The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, August 05, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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On rlundny lust W, J, lYiftinan
mill Win. Owoiih, of Conirul Point,
started will) thul i' fuiiilllus on u trip to
the iiiiiii' Kogno rlvnr oounti'V, expect
ing to vIhII Orttlui' lake,, Pol loan buy
Und otliiir point of Interest on tlm
route, Whnii tlioy arrived Hi I'. Done
dull' I'linol) Uio wagon wus stopped
uud Mi'. Owen waul lo n noui' by Imuao
fur some drinking wuliif. Wliiin In)
relumed to lh wiigoii ha found nil of
tlto pui'ly. oxooiil a 4ia!! e!i!!'J, V6i-y
Mok, oiioli nnd nil of them vomiting
mid crumping, In it fow inomuiils Ml'.
Owuna, too, wna itilllctud Ihosiiino wiiy,
A mnn wub nt onou dispatched to town
mid IV. LimWay wits tout out und up
pllod restoratives. Tho next morning
tliuy hud no In i' recovered ux to bo ublu
U romimu thole journey. Th online of
Ilia midden sickness Id nu uiillro niys
lory, although It It iitti'luutuil to some
tltliiK llioy liud eaten. Vet nothing
out of the ordinary Imil bumi purlukon
of except some chicken which mid boon
cooked tho day proylous,
Douol & Stevens nru tuklng ,ogga
l;i li'udo.
Whllo Leonard Btlmpuon, who
caino U Mudford from Nebraska lint
sprtug, wim in work up nt Olson's mill,
on Unite oreuk, on Thursday last, ho
'had thu misfortune to tmvo bis right
arm brokun noar tho wrliit, Ho and
another mnn foil a Inrifii troo nnd in
fnlllnif It caught tho limbo of n stand
ing troo. A limb about four I nob oh In
dluuiotor broke loose nnd How buck
(Oino thlrly foul. striking Slimpson
with tho roeult above given, ilo was
brought to Mudford andDr. Picket re
duced tbo fracture, nnd ho id now got
ting Along nlculy, Mr. 8. la oxpooling
lilt family to nrrlvo from Nebraska In a
fow days and It 1 very unfortunate for
him to bo laid up just ut thin tlrao, us
he la a poor man mid nuoda all that ho
can earn to fit up for housekeeping.
Ohio boof out to ordor nt G. L.
Dlalrlnl Attorney Watson waa
called to Woodvlllo on Monday Invt to
Investigate a ohartto mado against
llcnj. Duller, of upper Kvaim creek,
fur assault with lutont to kill. The
warrant waa sworn out bofora J. W,
Osborn, jiialico of puuoo, of Woodvlllo.
On oxuiulnuiton evidence waa pro
duced showing that liultor bud as
saulted hla wifu with a largo rook,
striking hor repeatedly. Ho then o
cured hla pun and attempted to shoot
hor but alio managed to nrovont hla
doing ao. During the scumo a boy at
tempted to Intorfuru nnd waa alruok on
tho forehund by Uutlor, inlltotlng a
bad wound, Ilollur waa pliieod under
bond In Ilia mm of two hundred dol
lar, In default ot which ho waa com
mitted to Iho watchful euro of ShorllT
tirmc, which he will rocolve under
look nnd koy, to nwnlt thu notion of
the grand.jury.
Twenty-live eenl silks at Mookor
It. (.').'. Thuee are beiuiliea nnd can
not be equalled olacwhore.
Al nboiil llirco o'clock Monday
nfU'rnoon Iho nlnrin of firu aturtlud our
ctllxona, and the excitement wna ull
tho grcuter owing to the oxtremoly
but nnd dry wonlhor now provulllng.
On investigating the cause of Iho
nlnrin, It wua found Hint hum boyabad
own burning tho short, dry gross off
the bull ground, soulhwosl of E. V.
Carvur'a Implement house, and tho fire
got beyond iholr control and ran under
nn old woodahed on IhoTluknor plnoo,
near Dr. Walt'a realdeneo. Tho boya,
n l hoy thought, extinguished all traces
of tho flro and left tho grounds. About
half an hour later tho building waa
noticed by aomuono to bo in a bluzn,
mid It aoon burned to tho ground, no
other dn.nngo reaulllng. Thoro being
no wator ninlna in ihiit section, tbo lire
luddlna did not tnko out tbo bono cart,
Thu Ion waa onlv ii few dollura.
