wtit OUR COUNTY . . . Correspondents Kagle I'olnl KagloUi. ' II Y A. 0. IIOWLKTT. Mm, T. 1C. NIhIkiIh wum tlio guont of Mrn, 0'lnnoiidu lust Buuduy. MrH. J. 1. Mooiimw whh a iiIuiib tint oallor at our huuio IuhI TuurH. day. Mr. ttoot and family returned from nn oxtundud vIhII to tho oouBt wook bufuro I lint, -. . . . . John Hlglnbothaiu and John Mo Kva look two big loada of ttlialcoB to Iludor l)ron hint Munduy, Messrs, ICdiuuiiduou and Allon Lave toon duhvoring - iiliukoa to Kudor Droit, tho punt wouk. MrH. A. J. Floruy, who has boon vlultlng at hur futhor'n, Uhauoy Nye, returned home Inst Saturday. There novum to be a spirit of Im provement in tho way of building in and around Kugle Point juat at present. Under Bros, had a barn raining ou Tuubduy of lust week on tho old bomo plaoo and expool to mine a another on tho Joliu Iludor pluoe hi about ton duye. liolmro Bro. are lending a largo quantity of Snow Butte Hour to Josephine County this tumuior and liavo oontraola tor several Ioiib to bo dollvored yet. Misses Lottio Taylor and Anna and Oliu Nioholu visited at George Nichols' lust week. Misses Lottie and 01 i a have returned but Anna remained i lor : a visit ' with her brother, Ouhs, and family. There sooiiib to be a great demand for t .reading muchinot in thii boo- tion of tho oouutry. As yot we have been alighted almost altogether, but I learned Sunday that wo woro to havo four In this neighborhood this wook. - Our town la booomlng quite a business plaoo sinco the Sugar Hue Company baa mudo auoh a good road to Kogue river by the way of Big Butte creek,' and a large amount of lumber it bving hauled oa ordinary wagons to different uarttj of the valley.-, i Mr. and Mrs. August Buab, of Los lAngelea, Calif., arrived here , last Saturday and are tho guests of . Rev.' Jr I'. Moomaw and family. They-ore looking for a location and are very favorably impressed with the appearance of this valley and espooially our Butte oroek country. A large delegation went from this pari of the ooantry to take in the clrous at 'Medford last Saturday. We understand that considerable "fleoolng" was oarriod on. A re port oomus from one young man on Big Sticky to the eifeot Unit ho handed the gate kooper a 120 piece and received a ticket and 110 in ox chango. Similar reports come in from boys in our neighborhood. Lust Saturday a Bpooial school uioeling was held at tho new school hoUHO lor the purpose of voting ou the proposition of authorizing tho school board to borrow $350 to bo used in finishing and furnishing tho new sohool buildinir. The "untios" woroxmt in full force, whilo iuobI of thoso who wero in favor of the move had gone to the circus. Tho result was seven for the loon and thirteen against it. Afterwards T. K. NioholB moved a reoonalderution which was carried out and thon a rojolution was i introduced authorizing the board o finish tho houso, as far as tho present work already bogun was oonoerned, furnish the lower rooms with all the necessary equipments, build out buildings, fence tho grounds and issuo warrants for the same. Tho time to run was not epeoifiod. This resolution was oar riod unanimously. Sick Headaches, The ourse of overworked womankind, aro quickly and suroly aurod by Karl's Ulovor Koot Tea, mo ureal Diooa piiri flor and Ussuo builder. Money rcluudad if not satisfactory. . Prloe 85 oU. and 60 ota. Hold by (Jims. Strang, drugulat M Krowusboro Items, nv nKiiK.cc a. Mias Bosaie Oondo, who has been visiting friends here, roturned homo Saturday. Mlaa Donna Boll oumo home for a visit Saturday, returning to her sohool Sunday. Wrn. Tirrillof Klamath Falla, visited rolatives and old frionds in this, yiplnity last weok. ' A-number of peoplo from our boo- money-back tea and baking, powder at Schillings Best Your Grocer lion of the douniry" aitended "t(ie olroua at Modford Saturday."1 , Mrs. J. A. ' Obenohaln.' of Die Butto, la visiting her mother, Mrs. Jus. Miller, who is