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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
lliHHverv Frfiiay Morning. A. S. BUTON. MSN WU BOftN TO HUSTLE. H la o( tow dayei but quite it plonly, AUBSCKIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR, Catered In the Poatomco at Medford, Orogon M BeoooeVOlass Mall Matter. MlCDrvKDFklDAt, 8KPT 23, 1899. : on ate at Uaka'a Ad artlslo Aeon ay, M and er Merohanu Kx waaaarvoe. eTaiNusoo, uwinmiii wnuro wa raota tot MvcjtUlag oaa be made (or It, j' "M t.."JI 'l i: v . ; . . 1 ' Qvr Clubbing List. THB Hail add Weekly 8. F. Call IS 00 " " " examiner 2 .10 ",.iAs.H,;.t im. chronicle 2 25 ,-t.M . u .: ,: , Oregon! 8 00 ! " Cosmopolitan ''" 2 00 ""' 8unday Bulletlu.. - 8 00 '1 ' N.- Y. Tribune.... 1 OS " " ' Weekl Cluoln- oali Euqulror, . 176 ;news, op the state. The Dallas woolen mills have fouud It neosaaary to largely increase the foroe o( hands. About 100 people arc now employed. .The mills are running en oiotn oa oiaanew Sunday's afternoon train took to Cot tage (rrovei ttvttor six lamilles Irom In tlian territory.! Tbore were in all about 21 grown people, uestuoa tne cnlluren Thoy are iookioK for a locallou. E. L.'Catrinbell. railway mall olerk on the Woodburo-SprlngHeld roaa, is in Quarantine at 1 Woodburn, arlth mild. case of smallpox. Pbvsioians have -vaccinated' a larpe number of people, and there seems comparatively ' little danper of a further spread of the disease;" '' ' ' - ' Burt Brown La Grande youth, Is In jail there, charged with "enticing a child away from her homo lor the pur nose Of marriage." The girl is Bartha Hamilton, 14 years old. The couple eiopca, .oDtauea a license in twicer City, were married at Medical Springs, and the groom' went to jail in La Grande. Prof. JLake, aa botanist of the Oregon Experiment Station, Is , making a col- lectloa of ..the, noxious weed of the state-, These will be mounted and sent out tfethe various county courts throueh out Hie state o a to enable the county omcan,,aovaeterB3ine oy comparison whether sraed allet-ed to be those whlob, eerae under the ban of the state law are- la . fact suob, or not. Rural Jlortbweasiv- - -- -How is Vonr Wife? FT Mai nhtt lraflt hn KamuLuOv Ti- sn. kt..tWftI1k. I fWrflsWtaairln, alnUr' 1. A ak w (niivu uiuif VWIHU OIUK u cau au u o are alio prtseiMt! causes. Karl's Olover t, m. . j . l ti,. . 1 1 iwui j c una uurm iuuw ma lur nail a century. Price 25 'cts.-and 50 ots. Money "refunded tf results art not satis- j . - ouia j vw Dtrang, drug' i8t. .y ..-, Real Estate Transfers. Mra Haana J Gilbert to Qeorze E Weber, vrouurty la tp 87, r t w S 3X Loulaa J Kipler to ff and Jennie Ellis, lota T. I. . 10, II and IS. blk J.B1 add ition to Aehtand ...... 175 atsry a r-rjoe ei ai 10 ivina j Kosseii, S 83 aores, tp 36. r 3 w John Uilpln to Ben) Doughty, -160 acres, sed.HMp4U,T4e ...... Ceo H Andrews to S A and Alice Parker, lota 16, 17. 18 and 19. blk K, & K addition to AwMftad , Oeo H Andrews to B TAIel Ins. Iota 13 and 14. bl.H I, RE addition to Ashland J Antone Mutter to J T Bar. a H Interest to Ml aores, sec 10, tpSrt. r9 w;also in terest to-two miotog claims Edgar A Kurd to Oeo W letters, lots 6, and 7, blk 69, Central Point W Kttarntim to Jennie E Uarnnm, prop ertyln Athlaad . 1.. ,, Wm kokioson.eieontor, to I W Klerrltt HI. 71 aores, sees 6 and 31, tps 35 and 36, Tleaadlw.... Wm B Klaosld to Mary A Klnoald. 'iM aona.tsra w - ., . Mar aud.Blt Klnoald to Joseph Wilson, M Interest In S10 acres, tp 36, r S w Henrv A Oryder to Mary A Cryder, lots I, . 