If y t If A Y ' d H 0 ll M It IB a r y r - ' d in i- ' 4 ir ll ,e K ' f- : ? IK 10 in r- y IV K V) i In l ' A OWST OP LOCAL l.a iL.x.A.... ArA .-t.,.,1. a. .1 Thoca are two gontlomon lu Mod ford who will not lay aoy plan lor u ' trip to Alaska lor several monlhit, ut least. Tliuy aro It. II. Ilalley and i'orrv Stewart who ruturnod laat Hal iirday from Bkagwity. Thoy have been away from Medford Juat about one month and during that tlinu thoy huw iillo enough ol that country tit con vince thum that It was either return or din lu that northern ollmo which la so full of maiurla and dead hornet, These gaotleuiun wore eleven day at Bkng way and tys.t and during that tlrno they learned a heap. The moat nronii- mint (not which wai Impressed upon tholr memoriM the hardoal waa that gsod health to theat would be an un known quantity If tbey tarried thore which they did not do, aad which win raoel (ortunato because that they hare bona alok pretty nearly all the time since tholr return. Mr. Stewart wai alok when bo arrived and Mr. Ilalley wa takon alok a couple of day after their coming. Thoy aro now improv , Ing but are etlll alok, It requires moro inorvo than thlsahop curries In atook U Interview alok men houoo we did not loam very muou oi uiuir trip, except that Mr, Btowart stated that ihero waa a (treat amount of alcknuiia In those M two towna aud that thla could be ao oouutod for from the fuct that drinking water waa dooldodly Inimu-e and could be nothing elao considering that It oomoa down oanyona onu into each town In which, thoy were told, Ihero wero botwoeo 4000 and GOOD duad horaaa ahnut 2000 in each oanvun. Whon aatiip lit hrtlliul It tiirnu Itm railftf. tit coffee, ao full la It of Impurities. Somo fow woeka ago Skagway oltlxena ralaod vome money and hlrod men to haul the dead anlmala frotn tho etroam up onto the banka or mounlaln aldea where thoy were loft, Theao are paok horses that havo died on the tralla ovor tho roouotalna. Tho towna being now thoro nre no aanltary lawa and everything la dooldodly on tho aliady aide of a town that la fully one-half danoe houaoa and aaloona, Tbov saw John Dyar, I. M, Mullor, Dr. Colo and Mr. Heokott. Thoy woro at Bkagway but wore going to luavo on tho Kldor for Ft. W range! where tho ohnnooa for a good town woro pretty good, because of tho prob ability of llio Canadians winding a . rnllroad from that polul Into tho milieu 'Jolpli Naylor also eamo back to Ft Wraiisi-1. K. W. Carder and it. 1'. Little (hot tomato) loft Bkngway for i ho Interior tho duy before Mr. Hulloy nnd Mr. Stewart atartod thla way. If thuro la anyono around boro who la not pjlto aura whether, ho wanta to go north or not bo onn bo oonvlnood In it vorv abort time by either of theao gen tlomon. While ll la truo that thoro la a great number of people leaving theac ma towna over tho trail it la aa well truo that at luaat Ovo pooplo arrive from tho aouth to every onu that puabca on. Whon aprlug opuua up tho crowd will be greatly reduood boonuao that mora can then roaoh tho interior. Mr Stewart tulla that a atory waa told him atSkagway that a paok horse on one of tho trulla aoluaiiy commiuoa auiciuo, by Jumping on oi a nign prooipioo. What ploaauro la thore In life with n hnadaabo. oonallpatlon and bilious- noun 7 ThouaHnda experience them who .mm el become uerfuolly branny uy ub Inir DeWltt'a Llltlo liarly Misers, tho famous lltllo nllla. Strang, the drug' 1 gist, Medford; Dr.' J . lllnklo, Ceulral ' Tolnt. Krlilav a telnrram waa received liv Hlioriir Harm from the inarahul lit ItiMnliurir con'jiinlnii the infurniatioii that ho had ono and purhapa two of tho liiunlurora ol I'oler ni-iaon, which oo i-iirml lu a box car itiat north of Med' U ' fnnlluat wook. .Mr. Uarnoa took tho iviuiiiiu train Inr that tiluco ana on nun .lay morning ho rulurned to Medlord with Frank Lawronco Bmlth and Ooo. A. Stewart, who wore placed under ar- rt far iIih nrimn. and another fallow. John Dunbar, wua alao brought hore (-..m Itwnliurar an a wllnoaa. Thoao throe were taken to Jacknovollle and