The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, March 04, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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lassasl asnhsaaaaa1aJaa
Postmaster PiinIIii 1 tut forging
till way U a few tulllluni ol dulUra wlilofi
aro euro U bo and they oomit with
out III" experiencing tlio trial and hard
nlilpo( a Kluudlku trip, A Modlord
capitalist whoso nama (or the present
will bt Mr. Blank, hai ilgnod agree
menu with Mr, 1'urdiu to flulah the
nooeaeary uionoy (or the manufanture ol
a paper tootlinluk machine, and Mr, I.
la now skirmishing the country over (or
a lanulaottirlng Arm that will tackle
the Job, Mr, 1. ha secured a patent
on lill paper toothpick aa well aa upon
very part oi tue uiaoiune neoessary lor
the manufacture of the ploka. A tooth
plok la a aiuall article but it la one o(
uulvaraal uae. andanlniDrovementUDon
the wooden one now In uae would meet
with general demand provided It oould
IM made to aon aa oneapiy anu mr. rur
din nromlsea that the proper onea can
Ilia million dollar goal la no losh and la
liable to be reached. Bornato waa the
diamond king ol Houth Alrloa but It la
written that I'urdln ahall le the tooth
pick king ol Auierloa and the whole
family will wear diamonda.
A thrill of terror la exnorlonoed
whon a braaay oough of oroup aounda
through too house at night. But the
terror aoon ohangi'S to rellof after One
Minute Cougu Cure no beun adminis
tered. Bate and harmless (or ohlldren.
Strang, the druggist, Modford; Dr. J.
Ulakle, Central Point.
K. D. El wood, the now lewelor and
ontlolan baa rented the west aide of
tho Van Dyke dry good atore and la
now getting thing in auape lor oust
noaa. Uo uaa oarpentera at work re-arrant-lno-the
ahow window and Weeks
ltroa, are at work on wall oaiea. Hla
oountor ahow oases apeoial designs for
hla bualnoaa are hero ana in position.
Uo la now ready to attend to all bual
neaa In Jewelry and watch repairing
and Just as sou a aa his atook of goods
arrlvoa ho will bo strictly In the whlrlo
with a largo stock of splendid plutod
waro and Jewelry and optical goods,
Mr. Blwood la a graduated optician and
makes a specialty of fitting oyea. His
ad will appear In those columns next
week. Toe gentleman naa nia lamtiy
with bltn and thoy hare takon their
permanoat roaldeuoo among us. They
aro splondld appearing people and Tiik
MAItt extonds to thorn a hearty wol
oomo, Whoonlnir couirh la the most distress
log malady; but Ita duration can bo
cut short by the nss of One Minute
Oough Cure, whloh Is also the best
known remedy lor oroup ana an lung
and bronchial troubles. Strang, tho
druggist, Modford; Dr. J. lilnkle, Cen
tral Point.
Mrs. t. E. Sayre oame In from the
Applegate country last woea, woere,
togetbor with her brother, A. T. Mo
Murtery, aho was experimenting with
their now and recently patented ore
orushor. A test was mado on rook from
the Scott & Morrill mine near Steam
boat, resulting in the orushor proving
entirely satisfactory both as to the
quality of tho work and the amount it
could crush per hour. A thorough
working tost showed that ton tons
oould be crushed In twenty-four hours.
Another brother, D. i- McMurtery,
now at I'asadona, Calif., Is oxpootcd to
arrlvo bore soon. Me will take an in
terest in tho patent and several of the
oruahors will be mado at onoe and put
on the markot. The orusnor la called
tho Hog and liko Its name It la aald to
"hog" all tho gold to be found In as
much rook aa can possibly bo put
Don't annoy othors by your cough
ing, and risk your life by negloctlng a
cold. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs, ooldu, croup, grlppo and all
throat and lung troubles. Strang, tho
druggist, Modford; Dr. J. Ulnklo, Cen
tral Point.
