The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 27, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Rrary Friday Morninf .
He la of tow days: but quits a plenty,
KsMred In tho Poslofhoa at Medford, Oregon
as Soconddaaa Mall Matter.
Mkdford, Friday, Jan.' 27, isao.
this pap kr e ikm
wrtislng Aironoy. (M and W Morohanta Ex
change, Sao KrunotBoo, California, wboroooa-
araottt lor aavertiaing can uu wuuo iur i.
' Our Clubbing List.
THK Mail and Weekly S. P. Call 2 25
" " Kxamlnor 2 S5
' " " Chronicle i 35
i ii i OreKOiiian 8 00
-" " Cosmopolitan ... 2 10
" Weekly Cinoln-
natl Enquirer, . 1 "5
The Lake County tax levy, Including
the slate levy, Is 25 MO mills.
Three feet of snow was reported at
Fandango and abont twenty inches at
Pine Creek and Lake view, In Lake
County, last week.
Owing to the depth of the snow on
the roots in Lakeview- last week, the
citizens were compelled to shovel it of!
to prevent the collapse ot several of the
The oldest Presbyterian Church In
Orejon Is said to be near Turner. It
was erected in 1856 and cost 1,3"8.25.
It is twenty-eight feet square and
: twenty-one feet high.
As a result of the semi annual license
-recently placed upon all electrical slot
machines hy The Dalles council, f0
has already-been collected and turned
into the oity treasury. .
Baker City had a heavy snow storm
lat week. The wind blew a eale,
causing the snow to dri't, and making
the roads impassable. On Thursday
morning there was 82 Inches of snow
on the level, ......
A visitor at Canyon City recently
bought bis stage ticket in a church,'
got shaved in a brewery and transacted
the moot of bis business in a saloon
which was headquarters for most of the
professional men.
Loris Johnson, of Eugene, returned
heme from Manila last week. He re
ceived his discharge on account of not
being of age. He reports the Oregon
troops hi Manila in good condition but
most of them are anxious to return
home. .
The Dallas woolen mills will start up
In a short time, 'and run night and day
for an Indefinite period, as the present
proprietors have a heavy blanket con
tiact witb eastern firms. The enter-
prise will' give employment to 65 or TO
ands. .
Gen. Marcus P. Miller, in command
of the expedition sent from Manila to
Ilo Ilo, is well known among the earlier
settlers in Klamath County during the
Modoc war times. He was breveted
for his gallantry against the Modoc In
dians in the war of 1873.
Spreckles St, Co. have sued the .Coos
Bay, Bobeburg & Eastern railroad to
foreclose and sell the property, consist
ing of 271 miles of track between
Mai-sh field and Myrtle Point, rolling
stock, etc., upon a promissory note for
4525,000 secured by mortgage.
Land sales in Union County for the
, "week ending January 20th amounted to
a total of 1485 acres, at an aggregate
price of' $55,700. The sales were all
made to eastern people, and tbe price
per acrei rauged from $35 to $45, tbe
. average price being nearly 838.
A large number of goats have been
dying mysteriously in Benton County
of late. William Merchant, of Carlton,
believes tbe cause is the eating of tbe
berries of the chlttem or bearberry
tn.e. He bad similar experience with
his gouts nntii he grubbed the cbittom
l oin bis land. -.
.Warrants have been drawn In tbe
office of t,he secretary of state, at Salem,
6 pay fojr the members of tbe Oregon
National Guard,' who volunteered lor
83rvice in tbe war witb Spain, but who
-were rejected on account ot physical
: imperfeotionB. , The amount dis-
burscd is tI5.. ,.
One of the heaviest snow Btorms ever
t experienced in Harney County occurred
.. on Monday and Tuesday of last week
It was about thirty-two inches on the
level but there was such a gale blow
ing that it drifted badly, making the
roads almost impassable. The Burns-
Ontario stage was all night in going 16
-. miles.
T. B Metzker and George Nezson
went from ' Lakeview to the Camas
prairie mill on snow shoes last Friday
to shovel the snow off the mill roof.
'The building was on the verge of a
-.'total collapse when they reached it, as
several of the - heavy . .rafters were
broken by the weight of seven feet of
drifted snow. ' They returned Sunday
having been 12 hours covering the four
. miles across the hills.
Bolllver Cogswell was sandbagged
...and knocked senseless at Harrisburg
i last Wednesday night and robbed of
about $5 in money, all he had on his
person, and t800 or $00 in notes and
- certificates of deposit. He had been
- attending ihe Woodmen lodge at that
place and went to get his horse when
'-' the assassin stepped out of a dark alley
- and struck him down. He was tin
".conscious about 30 minutes. When
vfaund his vest .was torn off ot him as
-was also his coat, aad bis pockets
turned inside out.
