, OUR COUNTY , I Correspondents a. Jacksonville Sewn. (J. C. JH'uk man hit returned from a business trip lo Hun Frunoisito. Mr. urn) Mth. N. LungoU made a (rip to Ashland' the first of the week. fllim KhIo Huckluy, of Applegalo, vlHltml friend in Jacksonville dur ing the week. Mr. M. M. Obunohiiin arrived from Klamath County lust Friday for short vitilt. Miss Klla Orth in iiuying friends ut Kugene a visit, bojng the guest of the Misses Anliony. Miss Muniio Isaacs, of Medford, 1h visiting in Jacksonville, the guest of Mrs. T. O. Reames. Marriage license issued February 14, to Wilmer Hilt and Miss Ida Lane, all of Arihlund. Ed. Booth has returnod to Jack sonville after an absence of several years in eastern Oregon. Mrs. Chas. llasyt and daughters have gone to Missouri Flat to spend the week with relatives. Mack Wilson and bis brother-in-law, Mr. Davidson, of Medford, were visitors bore Tuesday. Clarence Lane and Wilmer Hilt, of Ashland, were down Monday interviewing the county clerk. Marriod At Talent, February 13, 1H0K, by Kev. Isaac Dawson, F. P. Koper and Miss Delia M. Robinson. - D. N. Ilirdsey, the aged father of Mrs. William Colvig, died at the family residence in Hock Point, February 11, after a lingering ill ness. The interment was at the Kock Point cemotery. Don Cameron celebrated his fifth birthday, February 10th, with a de lightful juvenile party. The After noon was spent in ' various sports dear to children. Those present were Don Cameron, Vance Uolvig, France Kenney, Laura Nubor, Fleta Ulrloh, Oertrudo Fay, Gene vieve Ecklson, Zela Whito and Eula Jacobs. A reception was given at tho resi dence of Mrs. E. J. Kubli last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kubli, who hod just returned from a two weeks' visit to Han Francisco. They were met at the depot by toe Jackson ville band and a delegation of friends. At eight o'clock, as per invitation, the guest began to ar rive, and it was 12 e'clock before the last ones departed. A delicious luncheon was served daring the evening. The parlors and dining room were artistically decorated in smllax and ivy tied with blue rib bons. This was one of the most brilliant social affairs that has ever been held in Jacksonville. . At the convention held at the town hall last Thursday svening the following ticket was nominated: For marshal, J. H. Huffer, Jr.; re corder, It. 8. Dunlap; treasurer, L. L. Jacobs; etroot commissioner, G. N. Lewis; trustees, J. Nunan, J. F. White, ICmil Britt, John B. Orth and G. M. Love. The main con tust was for the office of marshal. The sevoral aspirants for tho office woro J. A. WilBon,' Chas. Dunford, llonrv Ireland, Wm. Kadford, Wm. Orob and J. II. Huffer, Jr. The two last mentioned, having received the highost number of votes, were declared the opponents; on tho next ballot Uuffor received eight votes more than Orob, hence is the nomi nee Mr. Grab is an independent candidate, so the battlo will be fought to a finish at the poll. For Sale' A little Klondike, right her at home and the same is nothing more or nothing- less than J. H. Bellinger's dray uusinsss. aaa tne necsssarv imple ments (or Its thorough and profitable unnduat consisting of two good teams. two drays and a whole lot -of other fixtures that go with the sadness. See J. H. Bellinger for particulars. , Griffin Creek ftathtrmgt. BY PmLOMKLA. Miss V. Hamlin was visiting at II. L. Griffin's Sunday. Mrs. L. A. Murphy, who has been quite ill for some time, is convaies uing. ; Mrs. 8. A. White was the guett of Mn. J. P, True several days last 1 week. .... Enterprise school started Hon day, Feb. 7th, with Prof. Choee as . teacher. ' J. L, Wilson and family wore visiting at J, M. Ouches' one day last week. . Miss Cook, of Foots creek, Is here on a visit to hor sister, Mrs. F, Whetstone. , i Messrs. T. Bradbnrv. and Arthur Poo, of Medford, wore visiting at J. P.