I i i r I PURELY PERSONAL. L. B.iWarnor loft Monday for Mod- W. FT. Morgan is la (he valloy from Modoo County, Caltt., and Is In quest of a farm looatton. Mrs. Harvey, of Gold Hill, waa trad-irja- in Mod lord Tuosday and vlbltlng friuuda and rolallvos. E, Boeeon, one of Talont'a promising young buslucss man, was a oallor at Tun Mail ofrloo thta woek, Mrs..W. E. Nioholson and the baby came up from Grant Pass Saturday and will remain In MedCord. J. H. Thorndlke. one of the proml nenl men over Jacksonville way, was In tho olty on business Monday. ' G. V', atlokol, the brlok mason, left last week for Yroka, Calif., where ho has a oontraot to put In the foundation tor a new bank building. Mrs. Mary Jensen, nee Mary Jeffrey, left Wednesday for hor home at Or land, Calif. - She has been at Talent for few weeks in attendance upon a sis ter who has boon ill with typhoid fever. John M. Bustok, of Ventura County, Calif., is in Southern Oregon introduc ing his new maohine for reduolng re fractory ore. He is an old-time ac quaintance of N. H. Spencer, of Grlflln creea. Mrs. R. A. Proudfoot returned Satur day from her several weeks' stay at the eugar fine Uompany s mills, at fros pect. For a mountain outing the lady says there can be no spot quite so pleasant and healthful as the Prospect country, T. W. Johnson and family returned Saturday nignt irom Ktamatn uouuty, where they went several weeks ago to put up nay lor mil jNionoison. Jesse Morgan and family, who went over with them, will not return lor a few weeks yet, Mr. Morgan having secured a good job of putting up hay, and at good prices. Postmaster H. H. Wright, of Lake Creek, was in the city Tuesday buying goods. ' Mr. Wright has about 30,000 pounds of tomatoes growing on his farm aud these be will put up in cans for the market As Mr. Wright never does anything by halves it is safe to aay they will be all right and will find a ready sale. Mrs. J. K. Darnell and family left Monday for Yreka, Calif., where they ezpeot to reside during the coming fall and winter at least, Mr. Darnell having secured employment at oarpen terlng. These people have a great many friends in Medford who are hoping their stay will not be prolonged beyond a Jew months but are at the same time anxious to learn of their Buooess. ' O. B. Bunch came over from Ft. Klamath last Saturday to remain with relatives a few days in Medford. He has recently, finished a good sized putting up-bay contract, 'having put up 115 tons ol hay in twelve days. Mrs. Bunchi who has been visiting in .ded ford for several weeks, will return with her husband, provided her health will permit, she having been ill with pleu risy for a few days past. Joe Parker has taken a position in the Southern PaciSo freight depot at Grants Pass. He commenced upon his sew duties last Friday and If The Mail is not muoh mistaken he will cleave to them with a tenacity of purpose that will insure him a permanent stay with the company and as well frequent pro motions, joe is an rignt at every turn of the thoroughfare. He neither drinks, smokes nor uses profane language in fact, he is a model young man and a credit to himself and the parent who raised him. Merchant H. U. Lumsden and family returned last Thursday from their not very pleasant summer's outing. It was several weeks ago that they started for Klamath' County intent upon having a good time at Crater lake and Pelican Day, but at Union creek Mrs. Lumsden was taken ill with fever and for sev eral weeks life was despaired of. They wont no lariuer on tneir journey tnan the above place. .Mrs. Lumsden has fully reoovered and their many Med ford friends are rejoicing with them because of this. W. F. Bmlth and family came down from Prospect Sunday and on Monday Mrs, Smith and children left for Ash land for a week's visit with Mrs. Chas. Higgin, a daughter of Mrs. Smith. Mr. Smith is enthusiastic over the condi tion the Prospect roads are in since the Sugar Pine. Company's lumber engine and train have been traveling over them. He reports everything everlast ingly humping up his way. Savs the new road, the new bridge and the saw mill are affording employment to a great many men. Miss Elva Galloway left Sunday even ing for Roseburg, where she has taken a position in the Roseburg publlo schools. Miss Galloway is one of the very best teachers Jackson County has ever produced. It matters little whether she be given charge of the primary, in termediate or advanced department of the school she is proficient in all de partments of school work and is one of the finest young ladies in Southern Or egon. All we folks down this way are wishing hor success in her temporarily adopted new home and are assuring the f eopleof Roseburg that her election to heir schools