Jim Guy, who started from Lakeview
on tbe 101b tnst. In charge of tho Plush
mail, was lost in a terrifllo snow storm,
and wandered about all day on Camas
prairie. At night he made a short
trail and walked all night to keep from
freezing to death.' Wednesday morn
ing no starwu uuuk tu jjaseview uui
wandered abmit all day. finally reach
ing W. P Huff's ranch, at the mouth
i of Warner canyon, nt about 11 o'clock
that night, being almost exhausted
having hud unthing.toeat'lor two days.
He was cured for during the remainder
of tho night and taken to Lakeview the
next morning. Tho young man's feet
were uudly frozen.
Extremely Weak
Deficient Blood Cauaee Loas of
Appetite and Pinal Break Down
Hood's Saraaparllla Cures,
" I lost my sppatlt and about all I llvad
on was lood laraouads. My strength was
all gone. I was so woak I could hardly
oroaa tht floor. At last I waa taken very
lok. One phyalolan told me my blood
was all gona and he gave me medicine but
it did not help me. I had pretty muoh
lost all faith In medlotnes, but thought I
would get one bottle ot Hood's Saraapa
rllla and try it. Attar taking that bottle
I was muoh better, and so I got two more
bottles and after taking them I waa well,
but to be, I kept on taking
Hood's Saraaparllla until I had used in
all five bottle. It has done unapeakable
good to me and I wish all my Buttering
eiaters would try It." Mas. A. Evkusen,
Wedderburn, Oregon. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is tbe belt In taot ui One True Blood Purifier.
Bold by all druggliu. .Mod, 1 1; six lor SA"
nooa s kiiis B. aiidruKiitj. sue.
In Probate court.
In the fruaruianhlo of Wm I) Datlr. an aired
and Incapable person: final report of 8 J Day.
administrator, approved and resignation of said
administrator ai-ceptod.
In tbe KuanliannhtD of Rova and Homer Drum?
order for sole of real estate.
Ksute 01 1. r iuisiing; order appointing Mar
7th as day for fluil aettlement.
Estate of Walter L Haana; order ot eontinu
Estate of " H Atkinson : order aetttna anart
ISA) for widow aad minor child.
Kstate of Lerl Gartiuaa ; report ot adminis
trator approved.
Fstate of Mrs J H Berry: order appointing
John Grieve administrator; John Obeuchala.
Koatnson w rigm ana w m uerry. appraisers.
Yellowstone Park Map.
The'Northern Pacific Railway has just issued
a new map ot Yellowstone Park, that ahould
be in demand. It Is a relief map In colors, la
scientlnrally made, and Is complete In lopotc
raphy and nomenclature. The map Is about
asms Inches la alie and la printed on heavy
paper thus making it suitable for framing.
The map 8 specially adapted for school and
class roons and will be mailed In tubes to any
ad dress, t y Chas. 8. Fee. Gen. Pass. Agent o
the Northern Pfclflc. St. Paul, Minn., upon
receipt en certs. . .
lining Locations.
Bruce Buck located Jan IS. 250 Inches of water
from French xulch.
J W Hewom. Jack Garvin and H B Garvin lo
cated Jan 11, a claim in Wairner creek district
Leon fc.uwa.raa. et ai. located Jan a. on Inches
of water running Into Greely creek
iiick ana utcar wacaer located Cior as, u
acres la foots ereek distrlot.
A 1 Beck, et al. located Dee 31. 1600 Inches of
water running Into Carberry fork
O unpairtck aod J w Halsht located Deo 22.
a claim lo Grave creek district.
Joe Brunhall and Wm Broad located Dec 16.
a claim In Sterling distrlot.
Ed smitn and T w Held located Dec is. a
olalm In same district.
Mark ADDieKuie located Jaa 3. a claim In
Willow spnugs district.
Peter ADDlenate located Ian 3. a claim in same
J A Lewman aod Arthur Fiddler located Jau
II. aolnlmln Williamsburg district.
John Karnev located Jan 1. 2 claims Id Black-
well dl Uriel.
Leonard Farlsh located Jan 10, a culm in
J A Brandenburg located Ian 14, 3 claims In
Little Applegate dhttrlot.
, The Army and Navy
Have, covered themselves with glory during
the war. The Army and Navy Vest Pocket
Memorandum Book, published by the Northern
Pacific. Is a compact digest' of Information
relative to tbe navies and armies of Spain and
.he United States at the beginning of the war.
