The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, January 07, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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r V
t' ' V.-A ,
Our County
I Correspondents..
Katie I'ulut KsgloW.
A Pool baa boer oreotinR a now
board fenoe on tlio east side of bla
resident lot.
Mm. Ueorge Cliff Ib visiting her
fiarenta, Mr. and Mrt. Van Harden
ft, on Butta oreek. ',
Aft. 8. B. Holme has bean quite
ow, but I m glad to annouaoe
that the li gradually improving.
The masquerade ball is reported
to have been a very pleasant aTalr.
Quite a number oame from Central
Point to atUndit, ......
I am glad ' to' announce that
Emanuel Pool hae made arrange
inente to remain among us, and
that be haa take charge of hie
brother's blaokimith shop.
David Cingoade and J. M. Lewie
assisted your ' correspondent last
Monday morning in drawing a jury
list for the juetioo court in bsgle
rollit dletriot for the yeor 1898 .
Henry Gordon and Miss Alice
Morine came down from their homes
on Rogue river to attend tho mas
querade ball, Mr. G. going on to
the oounty sent to attend to somo
business, leavinn Mies Alioe with
friends here. .
Volney Stiokel, of Medford, oame
out and joined his wife, who has
been here the past week. They are
the gueata of Mr. Fryer. Tbey epoht
last Sunday ovenlng with your cor
roBDondont aa did alao Mrs, M. M.
A. J. Daley has a very fine lot of
beef oaltlo on ma Kile croc it ranon
whtoh ho is faltenine for tho Mod-
ford market. He informed me that
parties from Portland had placed
location notioes on his claim in the
Elk creek mines which he bad bad
surveyed and recorded and men
wnrkinir on. That is what is called
"sail" In that Motion, and this, is
thn second attemut that has been
made to take this claim. . It speaks
wollforit. . ..
George Hoy t surprised hie friends
on tba nignt or uecemoer aml vj
immiuikino at the ball" He had
come in from Klamath .Coimty Jo
attend tne d an e un an noc aoa, ex
ceDt to a very few of bis relatives,
One of the wberlow boys came in
from Klamath with him. Mr. Hoyt
reports the ice ia Arraa3fe4k eight'
inches mica ana ioursei imwm
anow. He alae reports 'the etock in
fine condition and doing 'well.. He
went up to his father's, nor Mt.
Pitt, laat Sundayn ! " ? f U VUV'
As the roadB get muddy the ?ub
joot of a road to Medford' naturally
nomas ud. and I heard a prominent
rltiznn oxDreas the opinion that
Mmlford was losins! hundreds of
dollars on aoaouttt' of the difficulty
attending the trip to , tba hud city;
in the winter. 1 see that Mr. Maule
has put up notioes cautioning the
pubtfd not to ruft over the raisin
hie pasture or he will olose the gates.
While weaooept it as an act of kind
ness on his part to allow us to pass
through his premises, atill it ie un
pleasant for us to have to trespass
n other people's property. Once
before I called attention to. tha act
that the road along . tho -Jsh- and
MnAnrlrew Daaturea needed repairs,
and in1 behalf of the interest of the
nitianfl.Df Medford. I-,reneat' 4he
notice." ' What' wceedto atfreet
road running -stiaighKiom Krvi
Pruet'a .to . the desert and -tnereoy
save a mile or, more of solid sticky.
fi M Mnrv" Bird., Hnrrliburir, Pa.,
"Mv nhlld ia worth millions to
mo; yot I would havo lost hor by orotip
bad I not invoBtod twenty'flve eSnte In
a bottlo of One Mimito Cough Cure-;"
It ourcB oouirhB, colds ana all throat
and limit troubles. Btmng, tho drug
gist. Modfordi Dr. J, Uinkle, Central
Point. t
.' Prospect Items. , ,
i, IIY 01ISKHVER. ' '
rtnnnltrnil twi Into for laat wook.i
G.W. Eaton is mating eoffee in
the J. C. Engleman house. , ,
Frank Ladd has taken up winter
ouartors in tho Omer Bert house.
Those soon in town during the
week were MoDonald Perdue, W. J.
