a 'ii 'd ' V ' ' 3 nr frrr)rrrrrT rriTTi $300 IT r tiiU w r ! "ii Jl lilt ill I ; il'i'Ji 11 a aL iaa .v i bm S300 I I . I H . ItaV.laaal I aTB , la , I laaal i.laaal'laaal r..M R fa -' ' PREMIUMS Will de , 5' Given Away hkk ouu i'iikmiijk orritR NKXT WKKK. rftornuoNiL oabm. JDA K. MVSHETT t KOLHOTIO I'll YHIOMN AND BUKOKOH, 1 Ofaoa tat realaanea with Mm. Ilarkaall, oa Monk C etr ti, iMtwtan flflk ea HUM Of aaboura Moil a. rn.it to 4 and 7 to I V. u. MtfTtMf lro. W. . pi.'":?? rioU -'.V, f : 1 " r ' ' t f ' ATTORNEY AT LAW ' t '1 " f '.. LnOlof Uulldliif. J x Hertford, Orafoo M. U MAHHKOAM AU'y al Urn . I. a. HHenim Hoiary I'ubllc JAUUROAN A'NARRKOAN, ATTOHNKVrt, A IIHTIUUTHKH AND 1 CONVKYANCKItH, Buootaaora to J II, Wbllmao, Correct abatraala or ovury pioce ol land In Juuknun County. IXtM at M1 ford llaek, aledford, Oracca HAMm'on i) 4 bkArlk; ; M " ... ATTOUNKYS AT LAW la Adklna' Mk. - Kaolord, or. 15, KIRCUOKSSNBR, 1 PHYSICIAN AND BUKOKOI. ,iS Caalral I'olnt, Orocoa. Mmtford ofnoo-l.lnlloy llulldlntf. Wodrwadat aad Hatunlay, V:ao to II a. m on and efiar April 10, 'W. , . , J, M. KICK NIC, D. I). 8. OI'KIIATIVK DKNTIHTItY A BI'KOIALTY. OAtooa la Ariklua-Dauol block, Mcdford, Ora. ' V. 8- J0NK8, l'HYHICIAN AND HUKOKON. . " . : ' -! ' ; ModfofO. OracoB. aT"OMoo-Oiara Block. J, 8 HOWARD, v ' UORVKYOK AND CIVIL KNOINKKR. U. B. Dnpuly Mlnrral Hurrr-for lor tbo 8 lata of Orcnuu. I'oatoRloe addroaa: t tl Mettford, Orrffon. - j;b.;wait, ;" ; , PHYSICIAN AND MtllWlaSOS, . 0B in Chlldcra' Black, i , Mtdonl, Or ' ' PHYSICIAN AND Bllll'ltOK, : Ufflo boura-lOU) 13 a. m, uuJ 2 to 4 p, m. Bu.day-iau.! . aadford.Or . oner, litukin nlocki r ; ? ,, , ; , W. I. Vwtb. Priw. U. V. AimiM. V Pro , II UOILKRY, Cwklor. , Jackson County- Bank ".l .CAPITAL; Iso.ooo .. ,'f MKDPORD,"- ; r-2t;:lirx9BE01' Loan moaoy on approved aooaritjr, reoaira da- Kiln aubloot to obook and Iranaaot a gtinera kl bualoona. Your bualiwlcltwUj. . Pam-pondonwi-Udd A llaah Halmn. Aaala ll(omla Birnk, Baa rVanjW: Udd A Tllton, Portland, Oorbln HnnklafOo., N. T. J, II. STaWABT, " Jl. E. ANKtNY. . Priidni. .... vico mmm. J. U. Kntaht, Cntblar, The "Medfoni Bnkn Mtoroao, 0fao k - Capital. $50,000.00 a n 1 n.uLIMa D(iA!MHA r iienerai oanmnK duiho i j " Transacted- D1HW1T0KB! 1 . r J II. fltowart, 1 ll. K. AnWa; ' W. D. tlAbarta W. B. Orowoll, H. . WMtjntiMl . . W . V.Toamr,, HorMa,eellmi Kfi 1 Okaam and onnlinta lh kdr. BUTLER ...JEWELER Watch Repairing ? m-rrz - "Vat- i -v ' -or- -v- rr - Nrr vr , VOL.? mm Tactile 18 A SEASONABLE SUBJECT ! For an an just now. Pursont who desire a nice va rioty of Hods, ltooll and FlieB,' from which to choose their fishing outfit ctfiv find what thejr want' in our assortment. It will pay you; to pxaniiho' t 'as jX-QW '.KATKS will bo oar motto. And sates. jriUH far go to prove t that the pricoa and , goods . are all right. jr. beek & oo. nnnniffi)Nna' UuhiULltjuuuU Plrst-class RUss L'uuuu'juauu finrihpinitn r.n pinnnnnnnnn IUUUUUUUJ UNION LIVERY STABLES Sj nn - c nn aid 1 t a a;vDVim i ' ' . rwit . B Cl nnf? B It l D fl ' Cor. Seventh an UUL'UUUKUUH iinnnnnnnnn tLlt'Ul.-JLl'Jli'J . nnnnnnnciniri DOtaiuJiirJcU BoonruiRinnii auBUuutJuuti " Special Attention to Commercial nen aJU -fl. aV. -A A - DON'T LET That I hve tholarifOBt . oarwU, Kali paper and V- ' i" irn unison a -. - , Etcape Your Attention... vr ' ' ' II jou aro a proapective in eonnoatlon v .... Ml 1 1 . Just Received 51 3 Tics, latest in Crash Linen Suits for summer. 'it Latent in all 21 '.. ,' kinds of IS-Call and S. Rosenthal. 41 aeo W. L. ORR, Mill Poi oman. BEDFORD PLANING MILLS.... 