OUK COUNTY . . . ,j Correspondents j V illlcllSIIIIVlllll NWN, Mr, and Mm Carter, of AhIiIiiik! , worn in JiujUhoii villci Tuesday. Mth. Jessie Lungel! KaniHworth of hos Aii("Ioh, Ih paying, her old Iiiiiiiu u visit. Mrs,' I', lliitinon, of Portland, ar rived Monday for a visit with her sister, Mm. (Juo, Love. Mr. and Mrs. J it 1 1 u h Hohuiiill, of Placer County, Calif, uru visiting relatives in Jacksonville. Mr, and Mm. Win, Cook, wlio have been uponding tlio summer at Cinnabar, returned homo one duy last ivook. Married In Jaokconvllle, Oct. 10, 18U8, by Justice K, S. Dunlop, Christopher Heale and I'earl Ann Woodruff. Miss Molllo Dritt, who haK boon pay In u friends in Bun Kranoisco an extonJed vluit, will return home thin week. Dr. Chan. HI had won oalled to the homo of Kohcoo Cantrall, on Apple linte, Tui'dduy evening, to attend Mrs. Cantrall, who in quite ill. ' Mth. Theo. Cameron and daugh ter. Maggie, were at AHhland Mon day to seo Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Lang off on their trip to Conneoti out. John Robs, of Central Point, has been in JuokHonville several times lately. He intends opening a Ha lo mi at Central I'oint at an early date. The Ilirtliday olub met at the home of Mm. Uao. N. Lewis on the 6th iiiat., and a moot pleasant even ing was spent with the hostess and her daughter. Postmaster John V. Miller and Kmil liritt will leave thiB week for Hun Krancisoo a.id other California points to upend a few weeks. Henry box will assist llany Helm!) in the postoflice. Dr. and Mra. J. II. Hatch and a B'.ep sister of the lute Harry Hatch, Mrs. Smith, of Suit Francisco, were hem Saturday and Sunday to at tend the funeral of the son and brother. They left for their homes Monday. Kugeno Armstrong is in tho val ley and is introducing a new gaso line lump. - He has placed ono in tho dwelling of T. CS. Kennies and Others will Boon provido themselves with lamps. Tho light is similar to that given by the electric. A corn social will he givon this Friday evening at tho I. O. O. V. hall for the benefit of the publio schools. Corn, will ho sorved in moro than twenty different styles. A program will he rendered during the evening. All for 25 oents. Walter Craig Lang and Miss Ella L Krauso were married at the home of the hiidi'd mother, Mrs. T. Camoron, Sunday noon, only a few intimate friends being present. The young couple drove to Ashland and on Monday loft lor Watorbury, Con necticut, their future home. Rev. W. F. McCluro, who arrived just two weeks ago from California, to take charge of tho M, K. Church, lias resigned his appointment and already departed for his former h lino. Tho salary paid hero being much less than what he has been receiving in California. Dr. Harry L. Hatch, who was an nounced as seriously ill, died at his home on Wagner creek, Oct. 7th, of typhoid pneumonia, aged twenty nine years. The funorul took place from the rosidenoo of W. J. Flymalo Sunday, at 5 o'clock p. m., Rev. J. Does Baby Thrive? If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does not nourish it, put fifteen or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its' bottle three or four times a day and you will see a m:rked change. We have had abundant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. It is the same with larger children that are delicate. Scott's Emulsion seems to be. the element lacking in their food. Do not fail to try it if your childron do not thrive. It is as useful for them in summer as in winter. Ask your doctor if this is not true. . SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemliti, Niw York L. Stri'lford officiating. Dr. Hatch was married to Miss Mary I'lymale JulyJOth. Table Hoiik Items. Mrs. Pendluluu spent several days Inst week with friends at different points in the valley, Gathering com is keeping moat of our farmers busy now days. Tho crop Is above average. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Darnohiirg spent K at u r day night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Diokison. Clarenoo Cliinn put his hoga onto corn lust week and expects to turn off some heavy porkers by Deo. 1st. Charles Diokison is making soma more Improvements. A new wind mill will soon adorn his promises. School Suporinteiidnnt Gregory visited our people Monday, Oct. 8, and made his stay both pleasant and instructive, particularly to the pupils of our school, Mrs. Dart Vincent moved to Mod lord last Saturday, where she will spend tho winter. She hus several orders for fancy carpets which will soon bo ready for delivery. W. J. Nichols brought J. W. Merrill's sheep from the mountains a few days ago and reports u good season and little loss. They have been dipping since they arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols are in from Klamath County to visit relatives. They will return Friday with a well loaded wagon of goods purchased from our valley mer chants. A. L Vincent will soon move to Gold Hill where he will engage in the mercantile business, carrying a general Block. We oan reoommond Lee as a square-up man and he certainly should build up a big business. J. C. P. Fhoeulx Shavings. II Y TUB AI'I'IIF.NTICK. Will Coleman was in Medford Wednesday. Ed. Hamlin, who has been ill for sometime, is improving. Mrs. John Norton was up from their place near Medford ono day this week. Dr. Hargrave and Miss Maude Weeks, of this place, were in Jack sonville Sunday, John Doveuev, who has been working ovor near Yreka, Calif., re turned to Phoenix last week. Phoenix seems vory quiet this week most of the boys are picking apples in tho neighboring orchard-. It was John Robbins, not John Robinson, who arrived here from Shasta, Calif., a couple of weeks ago to spend tho winter. (i rim n Creek Gatherings. HV PlllLOMKt.A. Miss Ruio liioiizeale, spent Sun day with her parents here. R. T. Luwton, of Modford, was on Crooked creek ono day this week. N. Kimo has rented Dan Whet stone's place and moved his family thereto. Mies Nola Redden, of Medford, was visiting at J. McPherHon's lust Sunday. Mr. James and family left last Saturday for thuir homo in Klam ath County. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraloy, of Eden precinct, spont Sunday with J. MoPherson's family. Messrs. Geo. Andrews and Lin Rumloy returned . Monday from their fishing and hunting trip. Rov. and Mrs. Adkins, relatives of Mr. Lamb and family, were vis iting them sovoral days last week. Central I'oini items. D. Hamriok, of Chico, Calif., is hore visiting his brother, John HamricV, aud he may deoide to lo cate hore. Our nitizons who made exhibits at tho fair and were awarded pre miums are moro than pleased with the association and the way they paid all premiums in full. Miss Minnie Hoekonjos, tho pop ular Gorman teacher in the Ashiund normal, camo homo last Friday levelling for a visit with friends, re luming to Ashland Sunday. . Mr. Grieve, our popular bnehor, i is having a shuiehtor house built out cast ol towu on Hear creek . Ho intends killing Lis own beef cattle and will no doubt supply our market with ohoico meat. John Hnmri.ck has bought forty aores of choice land on Hoar oreok nf Owons brothers. This makes Mr H. a pei uiunont neighbor, and as i e is a vomit man of sterling I worm we urn glad to welcome him 8. Minnick received the sad nows of hiB mother's death last week. Mrs. Minnick made her home here for a few roars and made many warm friui.da who ivro grievod to learn ol her death, which occurred at Minneapolis, Kansas. Tho patronB of the Moundsohool are loud in their praises of their teacher. Miss Nora Sydow. Miss Sydow being one of our prominent young ladies wo are naturally grati fied to know hIio is so highly ap preciated in her efforts to advance her pupils. The Central Point nursery pre sents quite a lively aiiptmrunce these davs with a foroo or men dig ging and healing in a largo num ber of trees, also men busy packing Block. Next Monday tho proprietor, W, H. NororosH, will start with a largo load of nursery stock for east ern Oregon. He will also ship to California points a large consign ment of this ohoico stock. h. M. An oooount of a visit to the Cen tral Point publio schools will appear in these oolumns next week. Ki. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. THE WEEK'S NEWS AS PICKED FROM THE DISPATCHES. Commtrilor Watson Assumes (,'harga el tlio Navy Vara Ml Mara Island Nut Oullj- of Murder for hhoattnc a Tranip. Efforts are making- for the establish ment of a postal route along the Kun Jonquil! river. An aeronaut named Hugiil Ih con structing an airship at Santa Rosa, ol willed lit- ha high hopes. It in estimated lliut Oregon grain, wool, anil hop crop will net the peo ple of that n laic 114,000,000 tliU year. Tho construction of an $80,000 bridge across lliu Snake river at Lowislon, Idaho, wan begun Oct 1st. Real estate prices at Tumon are said to average 100 per cent hither now than they were this time last year. ' Tlio ((rowing of Muscat grapes iu the region around Phoenix, A.T., i being abandoned aa unproflLub e. A refrigerator box for long- distance shipments of fruit is being perfected by J. C. Slewort of I'uyalltip. An effort is IH-Iri',- iiuido to liavo a government sal i hatchery estab lished oil bolllll Loos rivor. Caleb C. Currigor, a pionoor of Sono ma cotmlv. died Monday. Ho nettled in Konoina iu 1840. The Raisin Growers' association ol Fresno Ih discussing the adVi-abllity ol advancing' the price of ruining. Homy C. Murray, slieriir of Mal heur county, Or., wan put in jail ul Vule for intoxiculiuu. During- Hit night ho sut fire to the building and burnud to death. A half-iuito of tho Cascade tunnel tliu Great Northern U bonng has been completed. Tho entire length of the tuuuol Kill bo two miles. Tho ullogad cxislonco of two canon ol leprosy at Astoria bus started tho au thorities there to investigate the Chi nese quarter. An explosion occurred iu the Corral Hollow mine at Tcslu, Cal,, lint week, seriously injuring live men, one ol whom, Shift Doss Harrington, may not recover. Head-Admiral Miller bus returned from Honolulu on the Philadelphia. He is to bo retired next month, having reached tlio ago limit. The lung political struggle in Oregon to elect a United Slates senator came to an end at tho special session of the legislature by tlio election of Joseph Simon, of Portland. Joseph Armstrong, ugod 28, a uaiive of Liverinoro, was kilicil by a ki.k from u horae in n corral near danger. The kick drove a piece of scantling imo I ho back of Armstrong's head. Them wni filed in the recorder's ol flio at San Jose, a commissioner's deed of I ho St. James hotel pri p.iity to the regents of the slate university. The sale was for $02,110, the amount of the judgment aud cosib in Uio foreclosure Btiit rendered sovoral months ago. Martin Trice, a miner employed ai the Iron Mountain mine near Redding, was run over and killed by u trolley nro car. Ho was in tunnel No. 2, and, considering himself ou the right I nick, paid no attention to the approaching car unlit too late. One of the largest bodies of land ever set out in wheat Iu the S.m Joa quin valley Is being scl odt ai Col vis. Over 2o,000 acre aio iu iho piece, which is ululated on the Fresno and Madera aide of tlio San Joaquin river. T. H. Sago, representing the sugar trust, is iu FieBtio and will try to in terest tho fanners of that county in boot-sugar culture. Ho is of the opin ion thai much nf tho soil of Fresno eoimly Is adapted lo tho eultuio of the sttgar beet, and n. tho crop is a very piotlltiK" one at pree-it i rics he thinks 1-e will Le : 1 lo co ..ii.r i 1 1: u h mi rs I nit il would lie to t..oir inli i ooi to plant buu44. Tlio preliminary oxnmiuatiou of Al bert Thomas of Redding charged with tlio murder of William Hou.