Tibbltts, Rose Whelpley, Jae. nw-
nanas. vnauiiuy jo, "
Call, W, W. WilletB,M. H.OoNen
and Frank Ladd. . 1 ; 1
A netltiom 1b being circulated re
ueBting the oounty eourt to ohange
the votinif dIoco for Fleunoe Rook
nreoinot. . It is desired , to locate
nearerthe center of the preoinot.
whior move we predict will meet
Misa Roberta Rippoy, ' of Central
"Point, baa lust completed a throe
months' term of sohool. This wa6
Mias Rinnev's flret experience in
teaching a publie sohool ' and she
borand friend, E. the sun shines Mr. TeteW is i
aigratod to Idaho toJnd W .fu b6u Without m
Utn beard fromJ diffioulty. ,A A, .calarapr i Jom
t torn of a letter of mx the pupil, but, Di.. Geary tbi
did all in bor power to score a auo
(wui." The nunlla who wore able td
attend regularly made very rapid day, laving 'rettirried'to his- horn'e
brovress. , i ai'rveno'tnree wees ago. wuhh
Our old no ohbocand Mend. tt. "uo, T ,'"" wi. w.
t). Moore,, wbo emlgra
last spring, haa been
toil nlnH AaHI Ikft IrMli
Noent dato to Irving MeCall, .'Mr7, that .when it liTemovedafUr toe
Moore ia not well pleased with bis T lIiVJ
new location, and wo would not be! the aigbt will beMleeWred. "
surprised to see him back within a '" LI Gerbor, Saturday, sodpr. I5PQ
year. Mr. M. owns a good home hie thoroughbred chestnut etallipn,
on Mill creek, and his many friends Oak wood,, to 8. C. , Hamaker,' and
will be pleased to have Him return l V. Burke,. of Bonantu Mr.'uer
to it.' - ' . " . ber was in the 'Falls Mcnsda "and
started from Altamont Tnesday ror
KlasMtb County Itesse." ' ''"
rm lbs napublloia ""' """
Urn Matnoy waa in town Hunuay
with a petition which will be pre
stinted to tho county, court at its
noxt regular session. It asks, for
an appropriation fpr wire netting to
be used in makinic wines for the
oapture of rabbits in the Lone Pine
district which are very troublesome
to tuo farmers in tunt eccuon. .
L. H. Tetors who, injured bis
only oye, sprue .time ago and went
to Medford to bave it treated by
Pr. CflarV.i was in tbe Falls 'TUes
Mrt. M. B. rota, Kuooeira, in., my- c....,1t1nn .,,nhlrh
(ril lap nlirlit vnara from dyiDOl
uidohronloaonitlDatlOnand wa finally
oured by onlng UeWltt's Little Karly
Itlor, the famous little plltw for all
ftomauh anu nror oudioh. ovrMjt,.
tho druKKlnl, Medford: Dr. J. Ilinklo,
Central Point,
ho bus been
Forest Creek Mews.
feeding ..on, Judge
Smith's" ranoh for the post two
months. He., will drive., out zw
head of cattle in a couple of weeks
which will be bis last Shipment of
cattle 1 from this - section for tne
winter, ;, , " "." " ' .
nvnPBRA. i Karn carter psbbou inrousn juaiu
Thoro was no danoine on Forest strett Saturday with a string of
nnwk this Christmas. docs. 41 in number They wore
Plovd Peorce and his sister at- tied in pairs to a long wire, one end
teuded the ball at Central Point of Which was raetenea to tne rear
laat Friday night end of tbe provision wire, the other
tl-M. A..ntskoJ tha mns a hw vnuo.o w. wn,
X fUOrJUwt iuiiiipuvu www luuvivf
...OUR NEW&TORy...
' .,, ; ;,:, 1"tlJ C;lV
,1, . .. AbseUite4yVWr i f
uti v , ' - : . , ,,
B ONE Of...:
"Mr. and Mrs. George Howland,
of the Hvdraulio mine,- and Mrs.
Horn and family ate Christmas
dinner with your correspondent.
. John and Mel Horn have opened
Ik.' k..I
fnrC nf Fnrt oreok. Thev are verv
fine gentlemen, and should receive
a liberal patronage,
' John Broad has sold his interest
in the Oregon Belle mine on uppor
Forest creek, to his partner, l. w.
Road, the price paid being $500.
Mr. Read will operate tbe mine in
iba future.