It has a map of Cuba, Illustrations of naval
ships, glossary of navy and army terms, trans
lation of Spanish words, etc. Send ten cents
to Cbas. S. Fee. General Passenger Agent,
jr. P. B., St. Paul. Minn., for a copy.
Real Estate Transfers.
Sarah A Foudray to Levi Sutton, 20.19
acres, to as. r l w. s
. 1
' 1
C P Good to Levi dutton. land In Jackson
county - .
H' P Virgin to F D Robins. Ashland plan
ing; mill lot.. .. ...
Murtha Freel to L D Mlnear, 90 acres, tp
as. rs w ...
Robt A Miller to Ellen J Kubll. a lot on
California street. lacksonvllle .
B w Huston to William Fox. lots 6 and 6
Dtkj. Asniana
O&ORRtoGeoW Barron, 40 acres, seo
23, tp3, rSe
Byron White to J Hoyt Smith, I S Inter
est in two quarts oiauns in Sampson
oreek district.
deo w Barron to same, . 1 1 interest In
A T Webb to C E Reld, lots 24 and 27
praont & addition to Asniana
Sheriff A Onne to A Andrews, land sees 11
and 12, tp38. r2 w
John Morris to W A Patrick, lot II, blk
70, Medford . . . .
C K Frank to E D Elwood, property on C
street. Medford
G W Barron to J Hoyt Smith. 1-6 Interest
in 40 acres In see 20, tp 89, r 2 e
O W Barron to Byron N White 'A inter
est in tu acres, sec a, ip a. r a e
Wm Myer to Miss Irma Sllsby. Iot 16, W
' C Mver addition to Ashland
Irma Sllsby to L P Harvey, same property
Geo H Andrews to Josle Cox, lot 4, blk I, '
R R addition to Ashland
Geo Andrews to Josle Cox, lots 2 and 3,
blk I. same addition
Peter Young to L D West, 8) acres, seo 4 .
tp si s, r s w
Tell Your Sister
A beautiful complexion is an Impossi
bility without good pure blood, the
sort that only exists In connection with
srood digestion, a healthy ' liver end
bowels. Karl s (Jlover uoot Tea acis
directly on the bowels, liver and kid
neys keeping them in perfect health.
f rice za cts. ana du cts. soia oy wnas.
Strang, druggist.
The "Hickmott" canneries in Oakland
and Biggs have been sold to an English
The.Ogden beet sugar factory has had
a successful campaign and has already
nnder contract a larger acreage of beets
than was harvested last year.
The suffering ranchers in southern
Monterey county are receiving teed for
the stock to curry them to tho middle of
February, by which time it is expoctod
that feed on the ranges will bo good.
The California Minors' association has
called a stato conforonce ou "the conser
vation of water," to be held in the rooms
of the San Francisco chamber of com
msreeon January, Si
Do You Know
Consumption is preventable? Science
has proven that, and also that noglcct
is suicidal. The worst cold or cough
can be cured with SMIoh's Cough mid
Consumption Cure. Sold on positive
guarantee lor over liny years, hold ty
Cliu. Strang, druggist.
An Insurgent O Hirer Shot by aa Am
rlonu Sentry ut . Manila (lenernl
Wood Makes a Itapurt on CouditUms
at Santiago.
Tho bnttWhtp Orogou Is to bo sunt to
F'imou instead of MitulU its wits intruded.
Tho prtment stato of uffnirs in tho formor
place require tlto presouoo of a battleship
and the Oregon is to be thora.
Th propositions of Aniorlnui capital
ists to oontrol tho Otibau tobaooo produc
tion and the mauufaotures are taking
dotlulto slix. The plan originated with
some New York batik.
The State Bar association of Now
York at Its meeting ludormxl the artlon
takeu by the Csar Nicohts tu convening
an international peaoe oougross.
Chief of Polioe Crow of Somorrllle, N.
I., wits shot and porlmps fatally wonnded
by a bm-Klar lie was chasing. The burg
lar escaped.
Tho resolution Indorsing tho expansion
poliov of the administration and inviting
President McKinley to visit Augusta
passed the Maiuo House.
Within the hut few days Cleveland
and Detroit shipbuilders liave dosed
contracts for four steel freight steamers
of 7000 to 8000 tons not capacity each,
and ot about 1.000,000 iu aggregato
Governor Roosevelt of New York has
refused to grunt an application for re
storatiou to citizenship of a man who
served out his term iu prison for con
nection with the Oravesoud election
frauds of John Y. MuKaue.
Frank M. Dorsey, formerly oashlor of
the First National bank of Ponea, Nub.,
was found guilty of misappropriating
the bank funds aud other irregularities.
