The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 22, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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r aM r a a f
Jacksonville Hewn,
Mra. Woruinn, of Nolaon, Nob., Ih
vlHiling hor mother, Mra. N. I).
' Mr. mid Mra. O. B, Thombllaon,
of Holland, Oru., are reglHtorad ut
tliB Taylor llouso.
IC, Doiiodiot, of Applogato, who
bora Tuesday to meet relative who
.arrived from Illinois,
MIhi Lottie Ilucd left for Portland
Just Thursday, where ahe will teach
in tbo publlo lobooli.
Lee Calvert, a buftlneaa man of
Oranta Paaa, waa here on Tuesday
searohtng the reoorda.
Mra. H. K. Hanna and eon, Leon,
returned home Monday from their
vlalt to San Pranoleoo.
Miaaea Dottle and Sophia Mullor
urrivod from San Kratiolsoo Mon
day on a vlait to relatlvoa.
Mr. and Mra. C. C. Iteekman have
roturned from an oxtended viait at
different point in California.
Married In Jaokaonville, Sept.
10, by K. S. Dunlap, J. P., J.
K. Cos and Mra. I. M. Van Order.
Cbaa. H. Pioroo, who la interested
in a large tract of timber land, la in
the valley looking after hla inter
ttsta. Wm. Johnson, ion of Mr. Ooo.
Hinea, haa returned to Bugoue to
roeume bia studios at the atuto unl
voraity. ' Married At the court house,
Sept. IB, 1899, by W. S. Crowoll,
county judge, A. W. Lacy and Rose
M. Davis,
John A. Carlile baa filed a well
Hon requesting the county court to
aunoint him the guardian of Pearl
Wilton, ag-d nine yoara.
John and Wm. Broad wero oalled
to San Pranoiaoo Monday by a roes
oage informing them of the danger
oua condition of their alater.
Mia Mary Jacobs, of Central
Point, visited frienda in Jaokaoa
ville Saturday. Bite haa but re
cently returned from Colea, Calif.,
where ahe apent a month with
W. B. Pendergraaa,oft..Chade,
III.. Anna K. Benedict, of Syoamore,
III., and Mra. E. V. Jaokaon, of
Chicago, III., arrived bere Monday
to vlait with their cousin, Mra. a. it
an . I.a f f T
w iavior. ana tueir uacio, i. none-
diet, of Applegate.
B. W. Dean and family, who now
realde at Port Orford, Uooa County,
were here aoveral days last week
Mr. Dean waa summoned aa a wit
neaa in the oaae of Slate of Oregon
va Daniel Jonea. Mr. Duan ia en
gaged In stock raising and ia proa
Shoriff Orme and Geo. I.ovo went
to Salem Sunday evening, having
In charse Mra. Roaoanna Carlile,
who waa sentenced to nine years in
the penitentiary for areon. Thoy
drove to Contral Point and took tho
train from there, aa Mra. C. did not
care to go to Modfbrd.
Q, C. Culy, of Steamboat, was
here last Thursday for the purpose
of having the grand jury inquire
Into the particulars cf the burning
of two of bia barns. One P. oohu
mako waa auspioioned and arrested
and brought to town, but the grand
Jury could not And an indictmont
aa the evidoncn did not so warrant.
Mr. Culv'e loss ia quite hoavy. Be
sides the barna tliore was conaumod
250 tone of hay. He haa a largi
band of oaltle and may have to dia
poae of them. Thoro waa $1000 in-
euranoe on tho buildings.
Forest Creek Mewa.
Itev. Hoxle. of Wllllame oreek.
preached at tho auhool house last
Mr. Armprlest haa taken bia hoaa
to tho Htubble fields on the Qeorge
Isaacs ranun, ohhi or Meurord.
Wo unduratand that the Attor-
bury family will leave hero in a
abort time for Klumath County.
Miaa Hlele Wiley, of Med ford. Is
teaching our fall term of school and
aeema to bo meeting with muob
The Atterburv bova have finished
cutting thirty tiura of IB inch wood
for Cook & .lowland, of the Hy
draullo mine.
Mr. Armprloat went to Coleatln
last neek with bia daughter, Anna,
who ia sojourning there for a time
after ber recent lllneaa.
Mr. and Mra George Howland
are visiting in Portland and Arthur
Howland haa Rone to Jump-off Joo.