Hov. Ell Flshor has received and ac
cepted a call from the new ohurcli at
Salinas, Calif. He tendered hla resig'
nation to the official board of the Mod
ford Christian Church last week, and on
last Sunday morning at the eleven
o'clock services tho official board rorrot
f ully recommended tho acceptance of the
resignation by the church. Rev. Fisher
will romain with tho Modford Chris
tian Church until April 1st. The church
passod vory complimentary resolutions
concerning the elder and his excellent
wife Theso people have boon rosidents
of our city (or the past (our years and
liavo made many (rlonds who will regret
thotr departure. In church work they
mado wondrous progress, tho church
having during their atay paid off the
debt and inoreasod greatly In niomber
ehip. Tho mercantile firm of Oranflll A
Hutchison has, by mutual consent, been
dissolved. Which member retires we
cannot state In fact, neither retire, but
instead thoy will divide the goods now
in atook even up and each will opon a
Htoro'of his own. Mr.Cranfill has rentod
tho building owned and tormorly oc
cupied by Anglo & Plymalo and will
noxt week or the wcok after movo hla
flharo of the gooda thoroto. Mr. Hutohl
Hon will romain in tho store now occupied
by the firm. When tho division has
boon made and all things arrangod new
good 8 will be addod to both stocks. Tho
Btoro will be closed noxt week while
tho division is being mado. Tho Angle
& l'lymalo building Is being thoroughly
ronovated and ropaired.
Why sudor with ooughB, oolda and
la grlppo whon Lnxatlyo Bromo
Quinine will ouro you In ono day. Put
ap In tublots oonvonlont for taking.
Guaranteed to ouro, or monoy ro
fundod. Prloo 20 oonts. For salo by
Chan. Strang.
It waa a dolightful afternoon the
Svlbo girls spent with Miss Clara Skoel
last Friday. Doing her drat turn as host
oss, and only ono member absent. An
unusually jollv time was had aa our
proaldont was able to attend after being
inlsood for so long a time. Although
not ablo to walk, alio kopt tho crowd in
Sood order and occupied tho Boat of
onor at tho lunohoon, whloh was a
Bproad Indood to mako one fool that our
now Sylbo nlstor wub capablo of serving
in stylo not to bo surpassed assisted
by nor inothor. TIioho who enjoyed
this trout wore Mrs, Skool and (laugh tor,
Clara, Mrs. Harris, Mm. Hoard, MIrhob
Wornmn, Woodford, Ilhlnolmrt, Colo,
Ibiiuob and na guest, Robin Wnrnor,
Somo of tlio oltlzons ol Eden pro
olnot, both young and old to tho nuin
bor of about thirty, called ut tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs, J. Gulliihor ono ovon
lng last wook without provloualy aond
In tholr onrilB. O'lio pnrprl90 was
oomplete. The svening waa apent In
various kinds of amusemeat, such aa
ainglua. aramoaand social conversation,
and an abundance ol refreshment waa
brought forth and enjoyed by all. As
the hour ol twelve approached all re
paired to their home deolaring that
tnoy n aa just a "splendid time."
Complaint waa filed before Justice
Jones on Wednesday of this week that
one Harry Campbell waa stealing wood
from the Boutuora Oregon Pork Packing
Company' wood yard at the packing
house. Marshal Hart went out and
broutht him before the oourt. He en
tered a plea ol guilty and waa sentenced
to a fine of ISO, and In default ol pay
ineut he waa ordered committed and
waa taken to the county jail the same
evening by Constable Wool!. After de
livering the prisoner to the sheriff Mr.
Wool! weat before the county Judge and
filed a complaint ol Insanity against the
prisoner whose mind la certainly un
balanced, He was adjudged Insane by
the board yesterday and waa taken to
the Insane asylum the aame evening.
Saya Flnnogun to Flannegan "whore
do you buy groceries?" Saya Flanne
gan to Flnnegitn, "At Wol tors, of
course. "
S. W. Spiias baa a novel way ol
oaplurlog codling moths. Ho puts
awoetened wator Into bottles and hangs
thorn on hla fruit trees with tho corks
out. Tbe moths aro attracted by the
sweetened water and fly into tho bottle
and are thus mado tholr own oaplors.
He outs a little sarsanarllla In the
water aa a surorontlcer to motbs. Last
year ho had out a hundred bottles and
this year will double tho number. Ho
roports pretty nearly every bottle filled
to the nook.
