A ORIST OP LOCAL HAPS AND niSHAPS. at.4 . a.. ii .I. Sidtm . .1 1... - -.. It.-. 1.1. A. IfulltlUlliUll WHU ruuuai.a winb ma liatllQ UO Wllllliuiu irum iiiu jiuuuu un account of Urn uiiuiisIihiiib It would ouuau lila family, who livo lit l.os An KoIuk. (Jul II,, wua witikliilf along I) street Tli u nil uy nliout noon, whun from pure exliuiiallon and wnntof food ho foil proatratod In front of tliu Now Urlok llvory atulilu, Uu wna liold to lil foot by onii of our gonurnus oltl zona, who siippllud him with a Rood warm dinner. Ho was tlion tukuu to llotul Naeh und Muraluil Hurt und John HullliiKor Inn low inlnulua umonif our buainaaa mini secured oiiougli money to fruurniitao him a fow duya' rest at tliu Imlol mid to aaalBt blm on lila way homo, llo roporla that ho win ono of tlio Ill-fated passoiiitara who loat tliulr all In tho wreck of tlio Coronu, a atouinor ou Ha way to Aluaka. it.. i...- ,1.. ..iR.iniii, It.tlnir lit. ilO I1IH MIU l,UWI MMWU Ul I'WIM .... honaat and houorablo man and haa boon unublo to aouure oiuploymont suf ficient to pay hla way, ao waa attempt ing to walk homo, What ploasuro la thoro In llfo with a hoadaoho, couetiputloii mill bilious ueae? Thouaunda oxpnrlonoo them who roulil become porfuotly healthy by us ing UoWltt's Lltllo Kurly Ulmira. tho famoua lltllo pllla. Hiriuiir, the druir- flat, Modford; Dr. J, lllnklo, Central 'olnt. Thin week K. A . Johnson, tlio miller, put tho finishing touches to a negotia tion whloh will take lilnmoH and very cstlmuhlo family from our city. Ho ex changed hla fourteen aero fruit orchard, situated juat northwoat of Modford to 1). U. ltuaaell for a wliolo lot of real eatato and a mill alto, near whero there ia a dam, In Drain, thla atato. Mr. Johnaon, to bo specified, guts two rosl .Imipna InflitUtd In tho town of Drain, u mill alto anil water jxwor, and a good bit of machinery. Thoro formerly wna u mill by the alio near whero the diim litiut this tlio mill waa burned Inat lull. Mr. Johnaon will commence tho orontlon of a flftv barrell llouriiig mill In April that will coat from W00 to 7U00. ri.la will I in ciiiniileta with all modern machinery. Mr. J. will leave here about April lat, but the family will not loavo until aenool ia out. Tti,ra nro throo little thlnirs which do more work limn any other throo littlo thlnge orualed they aro tho ant, the boo and UoWltt'a Littlo Karly Hlaora, the loat being tho famous littlo nllli for stomach and liver trouble. Strang, tho drugglat, Modford; Dr. J Hlnkle, Central Point. An unuaual amount of oxoitoment waa notieoil among the Hylbo girls mat Their tiroaldent waa to leave on the following day for Lot Angeles on a vialt, and beforo ahe went they were to Imro a photograph taken of the jolly crew of nine having their old momhor bock and being the first club meeting ince alio returned just In liino to take the proaldonts chair during Mra. Hoard's abaonco. Mies Iaaaca gavo tliem a royal aarvod ft rnacDitlconl lunch- nn wli Ich waa Indeed fit for a bride's rotiirn. snil won her tho nriao for dainty rofroahmenta aervod In atylo. Those preaent were Moailamoa Heard, Harris and Whltmun, Mlaaca Cole, Worman, Skeol, Woodlord, weouer nna uiuiio hart. Tho now ads this week aro thoao of Jeweler K. 1. Klwood, which will bo i.,n,l ri thla noire. Ho carries a fine line of itood gooda. 0. 