The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 27, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Tlatru will l) (Jli I n a pliuuaaiil
honiilH bull givun In lliu Mudfonl opera
lit) ii hu mi Monday uvuntiig, Kcbruury
llllll. 11 wu" llu Intention In ulvu
lliu iiurty mi tliu uvuulng (il Ml. Vuliiii
Unu a liny hut (iwIiik ui tliu fuel lliul
I ihiL begin mi lliul diiUi lliu iiiirty
wim puahuil iilii'iid unu iluy lu bultur
Hllll IIIUSU pcupiu Willi III! IIUI. DIII'U W
Indulge lii guyuty u( ililii iiutiirndiirlng
tliu Luiilun MuiiMoii. 'J'liu Hporllvu In
cllntd guMluinuii ' till" locality uru
hlllll "I1"1' ll'lllllgUtlllg CIlllIU pIlUUB-
unU III this I'tti't nl lliu vulluy mill II Ik
to scouru ftiuda Willi whliili lopuruliusu
those birds In Hut Wllliimiitui vulluy
unu llliurittu lliuii In Ui In county, mill
lor llmli' prntuullon wIhiii I, burn led lliul
Ihladuncu la given. Tliuru iiru ulruudy
uhout ll'ty nl Uiunu hlrda In lliu vulluy,
lurty wliluli will hu lllmrulmi In
Muruli, but It In tliu ilualru to iiicn-uau
Hilt nuiiiliur uiinaiiluriilily unil ut wull
huvu a lllilo money In ttm treasury ul
uu organization with wliluli to proau
unto liny violation ul lliu alulu Inw ruin
tivo lu lliu killing ul thuau blnlH, It In
to lb" Internal or uvury niahlmit ul
tliu rnlluy til put a ahuuldur lu tliu
whui'l awl booal till" miitUir uliuiiil,
Tliuru l poalnvuly no luwl lliul ntnka
llllUllll III tllU pIlUIMIIIlt ua u liililc dull
ouuy, but wu iiiuhI Hint luivu lint pheaa
nntH. Vim iuiiilu whu never duiicu.
u wull as lliimu wild (In, ought to luul
lliul you ciiulil ulToril lliu prlcu ol n
lluliut lu tliln puny. Tliu puoplu who
huvu thu np-uiiguiiitiiil ol lliu piirly lu
IiiuhI Unit il will liu oiio ol thu
vnry bust uvur given in Medford.
piinoo tlekul will liu l uuiih.
Mosar. Wollura ft Howard will re
culvu a carload ol sulphur thin wouk,
lur unu by orctiutUUlu lu tn'U apruying.
Thu (Mil Fellow i ol Mudford In
lulled oltlcum lut Saturday uvt-nlii
mid they liiul royal iruod tltnu nflur
thu cereiuonlea wuro uvur. Jon, Hum
meraley, of Gold Hill, district deputy
grand muster, wu liiinllltig olllocr and
wua ualatud in Inn work by f'nal Grniida
I. A. Webb, II. F. Adklnn, I. Wool!,
W. T. York, und I. Si. Young. Thu
oMjora Installed wuru: F Aiiiiinn, N
I); 11 11 llurvoy, V (.!; Z Maxcy, llnan
ulul auo: II Ci Nicholson, trouaurer; I
Wool!, H B N (I; J It Wllaou, LBN O;
F M Wllaon, wardun ; I A Morrimiin,
conductor; 1 A Monaco, I G; (J C Noble,
t) Ui W T York, II 8 8; J J llowsur, L
8 H; J i'rull. IIH V (I; John Stcwurl, L
8 V G. Apitrtol thu evening' ) ro
ll rum win work in thu second and third
degrees, tliu subject being Johnny Blow
url. Altur thu work hud buon completed
a moat gorgeous luncheon wua served,
Hid aiuu huvlng been (urnlnhud by tlio
munibura, Thla luncheon, or ratbur
square inenl, consisted o( cold meats,
bread, onlTuu, cakea llllil pica. Ilorucu
Nlcholton did a llltlu turn out ol the
ordinary, na might bo expected hu
would, by huvlng Frank Wllaon baku
(or him n huge npplo pin bakud in a
larire void pun. Thla waa a moat
mlatnblu notion ol hta anil waa rcllaiiua
ynll. Thuru wui unouitb ol II to K
nround twlco und thun iioinu. Thu
boya lire arrunulnir (or a biK tlmunbout
the mlddlo ol ne I month, when a pro
gram and auppur will Iwarriuitfcd lor
und a apuukur Irom abroad.
Tomatoua, Ml cool pur can. Warner
it Worlman.
Cant. J. T. C Naah la attain flirnr.
