I Tear pmse -j If You Want to Reach X the Jackson County People 1 tlio moat of them lUo boitt ol tlism S V .' Inserted in a flrst-alass newt paper is the most oBeotlve way . You've Got to Use the j oi roaoning a given Motion Paper that Reaches .. . Llke Wstort Wall tlio most of Ilium lUo buHl uf tboiu OBy la the leading family newspa- jj w , per in jbobsoo i-oumy ... , -( l THE MAIL IKHI195L!2S!S VOL, I, IEDF0RD, JACKSON COUNTY 0REO0K, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1898, NO, IS. S Circulation 1900 J0CRSOJIVILLE iKBLE WORKS J. C. WHIPPi Propr. Does General Contracting in all GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Jacksonville, PROFESSIONAL OABDB. IjJ, KIRCHQICSSNKR, I'liYBICIAN AND HUHUKON, Mcdford. Orcifon Omoo-I.ludlojr llulldlmr, Horoutli Hlroot. Ito doaoo 0a Count), rood. 'tf.-M. KEENE, D. D. 8. Ol'KltATIVK DBNTlHTllY A SPECIALTY. Tooth unrooted without pain. Offloosln Adklus-Douol block, Mcdford, Uro. V, 8. JONES, I'liYBICIAN AND BUUUKON. Modford. Oregon. T Ofooo-Opore Block, QOLVIO & REAME8, W. M. CoHhj . A. K. Humes I.AWYBR8. (Mb mock. JaefcaBUla.OraiOD.. WlllprKltMlQ.il lb. oouru of lb. (late. Careful ooubmI f lu la all mature. J, 8. HOWARD, : BUftVBYOR AND CIVIL ENOINKKK. ', U. a. Deputy Minora! Surveyor tor tbo SUM olOrosoo.. I'oalomM addrou: . . Medford, Orccon. WM, 8. CROWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jaoksonvtllo, Oraton. W. H. PARKER, ATTORMKY AT LAW. Hamlin Blook. Mcdford, Or. HAMM0ND VAWTER, Auitlo S. Hammond. Wm. I. Vawtar. ATTORNKYB AT LAW Omce-1. 0. 0. P. building, Mcdford, Oi J.B. WAIT, PHYSICIAN AND HOHOKON. Ofllct la Cblldcrs' Block, Mcdford, Oi E. B. PICKEL. rnYHCIAN AND SlIKOtON. om hours 10 lo U a. m. Mid a to 4 p.m. U..nrfVM I'itA I. Medford, Or OOlc: nankin Block. Chas. Perdue . . . Practical Hi and BicycloB ripairod on short notico at living prices.... Shop in J. A. Whitman's waroroonis.... We shoo honoa with shoos that Qt and use nail that don't prlok, Wo do plow work that Is satis- laotory In ovory. instanoo ,. .. .. Wo manutaoturo' wagons and ; " 1 buRgios wood shop In oonnoo- tlon. ,.. ;., ' ; Wilson & Hisfe... FRANK W. WAIT : SS: ... STONE YARD Oonoral conli'uolliiff In all linos of stono work. ' Cemetery Work a Specialty All kinds of mtirblo and granite monuments . prdorod dlreot from the quary... ,. ,, . Yard on f streot Oommerlolal Hotol Olook , Lines. CEMETERY WORK A SPECIALTY Oregon. NKWSOF THE WORLD. HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST FEW DAYS FROM ALL QUARTERS. l( rlr.a Oa ur In JrA Pagillit Klllod I a Pr:.-Hhi Mod Bias Oil la Din A Trala of Car. Ilan tla UraeeUlo. A aeries of big Area bav. ocourrad In Toklo, Japan, of late. At ona cob flaiatlon 1100 lieusea wore destroyed and 11,000 parsons rendered liomeleas. A few days later another Are destroyed 118 buildings. There were a uumber of other .waller Urea. Many persons lost their lives Iln burning buildings. Tlio Aros wore of Incendiary origin. The report on coal production In the United States In 1887 shews that, while the output was the largest evor known, the value of the coal rained In 20 out of 9 states was leas by f 1,000,000 than the coal seined In 1890. Oregon Is one of the states stiowtog a decrease. Call- forala ptodueed g,0e2 tons, valuta at W,M; Washington $l,4S4.11 tons. with a valuation or z,7T7,osr, ana Oregon 100,41 1 tons, worth $811,600. Two kllllag. and a lynohlag happen- sd St Browasvllls, Tea-., within three- quarter of an hour during an eleotloa last week. While going to quell a quarrel Deputy Sheriff Sam Cobb and Die brother, uonstaoie reiipe vooo, were shot and killed by Carlos auction. Ouellen was arretted and placed In Jail, bat was soon taken out and killed by a mob. , . -r Coal miners In the Pittsburg district to the number of 4900 are on a strike owlnc to the refusal of