LITTLE OF froea .JapsO which 'conditions, are thai an eqoal nuuiber of Caucasians ball be Induced to irntntgrate to the Inlands for every 5,000 Asiatics hereafter to &e admitted. LTliere has. been great difficulty in coaling the transports at Manila, There are 5,400 square miles of whioh hat caused delay in Bunding oal field B n Great Britiari. home the volu nteers. There is now IKa araw in MtiniU 1 An EYERYTHIN6. J millionaire, owns the largest straw 1 berry patch in the world. It cov sua 1,700 acres, and has wade his fortune. in PACIFIC COAST NEWS: ITIMS OF INTWE8T PICKtO STIOM 1 THE WESK'S DISPATCHES. 8 Iluli aS Kasjaa t Mr, M Mra. H. J. Ta.aa, at Pertlaarl Weairaahe ami . Utah Velaatoere eaak-aaa InHim a hMKHlIki tV .,;,...., , j The eruption of the volcano oi Menno Loa, on the island of Hawaii, ooattnuea and serious dajuage ia thieaSMMd to the r t , f, i , ir ' ' A movement has'beeh started paratus, whioh will enable the ships to be coaled at the ratj of C00 tons a. day. iuaiieraieaier .ruutt. nasi eowos nuo. ' -; . j ; - . m i. - been directed .that, old, hulks be !. "Miwsic''t.'!Jlt ... , '," ' Bon them Paoifu railway, was silled ia be loaded .with ooal so that Nieylir-. .,nti, whiu M-nUiuf tsiae me van lava. Dan, Hale, an year-old lad of Lodl, fall off a sidewalk then and rolled ander a a araia fact aud waa trampled to death. " John 'D. ' Oali has beeu 1 appointed kief of polios and James OuttoU chief f ' I'"" ' "''H'.l.l ! I -ri I !--! V no Detier i th incoroora. way oe orougni aiongi tiou of manual training in the cur- 'tr? - , v""' "J v ficulum of the public schools 'in toachlntfryi ; r that stua." - - '- i ... m rprtei.irw witn ao nL. .. ; . .u..;i tviu i.. I miral Dewev. in which he said that inot. but Maj ir Maxse, a British "; V ". ? , l;iIBrror iplorer, has found great herds ; of soremei Dy omoiaia in wasn lopu,,,,,. them aloni the Sobat river, tribu- '"""' . " of.irat wwinn ant or tnn. tuaaun.uon ,wora or san ar nfthn W hits Nile v iwwey. it is noi oeiievea mat n' '"""""""'"'""S ury oi me wmie wue. , or., Friday, and a the new of al death In Maseschueetts more money is u" uro"n T " ' hu u,a- Th ""P" w . i j . -., ,l- s i rew mw uio Kviuru biwiiwv aiuvv bwin do yonra, ana .were vcrr maun invested .n cotton mill, th.nin any 1 Mania M J; othw Mlhomp. other manufacturing industry, but . , ' son bad aafforod alishUy with heart the msking of boots and shoes yield ' - . tronhla, but wa. In oom,rati,ely good " ' lit must htivA hiMn in nrivtatA- anti Kaualfli 1, .iut-u .uu .ninaii not intended for publication. ' Heo- ad hook whoattouded uor kdVuaia4,a 1naiKU.ul rTI.A S.u.i J.tlta the most valuable product Cron statistics are authority for 1 u. r u . j- j aiuband'a dcatUbed. Xhe two deuthi j!??.!-" . .u.! .v. J81" dcred-i occurred within Ave minule. of each the statement that the corn acreage in the corn growing states of the iling the interview.,'1 other. rr-.! n p rv..4 -.'-I. u.. I , IVoteat him wm maila th iun da. middle west this year is the largest) h r l r tl, partoient by poople in Oaliforaia agoiiiiit Ther is ripeiti ybaketv-known and miidti than tlio 6tu - .1 .11 ' ! 1 II recomnieiuied ino worm over. d m!tTwo our-loada roqeivod this woek. MM IUiV 1 i Vehicle -1 U.I i 1 1 K . i--f j ! l.i-ul u.U . J 1899 rtl "V I? , Ideal Bicycles., BLsatiZ i : Second-liand Nyheels, $$ to $25. J. A. WHITMAN, A 41 , Drell ooistxxs or Kxoro: 1. 