The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 15, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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PvUWWd Bnnr Vritaj Monunf.
A. 5. BUTON.
He U of In dayai but quite a plenty,
tend la the Postoswa at Medford, Onto
aa Booond Class Mali HMHr,
Hkdford, Friday, 8pt 15, 1899.
ui Afaney, H ana en Merenwu
re, Bui FTanoteoo, California, wbera o
I for 4TerUlni can be made for Ik
Oar CIuMmbi Lut.
HAIL and Weekly 8. F. Call (3 00
" " Examiner 8 86
ii a Chronicle 2 25
" " OreRonlan 8 00
" 11 Cosmopolitan ... 8 00
" 11 Suadav Bulletin.. 8 00
" " N. Y. Tribune.... 165
" " Weekly Clnoln-
nati Enquirer, 1 76
Quite a number of our good sub
scriber friends have dropped in dur
ing the past week and paid their
. subscriptions to The Mail and re
ceived their numbers on our premi-
' urns. There are still many more
who have promised to call and take
a chance. Our premiums were on
exhibition in this city on circus day
" Saturday and many favorable
comments were made upon them
both as to their number, value and
their general usefulness. There is
. sot an article offered that is not of
moneyed value do trivial affaire
of little or no value. Subscribers
" are setting full value lor their
' money in the paper ' itself and in
addition to this are getting with
nt any additional cost a chance
to get a valuable premium for noth
ins. The inducements we offer
mrely ought to be sufficient to war
rant a hearty response.
The new publiohers of Town Talk,
Messrs. V. Huse & Son, have pur
chased the Klamath Falls Repub
lican. Our friend, Joe Pierce, of
the Klamath Falls Express, can
bow well presume that he will have
am adversary which will giye him
hot race but Joe don't care for
that he is too independent The
Republican ' was a cracking good
jMper under its former management
and if the new firm can improve
upon it as a general newspaper they
will have to rise early and stay at
their benches long after the shades
f night have gathered around.
No patriot is anxious for a con
linuance of war in the islands. But
to shirk our responsibilities there, to
mfuse to seek to make the Filipinos
of all names freer and better be
cause American ideas have been
-planted there to lower the Stars
and StripeB because an unsorupu
. Jous tribal leader who no more rep
assents the Filipinos than the lead-
era in a Kentucky feud represent
.America and Americanism this
would be to make a shameful com
- pact, indeed, not one to assure
. jteace, but to permit the forces of
anarchy and misrule to do their
worst unchecked Boston Globe.
The Pacific Democrat, a new
publication, printed at Portland,
has been received at this offioe. It
is published and edited by Thos.
and Milton Harlan, former owners
and publishers of The Medford
Mail. It is a well printed paper
and is filled with democratic argu
mentsooae of which we herewith
reproduce .which serves to show
how absurd Are the moutbings of
the Harlans :
"How much poorer will the peo
ple have to become before they be
iin to see that the gold standard is
capping the life out of finance?"
It will be weU to aay right here
that it will be sometime before the
people become "much poorer," and
the working people are not giving
themselves any uneasiness about
"the gold standard sapping the life
out of finance." This perfect satis
faction among the working people
is given by the fact that over the
entire land there is Bcaroely an idle
Iij another column of this paper
will be found a call for a mass
meeting of the citizens of Medford
and surrounding country. The call i
M made by Mayor Gilkey. The J
Importance of this meeting and its
objeot is many fold. Kduoation is
the the primary objeot and as such
every resident of this part of the
valley, in fact all the valley is, or
ought to be, t deeply Interested.
While it is true tbat Medford has
exoellont sohool facilities in her
public schools, Btill there is need of
higher educational advantages In
almost any community than those
supplied by the publio schools.
Very nearly all the parents in Med
ford are arranging to advance the
education of their ohildren in
higher branohes than are taught in
the publio schools. How much
better it would be for both ohildren
and parents if these advantages
could be given in our home town.
