The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 01, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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    the mm m
' Published Kvery Friday Moraine
Be la ol lew days; but quite plenty.
KLiered In the PoatoAioe at Mcdfortl, Oregon
as Sooond OIsjis Mull Matter. .
, Mrdford, Friday, July 1, 1898.
vertistDff Agency. M and m Merchanta Kx
change, ban KrunoiBoo, California, where con
mem lor advertising can oe made for It.
Our Clubbing List.
TUB Mail and Weekly S. F. Cull 12 25
" Examiner 2 85
" " " Chronicle
' " " Orcgonlan
" " Cosmopolitan ...
" Weekly Cincin
nati Enquirer,
2 3A
2 00
2 10
1 75
S M T W T F s
- : -
3 4 5 6 T8 T
10 11 12 13 14 15 16"
"l7" "l? 19 1 20" 21 2223
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
. .
Wool is quoted at 16 cents a pound at
A farmers convention will be held
at Astoria on July 20 and 21.
' The delinquent tax roll in Lane
County amounts to $15,632.1)5 this year.
- The Portland flouring mills are run
ning day and night on orders for China.
Benton Meyers, of Drain, has been
appointed a special land commissioner
by iiiDger Hermann.
Tillamook County warrants are ac
cepted at par for taxes and by most of
the merchants for goods.
The poultry raisers of Albany and
vicinity are trying to secure the next
exhibition of the Oregon .Poultry As
sociation in Albany.
The Condon Globe says that tramps
are getting to be so numerous at Ar
lington that one is killed every dav or
so oy tailing on tne DraKeDeams.
The ranges of the Cascade reserva
tion Have been open to tne occupation
01 uregon ana wasnington saeep men
and their flocks since Wednesday last.
. T. S. Stipp, of Molalla, tells the Ore
gon City Press that fall grain in his
neighborhood is not growing or head
ing, and that it seems to be infected
with the wire worm.
Large quantities of Wallowa County
wool are daily arriving at the Elgin
warehouses. The clip of that county
this year will be something over three
quarters of a million pounds.
Many who left Oregon for Montana,
Britisn Columbia, Alaska and the
Northwest Territory, in the hope of
bettering themselves at mining em
ployments, are returning home to stay.
large sootlon of sago brush land la to
be trrlimuid with water throuirh
canal 45 miles long. Work is to 00111-
immco nt onco. The project has been
unuor consideration (or a your or wore
Governor Lord on Thursday issued
orders for tho reorganisation of the
urogon nullouu' Guards, In one rg
ment of throe battalions, each having
four oomuanies of 100 unllsUid mini .
Tho order divides tho state Into three
military districts, vi: Portland, Wll
lametto vallov and niiatarn Hnwun
Tho recltnent will bn known na ttw.
rniro urugon. " -
The wheat Holds in the vicinity of
tvarren are ovuinnu m to s tow envois
of what is supposed to bo the Hessian
fly. The heads of wheat turn white
and the graius wither away. These
wuuo uoaus oan do seen in large num
bers but so far there is not uuimuh to
greatly eftoct the yield. The fly in sup
posed to lay an egg In tho joint' of the
stalk, which hatches Into a worm that
destroys the life of the plant.
A railroad oomnanv was Inooroorated
at Union Thursday to bo known as tho
Union, Cove A Valley Railroad Com-
Cany. Tho object of tho company is to
uild a standard inmv'o railroad from
Union to Cove, a distance of 12 mllna.
The capital is 125,000. To secure the
road citizens of Cove have given a sub
sidy ol 110,000 and right-of-way. Sur
veyors are to commence work next
week and the road is to bo in niinrntlnn
by Oct. 15.
Ontario Is tho liveliest town on the
coast at this particular time, occasioned
oy tne immense cattle shipments from
mat point. 1 here are two trninload
eoing out irom mere aally, and many
more would go if oars could be had. It
Is estimated that 400 traillloadsarf. now
contracted, purchased and on route to
Unlario lor shipment. This renrotonts
about 12,000 carloads, 102,000 heud of
cattle, worth on the range nearlv
U.OOO.OOO. Most of thU stock comes
Irom Harney and Malheur counties.