Cot Wells it Sliearor to do your
moving aatiafaotlon alwaya.
This la from tho Albany Democrat:
" 'Help, help1 la tho cry some ono tolls
the Domoorat wna board this forenoon
in Iho aoulhwestorn purt of the oily.
What waa ItV A rush to tho dltoh on
Cnlnpooiu atroet revcnlcd tho oauae of
It. Mr. U. K. Prouk, who recently al
moat learned to ride a bioyolo, waa rid
ing along tho atroet In front of hla
residence, when tho front tiro of tbo
bicycle struck a rook in Iho road just
as be was roachlng tho bridge and
rider and bioyolo swerved to ono aide
and wool in a mass into tho dltoh.
Tlioy got out aftor a struggle and Mr.
Kronk will not rldo nny more bicycles
for iho nroaont," Mr. Fronk was for
merly Boutborn PaolOo station agent
in Moaioru.
Douol & Slovene will buy your eggs.
Hiifus Oox was a very pleasant
visitor at this shon Tuesday Mr. Cox
is not running a threshing outflt this
season, and just how be will mnnage to
pull through without this aooustomod
attaobincnt la past finding out. Ho
naa operated a inrosnor overy sonBon
for Iho past olgbt or nino years and
has mado money out of tho business.
During this tlmo ho has also boon an
ex tonal vo grower of grain. Ho 1b now
heading on tho Robs plauo and has al
ready threshed hla orop on thu old
ChainborB plnoe, owned by Beekman &
HoamnB. Prom this lottor place ho
threshed 0100 bushels of wbent, barloy
and oats. Ho will probably have, nil
told, 15,000 bushols of grain this year.
Watches oiofcnod anl warrantoa lor
ono voar for 1 IMtobard, thu 'oweler.
The main guy of Tub Mil Insti
tution has boon pretty bad slok for sev
eral days past. If this Issue of tho
paper W exceptionally nowsy and Inter
ostlug It Is to bo attributed to our al
ways bright correspondents, our throe
fnlthlul and honest lady oompoBltors
and tho bookkoopor. The proprietor,
hownver, is now muoh Improved. Ho
was on the strootB yesterday and after
walking twioo in Iho same place wa
nblo to reflect a shadow on thowalk
whlota foatsoemodontirely satisfactory
and undoubtedly a normal condition
of affairs. .
Spring truoks for spring house
hold moving. Wells & Shearer.
Whon the Orogon Engineer Corps
pasted through Modford, of whloh pur
former townsman, W. H. Turner, Is a
member, a number of our ladles pre
sented tho boys some bouquets. Mr,
Tumor writes his pooplo bore saying
that the flowers woro grontly appreci
ated and woro prcsorvod until thoy ar
rlvml In mmn In San Franolsco. The
boys wish through our oolumns to
thimk tho ladles of Modford for tho
(loiiriosliiH extonilud, und slulo Ihnl
tlioy will bo kindly roliioinbiired.
Ilrlngymii' ngga lo Douul & HlevoiiH.
-Our good frloiiil, .loo Hcoll, ituil
wife returned Tuesday uvoiilng from n
trip of two weeks over to their furiii
homo in Kliiiiintli County, .loo says
Ilolilloiiiuii, Meliolson & Co. (tlm coin
iiany menus thu girls, Kdllli Nicholson,
lllnnoli iiikI Kloruiico Toft, who lire over
tlinro cooking for Iho Nicholson purt of
the linn) me nil busy us hoes putting up
hay. Tlioy have about 2K) tona uocur'.'U
and are al m out done, Tho girls in their
Idle moments lire having whole heaps
of fun riding liorsebuck tlireoutatlino,
null till Ull Viiu horse, und wmllng In the
sivnuips, ott).
Ooino In iiiul sou our plusbna and
velvets atlio cents porynnJ ut Mnokor
1t Co.'a.
8. A. Curllon wua In from his farm
homo, ueui' Wollun, on Tuesday. Ordi
narily Dolph fouls protty happy und hla
face la thu pluturu of contentment but
on TiK'sday thoro was a glimmer just a
hit more radiant than Is usual and thia
extra was occasioned lieuauae thul out
nt hla homo on Monday, thoro ar
rived u new bouncing, blooming, boy
baby, Thu folks uru ull doing nicely
und If Dolph'a Joy don't throw hfm Into
n severe cusu ol muuslea or vellow lover
n severe eusu oi muuslea or vu
he will pull through all right
Tho Tluokot can't be boat on lueo
curtains, curtain nets and tablo linens.
