The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, May 06, 1898, Page 1, Image 1

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    If You Want to Reach
the Jackson County People
tlio 111 oh t of thnui
tliu llUNi of tllOllli
X You've Got to Use the
I Paper that Reaches .. .
tlm moat of thorn
lliu bunt uf Iboui
THE MAIL cikwitio9oo I YDL, I,
J. O. WHIPP, Fropr.
Does General Contracting in all Lines.
o rssa3ssssssssssi CKMBTBRY WORK A SPECIALTY
JaokBonvillo, - - Oregon.
. , , ModforU, Oregon
OlDoo-Moilloy IliiUdlim, Uavtinth Hlnml. Ilea
douoa Ou Couuty road. ,
J, M, KKEN1S, D. D. S.
Toelk extracted without pain.
Omco In Ailklii-Uuuol block, Medium, Oro.
yt 8. JONKS,
Mcdlord, Oregon,
UTOnUo-OiKiin lllook.
W. M.Colvli A. K. Ilcamca
Orlh lllook. Jackaonvlllo.OroKon.
Will praellco In ll tho oourta ot llio alnto.
Careful oounaol alv eu in all matUira.
J, 8. HOWARD, .
U, H. Deputy Mineral Hurvnyor lor tlio Bluto
of UrrKou, roRlunlec .dUroaa;
Mouford. OrrKon.
attornky at law.
tlimlln lllook. Mcdlotd. Ore,
Auiilln 8. Hammond. Vn. I. Vowtor.
Ulbco-1.0. O. V. bulldlnf , Mctlfbid, Ol
Office 111 ChlMera' Mock, Mcdfurd, Ol
15, B. PICKUL,
Ofllrc hour 10 to Ut a. ni. mid 2 to 4 p. in l'ilji 1.
Mcdford. Or
Office: Ilnnkln Block.
Chas. Perdue . . .
ical dm and
Bicycles ripuired on short
notico nt living prices....
Shop in J. A. Whitman's
, ' Are to bo found nt tho Bfick SIlOp
Shooing horses, plain or fancy.
AVo.will miiiiufucturo wagons or
buggies to ordor.
Onll.nndsooour new curt wIicoIb
' itlroiuly llrod, Wo guni'imtoo
, our work,
' Wood : Shop ; In: Connection.
To llnro Oonallpntlon Forovor. 1
Tnlio Cnscniota Cnml v Cnilinrllc, lOo or SKo.
It C. 0. 0. (all to ouro, uruKUlau rotund mono v.
.That rtiiio Wnrfc'can 1)o nurwrt with
Dr. Miles' NliUVJil l'LABTlilt. Only iisc.
Oonoi'iil conlraoLlng In all linos of stono work.
Cemetery Work
a Specialty
All kinds ot miM'blo nnd gt'Antlo monumonta
ordorcd dlroot (rom tho qunry...
Vitrd on O Blroot
(lommorlolnl llotol lllook
I'uablo iu Call H' Own Bun'a Name,
Hal I'unutllloua am to Tlmr.
A "ironnl frh-iul" of 1'rof. Tlivo
dure Mniiinixr-n, the Ucrmnii lilaloriun
mill HeU'iitlHl, who cuk-lirutud hla
irlglitk'tQi lilrllnliiy on Novi-mli'r30 luat,
In writing of I i in In tliK London Tclo
griiih, tnya Hint, until (fiilte liilcly he
up nt live o'clock to work on 0 :up
of cold colTri! put n-iuly for lilin uvpr
nielli. In IiIh pcrhonul ri'(Ulri!iii'iil hu
In the moHt uiodi-Ht of men, mid by no
mi una it lioiiaivtyrunt; at he
ci.ini' down to brnilifiiat with lliu wlfv
nuil live iluiiglilcm ntlll nt liumc, and
lie llhi'M rvrrylmdy to lie tlhi-ro. One
youiifr Indy who alnylng In t lie
liniian tvna not lufri'tiieiitly not "up to
lluii'." 'I'll 1m negli'i-t did not mrupe lil
nollof. "It U a pily you onn't nerve your
ynir In the nriny," lie reinurkrd; "you
would lenrn the difference between
eight and luilf-piiKl!" lie enn be very
ciiltlng In III remnrka aonietlmea, but
Ihey lire nlwnya tempered tothenhorn
l.i inli. tliough I ho full-grown ahrep
uviiKt weiililicr the atorm ua beat he can.
