Si , t ' 8IE OUfl ' PREMIUM EXHIBIT AT , Central Point FAIR ' NEXT WEEK FROfEBblOlf AL OAADS. P, BN&U., ATTOHNKV AT LAW. 0 Jaskaoa (Vasty Attslraot' Mil Collet- . hV.Xi- K,.j Manila HullcUsi, afudfora, Orvsoa. J)R. IDA B. MU8IIKTT, , ' '' ' COllaas Of saost. Diploma Id Offloe. COMMON HKKBK ADVlHOU of tho I'KOl'l.K Ofoe Mil reldonco Willi Mm. Ilarkdull, 00 , K. PHIPP8 ... ATTOHNKV AT I.AW JUIudloi DulldlDf. Mudfunl, Orcfon M. L. MM(IA All' 11 Law I. 0. RANMBUAB Nutarr I'ublla JJARUHOAN A NARREOAN, ATTOKNRVft; A ilHTRACJTKHH AND t t VONVBVANUHIUt... i Buoocaaora to J II. Whitman. Correct abatraols of evory pleoe o( land . . In Jackson County. ,. ... OAs at Milord Dank, Madlord, 0oa JJAMMOND A 8KARLK, ATTORN KVB AT LAW UOM lo Adklaa' Mk. MwHord, Or, K, KIRCHGK88NBR, I'llYHICIAN AND HUIIOKON, Caalral I'clnl, Oreon Bedford otno.-I.lnller llulldlae, Wx)olay and Maluiila,B;Hoio II a. m., oo and alwr J, M. KEKNK, D. D. 8. OPBUATIVB DKNTIHTHV A 81T.CIALTV. Offloea In Adklna-Dauol block, Hcdtord, Ora. W, 8. J0NK8, PHYSICIAN AND 8UK0K0N. Madtord, Oracon. tBT-omo.-Op.ra Block. J. 8. HOWARD, , RURVKYOR AND CIVIL KNUINKKK. 0. B. Dspatr Mineral Hunrayor for tbe Blala Madford, OrexoD. J, B. WAIT, PHYSICIAN AND BU1IOKON, OOea In Chlldcra' Block, Hertford, Oi R. B. PICKEL, PHYSICIAN IAND BIJROA-ON, Offloe hmira-10 lo 12 a. m. and a to 4 p. m. 'Baadara-Mial. Medfore, Or OKeai-naakln Block. W. I. Vawtsh. Prea. . II. r. Adkihb, V l'roa ...VArilAL, gU.imV MEPPORD, ' - OREGON Loan moaar on appro 'ad aeourlty, naatve da poalta aubjoot lo obaak and tranaaot a ftonjra banking bualnvaa. Your bualMaa aollauad... Onreapondonui: Ledd Uuab, Hloin. Analo ballrornla Bank, Ban Frairelaco. Ladd ' futon, rortlaod. Corbln llanklni Oo., N. Y. ,'), h. btbwabt, . . rraaldont. M. K. ANKHMT. J, E. Cktart, Caanlar. vica rroaiacnt. 1 The Medford Bank . .. Mtaraaa, onaovai -- .Capital, 50,000.00. A General Banking Business ' Transacted i - "DIRECTORS: 1. R. etawart, Ui B. Ankaajp, W, . Roberta W.B.Orowell, K. H, Wbltehead !,-, ! W.F.Towna, Horaoo I'olton 1 BUTLER -i .TBWELEB mm :m v Bank U u w uuu u w w waa v b - - V i. ,Watch Repairing H, VOL, II. . MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEFIEMBEit 15, im - MO. 37, ; Clearance Sale of Cut Walls Great Opportunity for Contractors and Builders All bIzob of Common Out Naila, 4Jc. per lb. All Bizos of Fino Cut FiniHhing NailB, 60. per lb. MEDFORD, ORE. uutuiuuuu First-class Eies ut'uuuuuuu finnnnnfinn UNION LIVERY STABLES gj lUknaUUUtlii'Cj ol 9 nn nn De ROBOAM & ORSER, Prop. Cor. Seventh and B SU. nedford, Ore. CarnnnunrjS ulliuuuuCj nnncinrtnrri UUL'UUUU'JU'j nnrintinranon btlL'UUtJUUIJti Special Attention to Commercial nen a- yU- i i i ' i - -j -a- -ft-j - 1 r.nMruinann Ptiuuuuuuuud DON'T LET That I have the lai-goal oarpota, wall pupur aiiu winaow anauoa to oe ioudu in pvutu ornOrogoD .... Escape Your Attention... 1 l( you are a proapeotlvo nurchaaoi yon will find my Roods tbo blgoat Id grado and tho loweat la price. Undortuklng lo connection . ... ' ' : Received Ties, latest in Crash , in Crash u fni' Hiimn Linen Suits for summer. Latest in all kinds of 9 call and q pnRenthal d!d' S. Rosenthal, BOO W. L. OBU, Mill Foreman. ED. R0BEBT8, Builder PJEDFORD PLANING MILLS.... IfU ROBERTS & ORR, Proprietor BUILDERS and MILL WEN. Plans and Specifications Estimates given on all kinds of Mechanical and Mill work : Carry a 5?. ROUGH and com lino Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Frame making and Inside Finish a Specialty. Place of business, J.E. Olson's nld aland, MedfOfda OffiCII ' Prescriptions Oarefullv Compounded. - ' Main BtrMt - Medford Oregon. FRANK W. WAIT STONE YARD Gonornl contracting In all linos of etono Cemetery Work a Specialty ' : , i- . ' 1 .;.' ' ' ' ' All kinds of marble and granite monuments n'.u 1 ordqred direct from the quary... Yard on G atroet Oommurlolnl llolol Dlook JACKSONVILLE pRBLE J. O. WHIPPi Propr. Does General Contracting in all lines. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Jacksonville, j. BEEK & 00. S3 Fast Horse. Carefdl Drirers S3 nn nn uu rta'i THE FACT" and boat aolcoted (took of furniture, T A. WEBB The finest and latest styles in Shirtslatest in Hats, Linen Hats and CLOTHING " vi""- DRESSED LUMBER THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, 8. R. RASKINS, Prop'r. Has anything im thi una or .r : Pare Diagi, Patent Medicine, Books. 