t I PURELY PERSONAL. J. A. Whitman iu at Aabland 8atr urday. . ' Wm. Owens was la from Wellon Sat urday. S. H. Noalon was In from Table Rook Monday. Judge Null was over from .task son Vine .Monday. Honry Hoist was In from Dry oreok last saturuay. F. M. Oonlers, of Wellen, was a Mod lora trader last woek. Perry Foster was over from Beagle last week upon business. L.J. Slippy, of Talent, was In the City yesterday doing trading. Ohaa. Hanllton eameover from Union' : town last week to do trading. W. W. Estes, of Talent, was In the city last week upon business. J. W. Marksberry was up from Gold Bill last Friday upon business. A. M. Ford, of Central Point, was V Medford Monday upon business. J. Croy, of Central Point, was doing , business In tne metropolis mis week O. L. Wells, of Phoenix, was doing trading with Mediord meronants mod day. Attorney R. G. Smith, of Grants Pass, was in Medford Monday upon business. Mrs. Fred Downing, of Central Point, was on Wednesday's train en route to Aabland. Al. Crystal left Tuesday morning for Sacramento, cam., wnere ne expects to reside. Mrs. Helen Little, of Central Point, was a Medford visitor Wednesday and yesterday. Miss Lulu Crystal left for Ashland Tuesday, where she will remain for some time. Perry MoGee returned this week from a prospecting tour In the Apple gate country. Jas. MoDonough, the veteran horse fanoierof Willow springs district, was In tne otty Monday. A. C. Ramsey, of Central Point, was in' Medford this week visiting his brother, C. O. Ramsey. Mrs. I. F. Williams was up from Ceo tral Point Wednesday paying a visit to ner many Memord iriends. TXT TT n.Mlo. nl T T TVinrnlntt two of Gold Hill's best citizens, were in our metropolis oity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson left Medford last week, for Gold Hill, where Harry will do cooking In a hotel. Uncle Jaok Compton was over from Brownsboro last week visiting his many friends and doing business on the side. R. J. Everett, the photographer, is visiting Mrs. Everett and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N.Butler, In Medford. Postmaster Davis, of Asbestos, was in Medford last week for a couple of days' visit and business stay with friends. Brakeman C. M. Wilson was taking couple or three days' lay-off the fore part of the week and was visiting Med ford friends. F. W. Wait was at Grants Pass this week engaged in putting up a monu ment over the grave of the late Juiige Chaa. Walker. Rev. Adolph Haberly was at Ash land Sunday where he conducted ser vices in the Presbyterian Church, morn ing and evening. J. W. Short, the Foots creek miner and farmer, was in the city Tuesday viBitlng J. A. Morey and family and attending to business. Johnnie Jacobs was visiting Central folnt relatives and Iriends over Sun day, returning Monday accompanied by Mrs. Jacobs and the baby. Mrs. M. W Skeel and little Dorris, of Grants Pass, were visiting Medford friends this week. While here tbey were guests ol Mercnant U. L,. Davis and family. Mrs. F. E. Birge and her niece, Miss Bessie Coude, returned last week from their quite extended stay in San Fran Cisco, and the many friends of both are extending to them a hearty welcome. Mr. aod Mrs. A R. Rhodes, of Tal ent, were doing business in Medford Saturday and were pleasant callers at THE Mail shop. These good people will read Tub Mail and Oregonlan an other year. Ruben E. Peyton, of Leed9, was at Jacksonville last Saturday making final proof on hiB homestead, also upon a homestead formerly owned by bis mother, Mrs. Sullivan, deceased, as her only surviving heir. O. L. Sargent and family have moved to Jacksonville for permanent resi dence. Mr. Sargent has taken a posi tion as track repairer on the Medford Jacksonville shoriline and will also do firing on the locomotive. Miss Sarah Griffin, who has been stopping at home, near Grants Pass, for several months, returned to Med ford last veek and will remain here (or a couple or three months. The lady's health has not been good for -some time, but she la hopeful that this locality will improve It. F. M. Wade, the mining man who was connected witn tbe onoe existing v-rana Appiegate aiming uompany, was in Medford for a few days this "week. Mr. Wade Is hopeful of. again putting the company on a firm footing and that the prope-ty may be developed and work on tne mines and water ditch resumed. R. A. Proudfoot started for the Olson mills last week but after laboring for about four or five hours in half a mile of sticky road somewhere en route he decided to return and a'ter laboring as many more hours to get back off of the same piece of road he returned to Medford and the mill ha not as yet been