. Tlio Fhidst Stock of 3 9 j nedford, jij Oregon CLOTHING .fiver brought to Modford was rocoiv pd bv S. Rosenthal this week. Nlw Cent's Furnishing Goods S. Rosenthal. UM DECLARED. Minister Woodford Has Been Given His Pass " port - Formal Declaration of War Nortli Atlantic Sqnadron OrM to Move on Hayana -Ttoods Moviiig. Washington, April 21, 3:30 p.m.: (Special to The Mall) North Atlantic squadron ordered to move on Ha vana from Key West as result of cabinet meeting. All troops ordered south. Must not stop pave for food and water. Exciting scenes in Key West and Havana. .Washington, April 21, 3 p. m.: (Special to The Mail) Minister Woodford was given his passport at 11 :30 to-day. He' "notifies the United States that all deplomatic relations with Spam are severed and that this is a declaration of war. President and cabinet decided that no formal dec laration of war is necessary. Fleet is moving cn Havana. Engagement expected to-night. Washington, April 20: The Cuban resolution is now a law of the land, and the ultimatum to Spain an accom plished fact. The president at 11:24 affixed his signature to the joint resolution of congress requiring Spain to evacu ate the island of Cuba. The ultimatum meanwhile had been prepared at the state department by Assistant Secretary Day, and at 11 :30 tne announcement was made at the White House that it had been signed by the president and been sent to the Spanish government. In compliance with the joint resolution as passed bv congress the president has made a demand upon Spain to withdraw her land and naval forces from the island and its waters. If this is not complied with he will proceed with the armed force of the United States to carry the resolu tions into effect. . -. Latest Bulletins. Washington, April 21, 5:05 p. m. Insugents in Cuba refuse confer ence with delegation of colonial government at Hayana. Spanish fleet still at Cape Verd Island. Spain says hostilities shall begin at once. Spanish ships sighted off Havti. Spanish fleet has left Madrid with flying colors to meet the American fleet. Resolutions prohibiting us from exporting coal passed both houses. Bulletins receivea irom various . parts up to 3 o'clock April 21st, are here given: St. Louis gives troops a hearty and enthusiastic reception. New Orleans is celebrating the arrival of troops. Mobile chamber of com merce and labor organizations en thusiastically receiving troops. Uhickamauga resembles scenes of early sixties but American flags are everywhere flung to the breeze. Chattanooga, Tennessee, school children cheer the arrival of troops and salutes are fired. Port Tampa is gaily decorated. Stirring speech es and loyalty found on all arriv ing trains and boats. New Orleans pledges twenty thousand troops if necessary. Woodford toi.d to leave. Washington, April 21: A Mad rid dispatch says Minister Wood ord has been told by Spain to go home. He started at once. Her bert Bowen, American consul at Barcelona has transferred bis pa pers to the British consul and has left the city. , Spanish battleship Palayo has reached Cape Verd Islands. Spanish Minister Polo left Wash ington last night for home. The Cuban Colonia delegation has closed its headquarters in Washington. COLUMBIA RIVER BEING MINED. roRTLAND, April zi: The gov ernment has fears that a Spanish fleet will attempt to enter the Col umbia river when hostilities begin. A report is current that the gov eminent is planting mines in the river to better fortify it against an invasion. WOMEN SING AND SHOUT. Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 21: Great demonstration here when eight companies of soldiers, num bering 500 men, departed for New Orleans. Women sung and shouted; business houses and schools closed; entiie population turned out and cheered heartily; great demonstra tion in history of city. . Spain's affairs with our govern ment have been entrusted to the French ambassador and the Aus trian minister. IK, HID) EVEJ1T CCVFM ls snowiK 1,10 u value in OIL f EllO medium priced goods of this lino that it is. seldom your good fortune to boo, Nottingham Lace Curtains at 75 Cents to $i per pair 1053 (See cut) price pir Pir. . . .11,25 7755 Deep euru, 31 yds long GO in. wide, at. . . 