2u8,a)k BVOoloTHIU.. I B vlnaoy to Priink H Kay, 160, sees 14 Joha Usrrta to OaWd H Hansoam. Ki'ia terostln the Gray Eagle quartz claim, vra'nbTreek district O" keyuolds and R M Bennett to Frank C XiOribg the "Con nettling Link" quartz claim 7! . . Goo V Reynolds and R H Bennett to V C ' Loriug, the A N King, Fatton Extension f ogen) as Boach, Nutshell, Jemnhere, : . , Mtos Fraction. It M BeDoett, O F Rey noI4,Hiten H, Anna M, Katrinaquartz clalais; also otber property - Frank (I Lrlng to Moatreai and Oreaon gold mines; thceame-propertyf.. -116000 w u sou cppie-AoarBWB to J R voopcr - . iaHk land 84, blk'Tr Railroad adaitloD L to Aahland , . " is Mal-mrer A-Clements to-Wm E Ooo fellow, nH of nwX ol sec 36. Ip32,r2e. . 250 Wm Bllnaer et al to school district No 9, lots 4 and 6, blk 8, Daley & Emery ad-' 1 diytid lo Eagle Point;. .i. '., 6 Hia Aarli a Moeiwmeat. Volrath Moehle sleeps under his old anvil at Walnut Hill cemetery in Belle ville. (!';:: Moehle was si village blacksmith. For ever 80 years he had tolled at the same sxnvlii which had been given to ulm by he old. blacksmith to whom be was 'bound out" at Pilot Knob, Mo.- He became attached to the old anvil, mat many times expressed a wish that he should not be separated from It in death, but that It should be his monu ment, ' -' i;.;.' ; ; ' v -flu blacksmith was nevor sink until bis blood was poisoned by the nsc of an unclean Instrument . by a chiropodist,. The ouly hope, for his life was In an operation, but his condition would not admit of an anaesthetic being used. His leg was takeu off while he was fully conscious. Be stood the shock iwell, but died a few days later. Dying, he repeated his request that fals anvil should be bis tombstone. In accordance with his wish the old anvil jaras coated with enamel, topped with a large horseshoe and set In a base of ild graulle. A few Sundays after his death the monument was raised with ejsremony, and lion. I. Nick Perrin de livered a eulogy. -f- ,-: The odd monument Is one of the nights of the cemetery, and to -every fctranger who pauios before It ttio story K the village blacksmith la tolit-Bt Vonls Post-Ulspatch. NEWS OF THE WORLD. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALU QUARTERS. . Heavy I.nti In Dattla In Vrnesuela. Mew . York Carpenters on aRlrlke. Itratlt of -a Congrentuian.- ltemalue of Ni.ta.i Cuban Kahumad. The gold ocrtitleutos so far ImiuhI by Al... ........ I.. I .. ....1.1 IUU ffUVLHUlllUIII, 111 .U JVMV, coin amount to 54,839,430. The transport Morgan Olty which receully wont aahore ou the Japane. niast nan ha aaTd ' - aa T i oT, . . . t. Admiral Sohloy U soon to take com- maud of the South AtlauUo naval Tho four-day army maneuvers of the German army took place iu South Get many last week and are said to have been a flat failure owing to numerous blunders on the part of commanding generals. There were 80,000 won engaged. Charles O. Summers, formerly a do teottve, an escaped convict from the Misaisslpl peuitentiary, a gold huuter ot the Klondike and a luun with a con science, Is again within prison walls In Mississippi. He journeyed all the way from Dawson to New York to Memphis aud Memphis to Jackson, Miss., to sur render hims.ilf as a safo robber. Key West physicians made no reports recently, but a groat ninny oases of yel low fever are kuowu to have developed and one death. ;i . . : A plant of the American Fisheries company at Promised Land, L. I., was destroyed by fire. Eight buildings in all ware hnrnod. tnimther with a larira quantity of very valuable machlnory. The loss cauuot vet bo eatluiatml. hut it Is said that the maohinery was worth 500.000, A cable from Caracas, Venezuela, savs: Valencia fell into the power of the revo lutionary chief, General