50c. to $1.00 SltillC Staple shades pink, blue navy, red,' O0lllldaa white and' black in the new all-silk :. Liberty oatins, very suitable for waists and trimming purposes, U(Xj" per yard T J. a Van . Med ford, A surprlso party wu given Mlu Jda Hodden on Tuesday evonlng at hur parents' ploatant homo Id Wont Mud lord, In curly evening a couple of Mini Ida' frlandu by 10100 pretext or otlior Induced hor to join thorn in a visit to a frlond In anotbor part 0! tbo olty and at a tlmu when It waa cxpouUid llio guest sliould have all arrived tho trio wended their way to Mis Ida' homo and the young1 lady unauspeotingly walked In Uon a houso full ol guest. Game aroharenn and croklnolu wore Indulged In, and Intermingled with these wa plenty of mirth and laughter and a good tlma wa everywhere. RofrotbraonU of oako and chocolate wero nerved. Those present wore: Mr. and Mr D. T. Ijiwton, Mr. and Mm. W. H. Huinbrco, Mr. and Mm. K. W. Carder, MIsausMlllonnd Ruth Tressler, Virile Woodford, Sadie Amann, Ksuilla Duclos, llcrltia Mal'liorson, Lulu Crys tal, Myrtle I-awton, Montr. U. L. Gil key, 11. H. Harvey, .Goo. Kauoelt, Wllmer MuPheron, Krncst KHIntt, Carl Crystal, C. O. Ramsey, Earl Van Th Northern Paolflo la running two through dally trains from Portland to all point east and are better equipped to accommodate pnssongur going-cast than ever before. Thosu train are first-class In ovory repeot, heated by team, vcstlbuled, with standard Pull man and tourist sleopors, dining car'. Alto through tourist -deeper will be operated to all Missouri river point, .via billings, and each Say a through standard Pullman loopor to St. Lou In via Billing. W. T. York, Agent, Mod ford, Oregon. . Barry Hosier ha docidud to put up a orenmory plant In Medford. He ba bad this matter under contempla tion for somotlmo and ha now deolded to go ahead with tho projool. Ho ex pect, of course, that tho furmors here aboula will furnish him tho don I red mount of milk. Ho Is now correspond ing with several orenmory supply houses and will put 10 an entire now plant and ho Is also negotiating with an oxperlcnced'orvumory man to oper ate tho plant for him. Thoro Is surely mucn noon ror a orenmory in tnis lo oallty and Tub Mail hopes our farm ers will soo It to thnlr Interest to glvo tho enterprise all tho support posslblo which support Is only nskod as to the supply of milk. Mr. Hosier Is n thor oughly honest, buslncss-liko young man and Is deserving of tho success which wo fool fliiro he will make of his enterprise. I havo boon afflicted with rhiuma tlsm for fourteen years and nothing soomcd to glvo any relief. I was ablo to be around all tho time, but constantly suffering. I had tried ovorythlng I could hear of and nt lust was told to try Chamborluln's Pain Balm, whloh I did, and was Immediately relieved and in a short tlmo c 11 rod. I am happy to say that it hits not slnoo returned. Josh. Edgnr, Gormantowo, Calif. For sale by' Chas.-Strang, druggist, Med ford; Dr. J. Hlnklo, Central Point, Tho Modford Comnioroliil Club mot last Thursday evening In tho olty hall and dlscuHsoa at longth matters of di verse nnturo, principal among which was that of endeavoring to secure a visit to Medford from tho National Editors Association which moots in Portland in July. 'Intercstins talk were made bv Mayor Oilkoy, J. S. McCain, Supt. . A,,1 ocenes CITY HAPPENINGS." i U That' word means a heap to every housewife. It a means a heap more when the groceriep are known jL itv m 10. ob iresn ana nrsi-ctass. vviion your who wna m chances on buying them elsewhere. When she m $ don't say where to go, you had better use a little' i I "of your own judgment and make sure you're right, fiavis poultry. New Easter Silks 7K TV Eustor is approaching and you will nocd a' now Hi 11c waiH, for Unit occa sion. We have hist re ceived a lino of Billf waist patterns (5 yds.) in the now spring colors, rings and patterns, comprising plain and fancy taffotos, also stripes and plaids. Prices range from Per Yard Dyke o. Oregon Gregory, ltovs. Ilahorly and Hounds, president York appointed n committee of live consisting of J. W. Lawton, H. L. Gllkey, G. A. Gregory, J. H. McCain and A. 8, Hliton, to formulate plans and ascertain what step wore necessary to tho end that this distinguished Ixxly he, induced to pay us a visit. Matters ap pertaining to the establish! ig of a