1TII ROBERTS & ORR. Proprietors BUILDERS and MILL MEN. Plans and Specifications '.Estimates given on all kindB of Mechanical and Mill work ' Carry a oomploto line of ., .. v' Sash,' Odors and Mouldings. Frame making and Inside Finish a Specialty. . Place of huineM, J. E. OjfcOn'B "! j.jgrjilrtedfOfdi OfefiOII lresorlt5ttons "' Oarefallv Compounded. Main BtrMt, -f fi-' W.' WAIT ' 7 V... STONE YARD General bontraolitift'lft all!llrieB of stone GernetervW6rk-A '''aiSbBClalty.'1'-' v" (iIm .-. , . h, ..mi; l iit'ivn I,,,, ,;.,., All kinds o( marble roJ graulto monuments 1 J M.I FutM M n'.tBHrt " Vl UUrcU UU1AIMIVUI v.iw Hu.j... Yard on 0 atroot Tpa Oommorlolal Hotel Block j O. WHIPP, Does' General Contracting in all GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. J aoksonville. IEDFPBD, JACISOH COUNTT, OBEQOl, FE1DAT, AUQU3TU, 1899. V i. - 4 Fast Horses PflMfal HiriaoM Hf! bUbllU LllllbU SS ) uafl nm 'J " .mi ayiJ CD u a. mtrnn ri - ca voba,, nvvv. .. . LiU u su. neaiora, ure. na J aafl nn il A.. Si on i iA - A.A - A,- - A-A-A. THE FACT and boat aolcctod Block of furniture, arluitow abado to bo found in South - purcnaaur yen win nna my gooat tt .1. A. WEBB , The finest and latest styles in Shirts, latest in Hats, Linen Hats and CLOTHING ED. ItOBEHTS, Builder THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, ,0. H.HASKrNS, Prop'r.' "' "j j Haa aatHiaa in th U" '1' , i- Pura Diaga, Patent MwllolnM, Booka, 8UtlonTF.., .,...,11 . . . i,: : PAINTS " OILS, TDbaocoea,CliaJ,Prfamei7,TolliiV ArllclM an BvcrytinoJt tbat la carried la a Brat-. , . ; olaaaDROU BTORR . ,. Mddford Oregon. works ,,., MEDFORDrOREQON' 3?r opr. Lines. . . .. i. .r j ( WORKS CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Oregon if)!: I ' I'. 1 OREGON Ull .1 f :r:',"-,r !,(,-,: j; i II ' ,1 Ul III I 't'J.'l: .i li'.r it-.l v , , Wabiiinqto, July 27.-rTbe,prog reaa made with the' btet-Bugar in- dutry, in both Oregon and Waiih ington, during the year 18l8j quite fully treated in a ,now reporl, of Secretary Wilson, of the agricul ture department. In t be, opinion of the department, Oregon is one 61 the most promising localities in the; country for successful heet culture, and Washington is said, to be, in many respects, admirably suited to beet oulture, although the advan tage, small though it be, is in favor of the former state. 'Tbo average size of tbe Oregon beet's submitted to the department for examination was 20 ounces, and the content of sugar was exceptionally high, being reported at 141 per cent, while tbe purity was equally high, being' re ported Bt 83.4 per ee'nfcV The fac tory at La Grande, Or.,, started op and demonstrated its ability to work up about 100 tone of bee te more per day thani'; was originally designed for, although it failed to receive sufficient' fats' to test' ils".pap'acity. Tbe season's product, ;. however, proved that ''good beets ' could be raised in that locality in quantities sufficient to make the production profitable to the farmers. :. .'f ? It has been reported to the- de partment that : Medford; Or.,. 'and vioinity, grew sunar beete of a; very fino quality, end it is (aid tbat Mr. Sprcckels, ,tbe sugar! king, . is in communication wilb the sugar men at Medford, hoping to build a fac tory there. . This is in the extreme southwestern part of; Orraon, and that country will undoubtedly I?pld out strong inducements - for those interested in this industry.' ' About 250 analyses . were made during the past year of beets' grown in Uregon, we experiments , peinjt conducted under' the direotion 'of Professor G;' W; Shaw ' chemwtj The places in .tbe state . indicating the best results and the beet- condi tions for producing sugar beets are Eastern and Southern. Oregon, pur tioularly Union; Umatilla and Mai- , heur.: Counties,, jn',t)ie'' east, ,'ahd Jackson County in the south ; The experiments indicated tnat tne av eruge oost of produoing sugar, beete is about $30 per acre, with an aver age y ield of about 15, tpns per acre under proper cultivatioin A factory was built, equipped and ' started jin operation Inst year. , at tL.