I UK on building a &'xluO loot addllion
to hit hotel. II he ilccldca to build
thla it will bo two nlorlof hljb. thu
Aral floor to bo uaed (or a auluaroom ol
aomo aort or a anmplo room (or tliu
hotu'. Tho aucnnd floor will bo laid
out lo iuitug ol rooma whloh will bo
mads a lrl ol the hotel and will bo
nut to uao by Landlord Hamilton. The
iiotul iiaa bicii uroatly I in proved In a
f:unoral way and muoh that la akin to
Kjnuty and oonvonienoo haa buon added.
Noarly tho whole aucond floor ban buun
overhauled and ruarrunaed; the room
huvu boon newly paperud and painted
and now Mr. Hamilton i arrantflntf to
rolurniah and recur pet aovurul ol then,.
The olub and anmplo rooma have boon
papered and painted; new doora huvo
buou cut IhroiiKh hero and a low win
dowa added there; tho offloo and dining
room have uoh boon newly palnteu
and papered throughout; tho i'oalul
Union tloRruih onlco hua boon
Bwlvchcd to a more aulluble locution in
thoodlco and to cup tho whole oltbcao
Bovcral lmprovoraonta, Mr. Noah la go
ing to put In an elegant now oak
counter Juat aa aoon ue Weoke Bros,
oan catch up with their work und gut
time to turn thomaulvoa looao on tho
Job. The onrpontor work on tho hotul
Iibb boon done by Mr. MoTavlali and
tho papering and palntlntt by Jan.
Murry all ol which la flrat-cloaa in
every dotntl.
I boo Klwond la putting In a took
of musical Inntrumunta, atrlnge, oto.
A rnul uatuto man ol La Orando
tolldthe Chronlolo publlalior of thnt
oity that during lust week hu old I486
uoroe ol land, amounting In tho aggro
gate to 65,700. Tho biiIob wore all
made to oaHtorn men who wore In quest
ol good Oregon soil. Tho avornge price
pard per ucro was :i8. What do tho
rondura of this llom giicBa wub tho
ouiiBO ol thin und olhor big ronl entato
doula In tho Grunile Rondo valloyf Lot
U8 tell you: A augur boot factory, tho
snmo having buon built at Ln Sriindu
Inst Boason. In tho Roguo rlvor valley
thoro arc thouflandB of aoroB ol IubI iib
good land n In tho (irando Rondo val
ley, and qimntltloB of better land horo,
but It is not changing htiuls at a pnoo
noarly bo swift as reported nhove. Wo
hove a mlldor olimato tliun has tho
Orando Rondo valley! wo can grow
frultB horo that cannot, bo produced
tlioro; wo enn grow a good Biigar beet
horo qb tho farmers oan thote; wo ouu
crow ub many ol thorn to tho noro; wo
have thouaaniis of noroB of land which
wo know will do UiIb booiuiflo of our
having mado ovor an hundrod IohIb in
tho Bovoral klndB of soil of tho valley.
Wo have all tho requirements of a Biigar
factory wnl or, fuel and llmo, but no
laotory. Thoro 1b Buroly snmothing
wrong Bomowhnre when nil thoso con
dltionBoxiBtandnro not takon advan
tage of,
Horo Ifl a rnro ohanco for the
ladles of Mortford and vicinity to got
an olegimt hiindkorohiuf at tho whole
salo price. Linton to this: Tho Ruekot
him bought a lino of drummor's aamnles,
no two nllko, from 5 cents to 2.ri0,
oomo In .and look t hrough them. Thla
ohiiiinn dons nilt ofton como.' O. L,
Wohb. . - ., 1 i ., I
' J. 14. Tiodgo, our morohant tailor,
has rosontly nddod n, hnudaomo French :
plater, trlpplo mirror to hU alwayif.
'T-J T"'T"
nuatly nminifod and wull kept tailoring
oatahllsliiiieiit. To J. H, Uutlur belong'
thu urvd'.t for tho iiiunufiiuluru of thla
very II no pluuu of (uriilluru. It la one
of llioau mlrrora In wliluli a purton can
aee .liiuiaulf ua ulhura do and (rum
three sides. Me, Hoilgu haa recently
pill in it lluu of new aulilnga and la now
lint lur nrupurud than uvur to meet the
wmita ol lila uoiintuutly Inureualng put
romigu. Mr. Uudgu is ouu of thu vury
beat workinuii Ihut bus over been In
our uitv and our tiiumlu urn fu-it tluillni
this out hencu his biislnuBS grows, ua
wuii It Ollglll 10,
You enn now gut vour violin, uultur.
banjo ami iniiliilnllu ati'lngaiit Ul wood's,
Tliuru wua a vury pleugiuit Biirprlsu
imrty in lliu Iioinu ol Mr. und Mrs, K.