Tho following Is from tho West, a
papor published at Kloroucc, In Ijiiic
County: "A. O. r'uuko has been doing
some painting, using oil manufactured
by win. Karnowaky from iir pitch.
Mr. Karnowaky painted hla own lioiiso
ulwut two yuara ago, using that kind
of oil and tho paint seems to Inst much
longer and look better than when lin
aeod oil la used, As It can bo mado nt
muoh loaa cost than llnaoed oil, thero
la probably a ohanoe to realize a snug
sum from It mnnufnoture."
My stock of now watohus has ar
rived. D. T. Prltohurd.
Hugh Elliott was somewhat mixed
up In a runaway lust Friday. Ho was
DroaKlng a young Horse to drive on
the track at the fair grounda when the
animal became frightened and ran one
of tho Bulky wheels on the bank, throw
ing Mr. Klllofl out. In falling hla
head struck one of tho wheels, cutting
a largo gash and otherwise bruising
him up. Tbo bursa started for town
and came in home on tlrao and In good
shape, doing no damage of consequence.
Wanted Block lo pasture near
town. W, I'. Dodge.
On last Sunduy a basket mooting
wna hold In tho grove below liyboo's
bridge, on Rogue river, at which two
excellent services woro held. The at
tendance was not largo, but those pres
ent enjoyed ihomsolves groutly and nil
expressed thomsolvos as glad they
were there. Ilov. J. MoKoun preached
two able sermons, and Itev. Williams
and others, of tho Congrtgutionul
Church, woro present and assisted In
the Borvlcea.
As shirt waists are In demand these
warm days, and wo wish todisnnao of
overy one of them, wo are olTorlng
them nt slaughter prices, l'rotty ones
too. Tho Itnukct.
The following item is from the
Drain Watuhmun, under dato of July
28: ''K. A. Johnson, the cnlorurlslng
inlllman, Is unloading today a largo
car load of mnolilnury for the new Hour
iug mill, coexisting of rolls, bolsters,
pnukors, duntool lectors, cleaning ma
chiiiea, water wheel, oto. This excel
lent lot of inuchliinry whou placed In
position will pul tbe now mill on a llrst
olass busts. "
E. W. Carver will sell you wagons,
hacks, buggies or bioyclus ut prices to
satisfy ;, on.
Tom Morrlmiin, Ed. Olwoll, Chns.
Pordoo and Chua. Knmtoy were Coles
tin visitors last Sunduy. They all rodo
wheels and If tho words of ono of them
Is to bo believod thoy wero oomp lied
to buck-podnl going tho oiitiru dis
tance The make ol the wheel Is not
given nnd for tbe personal safety of
tho dellnoutor of this yarn his Identity
Is not mado public
The Koseburg Iiuvlow suvs the bot
tom Is reported to have fullen out of
the California hay market and that ship
ments from thul placo are now light.
From shippers In Modford we learn
that the cause of this elump is the com
petition our coast shippers ran into
when Missouri rivor shippers com
menced flooding tho markole.
The Racket's clothing sale Is still
George Justus, who started Inst
Friday for the Gray mills with tho
Proudfoot boiler and engine, didn't
meet with a thing but bard look at
every turn and did not ronoh the mills
uutll Wednesday night. His horses
were slok, tho loud n hoavy one and
the turns In the road so short as to
mnke It necessary to round thorn with
block and taoklo.
it pays to smoko a good cigar.
Kurtz makes one that's worth tho price
asked. Try his Ave' oonter a bettor
ono for ton.
Henry Pohlman, ho who has
ohargo of tho Orchard Home traot,
wus a pleasant oullor at Tun Mail of
fice Wednesday. Ho tells ub thul those
hot duvsaro not just the thins for fruit.
howovur, it Is doing fulrly well but
unoie to oe ranter small, unioss oooior
weather coiiiob soon, Henry roplon
(shod our exchequer with tho prloo of
three subscriptions.
EggB, eggs, oggs. We will take them
at market prloo, Dcuol & Stevens,
Dr. J. W, Robinson, of Jacksonville,
recolvod a telegram Tuesday telling him
to discontinue his services as special in
ternal revomia collector. All "specials"
were similarly Informed. Whether the
ordor is permanent or temporary is not
known neither is tho cause of "It,, ex
cept It be the probablo peace negotia
tions with Spain.