creamery In our city were discussed ctiito at length. The next regular meet ing will bo on the first Tuesday evening In April. Rev. E-. Edwards, pastor of tbo English BnptlstCburoh ut Miners vllle, Pa , whon suffering with rheumatism, wat advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Unlm. liu nayt: "A few applications of Ibis liniment proved a great service to 100. It subdued the Iiillaminatlon and relieved tho pain. Should any sufferer profit by givlntf I'uln Hal in a trial It will please me. For salo by CIibs. Strang, druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnklo, Central 1'olqt. Tho old wood awning which for so many years bos dono service as an urn 'jrella and parasol over tho sidewalk in front of Geo. Kurtz's olgar factory, O. W, Palm's real estate oflico and B. N. Iiutler's Jewelry store has com mitted a great favor by permitting It self to be removed.' It had been patched and ro-p.itohod sevon hundred and olghty-llireo llmos, but tho above named renters decided tliii week that It wero better 'twas done for and they proceeded forthwith to remove It and in It stoad there will soon bo a new oloth awning, and thoro Is now new paint all over tho front of tbo building all of which Is an improvement very notiacablo and appreciated. A couple or three more round-ups and all those detestable rattle-trap wood awnings shall havo been ehulllod off. Ladles now stylo Trojan shirt waists In white and oolors, just rooelvcd this week.. Ladles make your soldotlon while stock is fresh and complete. These goods on salo at White it Jacobs' store only. There was a train -wreck on. the Medford-JackBouvillo short! Ine Tuesday ovenlng. As tbo train was rounding a curvo on F street the engine and tender loft the track and plowed a fnrrow in the ties and gravel for a couple or three rods. The ooaeh did not leave the track. Work of raising tho wreck was at once commenced and by Wednesday it was on tho track again, but damaged some what. Tho settling of tho outside rail was tho nauso of the wreck. No one wns injured but Engineer Mike Gault is said to havo oxpressed a desire that henceforth the train dispatcher give him running orders at least on a line that has been . surveyed rather than across country with a termination opy old plncc. With tho now faculties that B. N, Butler put in his shop, ho turns out as good work in repairing watches and jowolry as any one In Southern Oregon. Thoro was a wedding out on Griffln creek lust week, nt (he home of A. J. Brenzeale, when his daughter, Miss Kunitia, wns joined in happy wedlock to Mr. Chas. W. Lollund, son of M. I.oflapd. Kov. J. Merloy performed the marriage ceremony. These young poople belong'to tho very bcBt families 01 mo vauoy aim are uoin nigmy es teemed by tliolr large olrdo of frlonda. Tiir Mail wishes thorn prosperity and hnppinOBS in unlimited quantities. They have moved to near Eagle Point, where the groom Borao months ago purchased a ranch. The Mail will tell them of all .the news Of the valley for a term of one year, at least. '1ST . . m 7? Delivers goods free.' Trades grocer- q ies for farm produce, vegetables and h meaiorp, mm. m A mammoth slock of general merchandise of all kinds, now holng ro oulved by Whlto & Jacobs, Medford, all of which they wish to exchange fur farmers eggs and saleable produce. For several weeks past thoro has been a real estate deal ponding between J. L. Wlglo of tills place and V. U. Dinfoi'th, of Detroit, Oregon, hut not until vestorday were deeds exchanged, Mr, Wlglo has traded to Mr. Jhuifurtli Ills residence and laundry property In Modford and thirty-six acre xif laud Just outside thd incorporation line on the west, value of property placed at l-HMX). For nil of this Mr. Wlgle gets from I Ian (or tli hotel and store property at Detroit, valued ut fMM. The hotel is furnished mid Is being rented for f-'O per month. Mr. Duuforth will movo to Medford sometime during the summer, mid Mr. Wlgle expect to move to De troit within u short time The above deal was made through the York A Wortmun real estate agency. House and one and a half acres of garden land for rent, Inquire of York ic Wormian. Uig cut In glassware for just one week. Wo have a big stock of this ware on tho road and positively must have room (or It when it arrives and to mako this room we have decided to aughter price on U10 stock