foi OUR COUNTY ... Correspondents 1 KukIu I'olut KnirluU. UY A. C. IIOWI.K'IT. Horn January 28. 1H1I1), to Mr. mid Mm, Aurun Hook, u diiutflititr. MiHt Mattiii Taylor, who ImH limm HtoppitiK in Mod lord for boiiio time, ruturnud hoinu IunI Huiiilny. Mixs Anna JuflYtty oiunuout from Mud ford IuhI Hundiiy. Hho vtu uo ooiiipHiilvd by MrH, LoHlilur. MuhduinoH S. It, HolinoH and Frank Drown Hiwnt lunt wmik at Cuntnil Point veiling ttiuir Hintor. Mrn. Wiu. HohnoH. Cluudu Wlillo, wlio Iiuh boon Htop plug in Cmiti-nl Point for Homo tliiui, riiturni'd to Kiiglu Point lant tiutiirduy upon a vittit. Quito a nutiibur of our youiift pooplit wont to Cuntral Point lunt KnUmliiy niulit to nttitud llui outer-tnimiii-nt lvott liy tlio DugriiH of Honor IiiHkii, Tliuy rujiort having had a flnu limo. Tin) ground Iiuh Htittlml bihco tliu lii'uvy ruiim ho ilial hoiiio of tlio fiiriiium Imvi coin mmioi'd plowing. 'J'liu nrimviit indiuutionH art) Unit th or will bu a lurgn amount of grain put 111 tliiH noiiHon. Judiiu Hafl'ord omiiti ui from Anil land IiihI wuuk, whnru liu in attnud ing tlio normal. Ha wiih ncoom panii'd by Mr. Itoouu, who in ulun a Htudont at tlio normal. Thoy aro tliu KuuHtD of Juhhu'r iiiotbur, Mrn. A. Pool. Mr. and Mm. R. L. I'urkur woro callml from ttiuir homo on Uig Dutto liml wuuk by HiukniiHH in the family of tbuir hoii in law, Prof. IC. K. Jrimitb, who iri in charge of tlio school in Phottnix. Thoy toppi-d with J. J. Kryor Kriday night. Thuro in ooiiHidoruhlo niokiioHH in thin ntMghhorhood, moHtly la grippe, although thoro aro Huvorul cuhch of pnxumonia and Home of thorn are )uilu HoriouH. MrH. Howlutt and ono of our litllo girla, Hatlio, have been afllioteil with tho lu grippe for the pHt wevk. On Monday of last wcok Mini Anna Jufl'ruy, tho principal of our Hohool, rucoivud word that hur mother was dead and at once ru turnud to Mod ford, whnroupou Prof. Lincoln Savage, who has charge of the primary aupartmont. appointed a committee to draft rcxolutiou of condolunuo and oxprui'B tho sympa thy of the Hohool. On Wednesday thuy sont her tho following oxprou Bion of their rogrots: Kaoi.k Point, Jan. !M. 18011. Mihh Anna Ikkkkkv, Dour Tcaeliur: Wo know lliul mi wont can uiuku luiu-mle tor llui tfl-oiit Ion- villi huvo bub tainod III tllu luee of your imilhnr. Wo deeply ivull.u Una too uxiiii-eaitiiin of cimhIdIoiiuu lull lo rinltiru tllu lovoU unit lout Olio, iiiiJ yoi wn L-uhiiol but hiipo Hint tllu lu-itriliill ., iiiialliy of oiira will mkl imi dnmiiud nil intrusion on your tjrlof. It hits li,.-un wi ll sulci that "wo woup for tint lovod anil lost bocaunj wo know our tuitranrc In vain." Wo would uiiho your eoi-row, yol wo know not how; wo can only acknoh:dt.i Unit llio nlll lotion le (jod'e will. We may not doubt alio' la froo from too pinna that alio ao lonir oudurnd huro on earth, and whon wn gather ul tho rivur ia it not a. awovt ooimolatlou to think that amonir tllu loved and lot aho may moot you on thootliur eido? Coiiiuiutid IniT you to Him who doutli all thiiiKa . well, wo roniain In tlio tondorual frluud .1.1.. IM ..- u..t.,.i...... extond our huai-livlt ayiupalliiua to you in vuur hcroavumont. Wrltlun by tlio ouininitleo in behalf of tho Hohool. I!Kf.SIK HltOWN, Tavik Uowi.rtt, Iua Tdnoatk, J0K MlMIMAW, Fit AN If NlUIIOI.S. No Cure No Pay. That la lha way all dniKKlma oll Ororoa' Taatoloaa Chill Tonlo for miliaria, clillla and lovor. It In "Imply Iron aud iiulnlmi In a Unto loiia form. Children lovo It. Adulta prclor It lo blltur, nnuHuiUlnn louloa, I'rloo, W oonta For aalo ly Hlrn. tho ilniKKlal. Wooilvllle Items. Our mooting)) oloBiid laHt Thurs day after two wookn' duiation. MrH. Wright, of Cuntral Point, visited