The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, February 03, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    1"'t' 'fff " "iji'"'f;i' l "V
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j,. Kov. L. P. DoHiiuirluH hold mir
vloos In Ashland liiMt Hunday.
Minn Manilo Inaitui, of Medford,
visited frlendo in Jacksonville thin
I'rof. Ouble, the optician, wan
roniBtored nt tho U. 8. hotel from
Monday until T huraday of thin
Clurk Nowfonry retumsd Sunday
v from a britif vlult at Portland and
, Oban. Moler, of Footi creek, spent
the weuk in town utidor tho care of
a phyiiolan.
Ed. Smith and ltobt. 0. Hmitli,
of Grant Pan, were here Monday
on varloua hiIuhIoiis.
Mrs. iizniu Klngibury, of AhIi
land! trammeled I)UhIiiuhb In Jack
Bon villo IiibI Thursday,
Max MulUir made a trip to Winter
Saturday to look nfUir thi Kobimon
buHinvHD, of whiuh Mr. Mullor li an-
Judge Neil has purchased the
property near the court houno, con-
Misting of an ofllce and a barn, of
W. II. Parker for 250.
Geo. Neubor rooeived during the
week an aoelyleno plant from Han
FrunciHOo and now ha the lianquct
nicely illuminated with gas.
Dr. Chat. Ilinea was called to
Applegate Thursday to attend Fred
Dolt, who was suffering from a very
sore foot which was poisoned by a
guiii boot.
The mining fever has beoome
epidemic in Jacksonville and there
is a ruHU lor locations. A large
.. nutnbor of claims have been ro-
corded of late.
Mrs. Nancy Majors, of Applegate,
Hpent several days here this week,
the guusl of Mrs. M. Hinkle, Mrs.
Minors has made application for a
wiclow's peiiHion.
Wm. S. Itanium, of Medford.has
been appointed guardian of his
father, Jas. H. Harnum, of Ashland,
who is an inoompetutit. The bonds
were placed at 2000 with Bertha
Uurnum, U. W. Isaacs aud 8. W.
tjpess as Huretios.
Uolil 11111 (tufgeis.
Businesa growing better.
Health of the community im
proving. Gold Hill will put in water works
in the spring.
Geo. W. Lanon, Sr., wont lo Med
ford Wednesday.
J. L. HamiiD-rsluy wus in Jack-
eonvillo Tuesday.
There will lie a mask bull at this
plnco on tin) 1 1 tli .
Mrs. K. J. Heck, who bus been
quito ill, iH improving.
C. H. Dalrymple niado a flying
trip to Auhlunu Monday.
C. V room a n made a business trip
to Jacksonville Tuesday.
Ice a quarter of an inch thick
here Wodnosdoy morning.
Ortoar Blackburn, of Central
Point, was in town Monday.
Wo are sorry to loarn of tho doath
of Mr. Kodgera, of bams Valley.
Rev. Gregory will preach here
next Sunday morning and evening.
i Miss Sophia Davis is visiting
homo folks in Willow spring district
this woek.
Mr. and Mm. Slcver, of Grants
Pass, wore the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Mullor Sunday.
' Some people are not satisfied un
They do not complain of
anything in particular. They
eat enough, but keep thin and
ale. I hey appear tairiy well,
ut have no strength. You
cannot say they arc really S
sick, and so you call them S
What can be done for them ?
Our answer is the same that
the best physicians have been
giving for a quarter of a cen
tury. Give them
scon's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo-
phosphites. It has most re
markable nourishing power.
It gives color to the blood. It
brings strength to the mus
cles. It adds power to the
nerves. It means robust
cate infants rapidly gain in 3
nesh it given a small amount
three or four times ench day,
5. ana ti.oo ill draught!,
SCOTT & BOWNB, ChenthU, New Yotk.
less they can gossip, How long
would rumor live if no one repeated
8. Rosenthal was in town More
day Inspecting his new store at tills
place, which, by tho way, is one of
the finest in Juckson County.
"Hlmplu Silas, or tho Deotlvo
from PlunketHville," will bo put on
U" boards at the school house hall
on Feb. ltd for the benefit of the
school library.
Scout Allison lectured to a fair
sixed audience here Tuesday. Uoout
Allison was in the service of Uncle
Sam for thirty-two years as scout
and lnterperter and his knowledge1
of the true oharacter of the Indian
renders him an able speaker on that
lino. i
The Black Gold Ohannol mine is
being worked. Toney Olson works
In one of tho drift at this mine and
was recently pulling Jack, the mule,
up the incline, when Toney beoame
mulish and so did the mule. The
rope broke and Toney wont over the
tressel and was bruised up consid
erably. The mulo he's all right.