The IlcrllnerH, who dearly love their
little Jokcfi, tell ninny a Htnry of hi ab-riil-niliidcdueaa,
and he han even been
eri'illii-d with not recognizing hi onvn
little aon, mid with having anked him
Ida mime prrpnratory to reiUeBting
him lo not In make qullo ao much uolae
in n public t rumour in which he wna
going to town from hla home InChnr
liitlciiliurg'. nnd It la authentic that he
pul Ida llrst Imliv lulo Die wnate paper
Intaket one duy, n nil covered it up 1m
caime It cried, lie la, all the amnc, most
devoted to children, nnd linn plenty of
npportunliy for Indulging thla
he lina atill l:! living children, and o
younger generation i riaiuir.
Hat a Inrk I'nlr ImpeadlDai mm aCoa
arqnrnee o( Too I.axurluu Fare.
1 A drug more on upper Ilroiidwny hna
i en I thin Ik mi epicure.' In fact, the
.-nt Ik prolmlily nunc fnatldioim in her
jiHtcM tlinii moht of the ciiHtoincrH who
itop toiidiuii'c her gloaay cout and niu
ilcal purr, n a ahe ntrolla iimnng (he
ath Hpougea and perfumery hot lien,
cportK ihu New Vork Sun.
It cume ulHiut In thin way: The chef
if a well-known reatuuriint a few blockn
IlKtant Iiiih lung been In tho habit of
.Iropplug in nl the drug ntnru on hix
way home from work early in the morn
ing, lie became nttuched to the cut,
and hooii began to bring her tldbita
from the rcHtuuriittt. Ah bin attach
ment for the cat Increnacd, he became
pnrticiihir to bring only choice blta for
hie pet, (Srousc, woodcock und i imil
constitute n large purl of the cut' fare
at present. The night clerk noon began
to notico that the cat ref lined to touch
Hucli ordlnury food an turkey, beef or
The. (location now nriacK whether the
cut will be able to l n!i her Hiinp. The
Ic'lculc T.i c on v.Mch flii' now live.
''.11. i icinli-icii hi'r It rly i!.'c!.".. Ii
I, protection ngiiliiKt uiiKuml mice, und
it, Ik durkly hinted that some dny nho
limy be turned nut tohhlfl 'or herself,
iih n pcimlty for her Inxtu inw tustcs.
I.onir lalnntt'N I)lti!"e1.
A eorreKHndent of the i'pvingfleld
Uepiibliciiu, who hn lm a "doing"
Long Island, wild toneiti.i n of Quogue;
"Pretty llvi'li" people, you Long Island
cm." "Ve.i, yes." "Don't catch you
nipping much, 1 gucsa." "No, no."
"Pretty good place to live In." "Yes,
yes." "And not such bad folks to live
among.'' "No, no." "There you have
II," the correspondent comments.
"'Yes, yen;' 'No, no.'. That is the Long
Islander's inevitable. nutvtver not plain
'yes,' but. a rapid 'yes, yes.' It Is the
touchstone by which you can tell a
genuine Long Islander wherever hois.
All tho Long Islanders sny It. double
fathers, mothers, sisters, cousins and
mints," . ,
HUlniniL'il Milk OlinmiinRne.
Skimmed milk is now turuedl into
chanipngiio by nil elevtrie process, and
tlio beverage is clear, bendy, nnd de
licious in flavor, though uoimleohollc.