relatives here last woek. B. F. Cartor and Win. Wilt made a buBinoBtt trip to C rants Pass last week. Farmers are' everlastingly "roll ing logs," so to speak, in their prep aration for spring work. Loo linulshaw, of Brownsboro, visited .here several days last week with :his liothor, Doo Bradshaw. Miss Mnhd Cotnrtbok,1 who has been the guest of Mrs. D. Bradshaw in packages . at grocers' ScMHiiigs for a oouplo of weeko paHt.'returnJd to her homo at JuokHuiivllle last nuturday, ( r Mr, Hurkhiirt and family have moved to ICvuiih oroek , whore they will farm during tho coming hohhou, The Infant hoii of Mr. and MrH. Wm. Huymond has been danger oiiHly HI, but is now improving rapidly. llio dutini) In the school house last Friday evening wan a crowning HiicuesH. All proHont report having hud a royally good time. If the writer of tho above Item wiU supply thin oflluo with his or her name, wo will gladly furnish olf addroHHod, stumped envelopes and oopy paper. Wo would bo glad to put itotiiH In typo ouch week from Woodvillo. ICi To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tallil l.uiatlva llromo Qulnlua Tulilott. All druioiUta rufunil tho mutiny If It falla to ouru, 'J6 ccuta, lirowiiHboro Iteiim. IV UKMKfM.'A. J. K. Bell made a buHinoss trip to ICiiglo Point Saturday. K. Krnilenburg and family, of Dig Bulla, romoved Into tliis vicin ity a short time uuo. C. IC. Terrill has just returned from u trip to Big Butte, whura he hus been riding for cuttle. Wm. M?.rtin and Jos. Itandla, of l.uke treuk, and V in, Cook, of Dig Itutle, wero among the comers and gotrs of the past week. Jas. Martin, who has taken charge of Mr. Hyko'H place, near Phoenix, wont there during tho past week for the purpose of pruning the or chard trees 'luring the good wcathor W I ! Sick HoadaclioH, Tho curau of ovurworkud womankind, ar quiokly and auroly ourod by Karl's ('lovor Hoot Tea. tlio irroat blood purl llur and tiuo buildur. Moony refunded If not anlinfaulory. I'rluo 25 eta. and 40 vta. Hold by Chin. Stranu. druuKiat. Klamath County Items. From the Republican. The public road between Klam ath Kalis and Fort Klamath is in a very good condition for this time of the year. Rover Morgan (Indian) whs killed on the reservation last Tuesday hv a log rolling over him. Ho wn hauling wood when one of the lugs which ho had chained to tho sled on which he was riding came un loosened and rolled off, throwing Morgan to the ground. Deputy District Grand Master Frank Light, of the Indeendent Order of Odd Fellows, arrived here last Tuesday from Lakoview ac companied by James and Henry Hervford, V. L. Bnelling and S. K. Ahlslrom who proceeded lait night to institute a lodge of Odd I'cllows here. Tim lodge will ho known as Klamath Lodge No. 137, I. 0.0. F. t-'rom tho Klamath Pall Kxprojtn, Lust week I. I). AppluttHto sold COO Head of mutton sheep to Louis (terlier at cents, and parties Irom Lakeviuw Htato he sold this week 1000 head of slock sheep to Sol. Chandler at $3 per head. T. J. Ollinld and crow took 160 beef and)00 mutton sheep to Mont ague, bv way of Merrill, last Kridav Thev were fed on the Roames & Martin. J. T. Honley and E. W. Gowon ranches, and are all in fine condition. Malaria produoca woaknoaa, (tutiural debility, blltouHnuNN. loaa of aputllc,.laillKfHllOD and ennnltpallon. Urovait' Tnxloleaa Ohlll Tonic nnnovoa tho oauito which producea tbuKo trou bloa. Try It and you will bo dollghtcd. Ni cunta. To ki tho gunulno auk tor Qrovea For aalo by Birnug, tho dru?lnt. Tho Nevada lujrUhituro Has aain nlooUxl William M. Stuuart United HUitoa Hoiiator. Prof. CtuiiniiiiKH Cherry, famons in America us a xooloKiat, 'Uoii at- UliiiuiKn a few days iiro. Ohovry