Thore are three little things which
do more work than any other throe
llttlo things oreatod they are tho ant,
tho boe and DeWltt's Little Karly
Ulaors, the last bolng the famous llttlo
Sills (br stomach and liver troubles,
trang, the druggist, Modford; Dr. J.
Ulnkle, Central Point.
Dolph Naylor writes from Ft.
Wrangel, Alaska, saylag that ho will
remain thore for a tlmo; that the prob
ability of tho Canadian government
building a railroad from that place into
the mining region is good: that four
Vessels arrived at Wrangel tbe morning
ho wrote and that one of these was an
Kngllsh boat loadod with railroad ma
terial and a lot of men for construction
work. Tbe saow was eighteen
deep and there was considerable sick-
What pleasure la there In life with
a headache, constipation and bilious
ness? Thousands experience them who
oould become perfectly healthy by us
ing DeWltt's Little Karly Risers, the
famous llttlo pills. Strang, the drug
gist, Modford; Dr. J. Hlukle, Central
"Tho Colorado Exploration Com-
Bany, presont owners of the Greenhorn
Hue Gravel mlno, commonoed work
last Tuosday evening, under the man
agement of Frank P. King, a scientific
mining man, who was formerly oblof
englnoor of tho Rio Grande and Donver
It. H. Co." Yroka Journal. Mr. King
Is tho mining man who has made Mod
ford bis homo for tho past couple of
years and made so many friends, all
of whom are hoping for his success.
We aro anxious to do a llttlo good In
this world and can think of no pleas
antor or hotter way to do it than by
rocommondlngOno Minute Cough Curo
as a preventive of pneumonia, consump
tion and otbor sorious lung troubles
that follow negleoted colds. Strang,
tho druggist, Modford; Dr. J. Hloklo,
Contral Point.
Tho baptismal sorvlous at Central
Point near the old camp ground last
Sunday was one of the most pioturesque
ever wltnossed in that vicinity. Thore
was a very large oongrogatlon proseot
and gave most respectful attention.
Thore woro ten candidates baptized,
bolng converts In Rev. 8. W. P. Rich
ardson's meeting with tho Christian
Churob. Rev. E. Fisher, of Modford.
did tho baptizing because of Rov. Rich
ardson's leoblo Health.
Tux Mail can handle all the good
wood which our farmer friends have a
mind to bring In in payment lor sub
scription. We can not take wood on
our clubbing propositions.
Everybody, lrraapeotlfe of party
linos, oome out and hear L. H. Mo
Mahaa, direct from Switzerland, where
the people eniov the best government
on earth. If It Is better thaa ours we
ought to know It. Mr. MoMahan haa
made it a stuuy. Taxpayers ougni 10
know It too. They caa't afford to miss
thta ooportunlty. Remember. Satur
day night, Maroh 6th free to all at
tbe opera Bouse, ay order ol com
mittee. Tho "Mountain Waif." a four act
drama, was presented at the Medford
opera house on Tuosday evening of thia
wcok by an Ashland company. The au
dionce was not as large as was hoped
for, and expected, but thoso who at
tended wore woll pleased. Tho several
nartB were well handled better than
oould have boon done by tho majority
of amatour playors. The recolpts were
about zo.
Fourteen pairs of good, Bolld mon'a
ahoos, all alzos at II per pair; also
fourteen pairs of a llttlo bettor men's
shoos at (1.25 at The Fair. .
R. A. Proudfoot commoncod mov
ing his eleotrlo light plant onto the city
Sroperty, at the pumping station last
aturday night at 12 o'olook and while
a largo force ol help was employed
It was impossible to complote the Job
and get things readjusted and In run
ning shape before Wednesday night,
when the lights were turned on and
kerosene and candles were sidetracked
There are somo now "tlokorB" In
town at B. N. Butlor'a shop. Thoy
aro the Soth Thomas olooks boat on
Sheriff BarnoB was over yoBtorday
morning and attached Bomo goods owned
by Charlio Marlnor to satisfy a judg
ment iBtmod out of Judgo Dunlnp b
court In Jacksonville In favor of Chris
Ulrloh (or$HO, Tho goods woro in tho
aaro and custody of J. H. llollingor and
coiiBistod of cooking utensils used at tho
boarding of tlio Grand Applogato
Wator Ditch Company.