'. ; JamesArmpriest has lost a num
ber of cattle, and will pay for any
reliable information leading to their
xeoovery. ..Aney are anaraea oy
crop off left ear, split In tigbv ear
and "J..A.'l on 'hip. ii'i'til ,
'' games . Armorieat taetiwHh't ah
iicoidonton" Friday before Christ
mas which resulted in bis receiving
a broken rib. While hauling an
organ to tbo-aehool house for the
entertainment ho wwe .thr6wa.,from
tKi waann and one wheer oaBsed
( The entertainment and Christmas
tree at the school house was a de
cided social : success. ' A splendid
litorarv and musioal program -was
rendered, after which the presents
on the large and heavily loaded
Chriatmas tree were distributed.
Mils r. Nettie ! Lewio.1 bur , school
inonlur. ia deservlns of muoh credit
lor un uio Hwwn b""" VJ Mwt I r..
; 1 ,1.. 1 I i ;. V
in preparing .us iunn.. - .
.Tl A.'PArktnH.' 'of AtiaultV.'0..'WBi :lj. v.' Al.
fo? thin, year. nendleeBlj ,toYtured hy: ij, & horBB a dav
n...inin forihri oum of oeninia. He tney.oonsume nan a nerBe a . aay.
was qulekly ourod
Wltoh Haael Salyo,
Val roatdoa ( "Slk Sb'o "
i , : la Horlbcva WlMtiiM;1
Oa of Wis OMt log drivers and air-
aroand lumber jack In northern Via-
oopata ia Cbippwa Indian, wonjan
named Maggie. Moon, JpeHer, Jinown n
tbe Wood and on tbe rirer ai "IpiWa
Shoe Mg."i Bh'e may now be neen everr
day Nnnlng logs' ori the Nemadj rWer
t BapwHor, and slie'haa been keen at
Ibat name occupation every ' aummer
during. tbe laat five years, while In tbe
winter non he haa been employed
aa an ordinary (unibvr Japkr-rto awing
tne ax, to akld logs, or to drive a tote
team. . ', . . , . "..,
Mstrirle ia the wife of John Moon, a
tolwart Chippewa Indian, whose oc-.
eupatlon la also that of a lumber lack
and log driver. Mr! Moon took 'a con-
tract one to hapvt aome timber for
the owner thereof,. hut be took the job
at too low s nrict and waa obliged to
put Mi wife to tvpfkjehopplngand baul-1
ing in order to juye.a mun a wages..
'' M ra. Moon aeumed to take to the work
ua though abe hacl been used to it all herj
me, anu ntwc iut:ii u uuiitijr iuiii
oer jock mat ner nuanana coum never
e'e hia way alwrr'to dlapenae With Her
aervieea.. Thre treara ago John Moon
went o yyprk on Ibe log drive and tooV
hia wife with. Him. luat to aee if abe
could do the worfc, in cane ahe.hnil to. J
Mra. Moou rigged .heraelf out with. a
pair of blobmara,' donned a alouchiat
aod a 'pair of' sjplke al(oe, and aallietl
forth with heY lord and ' master ' to
learn, tbe log-driving buaineas. "'
After experiencing- all imnneY 'of
hardahipa.and ; diaappointmenta';" ahe
ftnaUy maatared ttte buHineaa, and can
now balance hcnielf upon a floatilulog
with the dexterity of an acrobat. The
couple live during the driving eeason
in an old loir cabin on tbe bank of th
NerondJI river, and In win ter tliey make
their. abode iio. a amali canvas tent,
uauully piU'bctl u .short distance from
the mesa canlp. N .V. Timea. i i
An cdiirt In hning made to cancel tbe
electric llgiiling con I met nicontly lot
by the Han Donmrdlno city trustees.
It was muilc for a term of years, and
it la denied that this action la illegal.
Albert Hoff, ho ia awaiting trial at
Bnn Francisco for tlio tuurdor of Mm.
Mary Cliilu it few wcoka ago, Is accused
by 8an Jose officers of having murdered
Emma Hawkins, in a lodging house in
that city on April &'J,,Jefi. v, .