He isa brother of ex-Congressman George
W. E. Dorsey.
A Manila dispatch says: A party of
60 insurci'iit!) advanced upon an outpost
held by Montana troops on January 13
aud the Anturlcaos retired. Brigadier
Geueaal Otis went to the scene and after
a consultation with the iusnrgnnt com
mander tho latter withdrew his men to
their former position, alleging that the
lieutenant jx commaud of the advauoing
party had acted without authority. This
is the nearest approach to hostilities that
has yet boen made. The Americans
have acted with great forbearance. This
manifestation was undoubtedly not
couutouanced by Aguinoldo, but is indi
cative of the increasing animosity of the
masses against the Americans.
Somo excitement has boen caused at
Manila by the killing of an insurgent
captain named Belmouto by Private
Ulmcr of tho Minuesota troops recunty.
Uliner was on guard duty in the center
of the city when Belmouto came along.
The insurgent officer ran when he saw
the guard, aud getting a short distance
away, drew his revolver, Ulmor ordered
him to holt, and upon hjs disregarding
the command, fired and tailed him.
The six-story store of A. J. Cammeyer
at 310 to 318 Sixth avenne, occupying
the greater part of the block between
Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, New
York, was almost burned out. Cam
meyer places the loss to the building and
contents at about 750,000.
' General Leonard Wood, military com
mander of the department of Santiago,
was before too senate committee on
military affairs a few days ago. He ex
pressed the opinion that for some time
the 7500 men now in the province of
Santiago should be oontinned, and that
a military force would be necessary to
the maintenance of order for some
years. General Wood said that his
first effort had bsen to enconrage the
people of all the towns to establish self
government, and ho had been especially
zealous in having them select their local
officers, open schools nnd establish
courts, build roads etc., aud in cases
where they, did no: h.ivo the moaer i.i
The public
schools teach al
most every known
t- branch of study
but the one mnt
7 y - important branch
' -r -ii uru- -i
it profit your son
if ne has an intel
lect like a Newton.
and is mentallyan
V Admiral Crichton.
if he has a weak
and puny body
and not the re
motest Idea of
how to care for
his health? A
1oy, should be
taught from the
start that hin
health is his most
nrpcious enrlnor.
ment. Without health, all the talent, all
the genius, and all the ambition in the
world are worthless. A boy should be
taught that success in any walk of life, that
happiness, and life itself, arc dependent
upon his care of his health.
When a man feels that he Is losing his
health and vigor, when his cheeks, no long
er glow, his step is no longer elastic and
the sparkle of health is no longer in his
eyes, he should work less, rest more and
resort to the right remedy to restore his
bodily vigor. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is a natural medicine a scientif
ic medicine. It does no violence to nature.
It works with and not against nature. It
promotes the natural processes of secretion
and excretion. It imparts vitality and
power to the whole system. It gives
plumpness and color to the cheeks, sparkle
to the eyes, steadiness to the nerves,
Btrength to the muscles and the animation
of health to the whole body, It miiKcs the
appetite keen and hearty. It is the. great
blood-makcf, flesh-builder and nerve-tonic
and restorative. Medicine dealers sell it
and have absolutely nothing else "just
as good."
" I was afflicted with pimples and boils, and
running sores on fnce nnd nrck," writes Robert
8. Wert. Ksq., of No. 615 finllowny Ave.. Colum
bus, Ohio. " I look Dr. Pierce's (loUlcti Medical
Discoveryatld 'Pleasant Pellets,' and was cored."
Constipation is the commonest beginning
and first cause of many serious diseases and
It should always be treated wilh Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets used in connection with the
" Discovery." These are Ihe most perfect
natural laxatives and peimancntly cure.
t-A ..V
ihsso purposes, he hod aided them by
making ooutrlbutioiis front the geueraj
Tho secretary of war recently sent to
oougross the report of tho engineer's
deportment tin tho San Jomitilii river.
The Improvement proposed consists of a
dam three miles oast of Stockton and
the ooiiNtruotloit of u oautiL 10,0 foot wide
at tho bottom ami Dl.ttfiO feet long,
thouoo to the iiurth.bmuuli ot tlto Culu
vents river.
Five small boys were drowned iu
mill potnl at Gibson, Pa, They werti
coasting down a hill and rim ou to the
too of tlto poud. The loo gave way and
the bovs wore divwueU.
John BushoH Young, librarian of tho
uougresslounl library, died at Washing,
tou a few days ago after an Illness of
several weeks.
Geueml Rugan, commlsmtry-gennral
of the United Status army, is to be
court-martialed for using language un
becoming a soldier.