-lien, a tramp, rusuited in a dismissal or the charge. The identification of the arti cles found on tlio dead tramp as being those stolon near Fort Uudding recent ly, saved Thomas from being hold lo auswor. Tliu second trial of Honry MuDaniulB of Eureka, charged with omhecii'eineiit, rosulted in bis conviction. McDauiels and Morse hud chargo of a band of cat tle, tho properly of Colusa county slocknion. Thuv drovo tboin into Humboldt comity for pasturage last summer and bu d a munberof animals, ; appropriating tlio proceeds. Mor.io is In jail awaiting trial. . j Survjiyors are at wor.k oua Jlne from lue ciiMcr.i pin ol IVn's.iiugtoii through Iho CiiM inle In .iiutuin t con nect Willi llio U' n ih u'l,,u Ceil nil and Moule CriHto ro iil in n-U' e ell. The stuleiiieut has guiue-l credence lliat the C, II. ky. is iiiloiCH.ud in the enter prise. Tliu circuit er.iirt lias decided that the city of Kun hi Crux, Cat., must pay 10(1,000 mid liiloriwl at ' lervent from April -illi. IS!M, on bonds lulled hy lli, cily for linpiovenimiis. 'I lie bonds were placed in I he bunds of ageuls, who disposed of Ihein lo eastern cap, lulists. luiurei-l and cost iucrciiko Hie debt lu.iieiiily half a million doiiaia. Coininodoro Wnlson has arrived ill Maro Island and assumed charge of a -fairs. Wlibu on the train near Colfax, the car he and his family were riding in left tho track and whs wrecked. Watson was badly cut about the head by glnss, but not seriously injured. The oilier members of the party es caped 1 11 j II i v. Tim Canadian Pacific railroad will establish a new transpacific line. The steamers Tartar ami Atlieii'iin, of over 4fil0 tons, will run between Vancouver and VludivrMlock. Tho iielliiigliam Buy & British Co lumbia railroad is lo be extended Into the Mount Baker mining region, prob ably with the ultimate intention ol going on over the Cascades, . Work bus bcu on on Iho Utah A Pa cific railroad, which, beginning ai Salt Luke c iv, U uili, iimler the auspices of the Oregon Short line, will ultimately conned with s Angeles, Cal. The Oregon Sugar company's plont at I.a Grange, Oregon, staried up last week, it is localiy estimated that this year's crop w II keep the factory busy day and night for three mouths, and that the prod net will lie 3),0O0 tons of su'Rr. . At Santa Cnir.. Cal., the new powder works plant has begun operations. The daily output is uow 0000 pounds. Enough orders for smoke. ess powder, at 80 cents per pound, huvo been re ceived lo keep tiie mills running day aud night lor Iho years. At Port Angeles. Wash,, a bonus of 15,000 has been rals d for the Pitta burg glass works to be located at that place. 'I he Pittsburg men ugreo lo commence work within ninety days, and must complete the works before demanding any of the bonus. J. M. King of San FrHiicisco, convic ted at Stockton of forging the name of Mrs. J. M. Carson of 110 Turk s'reet, San Francisco, to a cheek for S15, was ilenteiiccd to six yean in Sail tuenliu. Furmers and stoi kmun in the Gall district uru alarmed over lie fata- dis ease known as amliiax union- ill -ir herds. During tiie past fen weeks Solomon Kteeger, a larmer of that county, losl ten head of cattle from un firux, und V. S. Quigg.c lo-l three head. It is ouiy wiiliiu the past few weeks that the disease lias m:idu its appearance. Ah Suey shot and fatal y wounded Mock Young of Sun Jose. 'Iho chojl ing was caused by a quarrel over a gambling game. Two Sail Francisco po. icemen, James Wilkinson and Timothy W. M.ir owe, have been discharged from the force for cowardice. The cause of the dis charge wat lailure to aircst Theo lore Park Iliiynes, the crazy tinker who killed Lieutenant liurke last March. Tint s. earner, Czarina, from San Francisco to Seattle, reports that about fifty miles south of Ca; e Flattery site reccnt y picked up a small fishing sloop, bottom side up. In the cabin tliu dead body of a buy was found flouting. Tlio boy had been dead four or livo days. Clothing which evident ly belonged to two men was also found, anil it is supposed that tlio men hud been washed overboard and drowned. The body of the boy had been buriod at Bea. and the Bloop was towed inside. The sloop boro the name of "Kat." Augustus C. Widbor, ex-treasurer of San Fraiice-co, has been found gui.ty of embezzling 711,242.54 of the city's funds. Tho transport steamship Senator readied San Francisco last week on tho return voyage from Manila. She will