The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 08, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Kvorj Friday Morning.
t : H la of tew dayes but quits a plenty,
Vale red In the Potonioe tt Modtord, Oregon
as Sooond-Olaaa Mill Matter. ; ,
Vbdford, Friday, Shot 8, 1889.
Mrttalog Agenoy.- St and o - Herohanta Ki
I tr Fraoeleoo, Oalllorala. where ooa
Snot tor Klrertlslug oan be made for It.
Our Clubbing List,
' Tbb Hail and Weekly S. P. Call 13 00
11 " Examiner 2 S5
" ' OreRonlsu
" " Cosmopolitan..,.
" Sunday BulleUa..
" - . " N. Y. Tribune....
" " Weekly Cinoln-
8 25
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 65
- oau Enquirer,
1 76
1 A Srebuer oourcd coal oil on the rear
porch ot William Faber'a residence, at
Albany, the other night and applied a
match. The fire burned for a while
and went out. . No great damage was
i The salary of train dispatchers on
the Southern Paoifio railroad has boon
fixed at 1140 oer month, dispatchers
operators at (90 per month and the
minimum salary for telegraphers at
$70 per month. ,
i Fifty-foot cars are to be substituted
for the 40-fopt ears now used by the
railway pootal service between Port
land and Ashland, Ore., on the line rjf
the Southern Paoifio road. The change
will be-made as soon as -the - new - cars
' can be prepared .
Frank Enrietit and Mike Daly had a
duel with pistols at Grants Pass last
week, roe quarrel was over a small
- cam which Enripht maintained was
due him. - Koright was shot in the ab
domen on the left side, but Daly was
7" not lilt, although five shots were ex
' changed.- Enright lingered until 9
... o'clock Thursday evening, and died In
; great agony. Daly was arrested shortly
after the shooting. . ".. ' , .,
The hawks in the neighborhood of
-- Ile have caused muoh trouble lately,
- but ' farmers have now discovered a
' means of extirpation.. They set the cat
on them, says The Dalles Chronicle. A
.'" few days, since a large Thomas oat was
' walking through a field of high weeds,
when a hawk swooped dowo and carried
- Aim. up about 30 feet, the cat howled
bloody murder. Soon Tom began to
C accatoh, spit and paw, and the bird
' : dropped to the. earth with her prey,
' when Sir Thomas pounced upon his en,
. emy and made quick work of her. The
hawk got hold ot the wrong bird that
timeo;'. -; . ....
Discovered by a Woman.
- -Another. . great discovery has been
made, and that, too, by a lady in this
i country. 'Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest teBts, but her vital
v organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
' she couphed incessantly, and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
. recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle
of Dr.' King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, and was so much relieved on
taking' first dose, that she slept all
. night-, and with two bottles,- has been
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
. Luther Lute.". Thus writes W. C. Ham
nick & Co., of Shelby, N. O. Trial
r bottles, free at Chaa. Strang's drug
" Store. Regular' size 60o and ' 11.00.
Every bottle guaranteed. -
,f Hog High in Chicago.
From tba Chicago Breeder's Gazette.
. l i Five cent .hogs are here. The
. tuan wbo predicted this price is now
honored as a prophet, s The market
has befn stead'ly tending" upward,
"with the inevitable declines that ac
company such an-' advance, until
, Ihis, Jbigh v figure was reached on
' j Monday of last week, for an espe-
- clatly attractive load. This is the
f highest price paid since August of
' 1895 ' -The upward movement has
been stoutly opposed by buyers and
in-the 'face of sluggish ' provision
- markets it has seemed strange that
- they have not been able to exert
; ; more influence. The explanation
lies in the great growth of the trade
i in fresh pork. Mechanics are more
generally employed than for years
past and wages are steadily rising,
bo that consumption of fresh meats
- have been" materially , augmented
, the, past" few months. Moreover,
another factor in the problem is the
improvement in refrigerating facil
ities and the consequent expansion
L IWofithe trade in fresh pork; The de
mand from the Houth for the salted
. taeate lonpj in favor .there, is re
i j'markably small and this' doubtless
;;.;;,fjfect8 itho provision market unfav
j i orably,- but shipments of fresh pork
more than compenaate for the loss.