Carina and Walter Armprlest are
taking oare of thulr things during
their absence.
John Wlnnlngham and J. Davis,
who went from here to Klamath
County to put up hay, have written
that thoy liavo Mulshed putting up
200 tons and bnvo taken another
contract, which will keep them
there for some timo yet.
Mr. and Mra. Armprlest visited
relativea en lower Applegate lust
week. They returned home richer
than when thoy loft, tbe gift being
Poland lhlna nog or superior
breed. I'rod Knox ts feeding aev
enty bead of Poland China hoga.
The Pence, Van Oorder & Win-
nlnitham ledge, west of the aobool
houao, ia atill Loaning. Tbey have
to sled tbelr rook about a mile and
thon put It on a wagon and haul it
seven miles to set it orusbed. I hev
claim they can make about $1000
a month by doing this.
Tbe ialo of a bum or snald is almost
Instantly roliered by applying Cham
berlain's I'alo Unlin. It also Eaals the
Iniurod uarM more uulokly thud any
olhor treatment, and without the burn
is very torero, does nut leavo a scar.
ror sale uy una. Strang, druggist,
Mol(orJ; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Central Point.
Talent News I tenia.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys. Liver
and Bowels
Clcanses the System
niPL9' efr:,c lost-
and I am afraid I have In
herited it. I do not feel
well; I have a cough: my
lungs are sore; am losing
flesh. What shall I do?
Your doctor says take care of
yourself and take plain cod-liver
oil, but you can't take it. Only
tho strong, healthy person can
take !'., and they can't take It
long. It Is so rich it upsets the
stomach. . But you can take
' It Is very palatable and easily
digested. If you will take plenty
of fresh air. and exercise, and
there is very little doubt about
your recovery. .'.:
There are bypophosphites in it i
they give strength and tone up tho
nervms system while the cod-livor
11 feds and nourishes.
, I tot anttSt.oo. stl rirussUtt.
) SCin & BOWNIi., N.w York.
Jamoa Briner baa cone to Leland
to work In tbe mines.
Tliore ia not a vaoant house in
Talent at tbe present.
H. A. Mayheld and family are
now residents of Talent.
Misa Anna Jeffrey ia in Medford
attending tbe Teachers' Institute,
Mrs. II. J. Terrill haa gone over
to But e creek for a couple of weeka
W. F. Slpea, of Talent, started
far Klamath County last week on
Mrs. P. M. HoEue baa returned
from tho hop yard-, where abe haa
been picking bops.
8. Carlilo and his two grand
daughtera, Jose and Rena, have
gone to Urania rasa to attend the
Mra. F. P. Itoper, who haa been
sick at the home of her father, S.
M. Robinson, on Anderson creek
waa able to return to her home bere
R. C. Anderson and family, who
have boen living in Talent for the
past year, will leave soon for their
old home at Tule Lake, Klamath
Mra.J. B. Muller, of Shasta, Calif.
who haa been visiting her sister
Mrs. T. H. Lynch, of Wagner oroek
for the past two weeka, returned
her Inme last Saturday.
Miss M. H.Dunham has resigned
her poaition in the Astoria schools
tc accent a position to teaon niatorv
and rbetorlo in the Eighth grade of
the publlo aohoola of Fresno, Calif.
On Tuesday morning, tho 19th
about 5.30 o'clock, the barn on Vea
Patterson's piaoo, across Bear oreek
from Talent, waa discovered to be
on Are. There waa in the barn at
the time about thirty tons of hay
belonging to Mr. Patterson that was
burned, one oombine harvester, one
mowing maobino, one rake, three
head of horses and fourteen set of
harueBB. We were unable to learn
whothor there waa any inBuranoe
on the barn and also aa to how tbe
fire started.
Story of a Slave.
To bo bound hand and foot for years
by tho ohnltis of dlsaaeo Is tho worst
form of slavery. George 1). Williams,
ol Manchester, Miuh,, '.ells how such
sluvo was made (roe. Ho says: l,My
wife has been so holploss for live years
that sue could not turn over in bed
nlouo. Aftor using two bottles of Eleo
trie Bltlars, she Ib wonderfully luv
proved und ablo to do hor own work
This supromo remedy for fomulo din
oiwob qulukly oures norvousnodn, sleep1
Ichunost), inoliinoliolv. honducho. bnok
acho, fainting and dizzy spoils. This
miraelo working mcdiolno is a Godsend
to weak, sickly, run down neoul
Kvory bottle guarnnlaod. Only 50 els.
sola uy units. Mining, (iruRtfist..
