The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 03, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Krorr Friday tiorainf.
' Ho Is at lew days) but null a plenty.
CDMred In the Poatoffloe t Medford, Onion
1 as SeoondClaaa Mill Matter.
Medford, Friday, fob. 3, IBM.
Terming Agonoj. w ana in Mercnania w
cauic&aii Franclaoo. California, whore ooa
tracu (or edvcrtlalng oan be made for It. .
, Our Clubbing List.
Tub Mail and Weekly S. P. Call 13 25
" " Examiner 2 85
' " " Chronlole 2 35
" " OroKOnian 2 00
' " Cosmopolitan ... 2 00
" Weekly Cincin
nati Enquirer, - 1 75
Blocks of ice 20 feet thick floated past
Tbe, Dalles last Wednesday.
' Fishermen are oatohinK quite a num
ber of steel head salmon In Coos river.
Fortv-one homsteads have been taken
up in the vicinity of Ioue during the
past lour monlns.
Hay is worth tram $12.50 to $15 per
ton at Prinevillo, and very little on t he
market at tbese figures.
Hop vines have sprouted in Lane
County. In some instances the sprouts
are one ana two incnes long.
Forty-two land patents were filed in
the recorder's office at Valo, by R. I
Evan 1. o( Wiunemucca, Nev., the other
. dav. The land is in the southern part
of Malheur County, near the Nevada
A hobo who wad eiven lodelncrs in
the Athena jail the other night, became
very sick. The sickness was caused by
. an overdose of wheat, whloh the man
te to satisfy hunger. ...
Douglas County fruit growers are un
easy because of the warm weather so
early in tne season, xney rear tnat
the trees will be brought forward so
rapidly that late cold weather will
- prove disasterous to them.
It is estimated that there are from
800,000 to 1,000,000 bushels of wheat
yet in the hands of Umatilla farmers,
A largo amount of this has been pooled
iu lots of 50,000 to 140,000 bushels and
is offered at 50 cents a bushel.
B. C. Hailenbcck, wo lies near
Hillsbiro, last year experimented with
early amber sugar cane and bad excel-
- lent results. Ho made a fine quality of
syrup, and his orop produced a yield of
about 200 gallons to the acre, -
' t " 8. A. .D. "Pewter,- of Pprtlandf the
well known Pacific coast lumberman,
has closed a sale of over 1,000,000,000
feet of Oregon timber, mostly fir, situ
ated in Marion County, 45 miles south
. of Portland, on Abiqua creek, a tribu
tary of the Willamette river, to a stock
lumber company in Wisconsin.
T. F. Rich's orohard tn the Park,
Wallowa County, contains six or seren
acres of fruit trees, consisting of pear,
peach, plum, apricot, apple and cherry.
Last year ne sold in Joseph and Prairie
ereek 00,000 pounds of fruit at two cento
; per pound, aud has 10,000 pounds in
his cellar at home. He seeded bis
orchard to clover 00 which uis pigs
and calves grow lat. Iast year be sold
$95.00 worth of pgs and his calves are
Some time ago 'J. M. Woodruff, of
Eugene, obtained a judgment against
the Southern Pacific Company for $500
dam ges for injuries received in a rail
road accident, ine corrpny was nt'ir
' lectful in paying the judgment, and
Saturday the company's depot oillct-r
nere ana tne money on nana were at
tached. The agent soon received an
order lrom r ortiand lor tbe release ol
the attacliincut, which was done on
payment of the claim.
A number of claims held by nonresl
dents upon homesteads in Douglas
'uouniy win soon oe cancelled oy tne
Jand department. Lands lying east ol
Oakland are affected, and embrace both
.agricultural and timber lands. Colonel
Mathers, of th J department, is in the
field looking up alt claims which the
reeords of che land office show have
been filed upon, but upon which tbe
. field agent finds no one living, nor have
improvements been made. ' , ;
Tbe other day when the Luckiamute
was nign, Liloyd btaats, son 01 Charles
Staats, who lives south, of Monmouth,
started for the country and had to cross
the stream. When he arrived at tbe
bank the bridges wore nowhere to be
seen, so he just rode bis little pony
which weighs about 700 pounds, into
.Ihe stream, and made bim swim about
-a quarter of a mile, and more by luck
v.than anything else, was landed safely
on thu opposite side of the stream, as
"Tret as a drowned rat.i The boy is only
. about 11 years old. .
The largest mortgage ever filed in
v Wasco County bas leen filed by tbe
Columbia Southern Railroad Company.
