The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 15, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Pubilahod Svtn Friday Nomina;.
Ho U of tew dayas but quite a plonly,
ntored In the Poatofhoo at Medford, Ororon
a Sooond Claaa Mall UaUer. ,
Medford, Friday, Sept 15, 1S99.
rasing. Agoucy, w ana at Morcnanw i
bang, Ban Franolsoo, California, whcro ooa
lor vivcrxifluijr can no niauo ivt ...
. Our Clubbing Lut.
Tm Mail and Weekly 8. P. Call $2 00
. " " Ctaroulole 8 Stt
4 , ti. . ; t OreROnlan 2 00
. Cosmopolitan 8 00
" " SuodayBulloUn.. 2 00
" ' " N. Y. Tribune.... 1 05
.:,! Cincin
nati Enquirer,
1 76
IT. French . Army OMrer Oonrletad
- Apiln of Trenton. J' .
Saturday the oonrt-uinrttnl at Rounos,
ky a rote of 5 to 8 doolitred Captain
Mreyfos guilty. .ur. 1
Owing to extouuatiiig cirenmstanoee
tus punishment was fixod at ten years'
Bprisoumout '
Ho has already served Are years in a
rl, which counts as doable time; honoe
is expected that he will be released
almost at ouoe,
. Unless 1 pardoned, Dreyfus .: within
Bight days must submit again to the ter
tiWe oeremony of public degradation. :
The text of the judgment is as follows:
' Today, the 9th of September, 1809,
(fee court-martial of the Tenth Region
annyoorpw, deliberating behind closed
4oors, the president pnt the following
fnextiou: .'la - Alfred Dreyfus, brevet
captain, Fourteenth regiment: of artil
lery, , probationer on the general staff,
guilty of having in 1894, entered into
auachinations or held relations with a
foreign power or one of its agents to in
dnoe it to commit hostility or undertake
var against France, or to procure it the
means therefor by delivering the notes
nd doouiniuts mentioned in the docu
ment called the bordereau, according to
the decision of the court of cassation
at June, 3 1899?' . .
"The vptes. were taken separately, be
ginning by the inferior grade auifyoung
est in the last grade, the president hav
fag given his opinion lust. The court
declares on the question by a majority
of five votes to two. 'Yes, the accused
guilty.!, ; y .-.-M-'
"The majority agreed that there are ex
tenuating circumstances, in consequence
of which, and on the request of the com-xuissarj-
of the: government, the presi
dent put the question, and received
gain the votes, in the above mentioned
form. 'i-.-
"As a result, the court condemns, by
majority i of five votes to two, Alfred
-Dreyfus to the punishment of ten years'
detention. V .
Gold In the Treaiury.
, Washington, September 7. There
Iras' more gold . in the treasury today
han the government has ever had be
fore at one time. The net gold and bul
lion, iaalriding $100,000,000 reserved for
the redemption of United States notes,
as reported at the treasury department
today, ,,was $251,618,182. The amount
ever reached $200,000,000 until August
rf lost year, when it was a little more
Chan 9217,000,000. The actual amount
at gold coin in the treasury today was
192,812,840, and of gold bullion J128,
801,821, making a total of $324,717,661,
gainst which gold certificates of the
Value, ef $78,099,528 are out-standing.
.- ... . - You Try it. .. -:,
tf 9hiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, wbloh Is sold for the small price
of 25 cts 50 ote. and $100, docs not cure
take the bottle back and wo will refund
your' money. Sold for over fifty years
on this guarantee.- Price 25 cts. and
(0 cts. Sold by Chas. Strang, drug gist.
, Stockton doctors recently performed
a operation on an 8-year-old boy who
lad fallen from a shed and broken his
neck.. The medical men think the oper
ation will be successful and have strong
Hopes or tne little reiiow'A recovery.
' Fire reoentlv destroyed buildings in
Che business oenter of Empire City, Or.,
Causing a loss of $30,000.
Robert William Elliot, a pioneer and
capitalist of Sonoma county, is dead,
The police of San . Jose ore taking
Steps towards the - breaking up of the
Chinese highbinder gangs of that oity.
Owing to the forest . Arcs in that
Neighborhood Pasadena - is safoiing
grow a water famine.
An Auiarloau to toe Bx.out.d In Japan
A Cougar Kill, a Child Naval Ap
lirenlloe Hjrateni to ba Ki
nrraa Train Koblioil In Arlioua.
