The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, September 08, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Jacksonville Hews.
Horn In Jacksonville, Sept. 4,
lHUt), to Mr. uud Mm. 0. C. Martin,
u son.
The court liouso wnB oloood and
no business trunsaotod Mundny
Luboi Day.
Dr. John Routor, who In a physi
cian for the 0. It. N. Co., In paying
Jacksonville a visit.
: Miss May Huflor, who baa been
topping at Portland for iorae time,
arrived home Sunday.
Judgo Willis, of Koseburg, and
Will Lempke, of Grants Pass, were
visitors hero Tuosduy,
The Misses Orth aro ontortalnlng
tbolr cousin, Mra. Woodward, of
fttaten Island, California.
Mrs. Amelia Elinor and family
have loaned a dwelling houso from
II. Weydaman and moved to town.
Miss OIlie Huflor has heon em
ployed to teach the Moonvillo sohool
anil left for the souno of lior duties
District Attornoy Watson was
hero Tuesday preparing cases for
the circuit court, which convenes
Sept. 11th.
Mrs. A. L. Kitchen lias loased
the MoCully residenoo and will
oouduot a boarding houso during
tho winter. '
Ooorgo Dunn, one of the progres
sive farmers of Ashland product,
was transacting business at the
court house Tuesday.
Poroy McKonzie had the mis
fortune to lose a portion of one of
his fingers Monday, whllo working
on the Times printing press.
Mrs. M. M. Oault and ohlldren
and N. D. Palling and family are
at the hop yards on Anplegate en
joying the novolty of hop picking.
Dr. J. W. Kobinson and family
and Rev. 8. H. Jones returned Sat
urday from a six weeks' vacation
at Pesoadero and Han Francisco,
. Bert Barnes and Harry Helenas
left Saturday for Cresoent City, to
look over the situation for a location.
Mr. Barnes is a jeweler and druggist
and may engage in business in that
Unas. Meier, who has been omel
atlng aa deputy sheriff for sovoral
months, left for California Sunday
to seek employment. His manv
friends wish him sucoesa in his now
Mrs. W. T. Roamos.cfOold Hill,
aooompaniod by her sistor, Miss
MaholTor, and cousin, Miss Pome-
roy, of Crescent City, Bpont Satur
day and Sunday, the guests of Mrs
T. Q. Ttoamos.
Sister Mount Carmol, who was
superior St. Mary's Acadomy some
twolve years ago, has taken charge
of tho school asnin this year. A
largo numbor of pupils wero on
rolled this week.
Ho Koolui tho Surgeons.
All doctors told Konlok Hamilton, of
Weat JelTcraon, O., alter sulfarlnir 18
months from rootul lulula, ho would
dlo unless a ooatly operation was par
formed: but ho ourod himaelf with five
boies of Uuoklon'a Arnloa Salvo, the
uroat pllo ouro on onrth, aud the boat
salvo In mo worm, zo corns a oox.
Sold by Chaa. Strang, drugglat.
Talent News Items.
Levi Morris has moved his fam
ily to Ashland in order to send his
ohlldren to school.
Miss Anna Joffroy, who has had
quite a siege of typhoid fever, is
ablo to be up again.
Quite a number of poople from
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
win a pound m day by taking
tf ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound i it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erly, so that the patient Is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
f: A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health t if you have
not got it you can get it by
ftcctrs f cdsion
j Ym wttl find H utt at lutfol In tmtntt
M In winter, and If you art thriving upon
N eWt stop bscauM tht westhw U warm.
Jac Md (i.w, til dniultli.
; KOTTSiaOWMB.Chmku.NtwYcrk,
Talent have gone Into Josephine
County to pick bops.
Mrs. P. P. Roper, who has beon
quite 111 for some tlmo, Is uuoh im
proved at this writing.
Messrs. Mofllt and Mills, who
huve boon stopping at John Cablor's
place for some time, have moved
tn the A, M. Helms place, above
Samuol Carlllo and John Oarvin
returned homo lust Saturday from
their prospecting trip in the Samp
son crook district, above Ashland.
They report having made quite a
rich strike.
Mr. Bosioly, a brotbor ln law of
L. J. Sloppy, who has been stopping
at Mr. Sleppy's plaoe for the past
two months, started Tuesday morn
ing with his family and Woo. W.
Wells for Fresno, Calif., to resido.
D. Andertou, who has a tannery
and glove fuotory on Anderson
creek, has sold his ranch to J. D.