Says the Pendleton East Oreirnnliin
There are buyers for wool hut nn al
lers. Every grower appears to have
received "a tin" to hold on. At inat
the growers are not willing tn dimwian
of their clip for any price the buyers
seem wining wj pay. it is reliably
stated that more wool will be handled
at recdleton this season than in any
ouu 111 iui uiHtory. i ne Clio In Ore
gon is 20 per cent larger than last year,
and in Umatilla and Grant Counties
there is particularly a largo increase.
Hop dealers are already contracting
iur aupa in tae vviuameite valley. 1
late Marion County contract is for 15.
000 pounds at 10 cents per pound witb
iou to oe pam aown at picking time
" Large freight teams, loaded with
wool, pass through Vale daily. It
estimated that an average of $4000
worm 01 wool nas gone 10 Ontario for
shipment each day since shearing be
- Articles of incorporation were filed
In the county clerk's office in Eugene
ihbi weeK, 01 tne oootn-Kelly L,umbe
Co., of Saginaw. The capital stock 1
150,000, divided into 500 shares oi 1100
. Another large lumber raft is benno-
built by the Pacific lumber mills at
Portland, it win be 400 feet long, 68
feet wide and 24 feet deep and draw 10
leet. it win be an oolong box and will
contain 4,vuo,uuu reet.
A Baker City doctor is working on a
plan to ozonize medicines, in other
words, to introduce the ozone in the
atmosphere into medicines, thereby
increasing weir meuicoi properties, as
wen as auaing to tneir strength.
. From four acres of strawberries on
the Vogt place, near Folk station. J.
1). Shaw gathered about 250 crates of
strawberries. He put an extra amount
of work on the' patch and was well paid
for it. The prices ranged from 00 cents
ic-i per crate.
Two caBes of poisoning occurred
last week in the same family at the
same time in Baker City, one of which
came near proving fatal. It is thought
me siruwoernes tney naa eaten con
tained the poison which the growers
cad no doubt used in destroying in
The railroad office at Elgin was rob-
oeuiaBtweeK. some smau cnaoge in
tne money urawer, a revolver and a
, watch were taken by the robber. An
attempt was also made to crack the
sale, but It was not a success. An on
trance into the building was made
through a window.
A fisherman at Astoria recently
caught a salmon of about twenty pounds
weignt. tie delivered it at the ware
house and was given a check In pay
ment. The chuck should have been for
$1, but instead, it called for $100. The
fisherman cashed the check and left
the place. . , .,
Malheur lake, a body of water about
20 miles long and 10 miles wide, In
Harney County, is to bo tupped and a
Aguinaldo keeps on making it
unnecessary for Spain to borrow trm
$25,000 offered for his head.
The first mile of track of the first
railway in Alaska was laid through
Skaeway June 15. Grading is fin-
ished for a distance of five miles
beyond the city limits.
Spain has heretofore annually ex
ported to this country about .12.000..
000 worth of oranges, nuts, raisins
and wines. This year trade will
be supplied by the people of Cali
fornia and Florida.
At West Point, New York, the
academic board of the military acad
emy completed the examination"
lor as youths who applied for ad
mission to the military academy
last Tuesday. Only 38 passed,
among whom was Leo E. Sheliberg,
01 uregon.
It is reported that while the Citv
f r . 1 . . J
ui rehing was at Honolulu, en
route to the Philippines, she came
near being blown ud bv one of the
soldiers on board. He was caught
arranging a luse to the magazine.
He was to be hung when the vmraI
left the port.
The latest reputable statisticians
to ngure on the wheat crop for 1898
make out a probable vield of 773..
000,000 bushels, or 245,000,000 bu-
sneis more than last year's yield
and over 150,000,000 bushels above
the largest crop ever before grown
in the United States.
It is noteworthy that the esti
mates of conservative men as to the
output of the Klondike mines for
the season now about closed do not
exceed $10,000,000. Estimates that
run to $20,000,000 or $25,000,000
and over can usually be traced to
persons who are in some wav nnn.
nected with speculators having
claims to sell.
Major-General M. C. Butler, nf
South Carolina, who lost bis field
glasses at the battle of Brandy gin
tion in 1863, as well as a lee. was
greatly surprised and Dleased th.
otuer oay to get the held glassee
back again, thev havinir heon re
stored to him by a Mrs. Kemper, of
Virginia, "ine last time I used
these," said the general. "I" WAR n
confederate officer; now I am
Yankee officer."
xuo Biieeis 01 manna nrp an
modern as to be'quite out of keen
ing with the generaljappearance of
tne town. ihev are
....!.L. 1 , . "V.
ouaigiit, macauamizeu and provide)
with ample granite walks Of thene
tho Escolta and the Rosarin urn tint
best. In both there are exnll(,nt.
liulS, kept principal V bv Chinnuu
uiercuanis. most of whom r..r,.,i
from Amoy. Tin roofed hntiHen lin
each side of both thoroughfares.