The glass irnikor of the country have
formed a combination.
Tho Glasgow (Scotland) towu conucll
litis just plitood 1111 order for two Amorl-can-built
traotlou engiuos for oity use.
William H. Snyder, a bar-koeper of
Keswick, OhI., is in jail charged with
blowing up tho roaldouoe of Mrs. Plumb
with dynamite. Snyder throatonod to
blow up the woman's homo because she
refused to marry him. , The houao was
roopntly tlestroyod by an explosion and
Snyder Is aocuaed of destroying it.
" Fire dostroyod the. stove faotory of
Bridgford & Co., at Louisville, causing
a loss of $300,000; insuranoe about 1100,.
000. - The Phoonix Tanuing company,
situated in another port of the oity,
was destroyed by flre owing to lack of
engines. Iaws aw.lMX). ruuy insnroa.
John Zehuder, a spectator, was fatally
Mrs. Ethol 3. Rowe committed sulaide
at Tusoon, A. T., Monday night by
hanging hersolf, after drowning her ten-year-old
boy in a bathtub. Mrs. Rowo
secured a divorce a year ago and despon
dency is supposed to have boon the cause
of her act. . ..
John Y. MoKsno, a onoe noted politi
cal boss of New York, died at his homo
on Coney island sonto days ago.
Robert Miller, an American, charged
with , the murder of H. N. Ward and
two Japanese women at Yokohama,
Japan, has been sentenoed to death by
the Japanese courts.
Advices from Samoa are that pending
the final decision of the three powers
the Samoans are in a state of uncer
tainty. The commission informed the
Samoans before leaving that the Borlin
treaty is still in existence; also the of
fice of chief justice. ' They had no pow
er to alter or change theso, and Chief
Justice Chambers left of his own ao
oord. They had no control over him.
The natives .claim that if the Berlin
treaty is still in force, than they have
autonomy, and .will proceed to elect a
supreme chief, avoiding the title of king.
Colonel Albert D. Shaw of Water-
town, N. Y., has been elected commander-in-chief
of the grand army of the
republic, . . ,
A report Is current in New York that
Commissary-General Charles P. Egan,
who has been suspended from the army
for five years, will ask to be retired. .1 .
After a drought of 53 days in Texas,
during which the maximum tempera
ture has been over 100 degrees, rain fell,
but only enough to lay the dost. The
present drought is the most severe in
tho history of the weather burrou. The
water supply has become so light that
street and lawn sprinkling has been
abandoned. ;,y . . .-. . ,. . .
The navy department expects to begin
the manufacture of smokelsss powder at
its powder mills a few miles back from
the Potomac river, near Indian Hood,
within the next two or three mouths.
Work on the mills has been pushed '
energetically, and at present about 1200
men are employed. Admiral U Neil,
chief of the bureau of ordinance, accom
panied by Lieutenant Seymour of the
bureau, inspected the work during the I
last week and was much pleased with
the progress mode. Already about a
dozen buildings are completed, the elec
tric light pinnt is lnsrniiea, ana tne
stand pipe, 120 feet high, is up. There
are 11 or 12 othor buildings well along I
toward '. completion. Altogether the
group of buildings will number 24 or 25
with a capacity of . 2000 pounds of
sinokeloss powder daily. - .
' A cougar recently Boized a fonr-year-
old child that was playing in front of
its father's home near Kamlah, Idaho.
Sweet butter can't be made in a sour
churn. The stomach is a churn. A foul
stomach fouls the food put into it, When
the food is fouled the blood made from
it is fouled also. Foul blood means dis
ease. Cleanse the churn and you have
sweet butter. Cleanse the stomach and
you have pure blood. The far reaching
action of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Dincovery is due to its effect on the
stomach and organs of digestion and
nutrition. Diseases that begin in the
stomach are cured through the stomach, -
Dr. Plerce'i Golden Medical Dtacovery hat
proved a great bleuina; to me," wrltea MM.
