9 Tho Finest Stock of 3 od by ?. 'il. nedford, Oregon. S. HlDFOi MIL Fubltshed Evnr Friday Morning. A. S. BUTON. MAN WM OftN TO HUSTLE. Ha la ot lew days; but quite a plenty. SUBSCRIPTION $l.go PER VBAlC BaMr4 In the Postoffles at Medtord, Oregon n Beeond-Olaaa Mall Matter. . Mkoford, Friday, May 6, 1898. Mantanzas ia about eighty miles east of Havana and has a popula tion of 88,000 people. Herb is that unlucky 13 again. A scientist says the world will come to an end Nov. 13, 1899. Spain's warships are black. To be consistent with its history on the high seas her flag should also be black. m Now that the United States has secured Manilla a piece ought to be reserved with which to hang Wey ler if ever caught. Germany has sidetracked her notion of friendliness to Spain and is now professing that she meant to be friendly to the United States all the time. , The typical hobo would be fit subjects for the United States to set up in some real handy place, as tar gets for Spaniards to waste amutri tion on. Advertising, in some cases really works an injury to business it takes it away from the fellow who don't advertise and gives it to the fellow who does. ' There are enough people in the United States wearing the title of colonel, who are not entitled to it, to whip Cuba if they would take up a gun and earn the title. It mcst make the average mem ber of the Oregon "hold-up" legisla ture sore to read of Li Hung Chang receiving from Russia a bribe of $1,500,000. No Chinese cheap labor about that. An exchange heads an article "Our Navy in a Nutshell." Not so bad as that, as can be proven by news of a little skirmish a small part of it had recently near the Philippine islands. Some of the so-called statesmen who say Hawaii isn't worth any thing seem to forget that several nations which are not in the habit of picking up worthless things are . very anxious for an excuse to step in and grab the islands referred to. It is an acknowledged fact that Medford merchants do more busi . nee8 than those of any other town in i Southern', Oregon; They are a ; live class of people. Their manner ' of trade warfare is purely American 'there is nothing Spanish about it it is modern in every respect and their trade victories are easily won. A glance at the advertising columns of this paper will convince any reader that these advertisers are anxious for your trade. There is a MRS. POWERS WJXJl. A cup of AROMELLA next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 12th, 13th and 14th. Tillman & Bendel's Spices and Extracts. ' CLOTHING Ever brought to Med ford wits rocoiv- Kosonuuu tins week. Gent's Furnishing Goods Rosenthal. sparkle and snap about their ad vertisements whioh bids you call upon them with a welcome that is whole-souled. They don't advertise to help out the newspaper we don't want or expect charity but they do advertise to get trade and they get it. There is food for thought, for others as well as for preachers, in the action of a Brooklyn minister who has announced his intention to give up a church whioh pays him a salary of $6,000 a year and go into the country to preach for noth ing, in order, he says, to be re warded in a future life. There will be no tiouble in filling the oity np pointment made vacant when he takes to the country. Political Announcement. James M. Whipple, of Wood ville, the regular republican nominee for representative, was born in Call fornia and is now about twenty' seven years of age. While he waa yet an infant his parent moved to the Rogue river valley and settled near Woodville, where they have resided ever since. Mr. Whipple, having grown up in this county, is well versed in its wants and needs. He was educated in the publio schools of the county and completed his studies in the high school at Grants Pass in 1893. For the past several years he has devoted a con siderable portion of his time to the study of law. Being educated in Jackson County and growing to manhood among us, he has no axes to grind not immediately connected with Jackson County and her best interests. He is a young man of good judgment, temperate and in dustrious habits, and if elected to represent Jackson County in the legislature the people can rest as sured that his whole time and best judgment will be devoted to their interests. We bespeak for bim the support of the voters at the coming election. The Carter-Rodgers Wedding. Married ADril 27. 