will never prove a mistake. J. C, Elder, an erstwhile Medford citizen and merchant, later a farmer and miner, near Waldo, in Josephine County, came over Sunday to visit his multitude of friends and fix up some' business matters. Mr. Elder has but reoently sold 100 acres of land in that locality, upon which there were copper prospects, to Dr. Gunn, president of the Union Iron Works in San Francisco, for $5600. The company is interested in otner mining property in tnat lo cality and Its members are figuring on putting in a smelter. Mr. Elder still owns bis homestead which he will not part with. .' He left Monday evening for Roseburg where he will make filing on other land tn. his neighborhood. Mr. Elder has a great many friends in Medford and they will all he pleased to learn of his good fortune in thus ac quiring a. few thousand dollars with which the declining years of his life may be made easier and pleasanter for blm. He is a splendid gentleman and deserves all the good' things that may ms aaugni oo me bis way.. daughter, Grace, now Mrs. Bunoh. together with her little daughter, is living with, him, but is not in tue oeet.oi neaitn. J. W, Loshor was down from the Sis klyous over Sunday. , Miss Jossto Nyswtirnor was visiting latent Mends Bunuiiy. J. A. Jonas, of Eugle Point, was in the city doing business with our uior onants on nioHUity. Miss Delln Plokol left Medford Tues duy ovonlug for Eugene, wheru she will rciiuie tier studies ut tuo state univur slty. Jos. Scott started for Ft. Klamath Tuesday with a load of furniture and other goods for some of the residuuts at that place. Sam'l Bennett and family returned this weok from the Klamuth hot springs. Their son has entirely recov ered iroui tils rheumatic niuiotions. T. W. Held, of the firm of Broad A Rold, successful mining men on Jaok- aa..1 ....... I - . L. -1... 1T...I J .. nomg Dusiness witn our merchants F; E. Stahlman and W. Leohcns. of Klamath Falls, are in the valley this week unon a visit to tnolr friend, lnos. Uolllns, aud taking tn the distriol imr. Mrs. M. A. Stratton and sons. Milton and Lloyd, left Monday evening for their home in Portland, after a visit lu Medford of a couple or throe mo iths. W. B. KluoaUl came up from Central Point Tuesday for a business visit to our morchanu. tuk Mail was paid a pleasant and moneyed call by the gentleman. I. J. Eates has rentod his farm near town and Blurted by team to tho Seven Devils oountry, In Idaho, whore he will probably locate. The Mail will keep him posted as to the happenings in this section. Joe Kelley returned last week from his trip Into California. His rheuma tism was somewhat improved by his trip and since his return it has almost j entirely left him so much so that he is able to again superintend his section nanus. J. W. Smith, Thos. and Isaac StlnjD son returned Saturday from a several weeks' outing at Fish lake and the huckleberry patch. Thev found both fish and huckleberries in great quan titles and of each they took a plenty, N. D. Brophy was down from Talent way Tuesday. Mr. Brophy report the new scnooi nouse in nts district nearly completed. He resides on Anderson creeic ana is rignt now making some considerable number of Improvements anoui nis nne larm. A. C. Smith, a former resident of this place, now engaged in mining near Wlmer. was in the oitv Wednesday, He has been doing development work on a mine in that locality and has now strucK oea rook irom which be ex pects to gather much gold. Wm. Terrill. of Klamath Falls, came over last week for a visit with his par ents at Talent and his brothers at Brownsboro. Mr. Terrill was formerly deputy sheriff of Klamath County, but later a stage driver between Ager and the Falls. He returned this week. G. A. Dnnlap. at one time a resident of this county, but lately from Lake- view, came into me vaiiey a tew weeks ago and will remain for the winter among old friends about Phoenix. Mr. u. is a hrst-olass blacksmith and bone ahoer and has nearly used himself up at the latter business and will rest for awhile. L. T. Pierce, a contractor and builder. of Seattle, arrived in Medford Satur day. The gentleman came here pur posely to ereot a dwelling bouse for Mrs. K. R. Pbilport, the two being old time Seattle friends. He is well pleased with our country and has decided to make this his future home. His wife is now at Portland but will be here within a tew weeks. He is desirous of Surchasing a small tract of land near ledford. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Brennan arrived in Medford Sunday from Bemidji, Minn., and will remain bereduring the winter. Mr. B. was formerly engaged in the hotel business, and should' he like Southern Oregon and its climate he will undoubtedly engage in a like busi ness at some point in the valley. Their coming at this time is to better the con dition of Mrs. B.'s health, which is not good in the rigor of northern Minnesota olimate. They are now housekeeping In a residence near the Bradbury plan ing mills. George Mickey and family returned last week from their several weeks' stay in Klamath County. Mr. Mickey put up about 100 tons of hay and is telling that everything is looking fine over that way. That he did well In fact that all did well who went over there to work Is a source of much gratification to all their friends here. The work they secure there comes at a time when things are a little quint here. If Klamath County people, some of them, will come over here right now and help us gather our big fruit crop honors will be even. Dr. Cole has returned from his sec ond trip to Alaska. This last trip was made for the purpose of accompanying his son, Martin, home, who from ex posure, fatigue and also from disap pointment in securing proper title to his claim, it being on Sulpher creek, one ot the rich mining creeks, the loss of which, together with Mb fatigue from hard labor, caused bis mind to be un balanced. The doctor made the trip in to Dawson in eleven days and started home with his son at once, making the trip out to Seattle in fourteen days. He left his son at Salom under the care of physicians, making a specialty of dis eases oi the mina. ills son made con siderable improvement on the trip out and bids well to rapidly recover his health. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mulvyhill, who re turned last week from Alaska, loft Monday morning for Salt Lake City, where they may possibly reside. There is not muoh of Alaska and the imme diate adjoining British Possessions that these people did not Drosneat. They left here two years ago last month and in the following January they orossed the Dyea trail. Thny visited nearly every camp on toe Yukon and its tributaries, but in all camps they found tho land for miles around all staked, and in many camps only a few of them were paying. They were camped near the scene of the Sheep uamp snowallde in 'WS and Mr. Mulvy hill assisted, in digging from the snow the fifty unfortunate gold hunters who were killed in the elide. These people have seen enough ot the delusions and snows of the north to convince them that a gold Quest In mlldor olimutos Is by far more preferable. Mr. Mulvyhill oas oeen a ooutnern uregon miner lor Mvorai years, Mrs. 8. G. Marvin, ot Waltsburg, Washington, arrived in Medford Tues day morn lug for a fow weeks' visit with hor sister, Mrs. J. E. Knyart, J.J. Stacy, of Sams Valley, was in the olty Tuesday. Mr. Staoy brought in some of tho Uncut sweet water grapos timt imvu over oeon iiiarKOtua lu Moit ford, lie reports everything lu a busy, bustling condition out in his soullou. S. Bennett and famllv rntiiriuul Tiim, duy from the medical springs on Shovel crock, in California, Ho reports the neaitli oi his wire and sou very much Improved by the use ot tho baths, and consequently Mr. llunnott is loud in his praise oi tnesn springs as a place ot re sort both for health and pleasure. Additional Local. The Davis flouring mill ia now running a night shift, the demand upon tho mill fur flour boine- so great that a day run could not All it. U. a. KU'SOll and P. J. Hallev am running the day shift and V. H. Uemuree, engineer, and a miliar from the Willamette valley at night. In matters of final proof Thk Mail will make out all papers necessary for tho commencement of nrnnf frn ni charge. John Aeustrom. formerly of nr.. 1 1 . . n . J wnuen, now ox ventral I'oint. war in the city yesterday attending to business affairs, among which was leavi.ig some ot the filthy lucre with this office and carrying awav cnance in our great Dremium uiier. If you want olean. fresh vfurntuhln ... r , " ' fcu w ur. 14, unv is . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Savles. of Ashlnud, came dewn to Medford last Sunday upon a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Ranee Rouse. Mrs. S. returned home Tuesday, while Mr. Sayles is in attendance at court in Jacksonville this week. The East Side flouring mill is bet ter prepared to accommodate customers than ever before. Attorneys Hammond & Searl have moved their offices to rooms in the Stewart block. Here they have a suite of rooms fitted up in fine style and the air therein seems preinaiea with much prosperity and heap plenty business. Mrs. Helen Harding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Pickens, of mis city, and Fred Harrington were married at Jacksonville last week. They left Sunday morning for Happy Camp, Caiif.. where thev will reside. Get vonr Dhotoa taken t iho Mul. ford