How much cheaper it would be for
us if this could be done and it can
be done if you parents will put your
shoulder to the wheel and with
your neighbor push tne present
academy project. We can have an
aoademy in Medford if proper in
ducements are offered. The time
to aot is right now. Grants Pass
is putting forth every possible effort
to Becure the aoademy. Wtih a
normal sohool at Ashland and an
academy at Grants PaBS the chances
for Medford to secure a like in
Btitution will be forever lost. The
normal school at Ashland is doing
for that town just what the proposed
academy will do for Medford peo
ple it, to a greater extent, with a
olass of citizens who are in every
particular desirable and in nearly
every case permanent Medford
cannot afford to allow this opportu
nity to secure an academy to be
lost sight of. Our town is fortunate
in being situated in the center of
the great Rogue river valley. It is,
perforce of geographical location,
destined to one day be a city of
many times its prestnt size, but we
people who are now active in ils
business and social circles cannot
afford to retard its sure progress by
placing stumbling blocks in the
path of its advancement. Let us
all get in and do business with this
proposition. Let the business man
who is ever keen to add to his daily
cash sales do something for this
cause, for surely his sales will be in
creased with more people to sell to;
let he who owns real estate contrib
ute larger than any one to the pro
ject, because, tbat with a well con
ducted and well maintained acad
emy here tho value of his lots and
acreage will be doubled. Let every
one. do a little something and the
project will be carried out. Th
mass meeting ought to be attended
by an immense crowd of enthusias
tic citizens.
The District Fair.
The district fair at Central Point
opened last Monday morning and
up to inursuay the gate receipts
were not Heavy, but yesterday a
larger crowd was in attendance and
it is expected that today there will
be a large crowd.
I be races are good and all who
attend seem well satisfied with
them and that they are honest no
one questions.
The display of fruit in the Da
vihon is excellent, there being
nearly every variety grown in the
valley well represented.
1 he ladies department is not as
well filled as usual this vear but
there are many excellent articles
mere are a number of verv
beautiful paintings displayed, also
a nne exhibition ot fancy work.
Much to tne dissatisfaction of
many there is no restaurant
lunch counter on the grounds.
Ice board of directors have been
kept busily at work attending to
the multifarious duties which their
offices require. They have done
everything in their power to make
the fair a success.
There is some good stock ex
hibited, among which are some fine
Jersey cows. These are owned by
Hon. J. J. Howser. J. G. Martin,
of Beagle, also has a fine yearling
calf on exhibition.
. The Mail's premiums, in charge
of E. E. Van Antwerp, are attract
ing as much attention as anything
on the grounds, and they are being
spoken of in very commendable
Many a Lover
Haa turned, with disgust from an other
wise lovable girl with an oftenslvo
breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea puri
fies the breath b Its aotlon on the
bowels, etc.. as nothing else will. Sold
for years on absolute guarantee. Price
25 eta,, 60 ots. Sold by Chaa. Strang,
The 014 rsllaWe-Tha WteWr Orcgonlaa,
Doings ol the Circuit Court.
The regular 8opteinber term ol otf-
ouit oourt convened Monday, too inn
Tho following otttoori wet In at.
tendance; H K Hannn, jiidroi O B
WaUon, proiooutlnir mummy Qua I
newnury, omra; aiux urine, ncriii.
D T Lawlon. ai foreman. Uuo Crow
on. jesae Houok, U J Tvrrlll, Dillon
Hill, Frln Rutin mid Bonj Buull wore
aelooted us grund jurymen.
W 3 Plvnmln was utipnlutod proud
jury OHinn uuu unostMimitia, oaiiirr lor
mo term.
The following jurors wore exouaed
(or the term: J L Hoolt. Uvo Owona.
Einmett Beoion, Hoimir Barron, Jo
Ainutt and Jonathan well.
Tbo notion ol J Nuuan va J H Brown
to recover money was dtsmlesfd.
Aa wai also the cuaea of T J Konnoy
vs J ii brown.
Wm M Colviff, Jaa R Noil and A N
Sollaa were appointed committee to
draft reaolutlona ol reapout In memory
of the late Judiro P t Fi lm.
The aullotO W Kaliler vs John Cook
and Geo Brown (or loraoloaure ol niort-
Kittfe; the aale ol real properly waa eon
Charles Harwood va E Q Borden, M
D Howell and Bainuol Harriett; ouuae
WnBRKAB, The Hon. P. P.- Prim,
who died at San Francisco, Oallf., on
the Tth day ol August, 181)0, was a for
mer judee of thla court and alao of tho
aupreine court of the State of Oregon;
Wiiiukas. The name of Judiro Prim
tor over lorty-nve yearn lias Deu prom'
inenty identified with the loidslatlve
and judieial history of the atato.
whorein be merited by bis uubllo works
and by bla private virtuoa, tho respect
ana airuuilon ol his reilow citizen; una
Whkkkab, Aa judge of tliia court he
presided tor many ware over its see
alona, and with unbiased Judgment
passed upon the many oasea which uttme
Before him and, won by his quiet unas
suming uiRimy tne loveanu uo in i ration
of bla professional brothers of both
benoh and bar throughout the district
and state; therefore, bo It
Resolved, Tbat by the death of
Judge Prim Oregon haa lost one of her
moat houored ottizena. the legal profes
sion one of its brightest minds, hla
many friends a compunton who was
ever guided bv the higbeet aenso of
honor and justice, and the slate a dis
tinguished and faithful publio aervant;
thai we, his professional brolhera, mako
thla perpetual record of our apprecia
tion of hia life and aervloea as one ol
our number In order that hia many vir
tues may not be forgotten by ua or those
who aball succeed us In the years to
come, that we may strive to emulate hia
hla noble example and matntato the
legal profession as the highest exem
plar of justice and right.