Fetor 'rcu(,h,:llie liirgiwt 'cattle-raiser
In Oregon, waasliot In the-back 61
tbe bead and Instantly' killed' at Can
yon oily by a man named Oliver.' . , A
land dispute Is1 said to have been the
eauae of the tro'uWe, ' . '; : "u , ,
, JEugenio Marrav a 8wia dairyman,
Waft;. found iliiad , In; Arrovo 'Orande
creek, near Luis Obispo. He la nppoa
Sd to havo been thrown from a home
over an emuaokmaat Into tbe creek
tb'omM'iBBVUy. be eia'yer ot Ma'
ara layier af Bnerw Jtsevory r baa
JHSiae, , ou at r. oae been g nutted a
a ebaof of venae, and will be tried In'
Santa Olara county. ;,J-,'.'1 :.,fl ?,
' yohil!crn'(!y're', a laborer; '.raaiiUad
tneioe at Han-Jpae, by.taklna m
hlni ''IMlUieBts o'i
and feared, he would. soon io
Of food,and tacjx. j.i boi-.l oi li;
The steamev Cleveland, that recently
went asborei oil ;the West coast of. y an-,
cbuver labuid; haa beea' sacceaafolly.
fldateo ana - win oe Uken to Tacoma
rorepaira., ; , , vii . ,
' Malaria produces weaaj)eaa,eacral deUlty
BUtoaaaMt, kxs of appetite ladlfeatloD and
oinstlpsUoa.; Grores Taateleas Cblll Tohle
reaiovea tbe eaaae wiiteta prodoeea ttese tttro
bles. Trr tt and jou wlU be delighted, 60
eenta. To get -the genuine ask for Groves.
; J Wr sat ttas BsfceUkaai.
was qulekly ourod by using! .peW.ltl a While Here be butouerea vnree in
ino ii
Incr una far nllaa.and
Strang, the druggla. Medford; '
Hlakle, central roin.
Bofn Doo. 28. 1897, to Mr. and;
and Mr.-&rKr WaHwrj a traughter.
MrsrL. C. Hlsemore is spending
the holidays with friooda tn ..aaot-
sonville. v.'.n !.;,'! ii oi it
The crack shots of the Meadows
are having a hunt tbi week, to see
wbo should pay for a dinner; Hon,
J. J. Houser gives the dinner,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Sherman
wm tumm M ukad it.
amoai heal- rtiiMma-rnae-wonies-'for Tfhioh he
akin diaeaees. j to if, Curter ,naid
from 50 ceote!tel5d" a head -rr
ihe dors whi6h: be' seonred "princi-
; EHBna jauey, Knn. j i pajiy among ne lnuians .pp.tnereB
1 ; TT a in .All hAM
lltoiIvoaiooiato.ioriMwMa.j... -- t p,t.j tr, .
John Sisemor is doing sbmOgood ?Jjft od iS"?
fnrmiricr th a fall. Br.rTrv
..wv-rr-n . - .,
Iteau from Poormaa's Creek.
The llritish. cruiser Lenndor. accom
pttnleil'-by the torpedo destroyer Vir
1(0, Tiouiiu lor hiiqitiinalt, B. C is in
Han4ranciaco harbor.' ' The'. Virago is
the first 'vcaael-of; the kind to viait'San
rranc!co by; Urtd is regarded a utiri
oaity to aeafalriug muni ' r-
Clara Falliner, the girl who slaved
Charles -la-due; ber'-youtUftir inve'r.'al
Alamola,,Crt.,.Bome niontha, nv-n, mss
arqtuttea oi lue ennrgo pi mnruer uy
tbe jury alter nan an noura ociim-ra-tlon.
".","',... , , . ; i
Judge George 'Hortiui, a pioneer i,
8t Helena, riapa county, Lai., auil !l
years, haa been stricken with paraly
sis, and fears are. entertained for bin
recovery. j '. 1 '
A diamond weighing six crams wa
found recently by 1. Benfeldt while ho
was prospecting In aome gravel beds dt
Smith's fiat, iA Dorado county, .Cat.
A bed of. diamonds ia believed to exist
in that locality.. . . . i . ;
Governor Build has nnrdoned Charlea
H. Barker, aenteurvd to bix months in i
jail at Auburn, and , lo . pay a fine of
11000. The governor reduced the. fine
to 150. Barker 'thrashed a' justice of
the peace because ho sentenced him
tor whipping a rival businessman,
- Fonr out of tho six conductors who
had charge of the ' passonger trainB
mnning oh' (he Southern Pacific lino
between FrfiBn,o and Los Angtdes have
keen dischBrgod,.ao rea!i . bolnc 3-
sionod for . their- dismissal. ; The four
conductors dropped were D. W. Pi
kins,' Al' ' M: Drolian, Odoll Colomun
and W. D. Cblemaa; ,, .