-Truo's Sunday. , . , Willio Mumhv had tho misfor- tune to injure his hand eovoroly wliilo chopping wood reoentiy,oaue lug oatarrh of the hand. Dr. Jones dressed tho wound and it is now gutting along nicely. Misses Maud and Grace Wilson, of Jacksonville precinct, wore visit lug Miss Eva Hollos recontly. Misses Rvdul Bradburvand Oer trudo Wilson, of Medford, went the guests of Miss Nuttie Sol inn Sunday Mrs. C. A. Dickison, of Table Rock, was over visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. BashfWd, ' last week. . Little Susio Fry has been quite ill with a severe cold for sovoral days, but is greatly improved at this writing. J. M. Guohos is the happy pos sessor of a fine now organ whieh he purchased last week of Prof. Head, of Modford. Taken Up. There came iato my eaulosure. ill mllea northeast ol Medford, about Jan uary 1, IHflS, one white cow. 4 years old; marks: Crop and two silt in right and under bit In left ear 5 months old salf with oow: also oaered heifer about two Sears old tilt and under bit In left ear. 'wner will plea call for wiuio and pay exnease. V. It. IIUMHUJ . Lake Creek Items. Gustolph Peck made a trip to Medford last week; Mrs. F. Farlow spent a few days with her parents last week. Miss Eva Conley was the guest of Miss Edith Katrie last week. W. M. Nussbaum is lying very ill at his home on South Butte. II. II. Wright, M. Sidloy and C. Heater made a business trip to Hagle Point last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bradshaw, of BrownBboro, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bradshaw. M. Sidley will be the mail car rier between Brownsboro and Lake Creek for the next four yoars, be having secured the contract. Little Mabel Culbertson, the youngest daughter of James Cul bertson, recently had tbe misfortune to out her arm badly by falling on a crosscut Baw. A Poonle's Partv club was or- ganixed in this precinet last Satur day. Tbe officers are W. H. Brad shaw, president ; G. S. Hosmer, vice president; M. u. Howies, secretary. A long felt want is about to be realized bv the Dconlo of South Butte and that is a bridge across tbe creek near tho him Farlow ranch. Wagons have been oapsined, horses have been drowned and souie people have had clote calls for their live in attempting to cross this ugly stream. The people of this neighborhood decidod that we must have a bndge, so they turned ont en masse, shouldered their axes and went to the timber, and the result is that tb timbers are all on the ground where the bridge ' is to be bniit, ready for training. The Bvi4ea.se la the case proves flood's Sartaparllla euros rbaumatitm, dyspepsia, oatarrh, that tired toellng, serolula, salt rneum, boilt. humors ana all blood disease. Hood's Pills are prompt, offlolcnt, always reliable, aafijr to take, easy to ...... .Hm Table Koe items. Colby Adams visited Jacksonville and Medford Monday. Hon. S. M. Neolon attended the Populist convention at Medford last Saturday. Miss Meta Morine left for Med ford Friday and will bo tho guest cf her friend, Miss Ferguson, for a week. . T. H. Pendleton haB taken a eon tract to open up a ledge for E. B. Jennings, no IB' now running tunnel. Chas. Dickison and family made a trip to Medford last Thursday, and spent a few days visiting with rolativos of Mrs. MicciBon. At the school board meeting held Tuesday, the directors elected Miss Maude Downing to teach the spring term of three month, to begin Maroh 7th. ' Those are busy days for the farm era and should ' this splendid weather, continue for ten days neatly