, . -vJi. the demand for salted products,
' Whether hogs can remain at i their'
s present prices if the huge promised
'ii corn "crop safely "matyrres, is i alques-
' -iiao,-but if they do the farmer will
more than have occasion to be grate
fill to the hog as the mortgage lifter.
Tnnnisli'fhA nnruliuMioiw of a bntke-
mau lu switching the Del Mouto tuturwt
wna ttortuknl at sunt uinra a row uivys
ago mid two uig loooniotivos wore
almost domollshed. No ouo was Injured,
Striking street car men In Olevland
did more rioting last week. Thoy blow
ui a oar with, dyuaiulto aud wiwkod
others. Fire passongers on one ot the
oars wore seriously hurt, v : ;
Twelve steel aroheseach weighing 83
tons, wlitoh were to have sunuorted tho
superstructure of the Ouliseum bulldiug
In oourse of eoutruotion at Chicago, fall
to the ground. Nluo men were killed
and U were hurt, of whom four will
die, while two are missing aud are prob
ably dead." - -
- The commission whloh has been en
gaged in distributing the 13,000,000 ap
propriated for the purpose of paying off
Cuban soldiers who surroiider . thelr
anus to the Anierioau oftlolals has re
tnrnod to Havana. It reports that SB,-
000 persons have reoetved tholr share of
the gratuity, and that tune total amount
of money dlstrilratert Is 3,5'JC),IRX).
Bradsrreets estimates that the recent
smelters' strike In Colorado resulted In
a loss of 110,000,000, divided among
tho smelters themselves, their employ.
es, miners, coke bnrnors, rock breakers
in the limestono quarries and the rail
road lines.
Burlington offloails are reported ne
gotiating for the purchase of tho Dou
ver, Lakewood & Ooldeu road, a stir-
bnrbau liue 0 miles long, owning valu
able terminals in Denver aud Ooldou,
Colo., as well as a right of way through
the mountains for a Salt Lake, Utah,
short line.
The yellow fever situation in the
southern gulf states is said to be much
improved. ; ;
A movement is on foot in Washing
ton township, - Alameda county, to
secure free mall delivery. - -
The Santa Fe Hallway shops at San
Bernardino are to be supplied with
eleotrio power to replace the steam
power now In use as soon as the neces
sary plant can be installed. The power
will be furnished by the Sau Bernard
ino Elecrrio oompany. . . : .
A fire occurred in a barn on W. P.
Temple's farm, north of Pendlton, Or.
Eighteen horses, 40 tons of hay, several
wagons, a quantity of grain and 34 sets
of harness were burned. The loss aggre
gated $4200. Several farmhands barely
escaped death. There was no insur
ance. '. .' ' '
The California bank commissioners
hare received the .last statement of a
bank in San Diego, which completes the
list of all the banks In the state, sav
ings, commercial, national and private
banks, giving their standing at the close
of business on July 31,' 1890, which
shows an increase In assets and liabili
ties for the whole state of 127,554,430 44
for eleven months from August 81, 1898,
and an increase for the period from
August 31, 1897, a period of two yean
of $56,031,513 94. Taking into conrad-
eratiou that during the last eleven mon
ths six banks went out of business, rep
resenting a paid up capital of $4,068,-
939 59, which mnrt be added to the in
crease, the total gain for that period
would be $60,100,451 99. The amount
due depositors has grown in two years
by $50,882,795 03, which shows that the
monev and the increase of wealth in
the hands of the people. This is the
best showing in the history of Califor
nia. ... , . , .
Mrs. Kate Cook shot and killed her
husband receutly at their home in
Orange county, because of his Intimacy
with a servant girl. "
"William Jennings Bryan and his fam
ily are on their way to California, where
they intend to visit In the Tosemite Val
ley for a month. -
' We look in amazement at the burdens
some: women carry , upon their heads.