lodged In jail until Monday whon a boat ing waa bad before Justice Duolap and th nriaonert woro held without ball to .fi. tlm aetion of the itrand lury In April. Dunbar waa placed under 100 m bonda to appear aa a witneaa dui no uo- Inn aatranger 01 ooureo cannoi prucuru the bond and will bo kopt in tail. There sterna to be but little doubt in the minds nf tlirwn who liiard tlio ovtaunco tnai Smith was imnllcated in the murder Stewart know of its having been com mitted but probably was not an aoconi plico. Evldoneo brought out goes to ulmw that the orlmo was committed by Mmlth and another hobo, known as "Blaoky". 8tewart does not soem to h a tvnical hobo, but Bmlth Is said to havo the cut of ono, and he boastfully Htatedwhen telling hla atory that he had not worked lor a nuinoor oiywn, ma .uijnniu Mni m show that Nelson. tho murdered man referred to by Bmlth o. ! man with the oack Smith, Blacky1.' and Stewart were traveling to . . I tl.Mr'a Mmn&nv. nihq oiwui iu who - , i yV Smith and "Blacky" were the only knnwlniiMl nartnurs. At Aabland thoy wore togother and all left on the truln. Dnnhar was In Medford when tho ooronor's Inquest was being held and upon leaving hore overtook Smith and Stewart at Wolf Orevk and travolod In tholr company to Roaeburg ,i.in utiiinh tlmn lie hoard -enough from thorn to convince him that thoy m tlm murdurors. At Boseburg ho informod tho marahal and thoy werear. nmUhI. Bmlth waa aeon to havaoonald. arable monoy and, waa vory genproo ff -i,k ii . n i.ftt ttnm travelers. - Unon V arriving at Roaebuiw both purchased new clothing and made a change. Tho cast off olothlng wa found and upon Umiiki. minia arua dlaaovered human blood' while the inside of one pocket was besmeared with blood. Smith ad rinnkdr that he waa a oarty to th orlmb but tlmt "Blacky" wa tho leaders A doaorlption of "Biscay n w. tM.nrnnhuil north and ho will un ,i,i,in,iiu . mirlinndBd!' Bhorlffl oroam and cake and huts wa served. Ilaraos wont to lloaebnrg Monday after imothor witnosa, rovuriniin with hla man. Tho nuthoalticB at Bobct burg roport that thoy aro nearly ' certain that thoy havo tho man "Illiuiky" nr: roHtod nt Etigono. SliorilT Barnes has rant a full doaorlption of him and Ib now wnltiug to leitrn If ho la tho right party. Thoro wnro'lwo or throo tltnca dur ing tho past fruit season when tho Htuylng ciuiillllos . ot our- orchardings woro onllod to tholr. fullost- tost.- In this oonnoollon It can bo.truthfully and loyally nald that Messrs, Wooka & Orp HAPS AND ttlSHAPS. . a...- - -a ..t,..,i.-..s...-a..-...a did net put up the "white feather.' . out inateau kept bravely at worv in mulling tbo beat ( everything and they oaino out at the fin lull pretty uloae to the top of tbo heap, To provo that their faith in Uouthorn Oregon fruit la uuahaken let tia atate that laal week they purohaaod from Ilou, J. 11. Utewnrt another traul of good fruit laud onualatlng of fifty-five aurea, Tho land adjolna a arl of tho orchard which lliey already havo planted to fruit, and tho nuroiiaae price waa till tier aoro, Mr. Htowart'a object In tail ing belua that he had mora land than he could proiiorly atteud to, Meaara. Weeka U. Urr at once put teaue at work nlowlnc aad aeedlng the land nnd another wluter they will plant It to winter peara. Miiey nave out re cently Onlahod aettlng out thirty aorea of laud to thla kind of fruit. They now have 210 acre planted to a variety o: frulU, principally peara, prune aud .nniua anu llio reoeni nurenaao win well thla to 2U5 aorea the largaal body of fruit troea in rioutnero uregon. Whv suffer with ooucba, oolda and irrluno when Ijixatlve Iiromo Oulnlne will oine you la ono day. 1'ut up In tnhleU uniivoulent for taking Ouarantoed to oure, or monoy re funded, l'rlcu 'It couta. I' or aalo by Chaa. Strang. Tho nubllnhor of this lienor is lorulv urlovod ut times when an Item of now which, not only aa a matter of news, but aa a matter of doaervod court esy and recognition of worth, la left outoi llieao col umna. uur tooai reporter bad on bis note book