Blltn K. Bacon, of Shuinoury, franklin Co.,
Maw. " Prior to September, 1897, I had doctored
fat my stomach trouble for Mveral rear, CaK
tbroueto a couneof treatment without any real
benefit. In September, 1S96. I had very aide
pelts and (raw worse i coiilu eat bat little. I
coinineneecf to take t)r. icroc'a mcdlcJue and
in a ahort time X could cat and work. 1 have
gained tvrertty poaada in two month.1' ' 7
-' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expenae of malting only. Send
1 000 -cent stamps for paper -bound
volume, or 11 cents for cloth, binding, to
tr, F.. V. Pierce, 663 Maiii Street, Buf
fiuo, 14; Y. .... . ,;'
and started for the woods. The animal
a-ot felghteued and dropud the child bo
fore U had gono far. The baby's uook
was broken and It was dead.
Yellow fever Is Hproa ling rapidly in
Florida and Mississippi. Thirty new
casus were reported iu 81 hours at Kay
West rooeutly. ,r
Tho executive oommltleo of tho Ou
bau Assembly has coinnumood a distri
bution of proiiiissory uotos to uiuiubors
of the UuUiu army, wlitou uotos uro to
bo paid by tho future rcpubliu. Ktmli
general reoolves a noto for over $20,000
and oaoh oolonel ouo for $11,090, The
total amount to bo paid is over $20,000,
000. , ' .
Aoting Secretary Allen has issued an
order making Important changes in the
navy yard apprentice ayatom. Hereto-
foro there has been no rule lor the ap
pointment and oduoation of apprviitloes.
Mow ooiiunaudanU at uavy yards are
instructed to receive applications from
likuly candidates and make up lists of
eligible from whioh appolnuioiits will
be made. The examinations will not bo
overo, except physically, tho roqitlro
meuts being ability to read and write
and knowledge of arithmotlo up to duel
mala. . Candidates must bo botweou the
ages of 15 and 17 years. Ouoo appolnUxl
the boys will bo thoroughly instructed
iu their trades and examined from time
to time for proatotiou. It Is hoped iu
this manner to ouro the ills of tho pro-
sent approutlco system.
Rear-Admiral itoury F. Plotting, com
manding tho navy yard at Boston, Mass.
died of appoplexy rooeutly. He was 50
years of age.,
A telephone lino from Denver, Colo.,
to Cheyenne, Wyo., is uow In operation,
Steel rails have again advanced to the
following prices: Now York $33, Chica
go $31, Pittsburg $30.
Eighteen utiles of heavy narrow
gauge road will be built this seosou from
Moroucl to Uuthria, Arizona.
Jake Randall, a mail carrier was shot
andiustautly killed at Keswiok, Col.,
by John Pendleton. The men hod a dis
puto over a miniug claim sometime ago
and bad feeling existed. No ouo saw
tho shooting and Pendleton claims to
have acted iu self defense. '
The officers of tho Oregon Railroad
and Navigation company held tho
annual meeting of the oompany at
Portland last week. The total earnings
for the year ending June 80, were $7,
006,979 and operating expensos $4,288,
278. ,
Woodland Gas works wore destroyed
by fire recently. The damage will
amount to several thousand dollars.
The town will probably bo in. darkness
for several nights before the plant can
be put In operation again. The origin
of the fire is unknown and there was no
Insurance., .. ... ,,
The United States Cruiser Marble
head is at San Francisco,' after a 14,-
000 mile voyage from the Atlantic coast.
The steamer Oity of Seattle arrived at
Seattle from Alaska recently with $000,
000 in' gold. Four hundred and seventy
thousand dollars were oonsigued -to the
United States assay offioe by the Bank
of British North America.
Matias Coxtello, aged 18 years, killed
his brother Valentjne.two years younger,
by the premature discharge of a rifle at
Covelo. The shot entered the back part
of the head. Death was Instantaneous.
The boys were assisting workmen in
butchering hogs, and Matias was told
by one of tho men to placo the rifle in
tho rack in the house. The boy shifted
the lever and uii consciously threw a
load into the brooch. A loud report fol
lowed and Valentino fell dead.
Miss Hannah Bateles, the heaviest
women in Illinois, died of fatty degen
eration of heart at her home near Bunker
Hill. She was 23 years old and weighed
675 pounds. Tho casket which enclosed
her remains was two and oue-half feet
in width.