You will get a nloo dtrnt pan with
caoh and ovory broom you buy at G. L.
S. Bradbury had a lottor a fow
dayBSluco from his son, J. A, Bradbury,
who Is a member of Company I, Eighth
Heglment California Voluntoers, now
In oamp at Camp Merrltt. He enclosed
a drawing whloh shows the onmp of
his regiment. Eugono Ohllders Is
also a mombor of tho same oompany,
J. Book & Oo. received price quota
tions lnat Friday from n Now York
wholesale linn on snow shoos and moo
cuBins. How was that for a cooler?
and the thermometer registered 104 de
grees hot in tho shade.
R, A, Proudfoot left yesterday
morning for the Gray mills, on upper
Unguu river. Accompanying hi in were
W. II. Hembroe, who goes thither to
tuko charge of Iho engine ut tho mills,
und K, (J, Htlckel, the brick mason,
who will do Iho masonry nvuuasiiry In
pulling In tho ucldlllonn.1 inauhWiory,
Ilov, A, lliiborly will proiioh In
tho Presbyterian Chiirub, this city,
nuxt Sunduy morning ut olovon o'olock.
Ho will also nruiiuh at tho union serv
ices whloh will bu hold ut eight o'clock
in thu evening III tho same church,
Mr. Ilaberly Is tho new pastor of the
Presbyterian Church who arrived
Wednusday with his family from Cull
fonilu, Wo wunl your oggs. Dcuol &
Isauo Householder la this week on
gaged in delivering forty cords of four
fool ouk wood to thu Mudford school dis
trict. The prloo being puid la t.'l.bO
per oord. J. A. North bus u contract
to deliver forty cords of Iir wood at
t2.40 poi'uord. Purt of this has ulroudy
been delivered,
Mrs. E.J. Pool, of Klamath County,
who ia stooping ut Ceo. Anderson's
place In this city, und who is being
troutud by Dr. Jones for a complication
of Ilia, Is very much improved. Mrs.
Pool is attended by hoc daughter, Mrs.
Nichols, and a Mrs, Drew, also of Klum
ath County.
E. W. Carver, the Htudebnker man,
reports tho following sales this week :
To Moore Uros., of Central Point; Elmer
Walters, of Donunzu; J, F, Wells, of
Ashland, each a lumlier wagon, and to
I', h. Fountain, of Klamath Falls, and
H. A. Mhorey, of Kock Point, each a
Dr. G. 11. Cole returned this week
from Duwson City. Alnska. Tim Mail
has had a very Interesting interview
with the gentleman and it will appear
in these columns next week. The doc
tor will resume the praclico of modicioe
in this city.
W, H. Meeker & Co. have a new ad
this week in which they are quoting
some pricea on auminor goods. Shirt
waists are made a special target. J. W.
Odgers, the dentist, also has a profes
sional curd and the Ashland normal also
lias space.
O. W. Woltors bus Durchased thu
delivery outfit formerly owned and
driven by J. T. Wiley and tins engaged
mo Bemoes oi Mr. w. to deliver lor
him. Ho has repainted the cover und
instead of "Mnokoy for Photos" the
lettering reads "Woltors' for Groceries."
County Treasurer Jacobs bos a no
tlco elsowhoro in Tiir Mail. In which
bo advertises that there are now funds
on hand to redeem all county warrants
protested from May 0, 181)8, to June 7,
lHD.'l, both dales Inclusive. Interest
will conse after August ), 1808
York & Wortman, tho Insurance
agents, have this week added a fine,
large, sugar plno Insuranco blank case
to their ofiloo furniture. The thing is
a beauty and will bo u joy always. It
was made by Messrs. Gray & Bradbury.
Those warm dnys It seems nro not
confined lo this valley alone. We learn
from reliable parlies that the ther
mometer hns registered as high as OS
up ut Prospect the past week.
J. E. Enynrt, ox-cushier in thu
Jackson County Bank, who hns licen in
euxtorn stales for several months, Is ex
pected to return to Mudford next week
presumsbly to ronialn.
Dr. G. B. Colo rcporU having met
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Foudray, of Eden
precinct, this county, whllo in Scattlo.
Thoy were In good houllh and ciijovlng
themselves in line shape.