. It was given to the New York Security
- & Trust Company, the 'consideration
being $2,100,000. Two hundred and
seventy-two thousand dollars is to be
issued at once in bonds, and' then in
$10,000 amounts until the amount is
taken and the road built. The mort
gage consumes 36 pages of printed mat
ter, and the fee for recording alone
"will 'be $18. - Tbe revenue stamps
amounted to $1049.60. : : V
James W. Parker, aged 71, died at
Atchison, Kas., of heart tronble. : He
-was a pioneer stage operator and mail
contractor. In 1806 he operated some
of the largest mail routes in tho country
particularly in the west, being one of
the owners of the old California and
Oregon Stage company, operating be
tween San Francisco and Portland.
Wliat Is Shiloh?
A grand old remedy foKnoughs, colds
' and consumption;- used through the
world for half a century, bus cured In
numerable cases of incipient, consump
tion and relieved many in advanced
stages. If you are not satisfied with
the results; we will reiuna.your money
Price 25 ots 60 ots. and tJ.OP ..Sold
Chas. Strang, druggist. 1
The World's Great
Blood Purifier is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which absolutely
Cures every form of
Impure blood, from
The pimple on your
Face to the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thousands of people
Testify that Hood's
, Sarsaparilla cures
' Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Catarrh, Rheumatism,
And That Tired
Feeling. Remember this
And get Hood's
: And only Hood's.
Ka-Governor Paeheeo Dead
Ex-Governor Romualdo Paoheoo, one
of the most picturesque oluiractors ill the
history of California, died Mouday at
tne borne of his brother-in-law, H. R.
aimer, on Boulevard terrace, lu Oak.
land. He had been 111 for six weeks
with liver trouble. After a weeks' ill
ness ho seemed to have recovered and
went to ' visit frieuds in Bakersfield,
There he was token ill again, and tliree
weeks ago was brought back to Oakland
for better- medical treatment. The
trouble rapidly developed into Bright's
disease. About ten days ago the trouble
took an acute form and death resulted
as stated.
Romualdo Pacheco was a native Cali
fornian, born at Santa Barbara October
1, 1831. His early education he reouivod
from private tutors aud at a school iu
Honolulu. Ho followed the sea until 17
years of age, wheu he returned to his
Southern California home snd engaged
lu the stock raising industry.
After five years of rural life the youth
turned his attention to politics and iu
lso 1, at tbe age of 26, was elected sena
tor for Suutu Barbara and Sou Luis
Obispo counties aud served in the legis
latures of 1858 and 1859. In 18B1 he wns
elected again to the same office aud
served in the legislatures of . 1803 aud
uses, i ; ; ; , -1 , . ; . f .
Iu 1863 he was elected state treasurer
for four years, and iu 1869 was wniin
chosen state senator for Santa Barbara
and Son Luis Obispo counties aud served
iu the session of 1869-70.: In. 1871 he
was elected lieutenant-governor for four
years and in i euruary, 1875, on the resig
nation or Oovernor Booth became gov
ernor and held tho office until the elec
tion of Governor Irwin.
" Pacheco was the first native-born state
wasnoe Hiiiiiuis uru off the Nevada
reservation aud slaughtering game in
the Calaveras county. Steps are being
taken to compel them to return to their
homes. neti
The Beacon Lamp company, manu
facturers of incandescent electric lamps,
had a petition in in voluntary bankruptcy
mod against it at New York by a small
creditor. The liabilities are about $200,
000, but the value of the assets is not yet
G. A. Ayers shot and killed his wife
at Philadelphia, seriously wounded John
J. Wilson, who boarded with Mrs. Ayers,
and then committed suicide. Jealousy
caused the tragedy.
John Diefnloff shot his wife atChicmro
after a quarrel. He then shot himself
twice. Both died later at tho hospital.
They had not lived together for some
time. Her refusal to supply him with
fund3 is supposed to have caused the
The committee on permanent organiz
ation of tho Pacific Ocean Exposition
has a plan of organization for the ex
position jproposed to be held in Sau
Francisco in 1901. A director-general
will be made manager, with assistants
to be appointed by himself , not exceed
ing three. His salary will be $10,000 a
year, the salaries of the assistants tc
be fixed by the executive committee.
There will be 26 committees.
George Edwards, a native of New
York, about 35 years of age, was run
over und instantly killed by a train close
to the depot at Fresno. Tbe head wa
severed from the body. '
In Probate court.
nuardlanRhln of Rovs and Homer Drum: an
nual report approved.
usiaie or w Karew.Kt: executrix oraered to
file voucher for moneys paid out and also
general aiuiemcm 01 ana
nalrs of estate by April
Estate of Jaa Herd: ordered that euardlnn
discontinue all furtber payments to tbe guard
ian of tbe minor until the anal xetllement. '
Estate or WmS Uybee: decree of distribu
tion and final dlacburije of administrator.
nining Locations.
P M Kelly and J C McCullv located Jan 17. a
claim In Jackson creek district. ,i'
W L McClura and Jos Cox located two claims
Dec 29. in Sams creek district.