1', l.inw hint Mniidiiy uvuulng in lienor
ol MiB ICIina JohiiHton, daughter ul
.Mr. aiiil' .M iK. N. Ii, JohiiHlun, ol this
place, Il buiug thu llltlu luily's twulllli
lilrlhday. Hhu reculved miiny nice proa;
uula. At Six o'clock n dulleious Bllpper
wua aurved. Altur nil hud purlukuu ihuv
were taken lo lliclr Iiomic-h with a teum,
lima enjoying u lluu evening' ride.
Thou preaunt wuru: Gertie Vowula,
Manila Luuruiilr., Jennie (juinus, Kilnu
lliiulel.un, Myrtlu i'ai'kur, llussiu und
Kiiiuin Imvla, Lotllu Wiley, llur.ul liar
lliuloinuw, I'.liua JohijaUin, Krank Vow
els, Frank Miller, Krunk Jolinaluii, John
I.auruui., I'iiiiI llurtholoiuuw, Krunk
Haw, Mr. anil Mca. Dartlioloiuew, Mrs.
A. II. i.iuireulz, Mrs. K. 1'. iJuw, Mr.
and Mrs. N. It. JohiiaUiu und Gurtrudu
Salem .Slulcaiiiiui: "To MIhs Lylu
WatniMi, ul Aahlaiid, bulonga lliu honor
ol bidiig tliu llrat ollluial uuiiiinlaalunud
by Gov. T. T. Guur, alter hia tuuugui-u-tiou,
abu liiivlng been uppolnted u no
tary public a luw hours alter tho alaUi'a
nuw uxucullvu look hia oath ol olllce
At her ruquual thu young ludy wua pre
aunU'd with tho lien with which the
Sovurnor algnud thla, his flrat ollleial aagovuruorol the alutu w hich
guvu hliu birth, and ahu will retain it
aa a aouvenlr ol thu occulon. MUa
Walaon i thu daughtur of lion. C. H.
WnUou, of Aahlnnd, dlatrict alio, ney
of thu llrat Judical diatrlcl."
Anvonu dealrlug to have ai-atea cut
should call at Klwood'a jewelry more,
aou auinplet und Ivuvu orders. D. 8.
it. A. Proudfoot, tho electric light
man, hus hud men at work this week
autting nuw Kilea upon which to airing
moru wires, Mr. 1'i-oudfoot has con
tracted to put lights Into the residences
ol thu.lollowlng people: Attorney A.
8. Hammond, II. G. Worlmun, I'.. N.
Warner, Dr. J. W. Odgora, I'rol. N. L.
Narrugan. J. It. Wllaon, L. U. Warner,
Cupl. J. T. C. Nueh, K. K. Deuel, At
tornny J. H. Whitman, L. II. Fuucett,
Wallace Woods and A. B. Hilton. JJghla
wil also ho put lu thu literary room ol
tho Mudfnrd pulillo achool for uae ol
thu literary ulusa which meeta each
week la this roin.
Spring trucks lor spring house
hold moving. Wells A Shearer.
As a result ol tho recent examina
tion held at Bulem, Thin. W. Ham
mond, ol Aahland, has been appointed
by Congressman Tongue as alternate
to tho vacant cad ul M p In tho United
8 lutes Military Academy at West 1'olnt,
hu having misaod the bout examination.
0. M. liutlor, an Albany boy, received
tho aiipolntmunt, having pnssud the
beat menial examination, but ho waa
slightly ((undent physically. In case
Duller lulls physically. Hammond will
receive tho cadutship II ho pusses the
academic examination.
Mrs. Bears has a low trimmed hats
remaining In stock, which will bo dis
posed ol at a low price.
Merchant J. K. White haa pur
chased the bowline alloy Irom G. N.
Spurr. The allies huvo boon taken out
and placed in (root ol Mr. White's nuw
residence (or use as sidewalks and
they will bo good onus. The building
will bo left standing and will bo (or
rent. In the course of a fow months.
If not rented. It will bo taken down and
used olsuwhore (or other purposes.
Slnco the ubovo was put in t; pe the
building has boon runted for a shooting
Pure cider vlnognr, 20 conta per
gallon. Warner & worlman.
The nltv tuiunnll met lust Fridv
ovoning and oponod bids for digging
tho proposed water pipe ditch from the
now town well to tho water iiink. Tlioro
were four bids in and wore as follows
Wilson & MoQuady. of Applegatu, $427;
Hanson ft CVOaudor, t!).50; K K.
Lyon, 30H; R. A- l'roudloot, 27ft. Tho
lust three oiuuors are .vieuioru people
The oontraot was awarded to. R. A.
Proudloot and sixty days time 1b givou
in which to complete the work.
Tin shop for sale or ront. Inquire
ol u. urooKB, Mouiora.