Daring' a fire at New Haven, (Pa.,
in a Vesidence Misa Mary Ann Browdy,
46 vears. -waa burned to death, and tbe
mother,, aged 76 years,;. waa so. badly
that she will die. . i :. ''-' . - i-
: The proprietors of the Mayor' Bros.'
pottery at Beaver , Falls, Pa., have re
stored to their 250 operators the wage
cnt of 12J per cent made in 1894. ..A
The directora of the Exposition com
pany have decided to rebuild the Coli
eeum on Ihe site of the structure re
centlylinrned att.'hlcago.1' . The build
ing will be fireproof, and probably
large as the original Coliseum. . v n ;;
Bev., William Burns, a Preebyterian
minister of Toronto, Can.,' dropped
dead in Gait when opening a .funeral
aervice. - ' ' ' " ' . ,
Grovaa'. Tastelesa Cblll Tonlo ia a penect
malarial liver and blood purifier. Removes
bUtonaneaa without purging.- Is plea earn as
lemon airop. Ii U as large as any dollar tonic
retails (or SO cents. To get tbe genuine ash
jor Groves.': : - " - : '- '" ,
Former Vitte- President Levi P. Moi
ton lias aa-etiteS the presidency' of -the
newly formed Fifth-Avenue -Trust
company, New York. 1 " ' '- .
Th 'Missouri , Electric ' tight", and
Power company and the Edison FJec-.
trical ebmpnny,' liiilli pf Si, Jivkh .have
consolidated. ...The new .cotioeru will,
it is stated,, issue W,000,000 of gold'
bearing bonds. 1 - -'
. : Harrr EhKlish. a prisoner in jail at
Yaleta,"Tex., was bunted to death
there. ' He attempted to burn hia way
oat of Jail .and the wooden structure
waa burned before be could be rescu
ed, ,' ' ' ; ' '" " '
- eoatToUoeo Salt and Sawaa Tew U Amq
ra anlt tnhasea eaallv nad foraver. be mag
netic, rail ot UIo, serve and vigor, take No-Wo-Bo,
the wnoder-worker, that mokes weak men
ummr. All dnudsta. 60c or SI, Cnrecuaran
teed. Booklet and sample tree. Address
9terttBg Bemeux Co.. cnileago or New York,
Make 'Em AW Mulleys. ;. .
; Dt;' Salmon, the ' head'. . of thd
United States government bnreau
of animal industry, gives this as .
the "chemical dohorner" used in '
his experiments: A mixture -is pre-i
pared by taking 60 parts of caustlo
soda, 26 parts of kerosene oil and
26 parts of water. An emulsion is
made of the kerosene oil ' and- soda '
by, beating and vigorously stirring,
ana ims is tnen dissolved in water,
Tbe mixture is then placed in a
bottle with aolid ,rubbo: .cork.
This pork is to rsfa the , mixture lin
wnen a jew a reps are applied to tM
coming bom- M- the . calf: whiol)
should not' be more than three
Weeks old. It Is strong stuff, ' and
snooia ne caremny confined to
the points '.- ' ,
Tm la Said Wa ae,e,ew jbtK
vad la Tbla CaatrT.F, ' ,
In th"e electric lighting field the total
capital invested tn tbe' tJnlred fitateS
ia given aa over SSOOOO.OilO. - The num
ber' ot ' plant, public and prKate, U
over iu,wv, aaya an L'iuofi;fl ,ne nuu-.
ber of jnotors in use' ia, eatlitutrd at '
about 500,000, and their Value at about
1100,000,000. i . Xhe electrical I . apparaluu, .
uaed in mining ia eatiroated nt-f 100,000,
000,' ead the value of the elcitric ele
vator Induatry -vfllt, probably ; not fall
abort of lS,pop00,J. ; ..,r j r, ,
The .most important of all tbe elee-.
trie Industries, however, is that of elee-f
trie railwaye. In thia field the inveaUJ
meat ia very great, and in uie United
Btatea ia represented .'by a , pitalira-x
tion Of over 1700,000,000. .The number;
of trolley cars in use is now over 2S,0OO,'
and these ran over 12G0 miles Of track.