8 tat loner j, .. . s PAINT8 and OILS, TobfKcoaa.Clnraerfnmarf, Toilet Article, and KVcryuiiDK inai i. winca in urai olaaa dkuu biukk works "MEDFORi), OREGON ' WORK CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Oregon mtt BUSINESS IN MANILA. Elisa . Archard Conner on the Commercial Condition!. TBf OOOD AHD BAD FEATURES. i;w , ' 1 ,m - ; -Ca.aalaaarp , Urpnrlmonta.' WkMf Fraaaal Oparatlona Ara IrkMM. Io AaaaHaaa Marehanla Soma Pub For Proapeetlve la.aalora. Manila, Jnne 8. No more Ameri can teer aaloona are nodcd in Manila fbat is tbe flrnt observation I am moved to make in connection with tbe subject of bnslniwn openings in this town. A swarm of American saloon keopers came over with tlie Mayflower, ao to apeak, to tbo Philippines, and tbe; buve been arriving ever aince Beer and wbiaky siiopn, American style, are as plentiful bere as in Hew York or 8a n Francisco If laKineea be tbe Ideal state, then the old style Manila merchant led a safflciently pleasant oilstence. In tfais hot climute it is best to be abroad early In tbe morning. Shops snd stores open by 7 o'clock. That was too early for the old time Spanish merchant, how ever, so be left tbe morning work to his - menials and subordinates. He reached his place of business at S or kalf past. " By half paat 10 began wbat is here called "cocktail time." Then tbe merchant lets np on bis arduona labors of tbe morning. Tbe beat of tbe day begins to be felt by that time. I do aot know bow many cocktails are ac tually drank, but something must have started tbe name. At 13 the custom as Been to close business bouese abac- I capitalist at present When we occu lotery until 9. Whether this will coo- J njei, tbe city. the. civil courts were feu-. -., w SUSPENSION BRIDGE IN MANILA. Itnue wben Americans get bold ra maina to be seen. The old time Manila merchant bud for his motto, "Never do anything that you can make anybody else do." If he so much as desired to wash an ink stain from bis finger, he would probably have clapped bis bands like an "Arabian Nights" pa aha and had a base menial bring him the basin of water and towel. At S o'clock his carriage called for him and he, with his Interesting, family, went to drive and listen to the mur,io on the Luneta. Picturesque enough be looked in his shining white suits of which at least a dosen were, necessa . a fresh one every day. His very shoo were white, of cool canvas, carefully done over with pipeclay daily to pre serve their immaculate appearance The; pipeclaying of his master's vari ous pairs of white shoes is part of the morning work of the Tagalo bouse serv ant ' ' v , : . Everything new and convenient and American is wanted here, from prompt and correct business methods to door locks that will fasten and neat little keys that will St them. ' When, sooner or later, matters are settled here, there will be as fine opportunities for Ameri can merchants and the Investment of cspital as at any spot of tbe globe. Between, on the one band, the onerous duties, which remain precieely as tbey were under Spanish .rule, and, on' the other, the competition' of the United States commissary department the civil ian merchant just how has small margin of profit The Spanish tariff is higher than that of the United States ever , .) . , ,, was amounting frequently to three or four times tbe cost of tbe goods. It is enforced still. The duties are collected by American soldiers' for our -government; Commissary goods for tbe Unit ed States 1 army are admitted free of dnty, to be bought by soldiers. But it is natural for . a man to oblige his sutea aw., ,JZ 7. S. Htates army sees no harm in letting his civilian chums who are merchants have friends The salesman for the United floods at army rates. There is nothing 1 ,th i i. . v.i.iJ. I o tbe Ten Commandments against it I JSSS wSS nn .' tba two friend, whack up together. SShZll? ' A Wnn,; But the civilian .merchant who is not IffX ZIT.L. ... ...i. ... . . ; painter reached here from Australia a , ShhnS ort tlnw a8o. , He understood