"Ha leans behind him freed from grief and
Par worthier thlnffa than tears:
The love ol friends without a single foe,
uanjjaiica lot ueiow
Waf. M. COLVIO, 1
A. N. gOLiss, Committee.
J. R. Nkjl. 1
In Memory of Rev. J. W. Ward.
Rev. J. W. Ward waa born July 18.
1821, and died Aug. 29. 1899. His pil
grimage lasted 78 vears. 1 month ana
ID days, rila native state waa Indiana.
He moved to Nebraska in 1865. and to
uregon m lew, where be baa resided
ever alnoe.
He was a member and minister of the
United Bretbern Church. Hla minis
try began when about 30 and lasted for
mora than 80 years. Nearly all of bis
ministry waa spent on the frontiers of
Nebraska, helping to bionenr and es
tablish Ihe Christian religion in that
state. Aa a faithful laborer In God'e
vineyard he bad many evldoncea of
his call, for Ood blefsed hla efforts
with the conversion of many scores of
souls. One of his favorite texts waa:
"As in Adam all die, even so in Christ
shall all be made alive." One of hia
last expressions of faith and bone was:
"Look unto me, and be saved, all tbe
ends of the earth." He waa a great
sufferer, but be possessed bis soul In
patience, and often expressed bla read
inesa to go when the Lord called.
Brother Ward leaves a wife, seven
sons and one daughter to mourn bis
departure. Only bis wife and dnugh
ter, Mra. Keizur, were with him at
bis demise.
Mayor's Call for Mass Meeting.
Tbe people of Medford have been In
formed through the press of the town
of tbe effort to establish an academy at
tola place unaer tne auspices 01 tbe
Presbyterian Church. An institution
of this kind properly equipped and con
ducted would be of (Treat benefit to thia
commnnlty and our citizens should take
this matter up and Bee what can be
done to secure this enterprise. That
we may bave a thorough understanding
ol wDat is ezpeotea ol us and wnat we
are able to do, I respectfully aek that
all enterprising citizens meet at tbe
town hall at 7:30 o clock Friday night
tbat we may some to some dennlte un
derstanding in this matter.
verv raspeciiuiiy,
H. L. Gilkey, Mayor.
Among the Churches.
A erjecial invitation ia extended to all
teacher" and parents who are interested
in tbe education of their - children to
hear the pastor preach on "True Edu
cation" next Sunday morning at 11
o clock. In the evening the usual aer
vloea will be held.
Services both morning and evening
next Sunday. ' "The Path of the Juat,"
will be the subject of the morning ser
mon. "The World'B Grenteat Book,"
will be the evening Bubject, illustrated
by a ohart. These services are for the
benefit of all who will attend.
O. J. Gist, Pastor.
Good Enough to Take.
The finest aualitv of loaf sucrar la
uaed in the manufacture of Chamber
Iain's Cough Re.nedy and the roots
used In its preparation glvo It a flavor
similar tn that of maple syrup, making
it very pleasant to take. Asamedloine
for tbe onre of coughs, colds, la grippe,
croup and whooping cough it is uo
equaled byanyoluor. It always oures,
and oures quickly. For sale by Ohfts.
Strang, druggist, Medford; Dr. J,
Hlnkle, Central Point.
Legal blanks at The Mail office.
Quick asllvary Th Wwk'r Oregonlan,
I County School Notes.
I By Supt. 0. A. Oregory. I
Aahland aohonla are In session with
600 In attendance, IS tuauhora mid two
assistant toucher.
J auk onvlllu itud Central Point
anhools are under way with a good at
tendance and ultimo to entor later.
" Ashtaud normal - graduates nro In
duniitud and tiioy will bo more an aa
thuir ability aoiiuis to bu known. to a
wider range of patrons.
Indications aro good tor tho largest
attendance over unrolled Ht the Inatl
tute to be held next week in Medford,
Local committees aro plannlug to make
thu session pleasant aa well as profit
Many words of approval from teach-
ore, patrons ana pupils are nnaru, con
cerning tho course or study and grading
In country schools. Come to the Insti
tute next Wednesday morning prepared
to learu all about It.
