The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 24, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Kltt Point KhkIdU.
iiv 4. a.
JCddle and
vlHithiK tliIr
Vlrgie Lewis were
grundpitruiiU lust
T. Duguii was In Jacksonville
last wuuk upon IiubIduhh connected
wltli the ohUIu of thu luUi Jolm N.
Ml on Ktliel Compton wan the
giiost of our daughter, lluttiu, IuhI
Mr. Kline Iiah puroliuitHd tlie Cass
Hiiliibolhiiui place, situated on
Hogue rlvur.
Charles Uutz and Archie Fritis
onmo out from Mod ford IiihI Satur
day to vlhit thu forinur's parents.
They roturnud .Sunday.
Our stock men uro beginning to
fuel uuHy, oh thu grass la gutting a
good Blurt and will booii be huIII
oient to enable their stock to livu
without fading.
Last Sunday the Eagle I'oint
school boys played a gumu of bHe
bull against lliu town boys, ax thoy
ure called. Thu score Blood thirty
two to twenty-one, in fnvor of the'
eohool boy.
Our sick foIkH are guuornlly im
proving. A. MoNoil, who hud n
stroke ol paralyHiH, Iiuh recovered
ho as to be ublu to walk around a
littlo. Me wuh out in the yard one
day luBt week.
I), I'. Matliows is pr paring to
make some extensive improvements
in the line of funoing by using lum
ber instead of rails, thus Having a
etrip of land four feet wide all
around the outHidu of the liuld.
Mr. Kulaoo Iuib purohuaed from
the uounly the traut of laud known
ii H lliu Conn plucu, it having been
mild for taxuH and bought in by tlio
county; oouMidurntinn, (50. He Iihh
n I ho nought the old Hohool Iiduho in
district No. 37, and Is remodeling
it for a dwe.liug house.
Rev. J. I'. Mooinaw, while trying
to ford Rutte crook at the McNeil
ford, got imo deep, Bwifl water and
was thrown off into it. lie stio
cueded ill getting out but lout bin
overcoat in 1 thu effort.. Thu coal
was aftorwardH found and Hecured
by one of bin neighbors.
Mr. Pillows, living on Rogue
river, took a load of ft no polutor to
thu Hub last week, finding a ready
market for thuni. Mr. Tbumburg,
of Suit creek, ulo took a loud to
I ho same uluco and disposed of
thuin without any trouhlo.
Amy C8iy, a little girl living
with her fiitner in our town, was
playing with some gunpowder re
canity and pliiO'd a lighted match
to it to see thu powder burn. As a
result her face wns quite budly
burned, although Dr. Hildebraml
thinks that the burn is not deep.
Our farmers are all busy plowing
and putting in grain during this
pleasant weather. The prospect is
that thero will be a larger acrenge
of grain put in thin year than ever
before. In fact, our Butte creek
farmers uro boglnning to realise the
valuuoflho land and the impor
tance of thorough cultivation.
Prof. A. L. Haseltou, who is
touching in the HoU district, will
olose his school on Friday of next
' week. While Mr. Hasolton knows
how to teaah our ahildrou the rudi
ments of an education, be could
also tench them how to make a
uurdon. and esoooiallv how to raise
onions. Ho has already planted
one and a half acres in onions and
contemplates nutting in more, as
one of RU'drnru a merchants nits us
mired him that be will buy all be
can raise,
Malaria produooa wonkneas, ncnoral debility
tHllouBaeaa, lose ol appetite, Indignation and
oongllpattnn. UroveiT. TuBloloea Clilll Tonlo
removes tlifl cauau wbtota produooa thoao trou
bloa. Trv It and you will bo dojivblod. M
otmts. To Kat tlio Rttnulno an for Urovea'
Vor aalo by Strium. thff drugmak
Brownsboro' Items.
, BY nitlllSCC'A.
Farmers are buy plowing for late
grain and corn..