Tho Seven Day Advents are hold
ing a protracted mooting in tbo
Willow uprings sohool bouse,' near
this place. A great deal of interest
is being manifested. Chances are
that a groat many people of this vi
cinity will be inoliued to oelobrate
Saturday for Sunday in the future,
while a great many of this neigh
borhood will stand firm and not
keep either, for fear of making a
Table Koca items.
Roadable items are as scarce those
days as the proverbial "hens' teeth."
T. II. Pendleton has retired from
activo city lifo and is now rusticat
ing at Table Hook.
Rev. Huff proached to an atten
tive conKreuation last Sunday, but
did not leave any appointment.
So far our little community has
been freo from the widespread
measles eptueuiio.
We bear that David Beidler is
seriously ill from battling with hi
old enemy, inflammatory rheuma
Messrs. Geo. Justus and Will
Pickens remained over night in this
neighborhood Saturday, while on
their way to Prospeot.
L. A. Robertson is hauling hay.
and came very near haying a com
plete breakdown Monday afternoon
near the Dickison farm.
The pleasant weather lured the
farmers into the fields once more.
but the blustering weather at this
writing bids fair to drive them to
their hearthstones again.
Charles Dickison received an
other thoroughbred Plymouth Rock
rooster from Salem laBt week. This
gentleman intends to make a regu
lar business of poultry raising and
anyone wishing tho pure article of
that breed would do well to call on
him buforo buying olsowhoro.
The family of E. II. Davis re
ceived quite a scare Saturday when
their two-year-old baby got hold of
a bottle and took quite a dose of
anise oil. For soma lime it was hard
work to keep him from going into
"the sleep that knows no waking,"
but the administering of emetics
and constant moving brought him
out all right aud tho little fellow
thinks he will not try to doctor
himself any more.
. J. C. P.
Lake CreoK Items.
A Wvlotifl tvna I Im fiiAdt. nf ft
W. Nichols and J. II. Tyrrell last
Mr, ComhoBt and son, of Rrowns
boro, are olearing laud for W. H
MiBsos Annie Grissotu and Agnos
Poil were visitors at J. Anderson's
last Suuday.
We are having fine weather here.
It Beems more like spring than
winter and stock are doing hue.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Louis Parker, of
bisson, Calif., are visiting Mrs. f.'s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Randies,
of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Randies are
at Eagle Point attending at the
bedside of Mrs, R.'s father, who is
dangerously ill, having had a stroke
of paralysis.
Last Saturday the men of Upper
and Mouth Butte turned out and
worked on the grade leading to the
new bridge and it is now passable
but very muddy.
Walter Charley was the guest of
his undo, Clay Charley, of Browns
boro, last week. Ho says that the
snow at tbolr plaoe has nearly all
disappeared, whioh is something
unusual there as it is high up in
the mountains and the buow falls
Ui'lll'iu Creek Gatherings.
1IY IlltllX-.ET,
Mrs. Hovor spent Sunday with
Mrs, .Fry.
Mrs. Biroh, Mrs. Kimo and Mrs.
Elba Hamlin and ohildren, wore
la due not only to tho orlgioallty and
simplicity of the combination, bat also
to the care and skill with which It Is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the Cii.iroamA Fio Hraur
Co. only, and we wbih to linpreu upon
all the Importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Hyrup of Figs Is manufactured
by the Galifohhia Fio Braur Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact wlU
assist one In avoiding the worthlea
imitation manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of tho Cam
vomnia Fio Hrm;i Co. with the medi
cal profusion, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Hyrup of Figs has
glron to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of its remedy. It la
far la advance of all other laxatives,
a It acta on the kidney, lirer and
bowel without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it doe not gripe nor
nauNeate. In order to get 1U beneficial
effect, please remember the name of
the Company
ah raAneuo. oeL
MCiaviixa. . Maw run, .
visiting at Henry Griffin's one day
last week.
Miss Rumina Beazeale was home
on a visit Sunday.
Miss Lulu Spencer spent Sunday
with Miss Nettie Soliss.
Mr. Hover is the owner of now
wagon which he recently purchased.
A. W. Hamlin, of Eden, has pur
chased a good miloh cow of J. P.
Mrs. D. B. Soliss was a pleasant
caller at Mrs. Heory Griffin's re
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bellinger were
pleasant callers at J. P. True's last
Mr. and Mrs. F. True were visit
ors at E. L. Red path's and Cbas.
Gutches' Sunday.
S. Randies, of Lake Creek, was
visiting with bis daughter, Mrs.
Eva True, a few days last week.
Charlie True, who has been con
fined to bis room for several weeks
with rheumatism, is able to be
about again.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Parker and
little daughter, Jennie, of Sisson,
Calif., were visiting Mrs. P.'s sister.