everybody will be done seed' ing. Quit different from last year. Lots of jokes were cracked here on valentine day, out as rar as we can hear they were all taken with good feelings, so no eno has oause to feel sorry for this peculiar style of celebrating a holiday. Our neighbor, Nealon, had t streak of bad 'look lately. A valu able heifer died from an accident and one of tho males that' had served him faithfully for so many yean, succumbed to old ago. T. T. Pierce visited this section last week, tho guest of Mr. Jennings, and inBpootod tho uinnabar led go that is noing oponod up, on the head of Sardine oreek. They both returned to Medford Monday. , ( ..,-. . j. c.p. - ((old Hill Anggeis. Bart Signorotti left Wednesday for California point. H. A. Cryder closed a vory suc cessful six month' term of school at Rook Point on the 4tb. A pleasant party was given at the idonce of T. P. Downing on Tues day evening in honor of Miss Graoe llowden, who will leave soon mr Vancouver, Wash. Elder H. W. P. Richardson has just boeu with us again and preached some excellent sermons, iiwecouiu keen him here we believe toe cause of Christ would grow oven here Mesdsmus Caldwell, Burris, Bisli and Smith came down from Ash laud Monday evening, the 14th, and Amethyst Kebekah lodge, No. 07, was instituted with 45 charter mem bers. Tbo following oflioers were elected and installed : Mrs K J Bsidler, N G; Miss Martha Card- well, V G; Miss May Pendleton, Mis Hatti Siseroor, finanoial sec; Mr Mary Cryder, treae; J A Harvey, V G; Miss Lucy uwene, warden. Mrs Tilla Hammersley, conductor; Mrs Mary Steele, chap- Iain; H A Uryder, KsHu; Air l, Moffitt, I. 8 N.G; Miss Libbie ren- dleton, HBVGiMrs S Downing, LBV G: Hiss Maggi Miller, I U; J W Hay, O G. Supper wa served at th Union nail ana a pleasant time was had. f Account of Mr. Birdsey's death and the drowning of Mr. Randall will bo found on another page. Kr.j NATURAL PRUNING. Raw Thl TakM fUM-toodillon t'odar Which jtrtlSelal luararal I BtmBsial. Xatnml urnninc is alwaya taking place, enpecially in woody plant. The thodding of leave and twigs is a fa miliar eiample. Tbo douth and gradual decay of branoben, doe to hading, tr vation, crowding, fraezing or variou m nob an leal injnrief, muy also be plaojd nadw this bead. Tbera can be no ques tion bnt that the artificial removal of all bran ohm whioh are dead or dying ia beMfloial to tbe plant In the natural shedding of bares or twiga a layer of oorklike call ia formod between the part to be oat off and tbe parent plant, o that when the leave fall the proceaa of healing ia very soon complotod. In tbe death or decay of branch a, howev er, no tooh natural cutting off occur. Tbe old stnb remains for a long time, gradually ' docaying down into tbe larger limb or trunk, no that wnen it dooa fall it leaves a hole, in which wa ter may gather and rot produoing fnngi and baoteria devolop, and thus spread deoay in tbo sound wood. The aooompa- TnUKK OF UAPLK. SHOWIXO BOLE. oyiog cnt from tbe agricultural depart ment yearbook shows a bole left by a limb which has decayed in this way. Albert F. Woods, assistant cbiof, di vision of, vegotablo physiology nnd pa thology, says thnt if all such .limbs were oat off close down to tho shoulder or enlargement nt their base the living cambium and bark would heal the wound in the course of a few years, and tho internal rotting would usually be avoided, especially if the larger wounds were pal o ted over as soon as dry enough v. uU ooal tar. This kind of pruning, at least, Is applicable and ben eficial to all trees, no matter for what purpose thoy are being cultivated, and even if thoy aro not being cultivated at all It may be all that is required in