The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 08, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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I Correspondents
k i. - . . . .-i
Kmrie Potnt KhjIuUi.
v" Mr. mid Mrs. Win, l'urry cams
out from Big Buttu Janit wttuk to
vlult relatives.
TIiob. Youiik Bturtud luut Sunday
for Klamath County to work dur
ing tho full UlOlltllS.
MIm Kmiua Perry oumo over
from California last wook to visit
hor ruoiliur and fuuilly.
... A. J.-Daley, baa boon hauling
lumbar for the llador. brothers'
barns during tho pant week.
- J. A. JonuH la erecting another
building on hla pluoo, to bot'or
enable him to cam for his poultry.
Miss Clara Ruder and her nluoo,
MUa Clara Pool, spent Thursday
cvonlng with Mrs. Hewlett and
Last weok the Young brothers
hud a runaway whloh resulted in a
gonoral smash-up, but fortunately
no one was hurt.
Misses Hattio and Agnes Howlotl
have returned home from a thrte
weeks' visit with their sister, Mrs.
James M. fowls.
David Cingoado Is getting tho
material on the ground for the erec
tion of a new dwelling houso on his
farm, near Eagle Point.
Mr. Ringor is at work putting up
nn addition to Mrs. Hlnolare s nam,
He oxpeots to paint hor house as
soon as the weather will permit.
Misses Vclone Kubli, Oertio Wat
Hon and Ada Cameron, chaperoned
by Mrs. K. J. Kubli, came out from
Jacksonville last Friday night to
attend the danoe.
Marriod At tho residence of tho
offlolatinn minister,1 ' Rev. J.. P,
Moomaw.on August 31, 1899, J. D
Taylor, of Ashland, and Miss Gertie
Thumberg, 01 gillie uuiie orceic.
Miss 0. Rader went' to Jaokson
vlllo last Monday to attend school
at St. MrV aaademv.- Sho ex-
poots to make a special study of
muslo, but will take up some otner
studios lo oonnoouou wiiu .
. ' If anyone wishes to mo what
Butte oreek soil will do with proper
cultivation and water, let them visit
J. J. FrylYs gardon, for there they
van see vegetables of almost all
kinds, that would make a dyspeptic
groan with anguish.
There will be a mooting next Bat-
tii-div for the DUrnose of author!
ing the sohool board to borrow 1350,
to be usod in finishing and furnish
' ing the two lowor rooms of the sohool
house, the uppor room 10 ne re
Horvod as a to hall. It is tho in
tontion to open school about the
first of Ootober, tho board having
enssKod Prof. A. L. Ilaselton and
Robert Jonas as tuaohors.
In a private lottor from Claokn-
inas County, dated August 30, 181)1)
tho writer says il has boon raining
for the laBt two weoks and Unit
thoro are hundreds of acres of wheat
BtandinK in the fields, not cut
Manv of the stacks that are Btand
inr are wet through to tho ground
and the end is not yot; whilo horo
in Jaokson County wo have had
soarcely enough rain to stop the
threshers at any time,
Last Friday night the oitizons of
Eaglo Point and 1110 surrounatng
countrv had a Brand time at tho
now sohool house. As it had been
announoed in Tim Mail and by
nosters that there was to be a dance
in the new building and baBket
minner. almost everyone in the com
munltv took cart and contributed
for the supper, and it soemod as if
each of the ladies tried to outdo her
" neighbors in- bringing something
nice. Tne tablos were spread in
the house formerly ocoupiod by
Thomas Carv. and they were sim
ply loaded with the ohoioost eatables
una arranged in mo most arnsuo
style. It was romarkod by those
who usually attend on suoli occa
Bions that they novor saw suoh
eunner BDread before. Thoro were
forty tickets sold at $1.50 and eov
oral at 1, without supper, and quite
a number took suppor that did- not
danco. The provisions that were
left wore-sold the next day to the
hisrhost bidder. The not prooeods,
; including two dollars donated Sat
' urday morning, amounted to f B2.10.
. The reaeiDts did not oome up to tho
expectations of some of the prime
.'. movers in the undertaking, as it is
Eaglish Break
- leWal Blcikl
'ieiBist;:::; :
suoh busy time and many of the
young ineu are oir with the tbrcsu
ers. It is the intention to have an
other dunoe and basket supper after
tno uusy soasou is over to ralso
funds to finis 1 the building.
