The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 20, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Jackwmvllla News.
MiHH TlmroHii liryuiit npont Sun
day mid Monday in AhIiIuikJ,
Hitm'l CiMik, a rvHlili'iit of Apple
,, flute, Hpuiit Friday in JuukHoiivfllu,
V Murrlugo IIouiiho who IhhihkI Jan.
18 io Ouorgo AlvorHon and Alluo J,
. Williama.
Mm. Mary Ilutolt. loft on Sun
Uay'H train for Han Franolnoo lo
visit relatives.
" Born In Juoknun vlll, January
15, 181)1), tu Mr. and Mra. David
Thompson, a hod.
Suimlor Camuron canio out from
'Biiloui Friday morning but returned
to tho oaplttil Sunday.
11, W. DiiiiiiIh, who lmn boon
BpimdliiK a mouth In Jacksonville,
returned to Snattlu IiihI wuuk.
W. V. Joiiuh, tlio Woodvillo mor
cliiiut, Mpunt Huuday in Jaukuon
villi), aucompanlud by bin children.
Thu BiiuMct tuluphono ollluo but
b on uiovutl from the Kubli build
ing to J. K. Millur'a hardware store.
Vr Judge I'. P. Prim this week sold
bin residence lot to L. 1). Minoiir,
recently from Iowa. Tin price paid
wan 700.
Marnhal John IIufTor baa taken
a poBltion at Hookmun & HuH'cr'a
( mine, and Henry Ireland U now
wearing the alar.
, Mr. and Mm. Hoscoo Cantrall
dud A. I). SaltmarHh, of Little Ap
'lilngate, were hero during thu wuuk
upon varioua miHHlons.
Owen Kuognn, the court houite
janitor, ban had a tuvero attack of
a grippe. Ilu was able to be out
Tuesday, the II rut timo for two
Prof. 0. A. Gregory last woek
organized a Hinging school in Jack
sonville with a good memburHhlp.
The imtutingt will be held twice a
week nt the school houno.
H. E. Smith, of Salem, represent
' ing an insurance order of United
'ArliitanH, spent Hoverul days in
Jauksonvillu thin week. He secured
a ohartor Hat of twenty-five who
will unite with thu order. 1 ho ordtr
was instituted on Thursday even
ing. Mra. E J. Kubli has purohuaed
the Ikiuho and olllce on California
and Fifth HtreotH, owned by Robert
A. Miller. The price paid was $500.
The dwelling will be occupied by
X K. Kubli and family, while
Judge Neil will oontinuo to oocupy
the ollioe.
Lad Saturday afternoon Z. Cam
. -cron left IiIb horse standing in front
of the poslollice while he went in
to cet the mail. Tho horse became
frifhleni'd.und ran away, brimking
the uukkv considerably; It finally
broke iooso from the vehicle and
Vi ran an far aa Senator Cameron's lot,
wheru it stopped.
An induHtrv of considerable im
portance has recently been brought
into prominonoe in Jacksonville,
and that is tho manufacture of corn
meal. Our townsman, Chris. Ulrioh,
who is one of our progressive bum
ness mon, is now manufacturing a
suwrior nuiility of corn meal. His
mill is equipped with all the latest
and un to-uate macliinery nocossary
to the trailo. A largn sum of money
is sent abroad each year to pur
chase corn meal which may now be
kept at home as a result of the en
terprise of Mr. Ulrioh.
Memorial services were hold at
the Workmon ball. Wednesday
evening, under the auspices of the
Banner Lodgo, No. 2, A. U. U. W.
A large orowd of invited guests
Advice to
There arc three great reme
dies that every person with
weak lungs, orwith consump
tion itself, should understand.
These remedies will cure
about every case in its first
stages i and many of those
' more advanced. It is only
the most advanced that are
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life
itself greatly prolonged.
What are these remedies ?
Fresh air, proper food and
scon's Emulsion
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites. Be afraid of
draughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink
plenty of milk. Do not forget
that Scott's Emulsion is the
oldest, the most thoroughly
tested and the highest en
dorsed of all remedies for
weak throats, weak lungs and
consumption in all its stages.
SCOTT 4 nOWNR, Ch.mtiU, Nw York.
were present. The, following pro-
? ram was rendered i Invocation by
lev 8 II Jones; aong, "Gathurlni!
Home," by Mlcses Mullur, Uryant.
Colvig, Messrs, Thompson and
llarnes and Mrs 0 Newbury; ad
dress, Wm Colvig. The audience
then repaired to the banquet room
and enjoyed a most excellent lunch.