1.25 0305 An elegant curtain for the price t.UO 7759 (see cut) Per Pair. 2 50 1517, 71107, 1653 All are beauties from which it . is hard to make a choice All havo leneiV bu t tonhole edge. Per pair 2 00 Brussels net efl'eot, 3j yds long G-l in. wide, button hole edge, per pair 2 00 Old Brussels, an art piece in its way; ample size; rich ecru simile?. Per Pir 5.00 Curtain Poles 15 Cents, Complete .. .. Full line sash rods IV D (favonc TEE JOINT RESOLUTIONS. Joint Resolution Joint resolution for the recog nition of the independence of the people of Cuba, de manding the government of Spain to relinquish its authority and government in the island of Cuba, and to withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters, and directing the president of tho United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect: Whereas, The abhorrent conditions which have existed for more than three years in the island of Cuba, so near our own borders, have shocked the moral sense in the people of the United States; havo been a disgrace to a Christian civilization, culmina ting as they have in the destruction of a United States battle-ship, with 266 United States officers and crow, while on a friendly visit in the harbor of Havana, cannot longer be endured, vas has been set forth by the president of the United States in his message to congress of April 11, 1898, upon which tho action of congress was invited; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Con gress Assembled. 1st. That the people of tho Island of Cuba are, and of right ought to be free, and independent. 2nd. That it is the duty of the United States to demand, and the government of the United States does hereby demand, that the government of Spain at once relinquish it3 authority and government in the Island of Cuba, and withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. 3rd. That the president of tho United States be, and he is hereby, directed and empowered to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States, and to call into actual servico of the United States the militia of the several slates to such extent as ma' be necessary to carry these resolutions into "effect. - 4th. That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said Island, except for pacification thereof, and asserts its determination when that is accomplished to leave the government and control of the Island to its own people. 8 8 WARNER & WORTMAN, '- Successors to Lumsden & Warner 1 GROCERIES Right now we are having a big run in this Powder, which is a good article. With every can you get one niece of beautiful opalescent glassware, and also a 'chance to draw another set of glassware. This is the I ; best offer ever made to Southern Oregon people. -StliJLMoUX Nash Block Free delivery of goods in tity-mmmmm lance Bating lunuoi r SOMEBODY MAY BE SUIII'RISKD. Madrid, April 20: It is said in official circles that the location of the first naval battle will be a veri table surprise. DEMANDS WILL BE REJECTED. Madrid, April 20: Spanish sen ators and deputies declare the American demands will be rejected and war credits voted. ARMY I'HEI'ARATIONB. A bill hns been introduced in Congress plucing two hundred thou sand troops at the president's dis posal, mid the same will he rushed forward without delay. The war department in Wash ington City is one of great activity. Every official is at his place of duty and war preparations aro being rushed. 1 he scone is one of great activity. City Planing JVIill 9 r? rf . GRAY & BRADBURY, Prop's. Rough and Dressed HJ3 Rustic, Flooring, Ceiling, Sash, Doors, Moulding, and Lathe Work. North D Street, - - Medtord, Oregon, Boyden 8 Nicholson, The HaPdcuare JVIen, Have received their spring stock of Hard ware. It is the largest shipment over made to this city, and coiiHists ot ovorythinn from a ondloHtiok to u cooking Itungo. Granite Ware 3 IN BLUE an1 flRAY TINWARE www ww mm Made into ovory article known to kitchen u so, WaterHose and water sprinklers, water pipe and wator fittings. Clardon Tools, ot', tto. A Call for Voluntert. The war with Spain Is an assured fact. Troops are boing called for by tho govurnmont. Tho regular army is being boiU to tho eastern souboard and on to Cuba. Tho atuto troops of the various states are boiug called to tho front. More men will bo required to fill tho places of these troops and to pro toot our own coast towns and homos from tho Invasions of foreign foes Will we, tho patriotic citizens of JuckBon County, permit those things to happen, while we remain ut homo with the brand of cowardi stamped upon us? Wo say no emphatically, no I Therefore, you aro horoby notified that there will bo a publio meeting held in Woolf's hall, Medford, on this (Friday) evening, at 7:30, for tho purposo of getting a list of those who are will ing to enroll themselves as a mili tary company with tho vlow of tendering their services to their country in case more troops are called for. All patriotio people are earnestly invited to be present. The above is published by re quest of several