1. Hutchiaon alao lias apace on another local page in which thoro la to Iw noticed a 'aomothlng" i.Rt'a ilncldudlv "now." Ho ia tolliug our people of his excellent lino of dress gnoda. A. C. Taylor ia inspiring with hia footprints the foci that his new lino ni "iVu,i" wnar haa urrlveil ill aovoral Hhadea anil ahoiies. J. G. Van , Dyke haa a good aUcd bit ol apnea in which l, ! nivoakliiit of his lino of "strictly in stylo" ahooa all eamo W. L. Douglas lor (. p n v.lwnnd. the iowolor. Is nro mrnit to do all kinds of watoh and Jewelry ropalrlng. Ho oarrlos a oom, ploto stock of optical g ooda and la pre pared to fltoyoa with perfoot glasses "Strlko while tho Iron is hot" li uvi iiivlnn. but Cromwell's amend' ment "mnko the Iron hot by striking It" Is hotter. If you sit around and wall for tho Iron to heat Itsolf, you ... inm ehnnoa to strike. Now Is tho oorreot time to strlko the Iron for bualneaa. Tho ndvertlalng oolumna of TUB MAIL will bring you bualnosa if you strlko them with striking, truthful and timely ndvertleemonls. Our olrou iuiin tini rnnllned to the followers of any ono partloular polltloal faith or rolisloua orooa. iiik maiu is iu u all olassos booauso It Is a nowspapor (u ahnlvna noaltlVolV rOfUSO um n,,.nr.itntn. hnok-numbor eoods Mlno are always froah nt Wolters, of course. Tho aouth-bound frolght train ran Into a tlo train at Woodvlllolast Satur Tho onclnos of both .rlna wore sllBhtly domugod. Tho tlo train was backing In on a siding, whon ,i, iiaiii t.ruln name alonff and trlod to stop, but tbo train parted and tho onaino and two oars rnn into tho onglno 01 tlio tlO irUUl. UUl UUKlMtiu.. - nnn (lraman I urn nod. No ono was Hurt. Says Plnnogan to Plannogan "whoro .i- i..... ..n,,,rl,aV" Suva Flnnno- eon to Plnnegin, "At Woltors,. of oourso." Last Thursday ovonlng Olive Ro bokah lodge, No. 28, 1. 0. O. F was vial lad hv tholr nroBldont, Mrs. Ida Wnainr. of Portland, who was out on an annual tour of inspection. She was erootod by a goodly number but not as many as she had hoped. A very pleas ant iosaloa was held and tho unwritten work was oorreoted where orrors wore noted. From nere sno won. w uutv eouvllle and visited too loage more Thi ia nnt b. hnttor or rooro com' ploto stook of tablo dlshos In Southorn Orogon at woitora, oi uoumu. Tho delogates chosen at tho doma cratlo primaries neia in mouioru an Hnnth' Mndford. J. H Stowart. Wm. Slingor. O. W. Prlddy, and K. W. Walt. North Modford. ti Mnalrlno. A. Z. SoarH. O. L. Sclior Tnnrbnrn. anil Chas. WllklBon. Theso delegates will nttond a county convon inn in hn linhl in Modford tomorrow, March 10th, for tho purposo of oloctinp; dologatos to tho state convoniion, Romovod Mies H. A. Modynskt tho mllllnor, to two doors west of Oran HU's store, It was rumored on tho stroots this morning that W. W. carawou naa re turned from Alaska, a trunk bearing to Hi reuohed tho runroau buggugu room, It aeoma, however, thut It bulongod to Mrs, Cardwoll and ohllilnin, who returned to this olty from California lust night. They will movo Into their house on tho Uusbey plaoe. ltoaoburg Kovlow. All kinds of wood for aalo. Long wood, abort wood, hard wood, soft wooilund Just pluln wood. Dolllugcr, the dravmcu. Uov, 13, li, Juoquua, wlfo and hlldren, returned to Grants fuss oa hureduy livening, and will leave on thla (Friday) ovonlnir for l'ortlund, bora Mr. J. has secured a homo for la family. Ho will tlieu roturn to Merlin and tuko up tho mlaalooary our work." Oruuts Pass Mining Jouraul. The firm of Oranilll It Hutchison made a division of tholr stook of goods thla week and both those gentlemen aro now qui to at home to tholr friends. Tho Ludloa Homo Mission Hooloty ol tlio M. K. U. H. will give u illmo social at tho homo of Dr. K. 1). 1'lckel ou this Frlduv ovenlng, Murch 1H. A short nrovram will be rendered after whloh cofluo and cuke will he served und a plwusuut ovunlng Is promised by lliese oa eiiurcn puupie ui uu wuo aiiunu, Spring truuks for aprlug bouno hold moving. Well & Shearer. F. L. Oranilll wishes us to say to tho poople of Medford and vicinity tbat lie ia now situated in the Angle A l'lymule 1...II.II.... U .......... ...ul .ullli ,. u..l,.n. dld stock of goods ill aovoral linos, to glvo them good value for their money. Tlo ia Inviting everybody to call und see him. I will oxahanao a nood buggy for work at wood cutting WullocoWooda. T. W. Brjunt. who for aovoral years bus boon one of tho deputy assoo so rs In thla couuty, died st hla homo In Asblund Sunday lust at 3 p. m., after a brief lllnosa of piioumoulu, Funorul aervlcea woro held Monday at 1 o'clock and Interment niadu In Uurgudlnocom- lo ry. Monoy to loun on approved secur ity . 