we now huve on hand. We have a little of ovorythlng in tbo glass lino and you oan have one or more pieces or sets at almost your own price. We have "knookcd-ofl" twenty per cent from usual soiling price of fancy lamps. He member, these out prices for only one week. Wolters it Howard. See Frod Single's line lino of spring samples. Very latest patterns of spring suitings. Cleaning and repairing suits neatly and quickly dono. Upstairs, McAndrew block. Last Saturday's Salem Journal says: "Henry Ankeny left today for his home at Jacksonville, near where ho owns tho Sterling mlnefono of tho greatest gold producers of Southern Oregon. Mr. Ankeny is a member of the Repub lican slate committee, and was Gov. Guor's first choice for a member of the state fair board. Ho would havo made a splendid man fo- the place, but it comes at the lime ol year when be Is too busy to attend to duties.". Tin shop for rent. Inquire of D. Brooks, Medford. D. S. Young has sold bis residence "roporty, on North C street, to Mr. II son, of Applegate, consideration M1A0. Tho deal was made through the C. W. Palm real estate agency. Mr. Gllson Is now moving in, and Mr. Youngs has moved to tbe Fltzgorald retldonoo across the street. D. S. is figuring on going to Newport this sum mer with his stone cutting machine and there set up for business on the beach. Mrs. Youngs will probably re main Ip Medford. My thoroughbred Kentucky Jock will stand for the season of lbHfl at tr.e Union livery stables in Medford. For season, $8; slnglo service, 15. Rufus Cox. The new ads this week are those of F. K. Deuel Sc Co., who have received a line of new goods. G. L. W,obb's Itacket, has tbe accustomed space devoted to a talk on notions. J. W. Ling, the painter, is inviting attention to the fact that be is in the market for all kinds of paint ing and Valsomining. Hubbard Bros, liavc a big space telling of their Mc Cormlck roller-bearing mowers. Henry Pohlman has taken tbe superintending of a hundred and thirty acres of the Orchard Home tract. The land Is owned by tbe Portland Loan & Trust Company and It Is the company's intention to spray, prune and cultivate the trees thoroughly this spring and summer. Mr. Pohlman will also have charge of tbo fruit fathering ard pack ing another fall. Largo stock of ladies shoes at White It Jacobs'. Geo. E. Weber has purchased a piece of land in East Medford and will at once commence the orjctlon of a dwelling hnuso thereon. The land is adjoining Mr. Jordan's place and the purchase was made from O. Gilberts, consideration 1275. The location is a desirable one and George will most' as suredly make it a home place to be proud of. One of tho very best olubblng propo sitions wbiob The Mail has is this pa por and the Cosmopolitan magazine both one year for t'2. B. S. Baker, of Eagle Point, came to Medford IsBt Saturday and. will re main here for acouple of weeks. Nearly four weeks ago the gentleman was kicked by a faorse and two bones of bis left arm were broken. With the as sistance of Frauk Brown, the fractures were reduced and the Injured member is now getting along finely,' All kinds of now spring and .sum mer dress goods, arriving daily at White & Jacobs' new store, Medford. On Tuesday of this week F. W. Wasohau, of this city, received his let ters patent from the U. S. patent office ou his striking watch. Mr. W. has been made some vory flattering offers for the purchase of his patent but none of these have as yet been acoopted. Mr. Wlllokn, of this, oity, has an inter est in tne union c. New assortment of sold wire beauty pins, 8 for 5 oents at White & Jacobs' store, Medford. Potatoes are retailing at a dollar and n half per Back In Portland at pres ent, with every proapeot of tho prloe going higher before the new croo comes on the market. Some years ngo tbe price renohed $2 per Back, nt which time potatoes were imported from the east. Now thoy aro being shipped out of Oregon. , '-Soo Mnckey Bros, for superior pliotOB. All work 8triotly Srst-olasB. Medford, Oregon. ' Rev. Charles Booth,' reotor of St. Stephen's Church, Newport, has given notloe to bis congregation that he has arranged with Rev. Mr. Dawson, 'of Grants Pass and Medford, to exchange places for one year. - This is necessary beoause Rev, Mr. Booth's eyes, have been falling and need .rest. Plymouth Rook eggs for batching fifteen (or 50 