visited. Eno Conger, by letter from Iowa: 'Enclosed find $1.50 for a year's sub scription to The Mail. No doubt you will wonder at a subscriber so far away, I.... " - T 1 - . t I 1 J n UUK WS L UKVO IVVJUB reBLUOU IB IVOgUO river valley, and expect to again, I want to keep posted and know of no better way tban to get The Mail. '"hink It is hotter than a letter." Attorney and Mrs. A. S. Hammond returned Monday morning from a few days' visit with their daughter, Miss Bessie, and Mr. Hammond's parents at Eugene. They were accompanied upon their return by Mrs. John Butterworth, I I a oousiu of Mr. Hammond, and whose nuabaud Is express metsengor on the S. P. between Ashland and San Franulsoo. The lady will vialt In Medford (or a while. County Judge J. F. Wlllottsnnd wife, of Klamath County, were in Medford last week upon a visit to Merchant 0, W. Woltors and family. These people loft Ashland yostordny for a couple of weeks' visit In San Franoitico. Mr. W. was elected oounty judgo of Klanmtu County at the last uleutlon and as all who know him ox poo ted would is proving himself a most worthy aod reliable gontloiunn for the position. J. Mealier, ho who last fall runted Frank Galloway's place, up near Beanie, waa in Medford last week upou business. Mr. Moaner la but receutly from Cali fornia but he Is becoming fully com vinood of the superiority of Southern Oregon over that part of California In wbloti he resided, and he is not baak. ward In making known hit opinions. He Is a thorough hustler and will sural do well now that he la locatod on tome or southern Oregon's fertile acres. Mra. J. Beck. Jr.. arrived in Medford laat week from Albany, Ore., for a week's visit with relatives and many frlenda. She left last evenlnir tar Port land whera ahe will be ioined by Mr. nee, auu iney win go iroiu tnere to Blllinirs. Montana, whore Mr. Boek has secured a position as salesman in a hardware store at 175 per month. Their friends here, and there are a great many of them, will wish them all kinds of success and bappluess in their new nome. ll.a rVntRntl ai.h 1 '." wm. ... u 11 1 kwu mi war friend la the Appiegate oountry, was a visitor to Medford Saturday. Miles lives In a mining oountry but, ttrange to relate, he has never struck a pick In the ir round in ouestof the vallow mntal whioh is otttfmea delusive and la not tnere when vou think vou have it cor. railed. In hla own worda he "allows not gold n the rough to 'jolly' him on" but prefers rather to till the toll and trade Ita products for coined gold with the eagle's profile thereon. T. W. Judy, of Healdsbunr. Calif.. arrived in Medford thia week and la now out at Mr. Heimioth's farm home enjoying a few days' visit. Mr. i Judy is here Intent upon purchasing a piece of farm property In the valley. He ia formerly from Missouri and has been in California for about a year. He says that farm land In California that Is any good at all Is worth more than gold dollars and land that can be boueht at reasonable Heure Is In a locality where the purchaser mav reasonably expect a failure of orops and where the chanoes are sixteen to one that his ex pectations will be realized. BEATS THE MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The CnitediStates contains 33,467 drug stores. Waltham has joined several other Massachusetts cities in adopting a cur- ! lew ordinance. According to a census taken by the Maine bureau of statistics there are 1,577,252 hens in-that state. At the Peach day observance in the Omaha exposition 1,500 baskets of Ne braska peaches were distributed among the visitors. About 5,000 words in the English lan guage have no rhyme to them. These include such important words as honor, virtue, gulf, month and echo. The whisky production in North Caro lina last year from the 407 registered for publication bv the relief committee distilleries was 60,716 gallons. It is ; Ol unester A. Arthur Corps No. 34, of inougnt tnat tne product of the illicit ' lulB city: Dknvkr, Jan. 80. A special to tho News from Cripple Creek, Colo., suyg of the recent strike in Isabella ground: Your correspondent biiw chunks of sylvanite that were three inuhos thick, and solid metal, and chunks of oxidized ore of same width that he whittled with a pookel knife, No assays have been made on the rook ; it is not necessary, hut pieces of free-gold ore, if ore it can be oalled at all, run over !500, 000 per ton. The Mollie Gibson never produced any ore that oarrios more ounces in silver per ton than this Isabella does in gold. With every hour's work the streak is lengthening and widening. Join ing this metallic body there are six feet of quarts that will run from 1000 to 12000 per