operators to put In the screene agreed upon during the Interstate conference last fall. A fire at Congress Springs, A. T., caueed a lose of two lives aud $50,000 worth of property. David B.Lundis,a bank president and . prominent cltlaen of Lancaster, Pa., was,ehot doad liy Halpli.w. wire back. Wlrebaok occupied a house be longing to Land Is and in attempting to have him put out Landis lost hi. me. Mias Margaret Mather, the actress, died at Charleston, W. Vs., laat week. The wheat ytold of Yiotorla colony, Australia, is estimated at 10,400,000 buahola. , . The budset expenses of the Msilcan Borernment, as estimated by Secretary LI man tour, amount to $52,0(19,484 for the Steal veer 180S-09 an Increase of l,708,oB9 over the previous year. , The the gap In the Rooky Mountain Bell Telephoe company's line between Herron, Mont, and Mullen, ldano, 125 miles. Is to bo elosod, making a continuous liuo from Livingston, Mont., to Ban Francisco, the longest tolophone connection In the world. QoorRfl Htout of Philadelphia, who was knocked out by Oacnr Unrdnor, the "Omaha Kid," in a hot fight at Columbus, 0., diod from tho effocts of tho blow. It was In Hie twolltli rouna that the fatal jolt was delivered, Stout falling heavily and novor regaining consnio listless. : lie wns ordorcd Inkon to tho hosiiHnl by n plivl-'in, but nothing could be done for him. While n fiolght trnln of 10 cars ono londed with dynnmito on tho Mon laua Coutrul railroad was crossing Dry Forks brldga, Mont., tho car contain' Ing dynamlto was dornllod, causing tho stuff to oxplodo. Tliroo of tho train crow woro klllod and ton cars oro blown to kindling wood. 8inco Fubrunry 25 Now York city has Imported $23,000,000 In gold from Europe : A deolslve battle was fought In tho Soudan betweon the Anglo-Egyptian forces and the Dervishes. Ttje latter lost MOO men killed, and 4000 prison4 els. Their array Is practically wiped out, and their loader a prisoner. . , Olio, the mad King of Bavaria, is not expeoted to recovor from the crisis, of oil physical ailments resulting from In flammttlon of the kidneys and bladder trjjnW..His insanity renders proper -TMEDFORD, OREGON BUCKLE ON TO A GOOD THING. J. Q. TAYLOR'S .... Harness and Saddles The good quality of reputation unrivaled 4 M.EDFORD, OREOON troatinont for bleeding of the bladder practically linposibs. United States Judge John B. Rector of the northern district of Texss, who has bsen insane for two years and unable to occupy the bench, died at his home In Austin Sunday. Tlio York mill cotton strikers nf Haci, Me., have voted unaanlnoiiH y to ru turn to work, and reauineil M Hiday. Sixteen huadred men slrm k in Jan uary. ' Rev. 8. O. Swallow of Ilairixhurg, aoeeBted the Indesendeat iioniinntion far governor of l'enasylvnu ii, upon yie platform, "Thou sbalt not slvul," tendered to him at Harrisburtf, Mnrch 80, by a delegation of Philadelphia. Twe Mard.r.r. IitiaUd, W. IL Raymond was hanged at Fol- som prison rrldsy morning at 19 o'clock.. His erime was the murder of Fred Andrews at Baden, San Mateo county,, November 17, 187. The ex ecution was nnaaeompanled by any incident. Raymond bsd nothing what ever te aay upon the gallews, was coel aad oelleeted and died bravely. Death occurred 13 miantea after the trap was sprung. ; ' ' Bea Ulll, the Oaklaud wife-murder er, was eaecnted at Saa Quentln last week. From the scaffold Mill said he tatity aad deserved .his punlslimeoL Ha died . without a tremor. . Hill's esisae was the ontcosso of a qsarrel wish his wire, for whoea he bad failed to provide. They were walking along a street In Oakland one day talking over their troubles, when suddenly be drew a revolver and shot the woman twice, kllllag her instantly. Fenr huadred printers are for on a short strike in San . Franeisoo Bonn. Ths Southern Pacific pattera ware house, situated