modford, Oregon, ngont for tho Btato of Oregon. A burning lamp oan bo seen at G. L. Sohormor aorn's seoond hand store. . - Hon. J. J. Howsor has given out repeatedly that his East Sido soil would produee marvolous growth In vegeta bles and every time ho has so given out he has proven a clear oaso In his favor, and this wook ho has orosentcd to our people a carrot which Is not only a mon storous one as to growth but a marvol ous. ono in shape a frenk In tho vogot able world, as It were. Tho carrot tins no loss than adozon prongs, or roots. Hi EH. Howard & Co.! (SuoooBBora to Woltera & Howard) Are still supplying Modfordites from their always; large, iresn ana complete line oi Groceries ..fl Crockery ..Glassware.. Call on the new firm at the Howard, and you 11 Medford wrrRrTRrrrTKrTwRrfsRrR & CO. Each of these Is In sizo from a cane to a fork handlo and from ton to fourteen iuohos In length. They are so Inter woven as to mako tho unraveling of any one root from the othors almost an lm posslolllty, jot each Is a dlstlnot root of Itself and Is not joined to lu companion. In any manner from tip to tho parent root All this grew from a single sued. Mr, Bowser has given tho carrot tbo namo of "10 to 1." If you aro In noed of anything from a piano stool to a steam tbreshor, be sure and attend tho big auotlon salo Saturday, at tho Exchange stable, wost of depot. The Ladles' Aid Socloty of tho Methodist Church will give a dime social at tho rosidonoo of W. H. Hem brooono woek from tomorrow evening Novumbur 18th. Thcso good church pcoplo are In need of new hymn books for tholr church and they bnpo to tveuro enough money in this niannur Ui purohaae them. Mr. and Mrs. Horn broe aro promising everybody a good tlmo who attend. A fealuro of tho evening's entertainment will bo a goodly amount nf mualo by their very line phonngraoh. Thero will also bo Introduced some new features of amuso ment, the naturu of which wo aro not at liberty to glvo out. They are to bo surprises and aro proimsoa to do inter esting. Light refreshments will bo served. Evoryooay is inviwa to attend. ' Now sewing machine, from $&) up to WO at White, Harbaugh & Oo.'s store, Medford. Why send away for these goods whon you oan buy them so ohonp at nomur Charlie Pierce camo down from the fiuffar Pino Company's mill, on Rogne rivor, Monday. Ho reports not muoh activity at tho mill right now but says preparations are being mndo for tho getting In of a great many logs this winter. If there should come a heavy fall of snow tho woods up that wny will be alive with man and logging loams. The company 1b laying plans for a vory busy season next year. Their experiment with tho rood engine has proven entirely satisfactory und just 60 soon as the roads dry out noxl spring tho engino wheels will oommonoo turn ing and they will not stop again until sticky clogs inom next iuii. wo unuor standtho oapa( lty of tho mill Ib also to bo Inorensod considerably. - Just received eultars. mandolins. cases and strings. Strings 5 to76conte caoh at fclwood's. Weeks Bros, aro busily at work on the fittings for J, H. Stewart's new store bulldlnir. Thov are DUtting up 180 feet 01 sbolvtng and Olgni counters, w nen oomploted and tho shelving in position tnis win do me promost room oi lie kind in tho oity. Weoks Bros, havo a reputation for doing tho best work of any Arm In tho state and they propose to maintain this ronutatlon and if pos sible exocll tbcmsolvos on this particu lar job. Thero aro vory few people who know what tho Stewart building Is to bo used for and by whom and those fow haven't lot go of that bit of Information as yet, but Tint Mial is guessing it Is for dry goods and that a firm now do ins business In the oily will oooupy It. old stand of Wolters &' trade nowhere else. Oregon! DYKE Oregon W. P. Doduo baa carpenters at worn putting up a new resiuence on nis fine ornnertv In Southwest Medford. The building will bo 16x20 feet In size with a 10x16 fool annex and all one and a half stories high. Thero will be porches at both front and rear: and everything flrst-olnss throughout a neat