11 n I In n j- WuircM.
..Aincricnu railways pay In every dc
pnrlmcnt nioro than doublo the wn(jes
paid bv 1"!iMii"li -..'i.?n. - .
J. 0. TAYLOR'S .. ..
HarncHH and Baddies are going cheap this spring.
Tho good quality of my goods has won for them
a reputation unrivaled ......
.- 2 .- --2- I -1-1-
Walka Into Towa L'arrrlaa Loal Child
la IU Monih.
Itcsidcnts ot Apnlttchin, N. Y., had a
bad Bcuro recently, report the New
York I'rciui, when a four-year-old child
started out ulone to look (or trailing
arbutuu. It was hulf an hour before
ho was ininsed, and then all trace of
tho littlo one was lost. Her distracted
father and his neighbors joined Iu the
While passing through a ravine they
were startled to sec an uncouth object
bumbling toward them some distuueo
up tho road, carrying a bundle in its
mouth, doner inspection proved to the
terrified searchers that tho object was
a bear and tho bundle a child. It is
many years since a bear was seen in
this section, but the men, though un
armed, prepared to give battle, one of
their number going back for help. Hut
tho bear trotted toward them as though
totally unconcerned, and when a few
yard away carefully laid down the
child itwoscarrylngby its dress. '
When the men approached and took
tip the little one the bear did not show
fight, and a closer investigation proved
lie had a ring iu his nose. Later it was
found tho bear belonged to an Italian
who was camping iu a near-by barn,
limiting a tour of the country. He had
purchased the animal when a cub and
reared him in a New York tenement,
where ho was allowed to play with the
children, nnd it waa there he had
learned the triek ot carrying the little
Rxperleaced Woodamra Oo to Work
Without tlpnlMlna- Taalr Par.
"What wage are you receiving this
winter?" wna asked of a well-known
woodsman the other day, reports the
Menominee (Mich.) Enterprise.
"I don't know," was tho reply. Evi
dently seeing a look of surprise, he con
tinued: "You see, when wo come up
into tlio woods wo never ask what our
wages nro going to bo. Wo simply get
our job, pack our turkey and start for
camp. In the spring, if wo do our work
satisfactory, we get Uo highest pay
that's going. A good man always gets
fulr wages, and the companies Invari
ably treat him right when he gets down
In the spring in the matter of pay. No,
I never ask when I hiro out what my
wages will be. There is one very good
reason for this. In the fall the towns
are always full of men hunting for jobs
In the woods and naturally the wages
offered to those who ask ure not very
large. Along toward tha 1st of Janu
ary these fellows get weeded out. Some
of them nro dissatisfied with their work
nnd quit, which leaves a scarcity of men,
nnd wages go up again. Now, if I
should ask what my wages were going to
bo when I hired out in tho fall I certain
ly could not expect more thnn hnd been
promised me. Experienced woodsmen
understand this, and never ask, and
when they settle up in the spring they
get good pny."
lluw the Hoys In the Ctnna Tormented
llllil Atlnut It.
There wns a certain exciseman in
Shrewsbury who wns very trim andl
ncnt In his nttirc, but he hnd a bottle
noso of mora than usunl size, says
"I.ifo and Letters of Dr. Samuel But
ler." As ho passed through tho school
lnno the boys used to call him "Nosey,"
nnd this mado him so angry that he
complained to Dr. Jlutler, who sympa
thised, and sent for the head boy, to'
whom ho gnvc strict injunctions that
tho boys should not sny "Nosey" any
more. Next dny, however, the exciseman re
appeared even moro angry than be
fore. It seems that, notnbovhad said
$1 to $a HER DAY
Tho Nash is ono of tho most popular hotoU In SoutUorn .
Oregon, nnd no pivlns nro spared for tho comfort nnd
aeoommodntion of guests. Kvorythlng about tho houso .