atill quite ill, Talent Mews Items. Mrs, M. L. l'ellott, who has bean on tho sick list for a few days, Is much Improved. Kdwurd Brook and John Can way Itfl thla wuek for the Humnson creek district, where thoy will pros- peel. A. Alford. of Talent, and his son. Moso, of Ashlund, are at Sterling mountain prospecting tor a few day. Mist Clara Lynch, of Wagner oroek, . who ban been stopping in Aahland, oama home the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Jensen, of Kirkwood, Calif., who has been visiting her sinter, Mist Anna JefTrov, will leave for home in a few duya. K. D. Nethorlund, Marian So- wash, Dan Ilansoom, Jr., and his brother, Chales, started the first of tho week for Volicati bay on a fish ing and hunting trip. 4 A. P. Talent, of San Francisco, who has been In tho valley for the past two months, loft for his home on Monday. Mr. Talent Is an old' tinier in Southorn Oregon. Mrs. D. P. Briton, of Talont, who has been stopping with hor dough tor, Mrs. Jordon, of Medford, who bus boon quite HI for some time, oatne homo a few days ago. Mrs. Sarah Harris and daughter, Komi, or Misson, (Jul f., came over to Talont ono day lunt week for a visit , with relatives and friends They are stopping with Mrs. H.'s neloe, Mrs. iUnmott lioesou. Klamath County Items. - Prom the RepublloBD. Kobt. Ilunsrikor roturnnd last Krid.y from Medford with 5000 pounds of salt for L. F. Willits. R. A. Alford lat Thursday sold Ktt bead of boef to J. C. Mitchell The prioo paid for all of the cattle was 0 cents for cows and 01 cents pr stoers. -.. II. W. Orth, of Jacksonville, ar rived in the Palls Sunday and left Wednesday morning for Lakeview, where he will examine tho butcher business with a view to locating. He is traveling on a wheel. ,' D. A. Pressley, of Sprague river, arrived In the f alls last week to re oeive medioal treatment for one of hia feet. About ten days ago a der rick fork fell on It, running one of tbo tinea through the Instep. ' L. B. Applegate laat Friday de livorod 100 head of cows to J. C Mitchell. The cattle wore weighed at tho Miloholl rauoli, two miles eost of town. They were driven to (he railroad Sunday morning.. A. Alford last wock Bold his steam thresher maohine to John Cox nnd Milton Stout, of Oleno. They will oontinue to run the ma ohine this year but next year thoy will use the engine and boilor for other purposes. Diod At Pine Grove, Saturday Sept. 2, 1899, Mra. E. J. Pool, aged 47 years. Mrs. Pool has boon an invalid for tho past three years and lor the past year has been in Med ford undor the oare of physicians but returned to this county about six weeks ago. She leaves a bus band, E. J. Pool, and soven ohil dren, two brothers, Chas. and J. R, Faith, of Jaokson County, and throe sistera, Mlaa Kiltie Faith, of Skag way, Alaska, Mrs. B. S. Origaby and Mra. N. S. Drow and a large olrolo of frionds to mourn hor death. The creamery at Ft. Klamath is doing a rushing business this sum nier. Every day from one hundred to five hundred pounds of butter and oheeao coraop down on the mail boat and is stripped from here to different points iu Oregon and Call' fornia. The oreamey business In the Wood rivor valley is ding more to build up a flourishing town at Ft. Klamath than anything else. It is a supreme industry. At pros ont thoro is only one oreamory and several good dairy farms, but the domand for first class butter will soon cause others to be built. Last Friday aftornoou, while working on a thrashing maohine at tho Matt Haynes plaoe, in Poo val ley, J. Frank Wallace foil into the separator and his log waa horribly oruahed, and ho died from tho ef- feot three hours after, The maohine ia of the old style and a derrick fork is used to lift the hay onto the table opposite the oy Under. Wallace was feeding, when the derrick was raised with some hay and as it oame up by tho table one of the tines caught on tho oornor, tipping it up, and threw Wallaoo into