Tbe electric rail way a represent' more'
man so percent. w all the afreet ana
suburban railroads of the country. '
' The aggregate of ail tbe capital in-.
vested in electric lighting! electric rail
waya and electric power is'about SI,-,'
400,000,000,000, and this does not include
the value of establishments that man-
ufacture tbe machinery and apparatua. r
As many of these are among tbe largest I
industrial enterprises in tbe world, and
as nearly all are concerns. of consider-,
able magnitude, it is evident that tbour i
combined capital will run up into large t
flffurea. Petrott f ree Pra. ' .
Legal blanka at Thje Maii. effiee...!
room for the
Tho rnimmu , ihimummm so great at
Flaiistjill'. A. X. thn I. Ilio folce
nvitrtumd to luuiiile it. Tlie vanlf
and sidetrack need extending and in
creaslngso sis to give
trains. ,
In . the sale of -:i8,C00 in Arizona
territorial 5 nor cent bonds, which hat
been conBiiminuted.taB annual saving
of ever $12,000 in interest ia made U
the territory. The bonds, with ac
crued interest, were sold at par, ' .
Misajafaud Wilson returned homs-l
last Monday. ; ; -
-I TknMBta - alAflvAitAi .'id atnnnlnfif
with Henry Beloher. ' i
I Hiss Daisy MoGroiter is .visiting
with a, lady friend at Sterling,
Hiss Olaon and the Misses Wil
County,-who have been visiting her son were tho guests of Miss Zella
father. Mr, iiowe, ,our postmaster, i iooum muuuaj.
m . : A J 1 - . 41.!.
for some time, returned i home 1 this
The miners of this .distriot have
held two meetings reoently for the
purpose of drawing up.las to.regu.
. There is prayer meeting at tbe
sohool house every Wednesday even
ing. All are cordially invited.
The new year has treated us all
about the same over here very
late mining operations here. But good health and splendid weather,
still they don't bring rain. As soon U Howard Bowen, who-is engaged
as tbey gat plenty Of ram there will in faming on the Bybee raneh spent
oe more mining aoue nere tnuu m i Sunday with-His sister, Mrs. in,
several years, V;-.m Wilson.',,;,; : '.:; ?: "; ; ' ". '
a nir- Tnek . ' .' I '" Hsnrv Bowen. who has been , re-
It certainly looka.llUo It, but there ia gidiag in Eden precinet, spent holi-
LI'S .m. trmihln. WllBOn. :.-' ' V
We mean he can oorerhimselt ;rlgtit '"p Albert Yocum,' who is engaged
rXfc.!!!a nearAshland, spent the
axts as a stimulaat to the liver and holiaays Wltn BM parents. , ne W
kldnova. is a blood nurlfler and nerve tUrnod laat Sunday. 1 '
tonlo, , it oures Mnatlpationoadaoho, we have organized a literary so-
fainting Spoils, SlOopiOBsness anu muii.ii- . . - -j ,"vftvfi
oholy . It 1b puroly ;vcgotablo; ' a mild oiety in , our prooinct anu aave
laxative, and rpstoros. the . system to its twenty 'members and ecp60t more
natural vigor. Try liiooirto oitrera next Saturday evening.
ana do couviiiuuu i,urti vuuj uiu i...-. 1 1
solo worker. Every bottle guaranteed. I. Mdaeata Toar Bowau with Oaaeareta.
Onlv BOo a 'bottle all Chas.' Strang's! Candy oathartlt, oure eonstipaUon toravar.
drug storoi . ' ' - - I Wo,). If 0,0.0. fail, druggists refund monuy.
The strength- which, comes to ui
from eating nourishing .food is better
man atimuiatiuu. ucuauoc iu is uon
stronffth.1 '
the health which belongs to a strong
body,, well nourished -by proper food
iproperiy aigesteuj, in mo uuiy uuw
that is lasting. ,
The difference between Shaker DI
gotive Cordial and other mediolnes is
uluiply that it helps nature to make
BirongCO. ltUUUtf UUI. prutuw w uuis
lnU,M. 'Avnnn, ott t.hat alinlrtiARa In n
D.Vjf HVIOO, uAUUp- vuuv
result of weakness oauscd by food not
properly digested, , : i ,.