Two hundred feet of trestle on tho
Columbia, Newberry and Laurens rail
road over Brood river. near Oolnmbus,
S. - C, gave way under a trninload of
granite. Several cars and an engine fell
50 feet into the water. The following
were killed: Engineer Diok Weatherby,
Fireman Silas Rehnick, Stowurt Martin,
a negro, and an unidentified man with
his head severed from his bod v. Wil
liam Bates," an extra, fireman, went
down with the wreck, bnt was dug out
from under tons of granite without n
scratch. ; '
A Southern Paoifio express train was
robbed near Cochise, A. T., Saturday
night. The robbers opened tho safe by
the use of dynamite and scoured such
valuables as were carried by the express
company. , There were four mon and
thoy made good their escape.
' A doal wasolosod at Denver, Colo.,
reoently, by whioh an Euglish syndicate
purchases for $2,500,0'X) cash the proporty
of the Big Five Mining company, at
Ward,' Cal. Tho properties include tho
Niwot,' Dewdrop, Columbia and other
well-known gold producers.
In a wreck oausod by the collision of
two freight trains In a tunnel on the
Norfolk and Western railroad near Wil
liamson, W. Va., seven men wore killed.
Statistical Information regarding the
manufacturing industries of San Fran
cisco shows that daring the year ending
March 1. 1899. the. number of manufac
tories was 1846, the number of employes
82,104, and the value of the product for
the 12 montbs namea was y,ib,iib,
The Uhited' States for It Asiatic mails
lost year paid $28 000 to American steam
ship and $14,000 to foreign steamships.
'The Nevada Power company has or
ganised at- Reno, ' Nev., to1 transmit
power from a' canyon cast of Reno to the
ComstooK I or pumping ana, mining..
., i The proposed .establishment of fort
niiihtl American, malt service from San
Franoinod to Shanghi would bring Ber'
lin and ParU .withiD 88 or 89 days of
shanghi. -. .fi'ihi-A-Yii. -1 .'i v
1 j rymajter in the Philippines hare
aiked for sluoraeut-tO'tuem w oow in-
Btiitviof noleflt alleging that, tho ants of
that euuntry had' almost entirely de
stroyed $300,00 In paper money. Dur
ing tho last year moro thau $7,000,000
has been paid to the soldiers iu tho
Philippines. 1 r
Tho board of supervisors of Plnmas
county has boon asked for a franchise to
eointtruot nu uloutiio railway up the
north fork of tho Foathor river through
Plumas county.
Tho plans for tho uew uiitvorsity of
California havo buen selected, They
wore di'sigutid by Bernard of Paris, t ie
will roooivu a prlso of $10,000 for his
James 11. Kuxtls, embassador to
Fratiuu during tho aoouuil Olovoliiud ad
ministration and formerly United Ulatv
senator, from Loutsiunia, died at his
summer homo at Newport, It, I., of
piioumonla. .
The Standard Eleetrlo Light company
has applied for a fruiiohisu to erect polos
and wires In Btinta utara county. - -
, Tho. lake stoamor Ramoua struck
u skiff ooutatug six bolatod merry mak
or iu Quliioy bay, 111, All wore thrown
into tho water and throe were drowuod.
Walter F. Koollor was oallod to the
door of his sleeping apartment In a lodg
lug house iu Chicago by two men, and
without a word of warning two keen
knlfe-bludea sank Into his breast and he
fell book dead. Not a word was spoken
by tho mysterious assassins, and, their
work douo, they spued into the street
aud escaped.
Colonel 3. A. Holuombo, a pioneer of
California, died suddenly at Reddlug a
fow days ago of heart failure,
A pleasure bout was sunk iu the ou-
trooo of tho harbor at Halifax, N. 8., a
fow days ugo and seven of the occupant
wero drowned.
A general strike of seamen and
steamer tlromou took placo in Loudon,
Eng., rooeutly.
Mrs. Annie Willis aud her 8-month.
old child wero burned to death In their
home at Sanger. An overturned lamp
sot flre to the baby's olothlng and in at
tempting to extinguish the flames tho
mother's clothes took flre and she was
burned to doath.
Tho Julian applo crop lu the vicinity
of San Diego will be light this year.
The poach crop in the vicinity of Red
lands U light aud none of the driers are
working a full force.
Within four days after starting the
sugar factory at Oxnard was slicing 1000
tons of beets per day aud It will skis be
working to Its full capacity of 2000 torn
per day. ,.. , , 1
Wheatland hops are ripening rapidly
and are holding their quality wall in the
oool werther.' The sample already iu
the bale show up fair color aud have au
excellent flavor. . .,
The training ship Badgr left San
Francisco a few days ago on a practice
cruise with two hundred member of
the navel reserves.