Then followed a song by Miss Susie
Applugalo and brothers; recitation,
Verne Whipp; song, "Sue-Saw," by
Luna Ulrlcu, accompanied by Miss
Kinma Ulrioh on organ and . Miss
Hirdle Schmidt on mandolin; reci
tations, Gertrude Whipp and Vance
Colvig; duet, Misses Mullur and
Helen Colvig; recitation, "Chariot
Kaco," Miss Genevieve Roames;
comet duet, Prof. Schmidt and Miss
Schmidt; song bv the choir, "Till
We Meet Agslu; ' mandolin selec
tion, Leon i I ilium; song, "Grand
father's Spectacles," Emma Wendt.
The exercises were nLoly urranged
and the performer? did uiouly.
Table Keen items.
Dick Malion Is doing some haul
ing from Medford.
Being short of news tlieso items
might bu called "home made.
0. It. Paukey, our clever mail
carrier, comes in on time three
times a week.
Joe Van llardenburg, of Little
liutle, wont to Sams Valley Tues
day to visit relatives.
Clarence Uunn rolled out with a
four horse load of oats for Central
Point Tuesday notwithstanding the
bad condition of the roads.
Frank By bee has been gathering
in his cattle from outside ranges
and putting them on the East Table
Hock., where they do nicely during
tho winter mouths.
Charles Dickison has begun
pruning his orchard. When the
work is completed '.hero will be a
pretty (rood looking lot of trees
lurniiiHt our doorway.
The bunch ot uogs that was
marketed by Mr. Gunn at Medford
1 hursday, cleans up tho fat hogs
oi line seuuun, lor mis season, cu
. !.. .! i- .1.;.. i.- i
Wilkinson was the buy or.
The directors have called a -spo
clal school tuueting for Jan. 23, to
vote lax or no tax. rhey claim
that the census roll will not bring
in enough money for a six months
Mr. and Mrs. Mart tiybee are
li vim; on the Bybee farm near Mr
Uiokisou b. We are pleased to have
this young couple become one of us
and hope their stay will be pleasant
enough to warrant tuem in making
this a pormanent home.
The miners certainly should be
satisfied with tho prospects Tor
good working season; - plenty of
local rains to raise the small
streams and witb heavy snow fall
on the high mountains, means
heavy output of gold for 1899.
The public dartce given by L. A
Robortson last Friday, was quite
well attended by young folks form
different points of the valley. 1 his
samo gentleman has lately been ap
poiuieu roaa supervisor lor tins uib-
triot and promises to work wonders
this coming spring.
Rev. Huff, accompanied by David
Ik-id lor, spent Monday calling on
our people, arranging for meetings
to be held at our school house
Until further notice there will be
preaching here the Inst Sunday of
each month at eleven o'clock.
good attendance is hoped for.
Al. Kennedy is putting in bis
best licks these gloomy days edu
eating a lot of young horses that he
has under bis charge. We would
not be surprised if he developed
some rare trick horses, but the
question now is, which will get the
butter of the tricks, horsosor trainer?
J. CP.
Central Point Items.
Isaac Constant has a severe at
tack of la grippe.
Mrs. G. W. Little made Medford
a visit last week.
Dr. Pickel, of Medford, was in
our oity on Tuesday.
Thos. Downing, a prominent citi
zen of Gold Hill, spent Sunday
L. C. Bolle, of Wellen, was trad
ing here one day the first of the
C. J. Jeffrey has been oonfined to
his room this week with a severe
attaok of la grippe,
There will be a donation party at
the M. E. Churoh Friday evening.
All are Invited to attend.
James Brobst, who has been
spending the past few weeks in
Montana, returned last week.
W. A. Mann, has routed the
Byboe farm on Rogue river, and
will take possoBsion in a few days.
D. L. Newton, of Ashland, spent
a day hero tho nret of the weok
visiting h's son, L. H. Nowton, who
is ill with la grippe.
Lieut. A. A. Frios, of Portland,
who has been paying relatives and
friends of this place a short visit,
Is due not ouly to the originality and
simplicity of thu combination, but Uo
to the care and skill with which It is
manufactured by Molentlflu processes
known to the Oalifoiihia. Fio Bvhup
Co. only, and wo wish to Impress upon
all thu Importance of purchasing the
true and original romody. A the
genuine Hyrup of figs is manufactured
by tho CALiroiiNiA Kio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact wIM
assist one in avoiding the worthiest
Imitations manufactured by other par
tie. Tho high standing of the Cam
rouNiA Fio Hyiiup Co. with tho medi
cal profession, and thu satisfaction
which the genuine Hyrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
tho name of tho Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of its remedy. It U
far la advance of all other laxatives,
a it acta on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing thorn, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get IU beneficial
effooU, please remember the name of
Uio Company
returned home Tuesday.