ton.. Mauager Kilburn said: "I don't like to say anything that will ex cite people any more than they are at present. The nietallio ore body has doubled in size both ways since yesterday moring. Some of the pieces of ore are 80 per cent gold. I never saw such mineral, and I do not believe its like was ever mined in this or any other camp iu the world. We have no assays taken on the rock, but a ton of it could be picked out that would run any where from 150,000 to 1200,000. The strike was made in a uew ore body at a depth of 850 feet. The chute has been cut at the seventh level 200 feet above, and also at the fifth. At the latter place the aisay was obtained in tbe breast of the drift yesterday, on two feet of ore that went better tbau $1000 per ton. I here 18 at least blocked out in one level, between the ninth and seventh levels, 15,000,000 worth of ore." The Corps and Ita Qood Work. Few people there are who know that the Women's Rellr! Corps is, aside irom a social order, a benevolent Insti tution. Such, however, is a fact, and many homes in this and other towns of the land have been made glad because oi tne administering bands of lta mem bers aod donations of food and cloth ing from the homes of those of its mem bers more fortunate in worldly posses sions man are oiners. Tbe following quarterly report has been handed us PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Wcloomo Hack. She "Are you one of our Sevcuty-flrat herons?" He "No, I ain't uo hero, I'ut 'a regular." Life, lie "If I atole HO kltaea from you, what kind of luroctiy would It be?" She "I should call it grand." Youkera Statesman. She "Are you fond of canoeing'?" He "Immense, Vou don't have to take off your clothes when you but ho," lloiton TraiiKcrlpt, . Kxoi'ptlounl Fortune. "Atron Burr waa a remarkable man." "Decidedly. Notwithstanding the fact that he waa vice president of the United States h hat not been forgotten." Truth. "Marie, I dou't want yu to tie any more strings on my finger." "Why. John?" "I waated two whole hourt this morning wondering what It was you wanted me to remember." De troit Free Press. Diagnosis of Love. He "Bold on I We canuot alt on thia bench. It is freshly painted." She "If you were really In love, us you say you are, you would never huve noticed the paint." Fllengemle lllnetter. What It Wat. "Just listen how they are pounding the floor with their feet," tald the tragedian behind tbe curtain'. "Yes," said the leading In genue, "that is the stamp of public ap proval," Cincinnati Enquirer. iiois or it. is there any move ment In Botcher's new play?" "Move ment ? You ought to huve seen the au thor move off the stage when the audi ence yelled for lilni after the llrat uet.' Philadelphia North American. 'Oh," suld the girl who wst looking; over Miss Cayenne's shoulder, "you are reudlug the account of Mrs. Yuu Snub ber's party." "Yes." "You waul to tee who wat Invited?" "No, dear. 1 wont to tee who wasn't." Washing ton star. ICS CREAM CENTURIES AGO. Tae Dslleloaa luntnier Coafsollsa rirst Manafaelared la Italyr low It Orlalnals. ONE EXAMPLE AT LAST. tout GUIs Who Had No Montr, 111 NsvsrluoliiM llsoams Proas laaat In ftvolstr. Ktrly June days generally see Ilia lee cream aud aoda parlors doing a stead ily inorenalug htitlneu. Joe cream it a much older sweetmcut than many pertoiis suppose. In the beginning of the toventeeuth century iroblels mndu i..- i i .....r, ".. ....... " 1 ui iuo uiiu uiBu ivi'u ii-iuv viiiit ia, rruit t lity said at ubu u uivi ,,vtw i, lav umiifiib iu table. The llmonailiers, or lemonade tellers, of Parlt, endeavored to luartase the popularity uf their wurrs by lolug tuem, and oue, more eii'torprlslug thuii the reat, an llulliin mimed l'rooopo Couteoux, In the year MOO, conceived the Idea of converting tuck heversgea entirely Into , lee, nnd ubout SO years inter Iced liquors that It, llquort 'hanged lino lee were the principal hlnga told by the llmonailiers. ily the 'ml of Unit century Iced llquort were l nil eonimuu Iu I'm l. lee cream, ur leeil "butter," nt It wat lint culled, from Its supported resent bluuue to thai subbtunvc, soun followed. It wat tlrtt known In i'arlt In 1774. Duo de Churlret often went nt that lliiir to the I'arit coiTee-hooici to drink a gluts of I ml liquor, uud the luiullord having one day presented 111 tit with hit "una." form 'd In edible Ice, this kind uf iweelmeii'. became the fashion. Ucr ni im cookt ul once touk up the new art. j It wat not long In reaching ICugluud, for iu 1770 a French cook resident In Lon don, named Clermont, wrote "The Modern Cook," in which tweet Icrt were llrsl described for the Instruction of Kngllih cooks. The leo cream of these