T : :J . , . .
10 nam me least wnicn was
given tne American troops at Hon
olulu June 3d was the largest and
greatest ever attempted in the Ha
waiian islands. When on .Tnnft df h
the time came for the trnnnnnrtn in
move, everv soldier wh imwiod
down with cigars and all the choice
fruits he oould carry, besides being
presented with a beautiful n.irlon,!
of flowers called there a leai. whinh
encircled his neck. The entertain
ment of the American troops cost
the oltiums of Honolulu ovor $5000
which a 1110 tint was ruisod in three
hours by subBoription. This whs
bosidtm what wne expoctod bv thu
The stars and stripes in the slmpn
of the lnrgost flag in thu world will
flaat over Morro CaBtle, Havana,
when BU1100 surrenders. A patri
ots New York man has had the
great Hag luudu, It measures 120
feet in length aud 43J feet in width,
and it is believed that it breuka the
record for siiu. The fins will nnnt.
$280. Big as it is, it can be packed
in a large traveling trunk and will
not weigh more than 200 or 2i0
Mrs. Kobley D. Evans, wife nf
"righting Bob." nrobnblv bi
larger personal interest in the for
tunes of the navv than anv other
HiuiviuuiH in mo unitua states.
Her husband commands the bnttlo.
ship Iowa; her brother, Cant. C. H.
Taylor, commands the Indiana, hor
son, Frank T. Evans, is a midship-
uu upon tne luussnonusetts, and
her sou-iti-law, 0. C. Maroh, is an
ensign on tho New York ; her daugh
ters, Mrs. Maroh and Miss Virginia
EvaiiB, and her niece, Hattie Tay
lor, have volunteered for trained
nurses and are now takinir a course
of instruction at the hospital at
lining Locations.
.J E.!f.".w" lotd 34 a j is twtnty tort's In
Jol" Mewl located May 10 twenty acre, lu
Woodville illatrlcl.
J ","!'"' Jr' letcd Miy 16 twenty acres in
John Hlckler located May 10 twenty aorei lu
Foots creek dlMlrict.
Henry llickler located May 10 twenty acres in
Rock l'olnt dMrlot-
1'homiU iMiklr ln.nlMrt V.. ,...
i.. n.;n. .c ;r...T:
John UiCkler looBtt,( Muv Iff iw.m. H
........... -
W H Darrey located May 10 twonty aerea in
Uallsoreek district.
3 w Htone locuted May
irifivhunls. The liitli'r tin ivo and ii-oh-'"r
In n ilii'mmii':Mil tlgrit lu thi'
Tnllod Slnli's, liii'l In nil tluKi :ii-IIh1i
iMilonleswhiMc in It ill I ivo, unlurprlKi- anil
.oiniiu-ri't' nre not Kiihmiltcd to all Mn
mxiiII(iiis iiikI lianiicrlng n'Klrlellon
llmt swin to bo luhrint to (lerinuuy'H
nollons of I'oloniiul ndiuiiilHtriitioii,
10 twenty acres,
J B Khl tich rl InontMl Mn 1 f. n
A M Butts InnalM M 1 . iWAn,- ..MB
dlslriot. ' "
' 5 l'e"o located May 10 twenty acrea. aame
John Mead Innstnrt Un t, ,
dl.trict. ,
Sardine creek district. '
Viola L Jenne locateil June 7 twenty acrei,
Sanline creek district.
J II Shepherd located Julv a claim. Hun,,..
son creek district.
I. (i Porter. AdA Pnpfflr ar,A M... ,A
caiea ay SO two and one-half i-r-u
C McMurlrev locuted June 1R & elRlm In
eat creek district.
1) Roberts located June 10 a claim In Forest
creek district
Real Estate Transfers.
F M Parker to Samuel C Tweedy, lot 8,
blk 3tl, Gold HIM "
W S Ualley to L I. Jewell, one halt Inter
est in the Sunset quarts olatni. seo IS.
ID 37. s. r 4 w . . .