Nutu Jacobs writes from Los An
geles, Calif., saying that if ull things
movo as they at present Indicate, him
self nnd fnmlly will be nt home in Mod
ford tomorrow.
J. W. Dowoll came In from tho By
bee ranoh Inst week to rest up und get
woll from tho effects of a kick he re
cently received on the leg from a horso.
Fred Millor, the oflloient com
pounder of beverages at Shorty's thirst
pnrlora, Ib considerably sidetracked this
week because of being'protty bud sick.
Geo. Horshborger, the popular
mixologist, is in charge of the Turf
Exchange saloon during the absence
of J. C. Hall on his camping trip.
Cheap For Cash One medium sixo
rafrigorator, sumo ub now. Also other
housohold goods. See J. Beek Jr., at
J. Boek k Co's.
Otto Beodo, of Jacksonville, and O.
B. Hostel, of this city, had their flags
half mast Tuesday in honor of the denth
of Bismarck.
All kinds of wood for sale. Loup
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood and just plain wood. Bollinger,
the dravmen. ,
Dr. B. F. Adkins and party are i
camping over near Ft. Klamath near
the Boitilomnn-Nichol8on ranch.
Who Is there in or nonr Medford
from nonr Loomis, Washington? Tub
Mail wnnts to see them.
I want to hire Bovoral teams to
haul wood. Wallace Woods.
There will be a ball game In Med
ford next Tuesday afternoon, August
Olh, nt 1:30 o'clook, between the Grants
Pass "Monograms'' and the Medford
"luvlnolblos." Both these teams lire
composed of school boys and while It
Is truo thoy are not men in stature it
ta also qulto as true that thoy are good
plnyors and put up a gamo muoh bettor
than muny mon could. The Medford
pluyers are: A. Elliott, pitoher; Joe
Htbbard, oatoher; E. Ragednlo, first
base; Clarey Morey, second baBe; Watt
Parkor, third base; O, Isaacs, short
stop; Ira Anderson, conter Hold; O.
Ovlatt, right field; W. Lipplnaott, left
field. Tho boys are promising that an
interesting gamo will be played, par
ticularly so because that It was only a
short time ago that our boys were at
Grunts Pass uud played and were
whipped by a sooro of ono, The boys
nro going to try and get that soore
back and add a couple more to it.
"He said never a word but shouted
for water." Thin has boon about the
program whloh our people have been
carrying out for the post fuw days, ex
oept that thoy shouted sonio and said a
heap o' talk. Tho olty wator supply
hns been deoidedly shy. Tho water In
the dltoh ran short and It was abso
lutely nooossary to retain In the tanks
nearly all that oamo down 'for emer
gency use In oaso of a Ore and the
gnrdona and lawns have been "a Leg-
gin" for tholr aooustomod dally drink.
Tho oatiBc of tho shortage la explained
by absence of heavy rains and snow
fulls in the mountains last winter. The
olty oounoil has taken tho matter up
I and if possible will deviBO moans lor
Increasing the supply.
i . . . . n
I county School Notes, f
i By Supt. 0. A. Oregory.
if fH! TlllHTtTljlr
Tho superintendent Is often usked
whore n good teuchur can bo secured
on short notice, und teachers frequently
Inquire for vaeuiiclcs. If all teachers
will keen ua Informed M lo tholr loca
tion, what thoy are doing, und what
thoy want, It will be possible to answer
muny inoro of these questions. We
are not unxlous to become a bureau of
general Information but are willing to
assist tou;hera und school boards to
find cuuh other. Keep ua posted.
J. P. Wells, who taught tho lust
term In Willow springs dltflct, has
been caught by tho school board of tho
Enterprise school on Griffin creek..
Mr. Wells is a capable teacher, kneps
up with thu times und la therefore In
demand. He roused a deslro in the
Willow springs district for a school
library und then helped the sohool to
make a nloo start toward one without
drawing on thu school board for funds.
What wus done in thia case could and
should bo done by every live teacher
in the county,
On the subject of public school libra
ries we will remark that a plan baa
been formulated by which every dis
trict school in the county can easily
make a start toward a library with very
little effort and no help from the
school fund. The main thing necessary
Is energetic, up-to-date teachers In
ohargo of the schools who are alive to
the best Interests of tho scholars and
believe that good literature in the
homes of pupils Is desirable. Wltb
such we will be pleased to co-operate
and assist In this matter. Let us bear
from every one who is to teacb during
any part of tho next Ave monlhs, and
wishes to enter upon this work In cose
the plan approves Itaolf to your judg
ment. Do you want the libraries or
Principal Dully, who takes charge of
tho Gold Hill school the coming year,
has an asslalant who ie not only quali
fied for tho place, but Is sure to work
In sympathy with him. Mrs. Dully is
not only acquainted wltb the school
room, but Is thoroughly versed In the
many good points of her genial hus
band. Togotber they will labor ear
nestly to advance tbo educational in
terests of the school and community.
We bespeak for them the hearty as
sistance of all their patrons.
MissH, L. Warner bas resigned an
excellent position to which she was
eieeled In uu eastern state, and ac
cepted nnolher ottered ber at J40 per
month for seven months, near home.
Her parents objected to hor going so
far away, and ber muny friends will be
pleased to know that she Is to remain
in the county,
Miss Carrie Saekell, who Is now
teaching her third cotisecm've term in
the SHiue district, is doing a "ery
proper thing. Instead of depending
entirely on text hooks for ?ourceB of
Information and suggestions to pupils,
sho Is roughing out In various direc
tions for everything thut is up-to-date
and that will creatu and Interest uud
spirit of investigation among bur
nuuils. Such teachers arc often asked
to romuin In adisliict more than one
Celeatin and 116 Camps.
Ed. Mail: The woods up here are
full of campers and nil are having a
good time and arc Inking on good
health in luyers fully an inch In thick
ness. At Hotel de Colestin there are being
entertuined by the hostess, Mrs Cole,
the following distinguished guest?: Di
ned Mi-sJ W Kobinson nnd daughter,
Ml-nSwwello, Mrsnd Mrs H O Holmes,
of Jacksonville; Mrs Wortman and
Merchant H U Wortman, of Medford;
Mrs O Gainurd and Lola Feudal), of
Ashland: Mrs Hutchison and P Hall,
of Hornbrook; Miss Maud Rauons, of
Little Shasta; and Miss Emma Cole
man, of Phoenix.
In taking a stroll through the oamp
grounds your correspondent finds very
nicely enconsod the following:
From Jacksonville Mrs Geo M Love
nnd daughter, Agnes, Mrs J White and
daughter, Zelta, Mrs T G Reamos and
daughters, Luoinda. Laura and Flossie
and son Charlie Misses Ella Ortb,
Ella Nunan, Vellne Kubli and Sophia
Mullet, those latter chaperoned by Mrs
K K Kubli and Mr and Mrs A E
From Ashland Mr and Mrs Wm
Clyde, Mrs Ayers aud daughters, Ber
nloe and Mabel, Mr and Mrs G W Pen-
U 1 . H,AVtM..,n Um Cw, rtpabA
I Mrs Simpson, Misses Dodge and Klum,
Messrs weens and uoage.
From Medford Mrs J W Losher and
son, Ralph, Mrs H E Boyden and son,
Charles, Mrs Wm SUnger and son, Joe,
Mrs. M A Dow, Mrs E C Beck and
daughter, Ivy, Mrs J G Van Dyke and
daughters, Edith and Sadie, Mrs F L
Williams, Miss Alloe Shldeler, Mrs M
C Myers and son, John, Miss Fern
Hutchison, Mr and Mrs Ohas Strang
and children, Mrs E Elwood and sons
und Oral Burnett.
Thoro are also Mrs Mary Cbausie
and son, Jessie, of Grants Pass; Misses
Annie and Nellie Towne, of Phoenix;
Mrs C E Robarts and Earl Brlsco, of
Hornbrook; Mrs D M Robarts, of Ft.
Jones and last, but by no means least,
the Hon and Mrs Thos H Tongue and
daughter. Miss Elizabeth, of HUlsboro.
; There is Dlentv of rood water here.
cool nights and delightful days. Come
up and join us.
Yellow Jacket,
A Dartv of Grants Pass peon'e con
sistins of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cornell,
Dr. and Mrs. J. Meyers, Miss Laura
Thomas and J. M. Booth came to Med
ford yesterday and from here took teams
for McOulltster springs, where they will
camp for several weeks and enjoy the
pleasures and endure the hardships (?)
oi mat neaitn giving resort.
We notice that our friend. Jl, G.
Taylor, the harness man, is far from
idle these days. Several rolls of
loath or was unloaded at his rooms this
week, and he can always be found at
his post of duty executing excellent
work and selling a heap o' harness
Alonso Slovor yostorday olosed a
deal oy wmon lie comes into possession
ol the teams, dray truoks and good will
of the Medford Dray Line, formerly
owned ana operated by J. ti. uotiinger.
. Mr. B. has not dooided as yet what vo
cation ho will follow. .
2 A IT In3"--!
Summer Goods
ffr THE
-V, And will make prices that
win surely
Hummer Dress Oooua that were 8 and 10 Bblrt waists, AO cent ones at
cents now are
5c 35c
The 16 cent goods are selling t 15 oe"t one" low rlc '
IQo 5Qc
The SUand 86 cent kinds lor Tnell.W and 11.25 ones at
15c 75c
A Serious Mistake.
The Portland Dally Telegram, of
last Thursday, contained a brief notice
of a trial al SDokane, of one Itev. Ford,
of Seattle, for a gross offense, nnd then
stated that thu man being tried "bad
beeu tiansferred to the Oregon fold and
made presiding elder of a district in
Southern Oregon, which position ho
now held, etc." This last statement of
the Telegram Is untrue in toto. The
Seattle tord and Dr. T. B. Ford, pre
siding elder, are two different men and
the Telegrams statement Is utterly
false, and it ia but just that the people
should know tbe facts in the case.
J. S. McCain, P. C,
Central Point.
Help Is Wanted
When the nerves become weak and the
appetite fails. Hood's Sarsaparilla
gives help by making the blood rich,
pure and nourishing, tjet only mooo'b.
Hood's Pills are easy to taue, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, sicK head
ache. Camp fleeting Notice.
Evangelist Rev. J. MoKeen is now
in the valley awaiting the .opening of
the Central Point camp meeting. The
meeting will begin Wednesday, August
10, and continue over two Sundays.
Let everybody come and camp on the
ground. - -
J. S. McCain, P. C.
H. G. Nicholson was yesterday
superintending the putting in ot a deep
well pump In tbe well at the Medlord
Brewing & Ice Compauy'e plant. Tbe
well is 300 feet deep and the pipe is
four inohes in diameter and is heavy
A sad case of poisoning with car
bolio acid occurred at the home of Jas.
Harvey, near Talent, last Sunday morn
ing. It appears that the family had re
turned the evening before from a visit
in California. Mrs. Harvey was dueling
off tbe mantle where a bottle containing
some acid was sitting and she placed it
for a moment with other articles on a
Btand. While her baok was turned her
boy, about two years of age, got hold of
the bottle and swallowed a Quantity of
its contents and spilled the remainder
of it over his face and ohest. Dr. Bower,
of Ashland, was at once summoned and
everything done that was possible, but
aentu resulted sunnily nigin. vunerai
services were held Monday at the Dun.
kuvd Church, Rev. David Brower, ot
' Douglas wait yi O.., has 10J cat-
loads of dried primes ready lor ship
The punius at C'oronado Springs, Cal.
are raising Bou.ouu gallons ot watei
daily. : . , "
The business of the Los Angeles,
Cal., - clearing house banks for the
three months ended June 30, 1808, wu
The Northern Pacific land depart
ment during the year ending June 30,
eld 610,079 acres or Inud, which 600,
000 were in Washington.
V One hundred and fifty horse power
will be furnished by the Big Creek
company, Santa Cms, Cal., to operate
tho -machinery at tlie nondor works..
Public Notice.
TUB undersigned hereby givea notice that
he will not bo responatble for any dobts
contracted by his wtfo, Florenoe J. Who tBtone ,
after the date of thia notice
Dams l Whits tori.
Dated Augual 6, 16M.
. We must closo
out all our
or plain colors, varnishes
oils, white lead, etc., can be
obtained here in any quantity-
We have a line that is not surpassed'
in point of quolity by any other stock:;
In the country. They possess the mer
it of great durability, those for outdoor
use resisting the action of the element
and retaining their brightness fox
years. For indoor use, .we have
variety of stains, varnishes and tint
that sell at moderate prices. .
The HardwifW
Medford High School Afumni Reunion.
