The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 01, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    The RACKET is Closing Out at SLAUGHTER PRICES
The Jixtir Tine of Men.' Ready Made Olotlxing;
Wishing to invest the money in other Lines for the Fall Trade we have decided to make this Sacrifice
and Give Our Friends the Benefit. Come Early.
see our bargain counter. O. JL,. WEBB, Tle Racket Man.
p-f'T T T ' T 7- 7 ? T T'""""!
- - 1.1 i -lj
-(J. F. Murrliiiun linit been uppoiutud
spi-clul deputy ruvunuu oolluulor for
Southern Oregon. No cluto in llxcd for
tliu lorinliiulion of Mm appointment,
lull ttioru U no doubt but tlinl it will
cotillnuii im long us tliu wur with Bpaln
continues, thin because thut lil" duller
will bu uhliilly those of lliooollnotlon ol
duties oiidnr tliu wur tux. llu will In
ri'(iiirud to visit ovory drug store in
Koutliurn Oregon uud supply them with
tbo iiuuuHHiiry wur rnvouuo stamp,
(ivorgu wui u uundldnlo for appoint
inuiil to tliu position of tliu regular
deputy oolluotor, but Anlilitnd liiisn't
luiil it tiling iolltluiilly slnoo tliu recent
I'luulliMi mid It Immune necessary fur
Oregon's roprununtutlvos ut Washing
ton lo endorse Mr. Kox, of Ashland
In ordor tliul iho pnlltliml putronuguof
Unit pluou might purpntiiuUi, Mr. Mnr
riiiiuii'ii fi'lunda urn congratulating liliu
but lliuy uould do It with it bettor grace
hud hu mil buun compelled lo nluy sue
ond llilillo ut IblH political bull. iNnno
demirvus nmro recognition uud In big
ger cbunltH ut llio lutiida of lilt- purty
hi Southern Oregon tliuii does (icorgu,
llu Iiub HlnyuU longer and loughl hurdor
fur III purty tliuii liny of ilium tliu
most of tliuiu unyliow. Later: Oourgo
bun declined couldn't ulTurd to throw
up Ilia bualniiia for an iiiicurluiniy.
Watches uiunneil mi J wurruutcu tor
one vuur for tl I'rlloburd, tliu 'uwulur.
Married At thti M. K. I'uraiiiiiiir'i
In tlila ully, by Kcv. Ultima, on
Tliuradnv, .lunti A'lrd J. J. Murtln, of
Applogu'lo nt.d Mlaa Ixiiiullu I'uiirou, of
Juckwmvlllo. Thoy wore accompanied
by Floyd I'ouioo und Ml liruco
Mulncy. Tho newly woddud couple
uiolc tliu north-bound train tliu same
ovonlug for it pluuauiu Jaunt In Wan Il
lusion. Mr. Martin la it vury II no
young man and hua Hindu s greul many
frlomlH alncu hla coming to our coun
try, llu la ut present tliu vury able
nuiiurlnlundonl of tho Co-operative
Mining Company of Scuttle, with minus
located on A pplcguto. Tliu brldu l u
very estimable young ludy, residing
not a great wuya from Jacksonville.
Shu la onu wull nulled to muster tliu
domi-tlo cormnoiilca of tho oluiwuiit
houauhold which the good huihund hua
nrnvldod over near thu inlnu. A com
pluto housekeeping outfit was purulius
i;d In Mudford.
Wiintud A (food, largo, second
bund trunk. J. S. Huguy, Kuat Medford.
Mull hna urrivud from tho aoldlur
bova m Honolulu. Mr. und Mra. (J.
W". Calloway, of 111 In city, luivo hud a
letter from Alex., iw ulso did K. K.