The Southern Paoifio Sunset limited
n route from San Franulsco til New Or
leans dashed Into au open switch and
collided with a light engine at Iacxmio,
Tex. Robert Nicholson, engineer of
tho light engine, and Alouzo Miller, tire
man of the limited, were killed.
Michigan and Montana nipper inter
ests, representing 11X1,000,000 of capital
invested, have formed a oopxr combina
tion. Ou tho line between I,eo county, Va..
and Hancock county, Tumi., a battle
boeurrod between 'JO members of the
Eddy family of Virginia aud the Ram
sey family of TouuesHue. Tho battle
lasted several hours, duriug which s
number of meu ou both sides were killed
and injured.
Tho naptha launch Paul Jones was
blowu up iu the Gulf of Mexico and
all ou board lost, The launch carried a
pleasure party of live, members of prom
inent families of the Mississippi states.
Gold Commissioner Ogilvie of Daw
son city has mode a recommendation to
the Canadian government that thu 10
percent royalty now collected on the
gold output of tho Yukou be reduced to
2 per cent.
Successful farmers' Institutes have
been held at Woodland and Napa duriug
the past week.
The Uuitod Status transport Grant
sailed from New York Wednesday for
Manila, vix Sues cauul. The vessel
carries the Fourth Infantry aud a
battalion of the Seventeenth Infantry.
Captain Frank W. Warren of the
First California rogiraout, now at Ma
nila, is at Sacramento working to secure
some action by the governor and the
legislators that will Induce the authori
ties at Washington to permit the men
from this state to return. Captain
Warren says that the Califoruiaus were
among the unit to go to the scene of
war and bore the brant of tho service.
Now they want to oome homo and
think they should be puriuited to do
A poll of the senate on the peaoe
treaty has been token and it seems prob
able that the measure will go into effect
without trouble.
Information was reoalved from Oen
teral Otis at Manila Monday which hat
completely restored tho oonndouoe of the
president and his advisers. While the
cablegram was not given out, it can be
stated on tho best of authority that it
contained the welcome news that the
crisis at Manila is now considered over.
The officials at Washington take this
view, and it is the general opinion that a
satisfactory understanding with the in
surgent forces has been reached.
The Oceanic Steamship company's
vessel Mnnawnii, which sailed from
Syduoy, N. S. W., January 15 for Son
Francisco,- carries 450,000 sovereigns.
This Is Tonr Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, ensh or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of tbe
most popular Catnrrb and Hay Fever Cure
('a Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the groat merits of the remedy.
68 Warren St., New York City.
Eev. John Reid, Jr. . nf (treat Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm Is tho acknowledged
enre for eatarrh aud contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 oents.
ufiiuAMr. ariiMA biii ay
a vviiiioiii o aiunc i-iiio -1
Has no eoual In diseases of the 9
f Kidneys aLf Urinary Organs. Have
vnn neirlected vour Kidnevs? Have T
' you overworked your nervous Bys- ( I
I Item and caused trouble with your
.Kidneys and Bladder? Have you'
pains in the loins, Bide, back, groins ( I
, land bladder? Have you a flabby up- .
.pearance of the luce, especially'
under the eyes ? Too frequent de- ( I
. 1 sire pass urine ? William's Kidney .
' Plltn wilt Irnna nA.nllh IU I '
k a. ....i'.. w HUH w w.,w .
eased organs, tone up the system A
A and make a new man of you. By
mail 60 cents per box.
If w iM,iAsn n rii. (ju., t-ropa., uieveiana, u. j
For sale by (J. H. Hasklns, Medford
Watch Repairing uottn
off- the
Grip It 1 treacherous dltmi. You thin K It
it cured &nd the tlldhteat cold brlndt on .
rcUptt. .
Ut vlctlmt arc left in trtt&hcned
randitlan hlood imoure and Imoovtrlthedi
ncrvtt thAttered. PneumonU, ht&rt dlte&ie
and nerwout prottratlon r often tht
fir Williams Pink Pills far Pale Pcoolt will
drive every tract of
the system, build up
and fttrtndtncn tnt
provt tht. Read tht
When in grip laal vwiaa inn secuou Merman 11. icvaiar,
ofHil w. Main ml, Jaiteraun, aiu., a well-huowiiounlraeuir and
uuuuer.waa una ur me vioiiins, ana urn naa siiina uawu iniuuimi
with the aftar-etfeeta of lh dlieaae. A jraar ago his haaltli b.
rati to MIL ana no was million
lvw to-aay la almoata miracle.