Ciprlano de Castro, after a temble battle. Presi dent Andrade, who commanded the government troops,, has retreated to Caracas. It is reported here that the Venezuelan minister of war, Sen or Fer rer, was killed in the action. Sixteen hundred were killed and wounded. : No one now believes that General Andrado is secure in his possession of the office of president and the control of the gov ernment at Caracas. '. "r Alfred Day, representing a Philadel phia syndicate, is shipping men and ma terial to Alaska for . the construction of the second railroad in that' territory. The road is to be 10 mile long and is to be used in connection with the develop ment of 35,000 acres of coal land on Kachemok bay, Cook's inlet.' ': " Walter Banes, his wife and two chil dren Were found dead in their cabin at the upper end of Platte Canyon, OoL The bodies showed no signs of violence and the house was undisturbed, leaving the . impression that the father' had poisoned the rest and then laid down to die. The tragedy was probably due to the poverty of the family. Six robbers blew open the safe of the Exchange bank at Frankford, HI., and carried away nearly (3000 in currency. Night Watchman Kmpple was blind folded, gagged and thrown into a ditch. while one man stood gnord over him. Then the bank was broken into and work began on the safe. Three ex plosions were necessary to blow off the door. Cornelius Vanderbilt, hood of the Vonderbuilt family, died at his resi dence in New York city last week from stroke of paralysis. Mr. Vauderbilt was in his 56th year. The attack was very sudden and entirely unexpected, and it was impossible to reach any physician before death occurred-. Dr.. Francis Delafleld, who hod been attend ing Mr. Vanderbilt, arrived at the honse after Mr. Vanderbuilt's death occurred C. Ai PilLsbory, the well-known flour- maker,' died Sunday at Minneapolis. LOOK at the Mrs: T. Dolan. of maana, reruns Co., Neb., writes: ; "I was cured of painful periods bv the use of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, and his ' Compound Extract of Smart Weed.' I think Dr. Pierce's medicines he, best in the world." Mrs.. T Carrie B. Donner, of Dayton, Green Co., Wis., writes: "lean high ly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. -( hav. ing taken it for nine months previous to amimement. i ful lered scarcely any compared with what I had at other times.'' ' I suffered' fifteen ; years' with female i weakness ndJ nerv., ousness," writes Mr. Vincent CBohall, of Franklin Johnson Co., Indiana. "One year ' ago I-fcegan taking your f Tax, ite Ihrescriptlau'aud, -m. 'Tf r- n',. Mioinen Medical Diicovenr,', : I, took six bottfpS; trf each' and now I am well. I nw my life to Dr. Keroe." Tnroe woiuun war killed And an eiueer probably faUUy Injured In a ool. liaiou ; between the; Sonthurn Ihtoltlo possongor trulii and the oabooae, ot a . Porterville pusauugor tniin at lAimoso, a i siuitll shttiou iu Kt'ru county. . The (load are Mrs. Margarut Major of Los Au golos, her mother, Mrs. A. Rmt of Por torvilla, mid a woniim whotui iiiinto wits lithuo or U'llnw. Kngiuorr Etl Wright is so badly sculdwl nut! hurt inU-rtmlly ; that there is uo hopu for him, and a truck-walker was hurt, but the oxtout of bis bruise is uot kuowu. ' , u annlysls of kaolin from the vast AJ"' " ,UMn,0UVh:lu' UU county. how. the substace to oou, . M P Can' ' sUtoatU or alumina. Miniu meQ AVxit, are mure valuable a alumluuni millers Hum M d.poaltsuf kaolin or on pottery day. San Lula Obispo, Cvl tills week voted 1116,000 for imuroveiueut of IU water system, Milwaukee is bidding for tho uationa) Demooratio gathering. The. Boer government ha replied to the last note of tho British. Tho Boor decline to yield from their poslttou but favor arbitration. The present week will probably see the crisis of the dis pute. . " ."