0. 0. r.Loilm Mo. W, a1i L ball vrf Haturoay at at a. m, LHahanaloaviaaluaaia, u 0, Nnaul, lla. ao. -H M. n o.r. yuuiiie 1. lit. a. -4t- No, no, mueu In I, O, U. r, liall llio amiiid aud rouria weuiwauayi 01 vapu uiudui mi n l. T. l.WTn,i. r wt. voaa.acnM. Ollvo Habekaa LchU No. , bimM ilk all mt MM luira tunhi TiMiinirawomnviMMi iuai . r, b awn. UVUrlJI NlCHIIIMIH. . O. I.1IJ4B WaATRKi HOO. IKK). ' Ai r. A A. M.-Maau ant frMay oil br be for. run nuan .1 D. m.. ill M Mould b.ii ' " N. I.. KHaUAR, : W. V. LirrmooTT, Iteo. Hue. IC. u( Jay txmlni at S . aii ! WQIlMijuo. JJk. iv,iiiUD l ; r i Oiui, KolK. aaun No, ai, ai lallliiK broil K, M. Wiiaoaj Knlbu of Ilia HamaiMiM.-TrlanaS xia. ia. bimim ly rf uiar review o. iae 'Q -.auajrt or raon noma in a. u. aTallalTja). av. VleUlat MlrKalkla i luTivaa apaaieaa. h O.X.-Waaa, Oei W.T.Yoaa, U.K. ' A. 0- U. W Iteiree el lluoor-K.l.. lodl no, oe, aiteie areiy areonn aae louria Tei-ai ula. .J ,.l,k tk H. a n ,1 Mr wit. Mru. C.MKra M, btuiDea, bjM H. A.O. II. W.4.lAi.Mo.a, meeM e tnu inira vreaiiemiaf ib Shone & Schermerhorn of which there is any record Two thousand miners left West Virginia Saturday for western coal field to get better wages. ' Many nines there are compelled to close, cruiser Newark and ordered to as sume command : of the battleship Iowa September 1,' relieving Cap tain Terry, who is ordered home on waiting orders. , The assignment is The situation is becoming alarming of -a . oonneolion among operators, owing to rapid with the D,an. to make the ' Iowa migration.. . the nucleua of a eonaidarabla flHet The Sultan of Bnlu, in warning on the Pucifid coast, and executean Jus subjects to be inenaiy w ins extensive programme of naval ma Americans, describes us as being e,,; ; Beine the only battle "like a box of matcher you strike Bhip of the fleet, the Iowa will one or two and they all blate up." probably rank first among the ships Which is oviaeniiy nis suiutnsnip s Qf thttt station. war of nsvine that we are londed. J J " I .1 ... 1 1 mi. riA.. 1 be war department Has made "The meanest man I ever knew, publio its first complete statement s13 the abort passenger, "waa a fcUow , , . , who got a football and painted It to f customs , traiiSBOtlons with the Iook ke a watermelon. Then daring -several f orto Kico ports tor tne I the summer monttis be kept It consplc- first six months of 1899. The rev- --ly displayed In bla back yard and t 1 1 rkrevj I aiuiuocu uiiuocii ocutu a sitt(c uuir VDuee iroui mi oi.uri.eo cro do haa, i. who hannened to 742, San Juan furnishing 16dl,Wzl take a fancy to the bogus melon." .nrl Pnnnn 2fiS B00. "He certainly had hU mean polnta,' I muu uie tail puaeugcr, uui t auow a The United States has more gold fellow who could give him a discount and then beat him at hla own game. I was In a restaurant once where this fellow waa getting hla dinner.' ' After he had finished be called the waiter who had served him and asked; 'How much do yon get for a tip as a ruler "The waiter's eyes sparkled. He rob bed bla bands together and replied Well. sah.we glnally gits at least a qua tab, - bat sometimes1 nice, genteel prosperous iookin gemmana like you fives as 00 cents.' "Tben wbat did this fellow do but put on bis bat and say: rnnnks. I merely wanted to know- how much I was going to be ahead br not giving you anytbing.' " Cbicaeo news. ' than any other country $975,000, , 