Free Sample Room n 'ort commekcial mew .
U09t urnuus oi winos,
Many Rood thinuu
can Lo buckled on to at
Repalrine promptly dne .
"Nosey," but that as soon as be was
seen coming tlio boys ranged them
selves In two lines, through which he
must pass, and all fixed their eyes in
tently upon his nose. Again Dr. Jlutler
summoned the head boy and spoke
more sharply.. "You have no business,"
said ha, "to annoy a man who is pass
ing through the school on his lawful
occupation. Don't you look at him."
But again the exciseman returned to
Dr. Butler, furious with indignation, for
this time, as soon as he was seen, every
boy bad covered his face with his hand
until he had gone by.
Itcaaon a Hoc Cure for III Collection
of Hollies and Can..
A member of the police force came
across a boy the other day, says the
New Orleans Times-Democrat, who was
wheeling home a load ot oyster cans and
bottles, and, curious to know what use
tho lud could put them to, he made a
direct inquiry:
' "Going to throw them over into our
back yard," replied the boy. "I took two
loads home yesterday."
"But what do you use them for?"
"It's a trick of tho family," grinned
tho lad.
"Ifow trick?"
"I'd just as lief tell." continued the
boy, ns he spit on his hands to resume
hold on the barrow. "We are going to
have some rcloshuns come in from the
country. We may not have much to eat,
but if they see these cans and bottles
and boxes they'll think we've had isters,
champagne, figs and mita till we've got
tired of 'em and are living on bread and
tatera for a healthy change."
The officer scratched his ear like a
man who had received a new idea.
Uott ih Old Woman Dashed a Reel
Yoath'a Ilopr.
Two of the younger members ot a
well-known club, both ot whom are so
fond of betting that they are willing
to wagor money upon almost anything,
became involved in an argument over
tho popularity of mustaches a few days
ugo, says tho Philadelphia Bccord. One
contended that the wearing of tho hir
sute adornment was ou the wane; the
other said that more mustaches are
worn now than ever before. The up
shot of the matter was that the first of
fered to bet that seven persons without
mustaches (including women, for the
sake of making tho test more interest
ing) would pass the club windows be
foro three, with mustaches should go
by. Tho wager was promptly accept
ed, a referee was selected and the three
stationed themselves at the point of
Tnntagc to take observations. The first
four to pass were young women and the
nnti-mustacho man grew jubilant. His
jaw fell, however, when tho next two
pedestrians, with luxurious growths
upon their lips, hove in sight. Then fol
lowed two more women, and the watch
ers waited expectantly. The ninth
pnsscr-by waa a young man who was
raising a mustache, yet in its infancy.
A warm argument followed ns to the
disposition of this case, but the referee
settled the matter by crediting one-half
lo each side, ranking the score 6'a to 2ys.
An old woman was approaching in the
distance, and tho man who hnd 2
points began to loso hope, but when
shenrrived opposite the reviewing stand
it wns seen that she had more hair
on her lip than her male predecessor.
Tlio referee decided against the fellow
who had proposed the bet.
Suit MoillKuln. of r,-....
III Hie island of San Domingo there i
romnrkahlcsal, mo,mti,n?nrIv W
....... cMimnteuito contain 90,000
OOlon, and so cleartlmt medium-sized can be read through n bloeknfool
lo... PROPRIETOR .:.
always supplied Vf 1th tho vory
liquors anu cigars ....
i Your
NO, 18,
J.' BEEK & CO.',
-i iai uwurc, irun anu DlwZi9
Stoves, TimuaPe,
Guns, Ammunition.
Paints. Oils
Friday Bui Lucky Day.