Tell Your Water
boautlful oMiunluxioD Is an lio noaul-
lilllty Willi out iriiid iiuro blood, the
surl that on I exists liicoiiimutluu with
uoou dlKuatlon, n lioultliy livur und
bowels. KuiTs Olovur Itoot Teu not
dlrootly ou tho bowels, llvur und Icld
noys kuuplni; thorn In pnrfuot lianHh.
i'rloo SW ot. and M ots, Hold by Clina.
HtrunK, druKKlat.
llrowusboro Items.
nv KKiiKot'A.
ThraHhlng in our neighborhood is
retarded by tho prosent rains.
M, Bldloy, of Lake Creek, was
trading In town Saturday.
Delbert Torrill roturned Satur-
ay from a trip to Montague.
Mr. Hunt, of Ashland, was buy
ng cattle attain recently iu those
Deputy Sheriff 0. J. Moirs was
iu this seotion last weok on prelim
nary business for the coming
oounty court.
John Taylor, of Ashland, and
Mies Oortie Thuraborg, of this vi
cinity, woro united in the happy
bonds of niarriago Wodnosday, Aug.
30 h. Thoir friends tendor them
many wishos of happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ceer, Mrs. V.
Combest and Mrs. J. K. Bell at
tended the convention at Central
Point as representatives from our
Sunday school. It is noodloBB to
say the (food pcoplo of Central
Point made them Tool very welcome,
Does This Strike YonT
Muddy complexion., nauseating:
brunlh ooms from ohronio constipation.
Karl' Clover Root Ton Is an absolute
oura and bu boon sold for fifty yoars
suarantoo. rricozaout.
nd 60 ots. Sold by Chas. Strang, drug'
Klamath County Items.
From tho Kepublloan.
J. W. Manning returned Sunday
from Modford with uis son, Uleve
land, who has been at that place
for the past six months reoetving
medical treatment, ana is now luny
John Campbell went to Ashland
and other points in the valley last
week, we uuaerstana nr. Camp
bell has bought a line residenoe in
Phoenix, Remember us with
piece ot cake, John,
Frank S. Brandon, the Merrill
miller, was in the Falls yesterday
evening. He says the grain orop
in his section has suffered a great
deal from frost and that be will
grind less wheat this year than ever
A. Alford and wife, of Ashland
are visiting at the home of their
son, R. A. Alford. Mr. Alford owus
a largo steam thresher and will gel
it ready for the threshing season in
this oounty, wbtoh win commonce
il about throe weoks.
E. B. Henry and wifo oamo down
from tho Agency Saturday and ro
turned Sunday. Mr. Henry is en
gaged in surveying the reservation
S . - r I. . . ! 1 .j ! 1
lor lue purpose 01 uuuuuig 11 filia
ting ditches, so as to irrigate all the
hiKhland, preparatory to raising al
fulfa and grain. There will be sev
oral ditches which will oover a great
many thousand acres of land.
Tho potato orop in this county
will probably be shorter this year
than last, as eeea was scarce ana
sold for two cents last spring the
farmers did not plant as many as
usual, and with the heavy frosts
that ocourred the middle of last
month all over the county, which
killed or elao set them baok so they
cannot ripen, they will bring a good
.!.! fll riU. fP..1 T .1..
price tllltt lull. lua 1 uiu uartu dcu
tlon Is about the only plaoe thates
caned the frosts, and that will be
the only place that will have pota
toes thiB year to. amount to any'
We have been told by reliable
parties that hundreds of pounds of
trout were oaugm ana nurnea mis
summer at Pelioan bay. Tourists
that woro stopping there would go
out and catch boat loads of fine
trout, when they oould not use them
and as the weather was warm the
fish would soon spoil after being
token from the cold water. The
only way they could get rid of the
fish then was to buna large nreB
and burn thorn. Why is this al
lowed, when at the rate fish aro bo
ine taken from the streams in Kiam
ath County, it will only be a matter
of time uutil there will not be any
good fishing here. , Spring creek
and Williamson river, the oolebratod
fishing streams,' are being fished
out. One party that damps there
every year for a month at a time,
oaton hundreds of pounds every day
and throw them away or give them
to the Indians.. ; f
Mrs, A. J, Nichols is seriously ill
and not expooted to live. She has
been oonflned to her room for two
Weeks. ; rr .v- t- .
Hush CloDton. the hustliug mer
ehant, contemplates building a new
store building in the' poar future;
The building will be 80x100 feet,
with a ball above, which win ie
fitted up for a danoe hall and opera
A Pew Parm Notes.
from tlio Ku nil Norlliwoit.