Iiokihi hisro- Boaroluw in California many -yours ago, PiMsoiit count iNwoitKor rates to Skat?' nay and Dyoa aro til) and ronpootivlv froiKht rates, 8, and $10 jwr ton; uvo alixik, iwr head: horses, $ JU.50; dogs ff Tho Twentieth United Status infantry arrived at San Fruiielsoo last" wook and immediately boanlod the trausiorts aud suilod for Mauila. Tho Now YorkOontml railroad or tho Vandborblldt linos aro said to bo pre Diirinir to oonstrtiot a road botwoen Or don and Sau Franolaoo, lu order to have a traiiKoonlluoutal line. Captain Joint Dnurds, a ploncor of tho oarly '40s. died at Moiitoroy rooontiy Dnurds help raise tho Stars and Stripes over' Moutoi-er uurtinr tuu war witn Hoxloo. ...... i i , "i. ,' Tho transport Zoalnndiu loft Manila Thnrsday for Sau Frailoisoo with liw ofticors and onlistod moil. Tho soldlors nu the Zoalundiu aro said at the war department to bo oonvaloseonts. , A. D. Holmos. arrested in Soil Fran- olsco for passing a forgod oheok for $35 ou a saloon-ltooDor of Frosno, pleaded guilty to obtaining money nndor falso nrotonsos and was suntonoad : to tho county jail for six months. Tlio oaiinurs of British Columbia aro alarmed at tho "proiiosod notion of Hie Ottawa Government rosnootlnir tho can. liing lntlustry. Thoy say that if tho proposed sugwostioii is can-toil intooffoot tlioir ll,000,0l)0 litrlustrios will bo driven bodily iuto tlio United States. ,y Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baltinf powders an tlx frt&Uat maiucOT to bullh of the prcstol day. awr wwiiwuoi. t toaa. 1 BeUoy Ann 5tlll Live. Kam(ikkim Kamon. mv ukkh K: l seed by yer last ishsue ov Tim Mkmkokd Mail an ansor to my koinmiiiilkashun by 1 Harry ilombray, ov Htikky, ak- knowk-dging my version of the dog killing to oe kuroct, but lie sea 1 did not tell the hull thing. Now, my deer Ed? I only told what eye herd to he fucks. I sent Prof. Skon- chin, my enterpreter, up to the springs to assertain what enferma tion kud be obtaned, and the follow ing bit is what he got. fur me, viz : No jug, no (task, no explosion, no dog killed by Ilombray only krip- piod, 2 deer krippled by Hembray, ona ov em was a pet misstoolt for a wild ouo and tuihor one Hembray krippled unci Kume killed it. 2 uien as wuz huntin' up thar at the same time sod lha saw a man up above the springs, as wuz gone wild on millenary tuck tick a. Tlia sed he had a lot ov tn-ezo lined up and wux given 'em orders parrad murtch, keep up in line, etc. Jist then the 2 men kum up to him and axt him what heer.o d-u'n', Her. he, "My kname is Captin Hembray. Ize captin ov ihe 250th mounted iiifanUreezo, volleutrecze ov Med ford, and Ize pracktizing fur the fray." Spoze iniku kuinlux Hotton wa-wa? Nika pcalta klatawa ten ess siyah kopa illuhee nika nanage In yuti niowwich nika uummalooho. Now, deer Kd, if ver over kum up this way stop unci see mo. x ourze as ever, llKTBhYA.NNSPIKBS. You Try it. If Shlloh's Couuh and Consurootlon Cure, which is Bold for the uroull price ui it els., :M old. aud SIUU, duc-s not cure luko thii bottle back and wo will refund your money, bold for over Ufly years on vi) i guaruniou. t'ricu zo cia. aua A) els. bold by Unas, btranjr, druKKlat. Tho latest ropnrt from WiwhliiKton ooiiwniiiiK tho First California ruKiinont Ik thut it will roturn on tho tr.insxirt S.