"All coons look allko" on Griffin
crock, but tho one which has boon de
vouring D. II. Soils?' ohtokuns was the
one thnt gentleman most "hunkered"
after and it was one night last wouk
that ho proceeded to do bodily harm to
his highnosB, tho boss ooon of GrllOu
orsek, by performing his coon skin
with buck shot so lull thai even Davy
Croukat could not huvo realized a mois
turo (or his Hps for tho sulo of It and
coons, like turkoye ln Goorgln, now
roost high In that neighborhood,
WatchoBciounod anl wurrantoa lor
one vour for tl Prltchurd, thu jowolor.
Tho Harry Martoll Morry Makers
gavo u Bploiulkl entertainment ut tho
oiioru houao lust Saturday ovoning.
Tho program was of a vory refined nu
tuie throughout. Tho comedy was just
naturally flrst-alasB, tho musical spec
ialties by Mr. and Mrs. Eurl wore very
out o( tun ordinary and thu best pro
ductions put on tho hoards in Med ford
for months. Tho blcyelu riding was
marvelous lu the extreme, and It alone,
was worth twice tho pricoof admission.
Tlioro Is nothing Inter in tho milli
nery lino than tho goods 1 sell. Mrs.
L. J, Soars .
Messrs. True Cox and J. Mo Dor
mutt oxporlenood n dooldedly cool bath
ovor In Williams oroolt hist wook, Thoy
woro ovor that way buying cattle and
in endeavoring to ford Williams orook
thoy both, tugothor with tholr toam,
eaino near being drowned. Tho wnter
lnul risen In the rlvor and tho currant
was swift. Tholr horses wcro com
pollud to swim and Cox and McDerniott
oamo uear bulng conipollod to follow
Pred und J. C. Kolloy have located
a quart', mine on Poor Man's nruok that
bids lair to bo a big proposition. Tho
lodge Is from olghl to twenty foot ln
width and tho snrfuooroek assays fl In
gold, tl.25 In silver and twenty )ior
cunt In copper. The boys propose to
oommonco work on tho lodge at onoo.
Bninplns of thu rook cun bo seen at
llutul Nuab.
L. II. Horton, a guntluaianly hard
ware drummer, repruauiilliig a Hi.'
ill. Mlnnusola, wholuaalu house, was
i Mudfnrd lust week doing business j
wllli our hardware men, mid paid Tllli
Mam. u plenum I cull. L, H. Is uu old
tlmu friend of Ii. A. Hill, a Mail ul
lieu umployu who was ut one time con
nected with the Bun lit Itedfluld, South
Uakola, where .Mr, liorton residud ill
thai tlmu, Mr. Horton cannot como
loo oltun or slay too long lo suit this
Oeorgo Howard has taken oases on
thu Juck-onvllle Times. It hus been
twel vu years slucu Guurgu hus hum
inurud leiiiluii ' ui hikIIi-si Into Unu, and
It wus thu Times thnt hu quit ut that
tlmu lo ungugu In other pursuits In
Medlord. Cuorgo la u crocking good
compositor ami wo are nil hoping he
will be ublu to hold "cases down" lor
several month and then somu, II It
nulls George so to do.
In thu cuse belore Judge Hunnu
wherein ex-Assessor Grlevu sued Jaek
on County lor deputy hire at H per
duy, thu Judge decided that there wus
no law which permitted tho ussussor to
employ deputies at any price. Thu
counlv court hud previously allowed
Mr. Grieve fl! 6(1 per duy lur depulios
In doing fluid work and $2 pur duy lor
making copies ol usueitsmeiit roll. Mr,
Grlevu Is given tun days in which to
plead his euso.
Jeweler Elwood has this week put
ln a tine line ol musical Instruments,
umbruuing pretty nearly ull kinds of
airing instruments, Including u grupho
phonu. Thla brunch of businuss hits
nuvur 'wen very heuvily represented In
our city and TlIK Mail Is guessing and
hoping bo will get Ibu Irudu in this
line whl'-b baa, per force, beon going out
of the city.
J. V. Kclzur hus purchase) the
liird Johnston place. Tho place com
prises live acres ol land and is situated
neur C. L. Waldon's broom loctory.
Mr. on Tuusduy moved his fum
ily thorelo, where they will reside while
J. V. does mining over at the Sterling
mine, i no deal was made tnrougn the
C. W. l'ulm real estate agency.
Mr. Hickel has secured the agency
for u patented coul oil gas burner that
bids fair to put in thu buck grounds all
fuel tires. The burner can bu placed on
thu Inside of any wood or coul stove.
The heat It makes la very Intense und
even and can be regulated vury easily.
ii. is ciumii-u null, iv is cuuapur man
wood, and il so It Is unquestionably a
moat desirable article.
Thos. A. Howland, proprietor ol
the celebrated Howland Liquor Cure,
la 10 Modforu lor a day or two. Mr.
Howland guarantees his cure to bo a
quick, sale and sure relief Irom the
liquor habit. Medicine taken lntornallv
no publicity. Tho gentleman Is stop
ping at Hotel Nash whore ho would bo
glad lo meet any one desirous ol taking
mo cure.