Peter Oocpfert to W S Bailey, the Sunset
quant claim in sec 18, to 37, ,rlw....
H L Hayles to H M and K E tlralnirer, lot
0. HarKadin addition to Ashland . .
Geo H Andrews to W H Burns, lots a
and 24. blk T, R R addition to Axbland.
"I It W. Not ll,mn (h. L1
Olrl Wa. of
llr Ualr,
A Irtter-ctirrlfr win t,.i,K f n ,,.
ji. rirni'iun ho hml one dny almrtlr
- I1MII1C(1' in tin) ))olitl
...... .v, iv i,oiiisviiiiL(iinmi'rclnl
. "n i-nir.nnu; n mute lu the
""""" "'"' little freukle-fiioeil Rlrl
.....,... ,v ,i,,n trieti:
"'Anylhinif fur thu Mnriiliys?'
" '.No, there is not,'
"'Anyllilnif for Jiiuu Muinhy ?'
"'.Nollilntr.' '
"'Aiiyihliiif fur Ann Murphy?'
" 'No.'
'"Anythlnir for Hob Murpliv'r
" 'No, not n bit,'
"Anytlilnir for Terry M uriili ?'
" '.Vn, nor fc r I'm Murphy, n,',r I)0
... ...uiimy, nor t-eto .Miuphy, nor nu
uiirpn, nor ror .Mmy Mm phv-dend.
Iiviiiir, nnhoni, nnlivi., fiireii:n. '.Ivill.el
or niiiiatiiiiilized, suuijri. or liarhaions
mule or fer.:iil... vhltt or hlneli. nnliir
uiucd or ollu'rwisu,' 1 runni,.!..,! i..
fomiiiK weary of the iin .ioiis.
'Hie lillle J,kL-ti nt in ..
tonlslniient n,uV wiid; piinxo to loolj
BiHl set li there is ..ny-thln for Claieneo
.Murphy,' "
Til. Oremt Arltal Jluukno llreok
doivn Said to Have lie
I'anaed hy Overwork.
The Horrors of
A woman's account of torturt which lasted three
years t of her struggles against thu dreadful disgust,
and tnt go&i fortune that crowned her ejforts.
i)'i irreat nictun. "tv.
Homo," Is in u (freut meiisure tlie riinsu
of the incurable tni'iitiil disease from
which he now sunVrs. u broke down
under tho strain of the work. Ills
wife lately told a friend that the
painter forgot evervthinir is in iiiu
desire to finish the picture and to mnkii
it worthy of hii fume. He nc(flected
the simplest and most hnierilvvi.
of health. He had no reifulnr nifnlu
Ho ulmoKt lived In thtt vtml in nn l
'arely had a breath of fresh air. The
mentul strain was, therefore. In If.
more immediate oriirln. a nhvslesl ......
oiiu ma system una no power of re
iKtnnce. I he artist was .l. f i. n
remonstrances, and .he worked on un
der these conditions until he had fin
ished the work. Ilut one thing re-maim-tl
to paint his slKiinture nt the
foot of it. Ho had Just, finished tho
aipnatiirc when he fell prostrate, and
from Hint moment he has never re.
covered the use of his faculties.
SoKat tufftrirur as rbMnullun tk
viotinu upon whom It futiai itaall ii al
most unendurable.
Sufltrcn from the wont types of that ter
rible dlwtsc wilt supply the ailisliur hor
rors In the following story from real Hc ,
Thou who writhe under milder (arms
of ibeunullani will be able to imagine the
feelings of the tortured victim.
The only (unification for making public
ouch Deart-rending details b the fact that
the leuoa Uught will be helpful to others,
pointing the way to renewed IBs and health
try sufferer from rheumatism.
The itojy Ii told by a woman. Her
name k Mrs. Caleb Fcolyi the Uvea In
SU PauL Ind.
This It her account t
Ml am a burner's wife. I believe my
Irequent exposure to the wealher caused
my terrible attack of rheumatism. Damp
weather always aggravated 1U
" My limbs would begin to swell at live
" This welling would begin in the night,
at times. 1 would awake in agony.
"DavUffht would find nwllk. I.
in color, swollen to twice their natural site,
and so racked with pain 1 could not bear
to touch them.
"Mv rfoht arm mnA kil, tM MMU u
drawn as to be almost useless.
my skin became dry and yelaVw.
At times mv Umks nN...M
though millions of needles were pricking
Again they would be numb and I
could not feel a needle thrust Into my flash.
