The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 08, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    In xK H
10c. 13c. 15c. and 25c,
Have you tried our boys' "Rough and Ready"
Hobo at 15c, or boys' "SampBon" at 25c? Every pair
Med ford,
Bll! till t I t II t II
Tho Oral carload of Barllott peart
to bo shipped (roio thla year's orop was
iUrUld oast last Thursday, and win
billed for Chicago. This lollowod
Prleay with two oarloada for New York
City, and again Saturday , two mora car
load (or tho jama place. It iseatlmated
there will be fully thirty carload, of
Barllett peara alono .hipped Irotn thla
station thla year. Kaoh carload will
average U60 boxes or about 20,000
boxov Thrso are all .old ut l per box
Id car. at Modford. By tbla It can bo
eaally figured that tho growers of Barl
lett pears will ruculvo I'JO.IKXX) for tholr
thU year's orop and evory dollar of
tbla amount will be distributed among
the working peoplo and muruhanU of
the valley, i'hiiro will probably bo ton
oarloada of wlntor ieara grown in thi.
vicinity but no price on thoao can u
yot be fixed hut it will bo a dollar a box
or boltor. A very conaervntive cli
mate a to tho number of oarloada of
apploa Krown tills year plucrs It at 100
and these, too, will will for, probably,
aa good a prlco a tho poara. The ourod
firunn output will roach easily ton car
oada. It would not be a vory wild (in
timate to auy that 200 oarluuds of all
varieties of fruit will bo shipped from
Medford this season.
Dr. C. C. Plotohor will be In his
oHoe after So p loin bo r lfilh.
Miss Martha S. Kvana, teacher of
voloe oulturo and rxpreneloa In tho
Paolflo university at Purest Orovo, is
expected to arrive In Modford tomorrow
Saturday. Tho lady is coining huro
for a visit to L. B. Warner and family
and during lior stay of a wotik or nior. ,
the Ladies Aid Society ol tho Preaby
torlan Church will urrango for her to
glvo an onlertainintint in muslo nnd
olooutlon at the opora house. Tho ex
act date has not as yet been decided
upon but It will bo some evening next
woek. Posters, which will bo gotten
out later, will glvo tho date. Mlas
Evans Is unquestionably onoof tho very
best tntortainora in her claaa on the
coast nnd as thla class of ontiirialninoiil
la auoh as a Croat many Medford ocoplo
approolaUi thoro seems llltlo doubt but
that thoro will bo it largo attendiinoo.
An entorlninmont of this nature Is
quite a rarity n Soulhorn Orogoi. and
beoauso of this is tho whyforonoss of
our guess of u Rood attendance.
Time and mony suvod by taking
the Northern Pacific to all point east.
Tickets sold from Medford same as
Portland. Do not forgot thut a North
ern Paolflo onr passes through Med
ford Wodncsday evening oaoh week for
the accommodation of passengers who
wish a slooper from Modford to St.
Paul without ohnngo. W. T. York,
cent, Medford, Orogon.
Tux Mail is at work this week
Srlntlng Attorney Parkor's Key to tho
regon Law. Tliero will bo about 000
pagoa in tlio book and roferonoen nro
oltedtoall the sluto laws, Wo hnvo
aid muoh regarding this book in those
columns but not one-half that might
havo been said to Its good has been
Every housowlfe who has
used our grooorios knows tboy
are the beet. She knows they
are always as represented or
monoy baok. We have built
up our trade by Belling honest
goods at lowest prioos.
Every housewifo knows we
oarry tho only oompleto line
of glassware in Medford, She
knows, if she has pntronized
us, that in this department
she oan find low or high priced
ajr WfjWB"iajwBjwajwBjBjBiiBj"Sf"ai
The tnoBt critical
buyers are using
Wo want every man,
woman ana child
in Modford to give
them a fair trial,
and they will ubo
no other.
Made in ollgradoB
printed. Whon our most prominent
and loarnod ultorneys tell ua that this is
the moat compleU) and useful nrliclo
any attorney could have on his shelvos
tho conclusion that it's a good thing is
quickly arrived at. One attorney, wliilo
a Utile skeptical as to its usefulness, ad
mitted that it would provo a groat help
to an attorney If correct and thon ho
took a number of the unbound pages
and endeavored to find an error. At
the end of a half day's scarab ho found
no Incorrect references and thon he
placed an ordor for a book.