at Sacramento,-was destroyed by fire Friday night The patterns representing ' tho accumula tions of 25 years, were entirely de stroyed. The loss Is placed at $500,- 000. An English syndicate bos purchased the plant and business of tlio Cali fornia Canneries company, at San Francisco. In Los Angeles hay aud grain are ecaree, and prices are high. The present market value of oil at Los Angeles Is 88 cent per barrel. The beard . of trnsteee of Monterey, Cel., have reps wed ito the Monterey FresaoSaTlfold company the 1450-foot water front grant, terminal facilities and Vatttable municipal fraaohlaes, Jiving the company until January, 900, lo fullfil the requirements of the ordinance, Tho fsuacrvisors I of Contra Costa county have grafted J. 8. Bullosk of Blue Lake Eleotrle company a franeh Iso to erect peles and wires In that county. The line will run to Oaklnnd and 8an Francleco. The laet spiko of tho Columbia River and Astoria railway tins been driven, and the completion of the road gives tho flvst a)l-rall line from eastern United States seaports to Astoria. Settlers' about Castle Rock, Wash., aro fleeing from their homes for fear of an volcanic eruption in Mt. SU llelons, one of the Cascade group. Smoko is issuing from tho era tor. Rov. P. Smith, prlost of St Stanis laus church of Modesto, Cal., fell dead In tho altar while preparing to deliver a sormon Sunday morning. Heart dlseaso ' caused his death. He has. been connected with California churches for the past 18 years and was Well-known. RATES FROM... $i to $a PER DAY Tho Nosh Is one. of the most popular hotels in Southern ... Oregon, and no pains aro spared for tho oomfort and aooominodation of guests. Everything about the house Free Sample Rooms THE HOTEL BAR best brands of wines, Man ood thing! ' can be buckled on to at bcsi are going cheap this spring.. my goods has won for them Repairing promptly dose .... LEE HAS LEFT CUBA. SEES THAT ALL THE AMERICANS ARE SAFELY AWAY. Frafl.ad. to WMklaxton Mar be Akde to Thrown Som. Light on th. Mala, lil.act.r Til. Fljrlag Squedroa Boady for A. tlon Trooe. Movlaf. , . : Consul-General Lee loft Havana Baturday, after seeing that every Am erican was safoly off the island. The affairs of the United States govern ment have been turned over to the British consul. . As soon as Les readi ed Key West, he went north via Tam ps, in the belief that his presence was wanted in Washington to give Infor mation about the probabilities in Cuba during the next fortnight He did not receive instructions until lie reached Key West. ' Vlce-Cousul fjpringer and Consul Barker of Sagas are also In structed to report at. headquarters. This was construed as an indication of the opinion in official quarters that an aarly reoeuing of the American eon aviates at Cuba is not probable. riTZ-HUOH LXX, Goueral Lee may be able to add knowledce to what is already known regarding the plot by which the Maine was blown up, though not, per haps, to the extent of fixing tne con nlronv officially on the Spanish gov ernment Ferhaps Genarsl Lee would nut rl justified in making stronger assertions officially than did the board about the identity of the conspirators, yet he uncovored enough to satisfy himself that a single fanatlo could not have fixed the mine which blew up the Mains in Havana harbor, or have flrort it. On one uoint his information is def inite General Lee bellevos the lottor of January last, attributed to General Weyler, in which tne writer spea&a boastfully of having propared Havana harbor so that Yankee ships could be destroyed, Is genuine. . Whether he has seen the original is not known, but his opinion Is that such a letter was written by Weyler is cloar. Sirlce tho Maine disaster is oxpeoted to .be a featuro Of the goueral Cuban caso instead of a more incident, the Consul-General's proience