park, shade and ornamental trees, especially if the natural Vabit of tbe tree in ques tion is suited, as it should be, to tho locality-in whioh it is grown. This is not the case very often, however, pasticnlar ly , in parks and along streets, where modified conditions may demand a different shaping of thp tree. Any mod ifications necessary abonld bo mads hero, bb in all other oases, while tbe trees are young. Mara Mention. ' ' At the last meeting of the American Pomplogioal society the membership fee wa reduced from 4 to $') and a mo tion to hold annual instead ot biennial 'sessions was referred to tho executive committee. - ' The violet season lasts from Novem ber to April, and during that time New York eity spends 13,000,000 for the dainty flowers. The American Beauty rose now boa a riyal In the President Carnot of more reoent introduction. ' A box 15 by 15 by 10 inohes inside will hold a busliol Every fruit grower should have a large lot of them, nnd winter is the time to moke them; Inch white pine for ends and half inch pop lar for sides and bottom. ' . Amorionn Agriculturist montlons tho following as among tho most promising of tho now strawberries: Aroma,' Anna Knnuodv." Boantv. Ooponiions, Clyde, Onrrio,' Enormous, Glon ,Mnry, Hull's Favorite, Portngo, Knby, mo, umpios, TontiosHoo Prolific GROWING PALM 8 INDOORS. DlrtelloM Irtor ShiIi Th foBnIar l-lwl. Is a Thrlltjr Condition. Your florlitaulla yon a healthy, Imaliy plant of olwir, brlgbt green color. Boon the tips tunt browu and the new leaves delay their opening, It Is told in tbe Philadelphia Ledger that there is jnat one cauiie for this obungn. Unlike tbo atinosjihvrii of tlin green bouao, that of the home in extremely dry, and yet tbe plant baa been aboil- PROI'llltl'IONS KOIl A PI.AVT rOT. dantly watered. Now, you will see that it is very foolinb to treat tbe roots in one way while treating tbe crown in another. You have plaoed it in a dry atmosphere; therefore you must keep an exoeu of wuU-r from tbe roots. Water only when tbe nurface of tbe soil be comes dry, and ot unoli times apray the leavoii. I)o nut keep tbo room too warm, as tbo warmer tbo air of tbe honae tbe drier it will bv aluo. In tbe hothouse palms will grow luxuriantly in a rex; high temperature with much moisture, but juitt tbe oppowta conditions moat be obaorred when grown within tbe borne. Occasionally loosen tbo surface of the soil, wbicb should bo a mixture of sand, loam and fine peat in oqnal parts. Thif will allow the water to penetrate more easily to tbe roots. In potting giro plenty of drainage, tbe mure if youusesuacera, which is not adTised, as thoir use is likely to sour the lower roots. Broken pottery is preferred to pebbles, as the soil is not so likely to work down tbrongb it. If saucers are used, half fill tbcrui with coarse cinders, as tho pot drainage will avail nothing tf the orifioe in tbe bottom of the pot ia closed. Do not at any time allow the water to riso above tho cinders. In tbe out aro represented a pot and saucer in section, showing the propor tion of soil and drainuge necessary. 'Che authority quoted advises that the plant be placed where it will receive plenty of ann and light Cherry Trees htfcuuiBB la Urau. Our experience with cherry trees is that they do not require cultivation. Those we had in tbo garden were always moro liable to rot und to be affected by insects tban tbe trees that stood in ilry places uud wero. surrounded by (jrass. It may be tbat it is the extra mois;nro in the oultivated soil that predisposes cherries to rot, or it may bo tho umiinro annually applied to tho garden iunl to which the cherry tree routs help them selves freely. The ohcrry tree docs not do well with wet