J J Houck located Jan 1, aclalmlnBlackwell
David W Rummer looated Deo 16. a claim In
Sampson creek district.
j u wuuams looatea ueo is, a oiaim in same
Ruchael Grow. Millie Grow and A C Honklns
located Dec I0,claimHin8ampsncreokdltrlct
J (J Knutzen located Jan I, a claim In Palmer
creek district.
OroveB1 Tasteless Cblll Tonio Is a perfect
malarial liver and blood purifier. Removes
biliousness without purging. As pleasant an
lemon syrup. Tt Is as large as any dollar tonic
and retails for fro oents. To got tbe genuine
ask for Groves'. For sale by Btrang, tho drug
Real Estate Transfers.
John H Downing to John Henry Cocbran
30 acres, tp 87, r 8 w 4
. P P Prim toLDM Inear, 63617 square feet
of land la Jacksonville
Ashland Lumber Co to A C Dixon, stw
sheriff Orme to ZatiMfoaeresTtp!,'
raw ,
An Kntlra Family l.u.l Htrlkn In
a Culoratln ll Mlua Tim War I-
VfitlKnllliK t'omiuUtna lu ltiorl
Kagau round Utility.
During Thursday's smutou of the
Chicago btxml of trailo May wheat wont
up to , routs a bushel,
During isus Mexico mines distributed
dividends umouutuig to ft,!!H4,ul0: lu
1807, .1,0711.107.
The Dmibury, Conn., luunufiioturors
of the livtwr-iirlwil derby huts have
effected n combination.
Mnri-us Wheeler, fathernf kiln Wheel
er Wlieox, died at his homo in Wcstport,
Wis. He viw tw years old.
An ice trust, to include all of the big
harvesters iu il 0 United Stales, is iu the
process of format inn. ,
Senator Mason lias introduced a bill
providing for the establishing of a train
ing school for nriny cooks.
A collision lxtvin two Chicairo mid
Great Western hvi'rht trains (it North
Hanover, 111., resnifcil in the death of
three trainmen.
In a battle hetwnoii government troops
and Insun'i-iits near San Aueuja, Ko
ndor, the latter were routi-d and left 800
dead on tho field.
Six prisonirs, principally burglars,
made their eso.itio from the count v iail
at Canton, O., through the treachery of
a trnstv.
Tho Planters' bunk of Kansas Cltv.
Mo., with a capital of 4.1,0110, wits closed
by the state. The proprietors are under
arrest. The bank has no visiblo assets.
it is alleged.
After holding several conferences the
Bessemer Ore Dealers of Ohio have de
cided to fix tho price of Bessemer ore
upon the basis of 20 cents a toil iiiurcase
over the prices of last year.
President McKinlev will send a com-
mission to examine thoromrhlv into cou
dltions in the Philippine islands. He
rears that tho treaty cannot bo ratified
by the present congress.
Bad wuter is rnuxiuir terrible mor-
tality among the Russian tmoiw stat
ioner! nt L:;io-tung, China. Two hun
dred mill flftven died during November
ana December.
A golden siiiko will be driven on tho
List section of tho Uiln Vallfy, Cilobe &
Northern railway, at Globe, A. T.,
February 1st, to signalixe the oomnlction
of that road and its advent into that
great coppr camp.
Commodore Philip, who was former
captain of tho Texas, now the com.
mandaut of tho navy yard, is to bo pro.
sented with two jeweled swords, ono by
the citizens and tho othur by the Sun-
day-sclionl children of Texas.
Ross Leary and Andrew Griswold.
farmers from Bill county. Tex., were
burned to death in the Commercial
hotel at Hillsboro, and O. MoCluro. an
other guest, is missing, and his body is
supposen to re in tne ruins.
The loss of an entire family in Tj.c0
Erie is reported from Toledo. ' The fam
ily was named Roiioii, coiisistod of
fonr memliers and lived on an i-luud.
One of the children died and iu taking
tne body to the ma'.nlnnd their boat cuu-
himi aim an were lost.
A marvelous strike is reported from
tho Isabella mine at Cripi)lo Creek, Col.
The strike is said to I, it) feet lou and
six feet thick and will need no treatment
before going to the mint. At one point
tne seam is pure gold and three inches
General Mouocal of Havana lias been
advised that General Rahi on tho war
path with 1600 trcxips. Rabi is said to
have set at detlauce both American and
Cuban authority aud to have occupied a
strong position in the S;ita Clara hills.
Rabl is a Guuutauumo Indian of vicious
Justices GofI and Morrin. in tho United
' A robust, manly
son and a cooing
baby-girl nestling in
her bosom what
more can any wom
anly woman ask?
It is a boon ' that
Heaven intended
abould be granted to' every woman.