1898. at the resi dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Koagers, t. J. uaner, oi the Meadows, and Miss Flora A. Rod gers, of Table Rock. Mr. Carter has a fine farm and nice home in the Mead ows to take his most estimable wife to. C. C. Gall, justice of the peace, did the honor oi uniting tne nappy coupie. After the ceremony and congratulations were over the company wero ushered into the dining room where a most temntiner and beautifully arraneed table groaned under the weight of everything imaginable in the way of edibles that go to make occasions of this kind a success. Too much praise cannot be given our worthy host and boste3s in making tois, tneir ciaugniers weddln? dav. suchacomolete success long to be remembered by relatives and friends. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Houston and J. B. Rodgers, grandparents of the bride, Mrs. Chaf ley and daughter, Mary, mother and siBter of the groom, Frank, H. E. and Lester Rodgers and Misses Winnie, Lulu and Myrtle Rodgers. Theso com posed tne little company wmcn nau the pleasure of witnessing and mlng liner together for only a few short hours but probably a lasting impres sion was made on some never to be for gotten, and certainly not by the old justice who had been fasting for the last three months for the occasion. U. U. UALL. An "advance in lead" because of the war is rerjorted. Lead generally does "adyanco" when somebody pulls the trigger. SERVE F R EE STEVENS v. la showing today a fino lino of Printed Dimities About tho price of calico, yet . they are Iduinty find cool for hot weather dresses; see thorn in wo8t show window . A Bargain in Size No Shoddy. Just tho thing for hot weather, at A'line of choice samples at about half price 9 s COMMODORE DMT PHILIPPINE RIOT AT SANTIAGO DE CUBA IN WHICH THE BRIT ISH CONSUL IS KILLED BY A HOT HEADED SPAN IARD. SPANISH ASIATIC SQUADRON IS A THING OF THE PAST. Key West, May 6: Spaniards in ambush bavo fired upon Americans and insurgents near Havana, killing and wounding fifty. The American gunboat Wilmington has issued a challenge by throwing several shells into her forts. 1 There is rioting in Spanish towns. Display of American flag in Spain by Spaniards causes bloodshed. Sampson's objective point is Porto Rico, and he will shell tho city. Troops have landed on southern coast of Cuba. Preparations are being made for shelling Havana. I osurgents gained a viotory this afternoon. Moro Castle preparing to receive American fleet. Commodore Dewey by cipher mes sage tells the war department that he had fifty men killed and 100 wounded in the Philippine encounter. Gunboats Petrel and Concord were badly dam aged. He asks for 2000 men. Key West, Fla., May 4: Sampson's fleet sailed this morning quietly. Tho people here believe u niivul buttle with the Spanish fleet will occur before many days. Five hundred Cuban prisoners re cently petitioned the Spanish general to bo allowed to enlist In tho Spanish army. General Blanco has granted the request. W.ashinoton, May 4, 4 p. m,: A mob composed prlnci pally of Span lards, attacked tho British Consulate at Santiago, Cuba, today. The Consul was killed by a Spaniard who Is now In jail in that city. The consulate build ing was wrecked. A riot Is in progress in tbo city and the Spanish soldlors seem powerless to maintain order. The exolte ment is intense. The Span lards since their dofeat at Manila, Philippine Islands, havo become des perate. It Is believed by many that the British government will now take a part in the war. The Spaniards hate the English extremely on account of their sympathy being with the Ameri cans. J i . . 