Each year since the first cIubs was'
graduated from the Medford high school
in May, 1893, there has been an Alumna
reunion, with each year a few new mem
bers added to tbe list. This year Prof,
aud Mrs. Narregan very graciously
threw open the doors of their beautiful
home and gave the committees foil
sway from parlor to kitchen to do any
thing they desired to make the meeting:
a sucess. Accordingly, on the evening,
appointed for the reunion, Friday, July
22a, when tbe people came, they found!
the rooms prettily decorated with toy
and roses. Besides these, there were
two exquisite floral pieces of sweet peas'
that had been arranged and presented
by Mrs. J. H. Stewart. Games had also
been broutrht and uianv nlaved croki
nole, while Other found ainu-ement inr
the "Floral Love Tale."
Dhrine the evenine a short Drotrrmns
was rendered. One of the most inter
esting features ot this was tbe readiDgr
of a lotier-frpm Amos Fries, '93, now a
Willets Poffit, Sew York. Another in
teresting, although very sad, feature-
was a memorial ol Miss Junie Stewart. "
the first member at whose door the
Death Angel has knocked. The new
class was presented by Prof. Gregory Ha
nts usual pleasing manner. After this
Miss May Jt'nipps, w, new president oi .
the Alumni, made a good, Bhort re
sponse. Later refreshments were aerredU
and it was midnight before the sixty or
seventy members and friends realised:
that it. was late, so aetigniiuiiy naa iaer
evening passed. ,
ine memoers oi tne Aiumm wisn to
express publicly their gratitude to Mr. .
ana Mrs. narregan lor ine Kinonese tney
have shown them .
It has been suggested by some and
agreed to by many, that a re-organ ixa
tion of tho association, with a new con
stitution (as the old one is lost) wobM
be a wise thing. It would he well lor
those who think so to speak to the pros
iilent about it. . .
Following is the memorial of Junior
Stewart: .
In thniie Rummer vacation davfl of rest and?
enjoyment we all love to watch the hllla- VbuS-
eurrounu uur uvuuiuui vnuoy, vu, nwu
changing with thelrvarylng- lights and aaadowm..
Many a bright morning we gase upan far,-
eternal mountains and our hearts 011 with glaoV .
ness as we watch the suulinht smiling w4l&w
beneacence upon toe Tineyarot? aou srooarcwi
of the foothills, lighting up the rocky telg
the mountain aide ana ttltimiuuitug wltb warn ,
ana radiant gloncea tue anowy dusks wyomx
"Among such soenos we imbibe the fuU aadi
unrestrained, joy of the morning. Bat later l
the day, whea the Impartial sun leaves as t
smile on other climea, a miaty haze comes ore - -
the mountains, lntenstiying ineir eeuuiy, ww
Investing them with a sadder and more aaeretT.
splendor. We admire and attll rejoice, bC
with a more solemn and subdued feeling.
"It ta thus with our Alumni. For years we
have met together and bavo laughed and sung
in the fullness of pleasure, consoloue that tb
sunlight of prosperity, progress and good will
waa shining all about us.
"Tbia evening, for the first time, there fa
reatratnt upon our merriment. There Is a mlat;
of aadneea around and about ua tonight, and to. . '
all of ua life has taken on a more sombre and ',
serious look. For the Death Angel baa beenr
here and It he haa taken eoine of the bright
ness, he has, we trust, left ua with holietc
thoughta and aaplratlona,
" we have ever been proud of onr little band!.
When aayone of ua baa achieved dlstlnolio hw
any line we have rejoiced; but when oat Bw
loved member, Junle Stewart, haa reoeive lla
hlgheat honor of all being worthy to entevtlt
better kingdom we can only atand la aw antf
wonder. We know that we are better lor her
aojourn amongst ua; her culture an reftneuent
have biased ua all. Her noble ebaraoter like-,
an atomiser diffused perfume over every mm
with whom she. oamo Into contact, and) tma.
odor ol sanctity will remain with ua to the cad.
She was as pure and good and aweei aa to,
month whoso name she bore.
"Lot us be thankful that xho waa ao toag ia
our mldBt and rejoice that ahe haa gone to ac
cept a position for which she waa fully BtledL.
For is she not In the mtdat of neones that dav
light her artist's heart? Does not the hai"
mony of heaven float through hor mualoIOTlnar
noulr And boat of all, la aho not la tbe pres
ence of the Christ ahe loved? ,
"A sweeter, hollor pcaoe hae fallen upon as
Let na givo oursetvea up to Its Influenco an-B
prepare ourselves to meet the absent one wheat,
God aaya "Come." ... ,