! "' G. T. B. Howard, famous for swtud Uug operations in ooiinoutiou with Eu ropean estatos, aud who was arrested recently at Horton, Mich,, by postofHoo inspectors, was token bock to the Ohio state penitentiary to servo out his sen tence. - Howard escaped from prison four years ago, after having served port of a nine-yoar sontunoe for carrying ou swindling operations through tho mails. An adobe house flvo miles from Moron, N. M.. collapsed killing Mituuul Cordova and his wife aud six uhildreu. I h' bw,n twining in that vicinity for ' several days aud the dirt roof of the ' bouse, having become saturated, fell upon toe inmntee erusning tnem. utliy one member of the family, a boy of ten years, escaped, he being outside the house when the accident occurred. The ceremony of exhuming the re mains of General Antonio Macoo and j Francisco Gomes, son of General Maxi mo Gomes, took place at Bejucal, Cuba, Sunday: Two thousand people went by special trains from Havana and as many more attended from the surrounding districts. ' Governor-General - Brooke was represented by Adjntaut-Oeneral Richards. The exhumation was' fol lowed by addresses.' Goueral Gomes, Pedro Betancout . aud Roil Rivera, assisted by a committee, carried the remains to a temporary shrine. The permanent mauaolenm will be began im mediately.,' ,; ' i ' The sum of $3000 wa paid the Brook lyn, N. Y., long distance telephone of flue for a Teoent 50-hour talk with St, Lotus, Mo. , ' Calif ornla aad Sooth Oaroltna are pro dooing tea. The 16000 water bonds of Seattle, Wash., are ready for delivery. Martines, Cal,; contemplates a copper and smokeless powder plant ' F. L. Jones of San Diego oounty, one of the state capitol gardeners, has been appointed' watchman in the state treas ury, and H. O. Herill of Plaoer county has-been' appointed in Jones' place aa gardener. Ship' carpenters are In demand at San Francisco; $4 for eight hours is paid, with 1 per hour overtime; those work ing 16 hours are paid $12 per day. The Manufacturers' and Wholesalers league of San Francisco is securing the presence of purchasers from Texas, New I Mexico and Arizona. Similar induce--ments have also been afforded merchants from Montana, Idaho, Utah and Wash ington' by excursion rates, etc, the in tent being to retain the trade. -" Coal is reported discovered 61 miles below Dawson, a mile and three-quarters back from the Yukon river. The North American Trading - eV Transportatin company has built a railroad from the I river to the biirie.j '' The coal is still frozen ata-depth of 250 feet below the surf ace.... Recently 1250 tons were ship ped to Dawson. .. The Canadian govern- I ment took 260 tons at $30 per ton. , " j .' Sacramento', - Cal.,' is'' using electrio power nransmitted 65 miles over alum inum- wires from Brown's . valley, the first installment of 1000 horse power sent by the North Yuba company under contract with the Sacramento Electric, Gas & Railway company of Sacramento, and supplements power already nsed and transmitted 'here from Newcastle and Folsom. Under contract 4000 more horse power is to follow. ; '. ' More than 600 minor have been laid off the past ten days by mining com panies in Tnolumne county on account of the Tuolmne County Water com pany's sappy giving out j Twenty-five surveyors have been at work for several weeks in the vicinity of Cloverdale making a second survoy of a proposed branch of the California and Northwestern raib-oad to tap