Dorsey, who came here from Alsoa,
Oregon, a few weeks ugo, and who
bus been living on the Drako place,
In Taleiit.
Table Kock items.
Mrs. S. F. Morlne Is visiting rela
tives at Merlin.
A. L. Robertson has moved bis
family to tho Sisomore place, which
ho recently purchased,
Mr. Jennings' family are among
us once more, and seem glud to be
baok to their old homo,
Tho demands of the assessor's
ofllco are so imperative thoso days
that your correspondent has little
time to dovoto to news gathering.
N. C. Ounn finished hauling grain
to Medford Saturday, and some way,
after daily trips for three weeks, bo
does not look a bit sorry not to
have a ohanoo tooontltiuo,
C. A. Dickison was thinning the
apples in bis oro jard last week, and
still the trees look over-loaded. The
heavy wind Sunday did quite a
little damage to many or them.
The many friends of Mrs. Dick I
son will be glad to learn that the
most encouraging reports of her con
dillon are being sent out. She is
now considered out or dantrer, but
the careful attention of a trainod
nurse is still nooossary.
Tho "Clerk of the Weather"
seems to have forgot en that this is
the time lor bright harvest skies
The rain of Sunday night and Mon
day morning renuored some of the
sticky roads, thrown up in the
spring and not graveled, rattier sort
Harry Neolon met with an acoi
dent that baroly missed being very
serious. He was driving tho uer
rick team for the Glass thrashor,
when ono of tho singletrees broke,
letting the doublotree como back
with such force as to knook him
down. Ho managed to work the
day following, but on the next day
had to como home. For a day or
two he was very siok, but is able to
be around again. Such accidents
aro sometimes attonded with very
serious results and Harry's friends
are all hoping that be will esoape
any such calamity.
J. C. P,
Tho Appetite of a Uoat
la onvlud by all poor dyspeptics whoao
stomacti and liver aro on l ot ordor. All
auoh should know that Dr. King's Now
L.KO fills, tlio wondoriul atomach and
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures ported hoalth ana
groat onorgy. uniy ia conls at Unas
Strang's drug store.
Central foint items.
Sheriff Ormo spent Saturday in
our city.
Joseph Wilson, of Eagle Point,
was in town last Tuesday.
Joseph Mann took a load of fine
potatoes to Ashland on Wednesday
Fred Jones arrived here last Mon
day and will romain for fair week.
There are thirty raoe horseB at
the fair grounds now and more
Mrs. Martha Froil has been very
ill tho last few weeks with liver
J, C. Barnard has just closed a
very suooesstui torm ot sohool at
Eldor J. C, Gregory and family
left for Salem Monday to attend the
M. E. Uonferonco,
Miss Elizabeth Stidham com-
menood a torm of sohool in Chap
parel district last Monday,
Miss M. Stanley, of Ashland, who
has been visiting relatives here, re
turned nome a lew days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey, of
Spikenard, were trading with our
merohanta one day this week,
T. R. Howard, who has been at
tending the distriot fair at Rose
burg, rolurned Homo Monday,
L. 0. Rodonbergor ancTfamily,
who liavo been living at Henley the
past two years, returned homo Inst
Thero Is a yast amount of hay
find flrmin hntner nut in rravn.
hovlsoa hero and ft great quantity
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Clcanses the System
has beon shipped to the outside
Mr. and Mrs. C. Leever, of Vaca-
ville, Calif., who have been visiting
relatives here the past month, lett
for their home Monday.
The Jackson County Sunday
Sohool Convention held at this place
was a success. The attendance was
good and much interest was taken.
There are quite a number of peo
ple camped at the fair grounds,
near town. Great interest is being
taken and a first-class exhibit is
The publio sohool here will open
next Monday with Prof. L. A. Stock
ing, prinoipal, (Ins Samuels and
Misses Anna Clements and Maud
Downing assistants.
Kenneth Rodenberger has joined
the regular army for a three years'
term in tho Philippines. His many
friends here wish him success and
a safe return home.
Archie Pries has secured a place
in the Southern Pacifio machine
shops at Portland, and intends learn'
ing the machinists trade. His many
friends here wish him success.
Gus. Samuels and Miss Lottie
Rowe were united in the holy bonds
of wedlook at the residence of A
S. Jacobs, last Sunday. Their
many friends here wish them a suo
oessful journey through life.