laat week a lew worda aa a romlnder that u mention muat be mudo of tho doath of Contractor O. ll. Wiillama' lltllo child, butnotea woro over lookud and tbo item did not ppear. While we aro alwaya pained learn oi newa oi toai nauiro wo ai- wava atrlvo to nrlnt and ll dob' Iblo oxproaa tho sympathy wliloli our oommuoltv fools. Tho death of Mr. and Mra 6. Ii. Wiillama' lltllo Uladya occurred on Fobruary 11 th, of pnou- monla. Funural aurvioca woro con- ilunlud on Fnbruarv l'ith bv Itov. J. F. vVallnce. The little ono waa aged live months and had been 111 for aovoral weeks. IX-aplto all thul could be done by medical mon and good nursing the grim doalroyor on to rod a onco oheurfuf Homo and look from me emuraco oi loving parents that "dear baby." Children and adulta tortured by burns, aoalda, Injuries, eczema or skin dtaoasus rajy soouro Instant rollef by ualng UoWttt'a Wltoh uiuol halve, it la the great pile, remedy. Strang, tho druggist, Medford; Dr. J. lllnklo, con trill Point. In reanoiiHO to a tultigram received rora tho cblof of ikiIIco of rtalem, Mur- hal Hurt arren tod Sehuvlor Hammond, charged with burglary commuted re cently at Salem, liainmonu la tno 101 low whom John uoiuiooura auoi at Jaokaonvllle aomotlmo ago and for whluh Doltoboam waa aunt to the pen ltontlarv. but who has since been liar donud. Prisoner was taken before Justice Jones and as thoro was no evldonao at hand unon which to hold blin ho waa roloasod . The arrost was made by Hurl on Wednesday and it was upon tho advlco of Uainmond's at torney, Mr. l'onu, oi tins city, vnat ma releuao was eranlud. Mr. Hart soon after discovered his mietuka and at once started J. Ii. liulllucer and F. M Minims out In pursuit of too lluulug culprit. II o was Been going In tho di rection of tho Koguo rlvor urlugo and up to turco o'clock yostorduy nflornoon he had not uooo apiirouonuvu. A thrill of torrdr Is exporloncod whuu a brassy couch of croup sounds through tho house at night. Hut tho terror soon changes to rollul attar uno Minute Cough Curo lino bean adminia tored. Safo and harmless for ohlldron, Strang, tbo druggist, Modford; Dr. J Ulnkle, Central t'oint. Mossrs. Com n ton It Torrlll, pro prietors of tho union llvory stables, report business fairly good for this season of tho year. There cannot be too muoh oi the gooua oi tnia uio tail to the lot of theso two gentlemen Every bit of aucceaa that comes their way la dcaervod and more. If ever there wore two square, honoat and up right gentlemen tholr namoa are nrlntod in tne urst una oi inia item They are good oltlxena, good business mon and good in single or double harness when either light or neavy loaded. No mistake Is made when our people patponlzo them. We are anxloua to do a little good la thla world and can think of no pleas antor or better way to do It than by recommondtngOne Minute Cough Cure as a preventive ot pneumonia, consump tion ana otner e'.riuus iuag truuuiw that follow negluoted colas. Strang, tho druggist, Modford; Dr. J . Ulnkle, Central Point. .. Tho Klondlkora who left Medford last week did not get farther north than Portland, at whloh nlaoo. after having Interviewed Messrs, tiaiiey ana avow art. thoy disposed of tholr tloketa at a loss oi aiueaon ana neaaea tnemoiTns for Baker City, Oregon, where tbey n Timet to aoouro emulovment. They woro 8. Ai D. Ulgglua, D. W, Hsiol and Dale. Eueeno Amann and Taylor Pay no. Later advlaos aro to the effeot that Mr. Basel and Dale have gono on to Minnesota. Thore aro three little thing which do more work than any otbor three llttla thlniia ureated they are the not. the bee and DeWltt'a Little Early Rigors, the last being the famoua little nllla for stomach and liver troubles. fit ran ir. the druggist, .Medford; Dr. J HInkle, Central Point . -Mr and Mra. H. E. Bovden enter talned a few of tholr friend at their Dloasantand well appointed North C atreHt rjsldonoe last Saturday evening' Oroklnolo wa the gamo of amusement lndi.lgod in lor tno most part oi tne - 1 nvenlns. A splendid lunoheon ot loo Tho evening was