0. W. 1'ulin. Conrad Mlneua this wock sold to Albert Luwrenlz, of Klamath County, a traol of land on West Seventh street adjoining A, H. Hammond's residence; consideration $275. Mr. L. will build on tho lots at onoo. Tho aalo waa uiado through tho ugency of C. W. I'alm. Mlaa II. A. Mudvnakl has received a big stock of very fine spring millinery near C I. Uutonison s store. J. W. MoDonough, of Tolo, who owns tho paoor UollaTr that waa sup Dosed to have boon stolon, as mentioned a our last laauo, has, wo are glad to any. round tno animal over on me aes eat. Sho hod broken out of the posturo and strayed troin too usual range. llarcalns that will please you on ovorr shelf at Woltera, of course. fi. T. Psvns on Thursday morula? . . . v : . . . i . " loaded a aou Die aocic carioaa oi biook hoirs for shipment to Portland. J. W. At the annual school oleotlon held Marob 7th, In district No. 4, Phoenix, II. F. Htunallft waa re-eleotod director und O. Lehuors re-elooted olork. Fix tho regulator on your watoh to llok with Jeweler Kl wood's big oleotrlo olock und you'll novor miss a meal und It won't cost a cent to roguluto tho watoh. Wo nro uuthorlxed to announce that school will commence at the Iaiiio I'lue school house March 21, 18D8, with Miss Kstoiiu ntianam as teocner, Dot Wells it Shearer to do your moving satisfaction always. Woeks & Oro shinned about forty boxos of applos to Oakland last Friday. They bare now about closed out tholr last seasons erop, B. N. Butler, the jowolor, Is sell ing clocks at Chicago prlcos. Thoro are sorao now "tickers" In town at B. N. Butler's shop. They aro the Beth Thomas olocks best on oartb, Mrs. Sears has received a large stock of spring millinery. A dime social was hold at tho rosl- donoo of Mr. and Mra. 0. tlllott on Tuesday ovonlng of this weak. "Breakfast food Is no food at all unloss good food Woltors, of oourso." J. A. Whitman recoived a carload of Htudebakor wagons and buggies this woek. Wiloy this morning also soot out a car load to l'ortlund. Tbo prico being paid Is troin tbrco to four and a half cents per pound. My stock of now watches has ar rived. D. T. Prltohard. Tho Woodmon will itivo a froe outer, taintuont and uood time at their hall on Friday evening of noxt week. This will be wliut tnev term an "increase nieoi inir" and thoro will be SDeakinir. read ing and singing. Everybody is invited to attend. Merchant H. U. Lumsdon Is con Quod to the house this week with a severe attack of toiullills. Mr. und Mra. W. T. York enter taim.il a few of their frionds on Monday oveninirof thiaweek. l'leaannt convorao, crokinole mid a delicioua luncheon wore all tlio features required to mnko tho evoniug a vory pleasant and interesting one Yours for honest goods Wolters, of course J. A. Whitman was on Thursday auDorlntondlng tho shipment of a car of evaporated applos whloh woro ourod bore during tno oany winter oy air, Iiurloson. Tnoy are consigned to Uoaenburg Bros., Chicago. At Snurr's bowling alley. Seventh street, evory Thursday aftornoon ladies and Indies and their oscorta will be given the use of the alloy free Our Grlflln oreekcorreanondont has asked us to slut that Kov. Hubs would preach in that neighborhood nt 11 o'clock a. in. noxt Sunday, inBtoad of 2 p. m. stated elsewhere in Urimn crook itoniB. "I'm ofl agin, on agin, gone agin to Woltors, of course. Grocorio8r Yos." E. F.Walkoron Friday of lastwook moved his household effects from the farm, north of Medford Into bis rosl donoo, ou Wost