All klndaof wood for snlo. Long
wood, short wood, hard wood, soft
wood and just plain wood. Bollinger,
tho dravmcn.
-O. K. Spun kai ! owlta alley
earl completed, Ha la putting la
two alleya, and haa room auffleleat for
two more which will not be plaoed (or
the pretest. The building U a very
neat appearing affair and the work
done on It Is good throughout. Mr.
Spurr expeots to be la readiness to
open tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon,
"Rev. Fysh oaase up from Willow
Raaoh last Monday to prooure material
(or the new ohuroh new la course e(
oonstruotlon at Cottonwood." Lako
vlew Examiner. Rey. Fysh. was for
merly stationed at Kagle Point, where
be haa a great many friends who will
be glad to know that be la prospering
In hla ohuroh work. .
Removed-Miss H. A. Medynski,
the milliner, to two doors weat of Cran
flll'e atore.
Mra. 0. W. White entertained the
whist olub last Thursday evening. Mr.
White waa out of town but hie good
lady did all the honors necessary and a
very pleasant evening of "duplicate"
and progressive whist, lunoheon, muslo
and social ohat was enjoyed. Mra. A.
S. BUtoo will entertain tonight, Friday.
There la not a better or more com
plete atook ol table dlahea In Southern
Oregon at Woltere, of oourse,
"Dentist O. F. Demoreat baa lust
received a handsome new dental ohalr
of latest Invention, It waa shipped
from Toledo, Ohio." Lakerlew Kx
amiaar. Dr. Deaiorest la working
himself Into a spleadld buslneae nt
Lakevlow all of which la deaerved.
Weeks & Orrshippod a mixed car
load of evaporated fruit peaohea, peara
and prune to Seattle Tuesday, This
la tho second carload of 24,000 pounds
oaoh, whloh tboso orsbardlsts have
but recently sent out aad the (rult Is
a splondld article.
My stock of new watches has ar
rlyod. D. T. Prltohard.
J. G. Van Dyke 4 Co. have removed
tbe partition near the rear of thoirstore
building, giving them more room this
having Lean made necessary by tho in
coming of Jeweler Elwood. The store
is being improved greatly by paint and
11000 will buy 02 acres of Urst-jlass
farm land within 2 miles of Modford
York & Wortman.
L. O. Wolls, father of drayman
A. S. Wolls, has a preparation which
he puts up that Is said to be a positive
inseot exterminator. He is advertising
quite extensively and Is now making
ready to put tho preparation on the
Houso and S acres of land, South
west Modford to rent inquire of York
& Wortman.
M. F. Parker la making several
Improvements oa his recently acquired
East Medford resident property. This
is the L. M. Lyoa properly. Mr. Lyon
has moved to the (area whloh he re
ceived In exohaoge for the above real
Lost A' white shell breastpin,
with gold ship in center. Lost on Sat
urday, on streets of Medford. Return
to mis onice, picas.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Galloway en
tertained a number of their friends on
Wednesday evening of last week. The
party waa given In honor of their son,
Robert's home-coming for a visit after
an absonce of several months la Port
"Whore do I buy my spices? Why
at Woltera, of course."
Alba Hevwood. the actor, who is
quite well kaown In Southern Oregon,
was moriauy wounaea last xnursday
atght In Longview, Toxa. by P. T.
Pcgus, another theatrical mas, who
was also snot and fatally woundod.
"I'm off agin, on aeln. cone aeta
ta Wolters, of course. Groceries?
Alonzo Noah and family have
moved from Medford to Sams Valley,
wbero thoy havo rented the Heppner
place. Mr. Noah expects to haul a
considerable amount of wood to Med
ford during the oomlng summer.
See Mackey for superior photos and
reasonable prices. (
A license to marry waa lsaued on
February 28th. to Assessor John Grieve
and Mrs. Mary E. Fries, both of Central
romt. xiie wedding oaa not taken
place as yet and we do not know the
date that is set.
My shelves positively refuse to
hold out-of-date, back-number gooda.