The mombers of the W. H. Har
rison Post. G. A. R. and W. R. C.
will have a joint installation ' o:
their ofiicors for the ensuing year,
at the O. A. R, ball, next Saturday.
Members from neighboring towns
are cordially invited to attend.
Gold Hill Nuggets.
,T. J.
Downing is on the sick
Scott Griffin, of Tolo, passed this
way Monday. '
Geo. Trefren. an attorney of Ash
land, was in town Monday.
Geo. McCoy, of Tolo, is reported
to be very sick with typhoid fever.
Miss Alice Mathews is visiting
home folks, on Foots creek, thi
Miss Hsttie Sizemore, of Sams
Valley, is suffering from an attack
of la grippe. ''
Kev. uregory preached to a lair
sized audience in the Methodist
Church Sunday.
L. Jasiman has made quite an
improvement in the way of new
signs, in front of his saloon.
Mrs. Gilbert and daughter, Miss
Anna, of Crescent City, Calif., are
the guests of Mrs. A. L- Harvey
this week. v "
S. V. McFarren presented a fine
new lamp to the M. E. Church for
which the members and friends are
very grateful.
The I. 0. 0. F. block is completed
and oooupied. Ole Lawsen, of Port
land, the main plaster man, has
done a nice job.
J. L. Hammeraley has returned
from Ashland and Jacksonville
where he has been installing the
officers of the 1. 0. 0. F. lodges.
There will be a Fireman's dance
in the new hall on Jan. 20th, for
the benefit of tho Hook and Ladder
Company No. 1. Everybody dance.
On Tuesday night a number of
young people surprised li.. J. Hast'
man, one of our enterprising drug
gists, by giving him a genuine sur
prise birthday party.
Plenty of water now for placer
minors. Long logged gum boots,
and oil skin coats and hats are all
the go. To with the Spanish
war, gold is king, we have him
on the run and we will capture him.
An enemy burned E.J. Lamson's
cabin after robbing it of its contents.
Lamson is a miner and lived on
Foots creek. The latch string was
always on the outside on Lamson's
cabin; everybody was welcome.
There was always something to eat
and a bed for the weary. It is a
great loss to him and the pros
pectors in these hills.
One day last week the freight de
partment of our Southern Paoifio
depot was completely filled with
freight, compelling ono of the looals
to carry the freight for this place to
another station to be sent baok
when room was made. Perhaps a
few instances like this will impress
upon the officials of the Southern
Paoifio Company the necessity of
putting in a larger depot at this
place, at an early date.
In Olden Times ' 1
Pooulo overlooked the Importance of
permanently bonollolal effects and were
BatlBllod with transient notion but now
that It Is gonornlly known that Syrup
of i'lgs will perniaiiontlv overcome ha
bitual constipation, wcll-lnformod peo
plo will not buy othor laxatives, which
ant for a time, but finally injure tho
svstum. Buv tho tronulno. made by
1 tho California Fig Syrup Co.
Forest Creek Hews.
JIV Ol'KltA.
Our Sunday school has been post
poned for awhile ou account of the
bad weather.
Mrs. A. E, IJerriott, of Lower
Applugato, is visiting a few days
with her sister, Mrs. Armpriost.
Slock is doing well in this vicin
ity, gruili is growing under the snnw
snd all nature Is doing its best for
thu dead of winter.
Ed, N'ighton, of Trail creek, is
employed during the winter at the
mines of Willard llugbton, near
the head ot Foots creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Armpriest were do
ing trading in Medford one day last
week. ' They were also having den
tal work done by Dr. Odgers. .
Mark Winningham and Ed. and
Minnus Pence have been taking out
quartz from their ledge west of the
school house. I heir last report was
a '20 rock.
John Winningham and J. D.
Cook, of the Hydraulic mine, have
been over at Jump-Uil Joe on a
mining proposition. They report
the snow there waist deep.
Wo have had twelve inches of
snow on the level wmcn is now
melting and bringing joy to the
miners hearts. We sincerely hope
they will get a good supply of
water for they need it.
Your correspondent has a few
cords of wood in bis lot in Medford,
which can be bought of Wm. Ham
lin, of that place. I also have wood
for sale in Jacksonville which is in
the hands of Mr. McCrary.
Lake Creek Items.
M. Hanley and family
sick with la grippe.
F. Farlow reports six inches of
snow at his ranch at Deer Creek
Mr. and Mrs. uus iwchols were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Farlow last week.