. Thousands fail of this becauneathey have
neglected to look after their hValtb in a
womanly way. The health of a woman's
babies is dependent upon her own health
during the period of prospective maternity,
The prospective mother cannot be too par
ticular about her physical condition. If
she suffers from local weakness, nervous
ness or Ipsa of vigor and virility, her .chil
dren will be Weak, puny and sickly, 4 Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription la the only
unfailing cure for all weakness and disease
of the delicate and Important organs that
bear the brunt of maternity. It makes these
organs strong, healthy, .vigorous, virile and
elastic. It makes the prospective mother
strong and cheerful. . It robs maternity of
its perils. It Insures a baby constitution
ally strong. It 1b th invention of an eml
nent and skillul specialist, who has bad
thirty years' training In this particular
branch, during which time he and his staff
of physicians have - prescribed for many
thousands of women. Medicines dealers
sell it and an honest dealer will not urge
upon you an inferior substitute merely for
the little added profit he may make thereon,
" I am the mother of n nice baby four and a
half months old," writes Mrs, I. 11. Clotigli, (Box
3,) of Usbon, Grafton Co., N. H. "I cannot
give too much praise to Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-' I
iMMeinAiuw " of Tobacco or Opium, which
e'tUeTaease'one6 "Pellet " is a I ea1 lS'"'mfoa fyellM
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar. tS.SX,.SS'L" J .5''
tic. DruKKloU sell them, and nothing is , B0TTS CHEMICAL CO., PrOp i, Cleveland, OllrJ.
,.'.'.J"t "J004" . 0r ! by U. H. Haskiut, Mcdord.'
BUitoaotrouU court at TUltlmoro, handed
down a decree ordering thu Mile of Nio
Baltimore anil Ohio railroad proiKtrty
under foroloauro prootMHlliiga. No ditto
was fixed for thu sale, thu order holnit
merely for the pttrKs of expediting the
roorgiinratuoii oi tne system,
V. II. Penlauil, cashier of tho defunct
First National bunk of Ashvillo, N. 0.,
who srauiis initiciod together with W,
V. lireene, president, and J. 15. Dicker.
son, ono of the directors, iu thu United
States court for omboxxlciuoiit, has iiutdo
a tull oimresslon, Thu government
officials rtvfuao to g'vo particulars of the
Tho Zuui tribe, of Iudhuis, living' oil a
reservation in tho western part of New
Mexico, is suffering from a plague of
smallpox. The Zuuls number about
9000, aud iu the last six months there
have boon 317 deaths from smallpox.
Over IKK) Indians are now sick with the
disease. A government physician mid u
oorps of trained nurses soom powerless
to chock tho scourge. . t '
The report of the war investigating
nuumlttoo will, it is said, be tiled with
President MeKiuley on Thursday. It is
reported that the beef furnished' to the
army during the war will !h declared
good; that Alger and ICagau will bo
oomimmded, and that Miles will bo cen
sured for tho selection of the army
camps, and Breckinridge for the liu.
proper system of inspection.
On tho first ballot, and without a dis
senting vote, General Charles Patrick
Eagou has been found guilty of "eon-
duct unbecoming an ofllocr and gtinlln
uiuu." General Eojjeu having been
found guilty upon, tho Brst charge, It
followed as a matter of course that he
was guilty of tho soocond olfense. The
pcualty for the first offense is lixed bv
law at dismissal from thu army, and
the court has no discretion in the mat
ter, but must iiuiko this recommen
dation. Louis J. Smiro, the Ne-v York elerk
who forged a cliwk for -.'v.000 und who
spent the money trying to mro his wife
of consumption, pleaded guilty to forgery
lu thu second degree. Ho wus remanded
until Friday for sentence. Thu deferring
of tlio sentence was to enable Hiiuro to
see his wife onco more before she died.
She has no chance of life aud her death
is expected at any hour.
Tho Philippine insurgents have offered
to liberate Siuuidi prisoners if Sioiu
will act us their ally.
John Daly, thu Irish political prisoner
who was relmsed from Portland prison
iu 1800 after having bocu sentenced to
penal servitude for life in I8K4 for com
plicity in uu alleged plot to blow up the
House of Commons while iu session by
uuwriuft uruniniH) uouum inmi IHO
strangers' gallery, lias lieen elected
mnvor of IJmerirk liv a iltiHiiinioim vota
miii or oi umem .iiy unuuimous vote
unuer tnu new irisu local goverumcut
act. ",
William Newell, aged 9J yearn anil a
native of El Dorado county, was family
iiij;ir,-d by an explosion in thu Goldeu
Rule mini', near Juiuostown. He lived
nearly five hours after reaching the sur
face and displayed great fortitude in Ills
sufferings bi-ing conscious up to williin
a few minutes of death. '
William Caraey, the bicycle repairer
of Los Angeles was aciudciitally shot by
his brother who w.weleaiiingn iltt-calibcr
ri'voiver and ilivd. Tho Lullet pierced
the intestines ten times.