-4iiilia as soon an tho vowels roacho.t Manila and tlio tnxtns disembark. Tho Sciindia Kiilod from Suu Kranutsoo but wuek. Romoldo Iz-poz, tho Mexlrnn who ploailod (ruilly to tho oluu-ijrc! of rattle irealiiiir and attomiitod to implicate Hiury Flonrnoy, a butohor of Pasadena, ivroivod a ioiitoii'io of seven years in San Qnontiu poiiitontiary. Tho case iisainst tho others namod by Lopez as accomplices fell flat. Tlio residence nf Mayor Borirman of Astoria tnu roblwd recently, and his wife last, a thousand dollars' worth of diamonds. A front window was found open and femal" footprints found in front of tho unuso. Tlio servant girt is undr nn-ost, and Chief Halloclt promises that ho will discover the diamonds. Tho completion in every dotail of the longest power transmission system in thu world, that which supplies tho city of Los Aavelos with olootrioitr from power developed at tho hoad of tho danta Ana river 80 milos nvniy. Tho svstom has occupied sovoral years in iniildinir and has onuseil tho oxpunditure of large sums of money. Private K. A. Doty of Battery C, Heavy Artillery, California Volunteers, was drowned In rite ocean nt Fort Canby, Wash., Doty, Willi two companions, started to olimb around a bluff whon he was washed off by tho surf. He was carried out lo sea by the heavy breakers, aud his companions wore nnablo to as sist him. Doty loavos a widow r. Chioo, C:il. Lafayotta Ditty, a colored man, who has boon acting as a cook for E. J. Bald win at his eolouratod Santa Anita ranch, drowned himself and his twelve-year-old son on Sunday lust in a reservoir an on tho ranch; five mill's oast, of Pasartoun. Ditty had a lmil attack of grip, which appeared to ofTect his niintl, aud his wife had notiotMl that ho had boon oot Ing strangely for the last few days. Two masked mon entered a house on a vegetable rauoh oast of Sacramento in wliioh ten Japanese wore asleep, and, presenting pistols, mado them all got up and hand over tlioir money and valu ables. Thoy got at least $50 in money and several watohos, Ono or the Japan ese, namod Tatsnmaina, made somo re sistanco aud tho robbors shot and killed him. Tho trnnloos of J San Luis Obispo at a mooting rooontiy formally ogrood with Lo Prune and Ryland, roprosontatlves of tlio San Luis Water company, for the giilo of all tho property of tho water company to tho city for $fil),000. Tills Is tho result or nogotlatlons ponding for many months, Tho company at one time asked $125,000 for tho works, bnt tho oitizons showed a determination tc put in a system pf their owu. ' 'AOlFICaUSTNEWS. ITEMS OF INTERE8T PICKED FROM THO WEEK'S DISPATCHES. Kulul Aaflidttnfc Wlilla Tryinif to do a Trlitk With a Shulmin llrltlah Culuin lilaiu Alartllfid it tlla I'lllua of .lap annan Itrotliura Chmrumd With Araoit. Marin wjuiity capitalists are to open a bank at Han ltafael. The Santa Cluru county farmers' club has IA0 memlsirs. This year's celery crop of California li estimated at TOO carloads. A farmers' institute was held at Se bastapol early In tho week. Nevada minors have asked the legis lature to pass an eight-hour law. The Fn. Tlobl'-s liank and the Oiti xous' bank of Haliuoa, will consolidate on Fobruury 1st. On March I 1,730 stamps will be in opumtlon at. tho Alaaku-Treadwcll nflne, ou Douglass island. Tun thousand carloads is the latest estimate of tlio present orange crop of the smthoru counties. Miichinory is to be put in the new sug ar factory at Oxnurd so us to raise it to its maximum caici.y. ' Tho gruuduting class of the state nor mal school at Ohlco, 20 in number, re ceived their diplomas Friday. A man recently from New Mexico is in tho county hospital at Sacramento suffering from smallpox. A severe wind storm prevailed in the mouutaiits back of San Diego, and several houses wero blown down. A party of eight eastern prospeotors was caught in an Arctic blizzard on the Valilez glucicr, Alaska, aud five frozen to death. Tho holdivnr stock of beans in Ven tura aud Santa Barbara counties has been exhausted. There will bo a large acreage of beans planted tho coming season. The