Central foiiu Items.
Mrs, John Griovo visited with
friends at Mod ford on Sunday.
Houry Worth, who baa juat re-
a. hJH-1
au m luanu.
turned from Cuba, apent last weok
with frienda here.
Wm. A. Cook, of Foo's creek, ia
now employed on the Tolo aeotion.
W. B Perkins, of this place, ia
lying dangerously ill at Grants
B. W. Dean and family, of Curry
County, are paying thia section a
Marion Shields and N. 8tidbam
ave both been very ill the past
week. '
Thoa. E dington, of Napa County,
Calif., ia paying relativea of t iia
place a v ait.
Elder and Mra. 3. B. Chaetain,
of Lakeview, are apending tbe week
with frienda bere.
Arthur Boawell left Friday for
Callahan, where .e goea to 000k for
a mining oompany.
Little Ethel Patrick, daughter of
W. H. Patriok, of tbia precinct, ia
quite ill with typhoid fever.
MiBs Mary Jacobs, who haa been
apending tbe past month at Colea,
returned borne a few days ago.
T. R. Howard eold bia interest in
the hotel here to bia partner, T. O
Ruth, and left for Douglas County.
Misa Nbllie Keiaer left for Med
ford on Monday, where ahe will
make her borne for several montha
Holmea Broa. now have three
freight tenuis hauling flour from
their mill at Eagle Point, to thia
Dr. Hinkto left for Sardine creek
Wednesday, where he haa several
men at work on bia "North Star"
quartz mine.
John S. Sims left for Hornbrook
on Wednesday where he goes to
superintend the building of a quartz
mill for A. Kose.
S. M. Nealon, C. J. Jeffrea and J
W. Merritt left for Grants Pass
Monday to attend the Soldiers and
Sailors' Reunion.
Mr. and Mra, I. J. Hansen took
Monday evening's train for Salem,
where they will attend the state
fair and later visit in Washington
Misses Anna and Verna Clem'
en's, who have been apending tbe
past month with their father, John
Elements, ot uroviue, cant., re
turnnd home laat week.
Prof, and Mra. J. 0. Barnard will
leave for Colorado in a few days,
where they go to make thoir future
home. They have many friends
here who are sorry to p rt with
these good people, but wiah them
euccees wherever tbey go.
nine, Horse entered were Blovole
Girl, Wlldhet and Btormy. Stormy won;
WHO oot . .
Buveuth race two minute and S see
onds trottlnir and paeing. Horses n
lured were Tlntoret, Monophono and
Donomorn, Tlntoret won; time 2:34.
KlKhth . xwm dash, runnlnir.
Ilurites entered were Daddy Iteed, Jil-
oyolo Girl and Free Uolnage, J)uddy
lteitd won : time 1 :Ul.
Ninth race a mllo daah, running.
Horses entered were Henrietta G, Free
Golnugo and Wildhet. Henrietta G
won; time 1:10.
Tenth ruoe was a free-for-all trot.
Horses entered were Uellalr and Volo.
Wullair won; time 2:25.
Eleventh raoe a 1-mile dash. Horses
entered were Free Coinage, UieycleGirl
and Tourist. Free Coinage won: time
1 M.
The last two days of the dlstrlot fair
at Central Point were fairly well at
tended by the people of this vicinity.
Thursday the premiums were awarded
and Friday morning found a crowd of
anxious ueoplo awaiting tho opening of
the pavilion doors, to ascertain whether
any of their exhibit wore tbe coveted
blue ribbon.
Win. Hydow reoeived premium on
stook, vegetables and fruit to tbe
amount ol W. W. Soott received
premium on choice fruit to tbe amount
of t-'JO. It may be well to say that there
was considerable fruit on exhibition
that was worthy of more than passing
nolioo, but wblob wore no ribbons. In
tbe ladloa' department Mr. E. E.
Miner, of Gold Hill, wai awarded first
premium for the largest display of land
scape paintings In oil on canvas. Mrs.