Misses Eva Conley Sophia Ratrie
were the guests of Mrs. M. V
Bowles last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slinger were
viBiting her parents, Mr., and Mrs
W. P. Farlow, last week.
Owing to causes known and un
known to some, your correspondent
has not written for some time and
consequently did not report any of
me events oi me nonuays. oui
would like even at this late date to
mention the New Years dinner by
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradshaw. The
dinner was excellent and showed
the skill of that worthy matron and
everybodvjust had a splendid time.
which tbey could not help but do
with so genial a host and hostess
Last Thursday was a day long to
be remembered by those who re
ceived invitations to a birthday
dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. W
I'. Farlow in honor of their son
Thomas. Talk about your dinners
to be there and Bee and eat was the
only way to realize what our kind
hostess set before us. Among those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Farlow, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bowles
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Slinger, Mr
and Mrs. Gus. Nio! ols, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Bradshaw, J. H.Tyrell
and family, Mrs. A. Downing and
grandma and Miss 1 Tansy Clagg
In the evening the guests repaired
to the home ot Thos. Jf arlow tor
social dance where they were joined
by others. It would have undoubt
edly been enjoyed by all had it not
been for the over indulgence of some
drink, stronger than coffee, by a
couple of men.
Phoenix Shavings.
Fred Weeks went up to Ashland
Gus Epps and Mr. Weeks went
to Medford last Saturday for a load
of wood.
Mrs. Harrington, of Central
Point, is visiting friends in Phoenix
this week.
Mies McQuinnia and Miss Ger
trude Weeks spent last week visit
ing Ashland friends.
There is considerable sickness
about these parts, several oases of
measles being reported.
Miss Alice Williams, who has
been working over in California, ar
rived here Wednesday night of last
The singing school, whioh 1b be
ing conducted by Mr. Weeks at the
Presbyterian ohurch, is getting to
be quite an attraction to the young
people. ;
La ttrlppe Successfully Treated.
"I have jutt recovered from the
second attack ot la grippe this year,"
says Mr. Jas, A. Jonas, publisher of
the Leader, Mexla, Tmbs. "In the
hitter oase I used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, and I think with oonsUlorable
suooess, only boliitf in bed a Uttlo over
two days against ton days for the former
attncK. The second altaoK 1 am stills-
fled would have been oqunlly as bud as
thu first but for the uso o'. this remedy
as I had to go to bod In about six hours
alter neing struck" wun it, wnue in
thu first oaso I was able lo atlnnd to
business about two days before getting
down. " ror sit 10 uy , units, sining,
drugalst, Medford; Dr. J. EJInkle, Con
tral Point.
Tbe English anil Hern Expert Specialists
Five Physicians and Burgeons, all Graduates from the best Medical Colleges In
me worm.
Incorporated under the laws or California (or f2M),000. Eatabllihed twenty tlx jeara.
A oart of the staff of the English and German Expert bpecialUU and Dr.
Meyers & Co. will make their regular
Among the ailments cured by
Expert specialists
Brlgbt's disease sud all other diseases of tbe
pans, liver, spleen, spine, bowels, heart, stomacn,
ished blood, blood poiftoa and scrofula; catarrh,
ani other throat and long troubles; tumors, deformities, insomnia, melancholy, paralysis, rup
ture. drMntorv. drHoeDHta. neurairlA. rheumatism, stiff and swollen iolnts: female complaints.
including ovarian troubles; piles, flstula, obelsity,
caine and liquor habit; headache, erysipelas, gout, tapeworm, biliousness, dropsy, gall' stone,
eczema, freckles, blackheads, cancer, etc., ana chronic diseases generally.
Dr. Meyers St Co, cure nervous debility, lost manhood and all private diseases, Including
contagious blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at reasonable rates.
Tne tsngiisn ana uerman tax peri spec uitsui ana ur. Aieyem ot to. are not omj cutopoHrufr
and reliable, but are responsible, being backed by ample oapltal and ably managed.
DtKeasas which have baffled the skill of other Dhislclans and stubbornly refused to yield to
ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are quickly subdued and mastered by these sus
cefMful doctors. Tbey have tbe largest and best equipped medical institution In America,
CaHowttwDSwUerawsmtsMycawM. Ail ailing
Expert Specialists or Or. Meyers & Co. If
nnthlnir ia hnnnrl tn rfnttilt In . mat rll at trnnd.
Horn Cures. While It is preferable In msny instances to see a patient, the English and Ger
man Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persona whom they have never seen. If yoo
cannot see the doctors write the home office for question list. Advice in regard to your ail
ment, book for men or women and treatise on any disease ALL PR KB. Correspondence and
other dealings with patients or prospective patients sacredly confident!.