Charles N. Souther, u native of Mossu
ohusettK aged 80 years, is dead. Ho wiui
an old and msgioeted citizen and for
tlurty five years was a resident of Napa.
Tho Poiirmm hull of scittiiw of tlio
n at i i i . ,
Pomona coIIoko wan dedicated Satunluy.
A wrrnnt lun'Minln rliuftrrhfttifwi
A strong Huixmio uiHturrmnoo wan ruit
Sunday throughout tha PclopotmomiH.
th Rnnthnni norfc nf tha
lae wminuni pars oi me langaom or
Greoce, and eHpecially in tho won th wont-
ern dopartmontH of the pmiiuNnhi. All
the houw.'H iu the town of Pliilntra, in
tho department of Moiwinia, on tho
Ionian coast have boon damaged aud the
iuhuhitantK are now camping out in tho
suburbs. Two villages in the vicinity of
PhlUfm w.irn mnmlnfnlv fl.irr,,,.,.,!
many people sliglitly injured. Tho vil
higes of Kyj)JirisHtt find Stufto wvm iiIho
practically destroyed, though it is not
known afl yet whothor thero woro any
victims tliere.
The stoamer Btlgian, tho first of tho
fleet of llvo vessels of the California and
Oriental Steamship company plying be
tween Houkoug, Yokohama and San
Diego, am yuu at the latter port recently
with 2050 tons of froighfc. principally of
rice, tea and silk. Over 21)0 carloads of
freight ore awaiting shipment on the
return trip of the steamer to the Orient.
ELY'S CREADI DAI.M In noaillTommi.
AoDlr Into tha Doatrtl,. 11 1 nnfckly nliiuirbcd. 00
arata al Dmselut, or by mall i tamplea loo. by mall.
Ul BUlJ HKIIS, M warruti BL, net. Yorlt CIIJ.
Mott's Nerverine Pills
The guit
teriedy for
nervous proa.
tratlon and
all ncrvoui
diseases of the
' ceneratlve or-
lit I out and AFtm ubino. pans of either
sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or
loat Manhood, imnnrrnrv. PJloMlv Fmli.
tlnnt. Vr.t(,(..l rJri,l rr,.
oftn, fom no ftpparent
CaUJ, become languid and
dftpondtnt m the erly dayt
of their womanhood 'They
4fa along olw&yi tired,
ttna with & palpitating
heart after tlight eittrciu
to that merely to walk
up a txhatiting.
Somim hoH.dty-WMjJh
lead to the feat that they
.redoing into comumption
They ore nurnic,. doc
t tor tell them, whith meant
that they hove too tittle
blood1 Are you like that nve yeu too little blood
. More onmic peeple hove boon mode ttronfl, hungry,
eneronic men and women by the use ol Or. Williamf
PinK Pillt lor Pole People
c tne oeu onn in ine woria.
1 " Mlu Lulu HlrvriK, of nnKrl, Nlafara Co., N, V., kad bnn a my
bealilir iilrl until alHiat a rnr iio, when hi irw ytmk a nil p It. Hh
loat hrr aiKlllc, a. tlml In th. mornlui aa on rllnni, aad loat .th
until hr lin-auie to riuaclaitit that hrr ItUuit, Hanllv kn,w her. Th, Joc
tor ilrclaml tht dlarair anaiinla. ami gava her up to ilia. A phyaklan
who wua vUltlng lu Uaipurt prarallnl upon her to try lit. William.' Pluk
I'll:, fur I'alc Pcoplr. Shf illil ao, ami bru.lltnl al onn. ' Hhc la now
wall aud alrou(-the very plcturt of Health. Hfih N. y.) Ctmrltr,
The genuine Me told only in patKage, the nrapotv
fclwoyi bearing the full name. For tale by all drug
diMi or tent , postpaid, by the Or Williams Mediiine
CompMiy . Schenltdy . N Y., on rieipt of price, fifty
tentt per bos. BooU, of cur free on ro,uet,t.
Guardian's Sale Notice.
In tlio County Court r.f Jnokion County. Htoic
' ufOrriiiin.
In the MiUtrr ot tlu i.u4nllunihli of Muyit
Drum utiei MnitHT Drum. Mltinnt,
NOTICE Ik ht-rthv ulvrn ilmi mirnutint iu un
onlor of tho uhtivr rttltlliMl oourt miuli on
Uit llilrtl iUy of Junuury. A. I). hW, auiltnrtx
litu, fniiMMvi-rliiit u nt) ilfrttuiliiH tut? no tittlo, I,
uiu utitiorMKitou, KimnMau of tho iHrnitrm mid
tiHtutrit of tlio hIkivi natnrtl mlnor-i. nhitlt fnon
tut aftnr tlio tuortfuiiih tiny of Kctmmry, A. 1).