"I waa Irouniea wiiu inurtueasui urwin, naiiiiwiion orine
ha&rt .ml a niul dahllllv. Mr
"1 tried oua dotrtur after another and numerous rvuiadlaa
aiiisetml by my (rlniida, but without annami! beneflt, and
lHaa to sir uphoivo. Then I saw llr. wllllaini' I'lnk I'll la
for I'ale 1'eoule saloflM In a HU liula paper, and alter Invea
Usallou (laofilnil lo Siva them a trial.
"Alter uilns Ihe Ural boa 1 fall wonderfully relieved ana
waa latuneil that the pllla were pulling me on Hie road to re
ouvory. ! bought two mora boiea anil continued Uklnt them,
"After Uklug four boaaaof llr. Wllllama' I'lnk I'llla Tor Tale
I'iNiple I am reaUiiwl to good health. I leal like a new man, anil
having the will and eimrsy of my former daya murnad, I am
oapubie oflraitiaetliig my liuitueaa with Incrneied niiihlUon.
'Or. Wllllama' I'lnk Pllla fur I'ale People are a wondernil
medicine and any oua iinTarlng from tho afler-effaoU of the
grip will nmt that thiMe pllla are Ihe iKXilrla" II. II. Kvai.aa.
Mr. F.v.l.r will gladly anawer any Inquiry rrgartllna tlila 1 If
aUnipliencloaed. tVvtnCvM tb. iMmiwriU, JifTtr-in (Mv. Ha.
Look (or the full asms on the packige. At druggUU or
direct from the Dr.Villlami Medicine Co., Schsnsctstfy, N.Y.
50c per box. 6 boxes J2.50.
Bring Your 01d gtOVeS
and Exchange them for, stfc
Wo Duy or sell an) thing on earth.
New und Hreonu-Hand Goods
always lu stock.
Shone & Schermerhorn,
Guardian'sjale Notice.
In Iho CouDiy Court of Jackaoa County, 8Utc
ot Ortum.
la tho Matter of tlm (iuinllwiBhlp of !tujri
Drum anil M inner Drum, Minora
NOTICK ti herrhy ulvca tbi ptmunnt to an
aider of ilia Hbiivti uailtletl court aittfo tin
the Uitrd day of January, A. L. I", authorlx
IntT, empowurtng and d!riotlntf mo w to do. 1,
thu utiduritiKntHl, ffuardiau of the pt.rion and
oitatoi of theatNve named atlnurit. tuull fmui
and atmr the fouruwuiu duy of Knbruur)'. A. (J.
IhbU. proaord to at prtvato nato, for conh tn
hind. HUbirot to tho condrmadon of the abovo
uo tilled oo'irt, tho following doMirluod roal
otaio. beionKintf ui miu mini.m, auu miuatna
tn tho County uf Jauksou nud Hlalo of Oregon,
Tho east half of that cortain truot or body of
lati'1 coutiilulra ooo hundred and (Ifiy nlnn and
ltf-lWacrrH nnd the whole of which truut In
described aa tfoveranivnt loU nuuiiiund oltcht
(). nine (. ten m and oitrveu (11) uf section
ten (IU), and government lot numbered fifteen
04) und etiititn UA) of section vlovan (III, all
In tow null ID thirty Mix (Mi rtouth, uf rnun two
rit afrttof the Willamette Muridlun.contalnlnit
In Maid eafit half of aald trant nivotttv til no and
juVltt.O ut'ft , more or aubject, huwrvpr.
to a riant oi way mr n waier uucu Kruuutu to
f aud II I'eudlulon along tlie north io thereof
and to a right of way fur a wtor ditch irruiitrd
to Maud II. Puodioton aud others uioug the
south ilde thereof.
, Full Infonnnflon nan be had of mo at my
nfflne in rhainlmrof fjminnrce bulldiuit. Port
rud, Oregon or of York it '.Vurlwau, roal ca
tutu ageuiH. mnoru, irrpgou-
Uated this 12th day of Jauuarj. A. D. 1W.
W. II. Feaii.
Guanllua of Roy Drum and Homer Drum,
In tbe Circuit Court for Jackson County, Oro
KlUabetb A. rirolth. plaintiff, va M. M. Uow
nr. durundant.