Yet how light they are compared with
(he burdens some women carry-upon
their hearts. . There are childless women
whose hearts ache ceaselessly because of
the childless home. That burden of
childlessness has been lifted from the
heart of many a woman by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. ' Many
of the obstacles to maternity are remov
able. . Such obstacles are entirely re
moved by "Favorite Prescription.'' It
contains no alcohol nor narcotic. :
Harried Six Yaara an4 ChtidleM.
I taiYontrer writuo you how gnUM I am
to yoa far your help in accurtiqt rood health aaa
i of 'tht- aweeU
that ever c
ne (irto a ho wrttca MM. M.
. Of 6471
Mnct, Oalcabara,
11, I took
'rtacrlDtloa. fo
oorenr' aa4 to
fttc&. 9m
. narcva ncuani
for txrttlMof thi
'ravonu tm
oaaaoi auk
a a new woman, ,i.
mf heartfelt griti-
in If any ha 4lspKiet
,k ma4tclBra 1. will ba
etcasnl to eontrm the truth of all I lay If tly
Will audoM aumped envelope for reply." , ,m
Dr.' Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 'aire'"'
ladies' laxative. Ko medi'ine equals,
thsta for gtmtlenecs and thoroughneM.
,J W ijMWVt
11 1 'tf1T'"-t.. -"W-t-,
The Standard Eleetiio oompany It
ruuulug a Hue of power betweeu Btook
ton and Ban Fnuwlsoo, 01.
Orushod Unsood oil has boon advauood
to 40 oeuta ou a gallon by tho two oom
pnules oou trolling the output.
Trluity county, Onl., placer miiio
owners are paying $ a day ami board
aud lodgiug to pick uiul shovol niou,
Uorstow, Oal is (o hu make division
headquarters for tho Bun In Fo. Tho
shops now at San Bernardino will bo
To carry out Its proposed works the
Kootonay Railway & Navigation com.
MUiy ot Kaslo, B. O., has arranged a
live per cent mortgage for $3,400,000,
The But to county, Oal Kluotrlc Power
& Lighting company has a ooutraut to
furuUh power to Ohiuo and Orovillo and
to dredgers on Feathor rlvor.
. Qovornor Qogo has issued a proola
muttou calling upon the supervisors of
California and oltlseus to oolloot inouoy
tu aid ot the destitute pooplo ot Porto
The state normal school at San Jose,
opened Wodnosday. The registration
Is given at about 000 about that of last
year. ..'
The cruiser Nowark reaohed Sau
Franoisoo lost week from the Atlantic
Fire destroyed tho building oocuplod
by R F. Suugutnetti at Yuma, Aria.,
lust week. Six persons were killed by
the oollupso of the walls. Tho property
loss will amount to $100,000,
The scarcity of cans is causing no end
ot trouble iu Sonoma comity. The big
Roso City cauncry wna shut down sev
eral days lutok, It boiug Impossible to
secure suftloiout cans to supply more
than ouo of the packing houses. Tho
Cutting cuuuory has been running stead
ily all tho season. The Scbostopol can
nery is only operated about half tho
time on aooount ot the can faniluo, and
the two cannoned at. Hcaldsburg have
been handicapped from tho same cause.
The Fiuuish delegation, which has
been sent to America to soleot lauds for
a oolouy of between 6000 and 10,000
Finus, will decide npon British Colum
bia, along the Pacific slope. A letter to
this effect was received in New York
from A. Borgstrom, one of tho delega
tion. The majority of the immigrants
from Finland are young men who, to
avoid being sent into Russia to serve iu
the army, are leaving the country in
stead. The Southern Paoifio oompany is re
placing its 30-ton coal cars with cars
that carry 100,000 pounds. The coal is
unloaded from these cars by two chutes,
one on each side.
The Yuba, Oal., Power oompany's 64
mile line to Sacramento Is completed.
