Jlttl, ,,' ...f, lfl 8KB OUR PREMIUM LIST THI8 WEEK ON Last Pa&e SEE OUR PREMIUM VOL. II, MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1899. NO. 33, PBOVEBBIONAL OAKDfl. JPA E. MUSIIETT, M. i).," KCLKCTIO PHYSICIAN AND 8UH0KON, . '. ! : ' ) ' ' Omco Hid rtmlilotioe with Mm. Ilarudull, oo Nona c .irrai. imwe.n ruin aim main ' i. l)ekour9to II a. m.iillo 4 and T la V p. in '."y, e. pmpp 8 ATTOHNBY AT I. AW I.lndloy Uutldluit. MiHlford, Oroiion M, I- NAKHKIIAN All y at Lu I. II. MAIIIIKOAN Notary 1'ubllo JJAIIRKOAN A NARREGAN, " ATTOKNKYH, AIIHTUACTKIIS AND (ONVKyANCKIlM. HutoraMira la J II, Wbltrniin. Correct nlmtrootn of ovury piece of land In Jttokmin iOiiui. OAce at Mfdford Hank, Modford, Oregon IJAM.MOND A SEARLK, . . ATTOHNKVB AT LAW OKlM In AdklM' Hill. Modford, Or, J, RIRCHGK8BNKR, . rllYBICIAN NO BIT HQ EON - Central 1'olnt, Oregon llodlord orfloo I.lndloy llulldln. Wedneaduy . and Hamrday,v:Soto II a. m on and arier April lu, w. J, M. KERNE, D. D. 8. . OPKIIATIVR DKNTIKTHY A HFKCIAI.TY Offloo. In Adklna-Ueuel block, Mcdlord, Ore W. 8. JONES, PHYSICIAN AND RUUOKON. ' ' Modford. Oregon. tflromoe Opera llloek, J9 8. HOWARD. SURVEYOR AND CIVIL KNOINKKK. U. B. Deputy Mint ml Bumtyor for the flint oi iTOKOD. ifMUimre Miuronn; Mfilford, OrvKOD. J. B. WAIT, FlfYBICIAN AND 80HOX0N OBe In Chllderi' tllxk. Mcdford. Oi E. B. riCKKL, FIIYIIICIAN IAND SIIHOftUN, Oflloe houra-lOlo 13 a. m. ku,l 7 to i p. m Hundaya-lito 1, OMca: Ilaakln Block. Modford, Or W. I, Vawmh. Vrei. n. '. Aokimh, VPrea II L. OII.KKV, Caabler. ...CAPITAL, $50,000.... MEDFORD, -: : ' '-' ' OREGON Loan nooaov on approved aoourlty, reeelva da poelu aunjoot to check and traimnct a irenera banking bualnciia. Your bunlnone aolloUod..., Oorrenpondonta: Ladd ft lliwh, Hnlem. Angta California Baak, Ran ITrauolnca Ladd A Tllton, Portland, Corbln Banking Co., N, Y. J. n. StkWaht, H. B. AkKJHY, ' I'ro.ldont. Vice I'roMdent, , r . i. E. BNYABT, Oaahlor. 1 , The Medford Bank ! '". Mtoroas, OnrooN ' I "' ' ' Capital, $50,000.00 A General Banking Business . Transacted V DIRECTORS: J It, Rtewart, H. K.Ankeny, W, n. Roberta W. B. Crowoll, .. H. II, Whitehead w . V. Towne, ' itoraoo roiion ' MAItt B A LB AM . Qlatiwi wd tM4utin th tuir. PnnuiM B InnrlADl' aTTOWUt. IQc,iiHI.0l)ii PnmUU BUTLER .. . T; JBWBLEB Watch County Bai Repairing t:Mo,Me Builders' DHardware MEDFORD. ORE. J. minrtwpinflirtci uuuuutjuuuj KnisanSiiaisn Bfinnriartirn Kuaiuuuuuisa nnnrmnnrin First-class Rigs rUUblUIIIUai'JUU I nn m UNION LIVERY STABLES 8Sj f M rn aJt nn De KOHOAM A OKSER, Prop. ' Cor. Seventh and B SU. rtedford, Ore. nnrtirnr.fin I rjnnnnnr.nrin Special Attention to Commercial Hen I Mrl'1 Knnfirnntinn DON'T " . . That I bavo tho largest and bent aeleoted stock of furniture, ourpnta, wall papur and wlodow tbadei to be found in South orn Ortigon .... Escape Your Attention... f you are a proaneotlve purobaser yeu will find my (rood Vin hltfnaL In irpiuln am! thn lnwnal In nrlnp. llndAptjilllnir . In oonnootton .... Received Ties, latest in Crash Linen Suits for summer. ' ot;lot CLOTHING cu ,.,,a c pnsenti "W. I- OUR, Mill Foreman. MEDFORD PLANING MILLS.... ITU . . ROBERTS & ORR, Proprietors BUILDERS and MILL MEN. Plans and Specifications Estimates given on all kinds of Mechanical and Mill work Carry a complete line of .. . ROUGH and Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Frame making and Inside Finish a Specialty. ?jjj??,g?)-''.'i-i"0BB' J- E. Olson's old atn nd, Mefjf Qfd, OfegOn !PresoTiT)tions Main Btroot, FRANK W. WAIT; -te. ...STONE YABD General oontraotlne In all linos of stone Cemetery Work a Specialty y All kinds Of marblo, and (rranlte monuments , ordorcd direct from the quary. Yard on Q atreot Commorlolttl Hotel niook - JPKSQPILLE PIBBBLE WOBRS J. O, AVHIPP, Propr. Does General Contracting in all Lines, p.