tho maohine, One of the teoth in tho cylinder ap parontly oaught in his boot and bo foro he oould be resouod his log wbb drawn in over the long tooth of tho cylinder, and the muBOlos and flesh was horribly out and mangled. Toe power was at once stopped, but about fifteen minutes were taken to get the unfortunate man out, At Cross Purposes Mm. CrunhltiKton (a wlilowl, 19: Flor ence Crushlnifton (hr dAUKhter), 11; TH liimn (hnr Mtun), month; Hon. Uoorgo lllllon, W, rwoiib! Mri, f;ruhlnKton'e drawlnir- room, Mn. C, and her dauvhlar am oliat- tlntf. I(H, O-llc liiimi't calli'd yet. lie can t In) Kolii(f to illmiiiiiulnt uol Anil 1 told tliem to auy I win not at home to nnyone cIm-, Klr. -How tike of you, niollmr dearl Mm. C -Mr di'nr child, you are very good lo aay no, uvvn when there la dan ger ot our iiotudinittiug- Crunk Homer. nor. 1 don't cure for Prank Homer. Mra. C Ion't you, really? Tli n you needn't have given him four duucea at the county bull. . rlor. Now, Madame rroprlety, don't throw atouea, or I atiall bring you to book for dancing two acta of tanccra, and yn, actually one waltc with tbe Honoruble (Jcorg-e at that eelf-tumo ball. At, your age, tool I'm quite aalinrni'il of you. When lie culli thla afternoon I ahall give him a good acolding. Mra. C. Florence, you are loo flip pant. 1'lor. no la J Itluina, anil ao are you. We're nil flippant? Aren't we, Tlttuma? Jit, Mewl mewl Mra. C When (icorge Hilton urrlvea perhupa you would not mind h-uvlng u nlone for a few mlniitea? Klor. I waa jiiat about to ak you wh..her you couldn't find tome pretext for being culled away. Mra. C 1? Klor. Well, you know, Jfa dllllciill whrn the dragon la preaent. Mra. C Thedragon dlfllcultl What on earth do you mean? Klor. I mean that he might feci awk ward even before you, deareet. Give me len miuulca. Mra. C.---You abaurd child! lia, ba, I begin to aee. And ao you actually have the effrontery to urcnutne thai our ex pected caller la coming here to propoae for your hand? Klor. Well, what le could I aa- u me? If not, why all thla planning and tcheiniiig to get uiin here alone? Mra. C. Kloreuce, I am a widow. Klor. Vca, aud a very rcapectablt one.' You II be antique preaenily. Mra. C I am on the aunny aide of forty. Klor. The daya are getting terribly abort, don t you Iulnk7 Mra. C My glaaa tell nie (hat I am atill not devoid of atvractiona. Klor. Matronly afttractiona. . Mra. C You youraelf need a father'! advice and counael. Flor. A huaband'i. Mri. C. No, a fa'tber'a. I hope to be able to preaent you with auch a father In Klor. Jorge Hilton?, Mra. C The lime, Klor. You abnurd mother! Now 1 begin to undcratand. And ae you ac tually have the elfrontcry to aaaume Mra. C Silence, will you! Klor. No, I won't! Mra. C To have one'a child turn upon one! It'a unnatural! Klor. Thnt a mother ahould try to mnr her dnughler'a proapeeta It'a nbomluable. Mra. ('. A mere chit like you Young enough to be hla daughter! Klor. And you might have been hia mother! Tit. Mew, mewl Klor. What doi-n It wont, the dear? Mra. C Your kitten thinks It's r,ear tea time. You con have youth in the brenkfnat-room. Klor. I ahnll have mine here. Mra. C Soyou lnlat? Klor. I do Insist. ' Mra. C You will apoll the gam for ua both. Klor. I didn't know Mr. Hilton was pheaaont! Mra. C. Very we-lll I shall tell them not to udmlt him. Klor. You are too late, my lady. He a coming up the ataira. Mra. C Those electric bella! (A servant announeea "The Hon. (leorge Hilton.") Mr. C. My -dear Mr. Hilton, how good of you to keep your promlael Klor. And a promise made in tho nark, too. Hi). I am most pleased to rind you In. Ah, that beautiful I'ersian kitteu! (Coaxing it.) . Tit, Mew, mew! Mrs. C. And you love kittens? Hll. Well, love la rather n strange word. Flor. Of course it la. How absurd you arc, mother dearl Mra. C. Yes, lov ia a strange word Mr. Hilton. Ulh Kow people seem to think so nowadays. Tho modern equivalent is