"I've qnlt her," said Gritlyas h
molted a good night cigar with bis
ohnio. ''ItlsaU off. HeapirojrJtwlU
be yjjer the rmemory of a dreajpybat
the novelists call a passing romance,
"Bat I thought you wete. engaged?;
"So' we; were. I bad'seVen wannen.
counters with tho old gentlejbaa before
t gained.- bis consent . Bhewearsipy
ring, and I'm paying for it on the in
stallment plan." ' ''
"What a gone wrong, then?".
"It's her snperstition. She's bright
and cultured, bnt she's the most super
stitions girl that ever came within my
experience. I wonldn't believe it, yon
know; oouldn't at first I proposed to
her on Friday. A fellow in love is Iooky
to know the year, to say nothing of the
day of tbo week. Nothing must do but
we break off so as to escape the bad
luck. We happened to make this shift
on the 18th, and I'll be blowed if we
didn't have to break oft again in order
to kill down the hoodoo. Yes, sir, en
gaged three times and never bad a quar
rel. It breaks the record.
"We never started any place yet that
she didn't forget something. Do yon
know that girl wonld always go to the
end of a blook before she would turn
baok? Did it every pop; all superstiti
tion. I raked up my whole pile to take
her to the musical event of the season.
Passing into the theater she stubbed her
toe. That settled it She mnst get right
borne to avoid a catastrophe. Bad to
hire a coupe and the driver carries my
watob yet.
"I looked my record np and got word
to her that I was born on Friday, in the
dark of the moon, and with an unlucky
star in tho ascendant. She promptly
called the engagement off, and that's
what I was after." Detroit Free Press.
Bladoo Cruelty.
The correspondent who sends the fol
lowing to the Calcutta Asian states that
bis information came to him on unim
peachable antbority. During a royal
bnnt in one of the Rajpoot states an ex-
cepionally fine tiger was caught net
ted, no doubt and lured into a cage.
His captors then proceeded to noose his
feet and draw them through holes bored
in the floor of the cage, and a black
smith was direoted to draw bis claws.
The tiger's legs having been secured by
ropes, the royal sportsmen had a sliding
door in the cage opened, and when the
captive put bis bead out they shut the
door down on bis neck while the black
smith, with mallet and chisel, broko off
his teeth. Preparations were concluded
by muzzling the poor brute with strong
wire in some inhuman fashion. The
tiger was then released, to be baited by
dogs, and, despite bis maimed condi
tion, he killed several before tbo
"sportsmen" wearied of the game and
shot him.
If this story is true, and the informa
tion is said to have come from on eye
witness and there is nothing impossi
ble in the crippling part of the business
one would dearly like to take each ot
those Rajpoot royalties in turn and read
him a lesson with a cutting whip.
London Sketch.
The Long Journey.
Li a certain township not many miles
from Cleveland tho good man of a local
household was laid away iu the little
churchyard on tho hill. After tho fu
neral tho relatives, both near aud dis
tant, roturned to tho family home, and
tho officiating pastor oamo with thorn.
Thoro thoy enjoyed n good dinner and
afterward gathered in tho best room for
sooial converse.
Naturally their talk turned upon the
serious ovont of tho day, and presently
the good pastor, drawing a deop sigh,
soloniuly remarked:
"Woll, our departed brother has gone
a long journey. "
Thero was a brief silence, and thou a
cousin of tho deceased, a fussy littlo wo
man with an intense desiro to bear a
share in tho conversation, suddenly re
marked iu a tone of profound wisdom:
' ".Well, yon know, brothor, thot they
all sny thot travel is suoh an eddloator 1"
Cleveland Plain Dealer. '
Main Street,
fidvertlsemenf .. .. I
Inserted In a flrst-olass new
nanor In tha mnnfc fttintt
of roaohing a given seotlon ..,
LTke Medford Mall
It Ihn loadlnc famtli, nnn.
"I ll ..." VT"f """-
I Circulation 1900
and Glass.
D'Anaojulo'. Art.