Churohlll from hla brother. Alox.
wrllua Hint Honolulu la Immense In
f not thu wholu inland la In itboul tne
sumo fix. Hu auld tho pcoplu turnud
tliu plnco ovur to tbo aoldlura didn't
charge them a cunt for nnylhlDg, tUov
hud everything. Tho boya wuro ull
wild ovur thu city and thu people's
putrlollain und generosity. Alux. wua
not alck durliiK thu untlru trip but It
wna dllTuritnt with lomu of thn boya.
Upon leaving Honolulu tho Churlualon
signalled thu transport to run not
flutter Ihun nlno knola un hour. Kun
.nlng ut llila alow puou llio expedition
ought Ui huvo arrived ut Miinllu Tuus
day or Wcdnosduy of this wuok, whun
moru mull la promlaud.
A good top buggv for anlc, ulmoal
ut voiirown prlou. J. d. Uagey, Kuel
Tho magnitude of thnt dredging
plant in Koguu river hua hardly been
nmlcrsioml by our people. The Illation
Iron Work bus a contract, auya KiikI
nuer J. S. Howard, to build thu bout
ilredner und put in llio iniicliinery nl a
coat of f:i&,(HK), Tbo coiiipuny which ia
puttiiiK In thu (ImdKcr hua llvo otburs
on rlvura in Cnliforula und Nuviulu.
From nil ol ihoao boula bi money la bu
Inn iiiuiln und from one in particular
there la reported to bo a dully output of
fiOU In (told. Three oiiKineaaro required
to do thu work. Oitool thuau worka the
(Ireduor, another pumps the wnter with
wliloii tliu gold ia wuahod from the
gravel and llio third one will operate an
electric light plunt on tho bout tho
opurnllona being carried on tlay and
Tho Hubbard Ilroa. implomont
hoiiBO aent to Illy tho llrat of the week,
two wagon louila of farm machinery
which had been sold to parties in that
During tho rush of work in the hay
flolda, all hunda Inuludlnif tho cook
on tho ranohoa are called upon to do
what thoy can to anvo tho cropa, und
accidents will occasionally occur.
Such wua tho onau out ut Mra. M. M.
Bowor'a ranch, Bomo three mllusBouth
woBt of this placo, last Friday. MIbb
Dulllo, a young lady about seventeen
yeara of ago, was raking hay whon tho
horao beemno frightoncd und run awuy
throwing tho young ludy to tho ground
In suuli ii innnner that hur iiobu was
brokon and sho was othorwlBO pretty
badly brulsod but no other bonoB wore
broken. Dr. Walt was at onuo Bum
monud and reduced tho fraoturo and
ahe Is now gottlng along quite nicely.
Spring truultB for aprlng house
hold moving. Well & Shoarur.
Tho La Grande Chronlolo gives
tho following regarding the work on
tho Bugur factory at that pluoo: "The
foundation tor tho llmo works and the
boiler house 1b OnUhod and a drnlnago
canal to tho rlvor Is In oourao of con
Btructlon. Tho big eollB for tho dif
fusion battery, fourteen In numbor,
have arrlvod and will Boon bo put In
plnoo. Enoh cell will hold two and a
half tons of siloed boots and juioe, The
washing tnuuhlno, a hugo Iron trough
Into which tko boots aro rocolvod from
tho shods, has also arrived as well hb
the mammoth onrbonltutlon tanks and
vacuum puns."
This Mail has previously said that
Joo Shono had a dwelling houso to bo
proud of and wo ore sticking to that
mimo assertion. It 1b tho prettiest
residence In all Modford and there
are some I airly good homes In this
berg. .1. W. f.lng und C. Hoard mnu
have been painting .loo's houso llila
week, und whun ull tho fnna, funulea
und funny llilngH have buun decorated
wl'h cohira iniuulliirly their own there
will bu a neap o' beauty dlinluyed.
Joo did nil the carpenter work nlmaulf
und did It right and lota of It from
fouudutlon to rldgu oruat.
Legal blanks at Tint Mail otllcc.