"1 was conllned lo the house three
years, unable to walk nearly half the lime.
" Aftrr those three slow years of agony,
during which I spenl probably OfiOO fur
treatment and tried a doten doctor, I gave
up hope ol any release from pain, but death.
"1 was cured, completely cured, by Dr.
Mams' Fink Pills for Pale People, they
alone caused my recovery.
"The first dose gave me appetite.
"After the second dote 1 slept soundly,
the first time wHhln a year,
"I tent for a doten hoses. By the time
I hod taken the contents of eleven boast I
feh entirely well.
" The doctor said I wot cured. He was
greatly unmsied, and tlnce then be hat
prescribed Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale
People for many of hie patients."
Mrs. F.-niy, together willi her husband,
made affidavit to the exact truth of tbc fore,
going account before Notary P. N.Thomas.
The cure of the severest cases of rheu
matism by Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for
Pole People hat occurred In every title In
the Union, and its power In ordinary cases
It proportionately greater.
These marvelous vegetable cillt go di
rectly to the real uf live trouble. They
build up a new cellular structure in Hie
diseased parti by eliminating poisonous
elements and renewing heallh-giving
chemical forces in the blood.
They are for sale by drunritU every,
where I for SO cents a tingle boa or UM
for hall a dueen.
A Child Krloys
Tho pleasant llnvor, (f. ntlo notion, nnd
eoothlnjr elTiiot of Syrup of Kltrs, when
In novd of a luxatlvc, and if tho father
or mothnr bo oosllvo or bilious, thu
most irrailfyliiir rusults follow Its tiso;
so that It Is tho host family rumcdy
known and uvury family should liuvo it
bnttln. Manufactured by tbt Califor
nia Klg Syrup Co.
s of Vnrloue Urns.
A tun of Atlantic water when evapo
nt! yi: !;':- pnumls of solt; a ton of
The Colored People Were
Hard by the Fever.
Perhaps you may not thing that the
Klondike fever struck the colored peo
ple uowtt our way said Mr. J. U. llnnk
ins, of South Carolina, to a Washington
s'osi, representative.
It struck them hard, and the fever
ragea with great virulence, particularly
in. LDarieston, for quite a period. It is
in order, however, to state that there
has been a great abatement of the
malady so far as the Senegambian ele
ment or our town is concerned. The man
who would be rash enough tosny 'Klon
dike to a lot of colored Charlestonians
would be in imminent danger of being
uppcu open, witn a razor.
A week or so oeo there annenrpd In
Charleston one of the glibbest-talking
uumies mat ever nit the old city. He
fanned the rising excitement about the
goio tieida or Alaska with cunning art,
and he held forth about the wealth to he
gathered just for the mere going after
it, till he had his audiences well-nigh
crazy. At the proper time he snrrnii?
his scheme, which was nothing more
nor less than the organization of Klnn.
dike clubs for the sole and exclusive
Dcnent of the colored race. The negroes
had jut as much right to the gold that
lay round loose up there as anybody,
nnd If they didn't avail themselves of
tne glorious opportunity to become rich
they were the biiwf fools r, an.,!.
All they hail to do was to join the eluba
una get an Interest in. the profit thnl
would accrue. The more mnnpv ol,
individual contributed the more would
be his share of the proceeds, nnd the pro-
uiuier iiuvifco every ooay to invest every
..'liar iji.ii couui Do raised.
Well, those people fnirlv tnmhlMl n
each other In ub6cribinr to IhcKlon
dike enterprise. The sleek promoter
was In no hurry, but after several dayR
"i iai collections ne concluded he had
worked his Charleston Mnuini.inu
Miiiicicniiy, oiki Ofcnmpcd for fresh
pastures. Jt is tnfe to av that hin v.l.
orcd carcass wouldn't be'wnrth n m
per If ever be showK up In that com
munity ncnin. It was a irrent hnnco
F.ime, nut it can't be worked twice in
tne same town.
rnci'ic vater 70 poumls. Arotlo nnd
Antarctic uutfrs vield 85 noumU in ii,.
H sea water 1H7 pounds.
ton, nnd Re
The '. I.., I-, ranild.