A lot of prime Shorthorn steers
sold in Chicago on August 24 for
0,05 per hundred pounds. The
averoge price por head was $117.70.
Fancy steers sold in Chicago
ug. 10 at fU.10, tno nignest price
this grade since li)t). nogs
sold up to 16, the highest price
sinoe 1695. ,
Tho price of moat is now so high
in all of the principal olties of tho
United States that it is feared a
large decrease in c nsumption there
of will result.
The Live Stock Report of August
24 reports the price of good hogs in
Chioago at $4,00 to $4 80 per cwt.,
as compared with wt.oo to 4.vo
on the same date one year ago.
An Illinois nursoryman is boom
ing the "Sudduth" poar. It is said
to be proof against blight and to
bear fruit of One quality. The
original tree, now HO years old, is
still bearing fruit. It originated in
Two hundred head of Montana
range steers sold in Chicago August
21 et $5 25 per hundred pounds.
his was above tin market for
ranire steers, the regular quotation
of the Live Stock Report on branded
western feedors or good quality be
ing $4.50 to $4.70.
If a farmer wants what are termed
Beneral purpose" or "dual purpose"
cattle he should get milking strains
of Shorthorns, or Red Polls. It is
not a good plan to cross Jerseys
with the beef breeds. The chances
are the offspring will not be satis
factory either from the milking or
beef standpoints.
Every (rood, clean apple grown
in tl e northwest this year will
bring a good price. There are not
enough of such applos to supply
the home demand and the markets
wbiob are directly tributary to us,
but if there were a surplus the
eastern and foreign demand would
keen the price up for Bret-class
Mr. Nicolai, of Portland, who
owns a large prune oronara near
Fisher's. Wash., reported to Secre
tary Doeoh a few days ago that he
has lost 1400 out ot 4000 trees in
his prune brohard. The loss was
confined to four-year-old trees! the
older trees in the orchard escaping,
Examination shows that the bark
on-the dead trees was loose all the
way around, as a result of the
freeze last winter.
Tho supply of ohoice apples in
Oregon will be small this year.
The yield will be light in the greater
part of the stato. There are or
chards in almost all parts of the
state which will yield a fair crop of
sood fruit but outBide ot the bouth
orn Oregon district these orohards
aro much in the minority. In the
goner il run of the orohards in west'
em Oregon there will be few first
class apples. The reports from other
states snow that this condition is
quito common. The crop is light
nearly everywhere and there is an
unusually large proportion of de
fective apples.
Real Estate Transfers.
Ooo W Tret ren to Cbu D Cummons, 6.49
aoroB, too , ip w, r i e
Ireno Mark to school district No S, lot 19,
Mi-Hall'", addition lo Ashland
Ctaas D Cummons to Geo W Trelren, 1
Boro, aco o, tp m. r l e
Wni Fllppln and F Uakor to John Wright
ov icoi on norm ona oi lot i, out ii,v.Bn
tral Point
Wm Fllppln to Vm Cnroy, 78 foot olt
,1 I n. tIW I A hsnlMl Dfllnl
Conrad Mlngus to Chas Balenian, 6 acres,
BOO H lpS7, r s w
Addto A Poloj to H t Boggi, B.16 aoros,
boo o, p sv u, r i o
leather Woodruff to Ruth A Lucas, lot 89,
H R addition to AHhland
U 8 to R U Qrlove, 180 acres, boo 99, tp M
s, r i e ; same to lqwib a aiioo, iou aoros
DDI! JT,1 IU D ....
U S to Waltor a Grieve,. 100 acres, sec H,
tp40, ro
R B Qrlovo ot al to Jamos Deughty, MO '
aorea, seoa sa, H ana w, tp 4U B, r e..
W 8 Qrlovo lo Jus Doughty, WO aoros, soo
14, tp 40. r 4
U 8 to M P 0(
Counts. 100 sores, soos 8 sad
IT. Id 36 raw
John u Norton to John 3 Lowry, lots 1
and 9, blk 15, Phoonlx
Chas L Loomla to sohool dlstrtot No 6,
inl Ht. HttnnnKnr aooillon to ABDiana
also a nortiun of lot 33 900
G W Smith loHnmo; lots, McOall'8 addi
tion to Ashland 900
K c Hito to same, lots 10, ku, si ana w,
Fannlo C Illrdsovo to W ? Counts, lot 19,
lillt J5. Gold Hill
moubii'b aanuion
Snmo to W P Counts, deed to samo prop-
Aahland D & I. Association to Irono Mark
lot ID, MoCall's addition
T O Reamoa to L L Juooba, part of lots It
ana o, oir n, jaousonviuo
, ; ninlng Locations.