leave almost immediately for the Philippines with more troops. Louis J. Sejircey, a negro who was lo be hanged Friday morning for the mur der of a man on the Mojava desert, was reprieved by Governor Budd. His sentence may either be commuted or the case may be reoponed. The gov ernor carefully examined all' the pa pers in tlio case, and expressed himself with the greatest indignation in regard to tho verdict in the case, Btuting that tho circumstantial evidence regarded .by a jury as conclusive of Seorcoy's guilt consisted of the supposed si mi ar lty of his footprints to tracks found on the desert which wore over a week old at tho time of their discovery. Docla Worlow of Modford, Or. com mitted suicide Sunday by taking poi son. Sho had been engaged lo be married to James Wyl and, but her pa rents would not permit, her marriage. Wy'and committed suicld..- two weeks ago, sud it is now thought Unit tho vnu is roup o decided to die rather liuin iivi- aivirt Joseph Soldato, of Petaluma, jumped into the river and was drowned, while temporarily Insane, last week. Tho Dean mill at Maywood, Wash., which cuts the Northern Pacific lum ber, was burned on the 12th lust. The loss will roach t40, 000. The Boston and Alaska Steamship Company are to put the steamers Lan rathi and South Portland on the Seattle-Honolulu run. Tlio largost fire in the history of Fresno began at midnight Saturday. The fire Boon gained rapid headway and got beyond uontrol of the depart ment and before It spent itself it did $2-)H,000 worth of damage. The new Forsytlie packing-house was burnod to tho ground, togolher with levers I other largo buildings. XKWS'OKTIIE WOULD. HAPPENING8 OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. A Nitr York Vifliintonr Itnglmunt Onus on a llHttiii,gu A Itrltl'h Ship lions AtfrtiutKl In tlin Jlwnre A Colorado Jlottnr Shoots Ills Wife. Yellow fever is spreading at an ilarmlug rate In the southern Missis sippi states. The Belgian distilling company, with ,.'1,000,00 1 capital, will establish a bus iness in the City of Mexico. Tho international conference which held session at Quebec, adjourned Monday, October 10, to meet again In Washington, November I. Rear Admiral John Carson Febriger, U.S. N., retired, (Hod Monday at his home near K.iston, Md. In regard to the situation at Puna, III., Governor Tanner lays that if the operators poraist in employing import ed labor ho will withdraw the troops from that place. Joseph Corcoran, aged 2), accident ally shot aud seriously wounded Liola Shade,, aged IU, while playfully exhib iting u revolver ut Cu-ivie, III. Then in remorse he committed suicide. The interior department authorities' have received a telegram from the Dawes commission denying the report that the intermarried white men had been ordered off the reservations of the Five Tribes. Judge JohnBon in the district court at Denver decided that B. Clark Wheeler, and not Congressman J. G. Bell is the Silver Republican nominee for Congress in ilie second district. A warrant wns sworn out for the ar rest of William Schmidt, a real estate dealer, and member of the board of education of Cincinnati, on the charge of embezzling $20,000 from a build ing association. Schmidt cannot be found. . ' One man killed, three cars burned, and a locomotive wrecked, was the re sult of a collision between a passenger and a freight train on the Chicago and Northwestern raijread about seven miles south of Milwaukee. The miliiks at Pana, III., continue to patrol the streets, holding up and searching all classes of citizens and re lieving them of lireanns. The union miners, in conlerence with state labor leaders, have adopted plans for a more vigorous war aguinst the blacks. The Bunkers and Merchants' Mutual Fire Insnrauco company of Liberty, .Mo., has assigned to E. D. Moore, its general agenL The managers suy that tho assignment was due to the war made on it by the board of insurance commissioners. It is stated that all c a ms can be liquadated. The British Ship Weehawkeen is aground and on fire on Cherry