You Don't Know JtWI 5 JOB WORK... Hut iiirlni)D you think that Of ovory description .. ALL THE PEOPLE Know Hint your ndvur. llNIIIIHMlt lllMMim III .rIVT. The Bedford Mail PR0FUH810NAL OAHDS. i)t KlUCIIGHSSNKU. I'llYHH'IAN ANU HUltUHuN, MciWvrit. Drugon t)irioe-l,liii!liy lliilMlriv, Hnvnnlli Htroul, Hi deuce oil County runtl. f, M'. KICK NIC, D.S). B. OI'ICKATIVIC DHNTIH'I'llY A HI-KUIAII'V. Onion. In Ailkln l)'uol liloru,, Ore. V. JOSHS, I'HYHK IAN AND HUIIOKON, Mudftiril. Oregon. IW-omuo (iiem lllock. J 8. HOWARD, HUltVKVOK AND ClVIl, KNOINICKK. U. H. Itaputy Mtnrrul Htirvcyor for Uiu HlHlo ol OrKui. I'uiiorm aildrnnNi Mn1 for1, OfcKOD. J, B. WAIT, 1-IIYHK'lAN AND HUUOKO.N, . Offict III Chllittr.' IHock, Mtdfonl, Oi , D. PICKRL, IMIYHICIA! AND HVH',e.UN. Iinira hmir.-IO lu IJ . m. kuJ 2 10 4 p. m. HuuiUyt-Uio 1. Medfold, Or Oltct Uftkla lllock. . soutnem Oregon TaDnery! FURS OF ALL KINDS DRESSED Angora goat .kins mado Inio mats and old mitt mmlii to look llku nuw. Hk-hi it cuhIi iirlro until hirudins of all kludn-HliuF Skins, Call Skins, Horse Hidus, co. Anderton & Myers, Props., TAI.KNT, OKKUON W. I. Vawth. I'm.. II, AliKim. V l'ron II UUI1.KK.Y, Cwhtor. Jackson County Bank ... CAPITAL, $so,ooo. MKDFORD, OREGON Loan money on appnwt) .eourlly, receive ds Kwltn .ubjeot to check ami tranaact a nniira tiaoklng bUdlnvM. Your tiu.tneiui aollolt0.. (iorre.pondenlii: Lima a linen, Halcm. Anile Comoro!. Sunk, Han Lada A Tlllon. ForlluO, Corbln ll.okltii Co., N. Y. Chas. Perdue . . Practical Gun anil Bioycles rlpaired on short notice at living pricoB.... ' ' 8hop in J. A. Whitman's warorooma..,. , ; Harclcii & Bales, Prow's, Shop on Seventh Btreot, opposite Union Livery Stablos. - SHAVING 10. HAIR CUTTING 20. w,Give us a trial and you will Come Again. $MACKEY5 unnc I ... VSV 1444444 The Pliotodmphors, aro now making superior photon, some thing that you should not (nil . to nco, Work Htrlotly first 1 olass In all roapoots 'I ft:Cfjj SMACKEYj 1 Bros. : .VOL. II. O UR SPECIALTY For this week in ..The New American Horseshoe It iH tlio lost nhoo in the market. All first-rate black HrnitliH who it. Tlieno biioub take the lead of all others. We are solo agents in Mod ford. J. BEEK & CO. S You and Your Horse Look Better, Feel Better, Act Better - S WHEN DRESSED ...IN I'.vrrythlnii tliiu' guoil lor the Winter Winlrobe ol your Hume now In stock. Now llarncM, New lllaijlcel. Now llolie, Now Wblpa, New Kvorytljlpg. J.gT TAYLOR, 2 . MEDFOKD OKEOON. '444444444444444444444444444 DON'T LET THE fact That I have thu largest and bout selected stock of furniture, carpels, wall pa,wr and window badea to bo found in South urn Oregon .... Escape Your Attention... If you arc a proactive purchaser yeu wlll'-find my gooda tbu lilK')t In (frado and thu lowo.t la price. Undertaking In connucllun . ... T A IITTT-ITI The Finest Stock of ed by b. Jledford, Oregon. S. RATES FKOfl... $i to J HEK DAY STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS THE HOTEL best brands of Free Sample Rooms ?OB commercial !PrescriTt.tons Carefully ":" Compounded. : : Main Street - ; Medford Oregon. FRANK W. WAIT ... STONE YARD General oontraotlne In all linos ol stone Cemetery Work a. Specialty All kinds of marble nnd granite monuments ordered direct from the quary... . Yard on Q utrocl Comraorloiul Hotol Dlook BILE 1BBLE J. O. WHIPR Propr. Does General Contracting in all GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Jacksonville, MEDFORD, JACKSON COUNTY, t NEW CLOTHES .X. XV. WXjXJD t. CLOTHING .Ever brought to Med ford was receiv Rosenthal this week. Gent's Furnishing Goods Rosenthal. I. L. HAHILTON ...phoprictor ... Medford, Oregon " The Naoh 1b one ol the most popular hotels In Southern Oreijon, and no pains are spared for the comfort and accoinoiodatlorl of guests. Everything about the bouse BAR is always supplied with the verj wines, liquors and cigars .... EN THE MORTAR DRUG STORE, G. H. HASKINS, Prop'r..' Pun Diug., Patent Medicines, Books, Btallonery, PAINTS no OILS, TobnccoM,Clrrs, Perfumery, Toilet Articles and iiiveryuiiUK mi class DKDQ STORK that Is carried In a firetr works "MEDFORD, OREGON Lines. CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY '..'?. ,. Oregon OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899, A LITTLE OF Cincinnati claims to make 20,000 bug ciikci), 25,000 rat traps, 120,000 fly trapR and 300,000 uieveB out of wire annually. Tbe longest telephone line in the world IB now in operation between Livingston, Montana, and San Diego, Calif.