Dr. C. O. Plotohor will bo In his
oflloo aftor Soptombor 15th.
- Wm. Clark returned this woek
from tho Roboburg fair. The gentle
man la enthusiastic over tho treatment
given him and bis associate borsomon.
Uorotoforo tho Itoseburg fairs have
boon given a bluck oyoby the horsemon
but this year ..r. Clark says tho man
agement has redeemed itself and tho
boys aro saying all mannor of pretty
thing about tho fair and Its managers.
The exhibit, Mr. Clurk says, was lino
and tho attendance each day was big
and evory body was happy. Tho races
were good and purses wore paid In full.
Mr. Clark entered Volo, Klamath Mnld,
Tlntelolt and Froo Coinage. In tho
three minnto race Tlntelctl won first
money, and second monoy In tho 2:40
olaaa. Volo won soonnd money in tho
free for all nice bust ttmo 2:27.
BUI Nyo mod to say that tf, when
arriving In a strange town, you wanted
to stop at a flr.l class hotol you must
follow tho oommcrulnl traveler tho
hotel they stop at is it. The cigar the
ooDimoroial travoler smokes la always a
cream article tho Ulalto sella them
nnd tho cigar they buy Is it.
Tbo Sugar Pino Company's road
engine and lumber .raln eamo In Sun
day evoning with 18,000 feet of lumber.
Tho outfit started on a return trip
Wednesday morning. Tho company
now has about 00,000 feot of sugar pino
lumber In their yard .in Medlurd and
about 75,000 feot moro at tho OUon
mill, which will bo brought in. Tbo
company la figuring on putting on an
extra crow nnd running the train nights.
This can easily ho done, particularly
on this ond of tho linn, whero tho ronds
are In a fairly good condition, by using
a headlight. The company is vory
anxious to got out all the lumber possi
ble wbllo the good woathor lusts.
After tho company's lumber Is all
haulod from tho Olson mill thoy will
commence hauling from tho Prospect
Dr. C. C. Plotohor will be in his
offlco aftor September 15th.
SUlnoy Colo lias rented tbo build
ing formerly occupied by the Crator
candy storo and has fitted tho same up
for a chop house. A counter with all
tho aooustomcd Hxtures hns boon put
In the front room, whilo baok of this a
room has been fitted up for use of
parlies who wUh to partake of the
viands ho will disponso, and whloh can
bo cnterod by a Bido door. The cook
room Is still back of this and it la horo
Mr. Colo will do the oonklng. His
able aid will bo Dale Sidney
promises to Qt out an establishment
which will bo a oredlt to both tho town
Every housewife knows our
line of orookory is unexcelled
in Southern Oregon. She
knows that in buying of us
Bho is getting the very best
and for the least money. No
dealer undersells us.
o i
and himself, The interior of the build
ing has been ropanurod and repainted
and Is oloan ana bright throughout.
Tho Klalto's cigar and tobacco trade
is climbing in to ulggor figures Willi
ovory new t'ay. This Is easily accounted
for nothing but the very best goods
are handled.
D, T. Uox, manager of the Indo-
fiondent wnrehouso, leoolvod a blow on
ho hood last Saturday whloh came very
near proving fatal. Be was engaged In
storing sucks of wheat away In the now
warehouse, when the tucklo block broke
away from tho roof whore it was fast
ened and eamo to the floor with a crush,
striking him on tho hood. Tbo scalp
was torn uway from the skull, but fortu
nately the block struok a little to one
aide of tho top of his head and only a
glancing ' blow was received and the
skull was not broken. Had tho block
struck him squarely on tho head he
would surely have been killed. Dr.
1'iukel dressed tbo wound and Mr. Cox
Is now quite himself again.
Peoplo wishing tbo bost lime ever
burned in the valley should see Messrs.
Andrus it Carpctitor, Medford, Thoy
have recently filled tbolr now store
hnuso with this lime.