-.-.-.-.-.:-.::-:: GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Jaoksou villo TVA have lately made ox ffG tensive auditions to our stock in Builders' Hardware. Our sup ply; in, this line is complete, from high ly finished Locks and fittings of Yale & Towne, Sargent & Co , to' 'the.' cheapest rim ,IOCK. BEEK & CO. , . .. na Fast Horses Carefol Drirers m-ii on .... LET THE FACT" . t, . ( T A.. WEBB I The finest and latent styles in Shirts, latest in Hats, Linen Hats and ED. ROBERTS, Builder DRESSED LUMBER THE MORTAR DRUG STOE, G. H. HASKIN8, Prop'r. H.. NTMI. IN TM. UNI . Pure Diugi, Patent Iledlolnea, Booka, Btatlonery, . ,, . , , PAINTS n OILS, Tobaceoea.Olgara, Perfumery, Toilet Article! an KVerytning mat ia oarrica in nrai olltai DROU BTOKK ' , Oarefullv ":" Compounded. .Medford Oregon, works : i .,fi; in ii MEDFORD, OREGON CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY ' ' Oregon. A LITTLE OF Owing to the difference in the Average death rate it may be said that three Englishmen live as long as five RassianB. " : ' The entire amount of gold that has reached Seattle this year from Alaska is 14,900,000. That reach ing San Franoisob, $2,700,000,1 The largest cargo of lumber ever taken from Puget round on a single vessel left Port Townsend on the steamer Elm Branch. The cargo consists of 2,900,000 feet, and is destined to Taku and Woosung. The department of agriculture haB received advices that the short age in Russian wheat crops is from 85,000,000 to 125,000,000 bushole as compared to last year. The Prus sian and Austrian wheat crop are average. An enormous quantity of old iron in the shape of anchors, chains, etc, is annually rescued from the sea. During one period of twelve months as much as 120 tons weight' wero dredged up on the eaBt coast of England alcne. George M. Pullman, Jr., and his brother, sons of the famous car builder at Chicago, will go to While Plains, New York, to - take the Keeley cure. Their mother has threatened to cut them off without a penny unless they conquer their cravings for drink. The Tacoma grand jury will in vestigate the killing of Mrs. C. R. Corey by her buBband last March. Dr. Corey shot Mrs. Corey while both were asleep. He was dream ing that a man was attempting to kill his wife and pulled a revolver from under his pillow and fired. The .Oregon girls haven't done as some did in Kansas taken an oath that they would never marry any one but a soldier ; but no doubt a great many of them would rather marry a soldier than any other fel low, and if he is equally worthy in other respects, they are Justified in this discrimination. Portland Tele gram. The seveuly-five million of people scattered over the three million miles of surface of the United States are to be counted and claseifiod nest year. Practically all the work of collecting the material .will be done in th ee months next summer, To oarry it out the census authori ties are now organizing a force of nearly five thousand men. Commercial travelers have com menced a war upon the trusts. It i'b estimated that as a result of the gigantio combinations that at least 35,000 traveling salesmen have been thrown out ' of employment, while not only have the wages thus saved been pocketed by the trusts, but the cost to consumers of truBt pro ductions has been increased. One of the most joyouB evidences of western prosperity was recently furnished by a Kansas wedding in Ford County. There were 300 in vited guests. That in itself is not unuBual in Ford County. But they were fed, and the local aocounts make our mouths water. Une ox was roasted whole,' also throe fat porkers. Seventy-five pies and fifty oakes were baked by the bride's immediate, relatives. Fifteen gal lons of fresh peas were