in Washing ton may be useful in supplementing with lutor dotails tho Information gath ered by tho court of inquiry. Tho Spanish flotilla sent out from Cadis, Spain, for Cuba, and compolled to put In at Capo Vorde islands on ac count of storms, is stitl their waiting orders. The authorities hesitate to trust it within roach of the Anterican navy. ' ' ' I. L. HAMILTON ...PROSRIKTON t ;' STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS .;. pon ooMMRRoiAL men .... Is always supplied with the vory liquors and cigars .. J. BEEK & CO., f; i dealers -N Hardware, Iron and 5teelj Stoves, Tihcuaf e; Guns; Ammunition. Pnlnf Oils ,. All the Americans who desired to leave Cuba island Jhad left Saturday, when Consul -General Leo took his de parture. .. , .m J Miaa Clara Barton and other mem bers of the Red Cross society who went from the United States have returned home. . V : The gunboat Princeton, built at Dia logue's shipyard, Camden, ,N. J., is id and ready to be turned over i aevernmeni. She will .be 'or dered to the League Island nary yard to receive her tittings ana prepare lor ska. Tbo torpedo gunboat- Aqdai toga tofut IS at ng to Spain, mat wae so agsd at sea and compelled Qbeenstown, may be of no die to her owners. The repairs neosssary will take some time to finish, and should war be declared the Ungllsh authori ties have orders to seise Bar. . , The lighthouse tender Mangrove is being fitted out with rapid firing gaaw. aaef Yoeenilte war Ml.cted.as the stafal deaaraaWeas of the four Uorgan llpe aaKtHary'cruiMrs the gerernmcht rloeotly parahaaed. . ; Fiaaactast' state that the govern ment caa raise 9OO,OO0.aoo for war purpose la two days. 1 Waos are balna alaoed about tho entraSsj of Oalvastoo harbor, Tex. The' flying i'faadroa Is at Hasaptoa aids, Vs., stripped aad ready for ac Ja, with Cosaaiodore Schley confidant lat he can defeat anything aent against it , ,:, .i i -- ;r:-i .. Foreign diplomate at' Washington hare givea os atorts looking for the pseful selutloa; of the Cuban prob- Tke Twenty-Fifth Unitee States inantry, whisk has been stationed la Montana for ths past ton years, left Bandar for tho new post at Chiekams' ngo,.Tean. , . .!t ; AT THE NATKN'8 CAPITOL. , Brl.f Not. Coaeorniag th. Uotnas ( tho rirtr-rrth Soutoa of Coar..l. The naval appropriation bill, which has been completed by the senate sub committee on appropriations, carries Increases in the navy and items for imDrovementa which run the total measure some $8,000,000 above . that fixed by the house. The most import ant changes are the addition of four coast defense vessels, which exclusive of armament, shall cost $1,250,000 each, and four torpedo-boat destroyers to "cost $300,000. The bill provides that not more than two of the battle' ships or monitors may be built in one vara, which will insure the distribu tion of coastrnotion. One battle-ship and one monitor is to be built on th Pacific coast ' Conaressman DeVries of California introduced a bill to enable the United States government to expend for the improvement of the Sacramento and Dan uoaqHiu nvore u iuwbojo y I" priated by the state for this purpose, with a view of Its ineorporation in the next river and harboibill and to en able the goWninent to use the $300,- 000 appropriated by tho state for the Improvement of the lower Sacramento river. . There was a heavy run on the So- nora branch of the bank of Commerce, a San Francisco corporation, and great excitement prevailed for a time, but later it quieted down, and part of the monoy drawn out was reaeposiiea. The run was started by ft report that nlnnto Trflnmirar Thomas W. Wells of ?uolumae county, the manager of tlie ahk, was short $20,000 of county fuSds. : Daniel B. Gray, at one time a prom inent politician of Santa Monica, Cal., , ihm n? jMinn xiRCKBr a& uie ibl- tor's saloon, and died from ths effeols of the wounds short! after ward. Gray aa ma&lxaUd, at ths tins Pt tho shootnfj and was trtWt t6 hit Backer da tut M wnasnnj, ' r : m . i -,. -I ',1.