The parade this season with the
Walter L. Main Shows which exhibits
at Medford, Saturday, September 9lh,
la especially noteworthy in that It con
tains more noveltlos than over . bofore,
notably tho Zouave Drum Corp., a
troop of performing olephants, and an
anolent historical Quebec Calash prop
orly costumed. Tbo parudo is said to
bo of unusual length and brilllanoy,
and worth going miles to wltoesa. The
parade will leavo show grounds at 10
o'clock a. in. A free exhibition will
be given at tbo show grounds after the
rolurn of tho parade. In order to give
allaohunoeUi see the grand exhibi
tion of tho "Congress of Nations" in
tho menagerie tent the doors will be
open at 1 and 7 o'clock p. m.
Tho Ulalto Is dally gaining more
popularity und in consequence Its pat
ronage is increasing, it is witnout a
peer in all Oregon for aeatnosx, whilo
tho summer drinks and confections are
excellent In quality.
Tbe Western Clay Company, of
Portland, bus taken the contract for
putting In tho Modford sewer. Tbe
contract they have is tbe ono forfeited
by Frlck Bros, and the city council has
decldod to allow them to nil tbe same
as mapped out and for the same price
as that given to Frlck Uros. a. fc,.
Smith, representing the Portland com
pany, has been In Medford this week
irranglng all details necessary for start
ing the work and just as soon as men
can bo secured to dig tho sower tbey
will be put to work. It is given out
that sixty men are wanted. The oltv
council has appointed Garl T. Jones as
superintendent ol too work lor me
The Turf Exobange saloon, Tbos.
Collins, proprietor, Is unquestionably
tho moat popular resort In Medford.
Hore all kinds of drinks are served
plain and fanoy. Medford Browing
Company s beer at five coots per glass.
M. P. Parkor, the insuranco agent,
is over in Klamath County working In
tbe interest ol his company. In a let
ter to Asnoi Hubbard, dated Sept. so,
he gives tbo following items of news
from that county: On Friday last,
Frank Walluoo was knocked Into the
cylinder of a thrashing muohine and
was killed. Mrs. E. J. Pool, who was
in Medford lust wlntor and spring, died
at her home on Sunday. An emigrant
may, wi years oia, lays speeonioBs ana
dying at tho residence of old Mr.
Anderson. A llltlo rain fell Sunday
ana toe wina Dinw a gaio. Mr. rarker
was poisoned with alkali and for three
days woro potato poultices on his eyes.
School will soon commence. Re
member that J as. Stewart has a com
plete lino of school books and school
aupplles for the children. Medford
Book store, next door to the postotllce.
Jnmos I. Fredenburg, supervisor
in roaa uisiriot no. a, was in Modiord
Monday circulating a subscription pa
per, asking for aid in graveling about
aquarior in no ol toe Beau and Ulwell
lane. Many of tho Medford busiLoss
men subscribed quite liberally and
thcro were names of others outside of
Medford. Tho amount required will
bo about t200. The greater part of the
Olwell lane has already been gravoled
and a dooldod Improvement It has
proven to be. Mr. Fredonburg Is show
ing a very commondable bit of Interest
in roaa matters by gotting out and
hustling for menna to bottor tho condi
tions of thoroughfares in his dlstrlot.
Say, now don't give tbe printer fits
about this print being poor, when you
bave outgrown your old "spooks." Go
to Geo. Webb's Racket and buy a pair
lor to oonw, mat aro guaranteed.
The ladles of tho Methodist Ohurch
will give a Booial at D. T. Lawton'a
next Monday evening, for tho benefit
of the pastor, Roy. Rounds, before he
goes to conference. Coffee, cuke and
sandwiches will be served. Everybody
Is cordially Invited to attend and they
aro kindly asked to bring a dime or
two-bit piece for contribution to this
most dosarving causo. A collection
will bo taken. Mr. Rounds has proven
himself a splendid oltizen and a good
pastor and all ought to feel that they
could afford to contribute a email
amount to his well-bolng and his worldly
goods and comforts.
With tho new faculties that B. N.
Butler put In his shop, ho turns out as
Rooa worn- in repairing watches ana
jewelry as any one in Southern Oregon.
Engineer J. S. Howard came In
Sunday from tho line of survey of tho
high lino ditch. The line is run and
permanently located tor a distance of
sixiy-tivo miles out or Gold Hill. The
party is now camped at the mouth of
Elk orock, near tho government fish
hutohorv, Another month's time will
bo required to finish the survey. No
construction la expooted to be done this
fall as tho nncossary office work to be
done after tbo line Is located and be
fore construction work 1b eommonoed
will not bo given any time before the
wlntor rains.