his oc Uh tariff on hf. lP,.l flnl !rn" ! wpaMoB-and set himself up as a mas SuvS.rahaSinS' AE11""- o work for! "u," i, " ', 1 i public goods at lowest San Francisco prices. , You can follow the. result, opt for yourself, and you do not need paper and pencil to work the problem either. Honest retail merchants bars absolute- ly ceaaed to Import certain lines at ar ticles under tbeae conditions Tbus not only the 'merchants ootside tbe ring, but also tbe government suffers many tbouasnd dollars loss snnnally. This is a matter the government should attend to at once and either abolish altogether duties on goods coining from the States or straighten out its commissary de partment here. 'Heavy losses,' too. ' are' entailed on American merchants in Manila' by tbe actual and xmstant, theft of goods tbsy Import from the States. I know one dealer who has, in plain words, bees in tbe oast four months robbed of wares worth 110,000. They were shipped and Invoiced st 8sn Francisco. In some in stances ': whole pscksges disappeared bodily; In others packages were broken open and part of the contents taken and then fuatened np again. '" . Whether tbe robberies are committed on shipboard, whether by the Chinese freight handlers at Hongkong or In tbe custom bouses here at Manila, nobody knows , Tbe things simply disappear, tbe military authorities here do not hold themselves responsible for goods stored In the diatoms warehouses or "go dow on. " us storage rooms are called in the orient. The. heaviest losses are en eatables and drinkables. 1 Commissary merchandising and the loos of goods in tranait from tbe States to Manila are rapidly assuming tbe proportions of a scandal. ' Whether any stealing ocenrs in tbe custom house or not,' that inetitntion geta tbe credit of it, and for its own sake the United States government ought to bare grand clearing np time in these depart ments without saying a word- about it, and this even more for the sake of the Innocent than of the guilty, if there are any of tbe latter. ' Another condition works as a hard ship against the business man and tbe abolished, "fney Tfave never been ae established. So far as civil law goes, Manila ib in a state of anarchy. There Is no way of collecting a bill by legal measures and no way of enforcing a contract Sufferers who appeal to tbe military authorities are told to wait till the conrta are set up again. Tbey have waited for months and are wait ing still. Able American lawyers who understand tbe Spanish - language are also here- waiting for tbe civil courts to reopen, but the order for it is not given. Tbe insurrection must be put down before military attention can be turned to civil matters, probably . Nev erthelesa it is irksome in the extreme to ' the civilian who wants to go to work. : '-' :, . I am not writing this letter to enter tain or amuse my readers, but simply to give information to persons to whom it Will be useful. . Whenever your dear friend cornea to yon with, any particu larly disagreeable and unwelcome piece of news, he always prefaces it with the remark that he tells you "because you ought to know it Hundreds of good, energetic men at home and capitalists of moderate means are hoping and ex petting to come to Manila, here to reap the reward or industry and ability. Their judgment is not at fault either. On this round earth today there is no fairer, richer corner than these same Philippine Islands, ,y. .-, -s-, "' To the importer, capitalist and gen oral business man who Is looking to wara manna, tnererore, tbe -message must be: "Wait awhile. Walt till our HHM UVi MBit TV TTfltl 11! VMS . gre4t ,,, governm,nt gtr;,eh,ent out this tariff1-tangle and clears away the r other Impediments mentioned. Then come in with all your blessed Yankee vim and power and all the cap ital you can spare. Coma in and con quer.. ..You can do it ";. . t . n ... j t; v(1; With the mechanical trades and cer- branches of small tail business i. ,.., . j. ' . . ! " ""J1 "Sh.J SITiXi!," I , Mm nativea and Chinese. Tners are trial .occupations among the natives and Chinese, but they have no heads to conduct bnninrsa. With his white man's quickness and drive um Mbati-BiiBB j , 811 OUR PREMIUM