-2161 miles; five minutes, if 18. The Spaniards aro too lazy to cut their own corn. At harvest time orowds of Portuguese cross the border and do all the harvesting. The United States is asked to loan Cuba 40.000,000, to pay olT her troops. She offers to pledge her customs for it. Uncle Sam will likely make the Iobb. Egypt is the only country in tbe world where there are more men than women. The male sex in the dominion of tbe khedive exceeds the female by 100,000. Rev. A. S. Isaacs, editor of the New York Jewish Messenger, esti mates tbe number of Jews in Amer ica at 1,200,000, of which 400,000 reside in Greater New York. In the yard of a Mexican prison the 'governor has caused a phono graph to be placed, which repeats to the convicts the charges made against them in tbe voice of their victims. Iron visiting cards are popular in Germany. Tbe name is printed on them in silver and the sheets are so thin that forty of them only measure one-tenth of an inch in thickness. At Port Royal, Jamaica, for six monthB in the year thunder storms are oi almost daily occurrence, and guests to picnics and garden parties are usually invited to assemble "after the thunder storm." In France it is a punishable of fense for any one to give infants under one year any form of solid food, unless, such be ordered by written prescription signed ky a legally qualified medical man. The United Stata government has made provisions to have the remains of all deceased officers aod soldiers who died in Manila, brought back to the United States, without expense to their relatives or friends. A curious barometer is used in Germany and Switzerland. It is a j ir of water, with a frog and a little step-ladder in it. When the frog comes out of the water and sits on the steps, a rain Btorm will Boon occur. It is not generally known that Abraham Lincoln was tendered the governorship of Oregon, but it is a faot. President Taylor offered him tbe governorship to succeed Gov ernor Lane, but he deoliued the honor. In January. 1887, there 'was in St. Louis 4,067 saloons. This year finds the number reduced to 2,020, a decrease of 2,038. Incidentally the Missouri law prohibiting the adulteration of liquora has had much to do with this decrease. It need to happen in Java that, owing to want of transportation facilities, the inhabitants of one part of the island might be starving while those of another had as tnuoh rice as they . oould eat. Railways have remedied that state of affairs. Tbe close of the year 1808 finds New York City holding the reoord as the greatest shipping port on the globe, having overhauled and sur passed London. The recorded ton nage for the year, or to Deoember 1st, stands London 15,801,797, New York 15,842,719. The Norwegian sealer Haanfagen, whioh has just arrived at London, reports that in July, 1898, while be tween Iceland and , Greenland, an inaccessible loo floe was encountered on which a hap of ropea sd rub NO. 4. bish was setn. The officers of. the ship think this may have been tb wreck of Andree's balloon. The progress of modern scien tific methods in handling the prob lems of every day life is illustrated by tbe preparations being made to ahip 40,000 pounds of fresh beef from San Francisco to Manila, a twenty days voyage, part of which is through the tropics. The meat is to be frozen and it will go to the block bettor than when it started on the long voyage. A race against time from Seatth to Dawson for a purse of $6000 be gan at 12 o'clock last Sunday night, when Richard But er, a wealthy Klondiker, started for Dawson on tbe steamer City of Seattle. Joe Barrett, another wealthy Klondiker, bet Butler $2000 that he could make the trip from Seattle to Daw son in 25 days cr less, and $1000 more that he could not make it in less than 20 days. A Boulder county, Colo., miner has compiled a table showing the price at which mi.iing supplies sold there in '70 and '98. In '70 giant powder sold for $1 per pound, and now it is 13 cents. Steel in those days costs 40 cents a pound, now it sel 1b for 8 cents a pound up there. Candles that now retail at $4 a box then cost $20. Smelting charges were ICO per ton, and now he gets it done for $7, and so on through a list of some fifteen or twenty articles. The official record of lumber and shingle shipments by rail from Puget K'Und for 1898 was just a little short of 30,000 carloads. Tbe figures published by the Lumber Journal Bhow shipments of 10,729 carloads of lumber, equal to 176, 664,000 feet, as against 7671 cars, or 122,736,000 feet for 1897. The shingle product removed out of Washington by rail was 18,998 cars, or 1,039,680,000 pieces, as against 17,540 cars, or 2,806,400,000 pieces in 1897. Tbe fenced in model town of Pull man is to become a free community. Tbe Pullman Palace Car Co. has accepted the decision of the su preme court of Illinois. Thus will end as a feudal institution tbe town of Pullman. Its churches, schools, hotel, arcade hall, market bouse, public library and 2,000 brick res idences will be sold to the highest bidders. The streets will be given over to the city of Chicago and the waterworks will also pass into the control of the city. An Ottawa, Ontaiio, dispatch says the Canadian cabinet will soon consider the advisability of aeking parliment for an appropria tion to build a telegraph line to Dawson City, as a federal work. At present the government