served, also ten gallons of homo-made piokles were distributed. ' ' ; Mormon proselyting in the South ern states has always been attended with considerable risk, J but lately the mountaineers of Kentucky have been especially active in making life a burden for the : Saints. Sev eral Mormon elders have been tarred and feathered, others beaten and ordered to leave the state1. They have appealed for aid to the gov ernor, but if he be a typical south ern man he will have little sympa thy with those traveling ' Saints, who have caused so muoh misery by separating families. Albany Herald.'; ". ' :' "' It is related of Ingersoll thnt some years ago he attended service in a fashionable w8t side church, iking a seat at random. .','A. lady and gentleman later entered the pew and. eyed Ingersoll with dis pleasure, but without recognizing him. After a painful silence the man wrote a line on the fly leaf of a hymn book and passed it to Inger soll. It read: "I pay $300 a year for this pew 1" Ingersoll with un disturbed serenity, wrote a line tin der this and handed the book back. It read: "I congratulate you. : It is a good bargain," and he kept his seat throughout the service'. The state department has re ceived an official report from Consul Henal, at Odessa, Russia, stating that the failure of the crops in many provinces of Europeon Russia is much more serious than is generally admitted. Energetic steps have been taken to meet the situation. The famine districts ' are divided hp, and the government is acquir ing knowledge of the failure in the several districts; ', Employment is also' being given to a large nuuuBer of peasants on special lines of work, such as roadmaking. One of the most difficult questions to be solved is how ' working stock and other animals are to be saved, the hsiy crop being a complete failure. The primeval custom of going about without hats is being revived among women, and to an immense extent.. "If you stand on the cor ner of Broad and -Chestnut streets any evening you will notice," a Philadelphia writer says, "that four out of every five of all the legion of women spinning by on. bicycles are guiltless of any head covering rave that which the poet , pronounces crowning beauty of the sex. ,-; Why is this? Does wearing the hat out of doors have the effect popularly accredited to it- when done in thx house? And do people generally believe it? Or do the women want to give a fair show of the work of the hairdresser? Or do they only want to be as little warm as possi ble?" The i Seattle Post-InteUigencer,-about two months ago, printed fig ures which showed that up to that date over 9000 men had gone to the Alaska mines this season. Since then over 3000 more' have been added to the list. A reasonable estimate as to the amount of money spent by each man for equipment, stores, fare and other expense? would be about $600, and ' accord ingly this season's victims have al ready contributed $7,000,000 to the craze, or an amount considerably in excess of the padded figures of receipts 'of the gold dttst this season. Last season upwards of $15,000,000 was spent by the 25,000 to 30,000 people who rushed into tfie gold fields, and the total output was less than half of $15,000,000. Only in the extreme southwestern corner of Kansas are the grasshop pers giving muoh trouble this. year. There, however, they are thiok and hungiy, and the farmers have adopted an 'ingenious device for gathering them in by : the whole sale. The bottom of a big hayrake is covered with pans filled with 'ker osene oil. At the back of the' rake tall' soreens are ereoted, and. the whole machine is drawn through the alfalfa, fields, the power being furnished by a horse on either side. The "hoppers!' :fly tip as the . ma chine advances, strike the ' soroens, and are thrown or fall down into the pans of oil. That they are rea sonably abundant is shown -by the fact that a bushel of grasshoppers is gathered every 15 minutes. , "Gentlemen, burn plenty of red fire." That was President McKin. V :) ' , LIST THI8 WEEK ' ON Last Page ley's emphatic admonition , to the representatives ; of the ' oitizens : of the district when they called to consult with him regarding the ar rangements for the reception o Ad miral Dewey upon, bis arrival io Washington. When the chief ex- leoutive of the nation views the city on the night of Dewey. day, he will find that bis injunction haa been carried out most faithfully." Ad miral Dewey will be escorted to th capital by a committee on the day the nation's sword is to be presented to him. . That night there wil,be av monster parade., .Every, organiza tion jn the District of Columbia will be invited to participate in the) procession. Every military., body, all the civic, -fraternal, patriotio, social and benevolent societies' 'and the bicycle clube will be included. An energetic effort will be made1 to have each body in the line ; make gomedistinot'.ve illumination on it own account. ' There will be elabo rate illuminations along the line of march. ., $ ... n : -; ,.; :;:-: ; "An Enterprising Firm.".. ... ' There are few men more Wide awake aori enterprising than Cbas. Strang-' -who spares no pains to secure the. beat of everything in his line for bis many -customers. :. He now .has the agenev for Dr. King's New Discovery,, whicbi surely cured consumption, coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing so muoh excite ment all over the country, by its many startling cures. It absolutely- cure asthma, bronchitis, nausea, and all at-, fections of tho throat, chest and lungs. You can test it before buying, by call ingr nl the above drug store' and get a trial bottle free, or regular size fpr 60c and 1.0O. Guaranteed to cure, or price re funded, . . . ' ; .- . , 'i 1 The United States must accept the bad along with the good, pocket the loss as well as the gain in - its hew island possessions. The island of Porto Rico has suffered a terrible calamity; hundreds are dead, and' ten of thousands are rendered home less and impoverished. These peo pie have lately become subjects of the United States, and our govern- ment must promptly and fully re-, lieve (heir necessities. . We did not. exactly figure on such destructive. hurricanes as this when we took Porto Rico from Spain, but since we) have the island we must take it with such hurricanes as come along , and we cannot pfford to let our sub- - jects down there lie prostrate .be-, fore such a blow. While hurri- canes are not unusual in the region .. of the West Indies, and while , they often do much damage, this one, seems to have been a record breaker, so far as. Porto .Rico is , concerned. The Spaniards will doubtless altri- . bute it to the island's : change , of . ownership, but we are suoh ekep tics in this country that we will not concede this. ' ' ' ' 1 " Spain's Greatest Need., , Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain RnanflB h i ninlaN, af . A'lkn O -I- . .uw,0 " V XkLKCU, O, VJ Vt eak nerves had caused severe, pains in the back of, his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest' blood and nar-PA i-nmnriu till null, aam left him. He says this'grand medicine is what his country needs. All Amer ica knows that it cures liver and kidney the stomaob, strengthens the nerves. tlllta vim vlnnn and nnu, llfn f - , -r,u wwn inw OfOI J . muscle, nerve and organ of the body. Every bottle guaranteed, only 60. cents. They Wear Like Iron COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS SPRING BOTTOM PANTS LEVI STRAUSS C0, SAN FRANCISCO, Every Carme ni Ounrntieert.'