Union Sugar company of Santa Barbara will plant 4000 acres of sugar bouts in the Santa Maria valley and 3000 acres lmve boon contracted for with farmers. Mrs. Thomas Kell and hor 8-mouths-old child were thrown from a buggy near Sau Joso. Tho mother sustained a broken arm and tho child was instantly lulled. A. O. Bradley, tho old soldier who shot Governor Smith of tho Soldiers' home at Santa Monica, has been found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon. The jury recommended him to the mercy of tho court. The plant of the Tehama Elootri' Light and Power compauy, rooontiy completed at Hod Bluff, was destroyed by tiro last week. Tho loss is about (13, 000. It is probablo that tho plaut will be rebuilt at once. Tlio Sau Bruno hotel, in the outskirts of San Francisco was destroyed by fire Sunday. Mathiaa Eieeorn, an aged boarder, was burned to death, and five firemen wero injured. F. S. Markariaii, and his brother Charles are in Jail at Fresno, charged with arson. One of tho brothers con fessed that they couatructed a machine which sot firo to their furniture store. Thoy had tho place heavily insured. William Pinknoy Toler, who as r midshipman on the staff of Commodcr Jones in 1843, raised the first Americ, flag ou California soil, died at his boo: in Oakland, after a prolonged illnes Owing to ill health for many y-irs !: had boon compelled to load a roHre lifo. The immediate causa of his deal!, was dropsy. Nellio, tho 4 year old daughter of W G. Hind, of Salinas, poured some coal oil ou a fire lu tho sitting-room of their home. Tlio can exploded, setting her clothes on fire. Her fahor smothered tho flames, but not until tho child't hair was burned p. close lo the scaln Daneers of tho Krip. The greatest ditugcr from la e-ipne Is of its resulting In pneumonia. U reasonable care Is used, however, and Chamherlain's Cough ttemedy takon. all dancer will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe wt have yet to learn of it single otae having resulted lu pneumonia which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It Is pleasant, and safe to take. For sale bv CIibs. Strang, drug gist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnklo, Central Point., ' , , it tree. The art alike, and eiallf. A you free. Hignt A re you weak t Where How long t Do you havo paint' Where How long Hieht twtatt 9 How often 9 Bo your tyet blur 9 When 9 Doyoutleepatnight9 How long 9 Are you eonttipated9 u B at AT aw -mm a a t XX Kr X. x. aty j s . -v. Antwer thett autttitnt and a tptoial trial treatment will be prepared and tent torou by mail free, feu take nt ebanoet. Addrett DR. J. H. HUDSON, T STOCKTON STREtTi SAN FRANCISCO, CAlu and me was sororei IriJltreVI aboui tJe body. Hor faTher's hands wore burned In a shocking manner. The citizens of Vancouver, B. O., ore becoming alarmed at tho large Influx of Japanese. They havo too informed Irom Ottawa that tho Federal authori ties cannot help them, and a ooinmun liuLtfnn htis tnien forwarded frrm, .inmnl. Cliunilstrlain. imperial wcrotury of state tor tlio colon 'os, saying in ciroot that ho hoped nothing would be done la the way of Inh'iHlation to displease tho nations interested. Preparations are said to be ofoot for tho transfer to a big transcontinental railway company of the San Fruncisco and North Pacifio railroad, wliioh, runs from Ukiah southward to Point Tiburon and thenoe has forry connections across the bay to Sau Francisco. The prospec tive purchasers aro believed to bo either the Vundorbilts, that thoy may socare advantageous terminal facilities for their coutomplatod extension to tlii ooaat, or tho tho Southern Pacific, that it may shut off thu prospective