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Charlsy mado
a business trip to Eagle Point Sat
C. A. Burnett, of Jacksonville,
was in this vicinity upon business
A. I Bull, of Medford, who ro
oently leturned from Walla Walla,
sold only in
WuhIi., where bo has been for the 1
nasi year, Ib thu guest of his brother,
J. K. Hull, and lamily,
Henry Totin, of Luke Creek, was
Hdiin among I ho young puople of
this oommunlty Hunduy.
Henry Gordon, of Trail creek,
wuh In town Tuesday while on his
way home from the valley.
J. A. Miller cume in Suturday
from his stock ranch, whero be has
been stopping for Botuo time past.
Mrs. W. II. Brudsbaw, of Lake
Creek, was the gueHt of her daugh
ters, Mrs. Zudie Htuvuns and Mrs.
C. K. Tcrrill, a short time ago.
Urovue' Taatoleaa C'blll Tonlo la a perfect
malarial I Ivor and blood purine.-.. Ituraovua
UIIIuuouum without pariilug. A ploaxaiit m
leuiou ayrup. It le lame any dollar tonlo
uU retslle fur W ciHuta. To sot tlio kouuIuii
sk for Urovua'. tor aula by straug, tlie drug-
Grouped itsiiiH.
MiMS Perkins and Miss Hattie
Price viuited with Mrs. Gray re
cently. The snow is melting fust now and
it looks as though we wero going to
tin vi some nice weather. The roads
are in a bud condition at present.
W. W. Willetts and Georgo
Whelpley visited W. J. Tibbetts
last I'riduy.
Mr. Price returned to the mill
again Thursday, and is now hard
lit work getting things in readiness
for the spring run. The loggers are
also doing some good work, getting'
in logs tor the mill.
The Harshberger brothers, who
have buen up at the head of Rogue
river for the past three months, are
expucted out soon with some fino
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Taka l.aiatlva llromo Qulnlno TaMota. All
druifgtNta rofutid the wouoy If It (alia to cure,
Klamath County Items,
From tlia ttipublluan.
Jense Walker's broken ankle is
rapidly improving we are pleased
to note.
Judge Willits and wife returned
home this week from ciuite an ex
tended vinit to Rogue river valley
and San Francisco.
Articles of incorporation of Grnce
M. K Church, of Klamuth Falls,
were filed with the secretary of state
lust week, the trustees being C. A.
Stookweil, H. L. Benson, H. T.
Chitwood, John S. Orr and O. T.
The county assessiaient roll for
IH'M was turned over to the sheriff
yesterday together with a warrant
autnorizuiK me sneriu 10 uiaae tne
collection between now and April 1.
ho total amount of taxes Tor tlio
year is 133.073.74.
J, M. Kiernan baa leased the
Hotel Link ville for a period of three
or live years, with the option of
pnrohasing the property any time
during the term of leuse. We are
informed that Mr. Kiernun has pur
chased thu hotel fixtures from T. J.
Iiuiningur and will lake possession
of the same on the 1st of March.
Prom Ilia Klamatb Kail Expresn.
Dr. Heineuway returned from
Medford Saturday, and Sunday ac
companied L. Gerber to Klamath
Mitchell Bros, started 200 head
of beef cattle to the railroad Friday
from Judge G. W. Smith e ranch at
L. Gerber lust Thursday bought
773 hoad of mutton sheep from I.
D. Annleuaie. They approximated
the average weight at 105 pounds
and at three emits thoy netted. $3.15
Der head. These sheep were fat
tened ut Daniel Van Brimmer's on
alfalfa and r. ill be shipped to Sac
ramento. '
No CureNo Pay. t
That la tbo wny all druglat 'aoll Orovoa'
TaaioloaaCblll Tonlo (or malnrta, ohllla and
roror. It la aimply Iron and Quinine In a Uto
loaa form. Children lo it. Adulta prcfor It
to blltor, nausoittlng tonloa. Prioo. 50 oonta
For aalo by Strang, tbo drugglat.