structure huh a pleasant home. Mr, Dod gu has done well financially sinoo coming to Medford, wbioh Is all well deserved a stand-off, as it wore, for tho reverses ho has met at prior limes, mm, Honoris is the Doss oarpen ter on the job and W. L. Orr Is furnish ing tho material. A flno line of ladles', misses' and children's Black Cat brand flno shoes received this woek by Wblto, Harbaugh at uo,, Bioororu. If you smoke a nickel cigar, go to Hall & Isaacs' and try a Yukon Girl or tbo Graf a sweet, pleasant smoke and loaves no bod taste in your mouth. If those do not suit, we have 26 other brands to pick from. We have posi tively the greatest assortment of stand ard nrand cigars in uoutnern Oregon. It Is our aim to please our patrons, and not ourselves. Wo have also a large assortment of chewing and smoking tobacco. We. have a cosy reading room and take the leading dally obdcis ana magazines, uan anu make your sen oi noino. 11u.11 at Isaacs. Notice mv window next week for a display oi wutones. Kiwood, tbo Jew eler and optician. Postmustor H. H. Wrlirht. of Lake urooK . is doing a good bit ol improvlog about nis place this fall. M. 0. Conioy was in Mcdlord Monday alter a load ol flooring for Mr. Wright's new resi dence and ball. The building will be 10x80 feet in size and two stories blgb. The first Boor will be a residence and postoOlco and tbe seoond story will be finished off for a dance hall, or any other public entertainment. Mr. Wright is a tnorougn nustior and nis many mends will note with a considerable degree of saiisiaoiion any news ol nis prosperity. White. Harbaugh is, Co.. Medford. are receiving tbe finest line of shoes evor brought to Southern Oregon. C. C. Taylor la doing a considerable amount oi improving ai nis larm nomc, east of Medford. 0. H. Elmore Is now at work out there putting up a 40x06 loot Darn. Mr. ray lor is also Duliding a 12x10 addition to bis residenoe, and asldo from this a large shed for bay and stock. - If any one should ask you you could truthfully say that O. C. Is get- ling in ine iront ranx wim nom leet. Mr. Taylor la a bard working young muo and almost always lines up with good orops and a neat little profit on the credit side of bis ledger. Not "cheap," but at a low price. Tboso are thn bargains we offer you to day Cabinets, ono dozen for 11.60; stamp photos for 60 cents; fine, soft fin ished ploturoof yourself, wife, baby or sweoineari. Meaiora unuory, opposite postomeo. uoo. w. MucKoy. O. W. Knighton, of Trail, was a Mcdlord visitor last Saturday. Uo tells that R. W. Gray met with Quito a loss lust week by the death of one of bis host logging horsos. Ho was driving a four- horse V-arn over too road near his place when the animal fell dead in the har ness. The loss will be keenly felt by Mr. Gray as It breaks up his logging team. Mr. Gray and H. J. Gordon are now ovor In Klamath County each with a load of Kogue rivor apples and po tatoes. Farmorswlll find a fresh lino of rubber boots and iboos at wblto, Har baugh A Co.'s store, Medford. 11. B. Orr. who has been a salesman In Warner Ic Wortman's store for a year or more, nas severed nis connection with tbat firm and Is now filling a like position with H. H. Howard & Oo. Mr. Orr in a first class salesman and has mado a great many friends since coming to Medford all of wbom want to see success close onto his heels whether be bo in tbe employ of either ol these firms or Jones, Smith or Brown. The late rains have settled all malaria germs for this season, but in thulr place you will take severe cold, and possibly dovelop pneumonia. Pure grain whiskey In time kill save a sick ness Grain whiskey at $2.26, 12.60 to 14 par gallon. Call at Distillery Office. N. B. Bradbury has olOBod a deal with Mr. Daley, the Round Top saw mill man, wborebv he (Bradbury) next season will handle pine lumber from that mill. Mr. Daley will out exclu sively on pine and this, as fast as sea soned, will be hauled to the Bradbury yards In Mcdfora. Aside from thiB Mr. Bradbury will handle fir dimension lumber and flooring. With the new faculties that B. N. Butler put In his shop, ho turns out as good work in repairing watobes and jewelry as any one In Southern Oregon. - The Mail had lutended last week to bunch all Halloween events, but tho boys so tipped the town bottom up that we lorgoi to mention ine social given that evening at the always pleasant and epaolous home of Dr. J. W. Odgorg. There was a big crowd In attendance and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. Groceries of all kinds being re oolvod at White, Harbaugh & Oo.'a store this woek. Ned Orsor Is haying his Union liv ery Btublo fixed up n good bit this week. A now root is being put on and tbe building otherwise improved. Ned, with thn hustling propensities whioh ho can't help and a general accommo dation ol all patrons is doing n busi ness that Is a rushing ono, You will see lots of watches In El wood's window noxt week. Report Is rlfo that tho Southern PuolBo Company will ohange the run ning time of one of Its paBsengor trains. The north bound train due here at 8:16 a. m. will be about 2 or 8 hours later. The chango will go Into effcot about tho 12th of thlB month. We havo been endeavoring to got a ntokol cigar wbioh will plonse every smokor of thlB grade of goodB we have found It in ''Pat Boy" try thorn. Hall fc Isaacs. Fifty dozen men's ovoralla received this week by While, Harbaugh & Co., Mouiora. . "W. F, Horn, who has just returned from Jaoknonvlllo, snys the owners of tho Kubll initio Btruolc a rich body of oro, ns thoy wero drifting and havo takon out over :toou. This proporcy Is near Jacksonville." Grants Prbb Min ing Journal. I want to buy all the nnnlos. roars and peaches there oro in the valley, j Davis, tho grosor. 0 Tayler, the Foot Finer, has just received eleven different styles of Ladles' Perfect-Fitting Ltt'ce and llutton DrcBH Hoots, Thero Is no disputing tbe fact tbat cement sldewulks are by far the best and most serviceable walk that can be put down. Thoy are better by fur than tbe stone walks which have been put down. This faot can bo proven by a comparison of tbe two kinds of walks now in use in tho city. The walk which G. W. Prlddy recently put down for Rufus Cox Is a good specimen of tbe work. The expense of putting dowq the cement walk Is, of course, greater oo the start than a board walk, but it is verv much cbcSDcr when It Is consid ered tbat it will last a lifetime. Tur Mail can reoommend Mr. Prlddy for this kind of work. , If you are opposed to grain spirits for severe colds, use Lash's - Bitters. Sold In bulk II per bottle at Dis tillery UmOe. . . The Rev. Chas. W. Havs. recently from Kansas Olty. Mo., who has been supplying the Bethany Presbyterian Church, of Gran to Pass, since last June, has received aoall to become tbe regu lar pastor of tbat church. Ho thus be comes the permanent successor to Rev. Robt. McLean, so well known through out this section of tbo state. The mod erator of tbe Presortery, Rev. Adolpb Haoeriy, win can a special meeting oi tbe Presbytery, to meet in Grants Pass oo the day of Installation and he him self baa received a cordial Invitation to be present and assist in these beautiful and solemn services. School books, tablets, pencils, lunch basket, and everything else the chil dren need for school use, at tbe book store, next door to postoffice. J. H. Tolan. a miner about seventy vears of age. who came here from Baker City, was adjudged insane lost week and on Friday was takon to the insane asylnm by Sheriff Orme and J. R. Hardin, loian nao oeen orinaing nara for a oouole of weeks prior to toe de velopment of Insane s; mptoms and it is thought tbat a little treatment at - the asylum win nx mm an rigni. un ine way to Salem he became quite rational and conversed considerably with Mr. Hardin upon subjects with wbicb both were laminar, lie nad been stopping with David i'atrlex, near (Central folnl, for a couple of weoks. -You haven't smoked tbebest nickel cigar in town if yon never tried a Billy Uugan sold only oy Mounce Karnes. The Choral Union met for their first regular practice on Mondav night. The "Gloria," from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, occupied tbe principal time of the evening. Tho study aud perform ance of a high class of music is a potent factor In education, and the Cborai Union Is doing a work along tbis line which certainly tends to elevate both the performer and the hearer. The members are taking hold of the work with an enthusiasm which promises much for the lovers of good, substantial music. "On to Ashland" is the cry. New sewing machines, cheaper than evor. Call on J. F. White, at White, Harbaugb A Co.'s, Medford. Airs. A. M. Woodford met with quite a severe aocideot on Tuesday morning Ol mis week, one arose early to call Ralph and in going to his door walked off of the stair landing, striking tbe stairs about half way down. She was badly brnlsed and It is thought a bone In her right foot is broken. If tbe bone is not broken the foot is badly sprained and it will be some time before she will be able to use it. See H. 0. Mackey, the leading photographer, for superior photos in Hamlin block. . ' -On Friday of last week, Robert, tbe fourteen-year-old son of J. W. Wiley, while riding on horseback was quite Beverly Injured. Tbe horse be came frightened and ran against a tele phone pole. Both the norse and rider were thrown to the ground and. the horse rolled onto tbe boy injuring him luternally. also injuring bis head. Med ical attention was given him and be is last improving. r- , For rent Fifty acres of farming land, two miles east of Medford. A. W. Bisn. Alex. Cavln, a miner on the south fork of Hungry creek, in the Siskiyous, was in Meaiora T uesday disposing ol nis gold dust and Buying supplies, mm self and sons have extensive placer mines and they are rich. Mr. uavin had with him one very pretty nugget which was worth fa 30. -Farmers! We want vour hen eges highest market price. W. H. Meeker & uo. - Among the many good friends Of THE MAIL uo Lake Creek way. we mlom mention Mr. and Mrs.- w. u. Messal.: These people were pleasant callers at inis omce last week and de .... i . posited coin, a plenty to seoure this groat weekly for another year. . . -The only place in Medford where Colesttn water Is handled Is at Hall & Isaacs. D. Brooks this week finished a 4000 ration tank for Orin Davis' nlaoe. in Southwest Medford. Mr. Davis has a large well dug and will put up a wind mill with whioh to pump water to sup ply his new residence and to irrigate tbo grounds. Fresh Colesttn mineral water on hand at all times. ' Hall & Isaacs. It waB a very pleasant social time that many people enjoyed at the always hospitable and pleasant home of Mrs. J. O. Johnson last Friday evening tbe oooasion being a social given by the Epworth League of tbe M. . Church. Fresh, seleot oysters on hand, for sale by the can at Mounoe & Karnes'. -W. M. Smith, of the firm of Mark- ley & Smith, fruit driers, left Wednes day for Nebraska, Missouri and other eastern BtatcB, to dispose of soveral oar loads of dried fruit, which has been oured by the firm this season. Thero Ib nothing more elegant than the stock of glaBBware whioh we ronolvod this woek. H. H. Howard &Co. -J. 8. Howard has been making Boveral improvements of a minor nature on the proporty adjoining his residence lot whtoh he recently purohasod from Mrs. Kellogg. -A fow fine shirt waists left at Meeker It, Co.'s going at half prloe. I AViiiter Will catcft You If We Hope We want to cutch vouan f$k dresB you up according to our ideas of proper style, ttj (f and we'll stake our reputation on your being right S III wnen we nave finished. ffk more about overcoats. Now stick a pin right here srioi tfk that you'll not forget it. We can sell you the ; Best Overcoat foir $8..s0 ttj ffi That you ever saw, and if you want to raise the price Oi w f iv or i.oo, wny, we m m style as you have never seen anywhere. Just givet us the opportunity to furnish your overcoat and ttj we'll save you a snug sum. m m m m W. H. & m I Medford mv stock . m IS m m m COmPliETE For the Holidays. All my goods are good, and everything I sell I give my personal guar antee to be as represented. I will have a win dow display each week of lines I carry. Call and see my stock before buying presents. . EhWOOD 9 T a .1 i i ne jeweier Says the Lake Countv Examiner: "George U. Bogue and family arrived here Thursday morning from their Chewaucan home, and started for Med ford where, they will make their home in the future, Mr. Bogue having leased Jiie stock ranch near Paisley to Mr. Goodpasture for a term of three years. The place, with over 400 head of cattlo, several hundred tons of hay, etc., is still for sale, however. Mr. Boguo is one of Lake County's solid and reliable oitisens, and IiIb family an estimable one. We should regret to lose them as residents, bnt our loss is Medford's gain." Fresh oysters in any quantity quart cans or lees. Hall A Isaacs. A carload of general merchandise from eastern cities was unloaded in Medford Wednesday for G. A. Gurnea's new store, and the same is now being put on the shelving preparatory to the opening of their store, on or about the 15th. These people are from Fair haven, Wash., and their place .of busi ness is in the Obilders block, opposite Davis' grocery. Mrs. Gurnea and her daughter are now here, but Mr. Gurnea Is still at Fairhaven. He is expected to arrive soon. Second hand stoves and farm Imple ments. G. L. Schermerhorp. . W. B. Roberts has made another real estate deal, he having this week traded his Nob Hill residenoe property in East Medford to B. F. Peart for his (Peart's) farm, whioh is located two miles north of Central Point. The considerations in the deal are 12000 for the Roberts property and $3000 for the Peart faim. Mr. Peart is to give im mediate possession, but Mr. Roberts is not to vacate the Nob Hill property Until next July. ' Found A roll of carpet. Call at this office. to to to to to to to to to to to to WE WISH . tiff . To call attention this week to our line of Gents' Furnishings. We speak more especially of our newV-? line of ties all the latest creations and the most ex- W quisite colors including Band bows, Shield bows.Jft Tecks, Windsors, String ties, Four-in-handa, Ascotts.JJJ Bandannas, Persians and the new English Squares. b Positively the finest line ever before displayed in jiv The Racket. We also have Mackintoshes, $1.25 up. & fi: I . WFRRsi! to to to to to to to to Of Or Don't, But We .. .. to Catch You First. near nak-arl aa nnauihlo nnA JP. But perhaps you're thinkineiiv ll give you sucn value and a V ifW CO. OreironifV - Vi m m m m m m m m to NOW to to to to to to to . J J a m ana uptiaan. Bishop Wlstar Morris, bishop of the Episcopal Church for Oregon, whose residence is in Portland, and Rev. Charles Booth spent last Tuesday and Wednesday in this olty. The bishop preached on Tuesday evening and con firmed two, candidates. The reverend gentlemen went to Jacksonville on Wednesday evening and returned Thurs day. The bishop will visit Ashland before returning home. He is making an Episcopal visitation of bis diocese. Beef tea and hot chocolate at Hall s Isaacs. M. O. Warner, the piano tuner, is hAlw fsmn VolnuJ.. r-r. 1 jt .. wuuvounj owuitu UOy. late too much business says he won't do it again will see all Medford cus tomers before he leaves. Warner is a good, tuner but carries wondrous pro portions as a delineator of untruths as to dates when telling of where he will be at however, he has promised s reform and all hands have deoided to allow him to escape immediate death provided - ; Ladles wishing to learn dress out ting, call on or address Miss A. Naylor, Medford. ' The Lakeview Examiner says: "Blackleg is reported as being epidemic among the cattle in the Honey Lake country. Doyle lost ten head in a week, and scarcely a cattle owner in that sec tion has escaped loss by the diseases Vaccination is now in orders , An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands'; who th nk themselves 111, tlatthev are not afflicted with any disease, but'that the system simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a enntfvA AnnHiftn ta i i .. -, , .a coon, vureu uy """g Sy'up of Figs. Manufactured by i uauiurnia r ig oyrup Co. only, and sold by all druggists. , ,.- .