Win. baptist, who enme here a few
weeks ago from Sawyor Bar, Calif.,
and who represents the Aromas Minim;
Company of Siskiyou Countv, has lo
cated, In company with II, C Knack
stodt, of this city, soroo good placer
ground on Little Applegute, adjoining
the Cumeron property, und they pro
pose to thoroughly prospect the same
ut once.
Th Salvation Army on Saturday
evening, Jun. 281 h, will bold a special
meeting (or the local work bore. We
havo th j wonderful machine called thu
gramophone which will give some of
the most noted songs, also a number of
army songs by its best sliiKers and an
address by General Booth, altogether
lasting an Hour. Admission lu cents.
Officers were Installed last week
in the A. O. U. W. lodgo of this city
U. T. Lawton was installing officer and
the gentlemen who he put ln office are
J. W. Lawton, M. W.; W. T. York, P. ;
M. Li. Narrcgan, recorder; Jos. Scott,
O ; L). T. Lawton, guide. After the
installation the coys enjoyed a "smoker"
una a pleasant onnt.
Rogue River Encampment, No. 30,
Installed too following omcors on
W dnesday evening o( this week: Chiel
patriarch, D. T. Lawton; senior warden
H. H. Harvey; Borlbe, W. T. York;
junior warden, I. Woolf; high prieBt,
f , Al. Wilson; treasurer, -. Maicv
Silas J. Day, of Jacksonville, was In
stalling officer.
"White Lily" and "Snow Cap
baking powder prize with every can
Davie sells both kinds.
J. W. Olwell. of Central Point.
shipped two carloads of hay from Med
lord to Meddlnc. tills weeK. It anyone
should want to know about it you can
Just mention the (act that Jackson
County has Buppliod a groat amount of
hav to outside country this season.
The farmers of Jackson are extensive
producers of all kinds ol farm product;.
Call And 8oe the now musical instru
ments at El wood's.
Hon. Honry Klippol, who has been
quito seriously 111 (or tho past several
wookb, and an tno time common to tno
house, it) considerably improved and
was able to bo on the streets for the
ilrst thuo on Tuesday, flls friends, of
whom thoro are a groat many here
abouts, will rejoice at the news of his
improved oondlllon.
For ront Dwelling house, store
and hall oomblned. Inquire of W. U.
Simmons or l one oc worlmnn.
Wfll someono pleuee give us the
poet on oo aauruss ot jonn uook, a resi
dent i f Jackson County!' We would
also like to know if there are two men
In th-. county by tho numo of A. B.
Sultu.ursh? One of those gentlemen's
inlilr.,-6 is Buneom, but what is the
othi'C one's address if there is an-oth-r?
Got Wells & Shoaror to do your
moi lug batisfuotlon ulways.
J. P. Brown was in from Kuglo Point
TiioBilay, Ho reports everything ovor
his way looking una. Kays tno orops
aro just naturally overdoing all former
olTorts and that tho prospnats for a big
orop woro novor bettor. Tho roads, ho
nnya, aro bud but thoy could be. and
havo boon, a good bit worso.
If von haven't tried thoso onamuls
which Drtipgist Tluskiits 1b advertising
you havo missod giving n tost to the
Lost household nrtjclo that was ovor put
on tho market. Thk Mail has tried
sonic of it and thoro cannot bo too muoh
said in its pruiso.
A. L. Voruuson enmo up from Cali
fornia hist weok in tuisivor to a tolo
gram announcing tho lllnoss of Mrs.
Ferguson, tlu roturncd to Ills work
with tho S. P. Company Monday, Mrs.
I1'. having improved ln hoaltli consldor-
W, H. McGowan, salesman In
Hutchison tt Lumsdun's general mer
chandise store, Is truly an artistic win
dow decorator, r or proof let your eyos
wand r to that show window ho fixed
up Wodneaduy night nothing butter
lo the cities.
J. K. Olson reporti thnt his lociini
team hus already gotten to his mill 1011.-
000 feet of sugar pine logs, all of
which will hu unwed into lumber in
curly spring time, which lumber in con
tracted for by Messrs. Gray & Proudfoot,
Kred Sluulu has opened u merchant
tailoring establishment upstairs In thu
Barn uin block. Krud is a very clever
young man und u perfect gentleman,
iiuil has lots ol friends hero who will
rejoice ut his success in bu'iness.
Unu pound nails of North Carolina
plug cut tobacco at 40 cents a pull ut
Warner & Wortmau s.
Our good friend and esteemed
townsman, Mr. T. F., Isablc to be
Out again uftr an illness ol live weeks
duration. All Medlord people miss
Undo Thomas and all will rejoice that
he is about nguln.