ToM.M. Uowem, tho ubovo nfimed defend
von You uri' hereby rtMitiiretl to appear nud
anhwer tho (Tomplnlnt titid agufnMt you In the
above entitled Court within ton diyn from the
daio of tho Hurvleu of thin Mimnwnin upuu you,
If nerved In Jncknon Tounty. Ottrgnn; but If
ervud within nnv otuur County of the Hlato oi
Oregon, then within twnnty dnyx of ttin date of
tho mo r vice of thlr Niitninona upon you; or If
nurvud in you out of the Htuto nf Ontgoti, or by
Fiublicutlun, then ut the ixplrutlon or hx weekn
rota the dntn of tho 11 rut publication of IIiIm
flummona, to wit: Maruh 3, MVU, and you uro 1
herohy notified that If you do not nppeur and:
annwnr plulnilrTfi complaint tin hereby re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
tho relief dumunded In the complm a now on ,
file In tho abovo entitled milt, to wit: Kor a I
judgment agulnnt you In thu num of four thoun-;
and, Hlx hundred und ttlxly dollur. toguthur j
with Intercut thertfon from November 1, H8, at
the rnto of ten per cent per annum, and for tho 1
further Hum of SUM) iitloruuy'H feed, and fur thu I
contri nnd dlbunfmontH of thin autt: that
rilulnttlTH mnrtgago deed mentioned and net out
ii pUlntllTH eomplalnt be duureed to ho tho
ft rut and only lion upon tho rout property mon
tloned and dOHerlhod oh belonging to defend
ant In plalntlfPn complaint; that nuld mortgage
deed ne foreclosed and fluid real property be
Hold art upon execution and tho proceodn de
rived from tho nule thereof he applied In pay
ment of cohIh and dtHburnemontH and uttorney'H
feen. nnd any nnd all Juilgtnontfl obtained by
plaintiff tsguinoldufendunl herein: Hint exuuu
tton Nhiio ngHlnnl n;ild defendant for any bal
ance remaining unpaid after ald mortgaged
firumlnoH have nen exhuiiHted; that thu de
endant be Torevur burred uud forclomid of
and from any and all right, tltto nnd Intoreat tn
and to naid mortgaged premlHOH und every purl
and parcel thereof, ami fur rtuch other and fur
ther relief n may bp Jut and eiiultahto.
Thl8 KiimtnonH 1h publlnhed In Tub .Mkixtdkd
Mail for nix conntcuilvo weak a, by ordur of
Hon. H. K Hanna, Judge of the circuit Court
for Jack Hon County, Oregon, mndo on the 1 6th
day ol December, IhW, and in publlHhed for tho
ll rut tlmo on January 'io. m.
'' Attorney for I'lttlutllT.
Market Report.
Tbo following ufo tho prlcoa paid by
our morohtintB this wook for farm pro
duco. This lint will bo chunked cuch
wuok as tho prlcos chuntro;
Whuafc i M
Oatfi AO
Flour fcl.fiO pot 100 lbs
Mill Fond. .....i.. ...... Ma " u 11
Poluloo8,..i , 75c " u
EcrfTfl, , 20 nor doz
Buttur,.' y...20 por lb
Beanrt. dry,. . , 024 " lb
Bacon 01) " lb
Hitmti 124 u lb
Shoulders, 07 " lb
lard 10 lb
Hog Uvo 034 " lb
the atlaonout derma from
and With the blood
ntrvts. a inai wiu
to aiaoouunue wurs. tiiv ne
Ha aayai
back alao tiallim nta aaverelv.
New Ones
1PNRl'ANT lo an execution Untied out ot
the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon,
rnr tbe County of Jack win. on tho .k)Ui day of
December. I huh, upon a judgment duly rendered
In tatd court on the Wth da) of Dewiulmr. IHuit,
in favor of Mary Miller, plaiutllt, and agalanl
Jnhu Hltenmrn, defendant., for tho aum of
four ihounnod eight hundred alxty ilx do II ant
iMtfMi, with Interent Umrron at the rate of 10
fer cent per annum from UinniberU, Imm, and
ho further nuin of one hundred dollar (lluj
tlnruey'a feen, with Interent therron at tho
rate of 0 per cent per annum from tho SHb day
of IMoumber. I huh, and whereaa. ll wan ordered,
adjudged anu dtierned that tho murtgago men
tlirtid In p1alntl(t'eoiuplaliit Ito foreoloaed aud
the mortgaged protulnva dracrllred therein, to
wit: The north one half of norihwpHt one fourth
of nrutlun .11, commenolnv at tho townnhtp lino
at the northwttnt oomer of Ntictlnn .11 In towu-
nblp noHlli, range ll went, and running tiinueo
fouth 'JU.3A elialnn, thence cant 4011 chaiun.
then io north iu V chain and thence wtrnt 4."u
chain to place of b-gintilng. contuluiug hs.hi
acrcn. aUo tho wtut one half of tho north cant
one fourth of imotlon 31. known a tho HuIUin
'Dace, containing hu acres, anil tuo cant ouo
lair of tho northeuat ono fourth of mmHIoh II.