It furnishes the greatest voltage of any
western eleotrio company, with tho ex
ception of the Provp-Mercur oompany
of Utah. The 5000 horse-power to Koi
torn will be conducted over the wires al
a loss of less than 10 per cent.
The transport Morgan City is a wreck, !
but all on board are tavod. Such wai
the substance of a from Nagasaki re
oeived by Colonel Long, depot quarter
master at San Francisco, from Power
the coaling agent of tho govenment at
Nagasaki. The briof dispatch tells how
the Morgan City, as she was entering
the Inland sea on her way to Manila,
went on a rock, in a storm, near Kobo.
She began to take water and Ailed rapid
ly. Captain Dorris got up every pound
of pressure possible for propellers and
pumps aud modo for a low-lying shore
on the northern side of the channel,
whore he beached the vossol. Tho Uv
of the 800 and more of troops and crew
were saved by ' his qnlck action. The
cablegram says that the damage is un
known and Us sender promises furthei
particulars as soon as he can roach the
scene and communicate through Kobe.
Isaac Rodgers was arrested at Mouud
city on a charge of attempting to kill D.
Smith by slow poisoning. Both men
are orchardists at Mound city, a small
place about seven miles from San Ber
nardino. Smith had been ill for sev
eral days and has been taking mcdioiue.
He became suspicions that the drug)
were being tampered with. A watch
was kept on Rodgers and he was canghl
pouring poison in a medicine bottle ol
Smiths'.-; ;;
Last' week Mendocino county was
represented before the state board ol
equalization. . The assessment roll showc
a reduction of $117,000 over last year,
and the oounty officials explained the
difference as due to the shrinkage of val
ues of timber lands and the further fool
that the oounty had been drained of its
live stock for the meat market.
Advices from Dawson state that F. O.
Gilbert has arrived there from Fort Yu
kon with the news of tho death of throe
members of a San ' Franoisco party of
four who wintered on the Black river,
a ' tributary ' of the Porcupine. Four
men E. F. Amstor, Herbert Earl, J. B.
MoDonald and O. D. "Whitmore, known
as the Amstor party of San Francisco,
left Fort Yukon last ' fall for tho Block
river to prospect. Thoy got up the, river
about 100 miles when winter overtook
thorn and they wore compelled to go in
to winter quarters. '. 'All 'four became
sick with the sourvy and before the river
had- opened three of them had diod.
The surviving member of the party, ' O.
D. Whitmore, managed to rig up a boat
and drifted down the river.: He was
fonnd and taken- iu by some nshorman
at the mouth of the Porcupine in a most
helpless oondition, and was sent to the
hospital at Olrole City, where he Is how,
dotogfy WeuVT-V TVs ::;
. . Friday evening as trie north-bound
train; en the San Franclsoo and North
Paoifio railroad -was approaching Clover
dale, Alfred. Durwell Was struck by tho
oowcatohe'r and Instantly killed.. Dnr
' weU formerly liTftd in Sauta RosaV' It
is believed li was 'asleep on the trick.1
'Others .nw'.atout' ;WCi).' soldies camped
at 'lb Presidio, Ban .' Francisco now.
Some faaVo returned from the Philippines
and others are going.
. . Civil Mala fat Mia lalaaels.
.WASHiNfnoN, September S. .There la
good authority for the ituteuiout thai
tho president has returned to Washing
ton with these Ideas uppermost lu mind
as to his future course iu relation to our
now depoudouolvs:
Philippines Civil government by
throo oouimlsHloiiors to supplant mill,
tary ruin Immediately after tho rebel
Hon is urushud.
Cuba Continued military control nn
til It Is determined by means of u gen.
eral election whether tho inhabitants
want iudououdonoo or uunoxatlou. If
independence, the new govorniuout
oleotod will bo rooognlxod by tho United
Btatos, aud will bo given ouoourage.
inont at ovory opportunity to ustablish
Its stability. If nunoxatlon, tho presi
dent will bo guvemed by tho sentiment
of Anierioau oltlseus as It may thou
exist. , ..