Mrs. Wm. Edwards, who left Med-
ford a couple of weuks ago for Coitus e
Grove where hor daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Downs, was quite 111, returned yester
day morning accompanied by Mrs.
J. McDerniott Instead of shinning
threo carloads ol heel cattle to Hun
r'runclsco us stated Inst week, changed
his notion und added two mure curlouds
to the shipment und sent them to Port
land. Strained and comb honey Davis
the grocer.
Tho Eugene Guard ol Wednesday
says: "Wo were pleased to see bluer
r ord on the streets today In bis Invalid
chair, it is just two months today since
tho unfortunate runaway accident."
A good opportunity to learn pho
tography thoroughly. Parents ol chil
dren artistically inclined should not
neglect this. Call or write Mail. office.
Tbo Presbyterian Ladies' Aid So
ciety will meet at the residence ol Mrs.
Uarnuin on next lhursday, february
2d. A lull attendance Is desired.
My stock ol now watches bus ar
rived, D. T. Pritcbard.
Oneot the very best clubbing oropo-
Bltlons which The Mail has Is this paj
nor and the cosmopolitan magazine
both one year lor
Fresh roasted eastern peanuts at
the Crater.
Merchant J. H. Norrls has moved
into the residence recently vacated by
Herb. Stevens, on South C street.
W. S. Barnutn has been appointed
guardian lor bis (atber, who lives at
1 .LI 1 '
Work on the Btewart clock will be
resumed just as soon as tbe weather
becomes a little more settled.
Two cans Yellow Crawford peaches
for 2d cents. Warner & VYortman.
Rev. J. S. McCain will hold ser
vices at tbe Baptist Church in Talent
nexlbunday morning and evening
Superior job printing. Mail office
Tayler, tbe footfltter, has a new ad
this week as also bas bbone & bener
morhorn. . F. M. Sams, of Jacksonville, was a
pluasoat visitor In our city yesterday.
Death of firs. Jeffrey.
Mrs. Jeffrey died in this city on Mod
day, January if, lo'JU. Funeral ser
vices were conducted at the Christian
Church Tuesday and interment was
made in the family lot on Appleirate.
The following biocraohy of Mrs. Jeffrey
has been furnished us for publication
by a friend of the family :
"Mrs. M. Maria Jeffrey was born in
Uockiiihain Countv, North Carolina,
May. 16, 1838. While she was quite
young her parents moved to Illinois,
where she grew to womanhood. She
became a member of tbe Christian
Church at the age sixteen. Sbe after
wards moved to Boone County, Missouri
where on June 24, 1800, Bhe was married
to Jas. Jcllrey. Shortly after their mar.
riage thoy moved to Washington Countv
Askansas, where they remained until
the fall of 1873, when they decided to
go to Oregon. They went as far as
Kansas with an ox team and fearing In
J lun hostilities, sold their team and
tame by rail to ban r rancisco, then or
water to Crescent Citv, and lastly bv
wagon over the mountains to Jackson
County, Oregon, where tbev arrived m
Julv, 1874. Six children were born to
them, two having died in infancy. J no
A., Root. G., Mrs. J. H. Jensen and
Anna Jeffrey still survive to mourn the
Joss of mother.
Jas. Jeffrey died at his home on Ap
plegate on Oct. 12, 1889 and Jan. 23,
ibiw, Mrs. jus. Jettrey died at the torn
ily residence in Med ford."
Mrs. Maria M. Jeffrey was a member
-oi tne cnristiun cnurcn, naving joined
a,t tno tenner age ot sixteen years, in
.North Carolina, for the last twenty
Byo yoars she has resided in Jackson
County, Oregon, and it is the testimony
of those who havo known hor intimately
that sho uub ever been true to hor pro
fession of Christianity. The present
pastor of the Medford Christian Church
(U. J. Ulst) bas Known Mrs. Jeffrey
noarly one your, and is prepared to say-
that she was greatly devoted to her
church. Her physical Infirmity ren
dered it Impossible for her to attend
its sorvioes very often. This sbe greatly
regretted: vet shn was reBiirned to the
good providence, God, und pasBed away
in tho triumphs of faith. A good
woman has gone.
Ill Olden Times
People overlooked the importance of
permanently benelioial effects and were
8iitlsllod with transient notion; but now
that it is generally known that Syrup
of Pigs will pormanontlv overcome ha
bltnul constipation, well-informed peo
nlu will not buy other laxatives, which
.act for a time, but finally injure the
svswiu. J3iiy ins ireuuuiu, uauuu vy
the California Pig Syrup Co,
The San Francisco Bulletin says
that "Lucky" Calchvin has decided
to oreot an eight-story, fire-proof
building on the property occupied
by the old Baldwin hotol, which
wns burned several months ago.
The building will cost $3,000,000
and the. work of dqiistruotibft will
coramonco ns soon as the ruins of
tho old building can be oleared
if At this Season.