9 r? r? Rustic, Flooring, Ceiling, Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Lathe Work. North O Street, . ia Yards Pro $1.00 Boys Tan Shoes 3 to 5 Solid Goods $1.25 Will bo talking about a very desirable thing in MISSES' SHOES Next Wcek-.-4&&$ STEVENS ll IS A HERO. ISLANDS ARE ODRS. now the capture vabmadk. Tho cables and wlros since last Sun day have been kept hot with news of Commodore Dowoy'a success at tbo Philippine Islands. His buccoss Is briefly told In tho following: Commodoro Dawoy's squadron com plctaly dostroyod tho Spanish Hoot In Manila harbor Sunday morning. Three of Admiral Montojo's ships wore burned; one was sunk and tho rost of the Spanish warships rondorcd hors du combat by tbo American guns. Our fleet entered Manila bay Sunday morn' log at 6 o'clock, and anchoring beforo Cavito the ships took up tboir posi tions in line of battle. The forts on shore at once opened Are on our shins at Ioog range, and the Spanish fleet anobored otf Cavito Immediately tol lowed with tboir heavy guns. Commodore Dewey's flagship, the Olympla, thon signaled tbc rest of tho American Boot to draw closer to shore, and soon aftorwards our ships opened a terrlfio cannonading. After half an hour's hot fighting Dowoy'a ships moved out of range of tho lighter Span ish guns and continued tho bombard ment with tho big guns with terrible effect. Twenty minutes later tho Olym pla again signaled to closo quarters and rapid and Incessant cannonading began . This terrific bombardment, soon ended tho fight. Ono alvor the other the Spanish vessels were silenced and three of them caught lire, including Montojo's flagship, tho Roitia Christina, from an explosion of a shell from one of our vessels. Tho admiral at once transferred his flag to tho Islado Cuba Ono Spanish vessel was sunk and sov eral wore run aBhoro, to escape cap ture. Commodore Dewey's attention was now drawn to the land batteries which he silenced after an encrgotlo bombardment. The battle lasted an hour and a half, and It was a great and terrible spec taole. The Spaniards fought bravely against a superior forco and suffered heavy losses. Four hundred Spaniards r2 WW 44 "N GRAY & BRADBURY, Prop's. Rcugil and Dressed IJJjTIBER . . Medford, Oregon, Boyden 8 Nicholson, The Hafrduuatte VIen, Havo ivceivod Ihoir upr'uig Htock of Kurd ware It in the lucent nhipinont ovor mado to this city, and connim of ovorything from a cuidloBtiok to u conking Range. J. IN BLUE and GRAY uraniiG faiG a- Made into every articlo known to kitehon uho. Water Hose and water sprinklers, wutor pipo and wator fittings. Oardon Tools, oto, oto. aro roportod killed, including two com- miuidors. Their losses by fire are iuo nrobubly very grout. IM, Rimnlttt'ds would IlUt glVO ill, and when tho American floot returned to Cavito some shots woro still nrou from tho forts on shore, but our ships pourad lu suoh u terrible cannonade Hint further resistance was lniiolblo. The Amorlouiis woro apparently unin jured. Commodoro Dowoy's ultiioK was well carried out. Tho mammvoriug ui III. unimdron was a beautiful tight, and tho navigation of tho buy by our ships was a romarkablo feat of soamnusnip, avoiding as thoy did successfully tlio numerous shallows. Commodoro Dowoy and tho lnsur- gonts aro practically in possession of tho Phlllppluo Islands. Tho war department has tolcgraphod to Sun Franolsoo for nine steamers to transport tho California, Oregon, Wasblugtou, Idaho, Montana and Arl zona troops to the Philippine Islands. It now scorns cortala that all Pacific costt troops will bo taken to Manila. With the entire Atlantio ocean to maneuver in, the Spanish torpedo fleet, on leaving the Cape Verde Islands, managed to bring about so general a collision that three of the oraft were disabled too badly to proceed. We shouldn't need many gun? to subdue Spain's warships Just givo them a chance at each other. Our Spanish friends wore very anxious to meet with tho Paris, when