the lumber districts pf Northern Sonoma and Southwestern Mendocino oountles. The fact that the route is beintr surveved a '' second time leads to the conclusion that the company means to adopt this route &the big forest country. The survey- Wallace v . unw,. -tare pow at work in Dry Creek valley, ' ' Hilary S. Stonf, who has been missing At. -.1.1 L. -ST 1.1 1L.U . . . . B to keen well up In tho foothills and avoid prosslngsaluable farm lands.,! , ' The first anthentto' riews of tha dis- aster to the Jessie party at the mouth of theiiKnskoqnlm in. June, 1898, and in which. 14 people iost their lives, has boon brought' to Stw Michael, by Dr. Romig of thelMoiraViaof mission at Bethel. .Dr. Bossig had ' with ' him1 ' many . artioles taken off .tbe.bodiesof the unfortunates washed ashore at different points, t Six bodies are reported to have been .found. Of ithass otoe. was .Identified as J. T. lltnrphr. of , Frankford,' Ky. . Another E. I.. Weber, a Moravian missionary, who was acting as guide for the Jossio expedition. ' ArUiur Ooiikalsy, yrbo ha bee on a protntoMHl spree ai Baoramento, took a rasor and slashetl his turoat Iu the urea- euoo of his wife and two olilltlreu, out ling: quite a long gitah, but il la uot thought tho wound la sorioua ... " 1 The commissioners of Clallam oounty, Wash., have aum'sJoil to tho secretary of the Ulterior to modify tho boundaries or tlto Olympic reserve. Tlioy claim tliatovor tliren-fourtlis of the agricult ural laud in the oounty is Included In tlio reservo. aud if tho goverumeut gives no roller the oounty will in a row years become bankrupt,' Four hund'.'ud aud fifty thousand aores of agricultural laud is Included in the ruserver. Richard Riley, aged 72 years, oom mlttod suicide at Buuttrd's Boost, Shas ta oouuty. Hi body was found hang ing to a tree In the orehard. I Riley was a widower, and for some years had lived with his tbtaghter.j Mr Mary Flster, who keeps a hotel. ' s " The state"boarA of health is seriously considering" the advisability ' of urging the passage; of a law to prohibit oou suinptives from entering Oitllfornla. t -' ' Twenty-five tliouaand rainbow trout have been placed iu tho trout streams of tho Sierra Madre' uiouutaius north of Pasadeua. -;. ,'t , t - , i 1 ' A great tidal 'wave swept' ovur a xir tiou of Lake Ohelau, Wash., rtxHuitly. Vossols were carded high on tho boooh aud others onpsiiied. Tho wavo is sup posed to have boou oausod by a volcanic eruption.- ) i Mrs. Martha Mootry was found dead at hor home in Los Angoles a few days ago, and at first it was supposed she had killed horself. ' The coroner's jury thought otherwise and caused tho ar rest of her husband, ohargiug him with hor murder Ernest Kramer of Eureka, Humboldt county, Col., was oxumiuud as to his sanity at Ogden, Utah, aud pronounced insane by two pliysiclaus. The boy wa oommitted to the state asylum at Provo by the court. . , His father was present. The boy was on hi way to visit Diehl when he was taken violently lnsauo aud had to be handcuffed by trainmen before reaching Ogden. ' ;..(, While bringing a load of fruit to VI- salia Henry O. Reams, a lad 10 years old, fell forward off tho wagon. The wheola passed oiter his body. His heart was orushed out of place and he died. An 'explosion ooourred at the St, Joseph creamery at Salinas that will re sult in the death of little George Marxa rini, aged 8, and the child' father will I loose the use of hi arms for some time. George Marsartnl Sr. and Ben Lanini were sitting in a oellar drinking, when a boy named Anderson came In with a oan of blasting powder that he bad found noar a woodpile. , Lnnlui told pat tho powder away, Marsarini's threo-year-old child oame in. While playing ' he' took a match from Lauiui's pocket and lit It. The father soblded the ohlld and told hlra to throw away the match, and the next in stant the explosion occurred. Tho Danube river In Austria, lias over flowed it banks and caused great dam age to property. A grout many lives have been lost. Bert Williams, of Alexander valley, Sonoma county, was prolmlily fatally wounded by the acnlilentul discharge of a shotgun while hunting recently. Joseph O ill of StcubenvlUo, O., wi nnuiiuatud for congress by tho Sixteenth oougressiounl district ilepubliuuu con vention on the SIMth ballot. - Frank McConunll, aocused at Bun Francisco of manslanghtor for having canned the death of James Fraiiey iu a prizefight, has been discharged, the oourt holding that death was due to misfortune Mlshael Owens aud Riohard Oonroy, marines of the cruiser Piilladnlphia, were killed last week at Vallejo by drinking wood alcohol. H. Hitler Haggard, the English novel ist, has purchased quartz mines in Brit ish Columns, and him started to develop them. , -. The cruiser Charleston recently shelled an insurgent stronghold at snblg bay. The rebels had a cannon and repeatedly fired at the war ship. While the rebels' shots were exceptionally good none hit the vessel. , " ' 1 ' ' ' I A 'passeiigor Stage wait hold up Inst week a short distance from Cullstoga and the passongors rolioved of their ooin: Joseph Weir is iu jail phnrgoil with the crime, ' A light engine collided hoad-on with passenger train near Clark's station, IS miles east of Beno, Nov., one day last woek. Both engines wero wrecked, four trainmon woro Injrircd and otto of the possongor cars was badly sinashed. Firoman Ooorge Williams of the' light engiuo hod his loft thigh nntl left log and arm and throe ribs -brokon." 'Ho will softer the ampntutton of his lug as that member is so badly shattered aud orishod that it is impossible to save it. ! A heated dispute caused by a oow breaking into a vot?Mtablo garden ended ou, Harkstein island, PngoV Sottnd, ;by E. A.:Haskull beiug shot aud killed. by from his home near Pasadena for sev eral months has written his wife Dram Manila. Ho saiL he .was. in thiti hospital there witb a croaked skall and that he wns a memlwr of the Third ar tillery.' How ho roooived his injury or Joined tho army or what liu has been tlo ing if or the past month he cannot say. '. .,: i 'On Kvcry ..Brittle . ,,. , Of Shlloh's Connumotion Cure Is this ouarantee: 'A11 we Bk ofi.vou is to j use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then. If vou oan say you are not ben filed return tho bottle to your druggist and ho may r6turn the orlce. pRld." Price 26 oti., fiO cts. and $1.00. Sold by Chns. Strang, drug- jrlpr . AbMc Ojellverr The Weekly Oregontan. r , I :.. .... ,1 t She Followed ..!! r il; ;,) ,. i, I II ti ;' : Her ii ; ,. ' ,.i . Doctor's J Advice Shone & Schermerhorn .. .. The Second-Hand Men Not socond-iifUKi in principle, but in tho matter of goods they have new and second-hand of all descriptions ' , utvivv, tiuu&uu ; ) them n call at their store. , Brsnoh Houso Qold Hill ' 1 West IT IS UNFAIR , To send out ot town tor articles that t THE MERCHANT , ''' ,: M pec in iil the pplv of 1 . -t s',"F,- tvltM SlfJMVf amVsslsVSJ IT 18 . JUST A8 , for mill idoii to vxpvcx narobanm tod nil bullrtorn to buy tbolr Dr. -rmmm , mwsu ! riwriiis GRAY ft BRADBURY'S I ft homo Immllutlon, Why NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Hosoburtf. Oregon. Auirust SO. IkW. Nollro Is tinrobr xtren thai the following named senior lis tiled notice of tits InlcntUia lo make