Mine are alwaya fresh at. Woltera, of
T. F. West haa been making a (ew
needed ropalra to one of his North B
stroot dwellings. If there Is one man
more than another who keeps hia ranted
nouses in good snaps tbat lellow is
Unole Thomas West.
-B. N. Butler, the lewelor. la sell
ing clocks at Chloago prices.
Col. J. B. Eddy has sold hla inter-
eat In the Roseburg Plaindealer to E.
J. Stratford. What Mr. Eddy will do
now la not written. He 1 one of the
Oregon railroad commissioners.
Got Wells & Shearer to do vour
moving satisfaction always.
"Ira A. Phelps, lata of Modford.
Oregon, assumod tho position, of fore
man oi tola office on Monday morning."
The above is from ths People's Press,
puDusnea at Aioany, uregon.
"Breakfast (ood Is no (ood at all
unless good food Woltera, of course."
G. L. Sohormerhorn has purchased
tho Hosier realdenoo, corner Sixth and
G streots. The price paid was $750
and the deal was made through 0, W.
raim'a roai OBtate agenoy.
"I buy nothing but the best groceries
at Wol tors, of oourse."
J. B. Riddle, formerly proprietor
of tho Riddle House now Hotel N ash-
In Modford, la a candidate (or the nom
ination (or sheriff on tho Kepublloan
tloket In Douglaa County.
Spring trucks .for spring house
hold moving. Welt te Shoarer.
Llttlo Luoilo, daughter of Mr. and
MrB. W. T York, was taken suddenly
111 last Monday aftornoon with a spasm
and for a tlmo her Ufa was dlspaired of.
Dr. Jones was callod. 3
Whllo engaged In mining last
week, down on Foots orook, G. W.
Lnnuo, Jr., was struck on tho hand by
a piece of rook resulting In u very
painful Injury.
Bargains thnt will plonao you on
ovorv Bliolf at Woltors, of oourao,
Porry Stewart la making ready to
movo Ills family to hla pluoo In East
Modford, Mr. Oulton's peoplo having
movod to tho Williams residonce, near
the bridge.
-Marriai-At the hoae'ef the bride
ear Aahlaad, Suaday, Feb, 37, ISM,
H. A. Fergu aad Louisa Ceaklev hoik
of Jackson County. Rev. J. V. Wallace
offl tola t lag, ,
Don't give me your money until
you have seen your money's worth
at Woltera, of oourse,
TUB Mail Job room are filled to
the celling almost this week with
order (or a variety o( Job printing
from several Medford business men.
I will exohange a good buggy for
work at wood outting Wallace Wood.
8. F. Morine. of Tabla Rook, and
Alex Orme. of Foots oreek, are reported
to be candidate (or nomination (or
iberis oa the republican tloket.
Money to loan oa approved aeour
Ity. 0 W. Palm.
Al. Young was firing oa tho Med-ford-JaoksoavlUe
ahertline a few days
laat week aad thia, la the absence of
Pat. Doaegao, who was 111.
- Watches deaned aol warranted for
one year for 1 Prltohard, the eweler.
Elmer Bashford waa la Medford
yesterday for a brief visit. He had been
down In California and stepped off on
hi return to Roaeburg; "
Yours for honest goods Woltera,
of course. .
Mr. C. I. Hutchison and daughter,
Miss Fern, returned last evening from
their quite extended visit with rela
tives in California.
Mrs. Ella J. Walker, wife of G. K.
Walker, has been appointed postmaster
at Sams Valley, vice J. R. P. Howe,
Jack Morris, the second hand man,
Is rejololng over the advent into hi
home oa Saturday last of a blooming
hoy baby.
Mrs. J. W. Redden is quite seriously
ill, we are sorry to state, with pneu
monia. Dr. Geary ia in attendance.
For Sale One billiard table: one
pool table. John Morris, tbe second
nana man.
Miss Estella DuClos, we learn, ia
quite ill with fever, at the homo of D.
T. Lawton.
Bert Hooker waa reported Tuesday
evening to be seriously 111 with pnemo-
nia. . .
Miss Mollle Ober, tbe photogra
pher, was at Ashland yesterday.
Seventy-one yeara of age and a 25
mile ride on horseback in one .day.