gallery, opposite the poetoffice. Rev. Oilman Parker! general missionary for the Bantist Church Society, will preach at the Baptist isnurcn in Med lord next Sunday evening, aii are cordially invited to come and hear this distinguished speaker. Jos. Beek, son of Merchant John Beek, arrived in Medford from Portland this week, and will Drob- ably remain hereabouts for some time. The gentleman was a resi dent of Medford eight or nine years ago. Farmers! We want vour hen nora highest market price. W. H. Meeker & Go. Assistant Postmaster Lin Pur. din has been admitted to an exam ination before the government ex amining board of railwav mail clerks, and on October Dili he will take the examination at Portland. Klamath County salt fluh at CI. r. Davis' grocery. Dr. G. B. Cole has a Drofea- sional card elsewhere in these col umns. The gentleman has recently returned from Riddles, this state, and will resume his practice of medicine in this locality. Wallace Woods, tha InmWmnn has peaoh boxes for sale. Mrs. A. S. Bliton returned Monday evening from her two weeks' stay at Klamath hot springs. Her rheumatism is now numbered with forgotten affliotions and the hot mud bath did it. Attorney Phinns has recentlv added a good lot of fine furniture to his law offices in the Lindley block. He now has a very cosy of fice and is working hu way into a good law business. Get Wells & Shearer to do vour moving satisfaction always.' The board of equalization will meet in Jacksonville on Monday. October 2d, and continue in session until their work is completed. An official notice appears elsewhere in these columns. For Sale Light Winona oamping wagon. Inquire at MAIL office. j. u. van uyice ot co. have a new ad this week in which thev are calling attention to their new line of fall goods. Wo Iters fc Howard will have a new ad next week. Will oxobance lumber or red oedar shingles lor grain. W. Woods. Ed. Roberts has been awarded the contract for building the Tal ent school house. The contraot fig ure was 1400. W. . h. On will furnish all mill work, N. S. Bennett is enlarging his dryer preparatory to handling his large crop of fruit. Ho will have very nearly a carload of oured fruit. Photographer" O. W. Mackey took several fine view of the circus pnwle, and thew Wo for sale at his Btuciio, opposite tne postr.flice. FM, Wiliionr.E.D. El wood and Oral Burnett left yesterday morning on a fishing and hunting expedition up Rogue river. The band boys gave the first of a series or social dances last Thurs day evening. It was ono of the most enjoyuulo ovonts of the kind ever participated in in Medford. The musio was pronounced by those who know good music when thoy hear it, to bo the bust thoy had ever lis- tuned to. There is evory reason for its being g od as the boys who furnished it are tho best musicians in Southern Oregon. Tho concert given before the danue was by far the best music ever listened to in Medford. Prof. Snow is entitled to a great amount of oredit (or the pro- notuiicy ot Ins baud and the boys are in lor a good share of the coin mendation for the earnestness and persistency with which they have pursued their work. Last Friday evening Viotor Danielson, aged six years, fell into a well at Mr. ShultsT plaoo iu Vo8t Medford. Tho young man had jumped upon the curb covering wiien a lunge broke, letting him down into sixteen feet of water. In going down he struck his head on a protruding rock and out a deep gash in his forehead. He sank to tho bottom of the well but upon reaoh ing the surface assistance had ar rived and a bucket was lowered to him which he grasped and was drawn out. Mrs. Wm. Angle receivod word Sunday to the effect that her hus band and Mr. Brown had again struok a rioh pocket in their quarts ledge in the Siskiyous, but as to how muoh theie waa in it they did not know, having just struck it. From the tone of toe letter it is guessed to be extra good. Frank and John Graham, who have been stopping in the valley for nearly a year, visiting with rela tives, Mrs. Cram and Mrs. John Cox, returned to their homo in Indiana last night. They will travel by the Canadian Pacific route, Miss George, local agent. Ed. Pottenger left yesterday morning for a couple of weeks' stay in San Francisco. E. H. Binna has taken his place in the Southern Or egon Pork Paoking Company's mar ket and Ed. Tryer has taen h.t. Binn's place at the slaughter house. J. B. Griffin was in from his Woodville home yesterday, having brought up Mrs. 8chermerborn and Miss Alt Naylor, sisters of Mrs. Griffin, who have been spending a few weeks rusticating in the moun tains. County Treasurer Jaoobs is ad vertising officially in this paper that he has funds on band to re deem all county warrants protested from June 5, 