Of the year it la generally hard to get what you want,
as ull tho stores are clearing out goods and run low on
miinv lines. But the ''Racket" anticipated thlsshortuge
und has slocked up on ull staple linos so as to give its
customers tho benefit of good selections during the dull
season. Our
V ih complete all
1 dualities and
For these cold, damp days we have tho HVflMlGSt il
m nanneis, me uryesi macKiniosnes ail1 cesi uversnins y
a a I ,i n . .
ffi that are real worth for the
; This week we received
fj HalS and Caps and Misses' TamS that are excellent
j values, at Of
jjt Th RACKET.
John Kclley came in this week Irom
his mine.
A. N. Cox was over (rom Williams
creek this week.
J. W. Losber was home over Sunday
for a visit with bis family.
J. G. Martin, of Beagle, was In tbe
city Tuesday upon business.
M. E. Wood left last week for Marys-
ville, Calif., upon business.
W. C. Bostwick of Ruch, was regis
tered at tbe Nosh Tuesday.
M. W. Skeel waB up from Grants
Puss Tuesday for a brief stay.
J. Croy, of Central Point, was in the
city yesterday upon business.
R. H. Whitehead was down at the
mine, near Leland, this week.
J. M. Rader. of Eagle Fulnt, was a
visitor to our Hub city last week.
K. Benedict came over from Apple-
gate Tuesday for a brief business, stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Guno, of Table
Rock, were Medford visitors Tuesday.
A. E. Moore, of Climax was doing a
turn at business in Medford tbh week.
C. H. Chaoman, of Central Point,
was in Medford Tuesday upon business.
U. Anderton, the Talent glovemaker,
was in the city Saturday upon business.
Misses Minnie Cox and Edith Nichol
son visited Central Point friends last
Ex-Senator S. H. Holt was in Med
ford Tuesday upon a visit to his many
Miss Mollie Barneburg attended tbe
firemen's party at Gold Hill last Friday
Mrs. John Jacobs is vUiting her
mother, Mrs. L. C. Morris, at Central
Point this week. -
Postmaster Shearer, of Steamboat,
wus doing trading among our mer
chants last week.
f : . t ' 1 1 .1 T I 1 Ctkam
IM19BCS JL.BIC1UI tUU o.iuuaui,
of Central Point, were visiting Medford
frHnns over Sunday.
Wm. Martin, living east of Medford,
returned last week from a quite lengthy
stay in ban i rancisco.
Dr. J. W. Odgers left this week for
northern California, where in several
towns be hus a good dental practice.
Mrs. C. F. Lewis and children, form
erly of Yreka. are now living in Med
ford, with Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs.
Crystal. I
Nat Williams, a soldier boy (rom
Lexington, Ky., Is In Medford for a
visit with bis old-time i iena, c. u.
Mrs. Julia Miles, of Ashland, she
who owns considerable real estate in
Medlord, wus here last week looking
alter her interests.
Ruben Smith, of Oakland, Oregon,
is in Medford this week. The gentle
man is here in quest of a clerkship in
some of our stores.
Wm. Gorbam, a mining man Irom
Jumn-off-Joe, was ln Meolord Wednes
day in quest of legal advice. He is a
friend of W. L. Halley.
W. A. Carter, the oity recorder o'
Gold Hill, and as fine a gentleman as
ever presided In municipal courts, was
In tbe oity Weanesaay. ,
Assessor J. C. Pendleton came in
from Table Rock Monday and that
evening left for Salem to see tho
solonB make laws for a (ew days.
Hon. and Mrs. J. A. Jeffrey, of Salem,
were In Medford a couple of dayB this
week, they having been called here to
attecd the funeral of Mr. Jeffrey's
Eugene Amann and Geo. Boyd came
over from Auplegate this week to mln
irle with Medford society for a few davs.
The;- are engaged in mining over in
toat country.
George Justus came in Tuesday from
the G -ay-Proud foot mill, near Pros
pect, ue ts engaged in logging tor me
mill and hus out about 200,000 feet ot
line sugar pine logs.
F. M. Mlngus returned this week
from his several months' stay in Wash
ington. His return home at this par
ticular time was because of the illness
of his father, Mr. Conrad Mlngus.
Drs. J. M. Keen n and R. T. Burnott,
of Medford. were at Gold Hill last Fri
day evening in attendance at the lire.
mon'sdanoe. They report a largo orowd
present ana a very pleasant party.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. L. Schormerhorn
left Sunday evening for Gold Hill, at
which place Mr. b. will nave obarge
of Sho'io & Sohermurhorn's second
hand Btore for a few weeks, perhaps
George Palethrop, he who was Frank
Wilson's bnkor Inst summer and fall,
was in Medford Tuesday from Ashland,
accompanied by A. W. L6bilolt, also o(
Ashland, nnd who Is a timber lrispeotor
for tho 8. P. Companyi-j
Thos. Smith, assessor of Josephine
Comity1, was in Modford tho first part
of this week upon a visit to J. G. Tay
lor and family. These peoplo were
; From 5c 10 756
tired pocketbook
another invoice of Men's
formerly old-time acquaintances at
Pulouse City, Wash.