The grwit iivriiiiild t.r CI.-..I, i ,i.
largest Ktrucliireof :inv ldmlev
! by the haml f man" IH esi-lirlinil dl.
mi-imioiia ut the ,nM. ., 7lll f(,1(
"Millie, nnd its iierpeiullcnlar height lu
'he hlghiwt point ia .sh f. et; It -ov.-i-m
four iutcs. one rood tcntv-tuo
jien hrs of. ground, and hns M.,.,; tvt.
muted liy mi emiueni i:ngiK, unM
tect to hai'cciwt not Irs 1 tutu I'.kmkio.-
'". Illt-ll III nHm Sllllm ..lire..,,....
would be alKiut i:,."iio.(Hiii i,.,..,'i
cnlciiees proved thin I he gnu t pvm
mid was begun nlxiiit II,,. year I'lTo f
C, iiliout t.,e time of tin- I.lril, f
limn. It in cMiiimtcd Hint nliom nun .
DOO Ions of hewn atom- nrrv nnnl in lu
ointriwlloti. mid lheevldcii4.epoliiiKto
'he fact thai Uivv Htonea we,,. i, i.,
a distance of nlmut 700 miles from ouiir
ries In Ariililn.
illolfs Nerverine Pills
The great
remedy for
nervous proe
tralion and
all nervous
diseases of the
uaroiii. asu a.u TlTiso. ., i .i,u..
ex, tuch as Nervous Prostration, Failing oe
lost Manhood. Imoolencv. Nlohilu
lions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, ex
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which
lead to Consumption and Inssnily. $1X0
Wm CHEklCAl CO.. Prop i,, Oh.
For snlo by O. II. Hnsklns, Mcdford.
We are strictly in it when it comes to
Wheels. We are carrying in stock
the Celebrated
'98 Phoenix Olheel
that we are selling at $50.00. For a cheaper
wheel, we have the Golden Eagle at $3,5.00 This
is a good wheel for a small amount of money.
Call and see our new '98 Solar Gas Burner
Bicycle Lamp. JVo wick ; will not blow or jar out.
Throws the largest light of any lamp in use.
XmST' mrried in stock- Repair in
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
D. T. LA WrON, Manager.
.... miiiu on ,nijnrcl will, Advan-
KiKes Kcc-nreil.
Cerniany ciiii wurc Iy bn considerotl
f l"'w;'ful in l:cr crfoi-tH to secure
!mc r.s n colonii-'r,. ncwrr. mv n...
' York Tribune. The eMiiiind.,i
of colonies for the comlnff VOflf fit tivtkrl
nccordinr to the impcrinl biulgct, nt
.,.,.,,.,, , reiurn tor which she In
iilile'to point to 1.80.') coIoiiIkii. ii ,..m
of which numlier half ore soldiers nnd
olliclnls. With rwnnl in 11... , 1
Ocniinny's c.vporta to her colonics do
not amount to $l,son,noo pPr annum, so
i inn irom a uuHlnewi point of view the
undertaking can scarcely be cnnslrlrnt
as a profitable one. It, i evident that
the fault lies with the Ocrtnnn trovprn-
ment rather than with .11,0
1 I
- - - -
II Hilftftnton tmnc medipord
U wilViJ,, ORB. n
: U 51 b i i A XX t M
liif i ii
Watch Repairing ll0pj-
"16 to 11111
All work Ktriotly firBl-oln8
and my prices aro tho low
est In the city....
Shop on Seventh street, op
podite Union Livery Stablee.
The - Shasta - Route
U:Uln. m
U:17 a m
7. '41V a. in
Mod ford
Han Hrnnclseo
O.'SDr. m
6:17 p. m
8.00 p. m
Above trains hiak nt .11 u ,
7:80 s
B'tO p. m
I Ar
Ar4:.K)p, m
Lv ?:.') n.m
Dining Cars onOgcten Routs.
Pullman Uiifrot Hleeners mid Hru-nn,i ni..
Bleeping cars atuiolied toall tlirouK)i trains
Botween Portland and DorvnlHii-
Mall trains dally, exoopl Mundayi
:Wa, m
la p m
6:A0 p. m
iiw p. m
At Albany and Corvallla connect with trains
v., w. r. , railway,
KapressTralus dal.y, oacoptsundayi
iMi p, m
flop, m
A:M a. m
Plfent enitt,fi.tinH n. u... ...J. !7
on appllrallon. ' """""
Knics anil tioKotsaiul lo linsinrn nolnts anil
eott, Agent, MedfordT v.w.pp.n-
O. K. t p A