J Marvin and Gna Voro loontod Austlst 31
olalm In Unlontown dlBtrlot.
F W BohurniAnn and Win rtohlo locntod Aug
23, 1000 Inohos ot wator from Lick crook.
H C Ovlntt looatod Aug 88, a olalm Iu Willow
springs district.
una u Itny looatoa auk J- vno uqov riorn
claim In FJlk crook district.
Olins It Ray loontod Aug 86, tho Aladdin
quartz alnlm, samo dlstrlot.
Goo V Barron locatod Aua S, tlio Columbia
Olalm, Bampaon oreek dlBtrlot. 1
Frank H Hay located Aug 1, 9 claims la Elk
orook dlstriot, .
Do, You Knew ! i
Consumption Is preventable? Solenco
has provou that, and also that nogleot
is suicidal. The worst oold or oough
can .bo cured with Sblloh's Oourh and
Uonsumptlon Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee for over fifty years. . Sold by
uuas. (Strang, druggist. ..' ..; ; . ,, M
' ' - In m'attors 61 Bnal proof THE Mail
will mako out all papors necdssary ror
tho i commencement of proof free of
ehttrgov ' i
Iu 18( Uier were M Saturday, a fact
ot interest to those having to pay
woekly wages. , ,
A skit fnaehine concern in Young
town, 0,, suys that Its profits last year
on 2O0 mnoliluts was $15,000.
While the turkey's natural life is only
ton years, the goose sometimes lives to
60 years.
The chances at birth that a baby will
eventually marry are nine la twenty,
or rather less than one-half. This re
sult may seem surprising, but it is.
largely accounted for by the greo.t mor
tality of persona under marriageable j
of Ave.
Dentists la Germany are using fatso
teeth made of paper, Instead of porce
lain or mineral composition. These pa
per teeth are said to be very satisfac
tory, as they do not break or chip, are
not sensitive to heat or cold or to the
action of the moisture of the mouth,
and are very cheap. 1 ,.
A Busslan officer has been making ex
periments, with very successful result;
In the use of falcons instead of pigeons
as earriers. It seem that they can fly
very much faster. A pigeon cover tea
or twelve leagues in an hour, whereas
a falcon can do IS. It can also carry
with ease a fairly heavy weight.
A German doctor, who has been col
lecting information about the habit
of long-lived persons, finds that the ma
jority of those who attained old age
Indulged In lale hours. Kight out of
ten persons over 80 never went to bed
till well into the small hours, and did
not get up again till late in the day.
In 18U8 vessel to the numberof 7,624,
with a toiinuge of 5,20S59 tons, passed
through the Chicago rlrer. In 1888 the
number was 10,158, and the tonnage
3,1W.U21. Vessels using the Calumet
harbor in IW numbered 412, with a
tonnage of 318,000 tons; in 1898 there
were 15,62 vessels, with a tonnage of
2,208,370 tons.
Glorious Mews
Comes from Dr. D. B. Can-lie. of Wash
iut, i. i . ng writes: "f our ooiiies oi
Elfcctrlo Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer
of scrofula, whloh bad caused her great
suffering for years. Terrible sores
would break out ou her bead and lace.
nod the best dootorr oould give uo bolp;
but her cure is complete and her health
is excellent." Tnis snows wnat mou
sands have proved that Electric Bit
ters is tbe best blood, puriuer Known,
T U , .. I .
totter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls and
running sores, it stimulates liver,
kidneys and bowels, expels poisons,
holos dleestlon. builds un the strengtn.
Only 60 cents. Sold by Chas. Strang,
druggist. Guaranteed.
A. Slover. the drayman, get him
to do vour haulinar. Household goods
and heavy articles carefully and safely
band lea. Teams always nauay ana
teamsters courteous.
The beet-sugar factory at Beeteravia
will only run six months this season
In the Santa Maria valley there is only
half a crop and two-thirds of a orop in
the Arroyo Grande valley. In many
places in the Santa Maria valley the
boot crop will not be harvested, as it will
not pay for the work.
Two armed mou held up a crowd oi
onmblors in a saloon at Spokane, Wash
Bnnday morning. Tho robbers cleaned
nn 11700 in gold and left. They were
immediately pursued by a poilccmau
and Kovoral shots wore exchange.
bullet struck the offloerand caused what
la believed to be a fatal wound. One ol
the robbers wnB captured.