Miner was also awarded first premium
on portrait and marine painting.
Miss Kussell, of Ashland, received first
prumiuin on monocromatio drawing.
The exbiblt of fruit and vegetable wa
exceptionally fine, a waa also tbe dis
may of canned fruit and jell lc. No
entrie whatever were made In some
lines, wliiio other wore well repre-anuted.
A lemonade aland dispensed tbe
usual refreshments, from mustard sand.
wlobes to mince pies.
A show dliDlavlne a two-beaded calf
and a gramophone were part of tbe at
tractions ouUlde the race track.
Some very interesting race took
place, among which wa tbe bloycle
race for girls. Miss- Reed won first
money on this race.
The tide how at tbe ground proved
to be quite an attraction. Beveial en
tirely new and novel curios were to be
seen behind tbe canvas walls, among
which the following wore some of the
best: The two cougar stuffed that
killed tbe boy at Etna, Calif., recently;
calf with ix leg and three eye, also
calf with twodutinot bead; an eleo-
trlot woman; a human brant band In
the (bape of a man, who gave a perfect
Imitation of every Instrument in a Draat
band played separately and together.
He used nothlns but oaoer In his mouth
to alt blm In thl remarkablo fsat.
Not tbe leastof the attraction, to tnoee
who enjoy a prize fight, waa a boxing
match, showing tbe blow struck In tbe
Fitzaimmons and Sharkey fivht. Tbe
show 1 owned and: managed by Strong
& Nuber and ia In QranU fa (bowing
at the reunion thl week.
Several articles
The following la n list of the raoes
that look nlacu at tho district fair:
First raoe running, quarter mile
dash. Homes entered wore Stormy
Rod Aldor and Dr. Hart. Bed Alder
won : time
Rnnnnrl rmu)-trntMnor and nacinff
Horses entered wero Uolinir, Klamath
Moid and Monophone. Bellair won
timo 2 :H4.
Third race yearling ono-half mile
hont, best two in throo, race trotting
and pacing. Horsoa entered wero
Banco and Domlnoa, Dominca won ;
time 1 :31.
Fourth raco running ono-half milo
dash. Horses entered wore Dr. Hart,
Sugden nnd Red Aider. Bugdon won ;
time 4(1.
Fifth raco 3-minute trot. Horses en
tered were J intuitu, Oldfolk and Dono
moro. Donoinora won ; time .1:07.
Sixth race tbreo-cight dash, run-
THE riAIfc
Wa will slva to oaoh ons buying a can ol
National Bukiny I'oivdor, two packaga ol
Collulold btarob, In order to Introduce it.
'tb "National" la tba poor of other loading
baking powdora.
Thru lbs. or llanoa Blooded Tba Oroeara
iunao ror ai.w
Cloaks, Jackets
And f:pe. Whan you boy one yon want
I no lakwl alyla and good booeat valua for
your manor. Havs you neen our atoekf
II Is complete, and wa are oBarlag extra
good rtluee for tbe money.
He's Cot a Fit
That stunning tailor madeault waa ordered
from ouratore. We have a thouaand or
more aamplea to aeleot from.
Beat Ifoilery on eartb. o. X.. Webb, prop.
unoorwear lerne atoou, loweat prioea.
As in a Lookin. GIbu
1 produoe your faoe In any of the many
atylea of art photography at moat reaaon
ablo rata. 1 oan pleawo you. and m
photo display will Intereat you. Knlarge
menta In lateat effeota.
Artlal Photographer
Very eatllywlth one of our Morrison or
Oliver Plowa; wa bought a lot of them at
a apeotal bargain and are giving ouatomera
I to Vi in. Inoluelre.
John Deere Implementa.
were missing
from tbe pavilion and grounds at
tbe cloee of tbe fair, among which
were a number of plates and dishes
used in tbe fruit exhibit and a
barrel wbicb the officials bad bor
rowed for tbe purpose of supplying
the grounds with plenty of fresh
water. The pavilion wca also broken
into Friday night by pilferera.
Good for Winter
Try oar Soil Ortfn Leather Shoes they're
the wet-proof shoe for winter. Sure to
please. Ladles' and Gents' Uaderweax at
DearooK price i.
acute' Furnishing Goods. W. T. Ksme, prop.