feet On bigb, dry land its roots will run deeply enough to find all tbe moisturo it iiculs aud on snob land, in grats, is tbe bcht to plant cherries for protitublo fruiting- Ann-r loan Cultivator. MolehlnE a. Slrawberrx tl"d. Tbo chief object of a luu.'cli is to bold tho frost iu tbo ground, not to ki'ip it out It is tbe freezing itii'l tbuuin;; in spriug that injure the pluuts li.v lifting or pulliug tbe roots unci leaving idem exposed. Wait till tho grouud is frozen hard enough to bear up a wauon und then cover and leave the mulch until the plants grow through it in the spring The Freneli n heal crop iironiiM-s to be very Rood in 13 departments, jjood in 44 and is.tr in HI). Siskiyou county, Cnl., at the January terra of the board of supervisors naid Kiisj in witness fees. Ataiitnter's Mce ta Crete XTOTIOE is herebT nvea tbat I. the under IV slrneda baro this (Ut been appointed bv tbeeoanty court ot Jackson County, Oregon, admtatotraior of tbe estate of ElUa Dell, de eeaaeO. All persons baring claims against said estate most present tbem duly verified to me at Medford, Oreooo, wltbto six months from thfi data hereof. Dated at Meaiord. Ore gov, this 17th day ot January. 1898. - Sheriffs Sale. TN PllRBITAKCR of a deorea and order of 1 sale rendered in tho Circuit Court ot tho state of Orenon. lor tho county, of jackaon. on too 7th dav ol rMaember, A. D. 18H, la tho ault of J. H, lme, plaiatm, vs. Hametto Hliuoo, aeienaaat, ana 01 an exeouuon auiy iMued ont of the said oourt in the said suit, on tha 8th dav of rabruarv. A. D. 189. for the snm or use uunarea aoventy ana ov-iuu iai7u.nui Doltara. with IntareHt thereon at tho rata of If oar aent nor annum from Deoembor S7. 1897. and costs amoanling to K.G0, and the farther sum of S2S.9S, attorney's fee, together with ao ruiaf .eoau, I will expose for sale and will soil, bb ue law uireow, m uio iront uwr 01 a eoun nouss 01 bsio oounty, in tae town 01 jbbb. soBviue, uraroBi. on FRIDAY. MARCH IS. 1898. At two o'tloek . m the real property de- scrlaad fa said dsoree and order of aalo, to wit Lot anmlxred thirty (88) la bloole autnberad threa ttl ul lata numbered fonrtaaa (U and Burtesa IIS) la block numbered four (4) ot the Orchard Horn AssMlattoa Tract, la Jaeksoa uountv, urscon. u ''. A.B. BiBKSS. Sheriff ot Jaeltsou County, Oresoa Dateu at JaoKaouviiie, ure., rsoruary v, issa. ' SXT'S ORKAM AI.M Is apoHUvBcaiw. Apply Into the noitrlls. It Is qnlckly abaortwd. SO aants st Dnwfrlsta or by mail ; samples 10c by mall. ILT nnuTUKius as warren at,, new loravr- SMeuMoVour liuwdn Ullh Camnii, P.n.lbi"Aei "ure tnMilptin (orevar. We, Ut. . If c. o. 0. fall, drugxMta refund nHwa A NEW TRIUMPH! THK DEKADKI) CONKUMrTION CAN BB ;UKKO!l T, A. Slocum, the Great Chainlet and Scientist, will Sena to Suffmar Three fre Bottles of Bi Newly Dssoovared Bamediea to Cure . Consumption and All Lung (Troubles. Nothing could be (alror, more philan thropic or carry more Joy to tbe afflicted than the generous offer of the honored and distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo cum, M. C of New York City. He baa discovered a reliable and ab solute cure for consumption, and ail bronchial, throat, lung and chest dis eases, catarrhal affections, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions of wasting away; and to make its great merits known, will send thruo free bottles of bis newlv dis covered remedies loasy afflicted reader OITHBMAir. - Already bis "new colentificevsten of thousands of apparently hopeless cases Tbe Doctor considers it not only his professional, but bis relislous dutv a duty which be ows to Humanity to donate bis Infallible cure. Be has proved tbe "dreaded con sumption" to be a curable disease