S. H. Holt, state orgauiiter of the
Poonlo's party of Oregon, recently
stated that his party would not fuse
with any other party for the coming
Wallace Bock, second son of Thomas
Beck, iformerly secretary of the state,
died suddenly at his home in Watson
viUe recently. He was a native of Cali
fornia, agod 48 years.
Jamos F. Turner, well-known in San
Francisco as a swindler and sharper,
was Bhot and killed there a few days
alio by J. P- Frenna, one of tbe victims
iu n mouoy transaction.
Chronic Diarrhoea Cured.
This is to certify that I have had
chronic diarrhoea ever since the war,
I got so weak I could hardly walk or do
n.. .1 ni.mWI,lna
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured me sound and well.
J. R. GiBDS, Fincastle, Va.
' I had chronic diarrhoea for twelve
years. Three bottles oi Ubamberiain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
oured mo. ,
S. L. Shavek, Finoastle, Va.
Both Mr. Olbbs and Mr. Shaver are
nrnmlnnnt farmers and reside near
Fincastle, Va. They procured the
remedy from W. E. Casper, a druggist
of thnt place, who la well acquainted
wan tnem nno win voucu tur iue iruwu
of tholr statements.
For sale by Chas
Strang, druggist,
Mediora; ur.
Hliiklo, Contral Point.
Market Report.
Tho lollowing are the prices paid by
our morohants this week for farm pro
duoe. This list will be changed each
week as the prices obango;
Whoafi ...
, .........47i
: 50
, .11.40 per 100 lbs
Mill Feed. . .
Bwns, dry, .
Hams, ......
Hogs live .
....90o "
tH' "
17 perdox
i, ....221 per lb
,. . . ...09
,.' 07
. . . ..; ;.m
'"'IS "I i pftfc4-
Bewari of the Doctors'
Dolokuo L . Van ftim this loathsome disease would be muoh
rfllbl WUIK: IUU Uail off to-dav if they had never allowed.
elves to be dosed on mercury and potash, Ma
Cure Yourself at Homo. vHu?mU,,hii"Aocon """'
, , The
this vile Doison. and onlr attempt to
disease the sores and eruptions. This thev do by driving the poison into tfca
system, and endeavor to kep it shut In with their constant do of potasta
and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate part then break out
into sorts, ana the nght is continued iaaeaniteiy, to arugs aoing laosyswsB
more damage than the disease Itself. -...'.'' ' "
Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, M. J., says: "I had speak
hundred dollars with the doe tors, when I realised that . , aw
they oould do me no good. I bad large spot all over my
body, and these soon broke out Into running sores, and I
Sndured all the suffering whloh this vile disease pro
noes. I decided to try 8.8. 8. as last resort, and was
soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direo
tlnna for fisff-Treatmant.' and the larc solotehes on mv
chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before lone;
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
kin has been as clear as glass ever since, i eureo my
self at home, after the doctors had failed completely."
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to eure Contagious Blood Poison, for the disease is be
yond their skill, swifts Bpeoino
sets In an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forest tbs
poison out of the system and gets rid
Blsnssn. while other remedies only shut
(astantly undermining the constitution. Uur system oi private noma sra
tsant places cure within tbe reach of all. We give all necessary mod leal ad
vise, free of charge, and save the patient the embarrassment of pahlMtl
Writ for full information to Swift Bpeolfle Co., Atlanta, G.
Orders have been received by Mana-
ager Merrimen of the American Steel
company at Everett, Wash., to send the
nail machines there to Ban rrancico, to
be used in enlarging the nail mill oper
ated by the company. ...
A mOTtgago for $100,000,000, tinned by
the Central Paolfto Trust company is
being hMed in the counties of California
through which the road runs, the
mortgage requires $50,000 worth of rev
enue stamps. ' , " '
This Is Tor Opportunity.
On neaint of ten cent, coon or stamp.
gsBerou sample will be moiled of the
most popular uaurrn aaa nay r ever jure
rElv's Cream Balm) saJBdant to demon-
strata tbe great merit of tbe remedy.
66 Warren St., New lork City.
ftev. John Beid. Jr. , of Great Falls, Hoot,
twommeuded Ely's Cream Balm to m. I
eon emphasise bis statement, It Is a posi
tira core for catarrh if used as directed."
Bar. Francis W. Pools, Faster Central Fro.
Church, Helena, Hont i
Ev's Cream Balm is the acknowledge
cure lor cauirrn duu rauiwu. uu uiuviu
nor any injurious drag, friee, w osnt.