island fiats, in tho Delegare river. Shu clear ed from Philadelphia for Venice Sat urday witli a cargo of over 1,001,000 galloiiB of oil, valued at about $40,000. She will be a total loss. Secretary Dixon of the Chicago peace jubilee has received word from Captain Kodley 1). Evans of the battle ship Iowa, accepting the invitation lo participate at the peace jubilee ex ercises. Commodore Philip of the Texas has also sent an acceptance. Application has been mado in the United States supreme court for a continuance until after November of the trial of United States senator Ken ny, indicted for complicity with W. N. Boggs in the Dover bank defalcation. The trial will probably be cubed about the middle of December. The SpuuMi premier, Sagasta, has received a letter from tho president ol the Spanish commission conveying the news that General Merritt recommends the annexiation of the entire Philip pine archipelago, and that Adniir.it Dewey concurs in this view. Tho news iins created a bad impression at Mad rid, and it is beiieved that ihe peace negotiations will be greatly delayed by the Americans' position. John E Burton, the main promotor of the Gogebic iron milling movement in 1S87, has filed a petition iu bauk rupcty in the United States court at Milwaukee.' Ills liabilities according to the schedule, amount to $200,000 and the assets to less than $100,000. , The representative of a Pittsburg company is negotiating for 20 acres of land on the banks of the Manchester ship canal. Eng., where it proposed lo erect a manufactory of non-corrosive metal, which will employ 51100 men. Dr. O. F. Mentzer shot and killed his wife at Tellurido, Cot., without provo cation. He then pointed bis revolver at W. E. Monroe of Cleveland, O., a brother of Mrs. Menlzur, who was vis iting her. Monroe grappled with tho murderer, and In the light that ensued the dootor's skull was fractured. It is believed ho will die of his injuries. Monroe was not arrested. As a result of the killing of a private in tho Twelfth Now York rcgiinTTi; en camped noar Lexington, Ky., by Pro vost Guard Kitchen, three or four hundred members of that regiment formed a mob Monday night and seized a train at Damp Hamilton, with tho intention of going to Lexington oa it and raiding the county jail for the purpose of taking Kitchen out and lynching him. Generol Wiley and Colonel Wood wore quickly noli lied of the uprising, and thev suppressed tho mob by the most radical and prompt action. The rioting was the sequel not only of the fatal fights, but also of the drunken carousals that have been going , on Since pay day. One night there ; were two killed and two wounded. The drinking and disor derly conduct is not in Camp Hamil ton, but in the otly, when the men get off on leaves of absence. The presidfitt has appointed Profes or David Juyiie Hill, of Rucheslor, N. Y., first asslss'unt socretary of slate,' lo succeed John Bussott Moore, re-' signed. Now Houtii Wales, N.Z., authorities estimate that tho coming sonson will1 produce a yield of 15,000,0 '0 bushels of wheat, of which 10,000,000 will !) required for home consumption, leav ing 5,000,000 bushels, or, roughly speaking; 1000,000 tons of wheat to ba exported. Howard Clark, wanted ia Louisville for murder and burglary, and his sweetheart, Huttie Mahoney, wore both killed while resisting arrest near Owcnsboro, Ky. Clark was wanted for the murder of Officer Hefferinan at L'tiisvllle last August, and was at temp ing toercupe in askiifby rowing down the Ohio river. . Tlio most costly block of amusement and stores on the beach front of At lantic city Y.J., was destroyed by Are wilhin two hours of the' time the firs broke out. Twenty buildings, occupied by fifty business concerns, were burned, and a half-dozen families were rendered homeless. Tho loss is estl- -mated aj $200,000. Thcodor Turner's expedition re-' lurned to Trondhjem from Spiizhargea on tbe steamer Helgoland. The expe dition got as far north as 81 degree, but nothing was learned of Andrea, . the missing aeronautic explorer. A