Mrs. Frank True, a fow days last
At tho Enterprise school house
on Friday evening, Feb. 10th, there
will be an entertainment given by
George W. Mockwitz and his daugh
ter, Bessie There will be a varied
assortment of stereopticon views,
lecture on Spain, the Italian ex
plorer, and Christopher Columbus,
showing in vivid pictures the
shameful treatment accorded him
by King Ferdinand of Spain. There
will be funny pictures and real side-
splitters. The bill states that little
Bessie is a child prodigy and pa'
triot who stirs the hearts of tnulti
tndos and amazes them with her
eilvor tongued oratory. Bessie is
btitBovon years old, a child wonder
of phenomenal memory. She re
cites long poems and speeches with
out an orror. Let all who can,
come to the entertainment and hear
little Bessie. Admission, adults
25 cents ; children 10 cents. Doors
open at 7:30.
Forest Creek News.
by opera. t
Wm. Bostwick is putting in his
Miss Grace Pearce was visiting at
the hydraulic mine one day last
Bert Coffman has become a part
nor with Mr. Hansen ia bis mine on
the right hand fork. -
A. W. Sturgos has been operating
his plant with quite a large foroe of
men and doing good work of late.
: Mrs. Wm. Bostwick and htr
mother,' Mrs. Snyder, of Wagner
oreek, were visiting with Mrs. Arm
priest one day last week.
Hydraulio miners were somewhat
rushed here for a while on aooount
of having too muoh water and were
compelled to work day and night,
Mark Wlnningham and the Pence
boys must bo taking out a lot of
quarts from their lead, if we are to
judge by the heavy blasting that
has been going on against the hill
of lato.
Jas. Armpriest, of this place, will
soon be delivering books "United
States in War With Spain," and
other books. He has sent an order
of thirty-oight books to his company
which are due now any time.
John Winrlingham', he who holds
the pipe and giant at the Knapp &
Dugan mine on Upper Forest oreek.
inform us that they have just com
pluted a large reservoir which will
hold nearly twice as much water as
the old ones. This will enable them
to turn on larger heads In the future,
having more pressure.
Central feint Items.
Jesse Ilumrick has been vorv ill
the last week.
Dr. Hinkle has a large assort
ment of valentines of all kinds.
Mrs. K, C. Sherman, of Ashland.
is paying relatives of this place a
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Holmes spent
a few days with relatives here last
week. .
Mrs. Frances Baer has sold her
property on , Pine street, to J. H.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown, of
Gold Hill precinct, were trading
here last Saturday.
Elder A. J. Hanby preached to a
large congregation last Sunday at
the Baptist Church.
W. T. Leever, a prominent citizen
of this plaoe, made a business trip
to nieuiord last week.
Elder Gregory is holding a pro
tracted meeting at the M. E. Church
this week which is well attended.
The dramatic entertainment that
was given last Saturday evening
was well attended. The neat sum
of $51 50 was realized for the bene
fit of toe Degree of Honor lodge.
O. 0. Kincaid, who has been em
ployed in a bank at La Grande the
past few years, arrived here last
Thursday, having been called borne
by the serious illness of hie mother.
Mrs. Hookenjos and family vis
ited Jacksonville friends last Sun
day. Miss Rose Fielder has returned
to Medford after a short visit with
friends here.
Mrs. Louden, of Applegate, is at
tending at the bedside of her sister,
Mrs. Kincaid.
Latt Saturday evening prayer
meeting was held at the home of
Miss Stanley, who has been ill for
a long time.
Mrs. Pendleton and mother and
Mr. and Mrs. Gunn were pleasant
callers at the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Norcross last Wednesday.
Rev. and Mrs. Gregory are the
possessors of a new piano. Mrs.
Gregory is a fine musician and will
be greatly appreciated by our mu
sical circle.
Our ladies have long felt the need
of a first-olass millinery store and
they will be pleased to learn that
Mrs. E. Pleasants, an experienced
milliner, will open a millinery par
lor here about March 1st, where an
up-to-date stock of goods can be
There is a great demand for fruit
trees even this early in the season
and the Central Point nursery is
receiving orders daily from all sec-
Your heart beats over one hun
dred thousand rimes each day.
One hundred thousand supplies of
good or bad blood to your brain.
Which is It?
If bad, impure blood, then your
brain aches. You are troubled
with drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired in the' morning
as at night. You have no nerve
fiower. Your food does you but
Ittle good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache,
powders, cannot cure you ; but I
will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all Im
purities from the blood. And It
makes the blood rich In its life
giving properties.
You will b more rapidly cured
if you will take a laxative dose of
Ayer's pills each night. They
arouse the sluggish liver and thus
cure biliousness.
MMVa fa omp Oootorm,
Wo IhftTe the flxoluilT lerrltes f
time of tlie tnoit mlnent phrslclftui In
the United SUtel. Write freely ml the
pejtloalera In TotirORoe.
Addreu, bit. J. 0. ATER,
. Lowell, Mm,
tloni. Several large ordera have
been shipped this week and the
prospeot is that sales will be even
larger than last year.