too often caprice or fancy. Mrs. C. Florence, denr, would you mind fetching that photograph of Tlt tuma' which Mr. Homer took for your Klor. I will ring for It, dearest. (Does so.) I caught a nasty cold, Mr. Hilton, at the county ball. Mrs. C Yes, poor oh lid 1 I quite for got. III). Vfti so sorry, and 1 heard you danoed so1 well, too. Flor. Why weren't you there? Hll. ttccauae I don't care for ilnno Jng now. Mr, Komer dances well docan't he?' . '. Klor, Pretty well,' Mrs. C Now that's not fair, Florrle. You never dance n second time with a bad dancer, and with Mr. Bonier you- ' Flor. Mother, there's a spider in your hair. ' . Mrs, C A spider! O! Hll. I don't aee It. ! Flor, It'a off now. i Hll. Mrs, Cruahlngton, I want you to do me a favor. , ' Mrs. C It 1 granted. Hll. It may seem n gi-ent liberty to take on to short an acquamtuuee. . Mrs. Had not Flnrvnco better 'hart- tie room f Hll. Why ahould ahe? My favor conoern her a much n yourself. j'Kjr. insinil mid ao! Mra. C. (iialMe) J knew It! Hll. Do you love this kitten verv much? Mrs. C As If one would bo ao foolinh a to love a kitten! Flor. Of eouraa not. It'a a nrettv daytltlng, thnfaall. 1 it. Mew, mewl Hll, J know some one who is d vino to piMaeas auch a kitten ua this. Mra. C Hi) may have this one with pleasure. Hll. I hen you would rcallv not mind artlng wllh It? Mra, C. (imldr) What lm this to do with It? (Aloud) Not In the leant. Anything to oblige yon, dear Mr. Hil ton. Hll. How delightful of you! Then I will aend THluuia out lo Australia, If I may, by the very next boat, I hope you woo v mind the voyage, Tittums! Tit, Mew, mew! - Mra. C Send her wherever you like to the north polo or the equator, And now, what la your favor? 1 am dying to grant it. HU. You havo granted it. Klor. What, Tituims? Hll. Yes, Tltlumn! Don't you think that's quite enough to ask for on after noon, you generous beinga? .Mra. c Hothat'all7 Hit. Quite. A strained and desultory conversa tion follows for about five minute. Hilton rim to go. Mra. C. Good day, Mr. Hilton. Klor. Would it be too Inquiaitive to ask who is your Australian friend? Hll. ot at all. I hope to Introduce) her to you both sonic day. Mra. C Hcrl Hll Yes, Miss Calthorpa my fian cee. Mra. C. Yourflanceel Hll. Didn't you know I waa en gaged? Well, It ia rather a aecret- llut I don t mind telling you. She a he anueU'St girl In the world, and 1 m the luckiest man! Mra. C. (icily) How charming! Good afternoon. Flor. lleully, Mr. Hilton, it seems terribly ungracious, hut I don't think could part with Tittums. Hhe Is my own mile Kitten, ana nns wounu ner- self round my henrt. Haven't you, darling? Til Mew, mawl Hll. Aa you pleaae. Miss Crushing- ton; but I wish ynu hadn't raised my topes to dash them.' Good afternoon. (Exit.) Flor. Koiaed hia hopes to dash them. indeed! Mra. C Mv dear, the man's a beast! Tit. Mew,' mew! Black and White. Chrome Diarrhoea Cared. This ia to certify that' I have bad chronic dlurrbooa ever since the war. I got so weak I could hardly walk or do anything. Ono bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy cured me sound and well. J. K. Gibbs, Fineaatle, Va. I had chronlo diarrhoea for twelve years. Three bottles oi (JDamoeriain s Colic. Ubolera and Diarrnoea itemcay cured mo. S. L. Shavek, Finoastle, va. Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Sharer are prominent furmers and reside near Pincaslle, Va. They procured tbe remcdv from W. E. Casnor. a druggist of that place, who ia well acquainted with them and will voucn lor me iruii of their statements. For sale by Obaa. Strang, druggist, Medlord; Dr. J. Ulnklo, ventral roiut. Superior job printing at this office. BLV'g CKEAM BALM tsHHlvarara. Apply Into the nostrils. It Is quickly absorbed. SO senta at Drurcilta or. by mail ; amp!ee 10c by mall. ELT BKOTlflCKS, as Wm 8l. New ToritCtty. I r mi!CT,jue, piciiwi or camp in tnora tjullx, tnor quickly, mora notuiniuiiT sU9a who ctuuu rarafflua wax than by Mty otbr method. Dosena of oibtr UM will b ""Refined Paraff ine Wax In viy taouMhold. It ! clean, maiuivna kiiu muiriinu tur, w savo riitrt nclrt proof. Get a pound caka of t with iv list of Ita many uaea from your druffl let or grocer, . 