Why In this world do you go around
snulnting vour evos In tho sunshine
just llko you wore half asleep, when
tnat unoitet store soils aolorod glasses
for lOoonts?
Tho shipping business from and to
tho Medford station has been gradually
growing for tho past sovoral years. At
no tlino has thoro boon the notioeable
aottvity about the station that Is ap
parent right now. Tuosday thoro wero
twenty-six aars on tho sidings In the
railroad yards. From many of these
mcrahandlso was being unfoadod and
delivered to our morohunts, while many
more of them wero being loaded with
fruit for shipment east. Truly, and
very surely, Medford Is becoming a
place of businoss of no small calibre,
Tho Mounoo & Karnes Soda Palace
Is doing business and a goodly amount
of It strictly on businoss principles.
Jacob Wise and Mrs. Betty Minnus,
of Shasta Valley, Calif., arrived In Med
ford Tuesday evening and on Wednes
day tboy were united In marriage. Mr.
Wise is a brother of Mrs. James Kent,
of Wollen, and the bride is the widow
of Dr Minnus. who sovoral years ago
practtcod medlcino in Medford, Mr.
and Mrs. Kent met these peoplo at tho
train Tuesday evening and remained in
Medford until Wednesday and wore
wltnessos to tho marriage. The Mail,
la oxtendlng Its heartiest congratula
tions. Tho noxt tlmo you are in need of a
pair of hoae or sox, Just try a pair of
the famous "Black Cat" brand. They
are kopt at the Rocket only.
George Coulter, tbo painter, has
purohnsed a piece of property near the
A, A. Davis mill from G. W. Isaacs,
paying therefor 1160. The property is
05x120 feet In size and upon it 1b a
fairly good barn, which burn Mr.
Coulter bus bud moved to the street at
tbe east end of tho lot, and will fit the
samo up for a paint shop and a bach
elor's residence. George surely sti uok
a bargain when be grappled with this
deal tbe property is easy worth 1250.
We wear specs. Bo does onr clerk,
but we have the finest line of stationery
in Medford. Stewart, at tbe Book store.
Tbo Wiley B. Allen Co., ?epre
sentcd by B. G. Magoon, la located in
tbe Medford Bank building with a fine
line of pianos and organs, which will
bo sold at Portland prices. Old instru
ments taken in exehange. Tho music
loving people of Medford and vicinity
are respectfully invited to call and
examlno thoto Instruments and got
prices. Don't fall to see tbe Hamilton
piano with tbe mandolin attoebmont.
Commercial men and all our towns
people who enjoy a really good smoke
are patrons of the Rialto.
Parties having war relics or curios
that they are willing to loan for use at
tbe Soldiers' Reunion at Gran is Pass on
the 18th, and who cannot take them,
will please leave same at tbla office in
the care of F M. Stewart or at W. U.
Meeker & Co.'a store in Medford, with
Mr.. Brown, who will see that they are
properly cared for and returned to own
ers. Bring them in by the 16th, at the
Just arrived finest line of lunch
goods In the city. We bave them in
cans from ten to fifty cents. Mouoce&
Ed. Pence, of tbe Wlnnlngham
Pence quartz mine, on Forest creek,
was in tbe city Saturday. Messrs.
Penoe & Wlnnlngham have been very
busily at work on tbeir ledge during
tbo past few months and during tbeir
development work tbey threw out
twenty tons of rock which was recently
crushed and from which they got $720.
Tbeir mine is christened the "Sunset"
and It bids fair to be one of tbe best
ledges on Forest creek.
Ladles will find just what they
want in stationery, at the Book store.
Also fashion paper and magazines.
Delbort Terrlll returned Saturday
from San Francisco. While In the city
he arranged with some big stock men
whereby he becomes their purchasing
representative in Southern Oregon, and
Delbert is right now skirmishing around
the country for fat beef cattle. While
he does not hope to close many deals at
present, yet he is going to nave tbe
bands located, and wnen the shipping
season arrives he will be in the market
to meet all competition.
Notice. Don't purchase any plated
ware until you see what I have. El
wood, tbe jeweler and optician.