Tbat was the (eat accomplished Sunday
by Mrs. Clark, mother of B. L. Clark,
of Alsea. The roads were muddy and
sticky and tbe struggles of the horse
violent, out this remarkably preserved
Oregon woman made the trip with eaae,
and Monday took the train for Pullman,
Washington, to visit her daughter.
Arthur Redwood's Stray Leave."
Mr. Arthur Redwood, the celebrated
Impersonator, will give one of his yery
fine entertainments at the opera house
oa this, Friday evening. Mr. Redwood
Is highly recommended by press aad
pulpit. Admission prioe la 25 and 35
cents. Tickets oa sale at Woltera'
grocery. Following are some of the
several.huadred press comments:
The fsnnlieness of Mr. Redwood's ntertln
menl lut evening was oonoluslvaly proved bv
the roars of laughter or bursts of applause with
which hs was frequently greeted tearu and
laughter, from grave to gay, from tho sublime
to t&e rldloulous. Mr. Redwood weuld be a
shining light In any branch of -the profession.
-North China Dally News.
As a humorist Mr. Redwood Is exceedingly
fuaay; as a dramatist ho la very strong; as a
singer he has but few peers; and as an au-reund
entertainer we have nerer seen his equal.
Corning (N. V.) Press.
Mr. Redwood gave a desorlptloa of a juvenile
tea party, whloh he happeaed to attend some
years ago, Impersonating every oae who waa
present, from the rude lltue boy of Ave years
of age to the antiquarian of eighty, and from
the sly aad blushing deeutaate to the elderly
spinster who never despairs. During his travela
arouad the world Mr. Redwood has made good
use of many opportunities to oolleet a rloh fund
of humorous anecdotes and stories. Some of
hla experiences nre highly amusing. Auckland
(Now Zealand) Observer.
A fo days ago a tramp went to the
rear door of a house in Albany and waa
emphatically refused anything to eat.
He aeiioerateiy went to tne front door,
where hs was met by another member
of the family aad got a good handout.
Library Benefit.
The soholar in the public aoheol are
desirous of increasing the usefulness of
their library by adding more volumes
to it. They have prepared an enter
tainment from which, through the
Kublio spirited people of Medford, they
ope to realize enough to add several
volumes to the number of books now on
, i a.. ... ..i . .. 1 . v. iQ.w
la the date. Tickets will be in the
handa of pupils and if you are not called
on, mention It to any aoholar in the
public school and you will be aocom
modated. Reserved seat 25 centa;
general admission 15 oenta; pupils in
public school it) cent. A lar a? pos
sible aeoure reserved seats, thus adding
to the library (und and your own con
Among the Churches.
Services at the usual hours. Preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas
tor. The people welcome. - , .
Eli Fisnaa, Pastor.' .
There will be no preaching Bervices at
this ohuroh noxt Sunday because of the
(act that the pastor. Rev. F. Sack,- will
leave tonight (or Roseburg where ho
goes to do some missionary work, and
possibly establish a church organisation..
Notice to Wheelmen.
Some of the wheelmen about Medford
have either moved Into town or learned
to ride ao recently that they do not
know the ordlnanoe relating to riding
oa the sidewalk. It well for
Buoh to Interview the marshal for the,
fall text of the law or else remember
tho following points; '
Never ride on the sidewalk on ' the
south aide of the street from the sohool
houso to town on any sohool day, be
tween the hours of 8:30 a, m. and 4:30
p. m. Do not rtdn on any walk within
tho fire limits. Dismount whon meet
ing a lady on a walk lost, than five foot
wldo. Give warning whon within fifty
foot of a person and rodtioe Bpood to
four mllus an hour, whloh is a walking
gait. ; .
To Cure a Cold In Ono Day.
Tnko Lniiulvo Uromo Qulnlno Tablets. All
drugtilsts rotund tho monoy it It falls to ouro
85 00IU8. r .
-Legal blanks at Tiut Mail office.
Men's Clothing from
Eagle Woolen Mills...
Regular 9 Suits in Navy and Black, for f 7.50 7
We also have St If you want a nice t
I JUST RECEIVED g spring suit, just call 5
S the new spring samples
i of.