. Porto Rloor-Olvll government of a
territorial form "similar to that which
prevails lu Arlaoua, 1 '
Hawaii Territorial form of govern
niont, as rooommondod by tho Hawallau
ooniuiisslon, and as provided for in the
meosuro now poudtug In congress. '
" Tho present run ot sooknye salmon on
lower lMget sound is phoiioinuual as tu
make it almost certain tu it tlio Paget
sound salmou pack will ba largo enough
to t Diupounato for the shortage lu paoks
ou tho Frusor and Columbia rivers. Tho
run of sookoyos has boon romiirkablo lu
that it boguu ten days earlier than usual
and have far oxcoodod all expectations
of tho CAiiners. The Uii'kohi 'auutiru
wore ready for an early run and tlin
proflted to the utmost. If tho fall run
of humpbacks and sllvorxidns, which
should commence soon, equals tho sock
oyo run now closing nil rooords of
almou packing will bo aurpa&Mxl.
Charles Kennedy, city attorney aud
member of tho Placer county board ol
equalisation of Liuoolon, died unuxiKHtt
odly after u few days' illuosa. Ho win
hiHtrumental iu incorporating the town
of Lincoln. He was a native of Pouu
svlvauia. used 49.
Ask your
for aKaaeroua
Ely's Cream Balm
.-ontalut no cwlii,
mercury imr My other
.ujuriouadrog. -
It Ii quickly AbMrbed.
Give. Itclhrf stonc.
Ileila aod Trolacu Iha Membrane, lteatofea the
Heuaea ot Tula an Hmell. Pull Slae Me. Trial
Siu 100. i at D.-uiaflita or bj null
KL1 UKOTIlKlts, M Ring Btrtet, Hew Tork.
It's easy to
Haul a Dig .
load up si
big hill if l
rou grease
le waeon
IICA Axto 8rMM
a box and )Mrn why lte lha
ll amuM. enr oulon mn aile.
Bold evtinrwhcra. Mada by
ft a, ! 1 1 , , -i nlli-
wwiiiiidiii at iwiuiibv rn a
Has no equal in diseases of tho f
f Kidneys nui urinary urgans. uavo m
you neglected your Kidneys? liavoT
you overworked your nervous sys- 3
Stem and caused trouble with your
m 1 , .11 1 1 i. av
atviuueya auu iiouuorr nave yuuv
C pains in tho loins, side, back , groins S
isire pass urine? William's Kidney
Pills will impart new life to the dls-
cased organs, tone up tho system A
and make a new man of you. By
mail 50 cents per box.
S inmnMr. nru. wj., x-ropa., uievoiana, j,
k-a.-a,a.a. a.aa.i
'- For sale by U. H. Hasklns, Medford.
Land offloo at Roaoburf, Oregon, Aueust .10,
1BW. Notice la liorcby glvon that tbo following
named aottlor baa fllod notlco of bla Intention
to make final proof In auppnrt of hlaelalm, and
thai aald proof will bo mado before Qua Now
biiry,ooonty olork of Jaokaon County, Orepon,
at Jaokaonvllle, Orogon, on Ootober 7, ioOB,
vlii ,
Oil H. K. No. 708D, for tbo B'A SR, Byi BWX,
Boo. 28, T. 82 B., R, 8 B. .
He Damon the followInK wltnoaaoa to prove
blB eontlnuooB roatdonoe upon and cultivation
ol aald land, viz:
Outtorm Olson, Olaf R. BJorreiraard, Frank
C. Ladd and R. RaBmnsscn, alt of Troapeot,
Jackson County, Oregon.
J. T. DmnoKS, Register.
IBM. Notice Is boroby glvon tbat tbo following
namca Bottler nan oioa noiioo or urn inioniion
that said proof will bo mado boforo Qua New
oury, eouniy oiem oi jhokboq uouniy, ureaon
at JaokBonvlllo, .Orogon, on Ootobor 7, 1(99
via: i- . i .. ,.
bri H.'E. No. 70411, for tho NW NH
nw4, oeo. col nv r)fi.4t ow. o i. oi a., iv.