dayt it an enormously elaborated twuetmeat compared with that of the oldeu time. THE WESTERN FARMER. Is a Great Haee Thai Pesollasj the Plalaa and Prairies of Oar Coanfrr. distilleries was fully as large It is an inexplicable fact that men buried in an avalanche of snow hear dis tinctly every word uttered by those who are seeking for them, while their most strenuous shouts fail to penetrate even a few feet of the snow. The duke of Cambridge, who is fond of collecting swords, always wears on state occasions the diamond-hilted weapon which was presented to ham by the shah of Persia. He dislikes donning a military uniform, believing that his stoutness is not so apparent in evening dress, Mnny sailors believe that the frigate bird can start at daybreak with the trade winds from the coast of Africa and roost the same night upon the American shore. Whether this is a fact or not has jet to be determined, but it is certain that the bird is the swift est of winged creatures and is able to fly, under favorable conditions, 200 miles an hour. HAS INFINITE PATIENCE. JtT CMy Railroad Has Who Oblltrina-lr Aaswen 10,000 ttaestloaa a Dar. Some men are great in silence, some are grand in talk. The Pennsylvania itauroad company has a maro in charge of its bureau of information in Jersey City who answers on an average 10,000 questions a day, and the person does not live who has seen his feathers rumpled. Remarkable man I The trav eling public can ask more fool ques tions than any other public on' earth; but to interrogate stupidly, foolishly, idiotically or otherwise R. 13. Caldwell is to discover a reversal of the Biblical injunction to answer a quick wit ac cording to asinlnity. ' Over 300 trains go and come dally at the Pennsylvania station, and all these Caldwell must have at his tongue's end, as well as a complete map of the uaiverse, says the New York Press. Caldwell is everyone's main depend ence. I have heard people Inquire after J lost, parcels. 1 Have heard others ask: "Have you seen a man -around here looking as if he expected to see some one?" "Did a long, thin chap with eyeglasses leave a message here for me?" "Did a young woman with a child tell you she expected' her hus band to arrive on the Chicago limi Ited? I'm the man." Caldwell knows at sight every politician thnt travels, every prominent mon In publio life, every regular nnd nearly every irregu lar patron of his road. Being a man ol mried knowledge he is In demm.a among his fellows when arguments wax hot. In political forecasts he has fa unbroken, record. Cash on hand as per last report 17 09 Amount added to fund since last report 8 00 Total receipts $ 20 09 Total cash disbursements 11 CO Balance in hands of re lief committee 3 00 Total cash balance on band I 15 DO Value of clothing do nated ... 20 00 Value of fuel, provisions, etc., donated 30 00 No. of families assisted with food. . . .10 " in families assisted with food (10 " of porsons assisted with clothing. .20 " of visits made by relief commit tee, including visits to the sick.. . .50 Doctor MEYERS & CO. Specialists lor Hen ThM phnlrUai bate bQ runnj weJtknrsi auxl eon tntua ftllmcnU ilnca 1MI. Tbejr bavt tha Uncit and t)Mt Crjaipid tufsltc! In ttltutloa, and the moat tl Unilr qnctfew In the If 8. HO Par Till Cired. tTnfirrtutut Ban who CUI- Dot call boald wrtta far k1 47 tlM uid titinLn hock csTAsusHceirvtAss. rJ:,".. All IrtUneoaUntteli Ho Hurts for CoMtlUtloa. 731 8J? B4llCuicO ) K'tnt' EMnnct. LADIES "thinoV NEW! With Gerstendorfer Bros' Famous Honseoola Specialties. 'Our Favorle" W satiable dold . Enamel Perfection tor all Gold Decorations on anv material, . "S ar Enamels" Produce s hard, washable and brilliant Por celain Surface on everything. "5 ar" Ba htub Enamel Gives old, rusty Bathtubs a glossy, snow white finish; resisu hot sod oold water. "O" Aluminum Enamel Puts t Bnish like frosted illvor on any arti cle, untarnishublo and washable. 0" Varnish S alns unanso tbe appoaranoe of all soft woods to rich hardwoods; varnlih and stain la one operation. "d" Stovepipe Enamel Puts a raven blaok, glass like surface on stovoplnes, metals, etc ; does not burn or oraok off and Is washable. All theao irnniln nrA maAtt mtirnA nr. n With a brUHh. Nn n,n.Hnnnn n,,.nUan A child can apply ihein. For ovory oont Invested you got a dollar's worth of nowncss. The best "Home Hoautlllors." Samples of the work aro on exhibition at G. H. HASKINS'. When one heart testimony, says Dr. Albert Shawiu an article on the frans Mitsissippl exposition, to the flnenetk and beauty of all this array of ma chinerya beauty that lies in the ever increasing perfection of Its Htiicus for the conditions that have to