& Urande, in Union County. There is strong probability'of factoriea at Ontario, Mainour i uounty,i ana i iueaioa,' Jackson County, in the near future. Ai present;, the of Oregon does not offer apy. bounty ither on bets or sugar j but there id pending be fore the legislature"' a bill,, for ! a bounty on beets, with a strong prob . It is rather,, interesting to note that beets weighing as much as' ili uuuutja nave ubcii riuocu vreguu. although the average weight in the state is 16.3 punces,' Whicb' is 'coti. sidered a very rgpp4, jiizei not too. large so as to be coarse and ; pulpy, ahdnpttpsii) to handle. In a number of iastaticea, beets have' been1 raised ' that have yielded fit ittle'byer2. per'.'cei bf:i sugar in .the. juices. The- average eoeffioieht nf titiritv in 'three 1 ooun tiea IB, B8.D, put tpe .igDest , stanqs at 04, .The average yield in totiB, per aore.'itiWaBhiivgtOii, Clackamas ana jaoason vounueB,ii8 an uiga ub 28.75i although 35 tons were ralsejd to the apre by onepty,, ,lDib.08c three counties tbe time from plant inp toharvesling ftvernges about fi 4. il U-i';:iu lilwnil -l 'ill V'i V.O Professor Qi i-W.' ShaW,' dhemit of the Oregon state experiment elf tion, ih a spediKl rejortj states that iu 1807 the yield per aore in Wash- K0.'31. iitytbn' bounty wa( i 157,'at a cost of 124; in Clackamas' Couiitv, 17.4 Minn, av Tio; in jbckboii vuuiiij. 15.8 ton", cost not known; and - ii- Union' County,' 23.4,'at about $1 1.20 thpe prices do not iholude rent ol iana nor cost oi aeiivory to ine iac tory'j the latter would probably av erage 75 . cents per ton, and tbe former would , probably raise tbe average, cost to 138 per acre. . Jbqs it is seen that it is not only poesible for Oregon to produce beets rich in sugar; but also an excellent' yield. In the bake' of Union' County,, it; c'p'etii less to raise"' them than at most other points, a tbey require less cultivation 'than in -Southern Oregon. A sample' of beets from that county tbat bad had no culti vation whatever showed 18 per cent sugar, and a purity coefficient of 90, which would be considered excel lest in a sample on which tne. most careful attention bad been bestowed. Beets giving such yields would have brought $4 a ton, or $00- pt-r acre, and assuming the cost of pro duction to be 138, there is a straight profit of $22, besides a fair rent tor the land and- good wages ' for tbe work, which would be participated in by nearly all' members of fam ilies, for much of the work can be done by children as well as by men. Washington, Jackson, Clnckamas and Union Counties are used by I Professor. Shaw for tbe sake of con venience; they being typical of the various sections of the state.' In any oneof thece four localities theie is ample land fur the production of beets for large factory. ' Professor , Shaw says: r"In tbi matter of the. preservation, of these ! beets, however, I fear tbere wimld bea eerioiis. difficulty. ,. While ii either of IheFe counties in the Wil' lamette yalley it is certainly, poasi ble to produce beeta rich in eugai and with good yield, yet on account of the early fall 'rains .coming on very soon- after the beets mature and-irV tone eases' even before ma lurity, it is very doubtful if the in dustry would bt a reliable one. ' t ''Any one of the- four localities could furnish an abundant Bupplt of water.' .There Ib rio question a'e to tbe purity of the water in any of thelocalities. except Union County r;'"The rioBt of limeBtohe is an im portant factor-; In Southern and Eastern Oregon the price of lime rock would not exceed $2 per ton and' might be even lees. In the Willamette valley it would be from $3.50 to $4. ilTbere are no analyses of the Southern Oregon limestone at hand,1 butspiecimRnB which ha ve examined show it to be of pure qualityan'd it can be had 'in unlimited quantity, j ' " ' ',! "Transportation .facilities' are ttbout the same here as elsewhere on this cpasti,,.