I Leijh & Co.,
Reinacf, Ullman &
Co., of Chicago
$ Salem Woolen Mills
TYBALT 2:37 1-2
Sire of Juliet, 2:22, and Sire of Dam of Vola, 2:25;
TYBALT, sired by Altamont, 3600, the king of all trotting aires
for speed and endurance; 1st dam, Nellie Kahler, 2:33, by Peniger Mike,
3403, sire of Barney, 2:254 "d aire of the dams of sereral with records
better than 2 :28, also aire of Klamath, second dam; Mike also aire of
Playmail, aire of the dam of Seymour Wilkes, 2 :08, fastest son of Guy.
Wilkes. Peniger Mike by Vermont, register No. 3:22, sire of several in
the 2:30 list including Ribbon Tybalt's second dam, Vermont; also sired
Ella Lewis, 2:26, dam of Salidan, 2:05, fastest son of Sultr, also fastest
horse in Pennsylvania. Tybalt weighs about 1200 pounds; breeds large.
If colts don't prove trotters they are large enough for corch or general
purpose horses. Tybalt has been worked all winter and ia in the pink
of condition. Will make the season of 1893 at Medford Fair Grounds,
Medford, Oregon. Season commences March 1, 1898 and ends July 1,
1898. Terms season, 9 15, payable end of season. To insure, ao, pay
able when mare is known to be in foal. Any kind of farm produce taken
same as cash. WM. CLARK Manager, .
Medford, Oregon.
Echoes From the Street.
Attornev Pentz: "I notice you said
last week that I advised the release of
Joaag Hammond who was neia oj
larshal Hart. You are quite correct.
I did so advise and Mr. Hart wa dis
crete enough to take the advice. He
had no right to hold the man. A war
rant of arrest must be telegraphed ia
full. Mr. Hart had only an order to
"Shorty" Hamilton: "If a man is
standing on the caboose of a freight
train a mile long, and begins walking
toward the engine as the train starts
and the train " (Three physicians
are now engaged in patching Mr.
Hamilton up and putting the scattered
parts together. He wa telling the
above pun to a group of traveling men.
History of Our Navy.
We give place elsewhere in this issue
to quite an extended review of thiB work
which has at the present time peculiar
interest for all our citizens no less than
for their families. From an examina
tion of its contents w are prepared to
sav that it will make a very acceptable
addition to the library of any family.
An agent ot the publishers will in the
neariutnre give the people of Medford
and neighboring towns an opportunity
to procure the work on very favorable
Trouble at the rlamanersley Mine.
The Mail had hoped that the Ham
mersley mine, under the superintend
ing of Judge Reed, would reclaim itself
from the grin of litigation, but it seems
to be written differently. Who is at
fault we are unable to state, but the fact
that labor claims are filed against the
mine would seem to indicate that it Is
not the laborers. Hero is how the
Grants Pass Mining Journal speaks of
the deal: '
"The dispute between Judge w. H.
Reed, lessee of the Ham mersley mine,
and his employes at the mine this week
reached an acute stage. According to
story whloh cornea down from the mine,
the men have taken possession of the
works and propose to hold the same
and the ore and bullion extracted until
they are paid what is due them. It ap
pears that Judge Reed went up to the
mine the 'first of the week with-Tod
Cameron, of J aoksonvllle, who carried,
it la aald. 11500 to oav off the olalma;
but apparently the money had a string
to it, for it did not reach the pockets
of the men, and they refuse to deliver
up possession. " Thereupon the judge
came aown w consult ui. muwruvja.
The end i not yet."
The Lapland reindeer for the Yukon
relief expedition of - the government
reftchnrl Naw York! Sunriav . nn thn
chartered steamship '"Mapltoban, 24
day from UosKop, . Arctic .Lapland.
The Manitoban bring a unique cargo.
the first of its kind ever imported Into
the united States. .It consists of 113
immlnranta, 637 reindeer, 4IS reindeer
sleds. 511 seta of reindeer harnesaand
between 3000 and 4000 bags of moss for
ieeailiK;Mo raiuupcr bu rpu tq.jr
BtU Oat T.mss Vwslt Tree.