11 W. Dunn wua In from Willow
aprlnga llila week, In apuuklng of the
recent ruin und hall storm he stated
thut there wua a rugulur cloudburst
down his way. Hays thut three (lays
liter thu aUirin hull atouua six Inches
Juep were found in tbo mountains. Hud
this hall fallen In water he la of tho
opinion thut the whole Willow aprlnga
country would have bcun swamped. 8o
deep wua thu water In thu lluta adja
cent to lunula creek, thut In the house
of a Mr. Jackson It was breast deep and
Air. JacKson wua compelled to curry
bla wilu from the house to hlghur
ground during tho storm. While the
Immense waterfall did lota of il nuugu
thu benelll to crops wua moru limn u
nluml -oil.
Fresh Kliimulh chueau ut U. L.
U. N. llutlor, tho jeweler, ha ar
ranged to put In a eoinplulu outnt of
up-to-dutu niuclilnury and tools In, nun
ural waU:b work. Mr. llullur la a llrat
uluaa workman and whun hla mori' mod
uru machlnury ia lidded to hla siojk In
trade our people may expect only thu
vury beat of work. Ho proposes lo vivo
hla exulualvu uttuutlon to wutch u .i k,
which work, by-tho-wuy, bus been hla
uloaely followed vocation for many
Harvey Itlchurdaon writes from
Trull to know wher e wo secured our
Information regurdlng tho celebration
on tho Fourth lit Trail. Our Informa
tion wua goltou from I'M. l'unce, of
that plucu, und from posters which
huvo buun uul up about thu county.
Mr. RIchiirdHon auya moat of tho people
up thut way will go lo Gold Hill.
There seems to bu a mix-up of notiona
up that way all which TllK Mail
knows nothing of.
Chip beef cut to ordor at G. L.
"County ollleurs," auya tho Oregon
Ian, "lake office at noon of tho tlrat
Monday in July. Tho fuel thut the llrat
Monday In July, this year, (alia on the
Fourth, a legui holiday, leads many to
think that ollburs-uluet are not entitled
to lake hold until July 6th. The newly
elucted olllcers should taku hold at
noon on July 4lh, ua from und after
thai hour and date they und thulr
biiudsmen uru responsible for tho con
duct of their olllcea."
All kinds of wood for salo. Lonp
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood und just plain wood. Uulllngvr,
A. L. Forguaon, who has been at
work down at Auburn, Cullf., building
a dupot for thu Southern 1'nclflo Rail
road Company, came homo last week
for a few days visit with hla family
and friends. Ho Is bojomlng quite u
favorite with the Southern Pacific
folks and has steady employment. He
will return next week this time to the
Shasln division.
G. L. Duvla hna puro ryo vlncgur,
thu II nest ever brought to Mudlord.
Try It.
Thore was a wedding over at tho
Lodging House In Jacksonville Wed
nesday, In which two Mudford people
were decidedly prominent thuy being
Arthur Dudgc, ull tho same "Shorty,"
and Miss Joniilo It. Wlggln, daughter
of L. Wlggln. Their many friends
henruboul uro extending congratula
tions to tho happy couple in great
To thoso Interested this will bear
evidence thut nt the regulur mooting
of thu G. A. li, Post, of this city, G. C.
Noble, Joa. Scott and A. M. Woodford
were appointed as a commltloo to so
licit funds for carrying on tho reunion
tills fall, mention of which appears else
where In this Isbuo. Signed, F. M.
Stewart, Post Adjutant.
My stock of now watches has ar
rlyod. D. T. Prltohard.
Tho Southern Paolfio Railroad
Company will carry pnssongors between
all stations on Its lines In Oregon nt
ono faro for tho round trip on tho
Fourth of July. Tickets at this rate
will be on salo on the aftornoon of July
2nd, on July 8rd and 4th, and will bu
limited to expire July 6th or. (Ith, ao
oording to the dlstnnoo.