Several Drorulnciit toaohora have ex-
prosaed their approval of the plan of
conducting tbo institute lu two divi
sions and the method of presenting the
various tuples. Let overyouo come pre
pared to receive and give.
Tbo Dewuy sohool began a fall term
August 28th with Julia Kodsuhau as
teauher. Tho following on Sept. 4th:
No. 40. Olllo HutTor: 82. Katu Buokloy;
81, Anna Orlssoin; Kuoh, Francos Don
egau; Antiouh, Oluua llollan.
Indictments Found.
Up to noon yosterday tho following
indictments bad boon found by the
grand jury :
Bute vs Roseannn Carlllo and John
Carl lie; indictment for arson.
Htate vs Daniel Jones; Indictment tor
an asiatilt with a ditngoroiia weapon.
State vs J A 1' Hiwull; Indictment lor
assault and battery.
Iu the of Wm Denniff, adminis
trator of tho otato o( U Uraupnvr, vs
H H Bleeoher, the trial jury found for
the defendant.
Real Estate Transfers.
L B Tiffany to Frank II Kay, ISO acres,
M 14. tn SO. r S w .
Aiblanil UAL Auoelatlon to school die-
Irlot No a. Iota II, 11. 33. SI. tt aua w,
If oCall's addition tn AmhtfiQd
H A Smith to luhn T Murphy, lot 1.1,8
and 4. id 40. r 1 w
J On w liner to Josephine Beoaoo, prop
enj in Asniuno
P A Watt to Frank K Doda
ire. lota a, vi.
l, ( and 63. fractal's audition to Ash
land O II Andrews to It n lilts, lots 71, ti and
29, blk I It It addition to Aahland
T F Ooouh to K E I'uyuc, H aore la Ip 37,
Wm V dlbbon to Rlisabetb Randall, M0
aorea. tea SS. to 8S. r S w
C O Curomone to Mumle W Cummone,
S 4 ucroa. seo 5, in su. r I e
John U Root to L cuoeie, land lu tp 40,
J W Ainutt to J M Dlrkson. loU S and 4,
blk 4. Fraeht'ii addition to Aaliland ...
Laura V Kdoards to Frank Nelherland,
lota 17, IB, Iw and a. OIK M, Talrnl
Edmund Davla lo K C Uoeck, .7 acres,
Horses lor Sale.
Four bead of draft horses, ranging
from four to seven years, unkrokon.
Also a span of tnulos. As good animula
for heavy work aa can bo found In tho
It. Vinton Beall,
Central Point, Ore.
Ws will paj f 18 a week aalarj lo either nan
or woman to represent tho Midland monthly
magazine aa a aubsorlplton solicitor. The Mid
land le tbe same slxo aa McCluree or tbo Cos
mopolitan. It Is now In Its slxlb year and Is
tbe only magaslne of tbls kind published In tbe
grand central west. A handaome premium
given to eaeb subeortber. Send 10 centa for a
copy of the Midland and premium list to tbe
Twentieth Century Publishing Co., HL Louis,
For Sale.
A good 160 acre stock ranch, two and
one-half miles from Prosneot, Or., on
publio road. Two sawmills near; two
liviog springs on ranoh; good house of
seven rooms; One barn; 146 acrea en
closed. If sold immediately household
furniture goes with it and sorao farm
tools, frlce, to per acre; part tlmo
For particulars address
L. M. GltKENE,
Prospeot, Oregon.
WOOD wanted!"
A supply of wood, either black or
wnite oau, is wanted lor tne use oi tne
countv at tbe court house in Jackson-
vine, ine wood to oe euner two
four feet in length, and of body oak.
Call at or write to the county udgo,
stating what amount of auoh wood you
can furnish, when yon will deliver it
and the orico you want for the same.
Call or wrlto soon if you have any wood
that you desire to soil.
Jacksonville, ure,,eptemDer iz, law.
County Judge.
Soring truoks for spring house
hold moving. Wells It Shearer.
)R. O. B. COLE,
Office oyer Woltera ft Howard'! Grocery Store.
aieu.ora, uregon.
Offloe over tbs new Medford Bank
Medford, Oregon,
Land office at Roscburg, Oregon, September 0,
B0U. Notice In hereby (riven that the follow Inn
named uettlcr hart liled notice of his Intontton
to make final proof In support or bla cltiim and
tbat Bald proof will bo mado beforo Gus
Newbury, county clerk of .Jackson County, Ore
on, at jnoKBonviue, uregon. on uowoer it,
1909, viz:
On his H. E. No. 7678, for tbo N14 WM, flRU
BKhi, and 8W NEU, Soc. 83, Tp. 81 8, It 3
Bant, W. M.