IHW4. pritoto0 to nt'll nt prtvnto nulr. tor nU In
fanntl. Mllltlt'Ot tn Iho oonflrninllnn of ihn Hluitri
entltltrtl court, tho followiiitf lcitTtlat1 roul
oitlalo. bolottKlnv to mt 10 iiiltiunt, him! JtituuteU
tn iho County of Jokm nmt Htuto of Orvwun.
to wtl:
Tho ouil hulf of that cerUiti tmot or body of
httiti tiiiiiiulnlnit ono tiuiulrri uml (Kiy nino tin it
IMifl iioruft uikI tlio wholtf of which tract In
ilt'uritKil a ituvcriiiuont Intit nuiiiherrU rluht
IN), olui tU, frit ilU) mill cl-'vou ill) of urt'tlun
w-n (!) nol uvnniottt lota DumhortHl Aflcon
(li) untl ixtofn (10) nf orcllon tlovfit (U, .!!
In towiiahlp thfrtv-ntx !M) tmuiti, of ratiR two
M Mat hall or aW Irwl nvliiy nine ani
i nmm i iu ttuianuiiin Mcritimn.i'ciniitiiiinff
l.Hn' aor. morn or Icm. auiroi. howevitr.
1 1? " '.'!".!'' . w""" ""'n Srnlil l
s)uj j Vnilii..n along ibo north nHmlinrwl
ml to a rluht nf vrav for wuinr illirh irriiMirti
I to Mnutl II. Hvititlolon am) olhpra aluiiK tho
aouth ttlo lharcof.
Full lufnrnmilon can br had of iv.o at my
j office In Chitntoor t Comutorco bulMing, Port-
uitii, iiie-Kiii. ur ii i ore a. n unuiin, roai cm
tntr airrntn. Mrdford, urKob.
UuteU thlti Uth day of Junuury. A. t). lftup. Krn.
Ounrdlan of Itoa Drum and llouitr Urum.
In the Circuit Court for lac. aoa County, Oro
KlIxabMh A.Hmlth. plalntin, ta M. M.liow
cp. di-frudaiit.
To M. M. llower, tho aboro named dufund
1 gon You aru hurvby rmjutrrd to nppt-ar and
uimwi-r thccoiiiplolnl tllud BuuhiHt you lu the
nhovf untitled Court within tun day from thu
dntu of iho Morvlutj of thbt auminoim upon yuu.
If Morvitl In JuckMiii Cfiunty, (iiutfoii; hut If
nerved wllhln iinv otunr :ouutv of thu Statu of
1 !!rr,,n' V,eD 1!Iln iniy duy of th dmo f
i in? m.TYii.-u u niii Humuiou uikjii you; or il
; wrvni on you out of the sun. i.r Orm-m. or h
! puWIcntlon. Ihun nt tho xplrallon of tU wuerl:n
i irom the duto of ihn nmt publication rr tt.i,
t "ummona, to wit: Moroh a. hwo, and you am
, hun bv notlilud thut If you do not uppnar uml
anttwor plKintlrra uomplulut u hurvby re?.
' 'IoIclmI. tho ptuintiit wiiiuppiy to thu conn r-ir
inn "'M"i iiDiirimprii in iho iroiiipiniirv now oil
Itlo In thi ulwvo fiitltlud null, uiwli; ynr a
JuilKmnnl iiitlfini you In thu uui of four thoua
uimI, lx tiuiiilrud and rlxly tlothtr. toupihur
with Iritorcnt thiTton fnm Novumhur I. IM. at
the roll tif ten purei.-fil nor untium, and for thu
further num of iKitliiitoriiny'ft und for thu
coHtrt und dUhurnuinntitN of thU nmt : tr.nt
' numim- io.trtiMvdeiii i.i-fni.uic. mil mil
1 ptlntlffH oomplalnl lw dooiM .I lo ho the
Itrat und only Urn Ukii tho mnl pniporty mun
tloocd und iioMtirlhoil on hnlnnirtriu to doftiml
tint tn plitlutliTHCoiiipliiInt; tlmttmld moriKtiXi'
ducd oo foriTloMud und riuld ruul nropfriy to
Mold uk upon exucutlon und thu prorutdft do
rived from tho Hultr thoroof ho uppllod In pity
mont of coHU and dlnburMMnmi tumid attornryV
Ir-eH und tiny und nil JU'lKinmitH ohtulncd hy
plulntllT aKitlnHldufiinaant lioroln ; thul vxihiu
tlon IdHiio icnlnnt ituid dnfifnditnt for nuy hnl
ancc romninitiif uiipuld uftor said moriHtifin1
promlnoH hitvo boon t'lhitimii'd; tltui Hut do
fendur)L bo forever tmrwd nnd forocloid of
nnd Trorn nuy und ult rljfht, title ntid InioroNt In
and to Hitld mortKK(''rl pronilioiN uttrt vry part
itntl purcul thrroof, nnd for nuuh und fur
thur relief n muy In- jtiwt und fttiti uftto.