That Central Point believes In
aiding the efforts of the A. 0. U. W.
lodge was clearly demonstrated last
Saturday night by the crowded
house that greeted the participants
n the drama, "Simple Silas." Much
credit is due those taking part in
the different acts and should this
home troop favor us with another
entertainment they are sure to meet
with a hearty reception.
No doubt there will be a lively
contest in the coming school elec
tion when a successor to J. Clements
will be chosen. Although it is over
a month until election we hear a
number of names of prominent citi
zens being mentioned. It is to be
hoped that a public spirited candi
date will be elected a man who
will work in every way for the best
interest of our public schools.
The death of Miss Ida Cox casts
a gloom over our town and espec
ially our young people, among whom
she was a great favorite and a
friend. It is said that "Death loves
a shining mark," and it has proved
wonderfully true in this instance.
The esteem in which she was held
was testified by the great number
in attendance at the Central Point
cemetery, where the mortal remains
of Miss Ida Cox were laid at rest.
At the urgent call of the friends
of the volunteers who died at Manila
during the late war, the government
has made provision for the return
of the remains to their native soil
for reburial. Depot Quartermaster
Charles F. Long, of San Francisco,
in a recent communication says
that on the last transport, which
(eft San Francisco for Manila on
the 25th of January, there were sent
a reliable undertaker and assistants,
with suitable caskets provided by
the government, who will, upon ar
rival at Manila, under the direction
of the chief quartermaster at that
Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co.,
jMaehinefy .. and ..Vehicles
We have a complete line of the Celebrated Case Black
Land Plows, both in Single and Walking Gang. Steel
Frame Lever Harrows, Barbed and Smooth Wire, Mitchell
Wagons, Hacks, Etc.; Single and Double Harness, and ia
fact everything carried by a first-class implement house.
I -KEIF Send for catalogue.
D. T. LAWTON, Mgr. Medford Branch
The New York
Both 1
Tfie H. Y. Weekly TriDuoe
all important news of the nation and world, comprehensive
and reliable market reports, able editorials, interesting
short stories,, scientific and mechanical information, illus
trated fashion articles, humorous pictures, and is instruct
ive and entertaining to every member of every family.
TflP 1T10II gives yu N lcal news, county and state,
llU HilL keeps you in close touch with your neighbors
and friends, on the farm and in the village, informs you as
to local prices for farm products, the condition of crops and
prospects for the year, and is a bright, newsy, welcome and
indispensable weekly visitor at your home and fireside.
Send all Subscriptions to The Mail, Meitfori, Ore.
point, disinter the remains of de
ceased offloers and soldiers and tend
thorn by the first returning trans
port to this country. The most ex
pert undertakers and assistant
possible to obtain hare been secured
to accomplish this object with the
least delay practicable. Upon ar
rival of the romains in San Fran
oisco, notification will be given by
telegraph, and they will be im
mediately sent by express to their
Bm Ja Bee "AeWerttaaaV -
A small boy not many mile from Chl
csso was baptized Into one of the Prot
ectant churches of the city. He waaln-
tensely Interested In the ceremonle at
tending the sacrament and - watched
every detail with eagerness and appre
ciation, lie noted the attire or the cler
gyman and tho repose of hi godfather
and godmother. When he could be an
swered the question asked himself and
when the minister addressed bis spon
sors he nodded his head In conformity
with their replies. When the ceremony
was concluded he was eagerly anxious
to get homo to his mother to impart hi
exciting experience of the morning.
He rushed upstairs on reaching the
house and burnt in upon his mother
breathlessly. "Oh, mamma, mamma!"
he exclaimed, Joyously, "I belong to
God now. I've just been advertised."
Chicago Times-Herald.
M aat Be m. Mistake.
lie Where Ignorance I bliss, yon
know, 'ti folly to be wise.
She I know the poet says so, but
still you don't seem to be of a happy,
disposition. Chicago Evening News.
Notice of Final Settlement.
NOTICE Is hereby siren thmt the under
signed executor ol the last will sad testtv
meat of Eliza Bell, deceased, his filed in the
county court of Jackson County, Bute of Ore
gon. his final aooount and petition for dlav
charge and that by order of said court Tuesday
the seventh day of March, A. D. IBM, at ten
o'clock a. m., has been appointed for the hear
ing thereof.
And all persons Interested are hereby noti
fied to appear and file tn said court their objec
tions to said final account on or before said
Published in Tbi Medford Mail by order
of the Hon. Wm. S.Crowell, judgeof said court.
Executor of the last will and testament of
Eliza Bell, deceased.
Weekly Tribune
national Family newspaper
For Farmers
and Villagers
and your favorite home paper
Tfie mrSm
Year $1.65
has an agricultural depart
ment of the highest merit.