Shakor DigeBtlve Cordial will relieve
the . pangs oi indigestion, ana mak-o
thin. sink, weak neoole aa well as If
their stomachs had never been out of
order, 1 - ' '. ' ' ' '
It is a gentle aid to the digestion of
nntnt'0'8 airongm-maKer, ioou.
At druBirlBt8. Trial Dome, iu cents.
While saying prayers in'tfie chnrch
of tho Bacred Heart, Oakland, Cal.,
Mrs. Honora Dorgan foil dead in her
pewv Heart disease caused her deatn,
' The ehief. of police of Portland has
forbidden Jthe nigbtly prayer mootings
of the Salvathm Army. The chief
says the . army; .is ' a "money-making
sdieme." - . "
Carrol T. Kimball. BUDarinteudent of
the Fruttland Orchard company's ranch
at Fruitland, .Cal,, dropped dead oi
heart failure a few days ago.B Ho was
a native of Ohio, aged 4 yoara. .
Tho San Bernardino euporvisorshave
arranged , a rock pile where vagranhi
are exercised. About forty struck for
a square meal at noon one day recently
and were taken back to tail. :
Tn tonre. Coattlnatlon Voraver
Take Casoarets Candy Cathnrlio. 10a or CM.
It 0. 0. 0. tail to onro. drugglw rotund monoy.
Dr. MUaa' Nerve PlaaaeralSe. at aUdrutliets.
Oaiutia . IT.L8-, Not. Mat. '
ParlaVaalolneCo., ScLoolMu. . , ,
GmttasMo: vre H aa rai, am MUtaa ot
boogtat am sroiaalrMartbu roar. Inalloarex
porMDoB of 14 roan, av tn drnc biwineM, hTt.
fiouoa aa roar Tonlo. Youia truly, . .
Sold by Cbas. Strang drugVlst, Medford .'
1. . itmuiHtNl blood disease which
all the mineral mixtarea in the world
cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
ntreioble 1 is a real blood remeay iqr
blood diseases and has no equal. i ;
Mrs. Y.T. Buck, of Delaney.ArK., naa
Scrofula for twentv-five vears and most
o( the time was under the care of the
doctors who could not relieve her. ; A
specialist saia ne
could cure her, bat
he filled her with
arsenic and potash
which . almost ruined
ber constitution. She
then . took, nearly
every so-called blood
medicine and drank
them by the wholesale,
but they did not reach
jher . trouble. ' Some
one aavisea ner io aj
S.S.S. and ahe very
toon fonnd that sue naa a real oiooa
remedy at last. She says: "Alter taa
Imr one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am
nerfectly well. nr. akin ia clear
and healthy and I would , net be in
my former condition for. two thousand
doltani. ' lnateadof drvinir nnthemiaon
in my ayetem, , iih.uh .f
arsaaio, S.S.S. , drove tbe, disease .oat
through the skin,, and . 1 was perma
nently rid of it." r,.v!
A RcalBJooo Remedy;
o.a.0. never. laiia to tuitr kiviiu,
Sczema. Rheumatism Contagions Blood
Pnlmn. or anv. disorder of the blood;
Do not rely npon a simple tonic to cure
a aeep-seatea dioou aiecnnc, vw tv
real blood remedy,
free upon appli
cation. Swift:
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Oa. .
Soo Pacific Line...
' ' ' To all points cast . -
,. , , at the very lowest, rajtes
The Only Lino Running thiougb ,
... ' m - i ' t-i
xraius iroui tne vuubv u -
nUUILMI ... , ., nni DAV
Oei' a' Copy of "Cariboo and '
. Koetenay Gold Fields.".....,.,..
If you are thinking of traveling colt od
' the agent of the Canadian Pacific
Hallway ,., 1
' Lowest rates to and from all parts of
Europe via all Atlantic steamship lines
For full information regarding t
abovo call on or address; :
MB 3d St., Portland, Ore. AGKNT
E. J. Coylb, ' Modford, Ore,
. Distriot Pass. Agent, , ,
i Vaneouvor, B C.