Stark Bros, of Missouri are quoted
In a western exohange aa saying that in
"letting ont young peach trees from the
nursery to the orchard the pruning
should be severe. The tree must have
entire top ont off, leaving only a stiok
15 to 86 inohes above the root. When
thus trimmed, plant in good, mellow
soil, about two inohes deeper than in
nursery. ' Whon growth begins, sprouts
will coino out all along up the body.
All phonld be rubbed off whllo small,
except thrco or four near tho top that
must be nllowod to grow for the main
brnnohes of the futnro troe. Thoso new
brnnohos will grow from threo to flvo
foot tlio first sonsou, and so make a
much stronger nud bottor fornipd treo
thau would havo boen possiblo had not
tho top all boon out away. . Don't fall
to out off the entire top when planting
npcaoh tree." ..
and examine.
Wa atan
surely please you in J
3 Patten8, Prices, styles X
SS ana tits.
j And don't forget the
2 Racket is headquarters J
2 for a great many other 2
fig bargains ....
L. WEBB....
The seventh grade began their second
term examination Tuesday.
Several of the fifth arrade Duolla are
absent on account of sickness.
Quite a number of the Dnoila of ths
seventh grade are absent on account of
The seventh erade will dron the text
book in spelling: when thev have finished
the review. .
Reading: and lanEusasre examinations
hrasar at msnlrai4 imnmarAmasnt'. straa rtiAauaa
of laat term.
The examination in the fourth crada
ahow a marked improvement over those
laxen last term.
Visitors : Mesdames J. G. Tavlor. I.
U. Willeke, Vanina, Day Parker, Misses
aiaoei Jones and rruay Angte.
The school is going to plant trees alone
the front of the buildinar, and each room
on the upper floor has its own tree to
Keep in order.
The little people of the south primary
are sorry to lose their little playmate,
Roy Wallace, who has moved to Ash
land with his parents.
The class in botany has begun field
work. New and Interesting objects aro
found in plenty on every hand. Many
are surprised to find how little notice
they had given heretotere to plant me.
Don't forget the public school enter
tainment next week, Saturday night,
March 12th. The proceeds are for the
library and if everyone, who is interested
secures a reserved seat at 25 cents there.
will be a nice sum realized to invest In
new bookB. Pupils will have eharare of
the sale of tickets. Everyone who pur
chases a tloket helps educate the child
ren oy placing in -tneir nanas reading;
matter which is entertaining, instruc- :
live and written in good JSnglisn. "
Proceeding of City Council.
Bond of Proudfoot in the sum ot ISOO
by the Fidelity Trust Co., of Maryland,'
read and on motion approved. y
On account of unavoidable demy in
arrival of bond Mr. Proudfoot did not
take possession of pumpine-plant until
Feb. 15 Instead of Feb. 7th as called for
in contract. ,.-'
- Report of street commissioner read
and on motion accepted and placed oh
me. .1 .
Petition of Bllton el al for water on
QTu. C W . 1 .1 .! nf
J. Shone etal for water ou G street
referred to water committee. ' r
A remonstrance, signed by F. V,
. r . , . . . i . . .
iueayoBKi ana otuers, analog mat tuo
oity counoll prohibit any person from
conducting a bowling alley on Seventh
street. Matter was referred to ordi
nance committee. '
Ordinance committee was instructed
to prepare an ordinance prohibiting
tbe constructing within the fire limits
any buildings ol wood, even though
covered with corrugated iron in short
nothing but stone, brick or iron goes
hereafter, or after the passage ot the
proposed ordlnanoe to that effect.
Upon recommendation of the mayor
an ordinance was ordered drawn which
will prohibit from doing business en
any street east ot D street any saloons,
billiard halls, gaming bouses or bowl
ing alleys.
- The matter of building a new jail for
the oily was referred to the park and
publlo building committee for consider
ation. '
Recorder instructed to post notloes
calling for bids for furnishing lumber
for olty purposes for the year.
Mining location blanks tot sa.a at
this office.
Superior job printing, Mail offioa,
Aro much In lltllei always atasav
ready, efficient, satlsfae- 13 1 1
lory i prevent a cold or fever, Ij.l I I "s
our. all llror Ilia, ilck bend- a
ache, Jaundice, cotuUpatton, ate Prim 33 cent,
lb. onlr rills to tak. with Hoot's saisaawula.