final proof In support of tits claim, and that said tiroot will bo msile brforo Uus Nuw bury couniy olerk or Jsckson County, nreson, ut Jaoksonvlllo, Urcifon, on October 7, law, vis: OOTTOItM OLSON, ' . On II. K. No. Tats, for the NWK NK!, NH NWJt.Seo. S4; NKJi NKI4, 8eo.3l; T. 31 S., It. He names tbu following witnesses to prove his continuous rosldenco upon and cultivation or said land, vlx: Olaf It. Ulerreaaard. Clara L. Gordon.' Prank n, I.sdd and R, HosinasscQ, .all or 1'rospcot, Jackson Couuty, Orctcoii. Bninoss, Renlstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land offlco at RomUvrv, O retro n, Aafrunt 80. Notlco Is hereby fflven that the following nam ml nottlorhwi tiled nolfoo of hli lntntlon to mk Haul proof In duppnrl of disclaim, and that tiald proof will bo mutlo btroro u Now burji oounty clerk of Jokon County, Oregon, at Jaokfonvlllu, Orogon. on October 7, liW, vizi 1 . . CLARA L. GOItDON, . . f On II. K. No. 70HU, for tho HEtf , 8 BWtf, Heo.28,T.32B., lt..IE. Ho namoH tho followlnK wltnoHfwH to pnvo bin r:onilnuouft rcsldooce upon and oulUvatlon of ftald land, viz: n Gutuirm Olson, Olaf It. HJorrnKaard, Frank 0. Lodd and H; ItarrniUrtnen, alt of 1'ronpoct, JaokHon County Oregon, J, T. DmnoKfl, Kor Inter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Land oftlao at Kosobtirit, Onigon, Hoptembor Ft, l!K. Notice Is horntiy Riven Unit' tlm followlnu named sntllcr has filed notlco of tits Intoiillou to iniilte Unit! proof In support of his olulm. anil tltnt suld proof will bo tnutte belore Gus Now bury, couniy olork of Juckson County, OrcKon, ut Jiioksonvlllo, Oregon, on Ootobor 13, Itmi, vlr.: John O. Ilrlscoo, fnthor and holr of Ida llrlscoe, doreuHtid, nn II. B. No. Ov.'SO, for the BUof HWU. and NKVt BW'z,, NW'K 9K X, See. 6, 'T, 3.'l S , It. 1 W . , tin names the followlnK WttnesseH to prove his cnntlnuotiK'rnsldoncO'fipon' and cultivation of said innd, vtsi . Iu 3. tlarrk, 3. L RimsdalaJ 8. P. Oliver, of Trail, and llrnry Voeiell, of Heuford, all of Jackson County, Orctton, - '-' - i i i i , , , , i J, T,,nmiK)Ra, Register . k . wiuiam'8 ixianey nun T Han nn. emial in fliacoAefl of thb av a . , I , , mm . Mill . SI i.i .,f iti.. rv. rr- J torn and caused trouble with your vKldnoyM and Bladder? Have youT Cnalnsln the loins. slde.brtcii.irrolnRaf ! and bladder? Have you a flabby an- pearantte of the face, eiipoolally C under the eyes? ' Too trequmit de-A airo paH urine ? ' William's Kidney PUla will impart new life to tho dls- areaaea orfranH, tone up t"o system A fana maito a now man oz you, Jy l. mail RO rusn'tff nar Am. ". -.n : . av f WllilAMS Mro. Co,, Props',, ClOft ltrnV 6. 1 V-eltf ForSaoo by U, U. Hwklni)- Mcdfmt, " Mm, O. Wf Palttieivof Jon vlilei Vt., ayn ...... , i ' " Two yeitra ago I was nflllctrd wltlt stoiiiuoli auti bowul trouble. My tiiHO jiuzr.lcd tho doctors, i .-1 sulwltiletl only on tilt llghteut klutl of (tlct. My stomach would not retain iHilUl footl. The pulii In my Btomnch mid bowels wim .10 Intense - Unit I cannot describe It. I con tinued to grow WOI8C., I lout 48 pounds, my ' nerves wcro com-' pletely nhuttcrod, aud I wits very weakr Pr.C.W. Jacobs, of Rich-' taond, advlncd mu to take Dr. Wil liams' rink rills for Pule People,' I begun to use the pills, aud the first effect wua the restoration of Dt appetite, and the quieting of ruy shattered nervous system. I bt'Kun to regaiii my lost strength, ana iu one month after commenc ing to take the pills I wiih able to do my liouncwoik. I have gttlned So pounds aud to-day am iu rrood' ealth." From ' Iht Fret Vrif,1 Burlington, VI. ' ' ' ; " ' .: i. . ' 'ii il' 'I ' - , " . 1 . 