-, (,8 (,, ! J( hi "In cofinedtion nitlv this 'phase of the question, jfbe market may be meiitioned as - lnoluding I Oregon, Washington, Idaho, .Montana- and Alaska, all of Which will probably use pot far from 60,000,000 pounds oi sugar per annuiu, ana tnts mar ket ?s essentially: fooai.'.v. ; ; t.Lintitoi Jofse Siknnery.is agjain in operation ' and cayuseB' from the ranges of eiaBrn.prgonAare agajn beins killed and pickled for Euro- pearj,,1;c.9iHyump'tfp ,,bae been getting more plentiful i than ever on the ranges east of the Cas oade mountains, and this is believed td be thS cheapest and best way of disposing of .them. . Some small re turn is obtained and they are worth less, than nothing on the ranges, j ' "!A recent census1 of Paris shows that there are no fewer than 17,735 doctors in that oity, I Hi RE CANNED " a if i-;r m it ..s ! HH I ri c: -iST! f;! ' r. t PREKHURS " " -'WIU'BE '"-- CivenAway 'l' : : , ' . .-.';il'- SEE OVH rRKMIUM OFFER NEXT WEEK. " i i . .. .: . , i . ) , i , ,, t !) .1.1.1 . . I i j !.') One of the editors who visited Oregon, a few weeks ago wrote the Salem-Journal like' this: "This whole trip has been a suo- cejsibn I 'of surprises.' Toi many of tbe visitors Oregon has beeu-a rev elation. - Her' resources are perbaoe more varied than those of any' other state in the Union. ' With magnifi cent forests whicb tbe mills "e'ahnot manufacture into lumber as fast as they grow; with her mineral re sources which are just beginning to be developed;' with her fertile1 and. inexhaustible valleys';7 ; with'y her wonderful fishing interests ftntf 'her vast area of rich' grazing laridsshe ctrtainly stands without a 'peer iu the ereat sisterhood of eta tee." :Thia is not said simply in "return for a few railroad courtesies and as'aa attempt to compensate a 'people whose hospitality knows' no limit, but it is the voice of a cenviciioa forced upon me after' having'rav versed this great state from east to west and from north to south, and studied with painstaking, care her resources and her capabilities." FIGHT AT 111.! ij.W CALAIJBA. -. !J : ri :..r ' '." V'-i'l : , Washington, July ,31 .-General Otis' report to the . war. department of the efforts of the Filipinos to re take Calamba, chronicled in ' news paper dispatches, is as follows.1'' . ' "Manila, July 31. Insurgents i.i considerable force appeared -in1 -the vicinity of Calamba yesterday 'and were-punished and driven off1' by Hall.'' Our casualties are one kiHod and seven wounded.-' Captain Simp son, Sixth Infantry, struck a robber bend of nogroes the 28th, insikill ing 19; no casualties?"1 !f' ' ' i : : Washington July 31. More vol unteers are en route to , San Fran cisco from Manila, according tothis dispatch from Otia: iv-. mv ns 'Manila, , July v 81.-N6rth t 'Da kotas, Wyomings and, Idaho iare on: the transport Grant ready forepart.:-: They desire to delay Until tomorrow to receive monthly pay ; it was permitted.'' ' ; :.; : A'' If rightful Biunar Will often cause a horrible burn, scal.t, ou(, or brutse. Buoklon's Arnlea Slve, the best In the world, will kill the pain ant) promptly beat tt. Cures old socoi., fever aorea, ulcere, bolls, felons,, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile enre; on earth. Only 25 ntB. a box. . Cure guar anteed. Sold by Ohas, Strang-, druggibt. Quick delivery The Weekly Orogonloo. They , Wear L Like Iron , "tJ iA.'i -'iHr I!'.i;,J:0 ::,!-' i-b'-Zv o-ic v i; 4;: i'l I -.. 1, ''i -.1. i I .y'..;r.;,:ri ivii.C COPPER RIVETED S':-'OVEIIALL8'-."-' SPRING BOTTOS PAKTS 'L-i ' a levi strauss a I tw.vvii. s FR'ANblSC',',' I Every Clarment v-"-'' tit '.'. i s "V.