be met one Is really paying a tribute to the brains, energy, aud character of thi western farmer. I have been ou tin Hungarian plaint and witnessed the costly attempts of the progressive gov ernment to teach the landowners am' peasants the use of improved farm ma ctilnery imported from America o else adopted from American types. i nave also observed what it con fessed by the government and noted by all who visit those regiont the per sittent fact of tcores of meu, women and children in the cornfields with old- fashioned hoet, while long rowt of white-tunicked men. In the hayfleld or the ripe grain, are twinging tickles and tcytbet. And a little later In the tea son it is common enough to tee the oxen treading out the grain, or to hear the thud of the descending rlnll. .Mean while, the new-fashioned corn plows are rusting; tlie rejected mowing and reaping machines rot in their neg' leciea corners; and the threshing mu chine is viewed as an ill-omened mon st rosily. It Is all simply a difference In men It is a great race that bus peopled our prairies and plains, and that is pro ducing corn, wheat, and oats by the thousands of millions of butfliels here only a few years ago there was I lie ancient matted sod of the prairies, un broken for centuries. The men who drive the gangplow, ride the atilkv cui tivutor, manipulate the twine binder, ar.u send millions of horned cuttle. hogs, and sheep to the packing estab lishments of Omaha, Kansas City and Lhicago ore to be credited with series of achievements worthy not merely of respect, but even of en tliuslasm. I ennnot for a moment doubt the ability of such men to rear u fine and varied fabric of civilization upon so great a material foundation. Century. His Interest la the. Tree. A man stood on the bank of Chap man creek, in Dickinson county, the other day and gnzed long nnd curious ly at a big cottonwood tree that stood well down on the bank and then to a reporter he told of the Interest felt by himself in that particular tree. In I860 a cloudburst In the vicinity flooded Chnpman creek and washed away many farmhouses. While the flood was at its height one Peter Berg man saw a baby floating along In tbe torrent. He rescued the child, and then, with his shirt torn into strings, tied it up in the branches of a cotton wood tree beyond the rench of the water. There the baby remained nine bours before being taken to n place of greater safety. The name of this baby waa John Bostwick, and he It was who stood and gazed for the first time in many years at the old cottonwood tree that had served as his asylum. Kan sas City Journal. Tlicro was a young innu from New York visiting In Cleveland some lime ugo, tnyt the l'lnlu Dealer. He was a great lalker on tho theme of social deiiKii'iiicy and hud nil the wnlters on I Iu subject ii ii il n good deal of wnut tongue t end. "llah," he suld, "Ihe worn) forms of ahum urlatocrucy are found In the went. Out here you give toulul recognition only lo the money bngi a man carries, Wu are bad enough In New York, but wcttlon't look dowu upon humble be glnnlnga ns you do here, I'm told that the only thing lo make your society people pardon a iiinn's humble par entage it a bmhul of ootids or other wealth," "Somebody hat laid you wrong," laughed lil" Cleveland entertainer. "Cun .vtiii point me out a single In stance Hun uiil prove me wrong?" queried llie iillhe New Yorker. They were til ilie opera liuuneind Ihe Cleveland mini looked over the audi once. "Yes," he nuswrred. "Notice the young man In Ihe fourth row, end teat, left section. Do you tvo him?" "Yes, 1 see him." "Well, that young man It one of our prominent cltUcim, both In business and toclely. He Isn't rich, and IrU father when a hoy drove horses ou the ctasl towpnth." The New Yorker looked aghast. "What's hit name?" "tiarlleld." Then the subject clitoged tad tbe curtain wriu up. THE GINGER HABIT. New War Preserve Bodies. A Neapolitan physician has Intro luced a new system of preserving bodies from corruption. lie simply gives the body a series of baths for an indefinite period. For anatomical pur poses the body may be made to'rcsume !ts primary freshness, but If the bath treatment is sufficiently indulged in the subject .attains th density and consistency of marble and gives forth a metallic ring when touched with metal. Though the sole Intention of thi; Inventor was to preserve siibjeols for the dissecting-room, It Is believed that hi process may supersede re frigeration In Cases of long transit of carcasses of beasts. Chicago Inter Ocean, Will Oaeo formed It la aa Bsesod laair UIOIoull Tains to Got Rid Of. "What la it I am chewing?" asked the man coming out of the drug