Got Wolls li Shoaror to do your
moving satisfaction always,
Arthur F. Hunt returned lo Ash
land from Portland, Frldny, where ho
had boon In company with J. E. Polton,
intending to the shtpinnutof 1,1)00 head
of cattle, purchased by tho Allorton
Company, of Chicago, to Cedar Kaplds,
Iowa, These eattlo wore gathered up
along tho lino from Grants Pass to
Hlgglns & Townsond, of this oily,
have Boourod tho oxoUibIvo Btand privi
lege on tho grounds whore the oelo
brntlon Is to bo hold, at Gold Hill,
July 4. These boys will trout the peo
ple fair and wo hopu do well for them
soIvob and tholr patrons.
J, Oompton, of tho Union livery
stnblo, received a toleuhono mo8Ssago
on Wednesday to bo nt Jacksonville at
4:110 p. m., with tho hearso. The call
was to asBlat In tho burial of Lopol
Lorotto, who died early vVednesduy
and was Intorrod in tho cemotory at
Jacksonville the same ovonlng.
An nllugod sowing inuohlno fako Is
reported to bo doing business In this
neck of tho woods. Wo don't know
who ho is nor what he la doing but
whether a fako or not ho Is a stranger
and thorn are mon In tho same line
of business right hare at homo whom
you know are not fakos.
Members of tho Modford High
Sohool Alumni iaro rcnuostod to oe
prosent ut a spool al mooting to be hold
at the residence of tho Becrntary, on
South 11 street, on Wcdnosduy even
ing, July 0, 1808, at 7:45. Important
business. Please attend. Grace Foster,
Hue rotary.
On Tuesday nvunlng of thla week
Mr, and Mra. J, Ueek guvu a lawn
party ut thulr pleasant homo In South
weal Modford, In honor of Mra. Win.
Murrlman, of Junction City. Jneoreaui
und onko woru served, guinua on the
luwn were Indulged In, and u delight
ful time wua had. Those who enjoyed
tho occasion wore Mra. Win. Clark, of
Gorvula, Mr, und Mra, Fred Luy, Mra
M. W, Hkecl, Misses Ida Gullowuy,
Clnru Skeul, Jessie Wormun, Alluen
Webber, Fern Norrla, Mosera. John
Olwell and J. M. Keune.
Several families from upper Apple
gatu were quite extensively patroniz
ing our buslnoss men this week. Among
those we might mention were W. IJ.
Luwls, Muaduinea Finney and Fawcett,
thn latter took out aomo two or three
wngun loads. Onu reason for the pur
chase of this large amount by Mrs. F.
Is that a dunce and supper is to be
given ut their place on tho evening of
the Fourth, at which alurgocrowd und
a good time is expected.
For Bale Full blood Joraoy bull
duhoruod two years old. C. C. Tay
lor, flvu miles euat of Medford.
Kit liutuinun returned Wednesduy
from near Davenport, Wash., whore
ho hua boon doing threshing for the
past few weeke. Not until nlno daya
ago did ho quit threshing. There was
atlll more grain to thresh but ho sold
un half Interest In hla machine und
cumu down here lo buy another. He
expects to return to Walla Walla,
Waahangton, tonight whuro be will
commence work on the '08 crop, which
he auya la bigger than lust yeur.
Dentist C. O. Plotchcr is tho huppy
parent lo a new girl baby which came
to hla home on Monday of thia week
slnco which timo you can't C. C.
Plotchor for the dust be makes In his
hurry-suurry homo from his ofllce
about overy twenty minutes every day.
It isn't fair for tho men folks to do
all the "drutsln' up" for the Fourth.
Tho girls should play oven get a new
hut fur tho occasion at Mra. Sears.
Volunteers to the number of fifty
sovon, from Spokune, fur companies A
and L, and twenty-nine from Wnllu
Wulla, for company K, wore on the
southbound train Wednesday; destina
tion, Cump Murrltt, Culif. They are
expecting to be sent to Manila.