He names the following wHoobbos to prove
NIB Di,iiHuuuun rumuuuuw uwu u,,u uui,,vu,,uu
of said land, via: . '
. . olaf It. Blarroaaard. Olara L. Gordon. Frank
0. Ladd and R. Ilumunon, all of 1'ronpoot,
JackBon, County, Oregon.
. ' : . - J.'l'.
UninoKS, Raglater.
Land offloe at Roseburg, Oregon, Auguat 30,
1809. Notice is hereby given that the following
named aetfler bas filed notloo of blB Intontlon
to make final proof In nupport of hla olalm, and
inataaia prooi win no maao ooioro uun now
bury, oounty olork of Jackson County, Orogon,
at Jacksonville, Oregon, on Ootobor 1, ISA,
via: . ' , . , .
On H. K. No. 7674, for the NW, Boo. IB, T. 11
Slt.-S.!-i.i r, i . .(... '
He names the following wltneiMos to prove
his continuous residence upon and oultlvsUoa
Of said land, via! . , . , .
Outtorm Oliwo, Clara L. Qordoa, Prank 0,
Load ana tc. Kaemuaaon, an oi -roepoov, jhok
aon County, Oregon, ,
i. T, Bmdom, neflster
Shone & Schermerhorn
.. The Second-Hand Men
Not second-hand in principle, but in tho mnttor of coods
thoy have now find Hocond-hund of all descriptions
Branch House
Gold Hill
-A r-A, -Ss.
t-.-A at - .s
To aond out of town (or article that can b procured at home.
ripecta all the people of a town to trade with him. And that la qullo
proper and right, tweauaa It la a fair bualneaa propoaltlon.
for mill men iorxprot merchant and all builder to buy their Dmti,
5h, MMildlnft. Ptoorliiff. HmiIIc. and all Mill Product at boms.
la a homo Imalltutlon. Why
In tho Circuit Court of the Htoto of Orotfon, lu
and for Jaoknori County,
W.i Hoflnor. Plaintiff, Hull In Rqnlly for
r ..-ii- tr..tI-'rr-.,.-... f H lHvorOO.
To Luella Hoffucr, tho n Ira vo named dofond-
YOU arc beroby ruqulrod to nppnar and an
awor ths Dhuntlfl m comnlalut lllod amlnnt
you In tbo obove entUloU court, by tbo nut day
or tbo ooMUlnK lorm of auld court, on, to wit:
rue inn uay or iiopmmnor, mw; ana u you tun
to antiwar for want thoruof. tba plaintiff will
apply to tbo court for tbo roll of demanded
inoroiu, wO-wu: t or a qoorco uinnoivuiff mo
bond f of matrimony now oxlntlntc between
nlatnttff and defendant bcroln. and for auoh
olbur aud furtbor docreo ah may to the court
appear oquunDio in iua prommoM.
ThlH Muminonm In publlitbod In Tnr Mrnroitl)
Mail, by order hoinlng da to July '!, 1AM, duly
mado and algnod by Hon II. K, Hatina, one of
the Judaea of tbo Klrxt Judicial Dim riot of
OruKnn ; which order la on fllo wltb the olork of
Hula court.
Dated at Mod ford, Orogon, thin July 9S, IH00.
W. II, Pahkkii,
Plalmirra Attorney.
Land offlco at RoHoburir, OrcRon. Attfruat ta,
1800. Notloo la hereby a Ivun that tho following
named sottlcr hna Hied notlco of hla Intention
to tnalte Unal proof In eupporl of hla claim, and
that aald proof will bo mndo before (lux New
bury, county olork of Juckaon County, Orugon,
atwackMonvllle, Oregon, on Boptombor 1W, ikud,
viz; . i
On II. R. No. 6H3IS, for tbo NX NKU, 8oc. 18, T.