EXHIBIT FAIR NEXT WEE painter forced bis brown and yellow; ejnaloj6fia-to da their. week 0n.tjmjtj.11a do It JlguS. - Hel BOW hns more orders) than be can aeeept, and all bis tjnie is) mortgaged weeks ahesd.'1; "What this' wan di( In bla.prsnch anf other white 'man can do in any other department of skilled labor. ,A thorough knowledge of ,,one'a trade,' with th ability to command and get the moat and the beat oat of otbsr workmen, fet the requisite for complete success Every occupation devoted to suprjlyina; the nseds of ordinary life wilj find full scope for itself' here.'1 -An America dressmaker would-' become rich,1 anal cabinet -maker, butcher, baker, candle stick maker, telegraph unit telephone) lineman, '- expressman,'' laundrymaav printer and stonemason kcan do-well now that tbe Americans are beginning to shake these Islands from their Rip Van Winkle- sleep of centuries, ' The clean retail grocery, delivering goods) promptly at - honatM, ' American style) would be a small trnld mine. A buyer must now hire Chinese to carry hia) vOOdahODJ.!-::!..- ,,).! .!,l.-'liJV.9 , Ejjza Archard Connkk What Is 8niloh ' -''. A grand old remedy for eoughs, cold and consumption; used through, the) world for half a century, baa cured In numerable caaee of incipient eon en mo tion and relieved many a advanctsl ataeee. If vnu are not satisfied with tbe results we will refund your money. rnce ze cts., ou eta.; ana. ai.w., poi by Ohas. Strang, druggist. AN IRISH "LOT'S WIFE." I SB. Wm b Wlrked CrMtarB bb4 ... WMn b VBlqtt CoaimBM. A curious legend Is attached to a atranpe monument which stands in m solitary spot near Bantry. Ireland. It is a natural rock standing upward ot six feet in height, and containing fivw baain-like boliows on its surface., 1st each basin'ls a long, oval stone. . It is Haid that "once upon a time" at woman lived in that neighborhood who was in the habit of robbing the farmers throughout the district, fat the dead of night she used to enter their barns, milk their cows and trans fer from eac-h dairy as much butter as) she could carry. 1 ' ' The good Saint Frachna, conscious of her depredations resolved, to puniahi the woman. Itc mounted his horse) and pursued her as she was leaviiia one of the farms. .Overtaking .the cul prit he changed her into stone, and boa stands there to this day, a monument of: righteous retribution.. The atoue) basins are those in . which-she was) carrying the milk, and the pieces of rock in each are said to be the butter she had stolen. ' The tree beside . tho rock grew out of the spansel with which she was accustomed to tie the) cows' legs before milking them. This curious legend is known and believodl by all the peasant in the district.', .- Hnrr T-nw.lteni Have l)ml There are probably few even among those who use the typewriter who have) any proper conception of the varietjr. and universality of the ingenious sub stitute for the pen. Although only iat its very early youth, it has already pent etrated into every corner of the earth. It hsa gone with invading ermiea an explorers into the very h?urt of Africa. Lieut. Peary has introduced it to polar ice, and It has traveled thousands of miles over Siberian' snows. ; It travels) with, every army and fleet, and It was) one of the first things rescued from tEe) sunken' Xfalne.Two of the most costly) typewriters belong to tbe'queen and the) czar of Russia! They aT6 exquisite m chines of white enamel and gold, with) ksys of, Ivory. The queen regent ol Spain uses one for her correspondence, the khiUllve posesees one, and, in fact,, there is scarcely a court ins Europsi where the .typewriter has not a places-. Syracuse Standard. . , a Yonno; Mothers. - !" Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothors because Its. outbreak la so 'agonizing and frequently fatal. Shilob's Cough and Consumption Cure aots like magic in cases of croup. It has never been known to (all. The worst cases relieved Immediately Prlo 25 cts. 60 pts., and $1.00. Sold by Cha3. Strang, druggist. . , , . ,.. TheX We" Uka I row ; ;i J .0. .l! K S'l'-l-illW. U' ;i !l"U "'V Wl S'lty ;'' '-' COPPER RIVETED OVERALL8 SPRING BOnW PANTS LEVI STRAUSS & CO SAN FRANCISCO, Every Oarment OtiararrUea.