He names the folio win it witnesses to nrove
hlB continuous ronldencu upon and cultivation
of said land, vizi
McDonald Parduo and uiaf ujerreffsard, ot
OenVral Point, all of J u ok Hon ennnty, Oregon,
f Klamath County People!
: : . m
- i' '4 f
I wiintto quote you prices on Grooorion.jjj
I do not expect you to buy of mo if my pricey
are not iiu low, or lowor, than you can got oIbo- jjj
where, but I want
i Troubled With
If so, our Colo'u air-tight Honter will dipol all
that chillinosB and warm your heart aa woll
as your blood. We have them in all 8i7.o,(r
from a pony to a giant. Wo also havo a ttno35
lino of etovoa and rungos in Btockv Call and
inspoct them.
H Medford, Orogon.
I hold tho high reputation of being
northwest. Thla ia tho only flrst-elasa
here four vears ago. and havo built up
everything for doing flrat-ulaaa work and
worK is equal lo any 01 tne basioro wora. i-non an iurj nwiun in
fect satisfaction guaranteed. Uespeiilful y,
who desire a flrat-olass smolto
always ask for Kurtz's
Whon thoy want a littlo belter cigar for
a littlo more money they buy Kurts'a
Smoke homo made cigars and build up a
home industry.
Mllwaukeo Chain Mowers, Hodge loaders, Osborno naller-Hoarlng
Oliver and Flying Dutchman Plows,
stock of Saddlery Goods and imperial
Prices Lowest, Quality Considered !
Tayler, the Foot Fitter
Has just received a large shipment of Farmers' and Miners'
Heavy Flo? and Mining Boots and Sloes.
Every Pair Warranted to Give Satisfaction.
All kinds of boot and shoe repairing promptly attended
to by Tayler, the Shoe Doctor. 7th Street, Medford.
Nuns Gee,
First-Class laundry
On the corner of 9th and D streets, where he is prepared
to do all kinds of work in his line. Family washing a
specialty and all work executed in first-class style, and
satisfaction guaranteed. No charge for small pieces.
Gents' Shirts, ioc. Prices
board of equalization for Jackson County,
Statu of Uroson, will oonvens at th offloo of
tbe oounty ofsrk In JaoHaonvlllo on
rionday. October , 1800.
for tha nurnoaa of DUbllfllv examining thfl as-
soHnmont roll and oorruotlng all orrors In vnlu
stlon, dosorlptlon, qualities of lands, lots and
othor proporty. Said board will oontlnuo In
sosHlon from day to day until said roll bas
bcun duly examined.
All Interacted partlos will take notlee and
govorn tbumsolvos accordingly.
tli 1 rBDULXIDR,
County AssoHMor.
Jacksonville, September , 1899.
OrnoR or county TitKAHitnitn I
or Jackson coumtt, Oiihoon. t
Notion la harabv itlvcn thut thnrii aru funda In
tha aounlv trRasnry for tho rudnmntlmi of all
outatandlnff oounty wnrrnnts protnnlnd from
May 6, IfiW), to Juno 4, 1899, both antes Inolu
slvn. Interest on lbs same will ounse nftor the
abovodato, L. L. .Uiionn,
uouniy Treasurer,
a chance to talk with
Cold? 1
& Nicholson
jST Iho Hardware Mon.O
one of tho leading photographers In tbo
gallery In Bout b western Orj
regon. 1 came
the business
in uliotuttrapliini, 1 havo
am nble lo make drav-claas work. My
11. U JWAliaaT, Hamuli iiiuva, lawiuiv,
for a nlckol
Unkcs, Kxlrns, Small
Tools and a lull
of San Francisco, has bought
out the Chinese . laundry
and established a
AdvertUcd Utter List
Following la a list of letters remaining un
?a W) ,ne Mw"ora postofflce on Beuk
Fessenden, Bdd (S) Hodge, Mrs Dolls
Hammond , A II Kloe, Oeorge Arthur
Waddle, John
A oharge of one oont will be made Upon de
livery of each of the ubovo letters
Persons calling for any of tbe abore letter
will please say " Advertised,"
M. PVHMN, 1'estmaster.
Shoemakinft !
Got only flrat-olass work whan you
aro bavins; Bhoo-ropalrlnp; done, It
don't cost any more und doos a heap
moro service. I want you to como in
nnd lot mo provo to you that I am all
right aa to work and prloo.
next door to
Davis' Grocery