thoroughly a yery plciwant ono as mignt oe openiou tuhnn tho host nnd nostoBB are eush royal onlorWlnors a aro Mr. and Mrs ltovdon. ,. -: I u-OhoaneBt fruit trooa in Jaoksou Gountv nt Modford nuraory. A Bnoolnl Klondike train, compoBod ni rn,m uinnnliur cars and ono dining onr, pasBod through Mudford last Thursday on route (or Taooma whoro tho piiBBOiioorB took n boat tor Dutoh Harbor, Alaskn. Thoro woro ono hun dred twenty-two mon la tho orowd and The I to V Pbi Harbor under contract with the Alaska Commercial Company to build fbar ttearaere to be taken to I Bt. Michael and tbero nut on the Yukon river run to Dawaon City. Friday afternoon found the B. Y. Ii. 11. f). ulrla with Miaa JumIo vTor- man, where they all know they would bo royally entertained, and tboy were in nowiao aiaappointea. it was a orolltable meeting. Hooka wore dls- cuaaud and atoriea road, then an ulo- gant luncheon wa aervod and waa en- loyod by tho following of tho club with tuivnral IiivIimI ariiftalM nreaont: Mr. llama, MlHe worman, uoio, nniiio hart, Galloway, Picket and Bkoel. The Mvatorlotia Twenty" la the name crlveii a recently nerfected organl- xatlonln Medford. lie obieot will be more dearly mado known when tome member shall havo forgotten hi or her mysterious vow ana divuigea its secrets, i At present all la cloaked in a mantle ol oblivion that la. to all save the oaoaen twenty ana oi course a ww ui uiuir muro mtiuiaio irivims wnu mlv I told, OI course, not to mention it, ineir meeting night I. Wednesday of Week. I O. Klolntaammor last week shipped to Taooma a oarload of apples, being tho laatof hlacrop wnion neaoia to a), ri 1 a I fill. I.. In I i-age a, ova nut ibu. inn 'u I k Um V .f nnl. Ill tluat nil HlfAltllU I lot of 'annlea ovor Brown by any one vrowar in th a va lov. It a neodleaa m aav that croat care waa taken in I apraylng and cultivating. Tho result I was a ready aui at a gooa price. i Tuc Mail can handle all the god wood wh c i our farmer Irlenda nave a niinil to bring In in payment for sub scription, We can not take wood on our ciuiiuing propositions. Wm. Clark has an ad In Tun Mail, this week for his standard bred stallion Tybalt." This Is ono of tho very best horses In Southern Orogon and us tho horse market is looking up a few points In prion and demand thoi-u 1 every reason why our farmers should look well to tholr stock. Good horses are nretty good property almost any time and It pays to breed for them. See Tybalt, at tho Medford fair grounds Honrv Korby. of Wagner creek, had the misfortune to have it horse fall Into a nrosnoot hole IubI week, The hole was fourteen feot doep and about five feot square. After it was found It took four men to sol it out, which they succeeded in doing uftor a bard day's work. Tho bone was little tho worso for tbo fall, excopt being somewhat bruised. Tho many friends of Miss Mao Karhart will bo pleased to learn that the lady has boon appointodpoatmastor at Ft. Wraugol, Alaska. The oflloo la tliat way 11 will soon tie advanced to the third clans, or presidential, whon It will be mado a salaried office. The firm of Williams & Cox, livery. ... .. hi. Iu,.n .1 1 U1 1 ll Wit.. W BRIR .,i,'i., 11- rn. .111 onntlnnn th h.in,.u nt ihn nlil aianil. Mr. Wil. Hams Is undcoldod as to what ho will do but It Is moro than probable that he will get Into buslnoaa of somo Kino within a few days. Ho will not move UJ vjuvrai luun a. rupuru. Whooping cough Is the mostdlstross Ing muladyj but lu duration can be out anon oy tno use 01 unouinute Dough Cure, which Is also the best kuown remedy lor oroup and an lung aud broiicblul troubles, btrang, tne druggist, Medford; Ur. J. Uinklu, Cen tral I'oiut. As will be seen by notice published elsewhoro John Schnoidor, proprietor of tno Ited Front saloon, nos mado an assignment for tho benefit of his ored itors. Knch Alaxoy nas Deen named as assignee. r. puuuoiuor u """' 1 . . 