J. A. Armstrong, a mining man from
the Graves creek district, wus in Med
ford the first of the week upon business.
He reports mining in his locality run
ning at high speed these times and the
tension drawn to its fullest capacity.
Photographer H. C. Mackey left Sun
day evening for a few weeks' "stay with
relatives at Gold Hill. He has but re
cently recovered from a severe attack:
of measles and la grippe and the visit
is taken with a view of recuperating.
Fred Kelleynd his partner, James
McCully, were over on Jackson creelc
Wednesday and located a quartz ledge.
They will move their camp from their
quartz mine on Poormans creek to the
other mine and commence development
work. .
Miss Mamie Isaacs was at Gold Hill
last week In attendance at the Bremen's
dance and upon a visit to her (riend,
Miss Alice Matbews. Miss Isaacs was
awarded first prize at the dance as the
best lady waltzer. The prize was a
pair of elegant shoes.
L. B. Warner led Med(ord Monday
evening for Spokane. Washington.
where he will sell nursery stock (or
the Albany nursery. He will be absent
until about April 1st and upon reach
ing Spokane he will put five or six
canvassers on the road.
J. W. Curry returned (rom Josephine
County early this week and on Wednes
day left again for Douglas County
wbere there aru matters to oe looked
after for the Singer Sewing Machine.
Company, for which he is superintend
ent in all Southern Oregon.
James G. Smith was in from his
Aonleirate mine this week for a few
days' visit with his old-time friends,
G. P. Lindley, and family. Mr. Smith
reports that bis partner, J . a. morris,
is now en route to England, whither he
goes to settle tbe affairs of an estate
(or some Iowa heirs.
Henry Voegell, one o( Tub Mail's
good friends out at Trail, was in Med'
fora this week visiting friends and upon
pension business. Tbe old gentleman,
we are sorry to learn, bas been in very
poor health for the past several months.
He has asked for an increase of his pen
sion, also for back pension to consider
able amount.
J. V. Keizure came in last week from
the Sterling mine and for several days
he was laid up with a very lame bactc
and chest, the result of falling with a
large timber on his arm while at work
underground in the mine. Oliver Dews,
another employe in the mine, was quite
badly injured a few weeks ago by a.
large rock: falling on him.
Frank Tryer was over from WHIiame
creek Wednesday with a load of very
fine apples. He reports that his entire
family has been down sick with la
grippe pretty bad sick, too; so bad
that they were all confined to their bed
at the sa'me time and no one to aw ut
upon them. They are better now, and
their many friends hereabouts are glad
J. L. Brobst, of Central Point, was fn
Medford last week. The gentleman
has but recently returned from a sev
eral weeks' viBit to Montana. He re
ports tbe thermometer twenty-three
degrees below zero when he left
which was several degrees too cold fft
a Southern Oregon man and he toucled!
only tbe high places between that place
and the Rogue river valley upon, his
returning. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Spurr left Med
ford Sunday evening for the east. Mrs.
Spurr will go to New London, Wis., for
a visit and Mr. Spurr to Salt Lake City,
where he expects to close up a couple
of good mining deals which he bas un
der way. They both stopped at Cottage.
Grove, this state, for a few days visit
with friends. Both these people have
made friends with all whom they met.
during their stay in Medford and all
are regretting their departure. Tbey
expect to reside at Ironwood, Mich,
T. Cofer, he who wa9 formerly city
marshal in Medford, arrived! in. the
city Mondav evening for a brief stay.
Since leaving here he has bee?
pretty nearly all parts of Californ'S
and old Mexico. He left here Wednes
day evening for Seattle, but will return
to Medford again in a fow weeks. ITis
son, Walter, is an architect in Jackson,
Calif., and his other two sons, W. D.
and C. C, are oontraoting and building
in the same town. They now have a.
contruot to build a large hotel in Jack
Bon. Mra. C. E. Wilkinson relumed Run.
day evening from San Francisco. Mr.
Wilkinson did not return with her bu
onuse. of the faot that his health is not
the best. He has been under medical
treatment at Dr. 'MoLane's hosnitul foe
the past four or five weeks, and wbllo
his condition is much Improved he has
not. full V rpnnvnrnri. An ennn ha !.
able to leave the hospital he will go tr
San Jose and remain for a few wecl
with Jlrs. Wilkinson's son. Olvde Plv-
mlro,ljrio Is attending school at that
placei -.-Mr. Wi Is not e.)eoted to ro
turn before the first of Juno. It is
hoped by bis friends here that upon
his return he will be fully recovered In