rival from one or the best romninlng bay ter minal points for u great railroad. A shocking affair occurred Sunday at the homo of John Garter in Tolo coun ty, near Clurfcsburg. His youngest son, aged li yours, and tho boy's older bro ther, aged 15 years, wore doing a shot gun trick, which resulted in tho formor'e death. They had for somo time past put unloaded cartridge shells in the gun, dropped a marble iu tho muzzle of the gun, and the older boy would explode the primer. This had just enough strength to 8"tid tho marble a few feet and the younger boy would catch it in its flight. They wero to perform the trick Sunday, but the cartridge in the gun, wiuoh they supposed to be empty, proved to bu leaded. When the gun was discharged the load of powder, and shot took effect In tho younger boy'a head, shattering it in a horrible manner. Death wu almost instantaneous. TlwuMadi ara Tryfag 1U In order to Drove the creat merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for I alarm ana uoia in tieaa, we nave pre pared a gaaeroui trial aize for 10 eeuta. Got it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BUOS., 56 Warren St., N. TC. City. I suffered from catarrh of Uin von t kind ever stuco a boy. and X never hoped for cnrt, but Ely'a Cream liahn seems to do veu tui-t. M:ny uiNiuaiuLinreaLma used it with exjIlent rMU!t. Uacar uatnun, 45 Wurruu Ave., Caicagj, 111. Kl'a Cream Balm is the acknowledged ennt for caurrn and contams no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Frlca, W ceuU. At druggista or by mail. A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result if you plant Tbr are nlwnrs the beat 1 Do not accept nar MitntU ; tut buy noil bat Frrrj'i. i o'1 by all dflni. Write lor tho'89Sca Annual frea. D.M.FERRY& C0..Dttrcit,Mlch. I CTYL1SH, RELIABLE? I ARTI5TIC-. I Recommended by Leading S Dressmakers. & Sj 55 They Always Please.. J MECALLf ABAZAR. 12 NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE : J IVTheie pattrmi are sold in nearljr e-enctty and town in the United States. ; If your dealer does oot keep them tend I direct to us. One cent stamps received. Address your nearest point. ; THE McCALL COMPANY, i 138 to 146 W. 14th Strael, Htm York j branch ornras : i 189 Filth Ave., Chicago, and j 1051 Market 5t., Sen Franciaco. aar mm m MYALLS Aili MAGAZINE ! Brtrhtt Mavailm Pnhllh-d 2S I Contains Beautiful Colored Plates. Illustrates Latest Patterns, Fash Ions. Pancv Worlr. ! A rant wanted far thl mavvln tnavtrv " locality. Beautiful premiums (or a little worn. me tor terms ana oiner panic- uiars. nuoscnpiton onry QVC per year, : AddM THE McCALL CO 38 to 146 W. 14th St., New York '. fmmmtwmm D Atltwar a fm auatliont and gat a trial treatment free. H quetttont are attea, a no two quemona the treatment mutt be prepared tpt- tptoial treatment mill be prepared for If yea tuner from Htrrout ueomty, Lettet, Lttt mannooa, tmittiont, met- anenoiy, amy spent, apon aetere tne tyet, Sleeplettnett, you ought to get a ' . . A . M - . J tpeeiai irearmenT. no saraur maai- eine, but a carefully prepares treatment. Every man ean nan atrial treatment tne. Ihou- tandt hare been cured, and they write in blaok and white taymg to. Antwer qutttiont and get a trial free. Doctors Can't Cure It! OontaRioui blood poison Is absolutely beyond the skill of the doctors. They may dose a patient for years on their mercurial and potash remedies, but ha will never be rid of the dlaoase; on tho other hand, his condition will grow steadily worse. S. B. 8. Is the only oura for this terrible affliction, because it is the only remedy whioh goes direct to the cause of the disease and forces it from the system. I waa afllatad with Blood Pntaon, an4 to baal doc cora did ma no good, though I took uair truimanl faltb full. In tut, I aaaaiMl lo sat woraa all tha Whlla. I look almoat arary ao-oallai blooij raaiedr, but thtf did sot aaeaa to reaoh the dla eaaa. and had no affaol whataTr. I waa d la. hartenrd. for It aaaraad that I would never be onred. Ac the adTtoe of mend 1 then tool B. 8. 