Soveoth street, rosontly ooouplod by J. D. Hoard. "Whoro do I buy my sploofl7 Why at Wolturs, of oourBO." If anybody wants to hlro work dono nloaso cull on Mrs, Louis Lorotz; am wllllns to do either washing or houso oloanlng. Llvos on D slroot, opposite tho Catholic Churab. C. C, Plctohor, dontlst, will be out of town tno arst wook in April. Quite a number from Jacksonville woro In Ashland Monday attending the funornl of T. W, Bryant, among whom we notloed County Cleric u. a. jaoKson and wlte. Spring millinery, latest stylos, Mrs SoarB at the Baoket . The Southern Pacific Company is nuttlncr in a areat many new tioa this soring. Several carloads were on the b detrucks In the Medford yards this woek. "I buy nothing but the best groceries at wolters, or course." The anndlntment of W. T. Johnaon to the position of constable In place of Isano Woolf, resigned, u a good one, Wesley Is all right Just naturally. Soo Maokey for superior photos and roasonablo prlcos Mort Foster has accepted a position oa nnlnamanwith MorchaiitO. I. Hutch ison. Mort is vory much in ovidonce as a salosmnu in any estaousnmont, The vory lntost In spring mlllinory at Mrs. boars'. Don't forgot tho sugar boet meet ing, at the town hull, tomorrow night at cijuo oiooit. DuvlsdcGllkov shipped 1200 dozen to Portland Tuosday, For Sale Placer mining claim, cheap. Plenty of wutor. Enquire at this ofUco. PUBLIC SCHOOL. NOTES. Karl Hosier entered the third grade on Tuosduy of this week. Miss Ivy Tucker has returned to the eighth grade after a prolonged illness. The seventh grade pupils have been wrestling with partial payment prob lems tills week. Fifth crailo pupils have completed maps ol North America on which aro shown the productiona. Visitors : Mosilamca F. Luv. 11. 1 iscb. r ,. .,( . t: t .. .. II 1 . 1 r runK uuiiuway . niinnvn wuy l iiiiiiio, Bursell. Guuuyuw; Messrs. A. Blah und and Carl Gulloway. Tho nunila of the fifth and sixth grades were greatly pleased to nave a visii the first ot the week from their former teachor, Miss Bursell. Tho little neonlo in the south primary are delighted over their reading. They imvinir couinietoa Dan nrat oi ineir drat reader and commenced the latter part with renewed energy. The latest donation of books to the library is several volnmes from Lewis Shldefer. E. Ehewegen and Bornlce Rivers. When vou have done with a good book and wish It to do more good send it to the school library. Thn school exDroaaea thanks to the nublio for the liberal patronage of the entertainment last Saturday evening. Thn amount cleared was 130.26 which will be taken charge of by a committee of teochors appointed tor ttie purpose oi selecting books lor tlie library. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, Injuries, eczema or skin diseases may seouro instant relief by l.,n.'.i,. ItTlt.L T I .. 1 O I .. T UBing UOWIbbB WllVU UO.&Ul OHIVO, lb la the groat pilo remedy. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnltle, Con tral Point. nr. Lewis Refutes the Statement. Prosi-xct. Oregon, March 10, 1898. To the Editor and Readers of The Medfoud Mail: Please allow me space in vour columns to correct a mistake of tho Eagle Point correspondent in the ssuo ol Marco Itii. ue was suroiy mis informed in regard to my statement, sb to a company Going at work putting up a saw mill, crustier, smeuor ana tram way. I novor met the Eagle l'oint cor respondent while in the valley. Neither did I make the abovo statement to any, ono. No such enterprise is in progress, to my knowledge, on Elk creek. Neither did 1 state that the rock assayed from $18 to $20 per ton. I stated to some parties while in the valley that it the Appaio mine provea 10 oe koou, buou machinery would be put in this spring and summer. Yours Kospectlully, Robibt Lewis. Why suffer with coughs, colds and InerluDO whon Laxative Bromo Oulnlno will oure you In one day. Put ud in tablets convenient for taking, Guaranteed to cure, or money re funded. Price 2o cents. For sale Dy Chas. Strang. Jury LUt April Term of Court. Following IsallBtof the jurors drawn tor the' April term oi court: Ashland C Mlngus, 0 E Veghto, n rrn.