To tho Ladies
Just now we are offertor some extra rood
rallies In ladles' Jail and winter wrappers
at low prices.
Dry Goods, Boo,
mulshing Goods, Groceries.
Genuine bargalna In new and- aeoeod-hand
Bouae-rurolahlaa ffooda. or every ooncelr
able nature: aome apodal bargaloa iuat
bow In oooklng aioTea, beaten, mattreaaea
ana springs ana in root a&yiouig yon atay
Reduc Your Doctor Bill
And boy a gallon of S year-old Bourbon Whlaky
for Bill: T-Tear-old Bourbon fort. SO; Oar Rye
Whlaky. (ram to S years old. ooeu from B to
W9 per gallon. Tneae uquore are amnion lujm
grain and vor made In a basement. Rare old
wins. lor ustiv u r.r.. Duorrr. D.uwnn
Bleating. Angelloa and Claret all at bottom
prioea, at the
Tiie Rogue River Baptist Assoolatloa '
bold tbe first st-ssioa of ltsanoual meet- .
Ing In Aahiand last Thursday. Tbe at
toodance waa good throughout tbeentlra
coDveutlon, there b Inx reureaontativa
from soven dllTereot ohurohe in tbe
alley besides manv vlaltino- ni.irinmanr
and latmen. IUv. Uillman Parker,
state missionary for the Baptist Cburob
and representative of the Baptist atate
convention, wa present throughout tha
entire session, aa wa also R. Rirlar.
of Oakland, Calif., who repreaonu tkav
loreian in lesion worn lor toe r aolQO-
coait. Tbeae gentlemen gave tbe poo- '
pie of tbe convention rauuh new aad;
utefuL information oonoeroinir thalr
lines of work. Mil Mllanaugh, what
employed by tbe BaptUt Women' Uoa , .
Mlulonary society, was present aad
gave ome very entertaining and in- ' -tractive
account of ber work.
Tbe Drlnuloal subject discussed dur
ing tbe convention were "Foreign Mis
sion Work," Home Mission Work,"
Habbath School Work in General,"
Rellaious Literature." "Christian Ed
ucation and Denominational College
Instead of Non-Cbrlstlan Institutions"
and "Young People's Work." All eerv-.
tee during tho session opened with de
votional exeroiees. me morning orv
loe olosed with a sermon at 11 o'clock.
and the afternoon services were con
cluded with a sermon at 8 o'clock ia
tbe evening. A report was made of
the number of deatb that bad occurred
during tha past year amoog the raeoa-
oere oi tne association, ana strange u , 1
say, there was but one deatb to report..
memorial service was held and tba
obituary of tbe dead member duly read. -
j. run was maeea a ainaiy way oi re- -
membenng tbeir former friend and co
worker. The report ol tbe condition
of the association waa read and showed .
it to be In a very bealtby condition wltb
a ateady increase of membership. Ik :
fact It wa tne best report submitted to
the publlo iuce tbe founding of tha
Tbe oeonle of tho Baptist Cburob of
Ashland en tertainad tbe visiting dels- .
gatca most delightfully and without
expeosA. new irieoasnip ana now
acquaintances were made and a geaeraL
good time was bad that will never be.
forgotten by those who vlttted tne '
Granite city. Resolution of thank "
wore extended by the vUlting members
to the people of Ashland for tbelr ooe- '
dial welcome and hospitality. Thar
next session of the association will bar '
held in Grants Paw in September, IMaX .
Next Sunday, Sept. 24tb, Ml Mil--
paugh will spend the entire day la
Medford. Tbe lady will preach a mis
sionary aermoo at the BaptUt Churcta.
atllo'olook. At S p. m. she will oo
duct a urvloa devoted to- the yosiBf .
people' work and Sabbath school ma--.
Vera. At 7:30 In the evening she will ,
conduct a gospel meeting. These eorv-.,
Ices are open to ait. xoa are tnvttea.
or that Hungry Feeling
Trv "The Rlalte" for oratera: aerred la
any atyle; beef tea on the aide. Fresh
Eaatern oyatera for aale In oan.
Confeotlona, loe Cream. RaU 4 Isaace, propr
Superior lob printing, MAIL ofnoo,
Just Received
The old rl labia Tbe Weakly Onaonlaai
ma siM-
Poor c'ottm cannot make
yeti too t eld. Erea pale
chaaka von't do It.