citizens. WARSHIPS RKADY. TheexoitementatKey West, Fla., is intense. All me warships are in readiness for the fray. The exodus of the excited Span iards from New York City has al ready begun in earnest. Some will go direct home, while others intend going to Canada for protection. CARLISTS ACTIVK. The CarlisU are now at work pre paring to overturn the Spanish gov ernment. Local Carlisle are con vinced that the present dvnastv is doomed if it does not succeed in war against the United States, the possibility of which is scouted. SIONED THE RESOLUTION, President McKinley has sinned the war resolution passed by Con gress and previously signed by Speaker Reed and Vice President Uobart. The war department will call for eighty thousand volunteers at once. X elograms are nounnz into Wash ington City from all ovor the United States congratulating Congress upon the passage of the war resolutions. Dispatches from Boston and Phi). adelphia bring the information that Spaniards are leaving those citios. Larilsts in London receive the news of the intended war on Spain with big demonstrations. Information has iust beon re ceived from Havana that tho insur gents have beon causing trouble by demonstrations in that city. KIIOM SPAIN. "Butcher" Genoral Weyler is anx ious to return to Cuba and tuko charge of the Spanish forcos. Ho thinks he can hold Havana. 1 he queen recent is makina ox- tensive war preparations, and all is ruBtle in tho military department. Now that moro recular troons have boon ordorcd to move toward the scono of tho cxpectod conflict with Spain, and are already on tho way to the points of mobilization. active preparations aro boing mado r . 1 i i . ... lur moving me neauquartors ol the army Irom Washington to somo other part of the country. Tho headquarters will probably first be established at Chickamauga Park. It is improbahlo that the head- quarters will evor be in Cuba. Bo fore any extensive operations shall begin in Cuba, it is expected that volunteers of at least 00,000 will bo POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR 8TATK TREASURER, ' JOHN 0. BOOTH, OF JOSEPHINE COUNTY, Regular Nominee mi the Union Ticket. FOR SKCRHTARY Ol' STATI5 H. R. KINC AID, OF LANK COUNTY. Regular nominee on Union Ticket. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER G. S. BUTLER, OF ASHLAND. Regular Republican Nominee. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IYIATHEW STEWART, OF TALENT. Regular Republican Nominee. FOR SHERIFF ALEX ORME, OF FOOTS CREEK PRECINCT. Regular Republican Nominee. mobilised with the regulars in the department of the gulf. Algor has decided to sive out to the press no more information re garding the movements of troops, wnicn migui am the enemy. ONLY NATIONAL OUAIIDS WANTKD. It was stated at the war depart ment Wednesday afternoon that only tho National Guard will be givon an opportunity to volunteer at this time. The president will rescrvo tho right to appoint the staff and Hold officers, while tho aovorn- ors of states will designate tho regi mental ouicers, as was uono in ol. Mohair Wanted. ft III pny the o will buy d. ny the hlKluot market mo mniiuir wo can bur. nut Wu rice (or all III buy it Iu lota from ten nou hi it cwnoau. W. II. Mkkkkr A Co. Medford, Oro. Hbbk is how the Fargo, N. D., Daily Argus sizes up tho situation Spain is in: "What Spain Is trying to find out is how to get in the holo without attracting too much atten tion. ' THt SCHOOLS. Tna aldermen of MnnoliMter, Enfr., haro roted 1.000,000 for a (jreat tech nical school. Pobtlaitd claims to pay mora per capita for her schools than any olhor city. Ilotnny U to bo Introduced In tho primary school. Is two yoan Wisconsin (ha spent WO.OOO for a Isw library, 1135,000 for a frymnnsiumiind.l30,ooo for a labora tory, all for the state university. Tna plnn of sondlnfr pupils1 reports to tholr prironU on postal cards doesn't worU, It has boon tried In Auburn, Me., and tho bright boys enptur the curds and tonr 'oin up, Tub now Philadelphia sohoolhouso numed for Gcorgo W. Child Is one of tho flnost in tho world, thoofrh noi larff. Tho klmlorfrarton Is earpotoU and prettily pictured, and there Is in the iKtsemont a hoap of mxki ft fb llttla ahflHroii ti dlj hj rHoodTs Should bo In ovory (smlly assm. m modlolno client 'and erery lis, traveller's grip. Tliey are 1 1 1 1 S Innliutilo whan lli lomirh o , I w L'?., of hnadnolie. hllloninell, sn all llvor trouble!. Mild and eOlolout. m oouu. s inciimw wash The best Livery turnouts in Southorn Oregon. Gom m firm n I mnn oliirm,a .. -ii. . ni.nu.jo uuuu Willi US. Medford, M'MSS1S.S.MtM, ,. COX & O WINGS, Propr's. uregon,