: oaura, Ills., Not. 10.1813.
Pmris Medictusj Co Bt. Loula, Mo. .
Geotletoen: We toM luft year, 600 bottles ot
bought Uur groat alnadr thi ymr. Id all our e
pertonco ot 14 yean. In the drua boslDeas. Iut
Hver soM an article that fare suoh umiTersal aatls
tMiUon aa your Tonka, xoun truly,
For sale by Chas. Strang. Medford, Oregon
visit DR. JORDAN'S qriat
... OMlntSliUBSftMtli. ,
ThelarrsMt Anatomical Uiututn
fax tha World. r .
- Greatttt attraction in tht CVy. 'A
ad duaaaa.sM
wWHsrsjwi 9wmmjmitwmm i
the oldejit fcWlMotba
joaai. jKenaoutvisKiaaysjwB, j
mn an4 aal4l.
a whs ai. SMffkAaa
from laa aoaela of rootanU Indls
ar.u. ar uhmm la auaoMr
rears, HarvuiiaaadpbVileaTMUllfy,iaB).
iufmtw, tal ia!lslia Vi aUlla7oav3.
oallonsl HrMraai.tArrhsaat. Frlmlmr
raa, Sa.arrhaa, rrttl.M
r Urlalla, .la. Mr a iosiblaaaw al
rauisdlaa. at f rMt oDratlT. (.war. Ik Pu.SH
haa so arraiirVa hh ntaUawM bat U WSraol
onra. Tha Doctor doea not elalm to Mrfonn
miraeias, out h w-.ii anowa at
fl. DlssiMQUlur xsiaaataaa mt mmm It alili ..aiial
Ul. dim wltbtut Mia tawa Staw
Trtaaaaa nitaa r
aaiai n-r m m
HlHM.' 1.1
Krarot ril... riaaara aaa wtmwmv
: Jsmaal .Plal ptlnlMa asMkada,
a. " A
KTKHT MAW apT'r'"SwSlllltt. T
'Ki mil fruoronrtt a rosmrM avMMp
arhMvul aiM-nlonol fe soohidmm. ll
amtatlnnRkK aaa
ill V
MAnWlirtK. KllJP ram. ,UtatBaW.
01. J'WN a C0..ISS1 MtrMttJlR'
Is not ths allirhtMt douht that Ska
doctors do more harm than good in troaUaa
Oontaglous Blood Poison; many rlotlm of
doctors are wholly unable to get rid
heal op the outward apparane of tho
of It entirely. Hence It core tM
the poison in where it larks forera-r.
In Buying .. ..
Get the Best
That's the
Warranted for One Year!
99 Phoenix Wheel .......$40.00
99 Golden Eagle 30.00
'99 Solar Gas Lamp 3.00
t& Bicycle supplies carried in stock. .
D. T. Lawton, Mgr. Medford Branch.
J. R. Harden, Prop. :
Shop on Seventh street, opposite
Union Livery Stables. .. ,,
Give me a trial and you will com
again. .
The - Shasta - Route
or THF
Ron tli
9:16 a. m
4:08 p. a
1:10 p. m
8:50 a. ra
S:S0 p. ra
:86p. ra
2:35 p. ra
8:40 a. ra
8:40 p. at
7KW p. m
10:50 a,m
7:6 a.m
5:00 p. m
K p. m
8:40 a. m
8:16 p. m
IiT. . Portland Ar.
hv, Medford Lr
Ar. San Pranoisco liv.
Offden ,
Omaha -'
Los Angeles
El Paso
- Port Worth
Mew Orleans
i :uu a. ta
8:15 p. ra
4:18 p. ro
7:U a. ra
Dining Cars
' - Observation Cars
Pullman first-class and tour
ist cars attached to all
i ; !;through trains. . ;
: Roaebgrg
S-aO p. m 1 Ar.
TdO. i
Ar Portland
UOSp. ns
At Albany and OorralUs eonneet with train
j , .. j ... . of O. O. St B. railway. '
. :.-, i, ..j :("taopt8undaj.)
1st , ? Portland " " Ar
i(r IjHadepeadeoo.,,: L
IMi. ra
, Dlreot connection at Son' Pranotsoo wits
.MMihln Hu. far Hawaii. 1 laasn China. Tha
PIIIItarr nti-aUi(i.,nl
, -Tor throufh tlolieta and rate oll on or ad
'iiiiMr. LJpploeott, AVent! Medford.
m wnraiVD