000; France is next with $810, , 000,000 Not only is this condi ' lion unprecedented, but the indica tions are that the gold in this ooun- . try will increase, but actually and relatively. With flames leaping twenty feet Jtiigh from its entire length, a lum ber train ran at top speed from : Baritan to Somerville, N. J where Ire-engines stood waiting to put .out the fire. The flames started the night before, and the sight of a 4ying train of fire was a grand one Mrs. Theresa Geary, of New York, could not make her teeth look like pearl with powder, so she tried car- bolio acid on them. Then she creamed and a hospital doctor gashed to her home and cooled her gums. She is all right now, with .her mouth full of cotton . Pour water-spouts towering above the sea and hissing like serpent jnonsters, chased the ' brigantino Daisy out of the Gulf Stream last Sunday. Captain Dixon says he iid "hot expect to escape until light aiing struck the water-spouts and m de them collapse when nearly upon the ship. "' ' Because the Princess of Wales, instead of going shopping, has dealers bring goods to her residence for her to select from, a London correspondent writes of it as if it srere something wonderful. Over here that sort of thing is so common that we put "no peddler" signs on Have Yob a Ma tent A man whose feet do not track stoo ped us on the street the other day aud aaid: "The phenomenal good health of smokers Is not due to tobacco alone Smoker carry matches loose In their pockets and It Is the sulphur on Uie matches that surrounds the body with an aura or protection. What smoki ana suipnar won't do in tne way oi killing microbes Is not worth mention Ing." We offer this, for the benefit ol the old chronics who "can . stop amok Ing any time they want , to,", but wb never bump up against the time when tbey want to. Denver Boad. ; i. . Phatea-raahlBC y Hast. . A sensitive plate exposed : to-dark heat waves will ultimately become af rected. Wltb -the plate still covered the same result would occur from- Hgbi waves, socb as proceed from the sun' iignt. a ralr test Is to expose an aluminium disk to tk Ir action. X roj-t Lnrucuair IUIB ILCWl, HUU 11 IB prODIUm' that beat waves and others can affis-j the photographic plate. ,: " oauraa-a guar. Answer. . , - iuuu nuuyan wrote "Tne fllgrlin Progress': In. Bedford Jail, where he was confined for his religion. A Quak er came to the. prison and thus .ad' dressed him: . .,.' ,.'. ' Friend Bunvnn. the Tvint hath um our own royal front steps to prevent me to seek for tbee, and I have been it. r : v- . i- . i turougn several counties in search- or - , meo ana now i am glad I nave found From Denver comes a complaint thee.'',. ,., ... , ,,,.,; i gainst a too wise publio impound' Bunyan, replied, "Friend, , thou dbsf The dog catcher stands on the i". T , I it ' !Aw ' I - w arw-aa tvi wo, avi IUO Wl U corner and loudly cajls ere. well knows that I have boea Jo this Dewey! Here, Deweyl" and -then Jail for tome yean, and if be had. seat1 -b.i fito . nnri OB 4nAaa J. UW WUUiU UAVB SCUl W9Q UeTQ ' 1I OkUOl d iu ' -tv luvaivoo tugiGOO uvP I fCtly' that answer to their name. It is truly to be regretted that so many brindle curs have been named for our greatest naval hero. Five thousand white farm hands Are wanted by the Hawaiian sugar planters to meet the conditions' im posed by the fjawaiian 'Govern- CnnniiB Rmm. ' Of "bright, witty, learned and "cute people' we can : find, ,'wboW battalions In every community,, but when you go; In search of people possesBed of good, hard common sense they are not .bo easy to find. Punxsutawney Spirit. ' , . Keeps Da Worried. The greatest nuisance In any com- Aient upon the grant of a privilege clalty of finding norms in the foA 4ft import more contrao, laborers I Washington Post the aotion of tho secrtitary in nauiiug ana of the uow annured uruisera in hon or of that slate. It la oouuuided by those making the protest that the state la entitled to the hence of having a first- olaas batua-ablp named for it. The largest cargo of hunber ever taken from Paget sound ou a aiugle vessel left Port To wu Bend , on the Btoanior Sim Branch, , The cargo oousista of 9,900, 000 feet, aud ia destined to Takn aod Woosnug.,ilr. 1 Joseph Brooks of Hlllsboro, Or., is be ing sued by his wife's parents for BSO, which amount they claim is doe them by Brooks for giving . their consent to bis marrutga to their daughter.. .. . . Frank - P. j Sweeney, a . newspaper reporter of Redding, Oil., was reountly drowned in the Saanuuento river by tho upsetting of a boat. Prof. Le Conte, hood of the geologi cal department in the University of Onl fornia thinks that there is no connec tion between the recent volcanio erup tion in Hawaii and the Southern Cali fornia earthquakes. .. . , Labor ou railway work and iu har vesting crops, eta, is still reported very aooroe in California. The Southern Pa mfio company say that their construc tion work is delayed because of inability to get laboturs. .The California state fair at Sacral mento, Oal.; will be from Sept. 4 to Sept. 16, inclusive. - Secretary Shields and those connected with it are sparing no enorts to make it a soooeas. , Tho various departments will be of Interest to all visitors. In the two weeks' racing HO,ouu win oe competed ror, the me chanical display will be of unusual merit and the daily celebrations by various or ganisations will be a feature that can not fail to be of interest to alL i An accident owing to a land slide on the Brie railroad near Port Jervis. N, y., reuniting in the death -of Stephen Untwater, ' engineer, and Frod Sells, Breman, or tne train, Fire broke out in a fruit warehouse at San Jose Sunday, and destroyed $40.- 000 worth of property mostly Drones wmcn were stored tnere. . Jacob, Rosenborg, a wealthy business man of Ban Franmaoo, fell dead there Sunday. He was a pioneer of Oal I fornia and In early days was couneoted with the Marysviflo Appeal. The chief of nollce of Soattln Uimroi an order, last Saturday that all saloons should be closed on Sundays, ' The body, of Oeorge BranuiKan. steamboat oook,. was found flouting in tne. oy an Deanie, ounaay; ' Me was last seen intoxicated and 'is supposed to nave fallen overboard. The Soatbertt Psolflo oompany has in. creased its capital stock from 1160.000 000 to 800,000,000, pending the reorgan isation of the Central Paoifio company and. It's consolidation with the Southern Pacific compear.;... ... The Hayes-Chynoweth mansion., near San Jose, was totally destroyed br fire Sunday afternoon. .The loss will reach 1176,000. xvi 7.