Lost: Uolwoon Trail creek and
Medford, a saddler's hammer, small
pair of nippers, a puir pliers and a
monkoy wrench and several smaller
articles. Finder will please leave sumo
at Hoyden .V Nicholson's hardware
atoro, end receive reward.
Ashland la preparing to do tbo
"grcatontertnln" on the Fourth. Med
ford baud will furnish excellent music
fur the occasion. Too Medford Sylbo
girls will be thorn also und they will
wear their club colors and will join
the procession.
W. S. Iinruutnis Dutllng In a new
sidewalk on South D street. It is of
plank, but cement would be a money
saver for him If put in in tho same
place. Thero is nothing like cement
for durability.
W. J. Compton unloaded a new
threshing engine this week and yester
day it was taken to tbo Buttu crock
country where W. J. will do a heao 'o
threshing for tho thrifty farmers
Recruits for the Oregon Regiment
now at Manila, are passing south on
almost every train. Twelve were on
tho overland Saturday from Oregon
City and soyorul from other portions
of the state'.
Uncle Jnek Compton, the livery
man, is having all his oarrlages and
hackB ropnlnted and generally over
hauled especially for tho Fourth of
July tritdu. George Coulter Is doing
tho work.
Mr. Morz, tho Modford browcr, has
been doing more business with Klam
ath County. This week ho sent out a
four-horau lead of beer for Ft. Klamath.
This Is tho second load within two
Fourteen volunteers from MoMinn
villuand thirty-four from Walla Walla,
Wash., were on tbo southbound over
land Tuesday. They are expecting to
be sont to Manila soon
Just as wo go to press we learn
that F. K. Deuel has purchased an
Interest In the W. B. Stevens stock of
merchandise und tho firm is Deuel &
StcveUB again.
Horace Nicholson has for a watch
charm a bullet that was shot from a
rillo through thirty-two Inches of pine
and eight inches into a block of oak.
Tho Hnlloy boys, R. H., W. L. and
P. J., J. A. Lyon and one of the
Stlekol boys were up at Mt. Pitt this
weok upon a hunting expedition.
Fifty men, parts of companies B
and D, from Seattle, and thirty recruits
for Co. K, of Snloni, passed south on
Friday's train for San Francisco.
Found On North C street on Tuns
day, a pocket book containing money.
Cull at THU MAlLofBoe, got property
and pay for this notloe.
E. W. Carvor this week reoolved
a carload of Studobaker wagons of all
ai.os and ho will now be doing business
with a vongeneo.
E. W. Cnrvor sent five new rigs to
Ashland Wodnosday whore thoy had
previously boon sold to partlos thero
by Juok Morris.
It pays to smoke a good cigar.
Kurtz mattes one that's worth the prloe
iiBkod. Try hie flvo oontor a bottor
ono for ten,
Al. Laurentz, son-in-law of N. R.
Johnston, has erected a oottago on his
recently acquired property In West
Mossrs. Hutchison & Lumsdon have
addod a new onso to tholr store fixtures
and It's a bounty made by Weeks
Twonty-four voltmtoors bound for
Manila, from Yaonma, Wash., wore on
Monday's southbound train.
Open Air Concert.
The Mudford band boys will give an
open air concert on this, Friday, even
ing, ut 8:16 p. in.
Following la tho program for the
Muroti, "Pride of tho Nuvy The Oregon"
Ms), llunt
Overture, "National Melodies" Cellln
Cornet aolo . Helected
W. A. Know.
Wall, "Jolly Fellows" Volnledt
aturch, "My Diirutown Onl" JVril
Cuorlce, "Solitude" Men;uiitrite
W. A. Snow, Conductor.
They Are Afraid of Medford.
from tho Urania Pass Observer.
"Grunts I'uss will furnish a nine to
play with the Ashland base ball team
on July 4th. We hope the boys of Ibe
Granite city will bur Mudford from
tholr nlnu, so a fair, square game may
bepluyed. They should also bear In
mind that our boys will kick on a
"Portland furrncr" being aent up to
Well, Hint's ull right. Who's kick
Ing; aurely not Medford boys. Wo
don't wunt to pluy you folks, nohow
You ure too easy. No satisfaction in
cleuning up u kindergarten proposition
even ut ball.