store In response to a query from his com panion. "Why, it's ginger root, nnd It is a fine thing to nibble on between meals. It It a great tonic, too, and a di gester. WIU you have a nibble?" and be extended a bit of tbe root to the other man. "Thanks, no," tnld the other. "How long have you been doing It?" "Couple of yean, or such a matter." "Have you tried to quit It since you began?" "Of courae not. Why ahould I?" "Suppose you try to quit." "Why?" "Simply to test the strength of the ginger hnblt. I had it once. A friend of mine talked to me just at you ire doing, and I, thinking It win harmlrtt kind of thing, bought a nickel's worth and tried it for indlgettlon, I think It was. Anyhow, whatever It was, I tried the ginger, and before I knew what I wat about It wat tt necessary for me to have ginger root to chew at it Is for a tobneco chewcr to have tobacco. Itt stimulating effeat had become a need I had to meet, and ns soon as I felt the force of the habit I proceeded to break myself of It. 1 did it, as any hnblt al most may be got rid of, but I wunt to tell you it wna no rusy job, and If you doubt me, just you throw that away you have and try going without It for a week." LOSER'S NAME FIRST. It Is lo riaood la Maar Caaos Whoa Ivoaklns; of War Hstwooa Nalloas. We are commonly known among third parties by the names of tho two nations involved, and It It a serious fuut that the name of the toning nation usu ally prccrdes I lint of the victor. Consid erations of euphony nnd not sentiment ubtalu, in llnwnr between Franceand 1'riiHnlii France win completely crushed In a short lime, but the contest, by gen crnl consent, It known n the Frauco I'rutalun war. The recent war In the far east, which led to the partition of China now actively In progress, was known as the Chinese-Japanese, or, la Kuropcan phraseology, the Hlno-Japan-ete war. A still more recent examplo Is the Grneco-Turklsh war, In which Greece waa badly whipped. To the superstitious the name cur rently given to our conflict with flpalu may, by nnalogy, teem tn augury of suc cess for our arms. Kurope calls It the Spanish-American wnr. An objection lo the name Is that It gives rite to tm blgultlri, as the term Spanish-American Is commonly used to designate the various countries of South America. Perhaps for this rrnton there Is a grow ing tendency In Kurope to call the war IIIspnnn-Amerlnnn. Another objection In the eyet of Europe to either of these nnuiea la the jrnlnusy with which It rc gnrdt our assumption of the name Amerlcn. America, It Is contended, ap plies to the whole of North and South America, nnd this country It more often referred to ns "the Slnict," even by Knglnnd. HE delights of an evening spent around a well-lighted read- ing table are not half understood. An illustrated magazine with its wealth of illustrations, its stories of adventure and love, its descriptions of travel which carry you to the remotest ends of the earth, and its instructive articles for young and old these are the first requisites for your own enjoyment and the entertainment ami proper education of your children.. To secure for you the best and most interesting of the great illus trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of the editor of this journal. That we have succeeded we leave our readers to judge. A special contract recently entered into with The Cosmo, politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has enabled us to offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the illus trated magazines together with a year's subscription to this journal, n BothTogetherUneYearforOnlyS 2.00 In this way you secure your own home paper and an Illustrated magazine at a price that is only about a fourth of what some of the illustrated magazines sell for. For three years The Cosmopolitan has undisputedly claimed that it reached the largest clientele possessed by any periodical, daily, weekly or monthly, in the world. It was The Cosmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world know the reat horrors of famine and plague. It was The Cosmopol itan which established at its own cost a great Free Correspondence University which now has over 20,000 students on its rolls. It was The Cosmopolitan which offered a prize of 3,000 for the best horse less carriage and prizes for best plans for public baths, and best arrange ment of sewer and pipe systems for cities, It was The Cosmopolitan which set the presidents of great schools and universities seriously discussing the defects of existing educational systems. - It is The Cosmopolitan whose enterprise Is always in the lead in advancing the .Yorjd's civilization. , tn -n-mmam r, U!