-aMJ T rp-im C Halmnn Modford S P Barnoburg, J S How nrd. f) M Swnnscn. G L Wobb. Wm Carroll, J Morloy, E Ei Phlpps, Wm H Stowart. (Inntrnl Point James MoDonough, W H Damon, J D Pankey, Rufus Cox Tnlnnt tnvl Morris. Edon S G Van Dyke, J O'Toole, W F Towno, Samuel Furry. Eagle Point Hurvoy Bloberstadt .Tnmna Shlnlds. John WlUlflOroft. Jacksonville-! W Thomas, Nlok Mltoholl.' Pnnta nrdok J A Martin. Gold Hill B Slgnoretti, Dan Rioh ardB. Trail Creek J 0 Hanna. SUGAR BEET MEETING Prof. Shaw, of the Oregon Experimental Station, Will Be In Medford on Saturday, March 10th Afternoon and Evening For tho past year or eighteen months muoh has been said and considerable done upon l'.nos wbloh It was hoped would load to the location of a beet sugar factory In this immediate local ity, and the planting of thousands of acres of our fertile soil to beets. Per haps too muoh has been said and too little done, but be this as It may there Is still an opportunity left for us to get In and drill do effectual service for the good of ourselves and the community. Prof. G. W, Shaw, cbomlst at tho Ore gon experimental station, will be la Medford tomorrow to make arrange ments If poaslble. for the planting and cultivating of at least ten acres of sugar boots in this locality tma season, air. Sbaw la eapeolally anxious tbat this amount of land be planted In order that an opportunity may be given him next fall to snip several cariooas oi Deets to a factory and secure a working and actual test of the amount of sugar beets grown here will contain. These beets will DO sold at meir commercial vaiue n nuirar. Ot the money so received Prof. Shaw proposes tbat the producer be given the full sale price less oost ot transportation. This ought to give the producer a fair return for his work and while doing this he is experiment ing with something that may bo ot much value to blm later on. The farmers worked pretty faith fully some of them last year In pro , T . , ii.i nr UUUlllg BUIUO BJiOUUu D mviiuiuua vi hr.nti: the merchant of this cltv did a generous act when they purchasod the seed and gave It to the farmers. All this was eood, but not enough. Tbat was last year s work; more is more work to be done this season. The im portance of the matter is even up with the farmer, tho merchant and the la borer. Mr. Shaw wants to talk with you about a factory In this locality. He will speak at the town ball tomor row Saturday, evenine. at i.w ooiock. He wants a large crowd out. You ought to be there vou must be there, or for, ever aftor say not a word regarding sugar beets. This beet proposition is shaping Itsolf Into a possible local mat ter and one wnion must oa pusnea Dy Medford men If It Is made an lnstltU' tion tbat will prove ot direct and es- necial value to our town. We want every merchant and as many laboring talk tomorrow night. Other localities In the vallov are talklnir sugar beets Can Medford afford to allow her efforts of last year to pass to the exclusive nrnHt oi otner towns, wnion towns nays not as yet made any positive steps but whloh are preparing to do so. Here Is Mr. Shaw's letter to E. P.Hammond, chairman of the sugar beet committee: Corvallis. Ob.. Mch. 12. 