1 Bold eTorywhera, Made by TAaDAAO OIL CO i Market keport. Tho lollowlng aro tho prioes paid by our merchants this week for farm' pro duoo. .This list will bo changed each weok as the prioes obange; Wheat Oats Flour. Barley. .... . Mill Feed.... Potatoes Eggs,..,...., B.vttor....... B'uuuj dry,, . Bucon Hams 8houlders,... Lard,...., .. Hoge live.., 47 ...'....... .... ..60 ....tl.40por 100 lbs I...BI.1U " OOo " .......1" ..IT nor doz ... ,....22porib .... ........... w " .., .....09, ...16 '. ..........07 ....10'i" ;...... .3i ! srE1 "- .' .i. Ji VI n. .'. '. RAW AS WW No Tortun Equal to tho Itching and Burning of This Fearful Diseasi. Xesemav which is more than skin-deep, ... ln. f . . I -,r the real cause of tbe trouble, is in tbe urougn ine sain -, sot omy way to reata sue ainatt, inarsrora, it toe Diooa. Mr. Phil T. Jones, ofMlsenvllle, Ind., wrltte: ' "I had Eoiema thirty yean, and after a greet deal of treatment my leg wm so raw and tore that it gave me constant pain. It finally broke Into a running sora, and began to spread and grow worse. For the past Are or tlx yean I hare suffered untold agony and had given up. all hope of ever being free from the disease, at I have been treated by some of the best physlelans and have taken many blood medloinee, all In vain, With little faith left I began to take 8. 8. 8., and it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this wis the way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing 8. H. 8., tbe sora healed ap entirely, the skin became elsar and smooth, and I was eared perfectly." ' Ecxenm it an obstinate disease and can aot ba eared by a remedy which to only a tonio. Swift'e Bpeolfle 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD , It taparior to other blood remedies beeaose it cares dinette whisk they Otss not reach. It goes to the bottom to the eaute of the disease and will evast . the wont ease of Ecsema, no matter what other treatment hat failed. It as . the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, meroory or aar other mineral, and never fallt to enre Eeaema, Scrofula, Contagions Blot PoisoD, Cancer, Tetter, Bheumatltm. Open Sorts, Ulotrt, Boils, ett. .latiet . upon B. 8. 8. ; nothing can take Ita place. ' v Books on these disease will be mailed free to any address by Swift aide Company, Atlanta, Georgia. . .-tt . As the end oi tuu iJruylus trial comes within aight tho French government is beginning to see that the verdict may givo rise to trouble and orders have jnst been received by two regiments of in fantry and one cavalry regiment, already within hail of Rennet, to hold them selves in readiness to march on the town at the first sign of disorder, to occupy all stragetio pointa and repress all mani festadons in their inception. Thousands mre Trviaff lt .. " In order to .prova the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective ours for Catarrh, and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial aize lor iu cent. Uet It of. your aruggu.i or seaa iu cuu va ELY BBOS.j 6 Warwn 8t, V. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever sinoe a boy, uuj I never hoped fur cure, but Ely's Cream Balm stemi to do even that i Many acquaintanoea hav used it with excellent results. IMcar ustrom, aS Wsrrsn are., Chicago, III. . Ely's Cream Balm it the acknowledged cure for catarrn ana odduuh no ooowno, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, iOeeuta. ,At uragguiu or ty maiu - TASTELESS HULL IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE BO eta. 1 , OALATIA, II LS-, NOV. IS, 1813, PsrlsMedlelMCo., Bt.Ixnte.Ho. OenUeaien: Wo nM last Tear, 900 bottle of OHOVK'B TABTKLKte C1UL1, TONIO