8., and hraan tolm- Drove. I onntinued the sudletna, and It eantd tne eoniplrtelr, build- lasupmr health and Inen-aalng my appellte. fupmr Health and inen-aaing mr appeniv, houffh thla waa tnn yeara ago. I have naves eunousn mie w.n jfmrn shu. i hut vat had a alsn ol the dlaeaae to return. Staunton, Vs. It Is like self-destruction to continue to take potash and mercury; beside totally deetroylnir the diaestion. the dry ud the marrow in the bones, nro- duoing a stiffness and swelling of the joint, causing tne nair to tan out, ana completely wrecking tho system. , CCCfor The is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and is the only blood remedy free from thessi dangerous minerals. Book on aeir-treatment sent rree oy Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Go. Southern California railroads are re ported to be abandoning the efforts to burn oil in their engines. Mrs. J. P. Chriatenson, aired 70, wife: of a contractor of San Diego, started to drivo to Old Town with her son. The horse ran away at Old Town, boina frightened by a passing bicycle, and the old lady grabbed at the lines, bat only caught one of them, which caused the horse being turned short over the hillside. The woman then jumped from the buggy, fracturing her skull and dying a few minutes later. EAST AND SOUTH j --BY THE t , The - Shasta - Route OF TITF SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. EXPRESS TRAIVS LEAVE PORTLAND DAILY. Nortb 9:30 a. m 6:17 p. m 8:00 p. in tf:00p. m 0:1? a.m 7 Mr a. ii! Lr. Portland , Ar. Lv. Med ford Lv Ar. Ban Prnnclsco Lv. Above trains a too at ail stations belwet PurlUtud and Salem. Turner, Marlon, JefTersoa Albany. TantreiH, Sheddit. Halaey, HarrlRburp;, Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove, lrainfc, Oakland and at all stations from Rose burg to Ashland inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. i'JW u. m 1 Lv Sart p. m i Ar Portland Rosehurx Arl Lv 4:V p. m ?J0a. m Dining Cars on Ogdon Route. Pnllman Bdffet Sleepers and Pecond Claaa Sleeping; tarsaitacnea 10 an inrouga irmma Between Portland and CorvaUis. WEST SIDB DIVISION. Mall train dally, except Sunday: ' 7 to a. m I U:1B p m Lv Ar Portland Corrallls Ar I 5:56 p. m Lv 1:06 p. m At Albany and CorvaUis connect with trains) ofO. C. & E. railway. Express Trains daly, except Sunday: p. m I Lv Portland 7 nop. in Ar MOIInnvllle p. m I Ar Independence Ar Lv Lv 8:2a.ra 5:50 a. m 4:f0a m Direct connection a; San Franciaco with Oc cidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail a tea ru sh iu lines, for Japan and Claa. Salltnz dates on application. Kales ana ticjceia ana to eastern points ana. Europe, also Japan, China, Honnolulu aud Australia can be obtained from W. V. Llppla cott, Aeent, Medford. R. KOEHLHR, G. H. MARKBAM, Manager. G.K.&P A PORTLAND OREGON. TASTELESS IS JU8T AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE OO ota. OAtATIA , ILLS., HO. W, Vm. Parle Medlolna Co., 8t.Lonla,Mo. (loDtlemen: We told last year, 600 bottlea of GROVE'S TA8TBLES8 CHILL TON IO and bare hought three Krosa alroady thla rear. , In all oar OS vcrlooce of li reare. In tho drug huslneM. bave novor mM an article that bare nuon ualTareal aatar. taouoa aa rou TosM. xotu-a truly, AjuiiV.Cabb A CO. Tor tale by Ctats. Stranf, Medford, Oreiion. i Ills EMAIL TDttlE