VrneaiM-lNti Monument to America
Venezuela has erected n beautiful
irriinlte sliuft lo Hie memory of ten
Americans who embarked Inancxpedi
lion from Hnltlmore under C!en. Mi
rnnda In 1800 to flghi for the Indcpcnd-
enee of the colony. They were enp
tured by a Spnnlsli warship ail the Ven
ezcuelnn const and. beheaded July l
11100. These, men had served under
Washington nnil Lafayette In the war
nt the revolution, and were willing to
wnirn another war for liberty. Their
mimes were: dipt. Thomas Donobue,
r.lcut. Thomas Bltlop, .lames Gnrner,
Uuatuv Biirguel, Charles Johnson, Paul
T. (leoriro. Dnnlol Kempner, Miles I.
Hull and John Ferris and Sub-Went.
Prancls Ifiirqulinrson. The niomiment
benrltiff their names nnil the arms of
the United Stales and Venezueln wns
unveiled at Maraeay, state of Miranda,
in tho enrly part of September. uil
engo Chronicle.
Some lMilllmilne Tnxee.
The bnptlsnml fee In the Philippines
Is $211. nnd the death fee Is ilO for nn
udult nnd ten ilollnrs for u n infant. A
poll lax Ol :,n:o lor em:u .nun ,u.i .',
for each woinnn Is collected, nnd when
, man builds n house he must pny ten
I dollars for having the chimney blesseA
Absolutely 'Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Aniarltfaiie Continue to Win Vlntorloa
In tho Phlllpplnea Ifeveral Towna
tituri4 Tlia Califoriilane to Ilia
Anting uorlxr orrlers fonn Oonnral Kl
Woll H. Otia, coimmtii'lHr of the Aiuiri
mil fornus four ooiupanles of the
California n-Kluiont anil two oomixwiei
of the Iowa reliuaiit, who bud bouu oo
cupyiuK Urn vitiligo of fluailuloupo, re
tired Huucluy uioniliift to San Pedro Ma
'4tti. The viniiny aniiarently took this
lliuvv liir l iiitrimb, unit iiiiuiiimi u Tri. i
feeble attnek. for tbe first tiine iince thai
battle of Kel)ruury Clb, when th-y wore :
sereroly piuiisbwl. Tbn raltoui nacd ar
tillery. They find two shots at tbe
AmeriraiiH, liotli of whiob fell short.
Tim Utah Ixittery replied to tbo (ins, and
a few shots hul tbo olTiiot of silnuoing
tlie enemy's kuus. t
A btrge force of insurgents which hod
advanced iluriiiK Friday Diht from
PateriM altuekivt Oeiiornl King's brig
ade Muturduy uiorning for live hours.
The insurgents odvamwd over open
(leld. but wero ropnlsoa each tiuio. i ne
List time thoy wero soon carryinp; nvny
dead and wonndod. Our troops simply
hold tboir position and wore ordered
not to advance. Nine companion of tho
First California wero engaged In the
battle. No Amoricaus wero hart.
- lnra Auierlonnlawd.
The vitiligo of .Turo, a mile north of
Iloilo, wa enptnrod Sunday afternoon
by a battnlion of tho Eighteenth in
fantry. It wtui teamed that tho rebels
wore assombliuR there, and to prevent
the possibility of tboir milking an at
tack on the oily proper troops wero dis
patched to drive tlioui ont.
It was not oxpootod that any serious
resistance would bo mode by tho insur
gents, bnt thoy nia.lo a bettor defense
than was anticipated, with the result
that tho American losso wore heavier
than in tho capture of Iloilo. Liouton
ont Frank Belles of the Eighteenth In
fantry and four men were wounded.
Lioutuant Boltns' injury is slight.
Tho iuxurgonts bold their position for
an hour, but thj Ainoricaus made tilings
so lively for them that thoy wero com
pelled to w Uiiulaw, , The enemy ap
pears to have lost heart sud it is expeotod
that they havo heard of native reverses
on the Island of Luison.
Attack the Water Work.
The guard of tho Nebraska regiment
stationod noar tho wator works was at
tacked by insurgonts dressed in citizens'
olothns, who wore hiding in a bamboo
thicket. The Amoricaus wore wide
awake aud Oolonil 3toltzonberg im
mediately sont foni' oompanies of ro
iuforoeinonts to tho svuu of tho attack.