Sams Valley IteruB.
Silas Fleming returned from
Lakeview last week.
Fate Rowe and family have re
turned after a two weeks' outing at
By bee s springs.
S. T. Hodges and K. Foster left
Tuesdiy for Sawyer's Bar, Calif,
to seek employment.
MiBS Cora Oall returned to Ash
land last week after a visit of sev'
eral days with home folks.
A. Sisemore and Geo. Dickey,
together with their families and
Miss Mae Rowe, went to the hop
yards last week, below Grants Pass,
Mr. Robertson and family have
moved from the E. B. Jennings
farm at Table Rock, to the Sisemore
residence at Moonvillo. Mr. Robert
son has leased the Solomon plaoe
for sometime.
A party consisting cf Mr. and
Mrs. L. 0. Sisemore and ohildren,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cardwell, Miss
Frances Barnes and Horace Pelton
left last week for a mouth's outing
at Pelican Bay and Crater lake.
Married At tho residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B
Blanton, Saturday, Sept. 2, 1899,
by Justice C. C. Gall, Frank Miller,
of Seattle, Wash., and Miss Delia
Blanton, of this place. Tho newly
wedded couple are visiting Ashland
Read this.
One hundred and sixty aero rnnoh,
100 acres in oultlvntion, all fenced, good
barn, line stone cellar, etc., joining as
nuo a Block rancn ns more is in Klam
ath County : a well of lco oold water.
three miles from Morrill, in tho Tulo
lako valley. If sold In thirty days bIx
ooBh, balanoo on tlmo or in trade for
town lots in some town in Jnckson
County, Oro, It must bo sold; a bargain
itico mis is not lounci every day.
M. E. Hutchison,
Real Estate Asroni
Office in Wlnoma hotel, Merrill, Oreg,
A. Slover, tho drayman, got him
to do your hauling. Household goods
.nd heavy articles carefully and safely
handled. Teams always handy and
teamsters courteous.
I -Logo! blauka at Tun Mail offloe.
Next Monday will open the Southern
Oregon District Agricultural Sooloty's
tulr lit tho Control Point lair grounds.
It will continue five days; aotlre prep
arations are being made. The grounds
are rapidly being oleaned and the build
ings put in order. The board is taking
aotive measures to make tho coming
lair a grand suooeat and feel confident
It will surpass any held in Southern Or
egon for several years. Encouraging
word Is coming In from every quarter;
the guarantee fund is now nearly all
paid in and the rest Is seeure. There
is more assurance of a good attoudanoe
this yoar than there has been for sev
eral years past and everything Is aus
picious of succoaa.
Tho racing will be the beat ever soon
in this section of the state. The har
ness horses now on the ground are equal
to any In the stale and the running
horses oannot be excelled. Our old
friend, Capt. Work, will proalde in tho
judge's stand, a sufficient assurance
that every race will be a oontesl or tho
people will know the reason why.
The exhibit of all kinds of stook
promises to be good and the pavilion
no doubt will be Oiled. Good premiums
are offered on fanoy work, fruit, etc.
Don't fall to got a premium list, which
aan be obtained from any leading store
In each town. Como, bring your ex
hibits and enjoy a week at the fair.
Gibraltar, Sept. 4. The United
States oruiser Olympia, with Ad
miral Dewey on board, arrived this
morning. The usual salutes were
exchanged between the Olympia
and the garrison. Dewey is slightly
indisposed at present and intends
to live ashore.
During his slay here this after
noon Dewey went ashore and paid
a visit to General Sir Robert Bid'
dulpb, governor and commander
in-cbief of the garrison. The
Olympia is expected to sail Sep
tember 11 direct for New York,
The crew are all well.
alaaaMasPe know
of nothing better to tear the
lining of your throat and
lungs. It Is better than wet
feet to cause bronchitis and
pneumonia. Only keep It
up long enough and you
will succeed in reducing your
weight, losing your appetite,
bringing on a alow fever ana
making everything exactly
right for the germs of con
sumption. Stop coughing snd you
will get well.
cures coughs of every kind.
An ordinary cough disap
pears in a single night. The
racking coughs of bronchitis
are soon completely mas
tered. And, if not too far
along, the coughs of con
sumption are completely
Ask your druggist for one
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
u Plaster.
It will aid the action ot the
Cherry Pectoral.