Till mu in moil it In puuMnhcd In 'J'llK MKUroitn
Mail for nix connceuilvi; woolct, by ordur of
Hun, If. K H fin nil, Jitdiio of the Ctronlt ottrt
for JuekKon Cnunty, On Koti, tnudo on tint 6ih
duy of Uccembor. 1MW. mi'1 U publlnbtld for tho
llrttt time on Junuury ao. IKiKt,
Ailonioy for JMulntllT.
Lam! onlue at KoMotmrff, Ori(on, Deo. 93,
Notice fa heruby irlvon that thn following
tiiiiiiitil 'iiilllur Iirh Itictl notice of hla Intention
to miiltf Until proof In nupport of hla olnlm, anil
tluit bulil proof will be iniule bftforo On New
bury, uoiiiity clorfc of JnukHon Onunty. Oruinn,
at JuekHonvlllo, OruKoa, on Fubruury 4, ItMl,
vis: .
Of Wollen. on hla II. K. No. W, fur tbe nn!4
hoo 4, tp H7 H, r I G'linl.
Ill) mimiiH the following wltnnHiiea to prove
Ilia conllnuoUH roHldnnco unon uml itiillfvullnn
of mllil land, viz.: r
Atiron wyiuiiii, or weiion. urnKnn; t ranx K,
Uybee, of Jticknolivllln, OroKon: Jumcs Hum
mull, of Cllmux, oroifon, und Krod Stlmpaon, of
Medford, Oregon.
. .' J. T, llitiouCH. Register
.,, , Market Keport. ,
Thn Inllowlng aro Mia prices liald bv
our merohnnts thin wenk for farm pro
auuv. This list will bo ohanncd ouuh
wook ub tbe prloas ohango;
Whout .' ' (10
Outs ,.B0
Flour, .a .Jl.OO per 100 lbs
Unrlfv UI.25 " , " . "
Mill Veud ...OOo " " "
Potntoos, 1.00" " "
KgK W por do?.
Bultor, 20 por lb
Bouns, dry, ...02i " lb
Bnoon , 00 " lb
Hums ,12. " lb
Shoulders, 07 " lb
L.aru, 10 , " lb
Hogs live...,..,..;. ,.03) lb
thon by t.ny other meant They
1KltHUANT to an oicctttlon Utittml out of
Iho i'iiyuU Court itt tho Hiato ot lrrou.
for the Cuuitty of Jarkitui), on tho SHh duy of
Orooiiiltt'r, uthin n judtftiicntduly rontlrrtd
In aahl court on thu Wtli dm of l)rocmlHir, Iwii,
In fuvoruf Mitry Mlllor, nluliitm, and auuluxt
John Hliontuiit, iltjrniidaiit, for lint nutii of
four ihuiuitiid ulichi hundrtsl lxlynli tlullarn
(HNIiii, with liiturnut Ihcrt'ou at tho rate of lit '
li.r unit per aunutii from Uett'iubrr at, Imuh. and
iho furiltor Muui of quo huntlmd dollura (flm
itoruoy'a tvtin, with lntorrni thi'reou at Iho
rato of n prr runt wr aiiuuut front ht toth day
of IhTetiiiber. IMwt, mid whuruHn, It wanonlerrtf,
aiijudurtl mid ilrrruuil that tho niortttaMu ntuit
l Ion tt l In plMlni Iff' complaint ,k forrolod and
thu morluuMcd proinlnji duacrtlivd thoiuln, to
wn: Tho north ouu-half of norihwt-ni ono fourth
of it not Inn 3, oe i in in una l ntr at tho townnhlu lino
at tho norlhwont i-uruur of Kuctloii .'II tn town
Nhlp .tA iMiiiih, rnitifti h trrm, and running thunro
anuih '&.'!& chains, thoitcu vl )."! uhaln,
t htm co north Vi-.tAcbalnn and thriica wnt
t'halua to plaru or tx-iilitnlntf, cottlMlnin fC.Ma
Burrx, nUo the wutt una half of tho north1 mi
onr fomth of auction 31. huowti a thu Hut ton
C liter, containing mi uru. and tho eal oun
ulf nf thu nortliuaat onu fourih of auollon SI,
niid ihn vnt ono halt of tho north t.t out
fourth of iH'ctloii.'U, eontnlniUK 100 no run, knowu
a mo Morwau niiicu, nil tn lowtmuip hi. auullt,
raiiKu 'J wont of Wlllamuttu Mitridlan. In Jarli
Min County, Hlotr nrOrruun. I am commanded
to lovy upon anu aull aaid prumiKc iiforwiiidr.
a by law made and provhl. J. to Hallnfy tho
,ll Judgment. Inlnmnt. atti.riiiy' fita and an-
eruhig comim. I will .oil n. ibn law dlrrct. at
Hie fnnt dimr of tlio court huuHouf i.atd county
In thn Town of JackM,nvt)', Orrgun, uo
Saturday, February II, i8qq,
At the hour of 1 o'olouli i. m., tho n-al proporty
uIhivu dunorlbiHl In aulil unlrr ot .ult?