she was soudding home, an unarmed uorcbant oraft. Inawook or two, when she has hor guns mounted and puts to soa again as an auxiliary cruisor, it will bo rather a safe bet that thoy won't bo a quarter so eager to Ititorviow hor. Advicos from Santiago do Cuba say thut on April ia rombo, com' manding general of that division, proclaimed that every man between 10 and 50 must volunteer in tho Spanish service under penalty of arrest, trial and doath. A rolgn ol terror cxista in tlio city mid thou sands Ioavo nightly. The govornmont of Uruguay has forbidden tho publio subscription of money for Spain. .The battleship Oregon has ar rived safely at Itio Janeiro. It is expectod she will join Sampson's fleet. On all our boats a strict watch against a possiblo torpedo attack is being kept. All tho available ofll cers lake deck watches at night, in cluding the chaplain, paymaster's clerk and assistant surgeon. A Spanish troop of cavalry openod firo from nn- eminence along the coast of Culm at ono of our gun boats Sunday night. A couplo of shells from our boat scattered dead Spaniards in Cuba and possibly in tho port where Bub Evans eays the ruling htnguago will bo Spanish for the next fa o yours. The land firing ceased immediately there after. This wur proposition costs big monoy. Tho payroll at Maro Islund, Calif., of the construction and ro pair departments for labor in the first half of April amountod to $03, 000, and during tho three months outline March 31. I'nvmnolnr rtnrrir had disbursed to tho omployoa of an tne uepartmonts of the Mare Islund navy-yard $332,000. Charles Y. Olosias, tho Spanish fireman on the monitor Puritan, who was discovered trying to drill a hole in the 12-inch magazine of the vosol, and convioted by the oourt of inquiry, has confessed that THE NEW NASH LlLERyi.SAtE and FEED STABLES, J Tlio best Livery turnouts Commercial men always COX TINWARE POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR BTATK TRKASURKK, JOHN 0. BOOTH, OF JOS1CPHINK COUNTY, Rogular Nominee on tho Union Ticket. FOR SECRETARY OF STATU H. R. K1NCAID, OF LANE COUNTY. Regular nominoo on Union Ticket. iron POllNTV fiOMMISSION'ER J G. S. BUTLER, OF ASHLAND. Rogular Republican Nominee, FOR REPRESENTATIVE MATHEW STEWART, OF TALENT. Rogular Republican Nominoo. FOR SHERIFF ALEX ORME, OF FOOTS CREEK PRECINCT. Rogular Republican Nominee. FOR ASSKSOR. J. C. PENDLETON, OF TABLE ROCK. Regular Republican Nominee FOR REPRESENTATIVE J. M. WHIPPLE, OF WOOPVILLE. Rogular Republican Nominee. ho wanted to blow up tho Puritan. Ho will bo shot. Tho United States gunboat Mari- i etta, as woll as tbo United States battloship Oregon, arrived at Itio Janoiro, Brazil, last Sunday and in company with the dynamite cruisor Nicthcroy thoy are now making thoir way north. Tho Austrian oruisor Maria The resa has been ordorod to sail im mediately to Cuba to protect tho interests of Austro-IIungary. Naval officers at Madrid assort that Spain has aroplo monoy for coal supplies for six or eight , months. In tho colonies coal can be obtained through neutrals. It is reported that a now Spanish iron-olud, whioh is being fitted out at Ciirthagonio, will soon join tho Spanish squadron at Cadiz. Refugcoi from custom Cuba bring an urgonl mossago to tho local junta from tho insurgent loaders bogging that food bo sont to thorn instoad of arms and ammunition. In two weeks starvation will bo, rampant in Santiago and custom Cuba, all food horotoforo brought by tho Ward line steamers having been stopped. There 'aro indications in London that sympathy is fait for Spain, It is becoming so pronounced that all resident Americans, even among diplomats, are compelled to admit it. Although tho government'! friendly attitude is unohanged, It is questioned whether a majority in Parliament now it Spanish ia its (Continued on pago 8.) I in Southern Oregon. trado with us. ... ;.; H. AWIMfifi Pronr's. S WE SELL GROCERIES WARNER & WORTMAN 4 Medford, . . i . . ' oreTnn, f JWVVVVVVVVVVYYVVWVVVVVVVV