Washington, September 0. General
Otis cables from Manila todayt
'Pennsylvania sailed September 5
with 42 officers, 776 enlisted men of
Washington infantry; 8 officers, 34 dis
charged; 8 men hospital corps; 7 civil
ians. Washington Infantry left in Ma
nila 10 officers; 147 onllsted mon, re-enlisted;
2 officers, 41 enlisted mon, dis
charged. None sick.
Manila, Suptembur U, 5:50 p. ui. Tho
Iowa regiment, tho lust of the .volun
teer organizations on duty In the island
of Luzon, has been withdrawn from
Culula to barracks at Oaloocan, prepara
tory to departing for homo. The num
ber who will sail Is 806. Less than 300
of the regiment were loft on duty at tho
front when the order came for their re
lief , 400 being on the slok list. This
regiment has undergone hard outpost
duty for threo months, during whioh it
has boon very much exposed to the
rains. Seventy-five members of the
regiment havo re-enlisted. All the
Iownns participated iu some of the
fighting between Malolos and Sau Fer
naudo, and not one of them was killed
in battlo. Thirty-nine were wounded
and nine died of disease.
The insurgent! continue to make
demonstration in tho vicinity of Imns.
Tho Amorican outposts wero obliged to
flro volleys tho past throe nights.
Mail advices from Zaiuboanga roporc
that the town has been pruotioally de
stroyod. The transnortColumbia sailed from San
Francisco last week for Manila with Col.
Konnon, hoaquartors' band, Major J. A.
Penn's battalion of tho Thirty-fourth
infantry and Cuptuiu Gooduoko's oom
pany, Of Major Wheeler's battalion flOO
olncers aud mon iu all. Tho transports
Sherman, Belgian King and Tacoina
aro being made ready to sail on the 15th,
followed the next day by the hospital
ship Relief.
Many a Lovor
Has turned with disgust from an other
wise lovablo girl with au offensive
breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea puri
fies tho breath by Its action on tho
bowolsi oto., aanothlng elso will. Bold
for voars on absolute ituarantoo. Price
zo ots ou cts. Hold oy cnas. Btrang,
druggist. -i
Amateur Theartrtealn at Klatverler
There wn a good deal of punching of
head Incident to amateur acting at
Klmberley In those duys,, There wnrni
well-known dentist i who some-times
trod the hoard, and hlv enemy) prob
ably a rival amateur, would ait in the
front row of the stalls and Inugh dur
ing all the pathetic scenes. At last the
dentist 'could Mend It no longer. ' lie
leaped, over the beads of the orchestra
hit 1 tbe laugher' a violent blow, ay
lag) ,. "That will teaoh. you to laugh In
the wrong place," and then,, much re
lieved,' climbed back on to the stage
and proceeded with lilspart,-..
tins Mail wilt print 50 nailing
caras isr.zo eontt, ,
I Racks
I" II Hani
Shone & Schermerhorn
" The Second-Hand Men
Not Bocond-liand in prinuiplu, but in tho inuttorof cooda
thoy havo new and second-hand of all doBcriptions
Branch House
Gold Hill
To aaud out ot town (or arllalas Ual can ba proourad at home.
- eipeota all the prapleof a town to trado wllh him. And that la aulte
proper and rlnht, bocauao It la a (air buslueaa propoallloa.
Mbb aB-awawaWfafaSwM awwaw BwaBaa 1
for mill men to tipect mofohnnU nd nil tuilldnm to buy their tK,
5uk, Moulding., FroftAg, Rustic, aud nil Mill rrvduiru t home.
n i 1 o nniiMiiinviA
im Mwnwnwna .m Baaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaai
la a homo Ininllluilon. Why
r.aod oflloo ftl Itonoburg, Ornifoii. Atijtunt W,
UW. Notice In bcrctiy given that Ibo follow Intf
Darned settlor ht tiled notice of liU lutonllon
to niftko llnl proof In MUjiportof bin elnlm, nnd
th ut ald proof will be made before (fun New
bury, county elork of Jnokon County, Oregon,
ftt JAckMonvlllo, Ort'yoo, ou October T, vm,
On H. K. No. 7(Hft. for thn NWi NK.
N WW. Hoc. aA; NKU NKk, Hoe. AI: T. .11 8 II.