1898, Mr. Hammond. Dear Sir: I will be In Mndford to make final arrangements tor boet experiments on Marob 10th. I would like to meet your beet committee la the afternoon and to address your people In the evening at 7:30 or s as you may tnina: oest upon tuia iuijjui tant Industry. It Is a matter that vi tally eflocte the interest of your people and I trust they' may take hold of it with a vim. There would seem to oe no reason why a factory should not be located in vour midst, but it will re quire united and continuous work to acenmpusn tne immense unuertsicing. Such an enterprise does not grow after the stvle or a musnroom, in a nignt, as it were. The La Grande factory is an assured fact and their continued and persistent activity is amply rewarded Your people can do likewise. I will ask your people to furnish the hall or some suitaoie place ior tne evening u dress, otherwise I will pay my own ex penses. I will send you later some small hlllB for distribution. Have no tices nut in the local papers. Please let me know at once at what place you arrange for the lecture In the evening so I may place it on tne out. man ing you tn advance tor tne iavors, i am i ours vory truiy, G. W. Shaw, Chomlst. THE RACKET HAS A JOB LOT OF , Don't annoy others by your cough Inc. and risk vour lite by negleotlng a nolil. flnn Minute Couarh Cure oures noiiffhu. colds. erouD. srlDpe and all throat and luns? troubles. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Cen trai roint Bicycle Riders A pa con colnrr to buv a whoel this sea. son? If so oall and eoo us. We will sell you a good '08 Model for $35 and the boBt wnobl on the market, a '08 Model Phoenix for $60. . Mltoholl,. LowU & Stavor Co. Tho Wnvorlv bloyolo is tho best whoolon the market. Tho '08 wheel la klnir of all others. Soo W. F. Isaacs, Medford, before purchasing. Watches oloaned an J warranted for one year for $1 Prltohard, tno weior, Mining location blanks for sa.a at tma oatoo. D HAVE.. Memorial Services. The Frances Wlllard memorial sery, l5o. conducted bv the W. C. T. U. will take nlaoe at the M. E. Churoh, Sunday. March 20 th, at 7 p.m. The National W. O. T. U. has appointed this date for memorial observance in honor of their dead ohief. All the churohes are invited to join in the service and all the ministers have been invited to take part in the, program. All singers are Invited to occupy the central tter ot scats, wen to tne iruui,, Prof. Gregory will lead. A good pro gram has been prepared. Let eyery body oome and help to make the oc caslon one long to be remembered Following Is the program: Mnoln. "Jnaus Lover of tl4 Soul." Scripture Reading President Prayer Mrs. Russ Song, "Rook of Ages, Cleft for Me." Tributes to tne memory oi miss WilUrd Members of Sootety and Friends Muslo, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Ten Minute Address Rev. Wallace Ten Minute Addrees Rev. Russ Music, ' 'Gently, Lord, Gently Lead Us..' Ten Minute Addre Dr. Odgers Ten Minute Address S. S, Pentz If n .In Ten Minute Address.. .Rev. Ell Fisher Tan Minute Address Rev. GUtins Musio, "God Be With You Till We Vfont. Acrnln." All singers aro lnvltod to bring song books and asBist in tnts servioe. Mrs. Eli li'iansB, Pres Mrs. I. Williams, Seo'y. mong the Churches. nnmsTTAN ertURCH. Sorvicos at tho usunl hours except that the Endeavor sooioty will meet promptly atOD. m. The 7 P. in, service is ad- imirnmi in honor of the Frances Wlllard memorial service to bo conducted by the W. 0. T. U. at the M. E. Ohnrch at 7 :S0 p. m. ' ' ' ' ' El: Fmhib, Putor Men's Co thine: from Eagle Woolen Mills . . . Regular $9 Suits in Navy and Black, for $7.50 If you want a nice jj spring suit, just call and examine. We can. surely please you in J patterns, prices, styles $ and fits. S We also have JUST RECEIVED the new spring samples Leigh & Co., AND Relnach, Ullman & And don't forget the Cft.. Of ChlCaVft 55 Ror.b-At.ia Vmarl nna rWa J and JS for a great many other JS Salem Woolen Mills SJ bargains .... g G. L. WEBB.,..' mm mm It mm (f) A new and complete stock of Watches, Clocks Jewelry and Siver-Plated Ware l do Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing and En.