The English and German Expert Specialists
Beagle Items.
Miss Clara Richardson is visiting
friends in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Martin were
trading in Gold Hill last Thursday.
The measles are raging in this
vicinity, there being about 15 cases
at this writing.
Rev, Huff will preach at the
Antidch school house next Sunday
at 11 o'clock a. m.
Miss Lulu Briscoe, of Trail creek,
is visiting har sister, Mrs. J. M.
Rogers, of this plaoe.
G. W. Stacy spent a few days
last week with W. T. Houston and
family, of Long Branch.
Wm. Martin returned home last
week after a mouth's visit to San
Francisco and other California
Willie, the nine year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norns, was
chopping with an ax last Saturday
wbeu in some manner it glanced,
striking his younger brothel, who
was standing near by, and inflict
ing an ugly wound on his bead. It
was thought for awhile to be quite
serious but the little fellow is now
getting along nicely.
Spain has a peculiar way of
going into mourning as a nation.
The Madrid government has pro
vided black stamps to be attached
to each piece of inland mail matter.
In order that every citzon wtuill do
his share of the mourning it ia fur
ther provided that the stamps must
be paid for by the user, the am-
mount to he in audition to the reg
ular postage. v
Droves' Taateloss Chill Tonlo Is a perfect
malarial liver and blood purlltor. Romoves
biliousness without purging. As pleasant as
lemon syrup. It Is as large as any dollar tonic
and retails tor M cents. To set the genuine
ask tor Groves'. For sale by Strang, the drug
gist. Doctor
Specialists for Mag
ThrM lhTtein hm bun
They have th latent tnd
itltutloQ, and Uio moat
NO Par TU1 l arM.
I Unfortfln-t mi wlio c
not call iliuuld writ fond
vim ud pilreU book
A r.V. VtrKR
CttTAOUtHKD IT VMM. xhanut tund ai homt.
Mi uiton MuOdentuii fTo Charge ror tooia.uuon
monthly visit to
the English and German
are the following,
kidneys; diseases of tbe bladder, urinary or
eye, ear, skin ana nerves. Also impover
ton suit is, consumption, Droncnms, asm ma
ring worm and goiter; tobacco, opium, co
people snouia see tne Engusn ana uennaa
friendly talk, which costs absolutely
whnthftr treatment is taken Of not.
Market St, San Francisco, Cal.
Tk'a Wl,i the LleiMaaal Tkmsk
AbMt Barrln the Dea4, Bat
It Dlda't Prore a.
One night Chaplain Jones, of tbe
Texas, heard volley firing on the Cuban
coast, whichwras being guarded by the
blockading squadron, and was told
that marines were being landed from
the Marblehead. The next morning,
says the Buffalo Express, Capt. Mc
Calla came alongside of the Texas in
his launch and announced that four of
his men had been killed and that there :
was still fighting. Chaplain Jones
then approached Capt. Philip and said
that he would like to go ashore and look
after the wounded and read the serv
ices for the dead. Capt. Philip gave in
stant permission, and the chaplain pre
pared to go ashore with a boatload of
marines that was in charge of a young
lieutenant. As the worthy chaplain
clambered over the side ot the Texas
the lieutenantlookedupfrom the boat
and called out:
"Where are you going?"
"Lieutenant," replied the chaplain,
"I am going to bury the dead."
"For goodness sake give us a chance
to get killed first," rejoined the of
ficer. "Lieutenant, I am going to bury the
dead that have already fallen," re
sponded the chaplain, whereupon the
lieutenant quickly replied:
"I beg your pardon, chaplain, I was.
too hasty."
With Gerstendorfer Bros' Famous
"Our Favorite" Washable Oold
. Enamel
Perfection tor all Gold Decorations on any
"Star Enamel"
Produce a hard, washable and brilliant Por
celain Surface on everything.
Star" Bathtub Enamel
Gives old, rusty Bathtubs a glossy, snow
white nntsh; resists hot and oold water.
Q" Aluminum Enamel
Puis a auish like frosted silver on any arti
cle, unturnlshable and washable.
O" Varnish Stains . .
Change the appearance of all soft woods to
rich hardwoods; varnish and stain In one
operation. .
a" Stovepipe Enamel
Puis a raven black, glass llko surfaooon
stovoplpes. metnls, oto. ; doeB not burn or
omck off and Is washable.
All thoso goods are roady mixed and put on
with a brush. No cxperlonoe necessary. K
child can apply Ihem. For every oont invested
you get a dollar's worth of newness. Tbe bost
"Home neaulltlers," Samples of the work aro
on exhibition at