Ai.kx. Diimk,
Blinrlff of Jnt'ktion Cuunty. ilrvguil.
Dated alJackiuinvlltii. I'm.. Dec. 31. h'JK.
DKHHITANT to an exi'i-ut.on Unut-d out
I thu Circuit Court of ihn Mute of Ortiin
hir the County of Jnvkxnn, n Iho imh day of
.Fnnunry, CW, upon a iudKin.'iit duly rt'tidomd
In Htild rouit on th VJd duy ol ir-ciMithfr, iwh,
in fuvor of Anna Kordyue, plattind, nmt utrttintt
Houlhrru Orotfou Klr Aknix'UKuu, a ooniora
tMn, dcfi'mlniit. for llm mini uf two huuditHt
Ifvrn and MV lUlldollarn irjll 11. with liitrrt't
tiH'rron hi thn rutu of III per cont Mir nntiutn ,
from )rwnlT 'i. lOrt. nnd t.sitn aui'mntltiK to'
llvti dollttin itft), urn) thu fitrtiir-r Hum nf fifty
dnllurn (tVI) with Inttirrnl throu ut th rnti of
l pur emu pr r ouiium from lfr-nihnr j, ikuh,
nt lorn t-y fee , und wliTi'it., It wn oninrml,
tidjudtfi'd and ili i rrcd thiit (hi tiirlKuu imMt
tlunnd In pliilntirT'M compliitttt be fir'iloii(Ml,
and thn moi tunned prrtnlHeA dntii-rlhud I heroin
hn nold. to wit:
All thn Improvi'inrutH of ovnry naiurn and
kind nwiicil hy tlio uld HouthiTii Orison Knlr
AHttoelittlnrt. tok'i'thrr with nil hitlldtiik't und
uruuturrN nnd ffiiiTH and itumU plnci'U uti aud
louuted on tho followtiiK drnfrlbud liromtn.-n,
In, wit:
Comtnonrlitif at thu nw. cornor of I. I, o.
No. h'i. In tou uHhlp :t7 miuth. rutiKu 2 wnt of
thu WIHuiiintto MiTldlitu. und rutmlnn thonuo
houth on tho went lino o( nuld U. I C, uti
chutitN! thouco luiHt IU utmlim and MnUn;
thonuo nomh iooIiuIiin: thtwo ouhi iu climii'
and M llntc; thiT.i u north .niolialno to thn nortl
lino of I). I- C, No. in t-iwrinhlp :i7 miuth, of
raiiKcono wont of thn Williimctio Morldlnn, ond
Ihunco wvht on the north lluw of thunhovoinMt
iloiiml U, 1,. C, ;i chalii and (V IIiiUh to thu
pluco of oominmtniiift, corttalnlnK II fly aoroh. all
of fluid doitcrlhi'd iiroprly and pii'tnlNCN bolK
NltliatOd In Iho Couillv of JnnkAiin Himi
Urtifon. 1 nm commanded to levy upon and nrll
mid piomlNON ufoienuld, an by law made and
iirnvincti io Muimiy ma (Hiii juiitfincni, Intoront,,.
lUtoruoy'H fuon nnd cohtu, and nlno acoruitiif
oohih, and I will cell UN iho law dlrtiidH, ut llm
front door of thn court hoonn of Nuld ktnt.i
fount y. In tho Town of Jackrtonviiln.OroHou.oii
Saturtlny, February as, 1899.
At Iho hour of J o'alouk n. m.. thn
detiurlbod u fluid ordur of milo.
t. ALKX, OltMR,
RbnrHTorJucknon County. Oroirou.
Dutod at Jncluonvllle. UroKon, Juu. 17, Ikuu
In Tub Mail's wood vnnl tUuTTi
dtlll room for 11 fow mort? tiers of 0000
hiovq wood. SiibsoriborH, now or old.
wiHhlDtf to fix thottiHolvuH on our books
for any lontfth of time ciin do so by
bringing in wood.
tlun." They an ijh, Huvtr
tO RlrUnt womanhood, uldliik' do.
vlpmriitof (nrurtimnnil body. No
S&S thuin. UniififiE 1I0 liArm-llfn tin
,onniM n nmnmiri, i IHt. tjo
Watch Repalrlnisj "iftff '
71 TI.
For sulo by O. H. Hasklns, M0aro9.