1 . , : .1 L. 1. in ihn irroator nart oi tne winter ana nas been under heavy ox Dense henco the necessity for assigning. Don't annov others by your cough- Ing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. Ono Mluute Cough Cure cures coughs, oolds, oroup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Strang, tho druggist, Medford; Dr. J. HInkle, Cen tral Point. J. A. Whitman's men. four in num ber, with A. Chalk aa foreman, will thla week finish packing the apples w bleb have been stored in nia ware house here. There will be about six carloads whon they are all packed and thev will be ahlnrjed to New York, Mr. Whitman ia now in tho oast dis posing ot thorn, Fourteen pairs of good, solid men's shoes, all sixes at 11 per pair: alao rourteen pairs 01 a little better men's ahoea at h.zd at l no air. As J. 0. Slaglo waa driving a young hone across the railroad track 'near the depot Wednesday morning, the animal became exeuea, rearea ana ion oaca, breakina the shavca of the cart. Mr. Ulagle lumped from tho cart and with the assistance of some bystanders Boon had tne norse loose ana ail risni azain. There are some new "liokers" In town at B. N. Butler's ahop. They aro the Seth Thomas elooks beat on earth. The Eugene Guard says "Topsy," in Lew Johnaon'a Unole Tom'a Cabin Company, might have been more ju- venue than ane waa. un, ane's not old either, only Hfty-nlne; but gee, whiz! Bho was aa light aa a eork In a buoket of water--danoe? . Well, yes, ahe oeulu do that all right. Rov. J. F. Wallaoo will, this week, move his family to a tract of land which hehaa purchased of Mrs. Nell, sT few miles aboe Ashland. The move la maua tor tne wutuiu uwomivu vri Ing somewhat troubled with asthma. He will continue la charge ot the church at thla place. -rne lauiea o eaiora ana viein.vy are asaeu i wan uiuu ore uij i..i- Li,., u I u..i.n.ir mil. Unor mi. . .1 of the M. E. Churoh in MedfordV and lator a merchant tn our town, haa now ventured into a now field of laborj that of publishing a monthly magazine at Oakland.. Calif. Tho nublioalton ia called "Pith and Push."; ,TuE MAIL ......... 1. WlBUOB ill BUUCfSd. All IfliiHa nl urnnil In onln. ' txmS! wood. Bhort wood, hard wood, soli uvl nnd Inat nlnln uinml. Hnlllniror. thodravmco, ; Jacob Slfors, who has mndo his hnn,nlih M. Rliruq nnir Phnnnlx. for tho- past fow years, died last Wednesday, of pneumonia, funeral they ware from Louisville. Kf, servloe wan held Irooi th rasldeac of Mr. Rirgs o ThurJy , )duotod by Rev. O. H. Boile, and the remain, were Interred in the Phoenix cemetery. 1600 will buy tZ aorea of first-class farm land' within 'i mile of Medford Yerk & Wortman. A. L. Fergiiaon came up from Kdge- wood, Calif., Saturday evening for a visit over Buaday with bla family. He la employed with the Southern Pacific brldee Dulldera and repairers. Hla coming to Medford la always a pleasure to hla friend, lie la a cracking nno gentleman Household goode may be had at a bureain lor tne noxt iour week ny ap plying to Dr. E. P. Geary. It. F. Payae. of Phoenix. Oregon, arrived Monday, Ho purchased of Major Worden, Uve pack mules to be used on the Yukon and Tuesday want to the Shook ranob In Alkali valley to ouy eignt mutes to use on tnsir raoou nearx'hocnix. KiamatnrauiBxprea. House aad 5 acre of land, Boulh- weat Medlord to rent inquire) 01 xork & wortman Thniwll hnvs nf Ontral Point annln nwin ffniif nar Inaila inas of v,,,,i, w,nt tn Vletorla. B. a., and the olher tnr(l0 uy yem York. J. A, Wblt- man, the fruit ahlpper of this city, sold . . . . w these cara lor tno Doy. IllUrU IB UUl S BOIWr Uf JHUm VUW ploto stock of table dlahea in Southern urunuu-m nmwi, u ' Tho free suBDer given by the ladles of Medford to the men folks, at the opera nouw, wa partaasnoi uy nurvwu tnat men tne nouae nratty nearly to oyeriiuwiiia. juio. uu.u.UB -o- livered an illustrated lecture or sermon on "Tho Boy Tied Up." "Whore do I buy my spices? Why at Woltora, of course." Work at the Hammcraley mine ia at a standstill for the present owing to difficulties between the men and .fudge itced . Wo hope to learn soon ot a sat isfactory adjustment ot matters, nna worn be resumea, uranta rass ud- server. "I'm off agin, on agin, gone agin to WolUsrs, of course. Groceries f Yes." n. Ellison was up from Gold Hill lost week. He and John Brown have formcda nartnershto in tho lime bus! noss and are operating the Willow springs kiln. They have plenty of lime on hand and It Is of a good quality. SaVB Pinnoean toFtannegan "where do'you buy groceries';'" ' Says Flanao gun to Kinncgan, "At Woltera, of course." ' The annual school meeting of school district No. 40, will be held at the school houso on Monday, March 7tn, at l one clerk for' one year, Seo Mackoy for superior photos and reasonable prices. The paper that attempts to give class news might lust as well "get off the earth." All the news, for all classes. Ml is what the nubile wants. Tub Mail is strictly a nowepaper for all classes. JMn tyou tnina so.' Hy stock of new watobes lias ar rlyod. D. T. Prltchard v w.r. tvB h.n. .rBn. .. h-h- hlch came to hla b0me on February 11th. Thb Mail noioirIiea ti the oarenta for omitting to. make, mention of its arrival last woek. "' Mv shelves nositlvol.v refuse to hold out-of-date, back-number goods. Mine are always fresh at Woltors, of course. Tom Culbsrtson, of this valley, and Jas. Wiley, of Ashland, have leased Fred Looslev'S mllon cows ana win milk for tho creamery the coming - .tri.m.tl. Falla Ranublloan. . Don't plve me vour mooev until you have seen your money's worth at Wolters, 01 course. The meetings by the Christian Ohnrch at Central Point will continne over Sunday. Rev. Eli Fisher, of this city, will baptize tne canaiaaiea hid m., as Elder Richardson ia ia feeblt health Bargains that will please you on every shelf at Wolters, ot oourae. Dr. Plckel received a full blood Eairllah setter dog on Wednesday even- I ,0,, 'tj.e aootor by J. P. Heard, while at Vreka. Watches cleaned anl warranted for ooe vear for 1 Pritobard, tho 'eweler Tha hod I as o! O. P. Randall and dauirhtcp. who were drowned in Rogue river a week ago last ounaay, naa not been reoovered up to Wednesday night of this week. Spring trucks tor spring house hold moving. . well St Shearer. The neraonal nropertv ot Rev. M. A. Williams, deceased, will be sold on March 4th, at 10 o'cloek. The property conaists 01 wuis, uy, hui.ij, "I buy nothing out tne oest groceries at Wolters, ot course." w, H. Fear, ot Portland, an unole lot Royeeand Homer Drum, has been appointed their guardian by .Judge Crowell, with bond fixed at 3000. "Breakfast food Is no food at alt iOunles good food woltera, 01 oourae, A new boy baby arrived at the knmn nf Mr. and Mrs. M. Dammer on Wednesday evening ot last week. All nartiea interested doing well. R. ti. Rnnnh has aa far recovered from hia recent mlifortune a broken !-, to be able to be about the streets uh tne ,14 0, oruUjhe. M Ln dn touf "r;".,n. oviog-aaUafaotlon a waya. I-Lo. WAwm r ---- ; o( Meaford. R,urn- i r- t.-.i nlnaaa to thla office, please. B. N. Butler, the jeweler, tne docks at Chioago prioee. Is sell -S. P. Conger, the Mthlw. .Tol; raining man, ia said to have atruclt a rloh and extena vo depoalt of tin ore on the Illinois rlvor, :- , - Hvnmrullst Rosa ooonod a series ot revival moetloga In Portland last Sun- I ' rt .. UT ...... n..U ,,.11, n.nh ila.l 1 aaV, . UU will lircnuii v J OT twenly-OHO days. .'Mr. nnd Mrs. B. P. ThotsS enter- Inlniiri tho whlat elub at tholr VOrtf plonsant homo on North C stroot laBt Thursday ovomng. . . Dr. nnd'Mm. O. O. Plotohor'e ploas- ant homo waa tho plaoo of gathering of the Owl whist otuo on Anuraaay THE RACKET LOT OP Men's Clothing from Eagle Woolen Mills.. . Jtegular $9 Suite in Navy.anjl Black, for $7.50 J We also have 5 JUST RECEIVED S the new spring samples ! of ' J Leigh & Co., SARD Delnach. Ifllman Sc. Co., of Chicago g Kacket is headquarters $ and H for a great many other S Salem Woolen Mills bargains .... VmmMitHmiwrWttitM(i4H(Hif G. L. WEBB.... : TYBALT 2:27 1-2 Sire of Juliet, a:a2, and Sire of Dam of Vola, 2:25. TYBALT, sired by Altamont, 3600, the king of all trotting aires for tpeed and endurance; 1st dam, Nellie Kahler, 2:33, by Peniger Mike, 3403, aire of Barney, 2:2&i and aire of the dame of several with records better than 2 :28, alio lire of Klamath, second dam ot Mike; also sire of Playmail sire of the dam of Seymour Wilkes, 2 :08, fastest son of Gay Wilkes. Feniger Mike by Vermont, register No. 3:22, sire of several in the 2:30 list including Ribbon Tybalt's second dam, Vermont; also sired Ella Tewis, 2:26, dam ofSalican,2:05J, fastest son of Sulta, also fastest horse in Pennsylvania. Tybalt weighs about 1200 pounds; breeds large. If colts don't prove trotters they are large enough for corch or general purpose horses. Tybalt has been worked all winter and is in the pink of condition. Will make the season of 1898 at Medford Fair Grounds, Medford, Oregon. Season commences March 1, 1898 and ends July 1, 1898. Terms season, $15. payable end of season; To insure, $ao, pay. able when mare is known to be in foal. Any kind of farm produce taken same as cash. WM. CLARK Manager. evening ot last week. York & Wortman. real estate deal ers, are offering a new list of land bar gains this weea. neaa tnem, on eui torial page. Oscar Carpenter writes from Sur prise Valley, stating that tbey will re turn to the Rogue river valley this spring. For Sale One billiard table; ooe pool table. John Morris, the second hand man. Died, near Phoenix, Feb. 21st, Min nie Dell Howard, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Howard, aged one month. I will exchange a good buggy tor work at wood cutting Wallace Wooda. O. Nolan, ot Griffin creek, loaded a car of hay Monday and the aama was shipped to Grants Pass parties. Ira Phelps, formerly of Medford, has secured a position in an Albany job printing estaousnment. - Dr. L. P. Mulllhnix will be at Hotel Nash on Sunday and Monday, Febru ary 2Tlh and 28th. -. Murt Foster is assisting in the work of stock taking in the hardware store ot U. O. Mlllor. Money to loan on approved secur ity. O. W. Palm. - W. D. Beidleman la reported quite ill also George Fauoett, the latter with lagrippe. Superior job printing, MAIL office T bv Williams will move into the place made vacant by the removal of Rev. Wallace.. Mining location blanks for sa.o at thla oOaoe. Tha W. O. T. U. is called to meet in the Halley blook, today, Friday, for epecial work. Your for honest gooda Wolters, of oourae., . Dravman J. H. Bellinger unloaded a oar ol augar for Wolters, the grooer, Monday. ' Cheap trees Medford -nursery . echoes From the Street. Capt. Nash: "I returned Wednes- A. Mdfnrd la all : rlifht. - Yea. . I .f . . . , . . . ,i,T - .i.tn tnlng tnat ouuomg win uo u summer. It la too early yet to com mence as there la UKoiy to oe too muen unfavorable weather for suoh work for awhile yet." Willie" Dnnn: "Bar. here is an item of newa : Draymen wells was oat with a new wagon this weex oaoy nun. Hen? That is. did von see my newly fixed up black bear pelt? Came Imm Taxidermist Howard, at Salem, Wednesday. 1 purchased it irom-a at Rmwnttboro some few weeka ago and pent it to Salem to be dressed. The taxidermist says it is the finest skin he ever saw. - i waaouerea 36 for It but I wanted $60." R. H. WhiUihcad: "I was down at nui minn lust week came back Sun, day. When I got down. there 1 louna lots of work to do and as Mr. Wllleke waa away, by dad, I just got in and went to work, -. We now bavo two giants set and oan use eleven hundred inohea et water. About a dozen immense stamps tumbled In the way and we packed a tot ot wood and burned them. Yes, the nrnanprtta are rood.. That ia some of the truck in that bottle and that's out of lust three pans ot dirt from the bank where we are piping,". R. A. Proudfoet: "I am too busy just now to talk; getting wires, tamps, mailv for the move which.' if noth ing unforeseen happens,' will be made on Sunday . nexti- vWe will commi'nae tniirini? nn wnen we buul on oniuruar niuht and expect to bo moved' and tn rim a few llirht.o Sandav even' 1 . 