Ito nnmes tuo roiiowinff wiinrwNUA to prove
Ills conUnuoun roHlduiieo upon and oultivotlon
of unld land, viz:
OUf K, HJorruKftird, Clara L. Gordon, Frank
C. Ladd and It. KahmuHrrtn. all of l'roiiDcot.
Jackson County, Oregon,
J . 1 . IinilHJKB, IttTrTIrHOr,
f.und ofllca at HoHt'liurir. Oruifon. Auttunt R0.
IDVU. Notion In horebv ulvcn tbnt Ibo followtnu
namnd sottlorbas filed notleu of hi Intontlou
to mko Until proof lu m up port of hlHOtutin, and
that Hftld proof will bo mndo before Outt New
bury, county olork or Jaokson County, Oroifon,
at Jitoktonvllle, Oregon, on Ootoiwr 1, lrtMi,
On I!. K. No. TOW, for tho 8'A BE, HH BWK.
Boo. 28, T. XI H., II. ft K.
Ho naraoHtho following wltnufwoH to pro to
hlH continuous rciHtdcncc upon and culUvatlon
of ntd land, viz:
outtorm omon, uiar k. ujerrogaara, r runic
C. badd and It. HafunuHtton, nil of l'roflpoct,
J uo k non County, Ore won,
a, I, uiiiuifKtf, iiuKiniur,
Land office nt Rosnbunr.OroRon. Hontombor 8.
IHW. Notion Is hereby given that tho following
named noltkr has Hind notleo of his Intention
to make final proof lu support of his olulm. and
thutnuld proof will bo mudo before Ous Now
bury, county clerk of jnckson County, Oregon,
at Jacksonville! Oregon, on October la, IVffl,
John O,; HrlHCOo, fathor And heir of Ut
IlrlMooe, dooonuml, ou H, K. No 00:K), for the
HUof BWU.and NKH SWWi NVt'SK U, Hco.
He namea tho following witnoHHCB to prove
his continuous rcsldenoo upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
L. J. Marck, J. L Ilngndalo, B. P. Oliver, of
Trail, and Henry Vocgoll, of Medford, nil of
Jackson County, Oregon,
J. T, nimxiLH, neglntor.
fflott's Nerverine Pills
The (fivsi
remedy for
aervou pro-'
tratioo and
all nervous
dlaeuesof the
senentive or
UEroHK amd Arrtn usiria. Bxn. 0l either
lex, lueh as Nrvoof Prottralion, Falling; or
lost Manhood, Impoltncy, NWitly Emit,
alooi, Youthful Erroriv Mtnlsl Wofry; ex'
cealve tne' of' Tobacco or Opium, which
lead lo Comumptlon and Insanity. $1X10
err box by mall) 6 boxes lor $5.00. '
WTT8 CHEMICAL CO., Prof's, Clttthrrl, Olil
Pot nolo by U. H. Ilanlilns, MoJforil,
, Prnnk' Long, who Uvea pct,
Leiinon, Mich., stiyti
11 " I wn taken with a pain In my
back, and I was obliged to take to
my bed, The physician pro
uottnucxl my uiimculiir rheti-,
uiatlttin iiccompaulud by Ittmbugo.
"I grudtmlly1 became woim.
Until I thought denth would be
welcome rctcunc. I was finally
Induced to try L)r, Wlllluum' l'ltik
Pills for l'ulc People, aud after ,
UHlng five boxen, wus entirely
11 1 am confident that Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills saved my lire. I
will gladly anttwer inquiries con
cerning my alcknesa and wonder
ful cure, provided stump be en
closed for reply. .
, t Prank Lono."
Sworn to before me at Venice,
Mich., thin ijth day of April,
1890. G. U. Goldsmith, '
luttict of Iht Pout.
From the Otstnvr, Flushing,
Dr. WUIUnia' Pink Pill" for Pale Peonl
. eonlaln, In a ronilmuwu form, all Uia
mania neoeaaary lu give new lira and rich
nraa to Ilia tiluod anil rntnre aliattvred
nervm. They ara an unfailing aiM-eiflo fhr
uoh dlaranaa aa lisoiuulur ataxia, iartial
paralyaia, Ht. Vltlu' ilnnrw, w-lnltra, neural,
gla, rlinuiiiutUiii, inrvoua lirailaolia. th
alW-entata of the lrli, iwliillalloa of tin
heart, hU ami willow raniili'ilnn, and all
furmi of wcaknna cilhar In mala or ftnialt.