The natives stood th ir ground for a
short tuna and then P. id. Our troops
drove them toward Ouloooan, killing
eight of thorn, ineluditij; mi oftloor, nnd
capturing two others. Uaptnm A. H.
: UoUliiKSWnrt-k,
J-iiontetirmt Bort D.
Whevdou and six privates wero
Superior lob printing, Mail office
00. ( HtW VOwW. liUimtflltai.
Tlie Kimboat itulituu iius reached M
oila. Kx Coiisul of the Uiiltwl Blares 0. V.
Williams is in roryiipt of an application
from a inemlwr of the insurgent oou
Ktosh at Maloliw, reqiuMtln a pass tbro
uuli the American lines for a family of
1 13 pertou, who are desirous of taking
refiiKe at Munilu. This is reguraea m
tiKiiitiotint ait KhowinK tiuit tbo most In
tiiiliKiinl relwU realice tliut their fam
l ies are nufo only witliiu American ter
ritory. The lusurgonU hare apparently rea
lized the hopvluHHuess of attacking the
AniHiiutu poaition, and are occupied
clilefiy by occasional shanwhooting; from
tlie jutiKle whouovor feasible. Fortnn-
I utely their iKiioranoe of tbe use of sights
. - . . L
'"'uxe the effect of their guernlla
Tbe arrest of natives in Manila on
siiHpieiou of aiding or attempting to aid
tbn rebels and .the seizure of concealed
knives uud riAes continue. The insur
gents flrml on General King's brigade
but did no harm.
In anticipation of the arrival at
Manila of five light-dranght gonboaU,
now on their way there. Jf d the early
completion at Hongkong uf tbe repairs
on tne former BpanUh gunboats Is!a de
Cnba and IsIa de Luzon, the govern
niont is amvugiug a plan for extending
American authority throughout the
Th Prealtlei't on the Philippine.
In a speech delivered before the Home
Market club in Boston last wock, Presi
dent M'Kinloy said : Until
congress shall direct otherwise it will be
the duty of the executive to possess and
hold the Philippines, giving the people
thoreof peace and- benonoent govern
mont, affording thorn every opportunity
to proseoute their lawful pursuits, en
oonroging them hi their industries,
nmkhig the foel and know that we are
their friouds, not their enemies ; that
their good is oar aim; that their welfare
is oar welfare; but that thou- aspirations
nor our can be realised until our author
ity is aoknowlodged - and unquestioned
That ho inhabitants, of the Philippines
will be benefitted by this ropublio is my
unshaken belief ; tbut they will havo a
kindlier government nndor our guidance
uud that thoy will be aided in ovary pos
sible way to bo self -respecting and self-
governing people is as true as that tho
American people lore liberty and have
an abiding. faith in thoir owu govern'
meut and institutions. No imperial design
lurks in the Ajnerioan mind. , They are
alien to American sentiment, thought
and purpose. Our priceless principles
undergo no ohauge under a tropical sun
They go with the 1 flag. They are
wrought in every one of its sacred folds
aud are inextinguishable in its shining
sttrrs. ' ,
Oharlos F. Montgomery, a pioneer
editor of California, is dead at Mnrtinea.
Death followed ao operation for oancer
of the stomach.
' Lord Chorles Beresford arrived In San
Francisco last week from China. Ho
is on it tour of the world makiiig a study
of Undo rolntiouB with England. .
Mrs. Grace llison aud Isaac Bain,
who conduct jd a matrimonial b ram at
San iiYHiioixoo have boon sentenced to 15
months iu pvisna and lined aoOO for
UBiuf tnu utitiis to uoiruud.
On Board the Oregon.
U. S. Stkamhhip Oreoon.)
Opk Callao, I'env, j
Januaky 4, 1899. )
Dkak I'aiiknts: I recoived your
letter about a week ago, but did
not answer it beoause I did not
know whether we would go to San
Francisco or to Manila. I am pretty
certain tiuit we will go to Honolulu
and there wait for the Iowa lo be
repaired, when she will come out
and relieve ua. If she doesn't gat
through in time we will have to go
to Manila.