be yond a doubt, in any climate and haa on aie id nis American and .European laboratories thousands of "heartfelt testimonials of gratitude" from those benefited and cured Id all parte of tbe world. Catarrhal and pulmonary trouble lead to consumption, and consumption, uninterrupted, means soeedv and certain death. Don't delay until it is too late. Simply write T. A. Slocum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giv ing express and postofHce address and the free medicine will be promply sent. Please tell the Doctor you saw his offer in The Mail. PILES ITCHING PILES SWAYKtTS OlrtTKENT usouniLV iniaaai SlMPTwata-abaMual IiIiiii hkadaa uJ MiaatafTi wBataajati wiaBaB in inafM. f Js7SB)MTaUUI Tm0nt f PsjLStaaj tSsajJvUrirfHls WATKFI (HXTMEUT bbMSScIM. MM1 itek. tJll VW tkim elaar. IvU mm4 bU VM tr arnmlsl. mr st by mm r L Hm. AMnmVm. 1 atrTtJ SiKSBar I HUBBflRD BROS,, I ;'-''aU''U::4T00H:-:' QONTRACTOR JOBBING OP .1.1. KINDS. . All work guaranteed first-olase. Plans and estimates furnished all kind of work either brick or wood. Bills Ot LUMBER ot all kinds Oiled on .uwo wiap. v. Medford, - ANDY 34 S0 "H Hi ill TO)) CURtCOHST IRSflT.nWr.T rtniR11Tr!Kntreaarciiiiofiniitlpatl(n. Corrt arc the Meal Uitl aOOUbUldbt UUBfianillCii; n. er iv anpeAot rase e ntnrlr,nUB. ? ale lea beoklrt free. Ad, STERUNfl HKHKIrV Oil., thlcuo. nnntrnihiina., or Kew York, sn.I CITATION. is tho County Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County of Jaehson. Ia the matter of lbs Ktte of Allea 1. Sberrlll, neeased. To Barauol C. Kberrlll. Ida If. Bherrlll, llortka v. Bnernu,i;neiier u.sbBrriu, asaa ii yaars, W. Everett Hhernll, Arthur J. Sberrlll, sl 17 years, Kdna V. Hherrlll, ased lo yaars, and Mrs. Hope Main, and all otuir pernons later eNted In aald Ktitatei IN THE nuno of the Slate sf Oresoni You aro hurebv reaulretl Ui aooeur iu tho above. mcnttoned Court at tbe Court Huom thereof, at JacltBOovlllo, In tho County of Jaouaon, on Tuoaday, the Sth day of March'. ItlM,. at 10 o'aloek a. m., then and there to how cause, if aay you navo, wny an oruersnouia not do nauo enpowerlns; Thos. 11, B. Taylor, Admlalatrator of aald Jistate, as prayed for In hla petition, to eel! tbo real property thereto beloagluff, which is described as follows: N. W. i of rlcctloo 8, twp. 3A Roiltb, of RS0( 4 Weal of W. M. In Jackaoo County, Oregon, containing ISO acres. WltnesB the lion. Wm. fl. Crowell, Judge of the Counu Court of tho Mule or Oregon, for tho County of Juckiwi, with thu eal of aald Court afflxed, this Mth day ul January, ISufl. Attent: uau Om. A. JACKSON, Cleric. JS-rsb. BiW.U. Jackson, Deputy. Mrs. M. E. Rogers J wVL A. V 1 rracucai Oarpet... Weavers Having lately purchased one of the celebrated Newconjb Fly-Sbut- ue looms l am prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving. Call and examine work. I guaran tee flrst-clasa work at low prices ... oae imiie north of Central Point, Ore. Hugh Elliott, Tfie Scientific II..-; Ci Can balance up your old plug and make a trotter out of him. 'My new running plates are too slick for aarthing. Will also make a i big reduction on plow work-, ttew ' shares cheaper . than, you ever got them. . . All Work Warranted "16 to F Barber SItos 3. B. HJLRJJEH. fropr All work strictly first-class and my prices are tbe low est in tbe city.... . -.".'. . Shop on Seventh ttre)t, op posite Union Livery Stable. Vienna Bakery. .. . F. 'M.' WILSON, Prop'r . f . . Frah bread, pies, cakes- and cook - iMialwuys on hand.', Lunches prepared for outing partiea ... .and socials. .... 7th Street, Medford . a wo jgUILD ot short notice, Saab, Doors nnd Mill wo of al nnw hwb vau nc bn oa enart noeiee. OresvoB CATHARTIC II 111' OnitGCISM