Will fleet In Medford Perhaps.
At a meeting of the olllcers of the
Southern Oregon Soldiers und Sailors
Keunion Associution huld in Medford
on .Saturday hist it was decided to hold
tho next reunion at Medford, to com
mence .September 12th and continue
through the wuok.
Thero Is a whole lot of Interest manl
tested by thu various towns within the
acoiKi of this associution and tbey are
anticipating a jolly good time at the
meeting this fall. This will bu tbe
second time thu'. the Medfora peoplo
have bud an opportunity to show their
generosity towards the old veterans
uud thulr friends, and yet tbo small
sum they will ask our people to con
tribute is not lo be looked upon In the
light of a donation, for the immense
number who come und camp lor a whole
week, besides the dally visitors, will
much more than repay our merchants
for the amount they may contribute.
Remember the meeting here is condi
tioned upon securing the means neces
sary ut carry it on Irom our people,
and we hope our alwaya generous citi
zens will see it to their interest Ui
loosen tho purse striug, us a committee
will soon cull upon them fur tbulr contribution.
Mrs. Little and family have moved
into the F. M. Mingus residence, on
South G street.
E. W. Carver will sell you wagons,
hacks, buggies or bicycles at prices to
satisfy you.
Work was commenced on the G. L.
Schormerhorn reaidenco .'nis week.
1 wunt to hiro several teams to
haul wood. Wallace Woods.
Our Soldiers Have an Invitation.
Coid Hill wants our soldier boys to
celebrate with them on the Fourth and
Lapl. Cark , hus tendered the free and
unlimited use of everything that goes
to make a good time. In fact the earth
is theirs that much of it In and around
Gold Hill. HereisCupt. Carter's in
vitation: "Gold Hill, Ore., June 18, 1898.
To the olllcers and privates of Med
ford volunteers: Guotlemeo : You ure
cordially Invited to be present and pur
ado with us on July 4th at this place;
also to camp with us on the night of
the Fourth and as much longer as it
may be your pleasure.
Yours truly, '
W. A. Carter,
Captain Gold Hill Volunteers."
Following Is what Capt. Henibree, of
the Modford volunteers has to say re
garding tho matter:
"Capt. Curtor assures mo that if the
Medford boys attend the celebration at
Sold Hill they will be furnished rations,
etc., free and tho town turned over to
their tender mercies.
"If any of the members of the com
pany who have not arranged for trans
portation will report to me I will see
lo it thut some mode of conveyance is
furnished. Let as many of us as possible
avail ourselves of this invitation as it
may be tho only town we will have a
ohance to capture during the present
conflict with Spain.
W. H. Hemuree,
Captain Medford Volunteers,"
The Fourth at Gold Hill.
Following appears the program for
the Fourth of July at Gold Hill :
Parade forms at school house grounds
at 10 o'clock.
Exorcises at the grounds' commence at
Music Gold Hill Band
Song, "Amoricu" Everybody
Prayer Chaplain
Reading "Declaration of Independence"
Sophia Dayis
Song, "Ked, White and Blue
, Little Girls Chorus
Music Gold Hill Band
Recitation Miss Anna Wright
Song Chorus
Oration Hon. Joseph Hammorsly
Song, "Star Spangled Banner". .Chorus
Music .' ...Gold Hill Bund
Foot race' for boys under twelve. .Prire
Foot race, for glrlB under twelve. .Prlxe
Foot race, for married women.
1 Doiten of Mackey's Photos
Font race, for mon ovor fifty
1 Sack Houcks Flour
Baby show in pavillion Prise
Tug of War, Married men vs Single men
Catching greased pig
Sack nice, lroe for all. Sack of flour.
Swimming race. Walking grcasod pole
over water, noar railroad bridge.