JT 8 It. 8 E. i
Ho nnmos tlio followlnic wltnonaos to provo
hla continuoua reAldonco upon and cultivation
of aald land, via:
Andrew fjiaifR, Jr., cnontor ciagu, Thomaa
Fnrlow and w. H. Ilrndaliaw, all of I.aka
Creyk, Juckson County, Orogon.
J. T. Iliiiunsfl, tloglHtor,
Land office at Kosoliurg, Orojon, Auiriiat 17,
I8W. Notloo In horoliy nlyon Unit tho followltiK
named aoitlor has flloa notleo of hla Intontlon
to mako final proof In support of hla olitlm, and
that aald oroof will bu mndo liofiira w; H.'
Orowoll, oounty Judge of JaokKon County, Oro-
?on, nt Jaokvonvlllu, Oroxon, on Hoirtoml.or SO,
m. vizi , , . ,
, , , CAUL DIEllKHSrHDT, : .
On H. B. No. B3I7. for tho BJ4 NK, NH 8Ui
Us nnmoa tlio following wltnoKHOs to provo
hla Oontlnuoufi roaidonoo upon and cultivation
of sold land, viz: ... ;
II. Von Dor Mullen; of IVdllnn.' Horny Pooh,
of Contral Point, Brnoal Kloliler and John
KorIb, of Lake Crook, all of Japknon County,
Oregon. , . . ., .
( ' , 1. T. DliiuoKij Registor.
VBKrDrarititof nrirnnii sand hodmaHa'
if lr!a sL fvo.
known romvdr for. wnmon eqnnni
i! them, Oannnl do' hrum-llfti to
BflorfiM a plflonuro., t iter httm
For sale by d,tiH.; HiiBklhai' Modforcl.
8uporlor job prlntiugs MAIL offioo.
; : Mr. O. II. Snyder, a well known
cltlxen of Itwreuce, Kan, wild: -"
I m now seventy years of
ge. About three years ago I ex
perienced a coldness or numbness
in the feet, then creeping up my
legs, until It reached my lmdy. I
grew very thin in flesh, appetite
poor ami I did not relish my food,
At last I became tumble to move
about. . I consulted several dis
tinguished physicians, one telling
me I had locomotor ataxia, an
other that I had creeping paral
ysis. ' I took their medicines but
continued to grow worse. Almost
t year ago a friend advised me
to try Dr. Williams' rink rills
for Pale People. Before I had
finished my first box I found they,
were benefiting me. I used twelve
boxes iu all, and was perfectly
cured. Although it is six mouths
since I used my last pill there has
been no recurrence of the disease,"
From Lawrente Journal.
Pr. William.' Pink Pill, for Pale People
contain, la a eemlviuml form, all tho ale.
mania neoeaeery to give uaw life and rich,
aeoe to the blood anil reatore ahattered
aervaa. They are an unfailing sixclSo far
euch dlaaaaea aa locomotor alalia, partial
paralalia, Hi. Vlliia1 damm, aolatli'a, neural
gla,, nervoui headache, the
aflor-eSecia of Hie grip, paliiltallon or the
heart, pale ami aallow romnlriloni, aud all
foruiaof waakneaa allher in mala or fttnale.
Or. Wllllami' Pink Pllli far Pale Paaala Ira attar
aald B IKa doitn ar kuner.d, kul ahaail la
aM. l all aruajliU. or Street tram tka Or. WH
Mima Madlclna Comptn,, lektaietaa'i, N, T., SO
aaala aar aaa.Ssaiai lltO.
Buy, soil and exchange
anything on earth, (Jive
thom a oall at their store,
IWest Side, Medford, Ore
- Si. a--av,-ii a- .. t..
not patronlio It I
A. J. Uamllti. IMulutltT, vm. HoBuiia Wllnon,
John A, Carl lie, and Pelor Appletfato, Do
ftmdufitN. BY VIUTUK of an oxooutlon lanuod out of
tho Circuit Court of thoHtatoof Oretfun, for
lb County of Jaokaon. on the Mod day uf July,
a. v. irw, upon a juukuiCih uuiy renuereu ib
aald court on tbo IWn day of Juno, A. D. ltw.