If TOT, hT say wmpllntwfct.
rr and d.ilr the bit m.dtcl
write u frtW. Too wtlfrocewe a
prompt reply may be ot grMt
Wide to you. Addrut, . m
lUR J. 0. AVKR, Lowtll, Xui
Omci of cooimr TBSAsttmn
or Jackson cotnmr, ursoon,
- jAflMSOMVItXB. OMiaOM . 8flDt. 8.
Notice la hereby alvei ttait Mere are folds In
the county treasury tor the redemption ot all
outstanding county warrants protested from
mm a. IMA tn June 4. ua. both dales inolu-
slvs. Interest on the same Vlll eeisatter the
anovo aate. u. u.jaotbb,
Qonulj Treasurer.
Medford, Saturday, Sept. 9th
Twice as Large and Twice as Good as In '97,
Bringing All New Features I
Society Horse Fair and
The Detachment of Roosevelt's
Rough Riders. Mo Western Cow
boys, but Genuine Rough Riders,
who took part in that Famous Bat
tle of San Juan Sill.
Sousa's Band, Burlesqued by Main's
uwn uiowns.
A Horseback Riding Pony, First
and Only Act of the kind ever ex
hibited. A Complete Children's rienagerle.
Baby Elephants, Baby uonB aim
the Onlv Fair of Living Nursing -Baby
Big, New Idea Free Street Parade
At 10 o'clock each morning. Don't fail to see this mighty
pageant and judge the performance by the parade, Jfree
exhibition on circus grounds after parade.
Admission and Reserved Seat Tickets on Sale at Wolters I Howard's
Commences at 9 o'clock A. M. on Circus Day.
Doors open at I and 7 p.m.
Gentlemanly Ushers in Attendance.
San Francisco, Sept. 4. About
4500 troops are soheduled to leave
here for Manila between September
12 and 15, on the transports Sher-
j-. . i iii i mi
man, urant ana oneriaan. xne
Thirty-first volunteer Infantry, re
cruited from Ohio, Kentuoky, Tenn
essee and West Virginia, and the
Thirty-fourth volunteer infantry
from Colorado, Arizona, New Mex
ioo, Indian Territory, Oklahoma
and Minnesota are in camp await
ing transportation, as are also 850
reoruits for regular commands in
tho Philippines. Three others of
the new volunteer regiments and a
troop of regular cavalry are ex
peoted to oome into camp at the
Presidio from the east within the
next few days.
San Francisco, Sept. 4. The
hospital ship Relief, according to
government offioials here, will not
be made useless by her condemna
tion by the inspectors of hulls and
boilers. She will sail for Manila
about September 15 and will oarry
her force of surgeons and nurses.
At Manila she will serve as a per
manent floating hospital in the bay.
He Wants to Buy Wheat.
) have arranged to be in Medford dur
ing the wheat marketing: season and I
want the farmers to consider me a bid
der In the Cox warehouse for their
wheat, I am prepared to pay the high
est marKet prioo at any wrao me iarnv
era are ready to sell,
U. P. NiL,
Children's Menagerie (
63Horses aa4 Ponies 63. Per
forming in One Ring at One Time;
and Managed by One Man.
Kerslake, the Vermont Boy, with
his Troop of Performing Hogs.
10 Beautiful Lady Hidara, headed
by the Circus Queen, Miss Rot
Dookrlll. - .
10 Dashing Xquaetrimna, . headed
by the Brazilian Horseman, Mar
tina Lo Wanda, Jr.
1000 Horses, Men, Women a net
Performances at 2 and 8 p.nw
Tents Absolutely Waterpaoof.
Winter snoes
The Celebrated
Cushion Bottom
For Men and Women.
fiT These Shoes are Corn Destroyers
All Shoes at Bed Rock Prices
w. T. Kame.
Next Door to
Portland, September 28
October 28. 1899
Horticultural and Agricultural
froducts of Oregon, Washington and
idano in greater variety than ever
before. . .
Bennett's Renowned Military Bani
Miss Alice Raymond
America's Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist
The Unequalled,,
f lorenz Troupe
of Aorobats, direct from the Empire
Theatre, London; tneir nrst appear
anoe in America.
3 Great Sisters Macarte
Unsurpassed Aor lallats In tbolr thrilling acts
And other attractions. A season of
great surprises and astounding
feats. Reduced rates on all trans
continental lines. .
Admission...;......;... .....25ct8
Children Under IS Years, Wots
Don't K it !
vJk aA the very