Horso raoo; freo for all; 600 yards and
Climbing pronsod polo; freo for all.
Slow borso race. Priuo.
Clay plgoon shoot from traps. Target
shooting and other amusemonts us
sldo issues.
Implements. HacMnefu Jenicies
Carries tbe following well-known lines in stock,
Bain Wagons Racine Buggies, HackB and Car
riages Walter A. Wood, Milwaukee and
D. M. Osborne Harvesting Machinery
Hodge Headers Also a Com
plete Stock of Extras and
Saddlery Goods.
My prices are lowest.
Cull or write when in
need of anything.
rrsrrflnacaranar.nRacsraaraBararar.a-sciraEr raBBBanaea
Our New Lenox Toe
Mrs. Sears, the milliner, has Fourth
of July bats.
For a good, wagon at a reasonable
price call on E. W. Carver.
For Sale or Trade
320 nores of good farming land, 2 miles
from Maxwell. Colusa County. Calif.;
nearlv all summer tallowed. Will trade
for Improved plnoe in Southern Ore
gon. Address Box 113. Maxwell, Calif.
When the Danger Lftj.
Second (to dnelist, who, on confront
ing bis adversary, has suddenly growi.
pale and is only just prevented from
falling) Take courage, man. I know
your opponent is going to fire in the air.
Dnelist That's just what makes me
afraid. He's enoh a notoriously bad
shot London Tit-Bits.
Onba aa Indian Mama.
Cuba is known in history under sev
eral nanios. Tho first was Autilla ; then
Jnaua, after a Spanish prince; Fernau
dina come third, followed by Santiago
and the Isle of Ave Maria. The original
Indinn namo, Cubauacon, signifying
"whoro gold is found," was finally
adopted, and usage shortened it to tho
first two Byllublca. Washington Star.
ia considered safer than a door
merely locked. That depends.
We have locks all sizes, alt
shapes, all kinds some of which
are as good as a safe combina
tion, At Prices Ranging from
10 cents to $4 00
That they are burglar-proof
. goes without saying.
And there are many other ar
ticles of Hardware builders'
and household which can be
bud here of a better quality and
at better prices than any place
else in the city.
The Hardware
rn -
ca ,
B9 '
Treat Yocr Feet
rU-htall the year uround
but especially during the
summer months. Wear
shoes which will be com
- tor-table as well as hand
8 ime. Perhaps you have
had unsatisfactory ex
perience in shoe buying
in the past may have
had a good deal of troub
le lu breaking in new
shoes. It's all unneces
sary. We can make
your feet look neat and
stylish, and at tbe same
time feel comfortable.
It's ull In the fit. AVe
know how to fit shoes
and can suit you so well
you will want to come
again. Try us and see.
New Goods Opened
Varied Uorsfiliulr Far Market.
South America furnishes the greatest
amount and best quality of cnrled horse
hair, uiied for filling mattresses and
stuffing urnitnre. Un the wide pampa
many thousands of horses are . bred
especially for the hair of their manes
and tails. These between the ronnd ups,
which sometimes do nut ooour in three
or four seasons, grow to great length,
bnt owiug to the lack of. care and the
state of the "camps, " as the open coun
try is called, the hair 1b usually tangled
In what seems an inextricable mass. All
over the camps grow many kinds of
burs and thistles, and the animals aa
they graze or roll themselves about be
come covered with them. Tholr ooata
are naturally rough, the hair growing
In an uneven, shaggy may. Stuok all
over with bars and with mane and tail
matted into nearly unwieldy masses,
the poor oreatureB present a eomioal ap
pearance. After they ore shojn tbey.
seem to delight in the freedom of crop
ped neoks and short tails.
The hair when out off is freed from
dirt and roughness of all kinds and
wound into ropes, by whloh moans it is
made etarly. It Bells for 88 oents or 48
cents n pound. The longest strands are
kopt separated and used for horsehair
fjuruilure, cloths, otoi