-..I -I - A Southern Paciflo auuutnuKr (Mil,, and att'eztra collided near log Angalei Sunday and both, trains were wreckedl No body was killed, although some: of mv w.u wdw tv.. utjuieu uy jumping. a area oight-lnoh rifles. -have been shipped from Fort Monroe, To., to Siui Franoisoo 'where they 'will bo mounted lor defense. .i v s i ' i The First Nebraska infantrr and the Utah battery,' voluhteera, reached San Froudsoo Baturday from tho Philippines 6u the 'transport Hailcook. ., ,The soldiers went Into, camp at. tlie .Presidio, where fruujr will au uiuntereu our. . . ... , The Oopidentul Smoltiueoomimnv hu bonght the Kirklaud; Wash.t townsite near Seattle, and la credited with im-i mediate intention to build-and operate a large smelting plant,.' -,A . i ,f.,,i i.-j James J. Hill president of the Cirani. Northern roilwaycsays that he sent 18 000 track' laborers out In the last IS! months, and yet has had not moro than SeOO men at work at any ono time, thn conclusion being that tho most of them find work that suit them hotter In other lines. West of the Dakota he oinpldys more Japs than men of any otuor. na tionality, not from choioe, but. because he was obliged to. .1 The Second-Hand Men Not second-hand in principle, but in Uie mattor of goodB they have new and ueoouu-nand ot all derjoriptions - Buy, sell and exchange anything on earth,, ; (Jive I hem a call at their store, (West Side, Medford, Ore Ranges Branoh Bouse i Gold Hill : ,: 4 IT IS UNFAIR i' To MDd oat ot town lor arUolei that can oe pnwurerl at bono. THE MERCHANT ipeu kII the pMplaot Iowd to trde with blin. And lhi U quite . v pnrvcr and ribi, Imciium It U Inir UuiIdcm propvtlUoo. IT 18 JUST A8 FAIR . for mil) men to eiprrt mvrcbinu and ftll balldera to buy ItiiMr Doora, 5tUs, Motfldloft, PIosm Ins , RmiIc, aod ll Mill Prod uo la at bomo. GRAY 6 BRADBURY'S PLANING MILL 1 Is a home ImntUutloo. Wbjr net patraalie IL I J.. H. Smith was drowned in Ban Franubno bay Sundy, while Ashing. Seattlo, Waah., is to have a govern aaunt assay oOtos. - - There is a ganerol advance of (3 par thousand feet on lumber. ' A branch line ot the Sierra railroad is to be built from Jamestown to Angola, Cal. ' , Skagwuy, Alaska, and Dawson, N. W. T., will beconneotod by telegraph October 1, 1899. . . .... . The Phuenix, Ariaona, street railway ti to be sold for failure to pay interest on its bonds. " Government engineers have complet ed the survey for the new (40,000 reaor-' voir near Florence, A. T. ' Moran Bros, arc putting In a big lot of shipbuilding machinery In their Seat tie, Wash., establishment. , War rovonue stamos to the value of 13100 were aOUed to a deed in Oakland, ni .1 . ... .... . . recently. Tio waK found in a yxA, where he luul fallen. He was only recently elected presiilout of the Oouuty bank. Ho poamiaoU Uurgu Uuded IuUt aata. . The Call fornia Pish ooinpany of Sun Pedro petitioned for a franchlsu to con. struct n 800-foot wharf aloug tho east ern water frout at Sou Pedro. The granting of tho petition ia opposud by the Terminal ltuilway oompony, which alleges that other partius besides the flnh company are behiud the roquost and Wish to secure waiur frout faoilitiea. j Forest fires are raging hi Culavernt oouuty. The foothill district between Valley Springe and San Andreas is 111 most dovasmted, Fenous, barns, hounee, telegnkph k1oh, oto., havo boon swept away. A great many bead of stuck have perished. Brokeman J, A.' Whyte, while mak ing a coupling at Dnmunulr wow caught between the platforms of two oars, ow. -v Ant lonnav ib ui uinin ki: their kal la the spare blooa, i V aUlut