I had a forty-eight hours' liberty
in Callao. I was up to Lima, and
went all through that great cathe
dral I have heard so much about.
It is a grand thing. All the pillars
around the altar ar solid gold. I
was also all through tbe president's
palace. Thirteen of us paid our
respects to the president and the
American consul. We bad a fine
time. I went on an excursion trip
to the mountains. Will copy the
circular so you will see what it was:
"Grand excursion train for the gal
lant men of the U. S. Navy, to the
InQrnulla bridge, 10,920 feet above
sea level, and bO miles from Callao.
Train will leave Callao on Sunday,
the 1st, 1899, at 7 :4U a. m. and
Lima at 8:30 a. m,. returning ut 7
p. m., etc." This bridge is so high
that you could not see a wagon in
tbe valley below.
We bad a nice trip around; stop
ping at Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Monte
video, Sandy Point, Valparaiso and
Callao. We had a big storm just
before we reached Valparaiso, and
it was a hard one, too. The water
went clear over the bridge. It wag
something awful for two days, then
it quieted down and the ocean was
as cairn as a lake.
This ia a great place for sports.
Every boy has a fighting cock and
runs around with it under his arm.
was out horeeback riding with
some Peruvian people. The bouses
here are all one story nigb, except
a few of the principal ones. The
streets are all etone. The people
are a mixture of Spanish, negroes
and Indians, although the higher
classes are Europeans and Amen.
cans. Tbe police all ask you for
money and everything is $5 if you
will pay it. If you know the price,
it is twenty-cents. Every grocery
store is a saloon. For $5 in gold
thev eive vou $10.60 of their money.
A sovereign of their money will go
as far as a dollar in ours, if a man
knows how to use it.. We are getting
stores on board now. Well, I will
close for this time.
: Your loving son, ,
Roy W. Richardson,
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta move tbe
bowels gently, relievea tbe cough, cures tbe
feverish condition and headache, making It the
beat and Quickest remedy for coughs, colds
and la grippe. Cares In one day. '-No cure,
no pay." Price 25 cents. For sale by Strang
the druggist.
How a Snaplolonji Enicllah Paitaier
Detected the Fllrlatlou of
Ula. Danshter.
The ingenious father of an estimable
young lady in Sbeflleld recently rigged
up a clever coutnvnnce by which ne
discouraged a certain young man who
had been accustomed to malte love to
his dnuKhter, says Pearson's Weekly.
The old gentleman recently caught
the young mnn and the girl sitting
rather close together on tbe sofa. He
read the girl a lecture and made her
promise not to let the young man sit
beside her on the sofa again.
lie was a bit suspicious, and decided
not to trust the girl's promise, so he
called in an electrician to carry out a
little Bcheme of his. A contact plate
wns fitted just under the cushion of
tho sofa and another to the bottom of
the frame in such a way that when the
weight of two pet sons bore down upon
the top plate it would touch the other
and close the circuit. ,
Wires were run from the plate to the
old man's bedroom.where, as soon' as
the circuit was closed, a small bell
would ring. All this was done without
the knowledge of the girl.
The next night the young man called
again, and cverythlngwas as it should
be until the old folks retired, about
ten o'clock. About half an hour later
the bell upstairs rang furiously. The
old mnn sneaked, downstairs and
caught the lovers snuggling very close
together on the sofa.
The young man escaped with his life,
fortunately, but the poor girl is locked
up on a diet of bread and water. -
A mortgage for $30,000,000, given to
the Central Trust Company of New
York oity by the Colorado Southern
Railway Company, was filed at Denver
recently. The revenue stamps need
aggregate 185,350.
This Ia Your Opportunity.
' On receiot of ton cents, cash or stamps.
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) snfflolent to demon
strate (no greu merits ui wro xmuvuj.