-' graving. I am also a Graduate Optician and make av specialty of correcting eyes with the proper glasses. ; EliWOOD, VAN DYKE'S STORE. MEDFORD iuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutuj 2f gtylish Spring Shoes This week we received a splendid as sortment of Men's "Strictly in Style" Foot Wear. We assert that we cary the best line of Men's Shoes in Southern Oregon, and our goods prove the assertion. We have the Famous W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe which in Brown Vici makes something very neat for spring wear. Come in and see it and others. " 1 L fi. VAN UDMIE AEDFORD, OREGON UUUtititititilititititilitititititititititiKSf nr. S. W. Speas Is the Oentleman. The' Portland Dally Oregontan of March 12th, editorially comments upon Mr. Speas' method used in capturing codlln moth as follows: The orchardlst of Medford who lures the mischievous and fecund codlln moth to her death with sweetened water entloingrly Savored with aarsap arilla and placed in a bottle for a trap should receive a medal from the State Horticultural Society and an annuity from the compounder of the speolal brand of sarsaparllla thus advertised as entiolne. On the hypothesis that an ounoe of prevention is worth a pound of cure, this man Is clearly entitled to nnnaideration for his simple, and, as he olalms It to be, effeotlye, device for pro tecting apples irom tnis mosi aisguBt, Ingpest." Call lor a Silver-Republican Convention. Mass a fliivi TtAnuhltean miaa eonrantloa la hers by oallea to moot in Aaniaaa, Baiuraay, Mrca mh, 18SS, at t o'oloelc p.m. All left! TOtara ot aat forth la tha asolarstloa ( the National Silver Ropnbllaan party, or oordlaUy lnrited and urged to be preaent. Delegates to the Bute Conrention are to oe onoaea ana otaer unpo ant Dullness transacted. Bailor TAYLOR. Stats Central Committeeman tor Jaokaon Co. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby (riven tbat tho co partnership heretofore existing be tween F. L. Cranflll and O. I. Hutohl son, under the firm name of Oranfill & Hutohlson, has, by mutual consent, flila nnv hnnn rilflnnlvArl. All aOCOUntS due the Arm are payable to 0. J. TTtitatilenn. At the old stand. Dated at Medford, Ore., Maroh 14, '08. U. Li. URANFILli, "V " ' 0, 1. Hutchison, Don't give me your money until you have seen your money's worth at Wolters, ol course. City Council Proceedings. The city council met on Tuesday even- me of this week: in special session. Present ' Mayor Gilkey, Connollmen Jones, Hubbard, Woodford, Whitehead. Petition ot w. u. KoDerts and others for extension of water main referred to water committee. Petition of H. Hollingsworth and others for extension of four inch pipe referred to water committee. Petition of Medford DiBtillina & Re fining Co. for license read and placed oa file. Bid of A. 0. Nicholson to furnish rouffli fir lumber for town tmroosea for the ensuing year at $10.26 pier thousand accepted. un motion it, was aeciaea 10 nave j . n. Whitman draw up an ordinance requir ing prisoners refusing to pay fines to work out fines on streets. - Ordinance prohibiting minor from entering or loitering about billiard sa loons, gaming houses or bowling alleys read the third time. On motion the above ordinance was placed on its final passage; Vote called for all voted age. Un motion a. u. mcnoison was re quested to submit plans and specifica tions for a oity jail to be handed in at a meeting to be held Saturday night, Maroh 19. - Board adjourned to meet March 19, . 1898. . To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglats refund the money if it foils to sure SSoests. ' InJOOd Cure all Uver Ills, bilious ness, headaohe, sour stom ach, indigestion, constipa tion. They met eajlly. with. 1 ostaalaorarlM. Bold br all dranUta. TM ealr JfUla W take wltk Hood s SorwntUkV Pills