Your fconsehoM car aiar
be heavy aad dlsappolat
mania may be deep, but
thty eaaaot make yoa loek
On thing dose It and
never tail.
It I itapoeaiM to look
young with the color of
oraoty yean la your hair.
We hftTe Just reeelred e Ure shipment of
marble sjid sre belter then ever preps red
fur monument work of sll kinds. We are
preparing to make a heary delivery east
oi toe moDDMini.
Oregon Granite a special ty.
permanently postpone tha'
tell-tale signs of ge. Used
aooordlng to direction it
gradually bring back the
color or youth. At fifty your
hair may look as It did at
fifteen. It thicken the balr
also: stops it from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and Its Diseases? .
Thm Burnt Aitvtom Fret.
If you. do not obtain all tbe bsna
ata tou expected from tbo nieof
i the Visor, writs the doctor about it
rroeasir thsre is somo alinaiiUr
with iw itensral STltom which
lv.t .j..cinsia!MJ.j.'sawsi
Stoves to Burn
Ties; have yoi
hi beatert Wi
All styles; have you aeen our own make
sir tlvnt heatert we make all of our tto-
ware. and oopper and galvanized Iron
utensils. Extra heary materials used, and
workmanship guarantee!, uoweai pricoa,
Guna, Ammunition, Ste.
Wa Want Every
Wife ia Town
To use onr Flour. Xt la now the beat of any
ever offered In the valley. Try It and you
win duj .
A. A. Davis A Co., propra
k Dream of Perfection
Mu ExDOSltioa
Porfcad. September 28 ...
October 28, 1899
Hortipultural and Aericultural
Products of Oreg-on, Washington anal
Idaboin greater variety, tban ever
Becictl's Renowned Bililary Bat
Miss Alice RaYraood
America's Greatest Lsuly Cornet Soloiak
The Unequalled.,
Our "New Deal" long filler uve-oent olsrar
la an Amerioaa Havana that's becomina
popular with smokers beoause lt'a juat
what they have wanted. Homo production.
Kurtx's" for lOo. Oeo. Kurti, prop
ElAaan Ta-zoassaaa.
.nvttiHt asvvhgis
of Acrobats, direct from the Empires
Theatre, London;, their nrat appear
ance in America. 1
3 Great Sisters Rlacarte
Unsurpassed Aerlallata In their thrilling aotav
And other attraotiona. A season of
great aurpriaes and astounding
feats. Reduced ratea on all trans
continental lines. ..
Admission 25ct
Children Under 18 Years, lOot
Don't Miss It !
In After Years
You will find you bad none too moy of
Baby's ptotureb taken. I make a Bpeotalty
ot this olass ol work. Also the latest ideas
In orayon work, enlarimenta, eta
Developing and fin- Oeo. W. Maokey, propr.
lshlng tor tbe trade.
When You Want
Your horse well fed and oared for while you
aro In Medford, drive to tho Bnnanza Feed
ataotea ; aoe per norae ror iwuntv-iour noure,
Cor. Main and A eta.
. Keeta, propr.
"The Crater"
For a nloe home cooked meal, I want your
Saironago and promise you tne oosi m
i Medford, Served at all hours.
. 8. E. COLE
Quality la my hobby.
lt'a tho whole suit. It's matorlal, cut and
unnnriti workmanshlD. Your fall and win-
tor suit will hare all these ossonilule if
- made oj
Orders from samploa, j. Tho Tailor
or from oloths In atooK. .. .
Advattlae, Let tba people know ' you're
alive. And whtlo veu'ra about It Just try
Watch Repairing
i Ci.
Specialists tor In
TKaaa nhrilrlana ha,Vd ball
fttniur tta.ikneaa and cuta-
tracUJ atlmenU alnc 1801.
Thy have llio Uturmt aa .,
beat ttiuiiired mtHlirat In
.atilnUou, itid tha) moat ! r
Va fw Tilt fit ror!. 1 '
ITtitottnmto men who ran '
not nUI Uould mrllt tor mV f
f k mi1 ptirat- book
SOTA0UHtOirVBARS. ThonUa curwl at hofrv .
aii kit-.. euilUttttiiJi No CliargA for ConsnlUtloi.
"Tftl HARXIT ST 1 KbvatorEolwiOk