telegraph syptem extends to Quesnelle, in the Cariboo district. From QueBnelle to Telegraph creek and thence to Dawson, the distance is about 1300 miles. Competent electricians have just reported to the government that the line would cost $750,000 to construct and equip. , In Manitoba you can turn a fur row 100 miles long and not en counter a Btone as large as your fist. The earth, for a distance down from three to five feet, is a rich, blaok loam, made by oenturies and ben turies ot deoaying vegetation. And it might be added that this same black loam is frozen during winter months to a depth 'in the ground four tiuws the thioknesa of the loam, and further it might be said that engines on the Canadian Paoifio railroad have been known to plow furrows many hundred miles in length and iu snow. Capt. C. T. Smith of the Wash ington volunteers in a recent letter home sayB it is the most healthful place in the world. He also Btates that the morals of. Manila are good. In describing the country, he Bays: 'Thi is one of the richest spots on the face of the earth. Yon can make a better living ; here en one .. FOR EVERYBODY Koatly. completely and cheaply executed by The Medford Mail acre than you can on 160 in the matchless - Willamette valley. I , have Been two patches of rice, one ripe, and tbe other green, and a few rods away they were sowing another patch. There is no season here; they sow and reap every day in the year. It is the same with the fruit blossoms and ripe fruit on the same rees the year around." Said the New York Sun a few days ago: "Mr. Chas. W. Gould, who has just returned from Cuba, where be served as the legal adviser of the commission on the evacua tion, and bad exceptional oppor tunities for observing the country . looks upon the situation as most en couraging. The season for crush ing tbe sugar cane has just com menced, tbe insurgent troops are taking employment, the poor are being removed from the cities to- the fields, and the Cubans are mani festing the greatest energy and de termination to help themselves- The methods adopted by tbe admin istration in Cuba seem to have been met with a most favorable recep tion." A Good Cure for La Orlppe. A friend of tbe Oregonian in Brook lyn, N. Y., writes tbat paper as follows: 'It may interest your readers to know that during the great influenza epidemic in London, In 1889, tbe board of health of that city advised tbe publio affected with the disease to make an abundant use of hot lemonade. Tbo ' perspirntiou caused thereby is, in moat cases, sufficient to relieve the patient-, of severe colds aud saves him from tak ing refuge in quinine or ether drugs, which often leave unpleasant results. In bronchial troubles the acid of lemoo relieves tbe irritation in tbe throat, acting at the same time as a natural disinfectant. Fresh lemon juice, even, when diluted in small proportions wittt water, will kill the therein contained , cholera bacillus; hence, It is not sur prising tbat It will also destroy the so called influenza bacillus. Captain Eaton, of the auxiliary cruiser Resolute, recently captu:ect a 20-foot Spanish flag in the harbor at Havana. A Spanish, schooner sailed alongside the Resolute, and! with a cheer of defiance from the men on board, an immense Spanish flag was run up to the mast head, with the Cuban flag below it. Cap tain Eaton ordered a couple of of fleers and some- marines into a. steam launch, which soon overtook the Spanish vessel. The Spanish captain refused to lower the flag, so the marines went aboard and U ok possession of it, leaving the Cuban flag flying at the mast head. After compelling the occupants of the schooner to give three cheers for the Cuban and American flags, th y. were allowed to proceed. The oap-' tured flag will be held as a prizu. . Fee to Teachers and ScTiolara.-. In 1807 we bad thousands of requests from teachers and scholars tor Wonderland '87. The edition a targe one was exhausted long bet fore the end of the year. Wonderland '98 can- -not ouly he supplied to those unible to secure the former but also to others. It Is entirely dltroreot however, from the first named book It has a chapter on Tbe Agricultural North) west, crammed full of valuable Information one on Yellowstone Park, written especially for teachers; another on Alaska and Klondike-' and one on a Canoe Lake Trip, tbat will be ol interest to schools. The book has a high art.;' cover designed by Leyendeoker, and It Is pro fusely 1j lustra ted from new photographs. The Northern Pacific Railway will send the bootr and a revised folder map of Yellowstone Parte -upon receipt of six cents In stamps or posta arder. Send to Chaa .8. Pee, Gen, Pass. Agents fit. Paul, Minn. Write address plainly snOI state where you saw the advertisement. 1 They Wear Like Iron COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS SPRING BOTTOM PANTS LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Every Oar ant O irairtxd.