1." ), , Dr. Williams' l'hik PlIU for Pale Poile emitslli, In a I'oMilriiwd liiriu, all the rlo-, innnu uemuumry Iu give now life and rieh bms lo Urn liliHxi and rnnure hallend nerves, Thr are an unnillliiK siHHilne far such lllea4 as limnuiolflr aluils, rUal ' paralysis, HI, Vitus' dunce, ai'lailea, neural-i i tl, rheumatism, nrrvous Imailsithe, llie aner-eirrels of the Rrlp, pnliillatlnn of the heart, pale ami sallow eoinplriloiu, and all fbruuuf wcalturse either In malt or fensle. Or. WlllUmi' fk Pills ler Psle Paeale see sr set by the Seies er hsnStU. tut aNrais la pact in. St sll Srajilits. ar Street htm Iks Ol. WS llama MeSlelu Cowpsnj. IckeaMtaSi, N. M seals per 6m, sotti is 00, , Side, Medford, Ore A ,aY. An i be procured at home, ' '' ...I i; . . ,. town lo trad a with htm. And tbt U qutU atrial w tf HVSIUCH IUWPUIIUa FAIR . i nn mu mih rnwuoui m noma. PLANING Mill not pitroolio It V NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Laud offlne al HnHoburir, Orrgon, AuruL 11, 1WQ. Noilre In hcruby glvun thai tho following namrd noillnr Iinm Died nnllco of hlti Intanilon to makft final it roof in support of bli claim, and thutmilil proof will ba modo befor Ou Now bury, county olurk of Jaokaon County, Oregon, at Jackaoovlllo, Ort-goD, on Hoptambof W, iwe vis: i ANDREW OLAOO.HK., : On H. K. No. 0M4, for tho NH NlCi Boo. IS, T. S7 H., R. SB. He namoa tho following wttnMnca to provo hlN oonttnuoua rcaldonoo upon and cultivation of nit hi land, vtt : Andrew Ulanr, Jr.. Cbeattv Clagg, Thonaa Forluw and W. II. IlradNhaw, all of Like ' Crook, Jaokaon County, Oregon. J. T. IJhiihibh, RegUtor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land offlco at Rosoburir, Oregon, August 17, imp. Notice Is hereby given Mint the following named settlor bas tiled ootlno of his Intention t to make final proof In support or his olalai, and that ssld proof will be made beroro W;S.,i Orowell. county Judge or Jackson County, Ore- fnn, at Jacksonville, Orogon, on Heptenaber 80, ' W, vlsi- CARL fllEBEHSTKDT, ' On ir. E. No. 6SI7, for the Bf NX, N BEtf, 8eo.l!4,T,M8., K.'JB. ; , . Me names the following witnesses to prove hlseonllnunns reslilonoe upon and cultlvatloa of suld land, via: -. . V i s i.. 11. Von Dor Helton, of Wollen. Henry Pooh, or Central I'elnt, Krnent -itlchtor and John Knglo.ol Lake Creek, all ol Jaokson County, Oruiron. t. t, muDam, Kegtster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud offloe Bt Rnseburr, Oregon. Auguftt 80, IKW. Notion Is hereby glvnn thul tho following named nmtler has fllnl notice ol his Intention. to mnke llnal proof In supporter his olalm; and that suld prour will bo iniule bofore Gun -New-' bury, county clerk of Jackson County, Oregon, at Jiioksonvlllo, Orogon, on Ootobur Til UfW, vuti ' '- 1 OLAF R. IIJERRKOAARD, li.v Y On R, E. No, 7674, for the NWX, Sotf. 'IB, T, 81 8., It. 2 E, . tie namos the following witnesses' to prove bis continuous rosldonoo upon and eultlvatlon of said land, vlat .. , .. . Uuiiorm Olson, Clara ti. (lordon, Prnak 0. Ladd and R. Rnsmussen, all of Prospeet, Jack son County, Oregon, .''.. , .; tH;i J. T. Baiooaa, Register SDr. Wllllarns' Indian Pin, ointment will cure Hllnd, allays the ltoIilnK at ohwi, acts' !, , 2.1 " ."flJ'K.VII. . I...... ,-r, ,. iiii.itin. i,ii,ii,u J'llO tint mJTrtt laHMMMil UIIa. ..... . . , -uiiaiiuiui liy unill, eetM of crlee. M eeata snr JUiMf llCTUnlNO CfJ.. Prois Forealo by G. H, tin .' Local blabknat Thit Mail olfloe. s H.tll in pprnmi, of n m-rli.nlc.l nr InvsslM road OmI'Ih stilatotlio I 'prl'i f-vpnaltton, ilkgkM inn riLitHXf siavvvxtu, tn.'Ximr, II Jl L. 11 L. n 'j . ii ii. "1 ' 1 I . Ii. iK I ' 1 ,