cents,- Leave orders at Davis' groeery, Medford. J. W. Smith. The state board of eduoation has appointed a stato board of examiners, among whom is Prof. N. L. Narregnn. of this olty. Mr. Narregan Is one of the best educators in the state and, while we do not know what his duties will be, wo are waging dollars he will meet every requirement.' Legal blanks at Tn Mail office. A business meeting of the Enwortb League was hold at the rldenco of mayor uiikoy last rnuuy evening. After all business matters had been at tended to, an hour or two of a social good time was Indulged In whloh was made more social and more enjoyable with refreshments, Standard puttern ut White & Jacob' store. Simpson's calicoes, ginghams and muslin of all kind, the oheupest at Whlto & Jacobs', Modford. Since Jeweler I'ritoliard has moved out, D. T. Law ton has occupied the space wltn a line display 01 ooiden Eagle and Phoenix bicyclos. He has the window well decorated with wheols and wheel extras all of which attract much favorable comment from pasters by. . . - Don't forget Brooks' sub-Irrigating pipe this spring if you want green lawns aod good gardens. J, E. Bodgo, merchant tailor, re ports business first-class in his line. He is taking suit order at the rate of one a day and that's u good, business, out no nutter tnan no deserves, miss Lllllo Tressler Is assisting In his estab lishment and learning tbe trade. Tho famous Loiran berrv roots for salo at E. W. Carder's, one block south and one west of school bouse. J. W. Ling has entirely" recovered from a long tussle with rheumatism. Ho has been ill for several months, part of tho time In bed, but be Is now all rlgnt again and prepared for any Kind of work In his line, wblob Is that of painting and Kulsomlning. Strained and comb honey Davis the grocer. Jeweler Prltchard has moved his stock of jewelry from the Deuel block to the' Elder building, formerly occupied by Mr. Smith's grocery store. He has the place fitted up in good shape and is at home at all times to his friends and customers. For Sale My heavy teams and logging outfit. Address me at Trail, Oregon. Geo. R. Justus. A now elbow was received this week for the new water main and for a few hours Wednesday afternoon water was turned off. As soon as the wealbor set tles a little the council expects to have tho pumping plant moved to tbe .new well, Call on White it Jacobs for new sewing machines. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be administered In Pboenix Presbvterian Church at tbe morning service, no Sunday, March 20, 1899. Open communion to tbe member of other churches. Wm. Clyde, minister. Men's and bovs' Borinir clotnlnz", just received by White & Jacobs, Med ford. C.-C. Gilchrist has an advertie mont elsewhere in these columns tell ing of the suncrlor qualities of his stallion, "Bald Monarch," and his jack. Black Prince. Wm. Clam is also no vertising his trotting suilllon, "Tybald." Cash paid for eggs and poultry G. L, Davis, the grocer. -Mv stock of s6rine millinery has arrived. Largest stock I have ever carried. Largest number and greatest variety of pattern bats ever Detore placed on my counters. Mrs Sears, at tbe Racket. Highest market price paid for eggs. W. H.Meeker & Co. Prof. Goble, the optician, and his wfio came down from Ashland Tuesday and have taken rooms with Mrs. Gil berts. The professor expects to remain In the city several weeks perhaps monthB. Mrs. Roundtree, 'daughter of C. B. Matney, of Applegate, died atCbehalis, Wash., on Wednesday evening of this week. Miss Nanna Matney left Med ford yesterday evening for Chehalis. Now Is the time to Dlant vour Boring advertisements. The Mail is the soil which produces the beet results. New well-boring machinery was re ceived in Medford yesterday by thb Medford Brewing uompany, ana vui it the company proposes putting their well down to a considerable depth. Fish I Fish! Fish! Fish I Fish at Wolters it Howard's. The second story of the Stewart brick building is now being put up. Eaeh turn of the mason's trowel and crock of the carpenter's hammer adds new beauty to tbe structure. Miss Naylor teaches the Keister Tailoring and Dressmaking System. Medford, Ore. . " Mrs. Everett is engaged at photo graph io work in tbe Van E stud lo. The lidv has but recently recovered from quite a severe Illness, as has also her mother, Mrs. B. N. Butler, . "White Lily" and "Snow Cap" baking powder prise with every can. Davis sells both kinds. George Hlnes, the Jacksonville liveryman, was carrytog mall and pas sengers a couple of days this week, during' the temporary lay-up of the train on the shortllne. " Bacon, hams and lard and fresh groceries at White & Jacobs', Medford. Both Mr: and Mrs. I. A.' Webb have been 111 for several days past. Mr. Webb Is muob better now out Mrs. W.