-. T, , . , 1 Presorittions hJ Oarefullv ! ; Oompounded. - - mrftft StrtMt v ' - , ; i - Xtfodford Oxtfea - and filass. . WEDFORD, QREOON. PACIFIC COAST NOTS.'! THE CREAM OF THE WEEK'S NEWS PICKED FROM THE DISPATCHES. b Oraad Lodio of Worhai.a Kelt. ar teat estoavs A Coa.tl sVja ttaa Booms Baa Wraak VflSw Will Bi. on the Sallows. ; ., ) ' Judge Wallace of San Francisco has deelaredjthotpur. food law to be con stitutional. : . .. Ths Watejloo (Or.) Woolen rnills. owned br Ihoraas Kay, bflttBil Wr. i eeatly. loss will protaW Waoli ' 150,000. -' ,!;-' v.:i i;.,,. .-J uiliU :, Jodie Smith of Lo-CASgeles' sen- ( fenced PrIkCrandall to 0aa QataUst r for tan years for , killing Jack Bosman j at.Ballona last BeptemAsr. , v , y- Arraagements -ore. hslng sasds at Svads oJit, Cel., for ths eo4fAuB of ths 07aa LodgS Sf ths SjfTS Sons of ths Golden West, which; jf,U bo held there Apnl 25,, . r. r Ths rSMlss of Peter Petersen, who dlsaeaaarsd from St. Helsaa. OsL. i ysars afb. wars' IbMoTlar einyoo ..;v7J J.,i. Mt.s At. near wri ncc.ur u ted a!ela in aa isolated spot-Aiicvr 1st ths snpsrlor court , at (laJjaey, Cat, ths Jury found J..W. MMU guilty' of manslaughter fa kHlla Aa tonaLompa nr Bock with laat Jaaa ary. Tho trial lasted fire days, and ths jury was out zs nonrs. . Charles 1L-Arthur, the rasadeaa blacksmith, wbo recently shot and killed Mrs. Melissa Hansom, His bus trese. at Los Angeles, was found guilty of murdsr and sentenced to life im prisonment at Stan Queatin. . , Albert Frederick George Verenese- neckockhoff .'called Albert Hnff.far short, of San Francisco, Iia been found guilty of th murder or Mrs. JUary;A. Clute, - and sentoiu-ed - to be hanged Friday, June 10.: t ' v:'..-.3 : Ji'dgo Buck of Redwood . City, has sentenced Anton Lujor, who waalouad guilty of as .auit with a deadly weapon last week, to seven yeare imprison ment at San Quentin. Lujor attempt ed to kill an Italian during a row at La Honda. He was given ' the ; full penalty.. - - -r-i The St' James hole! property at Baa Joee was sold recently under forsolos are proceedings. It was purchased; by the board of regents of the university of California, judgment- creditor for $M,li0, amount of jtideroe'iltsc Tbero aro secondary mortgi:f8 ield by other parttea .The proper! y. is sutd to be worth much more than $100,000. Frank Bclew of Suisun,' OaL, must die for the murder of his brother and sister. The trial to determine the de gree of guilt of the prisoner ended Saturday, and Judge Buckles found that there were no mitigating clrcum- stances in the case, and declared that Belew's crime was murdor , In the first degree. . G.Fi Tiltou, a member qf.the crew nf the whallne stoamer BeWiiertaS arrived from the imprikeatd whsllag fleet He tells a story oT hardship and Buffering. Tho imprisoned whalers have been living on dog taeAt and r'afck fish for several months and' that the relief expedition had not reached the fleet.- All tho imprisoned -vessels will he crushed to match-wood when tlie ice breaks. Tilton was over flvs months coiling out Up, to the timo he left no deaths had ocoifrte'd. At a meeting of directors of the Val ley toA held in San Frasoiseo Grant brothers were auinonsoo. . . aao ftelf stadiagoutit from thV field SaftSBsion, now oojftsd, , aaftlf- d M soariaiBa lanoweBsio arms,, ui read OsMactU ThS tftail wseA Ir. Ut WW ait I hat Wta i hays just tkO aih of Btdektoq, MORTAR Wl RfclUsQi witlCYIsaHa. b. ,de ,st iSnthsrnistmlB DftUG STOUE, . ;r G. H.HASKINS, Prop'r. 1 HA. SflVtHINO IN TH. mn. or ' '. ". i. ' Pure Diugs, Patent Medlolnea,' Books, Stationery, PAINTS and OILS, Tobaccoos,OlKart,Perramery',Tollct Article, and Clast DKUU OIVHH 1