56 Wiirren St., Now York City,
Rev. John Held, Jr. . of Great Falls, Mont,
recommonded Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1
era emphasize his ninttnnent, "Itisaposl
live onro for ontarrb if ufd ns directed."
Uv. Franois W. Vnolo. l'astor Central Pre
Church, Uelona, Mont. . . , '
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledge
cure lor oatarrn ana contains no memirj
nor any injurious drug. CTioe, 60 cents.
Scrofula, a Vile
: Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood
troubles, and Is often the result of an
inherited taint In the blood. S. S. f).
is tho only remedy which goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula i It forces out
every trace of the disease, and ourea
the worst cates. ,
My son, Olurlle, was affltotad from infasay
with fkirofula, and ha anffarad ao Uul It wae
Impoaalbla todreaa him
for thr yara. If la
hd and body wan a
miu of aores, and bis
yaalght alao baoama
affeotod. Mo treatment
ii aparad that wa
thought would relloTO
htin. but ha grftw woraell
until ma condition waa
Indrml plllaole. I had,
almost daapaired of hla
evar bring. cutimI, whan
by th advlcaof a friend
wa o-ava him 8. S. S.
(Hwlrt'aSotelflcl. A av
oid! Jmnroremt nt waa the reanlt, and after
be had takoti a dozi-n bottlea. no one who knear
of hla former dreadful condition would have
reoognlal hi in. All the aorea on but bod
hare healed, hla iUd la perfeotly clear aaa
amooth, and ho baa been reatored to perfect
boalth. Msa. 8. a. Mabrt, .
For real blood troubles it is a waste
of time to expect a cure from the doc
tors. Blood diseases are beyond their
kill. Swift's Specific, '
reaches all deep-seated ease, which
Other remedies have no effect upon. It
is the only blood remedy guaranteed
purely vesetable. and contains no pot
ash, mercury, or other mineral.
Books mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
The - Shasta - Route
tl X WJB
Soutb I I " NortH
S:00p. m Lv. Portland Ar. 9:) a, na
8:17.mLv. Medford1 Lr S ITp. m
7:S.mAr. Ban Pranclaco Lv. -00p.,ni
Above tralna atop at alt atationa between)
Portland and Salem, Turner, Marlon. Jcfreraoo
Albany. Tangent. Shed da. Ualaer, Harrlabars.
Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove,
Drama, Oakland and at all atationa from Koaa
burs; to Aabland inclualve. . ,
Ar I iiM p. u
5-aQ p. mi Ar
Dining Cars on Ogden Route.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers and Second Claaa
Sleeping cara attached to all through traiaa .
Between Portland and Corvallia.
Mall tralna dally, except Sunday: '
7.10 L ml Lv Portland Ar I 5:5u p. m
U:16pmAr Oorvallii Lv HOhpm
At Albany and Corvallia connect with traiua
of O. C. & E. railway.
4:Wp.m Lv Portland Ar 8:25a. na
TOOp.m Ar McMlnnvllle Lv
8 a) p. m Ar Independence Lv 40 a. m
Direct connection a. San Francisco with Oc
cidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail stcmav
eblD Unea for Japan and oioa. uautnc diuea
on application.
KB lea ana UCItu laa u aaabvra puiaui ui
Europe, also Japan, China. Honnolaln and
Australia can be obtained from W. V. Llonia-
cott. Agent, Medford.
Manager. o. . at r a
A big yield of both
profit' and satisfaction
will result if you plant
MTS Seeds
Th7 are alwmra the but.
Do oot accept nnr ftutetl
tuts buy Don bat Ferry's.
Mold by all dealers. Write for
the TO Seed hquaI tree.
PanaModtctee Oo., St. Loola, ato.
Gentlemen: Wo Bold laat rear, m boaltes ot
bought three mosaalraadf tbla year. In all oar oa
wrlcnea of U reara. In tbe drna bnalneaa. aava
novev aoM an anlcle thetnve aoefi anlveraal aatlaa
lasuoa as row Toalo. Your irnlr, .
For sale by Ckaa. Strang, Medford, Qrefoa.
V 1L WaKaat, F '