1895, to July 3, 1805, both dates inclusive. A 'phone message from Jack sonville at 3:15 yesterday afternoon stated that the case before the grand jury against Dr. Ida E. Mushett had been dropped. Work on the sewer is progres sing just as rapidly as twenty-five men can push it. The pipe is ex pected to arrive this week. Dr. Fletcher, accompanied by Mrs. W. D. Beidleraan, came over from Ft. Klamath this week. W. S. McKee left yesterday for Santa Kosa, Calif., to attend to some business matters. Bert Beidleman came over from Ft. Klamath last week to see the circus. Merchant H. G. Wortman re turned from Roseburg yesterday. New Lumber Yard O. B. QORSLINE & SONS UANUKACTIIHKIIH Or AND DKAI.KHH IN Rough and Dressed Lumber Fir and Fine Shingles Medford, Oregon Rustic and Flooring Three Years Old, Thoroughly Seasonod Varil Houlh af WliUumii'a Waroboiu Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., DBALEK5 IN JVIaehinetty and ..Vehicles Wo carry a onmploto slock of tho colehratod Hull and Roller Boar. ing Champion Mowers both tho Haymaker and Drawcut styles. Also iieapors, luuuura anu several styles ol llukos. Hind lug Twlno. Bale lies, Smooth and Barb Wlro, Mnohino Oils, Harness, Saddles, Etc D. T. LAWTON, Mgr. Medford Branch 2T J. W. Ling . af I yfSs Houae, Carriage irr'Ji . and Ornamental Y IT .. .. PAINTER XV if g I KalMsalalng and Ttatlag kKtS 1 i Is part ol ny thtttm pi If,) L" t KaUatkln lureuhnl Ira lor M 1 VlB'-lL -!J PSP" bHo sod plolB "336 f STUDEBHKER I JPZ BROS.... llWlj E WAGONS ULL 1. FROM THE JUSTICE SHOPa The disability of an alien to Inherit, imposed by the taws of a sin to, Is held, In Opel vs. Bhoup (Iowa), 30 L. It. A. 583, to be removed, so far as the subjects of the king of Bavaria are concerned, by a treaty between the United States and Bavaria. A loan of money made without the license required by the Idaho statute for doing such business is held, in Ver mont Loan and Trust company vs. Hoff man (Idaho), 37 L. R. A. S09, to be en forceable, as the statute merely makes the act a misdemeanor and provides for milt to recover the llcenne tax, and tho act is neither malum in sc T.or malum prohibitum, - A parol sale of growl ag Umber is held, in Leonard vs. Medford (Md.), 37 L. U. A. 440, not to relate to an Interest In lands within the meaning of section 4 of the statute of frauds, and if the pur chaser Is placed in full possession, and commences porformnnre of his con tract, this Is belu sulllcfent to prevent repudiation of it by the seller on the ground thatitlswithlnsectlon 17 of the statute relating to snlcs of other prop erty above a specified value. A chattel mortgage is held, In Snhln vs. Wllkins (Ore.), 87 h. It. A. 4ns, to be a part of an uiwlgnment for creditors, where, after tho mortgage and before the assignment for creditors, there whs a compromise agreement between the debtor and his creditors, although he raid If he was attached he must exe cute nn' assignment, and his inability to enrry out hi part of the compro mise agreement did result In an attach ment nnd assignment. With llris cose are reviewed the decisions on the effeot t insolvency statutes upon a mortgage or sUo preferring creditors. Superior )ob printing, Mail office. I CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES J Thoro is positively no bettor vohicle made than tho Studebaker known and recommended tho world over. Two car-loads received this week. 1899 And Ideal Bicycles .. 40, $30, $25, $20 Second-Hand Wheels, $5 to $35. J. 1 WHITMAN, Agent, Medford, Ore. m - Xt rS- s S t Colder Weather.. Will soon be hero, and then you will nood Robes and Blankets , To koop yourself and horso warm. 1 Everything now and up-to-date in tho harnoss lino. J Now winter horse goods o( evory description, j J. O. TAYLOR, ! MEDFORD, OREaON. Southern Oregon State Normal School. This rchool Is now under Rtste nostra! i la ik Urgent nd montproirrmiiilv.iiohiiol Innoulheni Oreson. Now bullnUiiH, new uiprtu .nS nilurus, nne cnipu. hoUlhful loFition, S. IlKblful ohmato, exoellenl Influonoos for nia. rtents. OoufHO of study tho sumo ss st other Normal" of Iho Hiulo. float ndvuntngos for vo usl and Inntrumontsl muato to bo found Is sonthern Orucon. Training school la ful v equipped and In ohsrso of Ihoronfih oritS ,,5fr.r-nnTultl0" per term-, mulo S.aS snd SlO.OOpor torro; bosrd st ball ll.7f and lotylnffWoants ppr wook, student furolahlsc bed olotbeaj family board KI.M snd S3 00 ii si p!,vJ,"llfiJR?ll"eiJorore r' schooling, i" eluding- books. The xhortoat snd moat tho? out route to s BUM oertlUoste Is Uie NotobJ courao. Kovlow clsaaoa for toaohoX through, outtho yesr, Pint tora open! Bopt, llTIS rorcatulogbuorlnformstlon sdrtroaa W. T. VAN BUOY, President Legal Blanks at The "Mail" office.