The Italian correspondent ofLiteraV '
tore, in uiscussiDg oignor a Annumuo,!
liuaea to tie fact a u is laof
IttsTrtta of "hfoputrtjafldmorbjl
tenauMity" , pe' ogmpe FTeaV
man Tcne from Ois, siftiuiaxq.V,
to acknowledge his power a U (
Well. suDDoae he does' 'ooiaBel I
taowlodgmentWbat ot Itf The
to Literature goes on to asl -wh
artists "seem by preference to fln
near putrefactions and morbtdltli
there not cause to conclude that 'tk
something rotten?',". But apparenti2aj
la nfrnM rn nnowAV ttiA nnaaUnn flXflw
and to add that rottenness in art should?
debar it from further dionssion., 3j A
We are well aware that, this kin.dof
proposition always wakes a shrill felrji
of protest jn certain quarters. To deny;
tho right of "art" to do anything i
pleases is, wo are. told, to write .one
self down not only a Philistine burt
gibbering idiot Nevertheless, the great
shining foot remains -that a man liks
D'Annunzio never got anything like a'
permanent foothold upon Parnassus, and
all this talk about his "art" might'Just
as well cease. It will never make htm'
a classic. Those talkers who think .it
will, and hence go on talking, must bo
curious individnals. Like Charles
Lamb, we would like to see their
bumps. But we are not snre that even
this trivial attention would not bcnoro
than they are worth. New York Trib-
A Noted Authoma Workshop. --
"Mrs. Florence Horse Klngaley's
study is at the top of her Staten Island
home. Under the eaves and from the
windows she can look out far over into
another stato and see the' great ocean,",
writes Laura II. F. Lake of "The Au
thor of ' Titus, a Comrade of the Cross, " '
in The Ladies' Borne JournaL "About
ber are the pictures painted by herself,
as well as by her artist parents. Books
of reference those in Greek and Latin,
as well as in English books that are;
simply a delight, not merely tools and
pretty bits of bric-a-brao tbat colleot
themselves in the room of a refined wo
man, surround ber everywhere. But tho
door of this room is never closed against
any member of the family, and the busy
worker is never too busy nor too tired to
listen to some childish story of woe or
happiness from any one of ber five chil
dren. "With her, while ber work with her
pen means much, still ber duty as a
wife and mother and a clergyman's
wife, comes first. Two afternoons in the
week are devoted to teaohing poor girls .
how to sew. Much time must necessari
ly be given to her home and the little
people in it, and yet tho finds time for
social duties and is always a charming,
intelligent companion to her husband.
With a smile she tells how, when in
doubt as to Greek and Latin, she goes to
him for help."
No Caui. xbr Eamlty.
"That's very nice," said the speota- 1
tor. "I am glad to see those two politi
cians go out of the room arm in arm, ;
chatting pleasantly." '
."There is nothing verj extraordinary
about that"
"But from what I havo read I sop
posed that they were antagonists audi
rivals." . '
"Oh, yes, they are antagonists and.
rivals 1 But that is no exanso for their
hating each other. They don't belong
to tho same party." Washington Star. .
" : Different.
"Maria, you look simply ridiculous I
with that tremendous ostrich feather
in your hat as elderly a woman as you.
are." ' '
-'"I know it, John. I borrowed it from
the big hot you woar when you go out
marching with tho Kosplendont Knights
of the Anoiont nnd Honorable Ordor ot
Fuzzy Guzzies. ' ' Chicago Tribuno. .
. Hearty Enjoyment. .
"Are your ohildren fond of reading?"
"I should say so: Thero isn't n book
in the house that hns a back on it." .
Chicago Record.
G. H.HASKINS, Frop'r.
H ANVTHINa IN THC Lint fl, -
Puro Diuga, Patent Medicines, Books,
Stationery, , ,
ijLisrTS and oms,
Tobaccoes.Oliraxs, Perfumery, Toilet Artlcloa and
juvcryinitiir tani is carriea in a arHt-
: Compounded.
Medford Oregon.
- 2: