X A QRIST OP LOCAL " Bliiirlff Kruv.lnr reports tlm homo Vikot a lltllu quiet ul present, says llio l'orllu-il Telegram, Conlliiuiiig lliu Telegram nnya: "Tho pri nol pul ilumiuiil continues in come largely fi'uin Alaska, wlturu good work homes bring u Kiiod prluu, Tliu AluHkil trudo, how ever, Ih seriously Imiidluupnod by llio luck of tt'HiiitMii'luLiou fuullltiuM. HUilim Ixml uiiinpniiliin rnfitno Ui luku hornun un long in tliuro In any other freight of fered. l''or III In reason but fuw horiun leave Porlliitxl fur llio norlh. Well- liullt, hurdy und heavy druftliorocy urn glvou I liu (iroiui'uiiiiii ovor ouyunea ami Amies In Alaska, although almost any thing III llio shupo ol borne Hush II hub 11 luui'kot. Tliu inuliiH Mr. I'Ttzltii' re oonlly gathered up in Boutliurn Oregon woro Bold lu tho win' Uupurtiniint, mill linvu boon sunt north with tho govorn Miuul nil ml expedition to Ik) used In J .10 trunifw)tatliiu of supplies. Tho iirluo paid Mr, Frazlor wan I M) ahead, but nt tho iniilus worn largu uud woll built, thin figure In not considered no very hl((b. Mulus of Dili lypo bring a , Wod prluo in uny ucllvo lumber camp, .Where thuy are rapidly superseding oxmi In tho bundling of logs." Con Hlderlng tho fuul thiil Mr. I'Vn.lur pur- olinned those mules In Southern Oregon il from $-10 Ui 7ll ii head tliitro In no (inn who Hold to It I n vitry full of nyin puthy should lliu market go down u point or two. A thrill of torror In experienced when a branny cough of croup sounds through the house ut night. lul tho iorror anon change to rnlluf aftur Ouc Minute Cough Ciiro lm boon adminis tered. Safe and harmless for chlldron. Hlrang, tho drugglnt, Modford; Dr. J, Ulakfe, Central Point. , Hdltor J. a. I'iorco, of tliu Ktmuutli Tails Kxpress, wan married Inut Tliurs lay to Minn Florence lids AppluKato, both ol Klamath County. Mr. 1'lnrco in one of U10 olovoronl young journal lit of all Oregon, and bin Kxpress in al ways II Hod with bin nparklu of wit and ,rcam exaept when, occasionally, he noes things in the light of a pessimist then a cloud gnlhorn In the wast and all Is darkness until Joe, in his "Tuneful Liar" gets wrathy with himself because of his pessimistic grievaneo and tears from the heavonn tho clouds which threatens total annihilation to all who think not with hi 111 aiidsxsin comes the sunshine and now coinen glad wedding hells. The lady now Mrs. I'lorce is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. I). Apple gale, pioneers of Klniiiulh County. Hho in a highly cultured young lady and Is a graduato of the Monmouth stute norniul. Why suffer with coughs, colds and lagrippo when Laxative liromo Quinine will care you In ono day. Hut sip In tahlots ccnvonlunt for taking. Guaranteed to euro, or money re funded. I'rlou 25 (Hints. ' For sale by Chan. Strang. Last Sundav when twonly-two emi grants alighted from tho southbound ponnongor train tho writer was Tory consldurably romlnded of tbo early 80 a back In North Dakota whon this num ber multiplied by six or eight was not an unusual crowd to seo lined up at tbo depot after a train bad pulled out. These pooplo who came Sunday are G. K. II. Mavs. J. T. Mays and J. A. Underwood, son-in-law of tho first nauiod Mr. Mays, and tholr families. They aro from Marion, Alabama, mid , expect to engugo lu farming and fruit crowing soma plaoo In too valley. Thoy aro now living out on North I) street and are putting In tholr time looking tho country over with a vlow to ol tlior renting or purchasing farm lands. Thoy will bo in no rush about buying want to find soinalhlng that y Just suits. .What pleasure in thero In life with a hoadaobo, conntlpatlon and bilious nennT Thousands oxporlunco them who vuld become perfectly healthy by us ing DeWlll's lilltlo iJorly Risers, the famous little pills. Strang, the drug gist, Modford; Dr. J. Ulnklo, Central 1'olnt. E. D. El wood, a gentleman who was In Modford last fall looklug up a location tot oponlng a jewelry and optloat buslnass, writes Title Mail this week from Nowbcrir. Oroeon, stating that hlmsolf and family will bo In Med- ford by Marob first and that this olty of ours Is now listed as tholr permanent . home, and that ho will nut in a com plete stock of watches, clooks, Jowelrv, plated waro and optical goods, llo will mako a speciality of optical busi ness, himself bo liu a graduated optlcan and a gontloman who has had no little oxporloncs. He Is a very flno follow to meet and If ho wears for years with 'ourpeoploas ho did for the fow days ho was here last fall ho will be n halo fellow woll mot from start to finish. Wanted To trado fir wood for team, wagon and harness. Call at Mail offioe. Uoo. W. Baton, tho Pospeot cooper, ban decided to locato in Hea ford. To this and he has arranged with tho Gray-Bradbury planing mill to ff snufaoluro tho necessary material vi bloh he uses in tho construction of his work. 80 sanguine li the gentle' man of suooosi in tils now venture that ho is arranging ovory detail for a per manent stay among us. He will manu facture all sizes and stylos of tubs and barrols its woll as butter and sorghum kegs. . Ho hopes to oatoh tho trado of tho ontlro vallov and Klamath County. and thoro Is no good roason why ho should not. He manufactures a splen did artloln and Is Tory reasonable in his prioes, Hnusohold goods may be had at a bargain for tne next tour weens oy ap plying to Dr. E. P. Gosry . Another of Jackson County's pio neer has lolned the irreat majority, the samo bolng D. N. Blrdsey, a resident of Rook Point proolnot, who died last Jfrluay, trenruary tun, auor a linger inir illness.'- Funoral servloes were 00a auotea ounaay aua interment was mauo In tho Hook foint oomotery. Mr. Blrdsov was honorablo and uorleht in all his donllng and was hold In groat ostoora by all who Know mm in aouin orn Oregon. ' Ho loayos a wlfo and a number of children to mourn his death. Ohonpcflt fruit trees In' Jaokson County at Medford nursery; ' v - .-. -Tho "Sylbo" slBtora woro' most do llghtfully ontortalnod by Miss Jesslo Cole last Friday. Sho.was assisted by her (riend from tho oast, Mrs. Harris, who la to spond a month with hor. Bho Is a oharmlng lady and mado friends of tlio girls at smoo. A dollslous lunoh was served, after which the HAPS AND fllSHAPS. evening was spent with muslo. ' Those who took purl warn Mrs. Harris, Misses Colo, Woodford. vVorinan. Ilarunburg, Hlilnuhiirl and Hkuol, und Minn Vlrglu Woodford, a guest of tho slntors. , Clilldrou uud ud ults tortured by burnt), seulds, Injuries, euniiinu or skin dlnuusen may nuuuro inntant relief by lining DoWitl's Witoh lwl Halve, ft Is tbo groat pile remedy. Htrang, the druggist, Modford; Dr. J. Ulnklo, Cen tral i'olnl. HuiKirl bun become ourrent that K. Mt f ...... 1 u ,.t ..! u . . 1 1 u vv . Km ui'i , v-uibj uiihiiiuui naiiKUiii; ol huvliig uullooUid money for tapping wuicir mains uuu nau 1101 turneu iuu uuiouiits nouolliicted Into the city traan ui'.y. In Juntlco to Mr. Curdor, Tux Mail bun boon anked to state that nol until lust spring did tho olty owu the tupping tools, honuo uny amounts uol lootud prior to that dale wore earned wiiii uorrowuu 1001s unu am not oaiong Ui the city. Don't unnor others by your couizb- liig. and rink your Hfo by neglecting a cold. Ono M inula Cough Curo cures nougtin, coldn, croup, grlppo and all throat and lunjr trouuios. Hlraug, tliu druggist, Moilloi'd; Dr. J. Hlnklu, Cen tral I'olnl. (1. N. Kriuri' bus leiued irunni) be tween Minn Mudviibkl'n mlllfnary ntoru uud lliu Crater uud will at onuo cora- mcnuu the orec-tlou of a bowling alley. Tbo building will bo !Hx75 feet In she and will contain two alloys with room for four If necessary. Mr. Spurr is from Collage (Jrovo, Oregon, lie Is now housekeeping In the Llndley building, and hopes to havo li lit alleys ready for business by March ltd Bnrlng trucks for snring home- bold moving, Well &, Shearer. There arrived last Saturday for Weeks Ac Oi r and several nelshbors who had ordored with them, about UOOU pounds of sulphur for usu In spray ing. If all would do as some of these orobardlsts there need not be seen la our markets what has been seen tho oast season fruit that was so affected with moth and scale as to be an Injury to tho reputation of the valley as a run growing ssciioa as won an a loss 10 llie growers. There are three little things which do more work than any olbur throe little things created thoy aro the ant, the boo and DeWitt's Little Early Itlnors, the last bolng the famous little pills for stomaoh and liver troubles. Strang, the druggist, Hlnkle, Central Point meuiora; ur. j . A fellow can't hardly guess what kind of a snag his hook will catch onto when he goes fishing In this county. It may bo a salmon, It may bo a quar ter section of chaparral bushes but It is rarely ever mat a lauow gois nm hook snairirud oa asaokof "Davin' Ileal" In tho middle of Iloar oreek, but that's what a couple ol lads did one day Ibis weak, rnu sack was inside a gunny sack and bod evidently boon lost from noma faruior's wagon. Thb Mail can handlo all tbo good wood which our farmer friends have a mind to bring in In payment for sub scription, wo can not take wood on our dubbing propositions. loo Shono, whllo at work among souiii belts and uulleye al the Crav- Mradbury planing mill last Thursday, was caught about iho log byabolt which ho was endeavoring to pul onto a pully and In about a three bundrodlh part of a second's tlmo Joe was thumping the celling ovor head. Fortunately tbo bull purled. Hau 11 nol more would havo been u fatality to lull about. Thoro are somo now "tlckors" In town al U. N. Hutlor's shop. Thoy aro the Suth Thomas clocks beat on earth. Dlod-At Inertia. Oulif.. on Mon day, February 14, 18UH, Mrs, Kmmal'oo, ugud tliirty-slx years and seven months. Mrs. t'oo formerly rusiuea in Mouioro. Deceased had boon an invalid several years prior to hor death. K. W. and Dan'l Hutohlne.of this olty, are broth ers of deceased and were with their sinter whon sho died. The Southern Paolfio Railroad Company hus arranged for a roduoud rule 10 sail 1 ranotaao, ine oooasion oe Ing tho Klondike exhibition. The price of round trip tlokots aro $14.8A. good to loavo Modford on Friday, February SAth, and to return as la to as March 5th. Sco Agcat Llpplnoott for particulars. Houso and 6 acres of land, South wost Modford to rent Inquire of York & Wortman. "W. J. lleonott, the well-known arohlteot. formorly of Yreka, and now of Redding, has been awarded the con tract for ploolng nre escapes la tno Masonic Temple at that plaoe, as re quired by the order of the olty trus toes." Yrekr Journal. Mr. Bennett was formorly of Modford. . ', Savs Finnogan to Flannegan "whore do you buy grooorlosY" Says Flanno gau to Flnnegan, "At Woltors, of oourso." Counollman Woodford was pretty badly bruised up Monday by being mixed ud In a runaway. The whittle- troe on his dollvory wagon broke and thon the horse broke into a run and Mr, W. was thrown out and ended around generally. Fourteen pairs of good, solid men's shoes, all sizes at II per pair; also fourteen pairs of a little batter men's shoos at 11.26 at Tho Fair. A. L. Roddon, who has been here for sovoral moiiths upon a visit to hit brothor, J. W. Redden, left last week for the Willamette valley and - Sound points after whloh he will roturn to his home in Nebraska. 11600 will buy 92 acres of flrst-alass farm land within 2 miles of Modford York & Wortman, .- Mr. and Mrs. John Book enter' talned Mlesos Worman and Skeel, and Messrs, Enyart and Galloway, and Mr. ana urs. norms last weanosaay even, lng with cards, a splendid lunon and Jolly good time. All kinds of wood for salo. Lone wood, ' short wood, hard wood, soft wood ana just piain wooa. Homager, the draymen, An Iowa judgo deotdos that dogs are not domesllo animals, A casual survey ol tho Modford samples would lndloate that tho Orogon brood is prin cipally dog yallor dog and lots of mm. Harry Boussum falntod in Sohuel der's salooa last Moaday ati he wasen. unoootclous for some little time. The malady was heart trouble. My shelves positively refuse to bold out-of-date, book-number goods. Mine are always frosh at Woltors, of course. . Somoono wus tolling Wednesday that John Dyor bad written to B. A. D. Hlgglns, from Dyon, Alaska, telling It 1 111 not to come. Mr. II. did not gut the word until a fow minutes boloro tho train loft Wodnenday evening, but tliu messngo hud no off acton his plans ho pushed 011, as fur us Portland any way. Murgalns that will pleano you on every shelf at Woltors, of oourso. D. it. Hill shipped a carload of Newtowu Pippin apples to New York last Saturday. From Now York they will move 011 to England if tho market In our metropolis in not satisfactory, Don't glvo mo your money until you havo seen your money's worth at Woltors, of course. Thero Is a new girl down at Oabo Plymale's noma out on tho farm, and Its arrival in dated oven with Sunday, February 13th Mr. and Mrs. Plymale's valentine. Folks all doing well. "I buy nothing but the best groceries at Woltors, of courne." Tho county court has decided to advertise for bids for tho construction of 11 bridge across Trail oreek. Abridge ut tbo designated point will be a greut couvunleuuo to many people. My stock of new watches has ar rived. D. T. Prltchard. School Clerk Jonos has been en gaged In taking a school census of this district during tbo past wook. He finds 730 children of school age. Lost year there were 705. Sco Mockoy for superior photos and reasonable prices. Mrs. Ida Fostor, president of the Assembly of Robckahn of Orogon, will mako an ofUolal visit to Olive Kebckah lodge, No. 281, of this city, on March ulb. "I'm oft ag'.n, on agin, gone agin to Woltors, of course. Groceries? Yes." Elder S. W. P. Rlchardnon will hold services at Central Point Sunday, Feb. 'JOth, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. He will remain over the fourth Sunday. B. N. Butler, the jeweler, Is soli log clocks at Chicago prices. The ladles of Medford and vicinity aro asked to call upon me at my new location. Miss H. A. Modyaskf, mil liner. Yours for honest goods Woltors, of course. "Jlmmle" Jones fell from a load of bay Tuesday and dislocated bis arm Dr. Klrcbgessoer was called. Get Wells it 8nearer to do your moving eslisiacllon always. The Naylor saw-mill has been sold to .Grants Pass parties and it will be snipped to mat piaco at once. For rent, good stock, hay and dairy farm. Enquire at this office. I. M. Harvey, we are sorry to learn, is seriously ill with heart trouble. Dr. Walt is In attendance. Mining location blanks forsa-o at mm 0100. There will bo work in tho first de gree al the Odd Fellows hall Saturday night. 'Breakfast food Is no food at all unless good food Welters, of course." The Racket has a new ad this week. You can't miss seeing it on this page. "Whore do I buy my spices? Why at Woltors, of course." The Woodmen gave a very ploasant pance in tnulr nail Monday evening. Cheap trees Medford nursery. Evangelistic Services. The union ovaneolUtlo mootines now bolng hold under the leadership of Holdrldge and Wilder, the faciUo oonsl evangollHla, are Interesting and well attended. Tho preaching Is ulain. earnest and torolble. No better preach ing has ever been heard in our olty. It is all done in love, there is no scold ing, no satire, no levity, but theearneat presentation 01 tue trutn or one wno seeks only the salvation of souls. The singing by Prof. Wilder and his wife Is very line. Each evening one or both of them will slug a solo. They are earnest christians, who slog the gospel lor toe love 01 souls, we navo givon money to hear singing very muoh in terior, rno people 01 oicaiora snouia avail themselves of tho opportunity which tnoy now nave to near tnese tlneera wltnout cost. Tho services are being held this week in the Presby tc-lan Church at 7 o'clock and tho afternoon meetings in the other churches. - The program 01 services for tho immediate future is as toiiows: Friday 3 p. m. At Presbyterian Church "Fifty Questions." This will be a service of great Interest. Muslo to esneoiaily attract young people, 101 lowod by a sormon on "Popular Amuse ments" ana otner vexea questions, Theso will 00 dlsoussed from a somewhat unusual viewpoint and evory young per son in Meuiora snouia near mis sermon. Saturday 8 p. m. At PreBOytorlan Churob "Twelve men that will nevor bo forgotten and how they came to bo so oolebralod." Come and hoar about them. Saturday ovoulng A social hour, no sormon. but suaolul songs ana a rcoua' tlon by the ovnngolist who will, at the close 01 tno sorvico, aistrinuio a souve nir card to each porson present. Sunday 7 a. m. At Presbyterian Ohuroh "Seeking Soul tiuushlne." Preachlne and Sundav bod, 0019 as usual. Sunday S p. m. At Ohuroh A song service conduoted by Prof. Wilder and wlfo. This will be especially at tractive to an lovers 01 saorea song. Sundnv 0 DV-1 m. Evangelist-' Hold- rldgo will give a blackboard talk before a union eathorlng. of voung uooule. Evening services at 7 o'olook in Church, . ... .. . . Closing Out. Medford nursery will soil treos very oncap, 10 oioso out ntooK. County Tre5urar'n Nineteenth Notice. . ornca o countv TnaAsmiRn I Or JACKSON COUNTY OltKOOM. I . . .. i...unnu v..H..n t iuoh Nolloo Is hereby glvon thitt thoro nro funds la tho county treasury (or llio roitemptton o( all nitiMtfimllnir ootiittv warrants nrotostod tram Mnroli 111, 18119, to April 6, 1HU3, both dnton Ineluilod. Iutoront ou tho name will oowir Pourunry 11, 1BS8, . Dy eao. R. LiNDi.av, , . Oesalr Trsmrsr. unswif. (purely personal.; Taylor Payne took Sundav evening's train for Alaska. A. J. Daley, of Eairle Point, was bore Tuesday business. Granville Naylor went to Grants Pass Wednesday upon business. J.E. and J. M. Foster, of Beatrle. woro Modford visitors Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Hlaelo is at Ashland this week visiting ber daughter, Mrs. A. L. Roaoa. Moroliunt Georee Brown, of Eaale Point, was In Mudford Tuesday upon Dusincns. Mort Foster lias returnod from Gold Hill, and will now bo of Modford for time not dated. Mrs. L, Harris Is hero from Wiscon sin upon a visit to hor friends, Mrs. E. J, Cole and family. Mrs. V. M. Brous was at Central Point this week for a several days' visit with her friend, Mlns Madge Day, Dr. W. S. Jones was at Canvonvllle Sunday evening upon a professional visit to Mrs. Moore, us reiurnsa Monday morning. Miss Esther SUsbv Is In San Fran cisco having hor throat treated by specialists, and sho will also take vocal music lessons wnuo mere. Mr. and Mrs. It. Carter, of Gold Hill. were in Medford Tuesday upon a visit with friends, They are now at Talent whore Mr. C. expects to teach school. Rev. David Brower. of Talent, was In Medford last Saturday en route to Griflin creek where be held religious services at the Naylor school bouse luntnunaay. Misses Molllo Towneand Elsie ReamB were in Medford Saturday returning borne to Pboonix from Jacksonville, wnere tney naa oeen lor a lew aays taking teachers' examination. Attorney and Mrs. A. S. Hammond were at Eugene a few days this week and last for a visit with Mr. Ham mond's parents and daughter, Miss Bessie, who Is attending the state uni versity. Among those In attendanoo at the sliver meeting Saturday Ta Mail noted the always oongental counte nances ol u. ttlonards and 1. K. Ham merslv. of Gold Hill, and M. S. Welch. of Central Point. Brace Skeel came up from Grants Pass Sunday morning and will remaia in Medford henceforth. He has ac cepted a position with Mr. Proud foot as electrician and is now aolog work on the electric plant. Alex. Galloway loft Sunday evening; for Portland, from whtob plaee he will sail on Steamer Elder for Bkacway. He expeoU to engage in business there and his frlonds aro all hoping his harvest will ne golden nuggets. D. W. Hazel and son Dale, Eugene Amann and S. A. D. Hlgglns left Wed nesday evening for Alaskan points. They go with tho intention of moving to the interior as soon aa weather per mits. May golden success be theirs is the nope 01 this sheet which is a good trlena to an 01 tnem. Mrs. F. Farls and daughter loft for tholr home at Colfax, Wash., Wednes day evening. These people, together wttn nr. r arts, nave oeen visiting rei atlves and friends In Medford tor some time,i They are acquaintances of Mer chant amltn and relatives 01 Jonn ti. Hardin. Mr. F. will go to Colfax as soon as tno roada are in condition to travel. J. T. Miller was up from Gold Hill this week. It was in June '06 that be left this county for several points on tho coast where he has since resided. following various vocations among wnicn was scnooi teooning. tie was married last fall to a Miss Houston. ovor at Elmlra, Lane County. He Is now engaged as agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company for Jackson and Josephine Counties with head quarters at uow Hill. W. B. Roberts returned Tuesday from inland, wnere, in company witn J. ir. Wllleke, R. H. Whitehead and L, G. Porter, he owns a very rleh placer mine. He reports two giants running day and night and lots of ground being washed out. The mine has been, in operation for a little over a month, and will oontinue until June, or until water gives out. Mr. Roberts did a Utile panning wnile more ana irons two pans ne tooa tnree ana nineteen colors respectively. -Watches cleaned and warranted'for one vear for 1 Prltohard, the jeweler. Drowned at Woodvlile. A sad acoident occurred at the ferry across Rogue river near Bolt postofBoe last Sunday. : u. f. Kauaall, a soutn ern Paolfio seotion fqreman at Wood- vlllo, aooompanled -by his wife and daughter were on their wav to attend tho funeral of Mr. Blrdsey, and when crossing on the ferry, whloh is one ownod by private parlies, their horse beoame frightened and unmanageable and backed theoart and itself off the boat Into . the river. Mrs, - Randall jumped from the oart but the father and daughter were less fortunate, both falling with tho cart into the river and wore drowned." The conditions of the river and embankmonts at that point are suoh that no asslstanoo could be rendered them; When last seen Mr. Randall was holding the little girl in his arms. The wife and mother Is al most insane with grief. Mr. Randall leaves a wife and three ohtldren to mourn his sudden demise. At 1 o'olock yesterday neither of .the bodies had been round. - -. ; There is not a; better or more 'com plete stock of table dishes In' Southern Oregon at- Wolters of oourse, t 1 .:- Mrs. Thomas Watson lias taken ntopx to regain possession of. the million a ul a half dollars', worth of property she doedod to her father, Claus Sprockles, at the timo of her marriage. . Lnto news from 8kgwny, Alaska, Is lo the effect that Ed Fay, the gamblor who inurdored two men, was nol lynchod ns reported. Fuy's gamblor friends rallied to Ills assiatanco and Baved his nock. Fay loft llio town. Thero nro. about 1500 people a dny be ing landed nt Uvea and Sknywny, all bound for tho Yukon river gold fields. The wualhor Is exceedingly, cold and there m iniuih sun'orlng. (SIS HAS 3ft And don't 1 forget the Racket is head- ?uarters or a great We also have luat received the new Spring samples from Lelgb ft Co., and Reiiuch, UUnsaa ft Co. of Chicago, and Salem Woolen Mills... ,. If you want a nice Spring Suit, uat call ad examine. many other ; bargains . ' uaua: Organized a Pree Silver Club. Pursuant to the oall of the Democra tic committee of Medford, Oregon, for all who favored the adoption of such principles as to lead to a union of the reform forces ia the coming county campaign, a large number of persons assembled at the Hamlin hall Thurs day evening, Feb. 10, 1898, and after temporarily organising with W. H. Parker in the chair and S. U Mitchell as secretary, proceeded to effect a per manent organization under the name of Demooratlo Free Silver Club. The following - permanent : officers were elected: D. H. Miller, president; S. S. Pentz, seo. ana treas.; Messrs. MUier, Pentz and J. H. Stewart, executive com mittee; Messrs. Mitchell, Parker and Kllppel, committee on constitution and bv-laws. - , After some discussion, a set of reso lutions looking to a union of the Popu list, Demooratlo and free silver Repub licans was adopted, and the executive committee directed , to . present the same to the oouatv central commltieo of the Populist and of the Populist UlUDOl oieaiera, sna request actum upon the same with such amendments as were suggestive of a basis of a union of reform forces. The resolutions passed favored tree silver, the parity of all money, and that the same be Issued direotlv to the tepple; that postal saving banks be en.- oraed: tbat a rraauatea income tax oe mssed: that the 8. P. 8. It. be taxed Its just and equal proportions and be made to pay lis taxes ana tnai ine legis lature fix maximum and minimum pas senger and freight rates; that the state board of equalization and state railroad commission be abolished; that direct legislation by the people be favored and the election of U. 8. senators be bv the neoole and denounced the "hold up" 01 tne Oregon state legislature dj the Republicans and John H. Mitchell. The club adjourned to meet next Thursday night to hear the report of the executive committee. D. H. Miller, President S. 8. Pentz, Secretary . PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. If natius Frenna entered the fourth grade Monday. The ouoils of the fifth grads are be ginning to study factoring. ' Johnnie Snurr, of Cottage Grove, entered the thtra grade tnis weeic. The ball tossing drill under the man agement of Miss Roof 1b doing nicely. Miss Grace Amann eared for the south primary during Mis. Peter's ab sence last week. The studv of general historv will soon be completed and the graduating class will tnen begin Botany. . Visitors: Misses Anna Jeffrey. Clara Rlohardsoo, Minnie JUussey, Katie Davis, Mesdames I. Heller and J. M. Farls. Seventh erade expects to spend a greater part of their time In the Brit- mn dominions rTiaay aiiernoon ana in vito frlonds to ioin them. "The little patriots of the north pri mary wlBh to entertain their parents and friends Tuesday afternoon during their Washington exercises.' . The pupils, this week, are learning the first part of the poem, Snow Bound, by J. G. Whittier. This -will "make the sixth seieotlon they have learned. The pupils of the tenth grade are quite interested in the study of Philos ophy,. The late subjeots are Composi tion of Light and Optloal Instruments. ,' At a meeting of the state board of. education held at Sacramento, Gov ernor Budd presiding, the Western Journal of Education was adopted an the official .educational journal,, in place of the Overland Monthly,. The prices of text books for llie next iscnl. year were fixed, being the suuie as thoso which obtained during the past Voar. . . ' Tho money and valuable papers be longing to tho fugatlve murderer, J. C. Dunham of- San Jose, ' have been taken possession of by the sheriff .and examined. They were in a small box and provod to be mortgages to the value of $1400. ' There was also $970 In eoin.in the box. Jacob Shsasler, father of one of Dunham's victims, -recently go.t judgment for $8000, against Dun ham, and the money and the mort gages, representing aboat$2600, will be turned over to him. . j,- - ; Councilman Julius Krieg of j Ban Jose, has a very serious charge hanlng over his hr-ad. ' It is made In an affi davit by Mrs. Mary A. Scully, ,who woarB that in December, ISM, she paid W. C Krleg, brother of the conn cilman, $150 in. money, and a not for 160 to socuro her' husband's ' appoint-' ment on tho police force, the' receiver representing that the money-was to go to Julius aut other cQUacllmen far their influonco and votes. Mr?. Scully deposes that after the money was raid he mot Councilman Krieg nnd'waa In formed ' by hlra that he had received 1 porrtsh of the snenen. - " THE RACKET A JOB --Y Lot of Men 's Cloth ing from Eagle Woolen mills; regular $9 Suits in navy and black for 17.60 J. We can surely please you in patterns, prices, styles and fits Q. L, WEBB Echoes From the Street. , J. W. Wllov: "I returned last week from Portland, where I had been with a carload of hogs. Business is brisk in that city better than I ever saw it before. Hotels are all full." . J. V. Heffner: "The Olson saw mill on Poorman's creek commenced work. this week. Just so soon as the roads Improve a little lumber will be hauled to the planer In Medford and then It win sure . we nope to be able to run both mills steady this spring and sum mer." Commissioner Brsdshaw: "I don't know a thing that's new. - Yes, I do, come to think county script sold at three per cent premium this moath. That's news, sure enough. How' did it nappeny wen, Ldon t Know; it just happened that way I presume, because) the purchasers of script wan tedJt. The warrants which sold for that were in size from $12 to )T5.' A Reader: "Say, what you been do ing to all your advertisers? What did you kill 'em of for, and how?- Thb Mail's advertising columns never did look quite as thin as they do now. You sav thev are iust restlns for a. few weeks? Well, but who pays the print ers while they rest? Jones, did you say? No, Jones pays the freight but he don't pay the printers." t D. T. Lawton: "We are getting in a few sample rigs especially suited for liverv and other heavv use. still we will have some lighter rigs for style rather than mountain roads. Our roont will be used mostly this spring.lor farm implements. Space is a precious article with us, aotwithstanding the . fact that we nearly doubled when we moved into this building." Mail Office Devil : "I notice there is a whole lot of talk in the papers these times about goat culture. This fact re minds me of a farm bock in old York state, in Wayne County, where I, like Topsy, grew up. We had a farm which in those years long ago I never could tell just what it was intended for, but since that goat business has become widespread, it has occurred to me that 'twos goats that farmneeded. It was one of those out of door, rise-up-and-come-along-with-me sort of farms. As an in cline plane it had-few equals. It was as steep and npright-as a piano on the in stallment plan, and as perpendicular as a greased pole ats. picnic. It was im possible to improve it much.- About all that it hod on it in a good state of pre servation, upon which even u lien could not stick, was.it water shed. ' It was a sure thing goat pasture. Goats could climb and cluster on the peaks and pin nacles of that ranch and then chase themselvesup and down the Milky Way. I notice that you, Mr. -Editor, are ad vocating the sowing of prunes. Let me tell you don't do it. Prunes and yon will never agree, try goals. Just get hold of a piece of upright land that wilt farm on two- or more sides and then grow goats. As head herder on-a per pendicular goatery yoa would surely be a crowaing Buccesa. Notice to Tax Payers. The tax roll for the'"vear .1897 is now in the hands of the Sheriff, A. S. Barnes, who is prepared to receive taxes. '. Among tne Churcnea. - CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services at the usual hours. Morn ing sermon, "The Revival We Need." Evenlnc subieot. "The Debt the World Owes to the Great Reformer, Martin L.utner." The people welcome. ' Eli Fisher, Pastor. Whooping cough lathe moat distress ing malady; hut its -duration oao be out short by the use of One Minute Cough-Cure, whloh is also the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Strang, the druggist, Medford; Dr. J. Hlnkle, Cen tral Point. Advertised Letter List. ruuowing in itsi 01 letters remaininK an. onlled (or in the Medford postoffloe on Feb. 'ee. ... . coker, T , A charge or one seat wUl be msde upon de livery of Mh of the above letters. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say AdvertlMd." H. PuaDnr, Postmaster. ' ' ' ' Kvervbody Bays So. . , Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most wes derful medical discovery of the age, pleas, ant and refreshing to the taste, aot gently and positively oa kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O.C.C. to-day; ),SS,80cenU. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. t . ' " T Oar OoMtipatloa Vomer. .TnkeCuotnUl Candy Cstbnrtlo. 10c or Be. It a O. a fall to cure, drureluM ret una money. Stimulate the stomaoh, rouse the liver, ours bilious ness, beadVbe, Uulness, mi Mirnnah. nMuMnu. PillG eH' rrM' eaank vaoM sr'an nratacMf, xaaw nw snsi wwa Hwn.1 1