terrible tragedy took place at St. Patrice, near Ciiinon, In the depart ment of Indre et Liire, on the Vienne. While the parish priest, the venerable Pleural, was conducting services burg lars entered the presbytery and mur dered his aged housekeeper. Inert they awaited the abbe's return and heat him also to death, afterward ran sacking the house. Abbe Fieural was ' chap ain to Marquis de Caslellane. Richard Dickson, aged 66 years, tbe keoper of a repair shop at Cleveland, O., shot Mrs. Blanche Winship three limeo with a revolver, and then turned the weapon on himself. Both died al most instantly. Mrs. Winship, who was a divorced woman, had been very intimate with Diekson, but refused to see him any more. H. E. McDormott, assistant profes sor of chemistry at Columbia univer sity. New York, was found unconscious at New Haven, Conn., aud died soon alter. It developed that he had com- mitted suicide with prussic acid. Poor health was the cause. Judge Augustus Van Wyck of the supreme court of New York, and brother of the mayor of New York, is -the nominee of the Democrats for gov ernor of New York state. Secretary Long has named the four monitors contracted for last week as follows: That at Bnlh, the Connecticut; at Nixon's, the Florida; at Newport News, the Arkansas, aud at San Fran cisco, the Wyoming. Jenny Stephens, aged 14, committod suicide at Gonzales, Tex., by eating the heads of 212 parlor matches. The Galveston, La Porte and Hous ton railroad has bean sold by Special Master Grant, under order of the Uni ted States court, to J. .L. Smith of Kan sas for $450,000. The investigation of the United States Nicaragua canal commission has again demonstrated the entire feasibil ity of the great waterway. The com mission is entirely through with its work, and will submit its report to the I resident before the opening of con gress in December so that he may make Btrong recommendations on the matter to that body. One of the com missioners declares that it will be pos-i-ib e to make the great waterway for . very little over $100,UOi),OjO. Rear Adiniral John G. Walker, retired, is favored to control the work if tlio canal's construction is authorized by congress. Favorable action is confi dently looked for. A fatal boiler explosion occurred re cently at the sawmill of Laherty & Lee, located six miles from Verdi, Nov., in which two lives were lost and three persons seriously injured. The entire plant was completely destroyed, and not a fragment of the boiler was to be found. The 4-masted schooner, Sarah E. Palmer, was wrecked near Cateret, N.J. recently. The captain and seven of the crew were lost. The first-class battleship Lllnols was launched a few days ago at Newport News, Vu., forty thousand peoplo wit nessed the launching. : -. There had been 14 cases of small pox and six deaths from that disease among the American troops at Manila ' last week. Tho dead arc: H. M. Powd ers, First California; Harry Wheeler, Second Oregon; Henry Culver, Four teenth Infantry; Joseph Saly, George Cootv, and Frank Warwick, Thirteenth Minnesota. Eight deaths from typ hoid fever have also been recorded. Two freight trains collided in the Burlington yards at Indianola, Neb., causing the loss of three lives, slight injuries to four others, and damage to railroad proporly amounting to several thousand dollars. The dead are: Sol Brace,, engineer; F. J. Wallers, firo- man; Wtliiam McCarl, brakeman. A dispatch from Bombay says that a forry boat was capsized while crossing the Indus at Mittun Koto, a town of' the Punjatib, on the west bank of the river, and 100 of the passengers wore drqwned. Lloyd and Joseph Henderson and Fran I D rst, farmers noar Rockport, Mo., , re buried in a sand bank In whicn they wore digging, and wore !ei,d when In ken out an hour after tlio cave-in occurred. The Hondursoiis were brothers, aged 10 and 18 years 1 respectively. DorBt was So years old' and married. Robert Fiizsimmons, the putilltst, re ceived word a few days ago that his father had died at Timaru, New Zea land, aged 00 years.