uruiuvramviieu 10 aiienn. J. W. LAWTOB, w i wahhboab, Koeenler. woearaea el tea wcrloonip No. to, tneolH evsnr muay ereaiaa ia aukiua-ueaai nioek Hoainni, urogua, Jul Hhomb, (Mark, IhalSa. m . Vpfttan W. U.MssasH (ThryNitiiilii'uiuui Clrolr, No. at, WoawB of Worxlorafl Mucin nncoail and fourll Tuawlarn ot uh miKttli at m. In Wootlatca hall. VUllllis Wlvri Invited. ! . " . UAMia WaaS, U, M. AHA M. Mu.ia. Clerk. i W. it. 0,-Ousamr A. Arthur Oorpj Ho. M Wooilinaa'. hall. i noet seoend and lou-'h Krlilay et eaob uiiinth at U o'oloek u. .. . . . - - alaa. J.ll. WUITMAJ Pre.. Mas. N. II. USAiisvari Hoe. r A. Ar niveiii in wouduian'a ball every ateoad aud (yurlh Muuday nlshl In h uwuth al 7:.v. UilllliK Ooiurailenuonjltllj larlli la allend. 0 A.HOaHuMAm, Oua. M. H. UAMim. Aillulant. W. (). T. 11 . MlMltM nvnrw nlt Wm.Ihm.1. la the Hallvy Dloek. . ' Mrs. Ma .'" Hoc. . OBDMHit or ausromD. Smnt Mark HplMopai minaa eeaoei mrln ai unurca nvery Nunoaj Mruliii al Hcv. Wm.llorCUocluria. a. 1'uiU. at KeUcepal utiuroli nvei UOClOUK. HCV, Buporlatabiloul MotiiMtlit Kplaropal Ckurra-U. N. Hetinda. paauir. Hrnaolilns nv.rv SabUalta at II a. oi., and 7:30 0. lu. Hmiilav arhiKil at in m m ll r Ullkey, aupt. claaa raiwtlns every Mabbnth at eioaa or aennon, Levi laaeeit, load or; Hp .,rtli Inasuo umry Nabhaih evening at ), O. Kauovit, prmi. Kesulai nonbly prayer moot Intf evorv Wmlnradav atunlttn at 9 tu aowlngoirrle overt aeek. Mlaalunan aoekily nieeia lliu Ural Krluay in aautt aiontb. . , I'reabvlurlan Oboreh llev. A ll.h,i.; . tor. I'rraobliur al II a. ra. and 7:80 p. ai.' Hi uaj acuiHii hi iu a. IU. 1 , l. a. IX IE.. un- SS p.m. Junior Huololy at p. ni'., Hujuiay.' 'V'tl """""S ou VVedneailay evf nlnj at I it) llniilUt eburrb O. N. adhm imiio. ' ur.. ahlp aud prearblnir itvrrv Hundav nomln. mnl evrDlnir at uaual boura rur obureb aanrlora Cnvennnt merlins m Melurdayal e'olek pre civillng i-acli Umt Humlai . 1'rayor aitetlns on nwinraiiaj ernninir. naptiat venna I'eoplee Union tenet at t:30an Sumlav ir... ,Jm. day ai'bool al IU a. in Cbrlaltall eburctt coriier oi Rtxte km atresia. Preaching at II a. at. and 1. p. ai. Sunduv arboul it Id. m jua,,i- Vma.., S p. .ni. I V. I'.M.C. K. ai ; p. ra., ilwor rapeung every Tburaday evnulns. Luilca U imarv Aui arv ml) w ii a T... day 7:su I'. M. each uiontk. Uheral tlnloo"',,y ,nl'7!i,I' The peeple weloome. O. J. GUI paatur. ltealdoa at lie cburvb. Metbodlal Kpuwopal (.'buret Soalh-Rev. K. f Mllaun, penuir. J'reaoUlog every Sunday al II a. m. anil 7 p m. i Suuilny cl out ul 10 a. m : Kpwortb League, prayer and pralae uitelliig each Sunday all) p. in. i I'rayer tneellnir WmIofi. evening aito'clunk; Women's Ileum Mlulon Bocl.ty mcota Orel Tbur.iiay In -cb moulli al isup.m,' Mra.K. II. I'loktl, praaidenl. r CnL, rocoutly,. transferring the prop. Ing to the ooupUngs passiug oaoh other. "" uaauaua . rrowir oompony w Ho was taken to the Saoramento hosp tal the Contra Costa Water oompauy., " Uoyd Tevis, the well-known bmrineaa man and canltalirt of San Franoiaoo. I died tuddonly at his home a few days ' Ctarenoe W..BnrreH, son of Edward Bnrrell. "a nlonoer of As-newa. was . killed by being dragged to death by a horse.' He was ozeroising the animal and hod one, end of a twenty-inoh , rope wound around his arm,, the other j end being about the horse's neok. In It ia thought he has received serious in ternal injury, several ribs being broken, Serious forest fires are reported bo- tween Oiuluun and Neah bay, Wash far several days there ha been no tele- graphio oommnnioation between tfaow points. ' .i ii ' Edward H. ' Bragg, a Paciflo ' ooast pioneer, well known in Oaliforula and Nevada-died at Seattle Sunday of hoart failure. There is this year for the first time s . i i .twin w w j, .v ww i . 