7T . lllrn n nm. nn Rimriav hilt as tho morohants will not want ' light nn that nvnntni? it will, bv moving Sun day, glvo me two days to got ready for tlletu,- xou can Hay urnc ww win tho stroot lights going by tho middle of next woek, or sooner.'' ' ... ' ITo Onro Constipation Foraver. . TahoCMoarots Candy Cathartic 100 orfflo. If a O. O, faU to cute, druggists rotund mooes. t, ........ ... '. . j 1 :. i . ;, i (,,5.1 , .... . ; s,..,- t . ; .; HAS A J6D If you want a nice spring suit, . just, call and examine. We can surely please you in patterns, prices, styles and fits. And don't forget the Medford, Oregon. Central Committee Will ITeet. To the Democratic Central Committoe of Jackson County: You are hereby notified that a meet ing of the whole committee is called to be held at the court house in Jack sonvllle, Oregon, at 1 o'clock p. m., " March 1st, 1898, for the purpose ol ap- ' pointing the number of delegates to which each preclnot ia entitled and for fixing the time and place ot holding; the oounty convention, to elect dele gates to the Democratic State Conven tion to be held at Portland on the 23d day of March 1898, and for such other business as may properly come before the committee. Dated this Feb. 22,1898. ' Wm. M. COLVIO, Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee ot Jackson County. , These Applicants Drew Prizes. The following are the successful ap plicants for teachers' certificates: r lrst grade Lena Anderson. -. Second grade Henry Holtan, Ed. Li. Ol well, Estella Wrisley, Lizzie 8tid- bam. tannle uoneean. tdith van uyse and Nettie Lewie. Third Grade Phrooa E. Shields, Lizzie Ferguson. Alta Ropers. Delia Stewart, Minnie Hockeojos, Lucinda , n.i . n 1 r , t , m . nioauiH, r.ua iraras, oiuluo. iuns hdu Alfie O. Freel. nrs. Hyde Will Visit Medford. Mrs. Hyde will visit Medford on Tues day and Wednesday of next week in the interest of the W. O. T. U. Evangel istic services will be held Tuesday even ing, March 1st, and special meetings on Wednesday. All interested are urged to be present at all of these meetings. Mr. JQ.LI JftSHIB, : - President W. O.T. 0. S100 Reward $100. The readers of tola oaoar will ba Dtemsed ta learn that thora Is at least one dreaded dlaeaM that soienoe has been able ta core in aU Its stares, sad that is Catarrh. HaU'a Catarrh Cara is tie only positive oare knowa to the meuloal frateraltj. Catarrh being a oonsutntionai dis ease, requires a ooautitutioaal treauneat. Haira Catarrh Cara la Ukea lateraaU. utlaa- dirently apoa the blood aad maooua aarTaeea of the ajaten, thereby deatrojlaf the foaadatlon of the dlaeaae. aad giving the aatleat strearth D7 Daiioiag ap uie eonamauoa aau asswwg nature la dotag Its work. The proprietors have mn mn.h falih la Ita enratlva Dowers, that thev . oBer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that It , falls to cure. Bead r usi or leaumoniaia. Address, . r. j. ubbskt at Toieoo, v 8old by Druggtata, 7So. Ball's Family pills are the beat. .-. For Sale ' ' $1000 will pay for 165 aorcs of land, Ii miles from Jaoksonvule, on the Applegate road. All farming tooia go with the place 3 oultlvatora; 2 plows, barrow, stump puller, etc. Improve ments consist ot box house pi four rooms, barn, good well, ahop, ware house, chicken house and fifteen aorea ' in cultivation; mostly in bearing fruit, trees of different varieties; fifteen hun dred grape vines in bearing. Will sell tor half cash, balance to suit purchaser. Call on or address L, F. Christian, Jacksonville, Oregon. : . ... Taken Up. 1 " There came Into my enclosure, tH miles northeast ot Medford, about Jan uary 1, 1898, ooe white oow.4 years oM; marks: Cron and two silts in right aad under bit la left ear 6 montha old it with oow: alao one red heifer about two years old silt and under bit In left ear. Owner will please oall tor same and pay expenses. ' - . , O. R. Hkimhoth. Closing Out. - Medford nursery will sell trees yet cheap, to close eutstoon. Cure nil liver Ms, bilious ness, hcartacho, sour atom aoh, IndlEestlbn, constlpa ., irhnt ut esiliT. with out pain or gripe. Bold njr all diufgltli. tSesaaa. The only nils to take with Heoan Samaaiata, IrOoodl'a