which Nitld ludffment wan docketed In tbeolerk'a
oltloo of aald court In tho County of Jaokaon.
on tho uund day of July, A. U. lhw. In favor of
A. J. Ilamlln. plaintiff, and aualnHt lioaana
Wllaon and John A. Curllle, defnndaula, oou
HruiliiK tbo attachment llou beriitofore, to wit:
On tho 21th day of May, lHfcU obtained against
the hereinafter dunoribed property aa a Unit
llou OKainnt Ht nroperty, for the a urn of four
bundrod nlnoty doll am and thirty one oonli
(WW, 81), and tho further aum of one hundred
dollar. (DOOM)) attornoy'a feon, and ooata
uimiuulluK to 11 f teen dollar (115 00), and the
coatH and u la hu momenta of thU Nult taxed at
auvunty-lhreodollara andetuhty oonta (HSJW),
nud aooruliiR ooata, and whoroaa. It win or
dered, adJuilKod and dooroed that loo prcmlaua
atloehM an above Indicated, nnd donor I bed aa
follows, be aold aa upon execution at law:
Uovurnmont lot No. 4, In aootlon 18. townahlp
-18 aoutb, of rnntfo I wont of lite Wlllamotlo
Morldlun i nlflo buK'nnlnK at it point 91 chain
and U6 llnka north of tho nouthweit corn or nnd
on tbo wont line of donation land olalm No. 61,
In towntihlp 3 south, of riine a woul of WU
la motto Meridian; thonoo north 41 degreea and
) nilnulflH, wfint 15 .10 ohalna, to the weat lino
of lot 'J, In aectlon 13. In aald townablpi thonoa
north along the weai lino of aald lot No. I u
tbo north wont corner thereof; thonoo oast along;
the north lino of mild aectlon IS to north oast
corner of tmld sootlon 13: thonoo aouth nlong
townxhtp line to tho north lino of aald claim
No. Git thonoo wont along Maid north lino to
northweat corner of aold olalm; the no south
to beginning, oontulnlug In all M.flo aoros,
moro or loan, In JackHon County, Orogon i ulao
all loU 7 and a, In block V In tho Town ot
Medford, In Jack Hon County Oregon, together
with all tonoinonts and hereditaments and an-
purtcnunenn thereto belonging or In anywlHO
appertaining, public notloo id horoby glvon
that on ( - ,
Saturday, September 9, 1899.
At the hour of a o'clock p. m. of Raid day. In
front of the court house In .Jacksonville, Oro
gnu, I will In obodionoo to niild oxeoutlon sell
ull of tho right, tltlo and Intorost of tho aboro
numod dofootlftnts, IloNana WIlHon and John A.
Carlllu, In and to the above dosorlhod proporty,
toflutlsfy said judguioiit. altorupy'o food, oWh
6itd dlabiiVHomonts, oIOm to the highest and buHt
lUilyr, for litwful monoy of tho United Btatos,
' ' - Bhorlff of JaolcHon County, Orogon,
Uulod thlsWday of August, lStty,
Notice to - BuildRrs and Con
, tractors. .
To whom it may. concern notice la horoby
glvon that 1(1 will hi) roonlvcri by tho board of
alroolora or nohool illmrlot, No, D2, JackHoo
County, .Orogon,, uhill .Sontembor 0, ISM, at,
o'clock, n, m., for the building of naohool houa.
In anld dtntrlot, nocordlng to plaoN and anoclO-
catlnnn to bo furnlahnd bv the SlrnntnrH. Pinna
andapooincntlooH nro.opon for Inipoollon t
.nuiitjiinuui w,;,i,jinnRoani, a 'vaiont. too
board reaorvos thorlglt to rojoot. any or all
i By order of board of dlruotora. ' ' '
D, II, IIANBOAM, Olmlrmna, -
,,, , , . D. I1, UniTriAN, Olorli,
PMljr-',!lil I!;, I,-..' I
sulrlniatrlatotliu I'nrla I -apo.lttnu. ivUUtooi