end have bonsM three arom alraadr Oils year. Iaaltoxei perlenoe of 14' yean. In the drns bneliieM. have never eoM an article thu save enoa ualvoteal sau. faetkn as your TooM. lour trulr, . . .. . : . - ABMBT. OAM AO0. For sale by Chas. Strang. Medford, Orsson JyiaiTRWRbA MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1091 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL , (HiyMasUxtkaBdSmUiV ' Thelarf estAjtatomlcal afoseum In the World, Greattt attraction in tf City, A WeakaeMK, or any contract S ilbMie.aMlllvalwaartad far the oldest RfcUltatoQ ftha PaoiAa ML atOllDAJt PAtVATi OlSEAttl oh Mar awfliM and BMldtfllti ga weal who are aafferlaf Iron tba aflacta of yoathfal lodky vaara. ITanoua an9 ohiaJ ArtiUriiasi ar nviwa In B&aturar potmvj, iMtHaaairiidtarUlluooiTipll. catlonai Mpmi Masmtarrliam. Praaa.ttr rktrsv C9tMrrlitm, fii mfmmtf f VrlnaUHtt Hy a eonaiuaMoa af remMiaa. or great curaure power, uta voctor haa ao arranntj bta ttwtaeli t Uiai U will Ml retnedtaa, of great ouratlva Mwer, Uta Doctor nly afford Tmmedlata miff, bat partDauant our, the Doctor di loaa tint alalM In mrt ratraolwi, hot M wll Imtwa a ba a fair nn ciatm an Mirorwi Trmi.iiiKiriotMy ndietMlrsai Ik arsHna mtbeal iheaee el tlrirj'.. TrawMa Jltt4 bjr aa Kxaert, at SI cat ear for Bt,r. A tokajsM naliii mmm rtlH eBd'VIseilm.b be. Jerdaa's apeclal pslnleai metkoaa, m BTBBT HAW aoplylnt ta as wm I 111 1 1 f saranMSMUenof afceomnialM. v A . n wu wnrmw s r8i.wt4 was r wnrtj irr nj, ' m-ww a -rwar-ati war i 5L NMMjtMl slsrW K. H K I -Legal Maaka at Tbi Mail offlo. mums T mm BEEF ECZEMA! naid ta thS) nrst symptoms or Koaema, but It Is not leu before the little redness becins lo lteh aasl born. This Is bat the beginning, an4 wfll lsad to suffartng and tortun) almost aasas dorable. It i a eommon mistake to naaatl a roughness and redness of the skin sw merely a local irritation ; it It bat an Indleat tlon off e. humor in thai blood of tsaillike and can not be reached by loeal tnli- 1 a. ,L. -. J . V,k. J! IkJI blood, although all suffering it produced In Buying Get the Best That's the THE OSLY WHEEL ; .. Warranted for One Year! 99 Phoenix Wheel........f 40.00 99 Golden Eagle.......... 30.00 . '99 Solar Gas Lamp....... 3.WJ iy Bicycle BuppUes carried In atock. Scno ron Cataloquc or Wmccl aho Uaipm LEWIS 6 i, STAYER CO D. T. Lawton, Mgr. Medford Branch. NEff BARBER SHOP J. R. HardGB, Prop. . Shop on Seventh street, opposite Union Livery Stables.1 ' SHAVING 10. HAIR CUTTING 20. Give me a trial and you will ooaat) again. EAST AND SOUTH . BY THB '.' ' i V The Shasta - Route ' ,:i OF TBF -.' - SOUTHERN PACIFIC COIPAHI. KXritKSS TRAIKB LEAVE PORTLAND strsnf HTinnnmT DAILY. Lv. Portland .. Ar. Lv. Medford Lv Ar. Ban Pranolsoo Lv. Ar Ogden Ar Ar Deaver Lv Ar ' Omaha . Ar Ar . ChloaKO Lv I Ar '' Los Angelos Ar Ar El Paso Ar Ar . Fort Worth Ar Ar . New Orleans Ar Rontb North :l6a,sa 4ip. aa 8.-05 p. na 1:10 p. m 6:46 p. as 8:50 a. as , 6:30 p. m . :86p.m 8:38 p. m ' 8:40 a. as 8:40 p. 7KI0 p. m tu:ou .m 7:45 a.m 5:00 p. m 6:06 p. m 6:40 a. ra 8:16 p. m 7:00 a. m 8:ifi p. m 4:16 p. m 7:65 a. m ; Dining Cars ; , , !; Observation Cars Pullman first-class and tour ist cars attached to all through trains. ROUBBURQ MAIL DAILY.' SjOa.mlLv "Portland Roue burg Ar I fc p. as ' Lv?aoa.tn ' 8-a0 p. m I Ar ' C0RVALLI8 MAIL-DAILY (Except SuniJaj) 740a, mILv - Portland Oorvallls Ar I 6:50 p. m Lv lKp.m lamps Ar . At Albany and Oorvallls oonnaot with train ,. i . ..of O. p. at B. railway., IMDBPKNDBNCK PAtJJBNOER-DAlLY . : i,i .... Kiept Baadair.) i. ,. ,- 4:60 p. m 730 p.m IX p. as Lv ' Portland - Ar Ar ,' MoMlnavlll Lv Ar i U'ladepandaoea Lv 8:S5a,m 6:60 a. ai ' Dlrot eonaeettoa at San Franolsoo with stosmsblp nee for Hawaii; Japan, China, Tba '' Philippine d Aeetrsll. ,. fi i- For through tieheu and rates call on or a4 dress Mr. yf. y.LippIaoott, Agent, Medrort. ' m. WaTOftrVI," 0.H.MARKHAM, " P1TAN ' OMKMN. .