O. L. Walden. the manufacturer
of the heat brooms in Oregon, is at
work this week putting up a 20x30 foot
shed for use In curing and storing his
broom corn. Mr. W.ilden has about
fifty acres of broom corn planted this
year and it is a prime article. His
business has increased so materially
that be bus been compelled to put on
additional help in his broom factory.
"White Lily'' and "Snow Cap"
Daaing powaer prize wun every can
Davis sells both kinds.
It bus been decided bv the South.
ern Paoifio Railroad Company that tbe
new depot in Medford will be built on
tholr grounds juBt wett of Hotol Nash,
but just when tho depot will be eom
monoed bus not yet been given out. We
will hope, however, in the Interest of
the townspeople and the depot help,
mat it win not oe many monins.
New goods will be arriving from
now until December, at Elwood's, tbe
jowoier ana optician.
Cleveland Parker, the fourteen
year old son of C. C Parker, while
cleaning a rule, which be did not know
was loaded, discharged one bullet from
it and in consequenoe two toes on his
rignt loot were nearly snot on. The
bullet passed between the toes and
lacerated both of them badly. Dr.
Wait dressed the wounds and is hope-
lut ol saving ootn toes.
Farmers! We want your hen eggs
highest market price. W. H. Meeker
& Uo.
Tho Medford bank was the success
ful bidder for the two thousand dollars'
worth of five per cent bonds recently
sold by Treasurer Jacobs for the Tal
ent soliool distrlol, No. 22. The bank
Is to pay one per cent premium and the
bonds are to run twenty years. The
A9niana Dank oia was at par value.
Those two were the only bidders.
- Smoke Blllie Dougan five cent olgars
Dost on earth at Mounoe & Karnev,
The Rogue River Baptist Associa
tion will meet in Ashland next Thurs
day, Sept. 14th, and continue in session
three days. Rev. Robt. Lesalie, of
Grants Pass, will deliver the opening
address. There will be other good
speakers present and an interesting pro
gram throughout is promised. Every
body Is Invited to attend.
El wood, (he ieweler and ontlolan.
is buck from tho mountains and ready
for business.
-Milton.Gregorv. ono of the 2d Ore
gon .boys who returned from Manila
with his regiment and who has been
quite seriously ill with dysentery at
niB norae in Asninna, is reported to oe
very muoh Improved. Ho was ill a
month before leaving Manila and has
been in un almost dangerous condition
ever since. - i
Strained and comb honov Davis
the grocer,
I Hen's and Boys'
For School Boysl
Ladies', Hisses'
m xsew in
tfk Medford
t-U. S. Bartholomew has purchased
the interest of bis partner, W. L.
Townsend, In the Front street billiard
ball. Mr. Bartholomew will put in an
additional stock of cigars, tobacco and
candy, and will also add a lunch counter
to tbe establishment. Mr. a. has a
great many friends in the city and as
he conducts an orderly place these
same friends are doing all possible to
better bis trade. He promises all his
patrons fair and courteous treatment
and it inviting tbe people of Medford
and vicinity to drop In and see wbat
his place is like. Mr. xownsena and
family bave moved to Ashland, where
they expect to reside.
Klamath County cheese at, G, L.
Davis' grocery.
It is with much regret that The
Mail chronicle tbe bit of information
that the store of Messrs. White &
Jacobs was closed by Sheriff Orme last
Friday night. The trouble came about
through some San Francisco creditors
who hold accounts agninat the above
firm to tbe amount of S3500. There are
other creditors, but these are at home
and no trouble is expected from that
source. It is hoped, aai, as a matter
of fact. It is quite probable, tbat the
difficulty will be righted witbin a tew
days, In whloh event the atoek of mer
chandise cun bo closed out at not too
great a sacrifice.
Will exchange lumber" or red cedar
shingles for grain.- W. Woods.
Captain Hugh Thoraason and his
company of Rough Riders, which are
tbe Bensatlon of the day, who fought
under three flags, will appear at every
performance on the Hippodrome track
with the Walter L. Main Bhows at Med
ford, Saturday, Sept. 0th, and give the
most novel aud exciting exhibition that
has ever been given to tbe public. They
will be dreBsea as tbey were In Cuba,
where tbey took part in tbe battles of
San Juan Hill, Daiquiri, Sibony and El
Get Wells & Shearer to do your
movlog satisfaction always.