and tho wtrnt one half of tbo north wet t one
fourth of met Ion .tj, containing Ifloacro. knowu
an tho Morgan raurh, nil In uiwiinbip noutu,
range 2 wmi of Willamette Meridian. In Jack- -non
County, Htate of Oregon. I ain commanded
to levy upon and Mill said imimiiea urorald,
by law made and provided, to naltnfy tho
ntld judgment, lnierfntt aiiorney'n feun aud ao
orulog cotn, I will net) an the law dlrecta, al
the front door of tlto court houne uf nald county
In tho Town of JoeknonvlUe, Oregon, on
Saturday, February n, 1800,
At the hour of o'clock d. m.. tho roal urooortr
abote doMcrtbod In aald order ot unto
Hherlff of Jack non County, Oregon,
Dated at Jacuaonvlllo, Ore., Oeo. ,11, (hum.
Land office at RoHOburg, Oregon, Deo 91. IRM.
Notice In hereby irlvoii that tho following
named ie'tler huit hied notice of bin tntentluii
to rnuko final proof In nupport of htn ulalm, and
that aald proof wilt ho made before W. H.
Crowell, county Judge of Jueknon County, Ore
gon, al Juckt-ouyiJlQ, Oregou, on Junuury UM,
On II. R. No. 7ftW. for the V nou, noV doU,
mo 'M; HW neo 'Jl; tp M h, r 2 imni, -
flu name tho following wlttumnon to provo
hin oontlnuoiiH rontdonce upon and oultlvallon
Of nuld lutld, vln;
J. F. Dlthworth, JoHoph Phlppn, Frank Man- ,
tilngand J, H. Uonnum, all of Loeda, Oregon.
j. r. iti'ioutiH, i teg inter,
Land ollloa at Roaeliunr, Orooon. Doo. )l, 1KDH.
Nolloe Ih hnrubv irlvon- that ttin fnllnwlnv
numid aultter Ihim tlloil notlco of hi Intention '
to uiako llnal proof In nliiipnrt of hliclalm, and
that nold proof will nn mndo boforo W. H.
Crowoll. County Judgo of Jaukaon County, Oro.
Hon, at JiiuUionvlllv, OroKon, on Juounry
Kutnm E, Peyton, aole nurvlvlng liolr of
Nancy Kllzaliotb Mulllvnii, dcuouHod,
On ll. K. No. 7Ml, for tlm hw4hwX am It; n
nw, aol nwH, ncoSl, tpma, nmHt.
Ilo nnniuH thu foltowInK wltnoMnon to provo
bla bOIltlnnoua rmddonue unnn aiul nnltlvittlnii
ol, aald land viz:
J. DliHw.irm, joispB I'hlppH, Frank Man
nlnii aud J, II. Donnum. all of i.ood, Urcnon.
J. T. IIimiQKti, Kcitlator,
Land officio at ItodohurK. Or"gon, Ooo. W, imm.
Notion Ih boroby given that tlm followlnii
numod sottlor han filed notlco of his iiilonllnn
to niakn final proof In aupportof his olalm, and
thin aald proof will bo mado boforo (Inn Now
bury, oniiQty olerk of Jncknon Cuimty, Orouon,
nt Juoknonvlllo, Orognn, on Fnlirunry 4, fUM,
Of Wcllcn, on Ills Hi E, Ko. WW, for tho noli
aao 4, tp 87 a, r 1 ont.
Ho numoa tho following wltnoaHnn to provo
bla oontlnuoua rualdonoo upon and oulllvutlon
of mild land, vl?.: , --
Aaron Wyland, of Wollon. Orouoni Frank 18,
H.Vboe, of Jiioknonvlllo, Orouoni Jnnioa Hum
moll, of Ulltniix, Orouon, anil Frod Htlmpiioii, of
Modford, Oregon
J. T. flliinoKS, HoKlator
rif. Willing,..!
lOlnlinontwIII euro llllnd,
.,. . . "" . i 'Jrj ..lie
Hi m. 1: ,.l,dpi.u t ..n ?
nlliD'H tlio ItiililiiKstnnrcnots
Ihil. Ijr, wIliliiuiH'liiiii.iul'lloO.nt.
." V"' lir':iiiri'il lor 1 M.1 1 flliU J U'll-
Intf in I ho prlvnto purls, Hvnry hnj Is
V . :. 1 y "ruKRiaM. ny nun no hi
oolpt of prim, do c.iiita nnd mi.1111. U'IILIJllf
For sale by G. II, Himklns, Medford.