Or WllliaM' flak rllli lar Pais Pwalt art aarat
sal i tht aitn ar huaSra. ut alnan la pack.
ai an araaaifllt. ar airaoi rrara ina iiv. wn
Madlclaa Coiapinr. Ickanata, N. M
arki,lkiatlt.0. .
Sfnns Mm i Mts?R
miuivv. AaUAiuw j themaoallattholretore,
Side. Medford. Ore
m a miwmi mmmrn m
not pairanlu It t
Land ofllce at ItoMburg, Oregon, Augut II,
1HW. Notice Is hereby given that tho fultowlag
named eitlcr ban filed notice of hi lutentloa
to make llnal proof In support of bis claim, and
tbtitiutld pnmf will m made before Ous New
bury, county olork of Jack son County, OrvKon,
at JackiouvUle, Oregon, on Hcptomber W, Utv,
On II. K. No. W3T, for tho NW NKH, 8eo. In, T.
37 H., It.SK. , i
Ho names tho following wltnessns to prov
his oontinuoitM residence upon and cultivation
of Htild land, vli:
Andrew Clagg, .Tr., Chester C1kk, Thomas
Furlow and W. II. Ilnidshaw, all of Lak
crook, Jackson county, Oregon.
UltiuuiM, llotflstor,
Lund office at Rosehurg, Oregon, August 17, ,
IrHK), Notlno Is horuhy glvun tbnt the following
n timed nottlnr Iium Ulotl notlno of his lu tent ion
to make ttnnl proof tn mippurt of bin oUlm, and
that aald proof wll bo mode before W. H.
Crowoll, county Judgo of Jackson County, Ore '
gon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on Hop to moor 30,
viz: .
On II. K. No. WIT, for tho BU NRI4, NM BBtf,
Beo.M,T.8oH It, 'i K,
Hit names tho following wltnosHos to prove
bin ounttnuous rosldunuo upon and oulUvatlon
of Kttld land, fir.: , . , , .
II. Vou Our Mullen, of Wollon, Ilcnry I'eob,
of Central Point, KrnoHt Klohtor and John
KiikIo, of Lake Crook, all of Jackson County,
Oregon. v
J. T. DuiDOtta, Ileglster,
Land oflloo at IloHohurfr, OnKon. AuguHt 80,
IHW. Notion la hcrohy Klvcn that tho CoUowlmi
numod Humor haH tiled notluo of his intoniloa
to mnko llnul proof In nuppnrl of hla olnlm, and
tbm auld proof will bo mado boforo Uua Now
bury, county olnrk of J nokfron County, Oraaon,
ut jnoknonvlllo, Oregon, on Ootobor T, ltWB,
vlr.i i : r . '
OLAFK. llJRItltKOAAltl),
On II. H, no, 16U, for tho NWK, Bea. 18, T. 91
8., 11.2 K. , , ; . .
II o niimon tho following wltnnwior) tn pravs
hla oontlnuouH roaldonoe upon and oulttvallon
uf Hnlil land, vfal
' Uuttotm OlHon, Clara L. Gordon, Kraak O.
t.nild and It. Haamusson, nil of I'nmpoet, JucK
son Ouuuty, Orugon. , ;
. i.T. Ilninoiis, Resistor
S Dr. Williams' Inrllnnmh,
Olntmoiitwlll ouro llllnd,
Ulondlnit 'and . , ltohliuf ;
I'llna. lLalMorliHLhnrnntnr. 1
nya Uia I tohlnir at oni, nota '
a nmiltliMi. .olvnrf lnu,nr. m.''
Hot. Dr. WIIMivmn'TiMllnriPIHOInt
niont Ih nranariMl for Pllrui anil l-h.'r
Ifllf of tho prfvnfo rmtt. , Bory boi la1;
- wnrr.mni. jiv ariu7iHU. nv mnii ni, M.
wim 01 prion, w, oonia ana VV
nsnurskluniSB tu., i-.rop, uicvonvn
, BVr Halo by O. XI. HiiBklnn, Mod lord.
r-Sutwrlot1 ob printing, MaM Cflloo.'
7; I'-'-Mt '."! in 1 t ;.' -i ?
Rtlliblo piirit5fiijpiouorliir,ntlrr mint '