Our good friend, J. G. Norton, who
lives some three miles east of the oily,
says: "While you are talking about a
good crop of wheat tbls season, you can
say that I threshed from an even thirty
two oores 1328 bushels an average for
the field of forty-one and a half bushels
per acre. About one-half of the field
did better than thlB averaging over
fortr-four buBbels per acre."
All kinds of Bash and doors and
screen doors, at lowest market price.
W. Woods.
W. T. NeUon has again taken
charge of hie feed barn, tbe same being
the I. J. Phipps property. Mr. Nelson
will conduct a feed and Bale stable and
will make a special business of raising
cblokens. He will also buy and sell
horses or stock of any kind. There
would seem an opportunity here open
for a good business and it is probable
Mr. Nelson will grasp it.
Klamath County salt fish at G. L.
Davis' grocery.
The Soldiers' Reunion Assembly
has posters out for their encampment
at Grants Pass, commencing on Sept.
18lh. A jolly good time is assured to
all who attend. Round trip tickets from
Medford by rail are $1.76, tickets good
$1 curtnnn r-
Begin to remind one of autumn's nearness
and the householder of supplies for the winter.
The RACKET is prepared to furnish you with
warm Underwear and Hosiery, Suspenders, Hats,
Gloves, Toweling, Table Linens, Corsets, Ribbons,
Laces, School Supplies, Jewelry, Notions and
nicknaoks of all kinds. If you don't see what
you want, call for it, We will divide the profits
with you.
Jgj -a-d. L. WEBB, fjjj
and Children's
for the whole week. Soldiers of all
wars will be present. A drill by the
old veterans will be an interesting fea
ture. Spring trucks for spring house
hold moving. Wellu & Shearer.
Ed w. Robertson, the Medford-Klam-alh
CoQoty peddler, reports the road '
over the Crater lake and Rogue, river
route In fine shape. Say the Sugar
Pine Company's road engine makes a
good road on this end and the people
along tbe route on the other end have
made some decided Improvements.
Set of second band single and double
harness for sale cheap E. W. Starr.
Messrs. Nelson tc Harris' threshing
outfit moved to the W. R. Jones wheat
ranch Saturday and threshed out one
stack, but tbe rain of Sunday evening
beaded them off from further opera
tions for a couple or three days. The
average daily run of this machine for
this season has been 1300 bushels.
If you want clean, fresh vegetables,
go toG. L. Davis.
Tbe new bridge across Rogue .river
is to be tested Saturday. Tbe county
judge and commissioners will be there
and witness the test. Tbe test wiU be
made wltb the Sugar Fine Company's
big road engine and If it stands up
under tbat weight it is positively all
See Mackey, the leading photog- .
rapher, for superior photos.
Report is current that F. A. Pell
has purchased 200 acres of the O. Bur
sell ranch, north and east of Medford,
at a price In the neighborhood of $3500,
It is alto told tbat Mr. Peil has pur-
chased forty acres adjoining tbe above
tract for $500.
Cash paid for eggs and poultry G."
L. Davis, the grocer. '
Mrs. M. W. Skeel came up from
Grants Pass Sunday. Her household
effects have also arrived and with Brace
and Clara she is now housekeeping in
tbeir house in Southwest Medford.'
Myron will not return to Medford for
sometime yet. , . ...
Medford beer at Collins' Turf Ex
change saloon at five cents per glass.
The Grand Army Hall Association!
of Central Point, has filed articles of
incorporation with- tbe secretary of
state. Tho incorporated amount is $150 .,
John Wright, W. a. Patrick and k
RufuB Cox. ,m -"' :
D. W. Pence, father of-the Peace-
boys living on Forest and Elk creeks,
died near Williams poetofflce, In Jose- .
pbine County, on August 27th. He
wan eighty-eight years of age and had
lived in Southern Oregon siuce 76.
C. G. Johnson is parent to a new
girl baby which came to his home on
Thursday of last week. This gives that
household a covey of eight children
four boys and four girls. .
The Ladies.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with whioh ladies may nae Syrup of
Figs, under all conditions, makes it .
their favorite remedy. To get the true
and genuine article, look for the name
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near tbe bottom of the package. For
sale by all druggists.
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