-Is still confined to the house. . Finest line of oream candies ever received in Medford at the Crater. Flower elegance. You will - be pleased with the exoellenoi of the new oreatlons In spring millinery. I give you the best. Mrs. L, J. Sears. Klamath County Bait fish at G. L. Davis' grocery. J. A. Whitman reoeived a carload of Studebaker wagon, E. Merz a oar load of malt and Wallace Woods a car load of lumber all this week. ' Watches oioaned ana warrantee, tor oae vear for 1 Pritohard, the ieweler. Harry Howard displayed another bit of his decorative Ingenuity on that St. Patrlok's day window in Wolters & Howard's store. . Graded Jersey bull for service. Terms 1. J. J. HoVrser, East Medford. A bit of material and taste makes a beautiful spring hat. . I furnish what's needed to make them right. Mrs. L. J. Sears. Rev. J.' S. MoCaln will preach at the Independence school house next Sunday at .11 o'clock a. m., Alfalfa seed 8 cents per pound at Wolters & Howard's. We have an excellent line of silk waist patterns, W. H. Meeker & Co, m JflOE JoJEW NOTIONS Received This Week at The "Racket" Including the latest styles in Ladies' Belts, and Side Combs; also Combs, Hose Supporters, Brushes, and numerous small articles. Complete line of Stationery of the best quality and style. Re member, we make a specialty of small articles and sell them cheap. When in need of such things you can almost always Find them at The "RACKET." m m m m m m m m The Enyart-Cannon Wedding. Lost week we printed a few lines an nouncing the marriage of Mr. J. E. Enyart, of this oity, and Miss-Llssle I. Cannon, of Albany. Tbo wedding took place at the resi dence of tbe bride's brother, Mr. A. M. Cannon, In Albany, on Wednesday of last week. Only relatives of the family and a few invited friends were present, among inem oeing Mr. and Mn. w. a. Stevens, formerly of Medford, now resi dents of Albany. j mi f 1 , iuo groom nas oeea a resiaent 01 Medford for ten years and durinsr that time has been engaged in the banking business, which business he will con tinue and as soon as the new bank building la completed and the Medford bank i launched he will assume charge thereof as cashier and manager. His career as" a business man in Medford ba been a very successful one and he has proven himself wortbv of all confi dence bestowed. Id a social way he has been one of the most prominent of our citizens and in every enterprise tending to the good of our town be has always given a helping hand. The bride is the daughter of one of the most prominent farmers of Linn County and was socially beld without a peer in tne city, Albany, m wblcb sbe resided. Being higblv accomplished her acquisition to Medford" society is looked upon with pleisure by those wno.iorm our oest circle. The groom had, previously to tbe wedding, fitted 11 d his residence. corner of A aod Sixtb streets, in good taste ana tne nappy couple are now house keeping tneri in. . The oride was tbe recipient of manv beautiful and valuable gifts. In tbe Oregonian's Albany society columu of last Sunday appeared this: A very pretty nome wedding took place at tbe residence of tbe bride's brother. Mr. Anderson M. Cannon, on Wednesday evening, March 15, when Mr. J. E. Enyart, of Medford, and Miss LisBle I. Cannon w re united in mar riage. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. H. L. Reed, pastor of tbe First Presbyterian Church, in tbe Dresence of relatives and a few invited friends. The bride was becomingly attired in a tailor-made gown of dark blue cloth, and carried a bouquet of red carnations. The rooms were prettily arranged and decorated wltn palms and daffodils.. After a wedding repast was served the bride and groom took the overland train south for Medford, wbere they will make their home, and where the groom is a Veil-known business man." Best of All To cleanse the system in a gentle, and truly beneficial manner, when tbe springtime comes, use the true and perieol remedy, Hyrup of Digs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured bv the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all druggists, at 60 cents per oottie. A. Slover, the drayman, get him to do your hauling. Household goods and heavy articles carefully and safely nanaieo. Teams always Dandy and teamsters courteous. etc.. HI II 444444444 at tllO light PliCO. ' New Spring Goods Arriving Daily New Dress Goods, New Prints and Domestics, New Trimmings, New Waists and Skirts, New ' , White Goods," New Silks and Laces And in fact everything you jnay need.- For latest styles, best qualities and lowest prices, we can suit you. " W. H. MEEKER L & Off Or itV viz Th Coming Attraction. Next week Miss Jessie Shirley and ber talented company will pay Medford a visit and it promises to be the banner ' attraction of the season. Mr. II. W. Smith, ber manager, has spared no ex pense in making this one of the finest companies on tbe Pacific coast and with their repertoire should do a large busi ness. Thoy have been highly recom mended from all cittes played and no doubt will be well received by the Med ford citizens. The plays are all new with one or two exceptions' and the most careful attention i given to detail In their presentation. An elaborate wardrobe is carried and : the costumes in each play are spoken of a the finest seen anywhere, as they are new, clean and bright. The opening bill will be La Bella Marie and so well played is it that uni versal opinion given is that it becomes a new play as given by the Shirleys. There will be a uniformed band con cert and parade daily at 11:30. Speaking of the Shirleys the Yreka Journal has this: - The Jessie Shlrlev troupe were greeted with good bouses every night fast week, and rut very general satisfaction, In their repertoire of new plays during the week. Inoludlng an amus ing comedy at the Saturday afternoon matinee. The manager aod proprietor were very much pleased with the reception, courtesies and patronage extended, and expect to give Yreka a call 00 their retain from an extended trip northward Into Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Colombia. - The manager also liberally awarded 80 per cent of the pro ceeds of w cent tickets sold, to the Yreka Grammar School for the purchase of a plaao, which netted over 130 towards the purpose la Insuring Us purchase." Seemingly the Journal man thought the company worthy of all he could' say, that was good, and in another part of bis paper he has tbe following: "The Shirley Company closed their engage ment In Yreka last Saturday night with one of tbe best productions given during their enjoy able stay with us. entitled "Under Two Flags." Miss Shirley had the sympathy of her audience, appearing to excellent advantage In the char acter which was entirely dlflerent from that of any wbloa she had given during the week. Prank Couley gave a most artistic rendition of tbe heroic character of this play, tie also dis played marked ability and talent throughout the entire engagement, but bis work Saturday night was the best he had given. C. F. Ral Blon's clever imitations also deserve " fcpeotal mention. L. J. Plumer lent humor to the en tire repertoire, and together with Marlon Do Rooo. G D. McQuarrie and Hot tense Nellson, as well as all other members of the company, made the week's engagement eminently .saus fkclory both to the Shirley management and the people of Yreka." Resolution or Appreciation. m.n l ..,ir r : : .. 1 1 T a i nt iucuiuiu iuiuioivi iai ABauvauuuu at last Monday's meeting Instructed the secretary to publish tbe following reso lution of appreciation: . Resolved, That the labors of Rv. Gllinan Parker in the revival recently held at the Baptist Church, which added, a goodly number of new converts to the church, as well as reclaiming other who had drifted'out of active christian service, had shown him to be an effi cient gospel minister, a consecrated man of God, one whose preBcnce and ministry would be a benediction to any community, as they have been to ours.. O. J. Gist, Secretary.- Superior job printing, MAIL office. TVHAT we want of I ?V you is a call to ; look over our spring i stock. A few. min- utes' time when you are buying men's, boys' and children's $ clothing, furnishings, will convince I you that we have 'em CO.