11117 m some way he; was thrown down, and, I disposition' on the part of tho almond being unablo to oxtrlcate himself from the rope, was kicked aud dragged to aeatn. , He was US years of age, Ohorlos Blaucbard. a printer In Nana, assaulted John Kufer, a bartender,: at the Hevere House, with a nockot knife. inflioting a dangerous wound in- the right eye. Threats to send her to a reform school for staying out late one night, prompted Emma Kolte, 17 years of ago, of Lot Angejos, to commit suicide by takina atryoiuunov .. , - The president has appointed the fol. lowing from 'the Second Oregon reiri- ment tO'be 'eapthlnS'in the volunteer army i ' A. Q. ProStoH, formerly Captain! A. J. Brasee, formerly first lieutenant; B. P, Crowno, formerly adjutant of ths reglmoht,,ll , ..',; , - Iavwronoe Strove Was shot in a saloon in Watsonvillo by: Peter Storm, Both aro prominent farmers. Tlie mell 'have not been on good terms, aud when thov mot.eoch ungngir'd Id 'angry wonls, fol lowed by blows., ' ' Boforo byHtitnderi could iutttrfuro Storm pulled a pistol and fired, Tho shot' entered Stmve'i loft sido, glunccd on a rib und lodged In the muscles of buck. V. A. Oreeg. cx-imnerior judge of Ban Luis pblBpo county, (liodof apoplexy growers of the state to unite iu market ing tholr product. Local organlsatioui are bolng formed and thoro Is talk of a gtate.orgaulattlou, The main (IKTlouHj mini to bo that' the almond-growing districts i are hundreds of) ration' apart and it oosts money to get, together, and transact busineaa. The dlatriota in tin oountloa of San Joexmin, Yolo and Sut ter are well situated toaot," ' ;. - , The weather in the southern ooauttai has been Ideal for fruit drying, and tht aprloot oropi about . ofi the traya.,'. During June Hninboldt oouuty uliippod 870,430 ponnas or rmtter, tbo largenl amount ever shipped 1 ono moiith.from that conn ty. .v " -v K. i A j mutual lOanranoe company bai been inoorporated. iu San Bernadinc oouuty, whiuli' iimkoa tho third oouuty luauranoe oompauy In operation lu Call. fornia. i Be)orts ludloato that the oropsof east ern WiwhlnKton mid Orogon will Im better Mian autieipntod, but the fruit oropa aro very poor.. , ' The Anaheim nprloot arop him ttirnod out Ixittor tlutii wan expooliiid, anil that after Hupplylug thn oitiinerfl thuro will be a good quuntity dried. For oiuinora' two prlues have raugod from 3i. 60 to wr.oo; jVfORTHEBN jUl PACIFIC RY. R U Pullman Elegant Tourists FHEE : COLONS 8X Cars Diniog Cars ;; Sleeoini; Cars - TO 1 1 8LKEPEU3 ev: aiut ' MtNHCAeOLIB Obanb roe a a caeoKeroN J HRltNA AMB i mm mm COCAOO WASJONOTON --PHII-ADIIPHIA rttW YORK BOSTON AND AI,L POINTS EAST ANO SOOTH ni 7 i.. 0 '',','( M -t--.1 f '-'i ? Aj.Di CjHARtTOM, AMlatantOvneralPaManger'Anrit No, aw Mbrrlaon Bt cor Tlrd. r awoiti.'rxJn.Mxs. .oam Or W.'T. York, Tlokot Agent, i f-r -., .. atoniora, urogon, Hotel Nash; Barber Shop Bates Bros.. Prona First clnes work In all branohca of the tonaorlal urt.: Satlsfuotlon ' guaranteed. . .. ! HOT AND COLD BATHS i.